Foreign Outward Remittances Form

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(To be completed by the applicant in block letters using black ink pen) Branch Name -

Date -

Remittance Type Advance Remittance against Export Other Inward Remittances (Except FCNR B)

Beneficiary’s Name

Account Number

Line of Business Commodity/ Service dealt with

(Applicable for Trade customers only) (Applicable for Trade customers only)

I/ We authorize you to credit the foreign Inward Remittance received in my/ our favour as per below mentioned details :

Bill Currency Bill amount

Bill amount (In Figures) (In Words)

Remitter’s Name

Remitter’s Address

Purpose of Remittance with Purpose Code (For details refer Annexure)

Purpose Purpose of
Code remittance
If Remittance is for Advance against export (P0103), please mention the expected date of shipment D D M M Y Y Y Y

Details of accounts for crediting the received amount:

Account Type Account Number Currency Amount
Details of accounts for debiting the charges (if different from above accounts):

*For Bank of Baroda charges please refer our website


Forward Contract details ( if booked and to be utilised for this transaction):

Contract Number: Booking Date:

Contract Amount: Due Date of Contract:
Amount to be utilized
The declaration-cum undertaking under SEC10(5) ,chapter III of FEMA ,1999 :

I/we hereby declare that all Foreign Exchange transactions, as may be entrusted me/us to the Bank Of Baroda from time to time, will be
strict conformity with provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999(“the Act”).Further we also declare that said transactions,
as and when initiated ,shall not involve and shall not be designated for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of the provision of
the Act or any rule ,regulation, notifications direction or order made under the Act .I/we further declare that the undersigned has/have the
authority to give this declaration and undertaking on behalf of the firm/company.

Signature of Beneficiary/ POA (or) Mandate Holder/ Guardian in case of
Minor / Authorised Signatory with Company/ Firm’s Seal

The signature by mandate holder will be accepted only for Non-resident A/c holders where mandate is duly registered with the Bank

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Declaration (Applicable for Advance against Export, Merchanting Trade and FCRA):

In respect of advance against export ,I/we undertake that I/we am/are under an obligation to ensure that the shipment of goods is made within
one year from the date of receipt of advance payment .In the event my/our inability to make the shipment partially or fully within one year from
the date of receipt of advance payment .no remittance towards refund of unutilized portion of advance remittance or towards payment of
interest ,shall be made after the expiry of the said period of one year ,without the prior approval of the Reserve Bank Of India .The documents
covering the shipment will be submitted to Bank Of Baroda ,within 21 days from the date of shipment.

Further I/We declare that the transaction does not involve payment from/to a third party, if the transaction involves payment from/to a Third
party ,I/we undertake to comply with the extant guidelines from RBI/the Bank in this regard.

In case of merchanting trade transaction I/We undertake to complete the entire export and import leg within a maximum period of 270 days
and also undertake that outlay of funds will not exceed 4 months and without incurring any financial loss. We also undertake that both the
legs of the merchanting trade transaction will be routed through Bank of Baroda only.

In case remittance attracts provision of FCRA, I/ we declare that :-

I/we have been allotted FCRA registration number _____________________ by Ministry of Home affairs(Copy Enclosed) .I/we also undertake
that all foreign contribution (remittances) received is not pertaining to election, correspondent ,columnist ,cartoonist, editor, owner ,printer, or
publisher of a registered newspaper ,judges ,government servants or employee of any corporation member of any legislature ,political party or
office bearer thereof.

Other relevant declarations:

I/we hereby declare that the purpose and transaction details as mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge does not involve,
and is not designed for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of the provisions of the FEMA, 1999 or any rule, regulation,
notification, direction or order made there under. I/We agree that I/We shall be responsible and liable for any incorrect detail provided by

I/we also declare that the transaction does not have linkage with Specially Designated Nations and blocked person (SDN) countries listed
under OFAC in any manner .I/we undertake not to hold Bank Of Baroda responsible for any of its action or inaction in respect of the OFAC-
linked transactions.

I/We also hereby agree and undertake to give such information / documents as will reasonably satisfy you about this transaction in
terms of the above declaration.

I/we agree that in the event of transaction could not be executed/debited to my/ our account after submitting the request for processing
to the bank on account of insufficient/ unclear balance at the same time of execution of the transaction in my/ our account any
exchange losses incurred in this connection due to reversal of the Forex deal can be charged to my/our Bank of Baroda account.

I/we agree that in the event the transaction is cancelled or revoked by me/us after submitting the request for processing to the bank any
exchange losses incurred in this connection can be charged to my/our Bank of Baroda account.

I/we also understand that if I/we refuse to comply with any such requirement or make only unsatisfactory compliance therewith, the bank
shall refuse in writing to undertake the transaction and shall, if it has reason to believe that any contravention/evasion in contemplated
by me/us, report that matter to the RBI.

I/we also agree that the exchange rate will be applicable at the time of deal booking and may vary from the rate prevailing when the
request is submitted. I/we also understand that the rate communicated to us (if any) is an indicative rate and the actual rate may be
different from the same.

Documents Enclosed :

Copy of Purchase Order/Performa Invoice/Contract

Copy of FCRA Registration Certificate

Any other document, Pl. Specify ______________________

Signature of Beneficiary/ POA (or) Mandate Holder/ Guardian in case of
Minor / Authorised Signatory with Company/ Firm’s Seal

The signature by mandate holder will be accepted only for Non-resident A/c holders where mandate is duly registered with the Bank

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New purpose codes for reporting Forex Transaction payment - ANNEXURE

00 Capital Account P0001 Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in equity capital (shares)
P0002 Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in debt securities.
P0003 Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in branches & wholly owned subsidiaries
P0004 Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in subsidiaries and associates
P0005 Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in real estate
P0006 Foreign direct investment in India in equity
P0007 Foreign direct investment in India in debt securities
P0008 Foreign direct investment in India in real estate
P0009 Foreign portfolio investment in India in equity shares
P0010 Foreign portfolio investment in India in debt securities including debt funds
P0011 Repayment of loans extended to Non-Residents
P0012 Long & medium term loans with original maturity above one year from Non-Residents to India
P0013 Short term loans with original maturity upto one year from Non-Residents to India
P0014 Receipts o/a Non-Resident deposits (FCNRB/NRERA etc.) ADs should report these even if funds are not “swapped” into
P0015 Loans & overdrafts taken by ADs on their own account. (Any amount of loan credited to the NOSTRO account which
may not be swapped into Rupees should also be reported)
P0016 Purchase of a foreign currency against another currency.
P0017 Sale of intangible assets like patents, copyrights, trade marks etc. by Indian companies
P0018 Other capital receipts not included elsewhere

01 Exports (of Goods) P0101 Value of export bills negotiated / purchased/discounted etc. (covered under GR/PP/SOFTEX/EC copy of shipping bills
P0102 Realisation of export bills (in respect of goods) sent on collection (full invoice value)

P0103 Advance receipts against export contracts, which will be covered later by GR/PP/SOFTEX/SDF
P0104 Receipts against export of goods not covered by the GR/PP/SOFTEX/EC copy of shipping bill etc.
P0105 Export bills (in respect of goods) sent on collection.
P0106 Conversion of overdue export bills from NPD to collection mode
P0107 Realisation of NPD export bills (full value of bill to be reported)
02 Transportation P0201 Receipts of surplus freight/passenger fare by Indian shipping companies operating abroad
P0202 Purchases on account of operating expenses of Foreign shipping companies operating in India
P0205 Purchases on account of operational leasing (with crew) – Shipping companies
P0207 Receipts of surplus freight/passenger fare by Indian Airlines companies operating abroad.
P0208 Receipt on account of operating expenses of Foreign Airlines companies operating in India
P0211 Purchases on account of operational leasing (with crew) – Airlines companies
P0213 Receipts on account of other transportation services (stevedoring, demurrage, port handling charges etc).
03 Travel P0301 Purchases towards travel (Includes purchases of foreign TCs, currency notes etc over the counter, by hotels, hospitals,
Emporiums, Educational institutions etc. as well as amount received by TT/SWIFT transfers or debit to Non-Resident

P0308 FC surrendered by returning Indian tourists.

04 Communication P0401 Postal services
P0402 Courier services
P0403 Telecommunication services
P0404 Satellite services
05 Construction Services P0501 Receipts for cost of construction of services projects in India
06 Insurance Services P0601 Receipts of life insurance premium
P0602 Receipts of freight insurance – relating to import & export of goods
P0603 Receipts on account of other general insurance premium
P0604 Receipts of Reinsurance premium
P0605 Receipts on account of Auxiliary services (commission on insurance)
P0606 Receipts on account of settlement of claims
07 Financial Services P0701 Financial intermediation except investment banking – Bank charges, collection charges, LC charges, cancellation of
forward contracts, commission on financial leasing etc.
P0702 Investment banking – brokerage, under writing commission etc.
P0703 Auxiliary services – charges on operation & regulatory fees, custodial services, depository services etc.
08 Computer & Information P0801 Hardware consultancy/implementation
P0802 Software consultancy/implementation (other than those covered in SOFTEX form)
P0803 Data base, data processing charges

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New purpose codes for reporting Forex Transaction payment - ANNEXURE

P0804 Repair and maintenance of computer and software

P0805 News agency services
P0806 Other information services- Subscription to newspapers, periodicals, etc.
P0807 Off site Software Exports
09 Royalties & License P0901 Franchises services – patents,copy rights, trade marks, industrial processes, franchises etc.
P0902 Receipts for use, through licensing arrangements, of produced originals or prototypes (such as manuscripts and films)
10 Other Business P1001 Merchanting Services – net receipt (from sale and purchase of goods without crossing the border).
P1002 Trade related services – Commission on exports/imports.

P1003 Operational leasing services (other than financial leasing and without operating crew) including charter hire

P1004 Legal services

P1005 Accounting, auditing, book keeping and tax consulting services

P1006 Business and management consultancy and public relations services
P1007 Advertising, trade fair, market research and public opinion polling services
P1008 Research & Development services
P1009 Architectural, engineering and other technical services
P1010 Agricultural, mining and on –site processing services – protection against insects & disease, increasing of harvest
yields, forestry services, mining services like analysis of ores etc.

P1011 Inward remittance for maintenance of offices in India

P1012 Distribution Services
P1013 Environmental Services

P1019 Other services not included elsewhere

11 Personal, Cultural & P1101 Audio-visual and related services – services and associated fees related to production of motion pictures, rentals, fees
Recreational services received by actors, directors, producers and fees for distribution rights.
P1102 Personal, cultural services such as those related to museums, libraries, archives and sporting activities and fees for
correspondence courses of Indian Universities/Institutes
12 Govt. not included P1201 Maintenance of foreign embassies in India
elsewhere (G.n.i.e.)

P1203 Maintenance of international institutions such as offices of IMF mission, World Bank, UNICEF etc. in India.
13 Transfers P1301 Inward remittance from Indian non-residents towards family maintenance and savings
P1302 Personal gifts and donations
P1303 Donations to religious and charitable institutions in India

P1304 Grants and donations to governments and charitable institutions established by the governments
P1306 Receipts / Refund of taxes
14 Income P1401 Compensation of employees
P1403 Inward remittance towards interest on loans extended to non-residents (ST/MT/LT loans)
P1404 Inward remittance of interest on debt securities –debentures / bonds /FRNs etc.
P1405 Inward remittance towards interest receipts of ADs on their own account (on investments.)
P1406 Repatriation of profits to India

P1407 Receipt of dividends by Indians

15 Others P1501 Refunds / rebates on account of imports
P1502 Reversal of wrong entries, refunds of amount remitted for non-imports
P1503 Remittances (receipts) by residents under international bidding process.

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