Learning Packet in English 6 - LESSON 10
Learning Packet in English 6 - LESSON 10
Learning Packet in English 6 - LESSON 10
I. Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:
1. Draw out conclusions from series of events;
2. get information from a dictionary;
3. identify word origins;
4. recognize the structure and use of perfect tense of verbs;
5. use the perfect tense of the verbs in sentences; and
6. realize that human and animals can live in harmony.
II. Preliminaries:
A. Read the “Starter” paragraph on page 108 and try answering the
“word list” on page 109.
B. Read the story “Heaven Sent” on page 109-111 and be guided with
the guide questions on page 111.
A. Read and understand “Drawing Conclusion from Events” on
page 112.
Additional information& example:
Drawing conclusions is using information that is implied or inferred
to make meaning out of what is not clearly stated. Writers give readers
hints or clues that help them read between the lines, since not everything is
explicitly stated or spelled out all the time.
1. The marching band looked amazing on the football field. Each member
played their instruments perfectly. The audience loved
the performance.
You can tell: The marching band practiced a lot.
2. Jenny held her stomach and leaned back on the sofa. She grabbed a
blanket and curled up in a ball. All she could think about was that big
funnel cake she ate earlier.
Jenny probably: She has a stomachache from the cake.
3. Tylie loved frogs, turtles, and lizards. She wasn’t afraid of them like
some of her friends. Her favorite hobby was hiking out to the pond to
try to catch baby reptiles.
Example words:
1. Wanderlust 2. Brilliant
Meaning: a strong desire Meaning: very bright and
to travel radiant
Pronunciation: wandərlʌst Pronunciation: briylənt
Function: noun Function: adjective
Syllabication: wan-der-lust Syllabication: bril-liant
Stress: ‘wanderlust Stress: ‘brilliant
Origin: German Origin: Latin - French
Synonym: restlessness Synonym: bright / dazzling
Antonym: homesickness Antonym: dark/ gloomy
IV. Review
V. Learning Task 10
VI. References
Bambico, A. R., Galapon, A. P., Relente, C. A., Santos, R. T., Angeles, E. B. (2014).
Rainbows in English. Vibal Group, Inc.
Belagan, Buensuceso, Conducto.2015. English for Global Communication. Don Bosco
Press, Inc.
Navarro, M. L. (2010). Building Better English for Global Communication. St. Augustine
Publications, Inc.
Padilla, C. H., Sison, J. D. (2010). Gateway to Better English. Bookman, Inc.
Ribo, L. M. (2016). Across Borders Through Reading. Vibal Group, Inc.
Sapuay, L. F. (2017). Avenues in English Integrated Reading and Language. Innovative
Educational Materials, Inc.
Surot, T. A., Jocson, J. V. (2008). Crossing Boundaries Through English Integrated
Reading and Language. Ephesians Publishing, Inc.
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