Leadership and Influence

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Leadership and influence

Leadership means several different things to me.

One of the most important traits of leadership is inspiring others. One of the
most effective managers I’ve ever had had a knack for uplifting the team
and supporting us when needed. It helped us maintain a high level of
productivity, and I believe he was the recipe for our success.

Secondly, leadership means putting people in the right place at the right
time. Great leaders will recognize someone’s strengths and help them use
those skills to benefit the company. I once had a supervisor who identified
my aptitude for customer service.

So, they reprioritized my duties to focus entirely on answering support calls.

I was able to find my groove. Not only was I happier, but we experienced
better call satisfaction rates.

Finally, leadership means trust and respect. The street goes both ways.
Leaders need to trust every individual on the team. Otherwise, those
people can’t be productive members of the group or gain enough respect
for leaders to trust their judgment.”
"It's a mix of a lot of things, but first and foremost it's about having faith in
your beliefs. You can't expect others to consider you a leader unless you
have solid faith in your ideas. And once it's there, you build on it by being a
good communicator, listening to others, setting examples and by putting
your best foot forward and not giving up. Leadership is all about being
passionate about what you do, and having confidence in yourself and your
followers whom you have to motivate and inspire."

“Great leaders make the hard choice, and self-sacrifice in order to enhance
the lives of others around them. As a business owner, not only does your
family rely on you - so too, do the families of those who work for you. Each
employee has a family. Even if you're a small business owner with
four employees, you're in essence potentially responsible for an additional
ten or fifteen people.”

Joel Farar, Farar Law Group

3 - Earn the Respect of the Team

Leadership and influence

“Having the ability to show respect, empathy, and care to those that follow
you, are all attributed to being a great leader. Earning respect is crucial to a
successful relationship with someone, while also showing that you care
about their work or ideas. Being empathetic allows a leader to tap into the
emotions of that individual in order to connect in a way that lets that
person know you understand what it means to be in their situation.
Combining all three of these traits can definitely make someone a great
leader. These are things I work on constantly with my own staff and myself,
all in order to become a better leader to those I care about.”

Brandon Swenson, SEO Prosylyl

4 - Know the Team

"Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of every individual to effectively

manage the outcome of a team is imperative for success. Leaders have a
great vision and use the resources at hand to solve problems. They take
risks and make hard decisions, knowing they could sometimes be wrong.
Those are the most important qualities of a real leader that work similarly in
our professional and personal lives."

Alex Gerasimov, Insomnia Escape Room DC

5 - Know That the People are the Key to Success

“A great leader understands that it is the people they lead that ultimately
determines the success or failure of any venture. They surround themselves
with great people that they can cultivate into a team of competent, confident
individuals who can work well as a team. They then have the ability to guide
this team towards a well-defined vision by clearly communicating short and
long terms goals, inspiring confidence and trust among colleagues, and
influencing common efforts through character rather than by a position of
authority. Ultimately, a great leader creates and nurtures other leaders.”

Randy Soderman, Founder of Soderman Marketing SEO

6 - Articulate a Clear Vision

“A great leader posses a clear vision, is courageous, has integrity, honesty,

humility and clear focus. He or she is a strategic planner and believes in
teamwork. Great leaders help people reach their goals, are not afraid to hire
people that might be better than them and take pride in the
accomplishments of those they help along the way.”
Leadership and influence

7 - Push People to Be Their Best

"Great leaders have clarity of purpose and are great at articulating their
beliefs. I aspire to be the kind of leader that pushes people to be the very
best they can be but still make people feel safe because it starts with the

Amas Tenumah, CEO BetterXperience

8 - Serve a Greater Cause

“Great leadership is determined by one’s periodical blend of personal

humility and unparalleled will to lead others in service of a cause bigger
than themselves. Great leaders are incredibly ambitious, but never for
themselves. Rather, they are ambitious for the company and possess the will
do do whatever is necessary in service of this greater cause.”

Jake Rheude, Director of Business Development for Red Stag Fulfillment

9 - Focus on Helping the Team

"Someone who leads by positive direction and builds agreement among its
group members towards the accomplishment of a coordinated goal.
Ultimately, leadership is not about who is in charge. It's about making sure
your team stays focused on the goals, keeping them motivated and helping
them be the best they can be to achieve those goals. This is especially true
when the risks are high and the consequences matter."

Kara Kelly, Executive Director of CompleteContents.com

10 - Do Not Lead by Force

“A great leader does not lead by forcing people to follow. Instead, a great
leader motivates people. They encourage others to follow them. They also
lead by example, which few leaders do today.”

Mike Dan, SMS Marketing

Being an effective leader requires constant focus, perseverance and building

a team that is accountable and designed get results. Without the team there
can be no real leadership. These ten unique perspectives provide great
insight while also validating certain commonalities.

Many of us in leadership or management positions know what we need to

do to be better leaders, we just sometimes fail to act. Being a great leader
requires constant personal and professional development, regular
Leadership and influence

transparent feedback from the team, self-reflection and taking action on

feedback received. Great leaders are rarely satisfied with their performance.

A special thanks to our respondents for their insight!

To me, leadership is more than a title. It is more than being in charge. Leadership means inspiring
others to become the best version of themselves

I consider myself a leader, i believe this because i am the type of person that feels like if i am
not the one to do it then it will not be done the right way. Whenever i would work in groups i
would designate myself to be the one to do the harder assignment, because i only trusted that
would take it serious, not anyone else. Also, whenever i do anything that involves a team, i
like to take control, because i feel like i am the best one to work under pressure or i can
choose the best solution for any situation. This has helped other people because a large
amount of people…show more content…
I believe that this makes me more innovative than others since i am able to combine my mind
and hands together to be able to learn something a lot quicker than someone else would. This
also helps me with my ability of using time very efficiently when i want to, i am able to learn
something, demonstrate it and practice it over and over several times in the time that it takes
someone to even understand the concept of it. I have demonstrated this over time by showing
my organization & by getting good grades, while keeping myself active and busy everyday.
An educational barrier i have had to face with was probably needing to be independent, i
never had anyone help me with any of my homework growing up, or someone to ask
questions to about anything that i had. I have both my parents, but their work requires them
both to take trips to work that last around 2 weeks at a time, so sadly most of the time even if
they wanted to give me the time, they could not because they were busy or tired. Also, i never
wanted to bother them because i felt like they had their own problems to deal with and did not
have time for my own, so i am not as comfortable speaking with my parents like other people
my age. In a way this led to

Personal Essay: My Leadership Philosophy
495 Words | 2 Pages
Leadership and influence

I have confidence in leading by example and leadership by positive reinforcement. I recognize

that success is achieved by communicating and working towards a common vision. For any
leadership philosophy to work, it must be easily understood by all. My leadership philosophy
and vision on leading my subordinates is basically to emulate Be-Know-Do, which is the
Army’s Leadership Model. As a military leader, I take as the gospel truth what the NCO creed
says, that the Noncommissioned Officer is “The Backbone of the Army.” I will focus my
thoughts on the Army’s Leadership Model of Be-Know-Do.

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My Leadership Philosophy Essay
2065 Words | 9 Pages
From my point of view , Leadership has more to it than I can possibly imagine. I define
leadership as the art of enabling a group of people get to a specific destination.As a leader
your main focus was to enable your followers lead theselves. As i think deeper i realise a
person cannot choose to be a leader. I think a lot of the time people take on leadership
positions without knowing. For example The role of leading your siblings because you are the
first child is not by choice you just become a leader in that situation by birth.Although
someone might argue that for some leadership positions a person has to choose to run for that
position. I think this perception only applies to big leadership positions which constitute a
minimal number of leadership positions.

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Lampasas High School Leadership Essay Examples
805 Words | 4 Pages
At Lampasas High School I show leadership in many ways, like volunteering to answer
questions or be the example in class, being part of the National Honor Society, and being a
student athlete. I am also in the Gear Up Leadership program at Lampasas High School,
where I am pushed to set the best example for others, I am challenged to promote a college
and career oriented future. I believe being a good role model is one of the best ways to show
leadership. This past year I was chosen by staff at my school for demonstrating leadership,
citizenship, and character in my school and my community, to attend American Legion
Auxiliary Bluebonnet Girls State. It was such an honor to be able to attend Bluebonnet Girls
State where only 500 hundred girls

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Leadership and influence

Personal Narrative: Why I Appreciate Into National
Honors Society
281 Words | 2 Pages
I try to a leader almost subconsciously, because if there is something that I want or need done
in a group, I will not hesitate to do my best to get the work done or to delegate work to those
around me. I try to do things

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The ASPCA: The First Humane Society
422 Words | 2 Pages
There are many animals in need all around the world. Each one has a different story, a
different history, a different life. That’s why we have organizations like the ASPCA, to rescue
animals that can’t do it themselves. It’s also a wonderful place for people to add a new fluffy
four-pawed pet to the family.

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Personal Narrative: Sarah Nowak-Β Artist
327 Words | 2 Pages
I have always been a follower, whether it be because I was afraid of screwing up and
everyone blaming me, or just not wanting the responsibility; I do not know. That changed,
however, when I joined my school’s theatre program as a set painter. I began there as a
follower, too. Suddenly, for the second winter show, there were no leaders available for paint
crew, so I became one. That was my first taste of leadership.

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Ap Self Assessment
487 Words | 2 Pages
A leader is an individual who is voluntarily followed by others. In order to be a successful
leader you will need to have a clear sense of direction, also the ability to negotiate,
communicate and influence others. B. Tracy, (2008). I strongly agree with being a leader. I
believe i have good leadership skills for example listening which i think is one of the most
important skills. As i am a reflector listening comes natural to me. According to B. Tracy,
Leadership and influence

(2008) he says that “leaders are made not born”. I think i will need to improve on my
leadership skills so i can be a successful leader, starting with my confidence.A leader needs to
be confident in order to influence others.

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Personal Leadership Philosophy Essay
597 Words | 3 Pages

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Personal Narrative: My Job At Jamba Juice
145 Words | 1 Pages
On my first year, I was promoted from team member to team lead in my job at Jamba Juice.
This experience had a great influence on my leadership skills. I was in charge of the
employees and the store during the evening shift, and some weekend’s day shift. My duties
included to direct the team members to help clean the store at closing, count the money in the
registers, prepare deposits, and print out the sales for the day. My actions were best displayed
by completing all evening tasks in order to prepare the store for the next day. Also, I
effectively led the team members to do a great job by completing their tasks, showing respect
and good customer service. I learned how to be a good leader my handling stressful situations
with self-control

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Leadership/Group Contributions
806 Words | 4 Pages
1. Leadership/Group Contributions: Describe examples of your leadership experience in
which you significantly influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group
efforts over time. Consider responsibilities to initiatives taken in or out of school.

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26 Day Leadership Development Essay
1401 Words | 6 Pages
Leadership and influence

Are you ready to move on to the next level? Are you tired of being passed for promotion? Are
you ready to be that leader that everyone admires? If you answered yes, this is the guide for
you. This leadership development guide is formulated to develop first-line supervisor’s
leadership skills. This 26 day leadership development guide will provide valuable information
and daily tips to improve your leadership skills. Every day we will provide you with a daily
challenge that will include focusing on a leadership trait and an end of day evaluation to
measure your progress during this 26 day leadership development guide. At the end of this 26
day leadership program you will become improve your personal leadership abilities and
become a

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Echelon III Leadership Training Essay
1023 Words | 5 Pages
Echelon III officers of the male sex are 72 people with 75% percentage while Echelon III
Officers with female gender are 24 people with the percentage of 25%. This illustrates that
most Echelon III Officials are male.

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Reflective Essay: To Be An Effective Leader
1122 Words | 5 Pages
Leadership is the art of empowering people around you to achieve a goal. As a leader I want
to help others become leaders themselves. I firmly believe that by leading based on my values
this will be accomplished. I have had many leadership influences throughout my career. Some
of them showed me the way I wanted to someday lead and others showed me exactly how not
to. Either way, both were influences. The people in my life that influenced me in a positive
way always empowered me. They raised me up; they believed in my potential even when I
could not see it for myself. They supported, cared for and listened intently to my concerns and
needs. Goal after goal was met, trust was evident and the moral was positive and uplifting.

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Reflective Essay On Leadership And Management
784 Words | 4 Pages
Leadership and influence

Managing in a matrix organization- As a leader, I manage needs, expectations, motivations

and competing priorities to achieve clinical delivery within the company matrix structure.

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Five Key Elements Of Leadership Essay
1083 Words | 5 Pages
The five keys of elements of leadership are leader-follower, influencing, organizational
objective, changes and people. Each of elements works differently, the first key world leader-
follower is leaders influence a behavior to the followers as well as follower also influence
leaders. Second, Influencing is change role from somebody. For example in leaders and
followers relationship, when leader give any inspiration toward followers and then followers
change something, it is consider as influences. Third, organizational objectives are based on
leaders and followers outcome from what they willing to accomplish in the future. Being a
member of organization need to work together in order to produce outcomes that both leaders
both followers

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Core to my leadership philosophy is the belief that great leaders are

made, not born. See, I never was picked to head a group of kids
growing up. Perhaps this was because I came across as a shy and
introverted kid, but today I have surprised myself by taking on
demanding leadership roles, not to mention applying to B.A. in
leadership. Therefore, I do not consider myself born a leader, but I
have acquired and honed leadership qualities over the years. My
primary goal in pursuing a degree in leadership is to expand my
organizational leadership skills beyond an organization-specific
setting to a global arena.

Being the firstborn in a family of four children is not a walk in the

park. It doesn’t help when you are the only girl and your siblings are
looking up to you for leadership. This is the story of my life. Although
leading my siblings is not explicitly demanded of me, I have always
felt that it is my responsibility to provide leadership. Perhaps the
knowledge that my siblings looked up to me made me take up
leadership roles at the university. I was nominated the class
Leadership and influence

representative for one of the courses on my first day in class at

Manchester Metropolitan University. As a class representative, I
was tasked with relaying information between students and the
lecturer, including setting up makeup classes, collecting
assignments, and organizing class trips. Until then, I hadn’t seen
myself as the leading type, but the nomination gave me a different
perspective of my capabilities. I mean, if a stranger deemed it best
to nominate me to lead them then I had to have a huge potential.

The biggest test to my potential came when I caught wind of a

vacancy in the Student Ambassador position. I second-guessed
myself, but I was not deterred when our faculty head announced
that they normally receive over 300 applications. I submitted my
application, and three weeks later, I was among the ten potential
candidates shortlisted for an interview with the dean. I hadn’t
grasped the responsibilities of the position by the time I was sworn
in to defend the honor of MMU.

I would spend the next two years as the face of MMU. It was my
responsibility to welcome new students and coordinate a range of
student affairs such as career week, open days, and symposiums.
Student Ambassadorship exposed me to a range of challenges and
opportunities. For instance, it was not easy communicating with
international students who did not speak English, yet thoroughness
was expected of me. The role, however, sharpened my
communication skills and taught how to harness team dynamics as
a leader. Of all the lessons I learned as a leader, the greatest
takeaway is that good leadership is not about imposing ideas on
people, but providing information so they can make informed
decisions. My goal is to complete a B.A. in leadership, and a
scholarship will allow me to focus all my time and ef0fort on hthis

Feedback on this essay.

The good.

 The applicant answers the prompt.

 She uses nice transitions between each paragraph.
 She touches on her leadership abilities within her family and school
and provides a great example about her student ambassador role.
This showcases her leadership abilities and role. In other words, she
just doesn’t say she’s a leader, but proves it.
Leadership and influence

Opportunities for improvement.

 Other than the introductory sentence, which opens awkwardly with a

quote, the remainder of the opening paragraph is fine. In fact, we can
eliminate the first sentence altogether and reword the new opening
sentence to “I was never picked to lead a group of kids growing up…”
 Change passive verbs to active verbs when possible. For example,
where it says, “your siblings are looking up to you for leadership,” we
can change that to “your siblings look up to you for leadership.”
 Remove unnecessary (filler) words. For instance, change “Although
leading my siblings is not explicitly demanded of me, I have always
felt that it is my responsibility to provide leadership” to “Although I
was not expected to lead my siblings, I felt responsible to provide
 Remove words like “always,” “never” and other extremes or
 We can break up the last paragraph, starting with, “Of all the lessons
I learned as a leader, the greatest takeaway is that good
leadership…” and move it and the remaining sentence to the next
paragraph, so it’s the closing paragraph.
 Reword the sentence, “Of all the lessons I learned as a leader, the
greatest takeaway is that good leadership is not about imposing
ideas on people, but providing information so they can make informed
decisions.” Instead say, “My greatest takeaway is that good
leadership is not about imposing your ideas on people, but providing
information they can use to make informed decisions.”

What’s the verdict? Scholarship or not?

I love the examples within the essay, which solidify the student’s
leadership abilities. She appears to have a can-do attitude, which is
a plus. She doesn’t beg for a scholarship, but says how a scholarship
will help. Although she used a lot of passive tense, all in all, this
essay is a winner.


Examples are key. Add them whenever you can. Active verbs make
your essay impactful. Use them.

Most quotes make your essay look like everyone else’s. It’s best not
to open your essay with a quote. In the applicant’s case, the quote
works. Still, I’d suggest leaving it off. If you must include a quote,
research the source and be sure it ties in with your overall essay.
Leadership and influence

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