Assignment 2 PISS

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Principles of Info.Sys.

Security Assignment 2 (5 Marks)

Instructions: *Submission Deadline: 10/11/2023

1. Discuss Cryptography and include the following Cipher algorithms

a) Classical Cipher - Substitution cipher, Transposition cipher

b) Modern Cipher - Private key and Public Key

Block cipher and Stream cipher

Cryptography is the science and art of securing information by converting it into a code that is
difficult for unauthorized individuals to understand. It plays a fundamental role in ensuring the
confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data in various communication and storage systems.
Cryptographic algorithms are classified into classical and modern ciphers, and among modern
ciphers, we have private key and public key cryptography, as well as block and stream ciphers.

Classical Ciphers:

a) Substitution Cipher:

Substitution ciphers replace each letter in the plaintext with another letter or symbol. The most
common type is the Caesar cipher, where each letter is shifted a fixed number of positions in the

Example: If you shift each letter in the alphabet 3 positions to the right, 'A' becomes 'D,' 'B'
becomes 'E,' and so on.

b) Transposition Cipher:

Transposition ciphers rearrange the order of the letters in the plaintext without changing the
actual letters themselves. They are often implemented using a specific pattern or key.

Example: In a simple transposition cipher, the letters in the plaintext "HELLO WORLD" might
be rearranged to "OLLRWEHLOD."

Modern Ciphers:
Modern ciphers are more secure and complex than classical ciphers. They are categorized into
private key (symmetric) and public key (asymmetric) cryptography, as well as block and stream

a) Private Key Cipher (Symmetric Cipher):

Private key cryptography uses the same key for both encryption and decryption. The primary
goal is to maintain the confidentiality of data.

Block Cipher: Block ciphers operate on fixed-size blocks of data (e.g., 128 bits). They use the
same key to encrypt and decrypt data in these fixed blocks. Common block ciphers include AES
(Advanced Encryption Standard) and DES (Data Encryption Standard).

Stream Cipher: Stream ciphers, on the other hand, encrypt data one bit or byte at a time. They
use a key stream to XOR with the plaintext to produce ciphertext. Popular stream ciphers include
RC4 and Salsa20.

b) Public Key Cipher (Asymmetric Cipher):

Public key cryptography uses two mathematically related keys: a public key for encryption and a
private key for decryption. The primary purpose is to enable secure key exchange and digital

Public key cryptography is often used in digital certificates, SSL/TLS for secure web
communication, and for secure email communication.

Popular algorithms include RSA, DSA, and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography).

In summary, cryptography plays a critical role in securing data and communications. Classical
ciphers like substitution and transposition are educational examples of simple encryption
techniques. Modern cryptography has evolved to provide stronger and more secure methods,
including both private key (symmetric) and public key (asymmetric) encryption. Block ciphers
and stream ciphers are the two primary techniques used in private key cryptography. Public key
cryptography enables secure key exchange and digital signatures and is widely used in secure
communication protocols.

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