Leadership Styles in The Construction Industry: Products Industries Resources Company
Leadership Styles in The Construction Industry: Products Industries Resources Company
Leadership Styles in The Construction Industry: Products Industries Resources Company
Products Industries Partners Resources Company
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Leadership Styles in
the Construction
By Lisa LaNoue January 27, 2022
Here are the leadership styles that will unleash your firm’s potential.
Democratic Leaders
Facilitate Success
The top leadership tier of your construction firm—the executive level—
relies on democratic leaders for success. Those using this leadership
style take other people’s thoughts and opinions into account before
making big decisions. Democratic leaders gather information from
trusted sources before reaching any final conclusions, especially
when their choices could impact the entire organization.
For example, an executive leader may decide to shift the firm’s focus
from residential to primarily commercial contracts. But if that leader
doesn’t consult the next level of leadership (such as heads of
operations, finance and human resources) before making that
commitment, they won’t know if it’s the correct choice to make.
Instead, a democratic leader consults the leaders below them to
determine the viability of each important decision under
consideration. In the example above, for instance, HR leaders could
advise their executive colleagues regarding staffing and training for
commercial versus residential contracts.
While leaders at the very top are expected to be assertive and
ambitious, it’s critical that they are also democratic and cautious. As
your firm develops the next generation of top leaders and conducts
your next executive search, add democratic leadership to your list of
priorities. Incorporate elements of democratic leadership into your
company’s succession planning and training for future leaders at the
executive level.
Servant leaders “serve” the needs of the business by providing for the
people who do the work. This is most important at the departmental
and team leadership levels. Department leaders — such as chief
operating, financial and human resource officers — and team leads
must be able to listen and value the opinions of those who report to
them. Only then can they truly serve their team members’ needs and
support them in their daily tasks and projects.
Lisa LaNoue
Enterprise Sales Manager,
SaaS Software Professional |
Leader | Contributor “I never
lose. I either win or I learn.”
Nelson Mandela
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