Architecture Quiz 3
Architecture Quiz 3
Architecture Quiz 3
#2022 Special
#2022 NATA Preparation
#2022 Jee2
14000/- 18000/-
The term cottage was used in England (and probably derived
from French and German language) to mean farmer’s homes.
They were quaint, modest, cozy and practical homes in rural
They generally have tiled sloping roofs. Nowadays they are
used to mean vacation homes built near water bodies or in
forest areas and urban homes built in traditional cottage style
with a rustic feel. In Alpine regions they are also known as
Chalets, and are made of wood with heavy sloping roofs with
wide eves.
Detached Housing
4. Sphinx means
A. Half horse half word
B. Half man half horse
C. Half man half woman
D. Half human half lion
body of lion and head of human
73X 20m
Not only in Egypt
In India the composite being with a lion body and a
human head is part of the living tradition. Its Sanskrit
name is purushamriga or human-beast. It plays a role in
temple ritual, in myths and legends, and in the worship of
the devotees.
(Lopez 23)
6. British born Indian architect famous for his initiative in cost effective and
energy efficient architecture and has designed Dakshina Chitra [Chennai] is
A. Le Corbusier
B. Laurie Baker
C. Gerard da Cunha
D. Charles Correa
Bilateral Symmetry Radial Symmetry
Lawrence Wilfred "Laurie" Baker (2 March 1917 – 1 He was a pioneer of sustainable architecture
April 2007) was a British-born Indian architect, as well as organic architecture,
renowned for his initiatives in cost-effective incorporating in his designs even in the late
energy-efficient architecture and designs that 1960s, concepts such as rain-water
maximized space, ventilation and light and
maintained an uncluttered yet striking aesthetic harvesting, minimizing usage of energy-
sensibility. Influenced by Mahatma Gandhi and his inefficient building materials, minimizing
own experiences in the remote Himalayas, he damage to the building site and seamlessly
promoted the revival of regional building merging with the surroundings.
practices and use of local materials; and
combined this with a design philosophy that He has been called the "Gandhi of
emphasized a responsible and prudent use of architecture".
resources and energy.