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Academic Year:2023 - 2024




Department of
IT 6thSemester


No NO.
1 IntroductiontoSDLC.

2 IntroductiontoUsecaseDiagramanditsimplementation.
3 IntroductiontoActivitydiagramandswimlanediagram
andits implementation.
4 Introduction toUMLclassdiagramsits implementation.

5 IntroductiontoSequencediagramanditsimplementation.
6 Introduction toDataFlowdiagramandimplementation.

7 Introduction toERdiagram andimplementation.

8 UseofCOCOMOmodel(tutorial3).

9 EstimationofTestCoverageandstructuralcomplexity.

10 DesigningTestsuites.

11 PreparationofSRSdocument.
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 RequirementGatheringandAnalysis
In an SDLC, this is the first and most crucial phasefor a software project’s success.
In this phase, communication takes place between stakeholders, end-users, and
project teams,as both functional and non-functional requirements are gathered
from customers.
TheRequirementGathering&AnalysisPhaseofSDLC involvesthe following:-
Analysis of functionality and financial feasibility
Identifying and capturing requirements of stakeholders through customer
interactions like interviews, surveys, etc.
Clearly defining and documenting customer requirements in an SRS (Software
Resource Specification Document) comprising of all product requirements that
need to be developed

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 DesignPhase
InthedesignphaseofanSDLC,thearchitecturaldesignisproposed fortheproject based
on the SRS Document requirements.
The Designing Phase of SDLC involves the following:-
Separation of hardware and software system requirements
CreatingUnifiedModellingLanguage (UML)diagrams like- use
cases,class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams
 DevelopmentPhase
Inthe entire SDLC, the development phase is considered to be the longest one.
In this phase, the actual project is developed and built.
Actual code is written
Demonstrationofaccomplishedworkpresentedbeforea BusinessAnalystfor
further modification of work
 TestingPhase
However, SDLC’s testing phase refers to checking, reporting, and fixingthe
systemforanybug/defect. Inthis phase, theon-goingsystemorproject is migrated to a
test environment where different testing forms are performed.
This testing continues until the project has achieved the quality standards, as
mentioned in the SRS document during the requirement gatheringphase.
Testing the system as a whole
Performing different types of test in the
system Reportingandfixingallforms

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 Deployment &Maintenance Phase

Inthis SDLCphase, oncethesystemtestinghasbeendone, it isreadytobe launched.
Thesystemmaybeinitiallyreleasedforlimitedusersbytestingitinareal business
environment for UAT or User Acceptance Testing.
TheDeployment&MaintenancePhaseinvolvesthefollowing:- The
system is ready for delivery
Errorsarerectifiedthatmighthavebeenpreviouslymissed Enhancing
the system inside a data center


 Functionalrequirementsforonlinebank
UserRegistration:Thesystemshouldallow userstocreateanaccountandprovide basic
information about themselves.
DonorRegistration:Thesystemshouldallow donors tocreateanaccountand
provide informationabout their blood group, donationhistory, and eligibility
BloodRequest:Thesystemshouldallow hospitalsandmedicalfacilitiestorequest
blood online byproviding necessary informationsuchas blood type, quantity, and
BloodDonation:Thesystemshouldallowregistereddonorstosearchforblood donation
requests and offer to donate.
Blood Inventory Management: The system should allow bank staff to manage
expired or unusable units.
NotificationSystem:Thesystemshould notifydonorsandrequestersofthestatus of
their requests and donations.

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 NonFunctionalrequirementsforonlinebank

Security:The systemshould be designed to ensure the confidentialityand integrity

of user data, including donors and recipients' personal information and medical
Scalability: The system should be designed to handle a large volume of users and
requests as the number ofregistered users and requests for blood increase.
Availability: The system should be available 24/7, and the downtime should be
Performance: The system should be designed to handle requests quickly,
efficiently, and without any delays.
Usability: The system should be easy to use and navigate, ensuring that users can
quickly find what they need and complete their tasks efficiently.
Compatibility: The system should be compatible with various devices and
platforms, including mobile devices, tablets, and different web browsers.



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A use case diagram for an online bank system depicts the interactions between
actors (users or external systems) and the system.
The diagram shows the different use cases that the system performs to meet the
user's needs.
The following are the steps for implementing a use case diagram for an online
Identify the actors:Identifythe actors involved in the system. These includedonors,
recipients, medical facilities, bank staff, and administrators.
Identify the use cases: Identify the specific actions or tasks that the system will
perform. These include user registration, donor registration, blood request, blood
donation, blood inventory management, and notification system.
Define the relationships:Define the relationships betweenthe actors and use cases.
For example, donors can register, offer blood donation, and receive notifications.
Recipients can request blood, receive notifications, and provide feedback.
Create the diagram: Create a diagram that visually represents the actors, use cases,
and relationships. The use cases are shown as ovals, and the actors are shown as
stick figures.
Validate the diagram: Validate the diagram to ensure that it accurately reflects the
system's behavior and that it meets the user's requirements. This can be done by
reviewing the diagram with stakeholders, conducting user testing, or running
Refinethediagram:Refinethediagramasneededtoreflectchanges inthesystem's
behavior or requirements. For example, if a new use case is added or an existing
one is modified, the diagramwill need to be updated.

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 UseCaseDiagramForOnlineBank

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Aim: Introduction to Activity diagram and swim lane diagram and its
An activity diagram is a type of UML diagram that shows the flow of control or
sequence of activities within a system or process.
It is used to model complex systems and processes and helps to illustrate the
different steps and decisions involved in completing a particular task.
Anactivitydiagramconsists ofactivities, transitions, decision points, and start and
end points.
An activity diagram for an online bank system could depict the different activities
involved in a blood donation process.
For example, the activities might include donor registration, bloodtype verification,
blood donation, and blood storage.
The diagram would show the flow of activities and decisions involved in
completing each step in the process, helping to ensure that the system is efficient
and effective.

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 ActivityDiagramForbankRegistration

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 ActivityDiagramForuserRegistration

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 ActivityDiagramForUser


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A UML class diagram is a type of UML diagram that describes the structure of
a system or software application.
It shows the classes, interfaces, attributes,and methods thatmake up the systemand
the relationships between them.
Aclass diagramis useful in visualizingthe designofanobject-oriented system, as
it provides a high-level view of the system's structure.
AnexampleofaUMLclassdiagramforanonlinebanksystemmightinclude the
following classes:
Donor:Aclassthatrepresentsblooddonorsandtheirattributes,suchasname,age, blood
type, and contact information.
bank:Aclassthatrepresentsthebankanditsattributes,suchasname, location,
and contact information.

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 ClassDiagramForOnlinebank


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A sequence diagram is a type of UML diagram that depicts theinteractions between
objects or components in a system or software application. It shows the sequence
of messages exchanged between the objects over time and helps to visualize the
behavior of the system during runtime.
A sequence diagram for an online bank system could depict the interactions
betweenthe different components ofthe systemduringthe blood donationprocess.
 UserSearchbank

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 UserSearchDonor



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A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a visual representation of the flow of data through
a system.

It is a powerful tool for modeling and analyzing business processesand information

systems. In a DFD, the flow of data is represented by arrows, which connect
various processes, data stores, and external entities.

The DFD shows how data enters and exitsthe system, where it is stored, and how it
is transformed or processed.

For an online bank system, the DFD can be used to model the flow of blood
donationrequests and the corresponding response fromthe bank.
HereisanexampleofhowtheDFD couldbestructured:

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 Level1DFD

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 Level2DFD



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Considering your immense expertise in software development, The Absolute
Beginners Inc. has recently allotted you a mega project. The goal of the projectis to
create a database of all Hindi films released since 2000. The software would allow
one to generate a list of top ten hit films, top ten flop films, best comedy films, and
so on.
Using your prior experience you have decided the approximate sizes of each
module of the software as follow:
Data entry (0.9
Query (0.9 KDSI)
 SolvetheproblembyApplyingBasicandintermediateCOCOMO
1. FindProjectType?
Answer :- Oraganic.

2. FindProjectSize?
Answer :-
Project size = 4.5 KLOC.

3. FindInitialEffortEstimation?
Answer :-
whereaandbareconstants,andSize istheprojectsizeinKLOC.
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For anorganic project, a is 2.4 and b is 1.05. Therefore, the initial effort estimation
for the project is:

4. FindAdjustedEffortEstimation?
Answer :-
To find the adjusted effort estimation, weneed to consider the cost drivers and their
ratings. We can use the following formula to calculate the effort adjustment factor:
AdjustedEffort=InitialEffort *EAF

5. Findschedule?
Amswer :-
Tofindtheschedule,wecanusethe followingformula:
Duration=2.5 *(1943.125)^0.38=33.75months.

6 Find
Answer :-
To find the minimum size ofthe teamrequired to develop the system, wecan use
the following formula:
Therefore,the minimumteamsizerequiredfortheprojectis:

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TeamSize=943.125/(33.75 *1)=27.94person-hourspermonth Minimum

Team Size = 28 persons.

7 Assumingthat yourclientwould payRs.50,000per

monthofdevelopment,how much would be
Answer :-
AssumingthattheclientwouldpayRs.50,000permonthofdevelopment,the likely
billing for the entire project would be:
Billing=TotalPerson-Months *MonthlyRate
Billing = 12.64 *50,000 = Rs. 582,000


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{public intadd(inta,intb)

 Guarantees
thatallindependentexecutionpathisexercisedatleast once;
TheCalculatorclasshastwomethods,add()andsubtract(),eachwithasingle independent
execution path.
The add()method executesa single statement,return a + b;, while
the subtract()method executes a single statement, return a - b;.
Therefore,bothmethodshaveacyclomaticcomplexity of 1,indicating asingle independent
path through the code.

 Guarantees that both the true and false side of all logical decisions
are exercised;
Theabovecodedoesnothaveanylogicaldecisions,soitdoesnotapplytothe statement "boththe
true and false side ofall logicaldecisions are exercised".

 Executestheloopattheboundaryvaluesandwithintheboundaries.
Theabovecodedoesnothaveanyloops,soitdoesnotapplytothestatement "Executes the loop
at the boundary values and within the boundaries".

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 FlowGraph

 Complexity
For thegiven code, thecontrolflowgraph hastwonodes(onefor eachmethod) and
three edges (one for each return statement).
Applyingtheformula,weget: M
2 M=3-2+
2 M=3



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{public intadd(inta,intb)
 DesigningTestsuitesForaboveCode.
To design test suitesfor thegiven code,weneedto considerdifferentscenarios that
test the functionality ofthe Add and Subtract methods.
Herearesometestcasesthatcouldbe includedinthetestsuites:
1. Testcaseforaddmethodwithpositiveintegers:-
Input: a = 2, b = 3
2. Testcaseforaddmethodwithnegativeintegers:
Input: a = -2, b = -3
3. Testcaseforaddmethodwithonepositiveandonenegative
integer: Input: a = 2, b = -3
4. Testcaseforsubtractmethodwithpositiveintegers:
Input: a = 5, b = 3

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5. Testcaseforsubtractmethodwithnegativeintegers:
Input: a = -2, b = -3
6. Testcaseforsubtractmethodwithonepositiveandonenegative
integer: Input: a = 2, b = -3
7. Testcaseforaddmethodwithlargeintegers:
Input: a = 2147483647, b = 1
8. Testcaseforsubtractmethodwithlargeintegers:
Input: a = -2147483648, b = 1
9. Testcaseforaddmethodwithzero:
Input: a = 0, b = 0
Input: a = 5, b = 0



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SRS Report


Under subject of

Software Engineerin
B.E.Semester :–6th (InformationTechnology)

Sr.No. Name of student Enrollment

1 Rudrarajsinh Gohil 211290116026

Prof.Vishakha B Savani

Prof.Dhaval Chandarana
Head of the Department

Academicyear 2023-2024

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1. Introduction
1. Purpose
2. Objectives
3. ProjectScope
4. References

2. OverallDescription
1. Product Perspective
2. Product Features
3. UserClassesand Characteristics
4. OperatingEnvironment
5. DesignandImplementationConstraints
6. User Documentation
7. AssumptionsandDependencies

3. SystemFeatures
1. SystemFeature1

4. ExternalInterfaceRequirements
1. User Interfaces
2. HardwareInterfaces
3. Software Interfaces
4. CommunicationsInterfaces

5. OtherNon-functionalRequirements
1. PerformanceRequirements
2. SafetyRequirements
3. SecurityRequirements

6. Other Requirements
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix C: Issues List

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1. Introduction
The e-Dispensary system aims to transform patient access to healthcare by providing a digital
platform for online doctor consultations, prescription management, and appointment
scheduling. This initiative targets the increasing demand for an accessible, efficient, and
straightforward healthcareservicethat patientscanutilizeat home, especiallywhenvisiting
healthcarefacilitiesis impractical or not needed.
The e-Dispensarysystemproject is focused oncreating a digitalplatformto streamline healthcare
access through features like remote consultations, online appointment scheduling, digital
prescriptionmanagement, andsecurepatient recordsaccess. Ittargetspatientsseekingconvenient
medication fulfillment. The scope includes ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations,
integrating withexisting systems, and enhancing user accessibility. Keyoutcomes aimfor greater
healthcare accessibility, efficiency, patient satisfaction, and a reduction in physical visits, with
exclusions for emergency and complex medical conditions requiring in-person care.
RSVP–Répondezs'ilvousplaît(Frenchfor"pleaserespond")UI–User Interface

The e-Dispensary systemproject envisions a digitalplatformto revolutionize healthcare access by
facilitating remote consultations, streamlining appointment scheduling, and enabling digital
prescription management directly from patients' homes. This initiative aims to remove
geographical and physical barriers to healthcare, ensuring services are more accessible,
efficient, and integrated for patients and providers alike. By leveraging technologyto connect
healthcare providerswithpatientsandpharmacies,theproject promisesto enhancepatient
satisfaction,reduce healthcaredeliverycosts, and improveoverallcarequality. Theanticipated
impact includesa more patient-friendlyhealthcaresystem, minimizedneedforin-
personvisits,andapotentialreductionin the spread of infectious diseases.

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2. Overalldescription
TheProductPerspectiveofthee-Dispensarysysteminvolvesexaminingthesystem'srelationship and
interactions with other related systems, outlining its place within a larger ecosystem, and
identifying how it interfaces with existing technologies and user environments. This
perspective helps define the context in which the e-Dispensary system operates, highlighting its
integration and the dependencies that are critical for its functioning. Here's a detailed look at
the product perspective for your project:
Thee-Dispensarysystemis notanisolatedentity;itmust seamlesslyintegratewithavarietyof
healthcare-related systems:
ElectronicHealthRecords(EHR):IntegrationwithEHRsystemstofetchandupdatepatient records,
ensuring that all health data remains synchronized and up-to-date.
Pharmacy Management Systems: The system needs to connect with various pharmacy
management software to facilitate real-time prescription processing and inventory checks.
Insurance and Billing Platform: Integration with health insurance and billing platforms to
streamlinethepaymentandreimbursementprocesses,makingtransactionssmootherforpatients and
healthcare providers.

StandardsCompliance:Ensuringthesystemcomplieswithhealthcaredataexchangestandards such
as HL7, FHIR, and DICOM for medical imaging, enabling interoperability with other
healthcare systems and ensuring that data exchange is secure and efficient.
APIs:Developingrobust APIsthat allow foreasyintegrationwithothersoftware,enablingthird-
party services to interact smoothly with the e-Dispensary system.

Patients:Providingauser-friendlydigitalinterface accessibleviawebandmobileplatforms,
suitable for patients of various age groups and tech-savviness.

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HealthcareProviders:Doctors,nurses, andadministrativestaffwillusethesystemindifferent
settings such as hospitals, clinics, and private practices, requiring a flexible and robust
system design.

Pharmacies:Used inbothretailandhospitalpharmaciesformanagingprescriptionssent
electronically from the e-Dispensary system.
Cross-PlatformAccessibility:Thesystemwillbe designedtobeaccessibleonvariousplatforms,
including desktops, tablets, and smartphones, ensuring a consistent and responsive
experience across all devices.
Cloud-Based Infrastructure: Utilizing a cloud-based infrastructure to ensure scalability,
reliability,andhighavailability,whichiscrucialforhandling highvolumesofusersanddata. User
Adaptive Design: The interface should be adaptive and inclusive, accommodating users
Multi-LanguageSupport: Considering thediversityoftheuser base,thesystemmayneed to
support multiple languages, enhancing its usability and accessibility.
-Thee-Dispensarysystemispartofagrowing marketfordigitalhealthsolutionsthat emphasize
patient-centered care, efficiency in healthcare delivery, and integration of digital technology
in everyday health management.
Thisproduct perspective outlinesthe e-Dispensary systemasa comprehensive, integrated digital
healthsolutiondesignedto interactwithinacomplexhealthcareecosystem,enhancing healthcare
delivery through technology and meeting the needs of a diverse user base.


1. RemoteConsultations:Offerssecurevideoandaudiocalls,allowingpatientsto consult
with healthcare providers from anywhere, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

2. AppointmentScheduling:Featuresreal-timebookingcapabilitieswithautomatedreminders,
enabling patients to easily schedule and manage their healthcare appointments online.

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pharmacies, whichpatientscanthenaccessandmanagethroughthe platform.

4.MedicalRecordManagement:Providessecureandprivacy-compliant accesstopatient
medical records, ensuring healthcare providers and patients can view relevant health

5.IntegratedPaymentProcessing: Includesasecurepaymentsystemforconsultationsand
medications, along with support for insurance claims and billing, streamlining
financial transactions within the healthcare process.
Viewevent details

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PatientDevices: Thesystemshould beaccessible viapersonaldevicessuchassmartphones,
tablets, and personal computers, catering to patients at home or on the move.

Healthcare Provider Equipment: Utilized on professional-grade computers and tablets in

healthcaresettingslikeclinicsand hospitals,withrequirementsforhigh-qualityaudio/video
capabilities for remote consultations.

processing prescriptions, and communicating with healthcare providers and patients.
Software Environment

OperatingSystems:CompatiblewithmajoroperatingsystemsincludingWindows,macOS,iOS, and
Android to ensure wide accessibility.

WebBrowsers: Should functionseamlesslyacrosspopularwebbrowserssuchasChrome,

Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

DatabaseManagement:UtilizesrobustdatabasemanagementsystemslikeMySQL,PostgreSQL, or
MongoDB for storing and managing data securely.

availability. This could involve platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure.
Network Environment

InternetConnectivity: Requiresreliableandsecureinternet connectionsastheplatformwill heavily

rely on online communications and data exchange.

BandwidthRequirements:Adequatebandwidthtosupporthigh-qualityvideoandaudio streaming for

remote consultations without latency or disruptions.

Third-Party Services: Integration with various third-partyservices such as electronic health

record(EHR)systems,paymentgateways,andSMS/emailserviceprovidersfornotifications. APIs:
Offers APIs for integration with healthcare provider systems, pharmacy management
software, and possibly wearable health devices.

DataSecurity:Compliancewithhealthcareregulations likeHIPAAintheU.S.,GDPRintheEU for

data protection, and secure encryption protocols for data transmission and storage.
AuthenticationandAuthorization:RobustmechanismslikeOAuthforsecureandcontrolledaccess to
the system.

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HealthcareStandards:AdherencetohealthcarestandardsandprotocolssuchasHL7,FHIRfor data
interoperability, and DICOM for medical imaging.
drugs, and patient privacy.

TechnicalSupport: Availabilityoftechnicalsupportservicesto assist
userswithsystemissues, available via phone, email, or live chat.

DocumentationandTraining:Comprehensiveusermanuals,onlinetutorials,andtraining programs
to help users navigate and utilize the system effectively.
This operating environment ensures that the e-Dispensarysystem is robust, secure, and capable
of functioningeffectivelyindiversetechnicalandregulatorycontexts.It supportsthesystem'sgoalof

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1. TechnicalConstraints
Compatibility: Thesystemmust becompatibleacrossmultipledevicesandoperatingsystems,
including Windows,macOS, iOS,and Android,toensure it canbeaccessed byawide rangeof

Interoperability:Itmust integrateseamlesslywithexistinghealthcaresystemssuchasElectronic
Health Records (EHR), Pharmacy Management Systems, and other third-party services. This
requires adherence to standard data exchange formats like HL7, FHIR, and others.

Performance:Mustsupporthigh-volume,concurrentuseraccesswithoutdegradationof performance,
especially for critical features like video consultations and data retrieval.

2. SecurityandPrivacyConstraints
DataProtection:Compliancewithstrict dataprotectionlawslikeGDPR,HIPAA,orequivalent,
necessitating robust encryption, secure data storage, and transmission protocols.

UserAuthentication:Implementstrong,multifactorauthenticationmethodstosecureaccessto the
system, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive information.

AuditTrails:Thesystemmust providecomprehensiveloggingandaudit trailstomonitoraccess

and changes to sensitive data, a requirement for compliance and security monitoring.

3. RegulatoryConstraints
CompliancewithHealthRegulations: Mustmeetregulatoryrequirementsspecifictotelehealth and
online pharmacies, which vary by country and region, affecting how prescriptions can be handled
and consultations conducted.

Licensing:Healthcareprovidersusingthesystemmust belicensedtopracticeinthepatient's
locale, which affects how the service markets and operates in different jurisdictions.

4. UserInterfaceandAccessibilityConstraints
Accessibility: Design must complywithaccessibilitystandards suchas the Americans with
DisabilitiesAct (ADA) intheU.S.orsimilarregulationselsewhere,ensuringthat userswith
disabilities can effectively use the system.

MultilingualSupport:Theinterfacemayneedtosupportmultiplelanguagestoaccommodate users
in different geographical regions, adding complexityto the design and implementation.

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5. ScalabilityandMaintenanceConstraints
Scalability:Thearchitecturemust bescalabletohandle growthinusernumbersanddatavolume
without requiring complete redesigns.

Maintainability:Codeandsystemsarchitectureshouldbedesignedforeasymaintenanceand updates,
with minimal downtime.

6. BudgetandResourceConstraints
CostLimitations:Financialconstraintscanlimitchoicesregardingtechnologystacks,features, and
the scope of initial deployment.

Time-to-Market:There maybepressureto launchthesystembyacertaindate,influencingthe scope

of the initial release and potentially leading to phased rollouts of functionality.

7. OperationalConstraints
SupportStaffTraining:Theneed fortrainingsupportstaffto handle newsystemsandprocesses can
be a constraint, particularly if the system introduces complex new functionalities.
UserEducation:Ensuringthat alltypesofusers(patients,providers,pharmacies)arecomfortable with
using the system can require significant effort inuser education and interface design.
Addressingtheseconstraintseffectivelyduringthe designand implementationphases iscriticalto
thesuccessofthee-Dispensarysystem,ensuring it notonlyfunctionsasintended but also adheres to all
necessary legal, technical, and operational standards.

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1. UserManuals
Patient User Manual: Detailed instructions on how to register, set up a profile, navigate

Healthcare Provider Manual: Guidelines for providers on how to set up and manage their
professionalprofiles,scheduleandmanageappointments,conductremoteconsultations,accessand update
patient records, issue prescriptions, and use any analytic tools provided.

PharmacyStaffManual: Instructions forpharmacyemployeesonhowto integratewiththee-

Dispensarysystem, processprescriptions, manageinventory, andcommunicatewithhealthcare
providers and patients.

2. QuickStartGuides
SimplifiedSetupGuides: Concisedocumentsdesignedto get newusersupandrunningwithbasic
functionalities, such as signing in, navigating the dashboard, and performing primaryactions like
booking an appointment or viewing a prescription.

3. FAQs(FrequentlyAskedQuestions)
Common Issues and Solutions: A compiled list of frequentlyasked questions that address
commonconcernsorproblemsusersmight encounter,alongwithstraightforwardanswersand
step- by-step troubleshooting guides.

4. TroubleshootingGuides
Problem Resolution: Detailed guides that help users diagnose and resolve common
difficulties accessing or updating information.

5. How-ToVideos
VisualTutorials: Short video tutorialsthat visuallyguide usersthroughcommonprocesseswithin
thesystem, suchas howto bookanappointment, howtoenterandparticipateinaconsultation, and how
to order medications.

6. Glossary
Terminology:Asectiondedicatedto definingtermsand jargonusedwithinthee-Dispensary
system, making the documentation and system easier to understand for all users.

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7. BestPractices

OptimalUsageTips: Tipsandrecommendationsforbest practicesonhowtoefficientlyusethe

system to achieve tasks and enhance user experience, especially for healthcare providers and
pharmacy staff.

8. TechnicalSupportandContactInformation
SupportResources: Informationonhowtocontacttechnicalsupport,includingphonenumbers,
email addresses, and hours of operation, ensuring users know howto get help when needed.

9. SecurityandPrivacyGuidelines
SafetyProtocols:Informationonthesystem'ssecuritymeasuresand instructionsforuserstohelp
them maintain privacyand security, such as managing passwords and understanding data
sharing policies.

10. AccessibilityFeatures
UsingAccessibilityTools: Guidanceonhowtousethesystem'saccessibilityfeatures,ensuring
that users with disabilities can effectively use the system.

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TechnologicalAccessibility: It isassumedthat thetarget userbase(patients,healthcareproviders,
andpharmacies)hasaccesstothenecessarytechnologicalinfrastructure,includingreliable internet
connections and compatible devices (smartphones, computers, tablets).

DigitalLiteracy: The project assumesa certain levelofdigitalliteracyamong users, which


Regulatory Compliance: The assumption that all operations within the e-Dispensarysystemwill
complywithrelevant healthcareregulations,suchasHIPAAfordataprivacyintheU.S.,GDPRin
Europe, and other local healthcare laws concerning telemedicine and online pharmacies.

User Adoption: There is an underlying assumption that users will be willing to adopt this
new system,transitioning fromtraditionalin-personconsultationsandprescriptionprocessesto
adigital format.

Security Infrastructure: It is assumed that the underlying securityinfrastructure(bothsoftware

and hardware)willberobust enoughtoprotect sensitivedataandensuretheprivacyand integrity of user

Third-PartyServices: Theproject'ssuccessdependsonintegrationwiththird-partyservices, such
as electronic healthrecords (EHRs), payment gateways, and possiblycloud service providers.
The reliability and availability of these services are crucial.

RegulatoryApprovals: Dependenceonobtaining necessaryregulatoryapprovalsfortelehealth

services, which can vary byregion and influence how quickly the project can be rolled out.

Technology Providers: Dependence on technology vendors for providing consistent,

uninterrupted serviceandsupportfortheinfrastructurethat hoststhee-
Dispensarysystem(servers, databases, cloud platforms).

Healthcare Provider Collaboration: The system's effectiveness depends on the active

participationandcollaborationofhealthcareproviderswho usethesystemto managepatient
care, appointments, and prescriptions.

willingness and ability to adopt and integrate with the e-Dispensary system for seamless
prescription management and fulfillment.

Continuous Support and Maintenance: The project depends on the availability of continuous

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technicalsupportandregularsystemmaintenancetoaddressanyissuesthatarisepost-deployment and
to manage system updates.

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3. SystemFeatures

SystemFeature:RemoteConsultationService Description
The Remote Consultation Service enables real-time audio and video communication between
patientsandhealthcareproviders.Thisfeaturefacilitatesconsultationsfromanywhere,reducing the
need for physical travel and providing access to medical care for patients in remoteor
underserved areas.

Thesystemmustsupporthigh-qualityvideoandaudiostreamingthatworkseffectivelyacross various
network conditions.
Providersandpatientsshould havetheabilitytoturnoffvideooraudio asneededduringthe consultation.

Theconsultationservice should be integratedwithascheduling systemthat allowspatientstobook,
reschedule, or cancel appointments directly through the platform.
Healthcareproviderscanmanagetheirschedules,setavailability,andadjustappointmentsas necessary.

Allcommunicationbetweenpatientsandhealthcareprovidersmust beencryptedtoensureprivacy and
compliance with healthcare regulations like HIPAA.
Thesystemshouldprovideasecurechannelforexchangingsensitiveinformationsuchaspatient data
and consultation notes.

Thesystemmust automaticallysavedetailsofeachconsultation, includingdate,time,duration, and
participating healthcare provider, in both the patient’s and provider’s records.
Providersshould havetheabilitytoaddnotesorupload relevant
documentsduringorafterthe consultation, which should be saved directly to the
patient’s medical record.

Patientsandprovidersshould haveaccesstoasimpleand intuitive interface forconductingremote consultations.
Theinterfaceshouldincludefeaturessuchasawaitingroom,sessiontimer,mute/unmuteoptions, and
the ability to send and receive text messages during the consultation.

Technical support should be available to assist users with any issues related to the remote
consultationservice, includinghelpwithaudio/videoissues,
loginproblems,andsystemnavigation. Non-Functional Requirements

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Theservicemustbereliable,withaminimumuptimeof99.9%,ensuringthatscheduled consultations
can proceed without interruptions.

Thesystemshouldhavelowlatencyduringaudioandvideotransmissionstoensurethat communications
are timely and synchronous.

Theservice must bescalableto supportanincreasingnumberofsimultaneousconsultationsasthe
user base grows.

Thefeatureshouldbeaccessibletouserswithdisabilities, complyingwithinternationalstandards
such as the ADA or WCAG.

Integrationwiththird-partyvideo streamingservices,unlessdeveloped in-house. Reliable
internet service for allusers to ensure qualityin audio/video streaming. Compliance with
regulatory requirements for digital health communication

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4. ExternalInterfaceRequirements


1. PatientInterface


NavigationMenu:Clearandsimplenavigationoptionsforaccessingvarious featureslikebooking

Login/Registration: Easy-to-find loginand registration links for new and returning users.
InformationalContent:Briefdescriptionsoftheservicesoffered, includinghowtobookan
appointment or request a prescription.

canceling them.

MedicalRecords:Quickaccessto viewanddownloadtheir medicalhistory,consultationnotes, lab

results, and other health documents.

PrescriptionManagement:Featurestoviewactiveprescriptions,requestrefills,anddirectly order
medications from linked pharmacies.

muting/unmuting, turning the camera on/off, and ending the call.

ChatFeature:Atext chat
forcommunicatingduringtheconsultationwithoutinterruptingthe audio/video feed.

ResourceAccess: Linksortabstoeasilyaccessrelevant healthinformationorconsultationnotes during

the call.

2. HealthcareProviderInterface

Professional Dashboard

ScheduleOverview: Acalendarviewshowingtheday’sappointments,withoptionstoview

Patient Search: Functionalitytosearchfor patientsbynameorIDtoquicklyaccesstheirrecords

and past consultation notes.

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AlertsandNotifications:Real-timenotificationsforappointment bookings,changes,or
prescription refill requests.

PatientQueue:Alistofpatientswaiting forconsultations,withestimatedwaittimesandpatient priority


ConsultationTools: Accessto medicalrecords,note-taking functionality,andtheabilityto

prescribe medications directly within the consultation interface.

3. PharmacyInterface

Pharmacy Dashboard

PrescriptionOrders:Viewand manageincomingprescriptionorders,verifydetails,andprocess

InventoryManagement:Toolsto managestocklevels,set reorder alerts,andupdatemedication availability.

CommunicationTools:Featurestocontacthealthcareprovidersforprescriptionclarificationsor to
notify patients about medication availability.

OrderDetails:Specificdetailsofeachprescriptionorder,includingpatient information,
prescribed medications, dosages, and prescribing doctor.

Fulfillment Status:Updateandtrackthestatusofmedicationorders,fromprocessingtodelivery.
Design Considerations

Accessibility:Allinterfacesshouldbedesignedwithaccessibilityinmind,supportingscreen readers,
high contrast modes, and easy navigation for those with disabilities.
ResponsiveDesign:Ensuresthattheinterfaceisusableonvariousdevices, includingsmartphones,
tablets, and desktop computers.

Security:Implement securedesignpracticesto protect patient

confidentialityandensuredata integrity across all interfaces.

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1. GeneralHardwareRequirements


Web Cameras and Microphones: Necessary for remote consultations. The system should be
compatiblewithstandardbuilt-inandexternalcamerasand microphonesavailableonmost devices.
Speakers or Headphones: For clear audio during consultations, compatible with standard
audio output devices.

ProfessionalGradeComputingDevices: Morerobust systemssuchashigh-performancePCsand
tablets, capable of handling multiple applications simultaneously, including video streaming,
data management, and more.

High-QualityWebCamerasandMicrophones:Toensureclearandprofessionalvideo and
audio quality during remote consultations.

Medical Hardware Integration: Ability to interface with medical hardware devices for remote
monitoring, suchasdigitalstethoscopes,otoscopes,orECGmonitors,might berequireddepending
on the scope of services offered.

WorkstationSystems:StandardPCsystemscapableofhandlingpharmacymanagementsoftware, prescription
processing, and communication with the e-Dispensary system.
Printers: For printing prescriptions and patient information securely when needed.
BarcodeScanners:Formanaginginventoryandprocessing medicationordersefficiently.

2. InterfaceSpecifications

Network Interface:

standardsand Wi-Ficonnectivityto ensuretheycanconnecttotheinternet orintranet for accessing
the e-Dispensary system.

SecurityProtocols:Hardwareshouldsupportadvancedsecurityprotocols, includingVPNs,
firewalls, and secure wireless standards to protect data transmissions.

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USBPorts:Necessaryforconnectingexternaldevicessuchaswebcameras, microphones,orother
medical peripherals.
CompatibilitywithOtherInterfaces:Dependingonmedicaldeviceintegration,additionalports such
as HDMI, serial ports, or specialized medical device ports may be required.

3. PerformanceandCompatibility
OperatingSystemCompatibility: Ensurethatallhardwareiscompatiblewiththeoperating
systems specified in the software environment section (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android).
Browser Compatibility: Hardware should support the latest versions of major browsers
like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, andEdgeto ensureseamlessaccesstotheweb-
basedcomponentsofthe system.

4. RegulatoryandComplianceConsiderations
Medical Device Compliance: Any medical hardware devices integrated with the system must
complywithlocaland internationalregulationssuchas FDAintheU.S.,CE inEurope,orother
relevant bodies depending on the geographical location.

DataProtection: Hardwareusedinthesystem,especiallythosehandlingsensitive healthdata,

must comply with health data protection standards like HIPAA or GDPR.

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1. OperatingSystemCompatibility

Windows, macOS, iOS, Android: The e-Dispensary system should be compatible with major
operating systems to ensure it can run on various devicesused by patients, healthcare providers, and

2. Web Browsers

Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge: The system must function
effectively across all major web browsers to ensure accessibility for users regardless of their
preferred browser.

3. DatabaseManagementSystem(DBMS)

SQL-based Systems (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL): To manage user data, appointment schedules,
medical records, and prescriptions.
NoSQL Databases (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra): For handling unstructured data or large volumesof
data that require high scalability.

4. ElectronicHealthRecords(EHR)Integration

HL7/FHIR APIs: These standards facilitate the exchange of electronic health

records. Thee-Dispensarysystemwillusethese
APIsforseamlessintegrationwithexistingEHR systems used by healthcare

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1. VideoConferencingInterface
Purpose: To enable real-time video consultations between patients and healthcare providers,
forming the core of the telemedicine service.

Technology: Integration with reliable video conferencing services such as WebRTC (Web Real-
Time Communication), which is widely used for embedding real-time video, audio, and text
communication capabilities directly into browsers and mobile applications.

Security: Ensuring all communication is encrypted using Secure Real-time Transport Protocol
(SRTP) and that access control measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access.

2. MessagingandNotificationSystem
Purpose: To facilitate asynchronous communication between users (patients, healthcare providers,
pharmacy staff) and to send notifications related to appointments, prescriptions, and

Technology:UseofSMTP(Simple MailTransfer Protocol) foremailnotifications,and integration

withpushnotificationserviceslike FirebaseCloud Messaging(FCM) forreal-timealertsonmobile

Features: Support for both automated system notifications (e.g., appointment reminders,
prescription readiness) and user-initiated messages (e.g., patient questions, provider responses).

3. SecureDataExchangeInterface
Purpose: To ensure secure and efficient exchange of medical data, prescriptions, and consultation
notes between healthcare providers, pharmacies, and patients.

Technology: Use of secure FTP (SFTP) or HTTPS for encrypted data transfers. Compliance with
standards like HL7 or FHIR for healthcare data interoperability is crucial.

Integration: Capabilitiesto integrate withexisting healthcare systemsand databasesusing tailored

APIs or middleware solutions that handle data transformation and mapping.

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4. AudioCommunicationInterface
Purpose: To support audio-only consultations or communications when videois not necessary
or feasible.

Technology: Leveraging VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technologies integrated within the
platform, which can also utilize WebRTC for embedding direct audio communications.

Security: As with video, ensuring encryption of audio streams and implementing robust access

5. APIGateway
Purpose:Tomanageall incomingandoutgoingAPIrequests between thee-Dispensarysystem
and external services, ensuring smooth data flow and security.

Technology: Implementationofan API gatewaythat providesasingleentrypoint for allAPI calls,

enhances security through API rate limiting, and manages API keys.

Security: Features like OAuth for authentication, API key management, and throttling
to protectagainst abuse and ensure service availability.

6. CollaborationToolsInterface
Purpose: To support collaborative health management, such as case discussions among multiple
healthcare providers or with pharmacies.

Technology: Integration of collaborative tools that allow document sharing, real-time editing, and
discussion forums, possiblyusing services like Google Workspace or Microsoft Teams adapted for
healthcare use.

Security: Ensuring that all collaborative interactions are conducted over secure channels, with
access strictly controlled based on user roles and confidentiality requirements.

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5. OtherNon-functionalRequirements

1. SystemResponsiveness
LoadTime:Webpagesshould loadwithin2secondsundernormalconditionsto ensurea seamless
user experience.

payment processing, should complete within 5 seconds to prevent user frustration and ensure

2. DataProcessingEfficiency
Real-timeDataHandling:Thesystemshould becapableofprocessingreal-timedatainputs,such
as video streams and user inputs during consultations, without any perceptible delay.

Batch Data Processing: Nightly batch jobs for data backups, synchronization with external
systems,andreport generationshouldcompletewithinpredeterminedwindowsto ensuredatais
up- to-date and available by the start of each business day.

3. ConcurrentUsers
User Load: The system must support up to a specific number of concurrent users (e.g., 1,000
simultaneoususers)withoutdegradationinperformance.Thisnumbershould bebasedonexpected
user traffic and critical peak times.

Scalability:Thesystemshouldbescalabletohandle increasesinuser load,whichcouldbe2-3 times

the normal load during peak hours or special circumstances like a health crisis.

4. AvailabilityandUptime
SystemAvailability: Thee-Dispensarysystemshouldaimforanuptimeof99.9%,minimizing
downtime to off-peak hours and ensuring it is available during critical business hours.

Redundancy:Implement redundancyincriticalcomponentsofthesystemtoensurecontinuous
service availability even in the event of hardware or software failure.

5. Reliability
ErrorRates: Thesystemshould havealowerrorrate,
withcriticalerrorsnotexceedingadefined threshold (e.g., 0.1% of transactions).
RecoveryTime: In the event of a system crash or failure, recoverytime should not exceed a
specified duration(e.g.,1hour),withthecapabilitytorestoreservicesand dataintegrityquickly.

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6. ResourceUtilization
CPUandMemoryUsage: Ensurethattheapplicationoptimizesresourceusage,whereCPUand
memoryusage should not exceed predetermined thresholdsunder normaloperating conditionsto
prevent server overloads.

NetworkBandwidth: Optimizedatatransferstoutilizebandwidthefficiently,especiallyimportant
for video and audio data during remote consultations.

7. MaintenanceandMonitoring
System Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of system performance, including server

LogManagement:Efficientlogmanagement strategytohelpintroubleshootingandperformance
tuning without impacting the overall system performance.

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1. DataSecurityandPrivacy
Encryption: All data transmitted over the internet must be encrypted using secure protocols suchas
TLS (Transport Layer Security). This includes data exchanged during video consultations,
messaging, and data uploads/downloads.

Access Controls: Implement strict access control measures to ensure that users canonly access data
pertinent to their role. Use role-based access controls (RBAC) to manage permissions effectively.

Data Anonymization: When data needs to be used for non-clinical purposes, such as training or
analytics, it should be anonymized to prevent identification of individuals.

2. CompliancewithRegulatoryStandards
HIPAACompliance: Forsystemsused intheUnitedStates, compliancewiththeHealthInsurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is mandatoryto protect patient health information.

GDPR Compliance: For systems used in the European Union, adherence to the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) is required to ensure data protection and privacy for individuals.

Local Regulations: The system must also comply with all relevant local and international
healthcare and telemedicine regulations, which govern the storage, handling, and transmission of
medical data.

3. SystemReliabilityandAvailability
Redundancy: Critical system components should have redundancy to ensure that the system can
continue to operate in the event of a hardware or software failure.
Backup and Disaster Recovery: Regular backups of all data should be performed, and a
comprehensive disaster recovery plan should be in place and tested regularly to enable quick
recovery in case of a major incident.

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1. DataEncryption
AtRest:Allsensitivedatastoredinthesystemdatabases, includingpersonalandhealth
information, must be encrypted using strong encryption standards such as AES-256.

InTransit:Datatransmitted over networksmustbeencryptedusingsecureprotocolssuchasTLS

1.2orhigher toprotectdatafrominterceptionduring communication.

2. UserAuthenticationandAuthorization
StrongAuthentication:Implementmulti-factorauthentication(MFA) forallusers,especially
healthcare providers and pharmacy staff, to enhance the security of access controls.

Role-Based AccessControl(RBAC): Accessto systemfunctionalitiesshould begovernedby

userroles.Forinstance,patientsshould nothaveaccesstootherpatients’data,andpharmacists should
only access prescription-related information.

SessionManagement:Ensuresecuresessionmanagement practices,includingsessiontimeouts and

secure cookie handling, to prevent unauthorized access.

3. DataIntegrityandNon-Repudiation
IntegrityControls: Utilize mechanismslikedigitalsignaturesandchecksumsto ensurethatdata has
not been altered in transit.

AuditTrails:Maintaincomprehensive logsofallsystemactivities, includingaccesslogsand

action logs, to ensure that alloperations can be audited and traced to an authenticated user.

4. Confidentiality
DataMinimization: Collectonlythedatathatisnecessaryforthespecifiedpurposesandensure it is used
solely in ways that are compatible with those purposes.

PrivacybyDesign:Incorporateprivacy-enhancingtechnologies(PETs)anddesignthesystemina way
that enhances user privacy at every stage of data handling.

5. RegularSecurityAssessments
VulnerabilityAssessments: Conductregular vulnerabilityscansandpenetrationtestingto identify
and remediate security vulnerabilities.

SecurityAudits: Performperiodicsecurityaudits toassesscompliancewithsecuritypoliciesand

standards, and to identify any potential security issues in the system.

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6. OtherRequirements
API (Application Programming Interface): A set of rules and protocols for building and
interactingwithsoftwareapplications.APIsallowdifferent softwaresystemstocommunicatewith
each other.

EHR(ElectronicHealthRecord): Adigitalversionofapatient’spaper chartthatisareal-time,

patient-centered record accessible to authorized users and containing a patient’s
medicalhistory, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies,
radiology images, and laboratory and test results.

HIPAA(HealthInsurancePortabilityandAccountabilityAct):U.S.legislationthatprovides data
privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): Regulation in EU law on data protection and
privacyintheEuropeanUnionandtheEuropeanEconomic Area,whichalso addressesthetransfer
of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas.

Telemedicine: Thepracticeofcaring forpatientsremotelywhentheproviderandpatient arenot

physicallypresent witheachother.Itusestelecommunicationstechnologyto facilitatehealthcare

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): A security system that requires more than one method of
authenticationfromindependent categoriesofcredentialstoverifytheuser’s identityforaloginor
other transaction.

RBAC(Role-BasedAccessControl):Amethodofregulatingaccessto computerornetwork
resources based on the roles of individual users within an enterprise

security over a computer network.

FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources): A standard describing data formats and
elements(knownas"resources")andanapplicationprogramming interface(API)forexchanging
electronic health records.

SRTP(SecureReal-timeTransportProtocol): Asecurityprotocolforencryptingandensuring the

integrityofvoiceand video traffic inapplicationssuchasstreaming media, teleconferencing, and
other real-time services..

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1. UseCase Diagrams
Purpose: To showthe interactions betweenthe users(actors) and the system, detailing the
functionalityoffered bythesystemand howdifferent users(patients,healthcareproviders,
pharmacy staff) interact with these functions.
providers accessing patient records, or pharmacies processing prescriptions.

2. Activity Diagrams
Purpose: To model the workflow of various processes within the system, such as how an
appointment isscheduled,howprescriptionsareprocessed,andhowconsultationsareconducted.
Example Content: Diagrams illustrating the steps involved in scheduling an appointment,
from logging in to selecting a provider, choosing a time, and receiving confirmation.

3. SequenceDiagrams
Purpose:Todetailthe interactionsbetweensystemcomponentsandusersover
time,showingthe sequence of messages that result in a completed transaction or
ExampleContent: Diagramsthat showthesequenceofcommunicationsbetweenapatient,the
system, and a healthcare provider during a remote consultation session.

4. ClassDiagrams
Purpose:Todescribethestaticstructureofthesystembyshowingthesystem'sclasses,their attributes,
methods, and the relationships among objects.
ExampleContent:DiagramsthatdefineclasseslikeUser,Appointment,Prescription,and their
relationships, which might include inheritance, associations, and dependencies.

5. Entity-RelationshipDiagrams(ERD)
Purpose:To modelthedatabasestructureusedbythesystem, showinghowentitiessuchaspatients,
healthcare providers, and appointments relate to each other.
Provider, Pharmacy, Medications, and Appointments.

6. StateTransitionDiagrams
Purpose: To showhowthesystemorapartofthesystemchangesstatesinresponseto events,
particularly useful for understanding complex logic and behaviors.
ExampleContent: Diagramsillustratingthestatechangesofanappointment
fromscheduled,to confirmed, to completed, or cancelled.

7. ComponentDiagrams
Purpose:Todepict howthesystemisdivided intocomponents(modules)thatprovidethespecified
functionalities and how these components interact with each other.
ExampleContent:Adiagramthat might showcomponentssuchasUserManagement,
Appointment Scheduling, Remote Consultation, and Prescription Management.

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8. DeploymentDiagrams
Purpose: To modelthephysicaldeployment ofartifactsonnodessuchasserversorother hardware.
Example Content: Diagramsshowing how different software componentsare deployed acrossthe
server architecture, including databases, application servers, and the client interface.

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IssueID:Auniqueidentifierforeach issue.


Impact:Anevaluationofthepotentialimpact oftheissueontheprojectorsystemfunctionality.

Priority:Theurgencyofresolvingtheissue(e.g.,High, Medium,Low).

Status: Current status of the issue (e.g., Open, In Progress, Resolved).

AssignedTo:Theteammemberorgroupresponsibleforaddressingtheissue. Date

Reported: When the issue was first identified.

ExpectedResolutionDate:Anestimateddatebywhichthe issueshouldberesolved. Actual
Resolution Date: The actual date the issue was resolved.

Comments:Additionalnotesorcommentsaboutthe issue, itsresolutionprocess,orits implications.



Impact:Medium-Delayscould leadtoconfusionandmissedappointments,affectingpatient



Assigned To:ITSupportTeam

ExpectedResolutionDate:April15,2024 Actual
Resolution Date:

Comments:Investigatingiftheissueisrelatedtoserver loadoremailserviceproviderdelays.
Categories of Common Issues

TechnicalIssues:Problemsrelatedtosoftwarebugs,hardwarefailures,ortechnicalinadequacies in
the system.

UsabilityIssues:Challengesusers facewheninteractingwiththesystem,whichcould impact user

satisfaction and system adoption.

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SecurityIssues:Concernsrelatedtodatabreaches, unauthorizedaccess,andothersecurity

IntegrationIssues:Difficultiesinintegratingthesystemwithothersoftwareorhardware, impacting
system functionality or performance.
RegulatoryComplianceIssues:Potentialnon-compliancewithhealthcareregulationslikeHIPAA or
GDPR that could lead to legal and financial repercussions.

PerformanceIssues: Problemsaffectingthesystem’sperformance,suchasslowresponsetimesor
inadequate handling of concurrent users.

Visibility:Providesallstakeholderswithvisibilityinto current
andpotentialproblemsaffectingthe project.

Accountability:Assignsclearresponsibilityforissueresolution,ensuringaccountabilitywithin the

Tracking:Helps intrackingtheprogressofresolutionsandunderstanding theimpactofissueson

the project timeline and deliverables.

RiskManagement: Actsasatoolforongoingriskmanagement byidentifyingandaddressing

issues before they escalate into more significant problems.


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