Oxford 1plus1 MBA 2024

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Oxford 1+1 MBA

OXFORD 1+1 MBA 2024–26


Take your expertise wherever you want. Combine a specialist

Master’s degree with an MBA at the University of Oxford and
accelerate your career in your chosen sector.

Depth and breadth Diverse networks

The world needs problem-solvers in specialist areas – Over the two years of your double degree, you will
and it needs those specialists to be able to collaborate connect with people across your Master’s subject
and understand other functional areas in order to lead department, the business school, and within your
teams and organisations. Through the Oxford 1+1 MBA college, the interdisciplinary scholarly community that
you can build knowledge and skills in both directions, will be your ‘home’ in Oxford. You will leave with an
developing as a leader to transform the future. extraordinarily large and diverse network.

Academic theory into action Focused careers support

A Master’s degree is about a deep dive into a single The MBA year of your 1+1 includes intensive and
subject from an academic and theoretical standpoint. focused support on getting the job you want after
The MBA adds to this with broad practical knowledge graduation. There are structured careers pathways to
of how businesses and organisations work, allowing help you identify the most worthwhile electives, sector-
you to use your academic expertise for action. specific seminars, opportunities to meet employers,
and application support including interview practice.
‘I found huge benefit in being able to shape my Oxford experience over two
years, allowing for a more reflective and strategic approach to the myriad of
opportunities on offer. At Oxford, I could learn from leading experts across
the university in fields as diverse as climate change, philosophy, and AI, and I
had the opportunity to publish research on financial regulation and net zero.
I’ll continue to learn in the years ahead from a deep network of diverse peers
working globally on the key challenges facing society.’

Sophie Fry
Oxford 1+1 MBA 2021–23
Pre-MBA role: Private Secretary to the Economic Secretary
to the Treasury, HM Treasury
Post-MBA role: Director of ESG Policy Development, Barclays
OXFORD 1+1 MBA 2024–26

How it works

Year one In the first year of the 1+1 you complete your Master’s degree (an MSc in the
sciences and social sciences; an MSt in the humanities; and Bachelor of Civil
Law, Magister Juris, or MSc in law). During this period, you are invited to speaker
events and other extra-curricular activities at the business school.

As a graduate student at the University of Oxford, you will not only be a member
of the department or faculty in which you are studying, but also a member of a
multidisciplinary college. Your college will remain the same for the two years
of your 1+1 degree, providing consistent support alongside two quite different
academic environments.

Our partner programmes

Blavatnik School of Government
• Master of Public Policy (MPP)

Centre for Criminology

• MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Department of Computer Science

• MSc in Advanced Computer Science

Department of Education
• MSc in Education (Child Development and Education)
• MSc in Education (Comparative and
International Education)
• MSc in Education (Digital and Social Change)
• MSc in Education (Higher Education)

Department of Pharmacology
• MSc in Pharmacology

Department of Social Policy & Intervention

• MSc in Comparative Social Policy
• MSc in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and
Policy Evaluation
OXFORD 1+1 MBA 2024–26

Department of Sociology School of Anthropology and

• MSc in Sociology Museum Ethnography
• MSc in Social Anthropology
• MSc in Visual, Material and Museum
Faculty of History
• MSc in Economic and Social History
• MSc in Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology

Faculty of Law
School of Geography and the Environment
• Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL)
• MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and
• Magister Juris (MJur) Management
• MSc in Law and Finance (MLF) • MSc in Environmental Change and Management
• MSc in Nature, Society and Environmental
Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages Governance
(Humanities Division) • MSc in Sustainability, Enterprise and the
• MSt in Modern Languages Environment
• MSc in Water Science, Policy and Management
Faculty of Music
• MSt in Music School of Global and Area Studies
• MSc in African Studies
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine • MSc in Contemporary Chinese Studies
• MSc in International Health and Tropical Medicine • MSc in Japanese Studies
• MSc in Latin American Studies
Oxford Department of International Development • MSc in Modern South Asian Studies
• MSc in Migration Studies • MSc in Russian and East European Studies

Oxford Internet Institute

• MSc in Social Data Science
• MSc in Social Science of the Internet
OXFORD 1+1 MBA 2024–26

Year two The Oxford MBA is an intensive one-year degree, starting with an online pre-
programme in August and a Launch programme in Oxford in September, and
rounding off with Capstone the following September.

Your MBA includes a series of compulsory core courses, which cover every aspect
of managing and leading a business or other enterprise – including finance,
accounting, marketing, and how organisations work. In the second and third terms
you add to these core courses with your choice of electives. The electives will
typically be based on your interests and, perhaps more importantly, your post-
graduation career goals.
OXFORD 1+1 MBA 2024–26

Career support

The Career Development Centre at Oxford Saïd is here Career pathways

to help you define your career goals, build career
If you have chosen the 1+1 MBA, you probably already
management skills, and market yourself to potential
have a clear idea of the type of career you are aiming
employers. It offers help and guidance every step of
for, and the skills and qualifications you need.
the way, and includes:
The MBA offers a wide range of electives and other
The online Oxford Saïd Careers Academy, which
opportunities that you can mix and match to create a
helps develop skills including networking, job searches,
bespoke experience that supports your ambitions. We
applications and interviewing, and understanding your
have also developed five ready-made pathways that
strengths and development opportunities.
offer specialist advice and suggested electives, that can
Experienced career coaches and external industry make your career development decisions easier.
advisors from a variety of sectors, including consulting,
• Consulting
energy, finance, healthcare, marketing, retail, impact
and technology, providing one-to-one and group • Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Impact
coaching throughout the programme. • Finance
• Global Industry
Employer presentations and recruitment events
throughout the year, with employers from all sectors • Technology
interested in offering internships or full-time roles to
Oxford MBAs.

The Oxford 1+1 MBA: two degrees, two

graduation ceremonies, one incredible
Oxford experience, and one super-
charged career trajectory.
OXFORD 1+1 MBA 2024–26

Oxford-Pershing Square
Graduate Scholarships

The Pershing Square Scholarships provide up to six full scholarships to support outstanding
students on the 1+1 MBA. The scholarship covers course fees in full and provides a grant
towards living expenses for both years of study. Pershing Square Scholars benefit from
opportunities for mentorship and networking with inspirational individuals and organisations
that are part of the Pershing Square Foundation’s community.

Criteria Mentorship for Pershing Square scholars

• Academic achievement Scholars will have the opportunity for mentorship
and networking with inspirational individuals and
• Leadership potential, demonstrated through
organisations that are part of the Pershing Square
experience and motivation
Foundation’s community. The Advisory Board for the
• Strong personal character, integrity, and commitment Pershing Square Foundation Scholarships plays a crucial
• Intention to focus on addressing world-scale social role in mentoring. Mentors can also include members
challenges in your career, either in an existing of the Global Leadership Council, Associate Fellows
organisation or through development of a new within Oxford Saïd, and Alumni Pershing Square
enterprise Scholars.

• Ability to envision how to achieve scalable and

sustainable solutions to these challenges
• Submission of an additional essay addressing the
following question: ‘How do you intend to change
the world? What does this tell us about you as a

How to apply
To be considered for the Oxford-Pershing Square Graduate
Scholarship you must apply to both your chosen Master’s
degree and the MBA by Friday 5 January 2024, the MBA Stage
2 deadline. Enquiries about the Pershing Square Scholarship
should be directed to [email protected]
OXFORD 1+1 MBA 2024–26

Meet recent
Pershing Square Scholars

Natnael Araya Abraham

Eritrea, MSc in International Health and Tropical Medicine
With a career as a practising pharmacist, regulator, and researcher, Natnael has a
strong passion for improving implementation in healthcare.

Ryan Caplin
United States, MSc in Sustainability, Enterprise and the Environment
Ryan cares about helping people live clean and dignified lives, and aims to help
eliminate solid waste pollution in the developing world.

Sophie Fry
United Kingdom, Master of Public Policy
Sophie hopes the Oxford 1+1 MBA will support her to design global policy frameworks
and regulations that ensure financial services are a true enabler of the UN Sustainable
Development Goals.

Raffy Maristela
United States, MSc in Education (Comparative and International Education)
Raffy aspires to build a more equitable public education system in the US. He believes
deep community engagement, cross-disciplinary partnerships, and focus on the most
underserved communities enable high-quality, accessible education for every learner.

Diego Rojas Arancibia

Bolivia, Master of Public Policy
Diego is co-founder and CEO of Tu Beca Bolivia (TBB), an NGO focused on education
and entrepreneurship. He also works with VC funds, Angel Investors, and fintech firms
with a social impact focus.

Isabela Uribe
Colombia/United States, Master of Public Policy
Isabela joined the United Nations World Food Programme as an Innovation and Change
Management consultant. She hopes to connect capital to projects that generate
positive social and economic returns.
OXFORD 1+1 MBA 2024–26

How to apply

To apply for the Oxford 1+1 MBA you must meet the
entry requirements for both the MBA and your chosen
Master’s. You must submit individual applications for both
programmes before their respective deadlines.

Start 1+1 MBA application

Master’s degree Oxford MBA

Select your Master’s degree
from partnering departments

Apply for your chosen Apply for the MBA

Master's degree by relevant
January deadline • Apply for the MBA
between stages 1–3
• All Master's degrees have
different deadlines, please • To be considered for the
Pershing Square scholarship,
check and apply by the given
deadlines apply in stages 1 or 2

• Some partnering
departments use interviews Shortlisted applicants
as part of their selection will be interviewed

Successful applicants will Successful applicants will

receive an offer for the receive an offer for the MBA
Master's degree

Admission to the 1+1 MBA

Start your Master's degree in September 2024
Start your MBA in September 2025
OXFORD 1+1 MBA 2024–26

Applying to the partnering Master’s MBA requirements

degree of your choice • A good undergraduate degree. As guidance, you
Each of our partnering Master’s programmes has its should have a 2.1 (3.5 GPA) or its equivalent.
own application form, deadlines, and requirements. • At least two years of full-time work experience. We
Deadlines are scheduled in November, January, and look for evidence of career progression, international
March, but not all programmes accept applications exposure and leadership potential.
for all three deadlines. More information on individual
• A competitive GMAT (Graduate Management
Master’s deadlines, and application requirements are
Admissions Test) or GRE (Graduate Record
available at www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate.
Examinations) score.
If you wish to be considered for a University • If your first language is not English, or if your first
scholarship during the first year of your Oxford 1+1 language is English but you are not a national of a
MBA, your application must be submitted by your majority English-speaking country recognised by UK
Master’s programme’s January deadline and the Stage Visas and Immigration, you must submit the results
2 MBA deadline. of a TOEFL, IELTS, CAE or CPE which meets our
minimum requirements. In certain circumstances,
Fees for the Oxford 1+1 MBA you can apply for a waiver from this requirement.
Please see our website for more information.
Costs for the 1+1 MBA includes the course fee for both
the partnering Master’s degree plus the course fee • Two references (either academic or professional)
for the MBA. Fees for the partnering Master’s degree highlighting your character, skills and achievements,
programmes for the academic year 2023–24 ranged and demonstrating your leadership abilities and your
from £14,410–£49,950 depending on the programme suitability for the 1+1 MBA.
and your fee status. The fee for the MBA for 2024 • Completion of online assessment.
entry is £78,510, which includes a life-long Oxford
• One written supporting statement.
Union membership. There will be a modest increase
in fees for future academic years. Please refer to our • One additional Pershing Square Scholarship essay on
website for further details on the application process, the topic outlined in the online application form for
fees and funding. the 1+1 MBA.

For further information or to start your application,

Applying to the Oxford MBA visit www.sbs.oxford.edu/1plus1
When applying for the MBA you should complete the
online application form, ensuring you select 1+1 MBA
under the programme of interest.

Start your application today

Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford blends the best of new and old. We are a vibrant and innovative
business school, but yet deeply embedded in an 800-year-old world-class university. We create programmes
and ideas that have global impact. We educate people for successful business careers, and as a community
seek to tackle world-scale problems. We deliver cutting-edge programmes and ground-breaking research that
transform individuals, organisations, business practice, and society. We seek to be a world-class business school
community, embedded in a world-class university, tackling world-scale problems.

Taught Programmes Open Executive Education Custom Executive Education

• MBA We provide leaders and Bespoke learning solutions for

• Oxford 1+1 MBA organisations a place to evolve – to organisations to help address critical
step back from the intensity of day- business challenges and to drive
• Executive MBA
to-day operations and to think about change.
• MSc in Financial Economics the future in both on-campus and
• MSc in Global Healthcare online programmes.
To learn more visit:
Our programmes cover a broad www.sbs.oxford.edu/custom
• MSc in Major Programme range of topic areas:
• Digital Transformation
• MSc in Law and Finance
• Entrepreneurship
• Diploma in Artificial Intelligence
for Business • Finance

• Diploma in Financial Strategy • Social Impact

• Diploma in Global Business • Innovation

• Diploma in Organisational • Leadership

Leadership • Strategy
• Diploma in Strategy • Sustainability
and Innovation
• BA in Economics To learn more visit:
and Management
Research Programmes
• DPhil in Management www.sbs.oxford.edu/online
• DPhil in Finance

Saïd Business School

University of Oxford
Park End Street
Oxford, OX1 1HP
United Kingdom All information is correct at the time of
going to press. Please check our website
for the most up-to-date information.

www.sbs.oxford.edu © 2023 Saïd Business School

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