IOS Internal QP

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Reg. No.

Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal – 637018
Accredited by NBA & NAAC “A” Grade
Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

Internal Assessment Test – II

B.E – Computer Science and Engineering Year/Sem II/IV
Course Code C214 Date 29.04.2023
Subject Code / CS3451 – Introduction to Operating
Regulation R2021
Name Systems
Maximum Marks 50 Marks 1:30 Hours

PART – A (5 × 2 = 10)
Answer All Questions
Q.No COs Questions Marks
1 CO3 L4 State the difference between logical address and physical address. 2

2 CO3 L1 What is thrashing? How to resolve this problem? 2

3 CO3 L4 Differentiate paging and segmentation. 2

4 CO4 L1 What are the various disk scheduling algorithms? 2

5 CO4 L1 What are the various file operations? 2

What is the cause for thrashing? How the system does detects
6 CO3 L1 thrashing? Once its detects, what can the system do to eliminate 10
this problem?
7 CO3 L2 Explain in detail about segmentation with paging. 10
Describe the hierarchical paging technique for structuring page
8 CO3 L6 10
9 CO4 L2 Explain any four page replacement algorithms in detail. 10

10 CO4 L2 Explain in detail about various disk scheduling algorithm. 10

11 CO4 L2 Explain in detail about disk management. 10

* BL: L1-Remembering, L2-Understanding, L3-Applying, L4-Analyzing, L5-Evaluating, L6-Creating.

Subject Incharge HoD IQAC

Reg. No.:
Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal – 637018
Accredited by NBA & NAAC “A” Grade
Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

Internal Assessment Test – II

B.E – Computer Science and Engineering Year/Sem II/IV
Course Code C214 Date 29.04.2023
Subject Code / CS3451 – Introduction to Operating
Regulation R2021
Name Systems
Maximum Marks 50 Marks 1:30 Hours

PART – A (5 × 2 = 10)
Answer All Questions
Q.No Cos Questions Marks
1 CO3 L1 What is the purpose of paging the page table? 2

2 CO3 L1 Why page sizes are always power of 2? 2

3 CO3 L1 How does the system detect thrashing? 2

4 CO4 L1 Why rotational latency is usually not considered in disk scheduling? 2

What are the most common strategies for defining the logical
5 CO4 L1 2
structure of a directory?
PART – B (4 × 10 = 40)
Answer Any Four Questions
Explain how paging supports virtual memory with a neat diagram
6 CO3 L2 10
explain how logical address is translated into physical address.

7 CO3 L2 Explain the various page table structures in detail. 10

8 CO3 L1 What is virtual memory? How it is implemented? 10

Write shorts notes on LRU, FIFO and clock replacement
9 CO3 L1 10
Explain and compare FCFS, SSTF, C-SCAN and C-LOOK disk
10 CO4 L2 10
scheduling algorithms with examples.
11 CO4 L1 Write short notes on disk management. 10
* BL: L1-Remembering, L2-Understanding, L3-Applying, L4-Analyzing, L5-Evaluating, L6-Creating.

Subject Incharge HoD IQAC

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