Hiv Nejm

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Clinical Practice

Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor

HIV Infection — Screening, Diagnosis,

and Treatment
Michael S. Saag, M.D.​​

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence
­supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when they exist.
The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations.

A 28-year-old woman is brought to the emergency department after a motor vehicle From the University of Alabama at Bir-
collision. She has no clinically significant injuries other than a fractured radius. mingham, Birmingham. Address reprint
requests to Dr. Saag at the University of
A urine drug screen is positive for opioids and marijuana. As part of a universal Alabama at Birmingham, 845 19th St.
screening program, she undergoes testing for human immunodeficiency virus South, Bevill Biomedical Research Bldg.
(HIV) infection, and the results are positive. The patient is single and heterosexual, 256, Birmingham, AL 35294-2170, or at
[email protected].
and she reports that she does not use injection drugs but occasionally trades sex for
drugs. She has not been tested for HIV previously. Her other routine laboratory stud- N Engl J Med 2021;384:2131-43.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp1915826
ies are normal except for mild lymphopenia. How would you further evaluate and Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society.
treat this patient?

The Cl inic a l Probl em

hen the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was
first identified in the early 1980s, it was believed to be constrained to a
small number of risk groups.1 As more information became known
An audio version
about the epidemiologic picture of HIV transmission, it became clear that the in-
of this article
fection was transmitted primarily through sexual contact and blood (including is available at
through injection-drug use), as well as perinatally.2 In the United States, HIV type 1
(HIV-1) is the predominant virus, whereas HIV type 2 (HIV-2) is endemic in other
areas of the world (e.g., West Africa).
In 2018, approximately 38,000 new cases of HIV infection were diagnosed in
the United States and its territories.3 Although perinatal transmission in the
United States has decreased to very low levels owing to routine screening for HIV
and initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in HIV-infected women during preg-
nancy, cases in adolescents and adults decreased by just 7% between 2014 and
2018.4 Since the 1980s, the populations most affected by HIV infection have
changed, and HIV infection is now diagnosed disproportionately in persons who
are poor, disenfranchised, and have high barriers to medical care. In 2018, 21%
of new HIV infections were diagnosed in youths, 69% were diagnosed in men who
have sex with men, 10% in injection-drug users, 42% in Blacks, and 27% in per-
sons of Hispanic or Latino descent.3 A quarter of all new cases occur in White
persons, who make up 73% of the population.
An estimated 1 in 7 persons with HIV infection in the United States is unaware
of the infection.3 Many persons at risk — in particular, members of racial and
ethnic minorities — do not have regular access to health care and, therefore, do

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Key Clinical Points

HIV Infection — Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment

• Despite extensive knowledge about human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the number of cases of
incident HIV infection decreased by only 7% between 2014 and 2018.
• One in seven persons with HIV infection in the United States is unaware of the infection, and
transmission from these persons accounts for at least a third of new infections annually.
• Clinicians should test for HIV routinely in their practices, with repeat HIV testing in persons who
inject drugs, have multiple sexual partners, exchange sex for money or drugs, or have incident sexually
transmitted infections.
• Persons with a new diagnosis of HIV infection should be promptly referred to a clinical setting where a
full HIV assessment can be performed and antiretroviral therapy can be initiated rapidly.
• Long-term retention in care and maintenance of successful antiretroviral therapy allow persons with
HIV infection to have a near-normal life span and virtually eliminate transmission of HIV to others.

not receive a diagnosis until they present with Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 75%
advanced disease, when treatments may be less of persons in high-risk categories who had seen
effective and the risk of death is highest.5 a primary care provider within the previous year
In 2019, the United States initiated the “End- were not offered an HIV test,5 and many patients
ing the HIV Epidemic” plan with a goal of reduc- with undiagnosed HIV infection had multiple
ing the number of new infections by 75% by health care visits before receiving an HIV test.9
2025 and by 90% by 2030.6 The plan includes This lack of testing is a failure of the health care
four components: to identify all persons with system, because each encounter is an opportu-
HIV infection, preferably early; to successfully nity to reduce the incidence of HIV transmis-
treat them with ART; to prevent new infections; sion. Up to 38% of new HIV infections are trans-
and to respond quickly to outbreaks as they oc- mitted by persons who are unaware of their HIV
cur. The foundation for the first two compo- status.10 Moreover, once HIV infection is identi-
nents includes minimization of gaps in diag- fied and appropriately treated to maintain HIV
noses, improvement in linkage to care, rapid RNA levels below 200 copies per milliliter, pa-
initiation of therapy for HIV infection, and tients can have a near-normal life span and do
maintenance of viral suppression through suc- not transmit the virus to others.11,12
cessful retention in care. Several studies have shown that in health care
settings (including emergency departments and
sexually transmitted disease and primary care
S t r ategie s a nd E v idence
clinics), more HIV infections are identified with
HIV Screening the use of routine “opt-out” testing (i.e., all adult
U.S. guidelines recommend that all sexually ac- patients are informed that an HIV test could be
tive persons be tested at least once for HIV7 and performed, but they can opt out if they wish
that those who have an ongoing high risk of to)13-16 than with physician-directed testing. Rec-
infection be tested at least annually.8 Persons ommendations for opt-out testing have been in
with high risk are defined as those with an inci- place since 2006.7,17,18 Routine testing in the
dent sexually transmitted infection; sexual part- emergency department has been shown to be
ners of persons with sexually transmitted infec- cost-effective.19
tions; persons who have had more than one
sexual partner (or whose sexual partners have Diagnostic Tests
had more than one partner) since their most Many tests are available to accurately diagnose
recent HIV test; injection-drug users; and per- HIV infection. The choice of the most appropri-
sons who exchange sex for money or drugs. ate test for a given clinical presentation depends
Testing is also recommended after the diagnosis on an understanding of the natural history of
of incident sexually transmitted infections and HIV infection (i.e., which marker is present at a
during pregnancy. given point after infection) (Fig. 1), the volume
According to data from the National HIV of the specimen, and the test-performance spec-
Surveillance System of the Centers for Disease ifications.20 During the “eclipse” period, before

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Clinical Pr actice

establishment of viremia at day 5, infection can-

not be detected. By days 6 to 8, virus can be Eclipse
detected by a nucleic acid amplification test Period HIV RNA
(NAAT). Viral proteins (p24 antigen) can be de-
tected between days 13 and 20. Antibodies, ini- IgG
HIV p24 antibody
tially in the form of IgM, are detectable by day antigen
20, and IgG is detectable by day 30. Most pa-
tients present long after the initial infection,
when tests for antibodies and nucleic acid are
both positive. IgM
Owing to the high cost of NAAT, combina-
tion antigen–antibody tests, which use p24 anti-
gen to identify patients in early stages of infec- X 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

tion, are now the standard tests in hospital and Days after Infection Disseminates
commercial laboratories. Most of these tests can
detect HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections. The CDC algo-
rithm for testing is shown in Figure 2.
Test for p24 antigen
Several available point-of-care rapid tests use
one of two techniques: lateral flow or flow- Test for IgM and
through. Once antibodies bind to antigens, they IgG antibodies
are detected by an indicator. Rapid tests can use
Test for IgG antibodies
either whole blood (<10 to 50 μl) collected by
fingerstick or an oral swab as specimens; these
Western blot test
tests are convenient and easy to administer. Al-
though the sensitivity and specificity of these
tests are typically greater than 98%, laboratory- Figure 1. Progression of HIV Viremia and Immune Response after Initial
based tests are more accurate, especially in early
The time point X indicates the moment of initial exposure, and day 0 indi-
infection, and they are required to confirm any
cates the establishment of infection. In most persons, exposure to human
diagnosis made on the basis of a point-of-care immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does not result in infection or results in a
rapid test. transient infection that does not become established; however, in persons
in whom long-term infection develops, the virus replicates in the exposed
Linkage to Care tissues, expressing antigen on the surface of the infected cell or cells. An
immune response is mounted, with activated CD4 cells and macrophages
All persons who receive a diagnosis of HIV in-
migrating to the site of infection. Ironically, these activated cells are the pri-
fection should be referred for initiation of ART mary targets of HIV, and once infected, they generate a stronger immune
and long-term follow-up. According to 2018 response, propagating further infection. This process takes 3 to 4 days after
CDC surveillance data, only 78% of patients are exposure (during the “eclipse” period, which is defined as the time between
linked to care within 30 days after diagnosis, exposure and the ability to detect HIV RNA in plasma). Once a critical mass
of immune-system cells is reached, viral replication expands exponentially,
and sustained viral suppression is achieved in
producing 10 to 100 billion virions per day. These viral particles (as mea-
only 55 to 60% of persons (and a smaller per- sured by HIV RNA) can be detected as early as day 5 after establishment
centage of infected adolescents and young of infection and peak at day 20, at which time a more effective immune re-
adults) with diagnosed HIV.21,22 sponse begins to bring the infection under control. Viral antigen (p24 pro-
The sooner that an initial clinic visit is sched- tein) can be detected at approximately day 14. Depending on the strength
of the immune response, symptoms of acute seroconversion syndrome
uled after diagnosis, the more likely it is that the
may manifest in the patient at approximately day 7 to day 12. Evidence of
patient will show up for the visit.23 One trial in the immune response can be detected by day 20 as IgM antibody positivity,
sub-Saharan Africa showed that “immediate” followed soon after by detectable serum IgG antibody. The time to reactiv-
initiation of ART at the time of a positive home- ity for each diagnostic test is shown below the graph. Adapted from Hurt
based test increased follow-up with care.24 Simi- et al.20 NAAT denotes nucleic acid amplification test.
lar findings related to immediate initiation of
therapy at the point of testing have been re-
ported in resource-rich countries, although struc- gency departments.25 In the United States, “rapid”
tural barriers often block implementation of initiation of ART, within 1 week after diagnosis,
immediate therapy, especially in hectic emer- is the recommended practice.11 Establishing an

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Combination HIV-1 and HIV-2

antigen–antibody immunoassay

Nonreactive test result

Reactive test result
Negative for HIV-1 and HIV-2
antibodies and p24 antigen

HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody HIV-1 NAAT if early infection

differentiation immunoassay suspected

Reactive test result for Nonreactive test result Reactive test result for Nonreactive test result
HIV-1 for HIV-1 HIV-1 for HIV-1 or indeter-
Nonreactive test result Reactive test result for Reactive test result for minate
for HIV-2 HIV-2 HIV-2 Nonreactive test result
for HIV-2 or indeter-
HIV-1 antibodies detected HIV-2 antibodies detected HIV antibodies detected minate


Reactive test Nonreactive test

result for HIV-1 result for HIV-1

Acute HIV-1 infection Negative for HIV-1

Figure 2. Recommended Laboratory Testing to Detect HIV in Serum or Plasma Specimens.

Initial testing for HIV should be performed with a Food and Drug Administration–approved antigen–antibody im-
munoassay that detects HIV type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV type 2 (HIV-2) antibodies and HIV-1 p24 antigen. If the test is
nonreactive on the initial immunoassay, it is read as negative and no further testing is indicated unless there is clini-
cal suspicion of very early infection (before p24 antigen can be detected); in that case, an HIV-1 NAAT to detect HIV
RNA is performed. Specimens with a reactive antigen and antibody immunoassay result should be tested with a sup-
plemental antibody immunoassay that differentiates HIV-1 antibodies from HIV-2 antibodies; a reactive result on this
test is interpreted as positive for HIV-1 antibodies or HIV-2 antibodies, respectively. Specimens that are reactive on
the initial antigen and antibody assay but nonreactive (or indeterminate) with the HIV-1–specific and HIV-2–specific
antibody assay should be tested with an HIV-1 NAAT. A positive NAAT in this case is diagnostic of acute HIV-1 infec-
tion. A negative HIV-1 NAAT result and a nonreactive or indeterminate HIV-1 antibody differentiation immunoassay
result indicate an HIV-1 false positive result. Adapted from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (https://

active relationship with the patient, providing Baseline Assessment and Initiation of ART
assistance in setting up the first appointment, A comprehensive intake evaluation should be
maintaining contact with the patient until the performed at the initial visit. The items to be
first visit, and addressing any barriers to keep- covered in the first visit are provided in Table 1.
ing the first appointment (e.g., transportation) The history taking should focus on the risk to
are associated with an increased incidence of other persons associated with exposure to the
linkage to treatment.26 patient as well as the patient’s sexual health,

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Clinical Pr actice

ongoing use of substances (including alcohol), the availability of baseline laboratory results;
and mental health disorders. A physical exami- therefore, on the first visit, initial therapy should
nation should be performed to evaluate for signs be limited to either bictegravir–FTC–TAF or
of advanced HIV infection such as thrush, vagi- dolutegravir plus a fixed-dose combination
nal candidiasis, herpes simplex virus infection, (TDF–FTC, TDF–3TC, or TAF–FTC), owing to
Kaposi’s sarcoma, lymphadenopathy, retinopathy, their effectiveness, acceptable side-effect pro-
mental status alterations, and wasting. Counsel- file, activity against hepatitis B virus (HBV),
ing should address the implications of an HIV and higher barrier to development of resistance
diagnosis, the importance of disclosure of the than other options. The regimens can be ad-
patient’s HIV status to a few trusted friends or justed once the HIV RNA level, CD4 count, and
relatives (for emotional support) and established renal, liver, HBV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), and
sexual partners, and potential barriers to keep- HIV genotypic data are known. The data may
ing future appointments (e.g., lack of transpor- indicate that the treatment may be simplified
tation, food insecurity and lack of housing to a two-drug (dolutegravir–3TC) single tablet.11
[which may cause a person to prioritize day-to- Recommended ART treatments have yielded
day survival over medical visits], and interper- greater than 90% sustained virologic suppres-
sonal violence). Specific topics of discussion sion in clinical trials.11
regarding prevention of transmission to others The initiation of ART in patients with active
should include the routine use of condoms dur- opportunistic infections or underlying condi-
ing sexual activity and avoidance of sharing tions and in pregnant women is beyond the
needles or other equipment during intravenous scope of this review. In general, the use of a
drug use. regimen that includes an INSTI that does not
Patients should be reassured that they can require pharmacologic boosting with cobicistat
expect a near-normal life span27 and no risk of is typically the best choice in patients with these
transmission to others once viral suppression is conditions owing to the potency, pharmacoki-
achieved and maintained with ART.12 From 2011 netic profiles, and reduced drug–drug interac-
to 2017, among patients receiving standard ART tions associated with these regimens. Prophylactic
regimens, the incidence of death at 5 years after therapy for opportunistic infections is summa-
diagnosis differed by only 2.7 percentage points rized in Table 3.11,34
from that of age-matched controls.28
With rare exception, ART should be initiated Follow-up and Retention in Care
at the first clinic visit. The primary reason for Follow-up visits should occur 4 to 6 weeks
not initiating treatment is that the patient is after the initiation of ART and then every 3 to
identified as an “elite controller”29,30 (i.e., a per- 4 months until virologic suppression is achieved.
son who has no detectable HIV RNA on presen- Once suppression is sustained for a year, follow-
tation) or is not ready to begin treatment for up visits should occur every 6 months.11 At each
personal reasons. Retention in care is improved visit, assessment of adherence to the ART regimen
when ART is prescribed at the initial visit and and any adverse effects is essential. Any diffi-
not delayed.31,32 culties with the regimen should be addressed
during the visit and, if warranted, the regimen
should be switched. Laboratory tests (Table 1)
T r e atmen t
should be performed, and the patient should be
Use of ART evaluated for sexually transmitted infections,
The choice of initial therapy has been stream- ongoing use of substances (including alcohol),
lined over the past 5 years (Table 2). Guidelines mental health disorders, and barriers to main-
suggest the use of an integrase strand-transfer taining health (including housing issues, food
inhibitor (INSTI)–based therapy with tenofovir insecurity, domestic violence, and other social
(either tenofovir disoproxil fumarate [TDF] or determinants of care). Medication changes or
tenofovir alafenamide fumarate [TAF] formula- adjustments in dosages may be warranted if new
tions) and either lamivudine (3TC) or emtricita­ renal, hepatic, or hematologic abnormalities are
bine (FTC).11,33 Often ART is prescribed before detected on laboratory tests. Counseling, ideally

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Table 1. Evaluation and Screening in Persons with HIV Infection.*

Test or Screening Procedure At Diagnosis At First Clinic Visit At Subsequent Visits With Regimen Change
Clinical evaluation
Clinical history taking Yes Yes Yes Yes
Physical examination Yes Yes Yes Yes
Screening test for HIV antibody and Yes
Measurement of HIV RNA (viral Yes, if ART initiated at time and Yes, but not needed if ART initiated Yes Yes
load) place of diagnosis or if acute at time and place of diagnosis
HIV seroconversion sus-
CD4 count Yes, if ART initiated at time and Yes, but not needed if ART initiated Yes, every 6 mo until HIV RNA sus- Yes, at time of confirmed virologic
place of diagnosis or if acute at time and place of diagnosis tained (<100 copies/ml) for 1 yr failure (detectable viremia)
HIV seroconversion sus- and CD4 >250 cells/mm3; then no
pected longer check CD4 count (unless

HIV RNA is confirmed >200 cop-

ies/ml); CD4 count most valuable
early in course of treatment and
Assessment of HIV resistance geno- Yes, if ART initiated at time and Yes, but not needed if ART initiated No Yes, at time of confirmed virologic
type place of diagnosis; HIV RNA at time and place of diagnosis failure (detectable viremia)
obtained if acute HIV sero-
conversion suspected

n engl j med 384;22

Assessment of resistance to INSTIs No Yes, if known sexual partner is re- No Yes, at time of confirmed virologic
ceiving an INSTI failure (detectable viremia);
also if known sexual partner is
receiving an INSTI or if patient
is receiving an INSTI at time of
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

The New England Journal of Medicine

virologic failure

Liver and kidney profile Yes Yes Yes Yes

Serum lipid profile No Yes Yes, only once per yr No

June 3, 2021
Complete blood count with differ- Yes Yes Yes Yes

Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

m e dic i n e

Urinalysis No Yes Yes, only once per yr No

HBV serologic test No Yes Yes, perform again if any unexplained No
increase in serum AST or ALT level
or annually in patients who remain
at high risk for infection or reinfec-
tion (high-risk sexual exposure
or ongoing injection drug use);
in patients who were previously
infected and successfully treated,

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perform HCV RNA screening tests
Test or Screening Procedure At Diagnosis At First Clinic Visit At Subsequent Visits With Regimen Change
HCV serologic test No Yes Yes, perform again if any unexplained No
increase in serum AST or ALT level
or annually in patients who remain
at high risk for infection or reinfec-
tion (high-risk sexual exposure
or ongoing injection drug use);
in patients who were previously
infected and successfully treated,
perform HCV RNA screening tests
Pregnancy test No Yes, in women of child-bearing Yes, in women of child-bearing poten- No
potential tial; evaluate as indicated
Initiation of prophylaxis against Yes, if ART initiated at time of di- Yes, according to guidelines when No Yes, in patients with virologic
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia agnosis and if P. jiroveci pneu- CD4 count is <200 cells/mm3 failure
monia clinically suspected
(lymphopenia, wasting, oral
Cryptococcal antigen screening No Yes, in all patients with CD4 counts No Yes, only once per yr
<100 cells/mm3 at diagnosis or
first clinic visit

n engl j med 384;22

Urine test for histoplasmosis antigen No Yes, In patients with CD4 count No No
<100 cells/mm3 in areas where
histoplasmosis endemic
Screening for sexually transmitted Yes, if ART initiated at time of di- Yes Yes, screen routinely (frequency of No
Clinical Pr actice

infection agnosis; screen at diagnosis testing depends on level of at-risk

or first clinic visit and rou- sexual activity)
tinely thereafter (frequency of
testing depends on level of

June 3, 2021
at-risk sexual activity)

The New England Journal of Medicine

Evaluation for cervical cancer No No Yes, annually (anal Pap smears, if No
available; digital rectal examina-
tion at a minimum)
Evaluation for anal cancer No No Yes, annually (anal Pap smears, if No
available; digital rectal examina-

Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

tion at a minimum)
Testing for HLA-B*5701 No Yes, perform before No Yes, perform before
prescribing abacavir prescribing abacavir
Tropism assay (CCR5) No Yes, perform before No Yes, perform before
prescribing maraviroc prescribing maraviroc
General screening to assess psycho-
social factors
Medication adherence No No Yes Yes

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Substance use No Yes Yes No
Alcohol use No Yes Yes No
Depression, anxiety, or both No Yes Yes No

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

in the same care facility, should be available if

* ALT denotes alanine aminotransferase, ART antiretroviral therapy, AST aspartate aminotransferase, HBV hepatitis B virus, HCV hepatitis C virus, HIV human immunodeficiency virus,
the patient has a new or recurring mental health
With Regimen Change

Not all patients reach “undetectable” levels of

virus; some have a consistently maintained level




of virus between 50 and 100 copies per milliliter
owing to a large reservoir of latently infected
cells. In such patients, new replication is stopped
with ART and no further adjustment in treat-
ment is necessary. In contrast, if a viral load is
measured at more than 50 copies per milliliter
after previous viral suppression to 50 copies per
Yes, in patients >60 yr of age (or as

Yes, in patients >60 yr of age (or as

indicated clinically), every 2 yr

indicated clinically), every 2 yr milliliter or less, the measurement should be

At Subsequent Visits

quickly repeated, and medication adherence and

the side-effect profile should be assessed.11,33 A
confirmed HIV RNA level above 200 copies per

Yes, only once per yr

Yes, only once per yr

Yes, only once per yr
Yes, in patients with

milliliter should prompt assessment of viral re-


sistance, including evaluation of INSTI resis-

tance if the patient is receiving an INSTI–based
ART regimen.
More than 85% of patients who consistently
receive care have sustained virologic suppression
indefinitely.35 After a year of stable viral suppres-
sion, clinical care typically transitions to pri-
At First Clinic Visit

mary care, and HIV becomes secondary in focus

during routine visits. Patients can receive care
Yes, in patients with





from both an HIV clinic and a primary care

provider, or primary care can be provided in the

HIV clinic. Weight gain is common, especially

among patients who begin to receive an INSTI-
based regimen combined with TAF, although the
mechanism of weight gain remains incompletely
understood.36,37 Patients should be followed for
coexisting conditions, including obesity, diabetes
INSTI integrase strand-transfer inhibitor, and Pap Papanicolaou.

mellitus and other metabolic disorders, cancer,

At Diagnosis

and cardiovascular, renal, and hepatic disease.






These disorders occur more frequently and at a

younger age in patients with successfully treated
HIV infection than in age-matched controls.38

A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y
Sexual activity and exposure to sexu-

More than 42% of new HIV infections are trans-

mitted by persons who are known to be infected
ally transmitted infection
Test or Screening Procedure

with HIV but who are no longer receiving care10;

this fact underscores the need for effective strat-
Table 1. (Continued.)

egies for retention in care. Best practices to

Targeted screening

Domestic violence
Cognitive function

achieve this goal are still being developed. Cen-

Food insecurity

Social isolation

tralized care,39 the use of bilingual, bicultural


teams,40 clinic-based buprenorphine treatment for



patients with concomitant opioid use disorder,41

specialized services for the transition from jail to

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Table 2. Current Recommended Initial Oral ART for Most Persons with HIV Infection.*

Regimen and Dose Frequency Adverse Effects Comments

Bictegravir– FTC–TAF Once daily as single-tablet Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, diar- Not recommended in patients with creatinine clearance <30 ml/min or
(50 mg/200 mg/25 mg) ­regimen rhea), headache, IRIS, lactic acidosis, Child–Pugh class C liver function; contraindicated with dofetilide or
hepatomegaly steatosis rifampin; avoid divalent cations (Ca++, Mg++, Fe++), phenytoin, carbam-
azepine, and rifapentine; use with caution with metformin
Dolutegravir Once daily Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, diar- Not recommended in patients with creatinine clearance <30 ml/min or
(50 mg) rhea), headache, IRIS, lactic acidosis, Child–Pugh class C liver function; contraindicated with dofetilide; avoid
hepatomegaly steatosis divalent cations (Ca++, Mg++, Fe++), phenytoin, carbamazepine, and rifa-
pentine; use with caution with metformin
Plus TAF–FTC Once daily as single-tablet Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, Not recommended in patients with creatinine clearance <30 ml/min or
(25 mg/200 mg) ­regimen diarrhea), IRIS, lactic acidosis, hepato- Child–Pugh class B or C liver function; contraindicated with dofetilide;
megaly steatosis avoid divalent cations (Ca++, Mg++, Fe++), phenytoin, carbamazepine,
and rifapentine; use with caution with metformin
Plus TDF–FTC Once daily as single-tablet Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, Not recommended in patients with creatinine clearance <30 ml/min or
(300 mg/200 mg) ­regimen diarrhea), IRIS, lactic acidosis, hepato- Child–Pugh class B or C liver function; contraindicated with dofetilide;
megaly steatosis avoid divalent cations (Ca++, Mg++, Fe++), phenytoin, carbamazepine,
and rifapentine; use with caution with metformin
Plus TDF–3TC Individual tablets each once Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, Not recommended in patients with creatinine clearance <30 ml/min or
(300 mg/300 mg) daily diarrhea), IRIS, lactic acidosis, hepato- Child–Pugh class B or C liver function; contraindicated with dofetilide;

n engl j med 384;22

megaly steatosis avoid divalent cations (Ca++, Mg++, Fe++), phenytoin, carbamazepine,
and rifapentine; use with caution with metformin
Dolutegravir–3TC Once daily as single-tablet Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, Do not use with lamivudine resistance (M184V or M184I mutation) or HBV
(50 mg/300 mg)† ­regimen (typically used diarrhea), IRIS, lactic acidosis, hepato- infection; not recommended in patients with creatinine clearance <30
after 12-wk lead-in period megaly steatosis ml/min or Child–Pugh class B or C liver function; contraindicated with
Clinical Pr actice

with other three-drug anti- dofetilide; avoid divalent cations (Ca++, Mg++, Fe++), phenytoin, carbam-
retroviral regimen) azepine, and rifapentine; use with caution with metformin
Raltegravir Two tablets once daily Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, diar- Not recommended in patients with creatinine clearance <30 ml/min or
(600 mg)‡ rhea), headache, IRIS, lactic acidosis, Child–Pugh class B or C liver function; contraindicated with dofetilide;

June 3, 2021

The New England Journal of Medicine

hepatomegaly steatosis avoid divalent cations (Ca++, Mg++, Fe++), phenytoin, carbamazepine,
and rifapentine; use with caution with metformin
Plus TAF–FTC Once daily as single-tablet Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, diar- Not recommended in patients with creatinine clearance <30 ml/min or
(25 mg/200 mg) ­regimen rhea), headache, IRIS, lactic acidosis, Child–Pugh class B or C liver function; contraindicated with dofetilide;
hepatomegaly steatosis avoid divalent cations (Ca++, Mg++, Fe++), phenytoin, carbamazepine,
and rifapentine; use with caution with metformin

Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

Plus TDF–FTC Once daily as single-tablet Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, diar- Not recommended in patients with creatinine clearance <30 ml/min or
(300 mg/200 mg) ­regimen rhea), headache, IRIS, lactic acidosis, Child–Pugh class B or C liver function; contraindicated with dofetilide;
hepatomegaly steatosis avoid divalent cations (Ca++, Mg++, Fe++), phenytoin, carbamazepine,
and rifapentine; use with caution with metformin
Plus TDF–3TC Individual tablets each once Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, diar- Not recommended in patients with creatinine clearance <30 ml/min or
(300 mg/300 mg) daily rhea), headache, IRIS, lactic acidosis, Child–Pugh class B or C liver function; contraindicated with dofetilide;
hepatomegaly steatosis avoid divalent cations (Ca++, Mg++, Fe++), phenytoin, carbamazepine,
and rifapentine; use with caution with metformin

* The Child–Pugh liver function scale is a three-category scale (A, B, or C), with C indicating the most severe compromise of liver function. Data are from the International Antiviral

Downloaded from by Esteban Morales Vergara on April 3, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Society–USA guidelines reported by Saag et al.11 FTC denotes emtricitabine, IRIS immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, TAF tenofovir alafenamide fumarate, TDF tenofovir
disoproxil fumarate, and 3TC lamivudine.
† Dolutegravir–3TC is not recommended for patients with rapid start of ART or for patients with chronic HBV infection, HIV RNA greater than 500,000 copies per milliliter, or a CD4 cell
count of less than 200 cells per cubic millimeter. Therapy is often initiated with one of the other regimens listed and then simplified to dolutegravir–3TC.

‡ Raltegravir is included in the recommended regimen according to the Department of Health and Human Services guidelines reported by Scheer et al.32
Table 3. Primary Prophylaxis against Opportunistic Infections in Persons with HIV Infection.

Indication and Regimen Dose, Route of Administration, and Frequency Adverse Effects Comments
Prophylaxis against P. jiroveki (CD4 count
<200 cells/mm3 or thrush)

Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole One double-strength tablet (160 mg of trim- Allergy, rash and erythroderma, rare
ethoprim and 800 mg of sulfamethoxazole) Stevens–Johnson syndrome, nausea,
daily or 3 times/wk diarrhea, anemia, neutropenia, hyper-
kalemia, drug-induced hepatitis
Dapsone 100 mg, orally once daily Rash, fever, methemoglobinemia, hemo- Used as alternative therapy
Pentamidine 300 mg, aerosolized through nebulizer monthly Bronchospasm, pancreatitis (rare) Used as third-line therapy; failure occurs as upper-
lobe P. jiroveci pneumonia

n engl j med 384;22

Atovaquone 1500 mg, orally (liquid suspension) daily Rash, gastrointestinal symptoms, head- Used as third-line therapy; must be given with
ache, insomnia food
Prophylaxis against cryptococcus (CD4 200 mg, orally once daily Rash, gastrointestinal symptoms, head- Serum cryptococcal antigen test recommended
count <100 cells/mm3 and posi- ache, alopecia, drug-induced hepatitis for all persons with newly diagnosed HIV
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

tive serum cryptococcal antigen): (rare) infection and, if positive, lumbar puncture

The New England Journal of Medicine


fluconazole should be performed; in absence of meningi-

tis, initiate fluconazole
Prophylaxis against histoplasmosis (CD4 200 mg, orally once daily Gastrointestinal symptoms, rash, elevated Capsules administered with food or acidic drink

June 3, 2021
count <150 cells/mm3 in areas liver-enzyme levels, edema (e.g., cola)
where histoplasmosis is endemic

Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

m e dic i n e

only): itraconazole
Prophylaxis against Mycobacterium
avium complex: no longer recom-
mended in persons with rapid
initiation of ART

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Clinical Pr actice

clinic,42 behavioral interventions,43 and enhanced C onclusions a nd

patient contact through navigator programs44 R ec om mendat ions
have been successful. Calling patients on the
telephone if they do not show up for scheduled The patient described in the vignette was at risk
appointments is one of the most effective means for HIV infection owing to an opioid use disorder
of retaining patients in care.44,45 An intervention and her engagement in sex in exchange for drugs.
that involved brochures, posters, and short ver- The diagnosis through routine opt-out screening
bal messages conveying the importance of con- in the emergency department underscores the
tinued health care visits was associated with a benefit of this approach, because otherwise the
higher incidence of return for subsequent ap- diagnosis would probably have been made much
pointments than no such intervention.46 later. An appointment at an HIV clinic should be
With the success of ART over the past 2.5 scheduled within 1 week after diagnosis for a
decades, the population of persons with HIV in- baseline evaluation (a detailed social history tak-
fection is aging. In the United States, more than ing and laboratory testing, including testing for
50% of the patients receiving care for HIV infec- other sexually transmitted infections, and assess-
tion are older than 50 years of age; 18% are ment of the CD4 count and viral load) and
older than 60 years, and older persons with HIV prompt initiation of ART, and she should be re-
infection are at higher risk for poor health out- ferred for management of substance abuse. She
comes than persons of similar age without HIV should be counseled regarding disclosure of her
infection.27 Incident cardiovascular, kidney, neu- HIV status to trusted persons and sexual part-
rocognitive, and mental health disorders occur ners, the importance of using condoms and
at younger ages in persons with HIV infection avoiding needle sharing to reduce disease trans-
than in aged-matched controls. Older patients mission, the need to continue to receive ART as
with HIV infection tend to have worse outcomes prescribed and to return for follow-up, and the
than younger patients because of the increased expectation of a near normal life span if viral
likelihood of polypharmacy,47 frailty,48 social suppression is achieved and maintained. In sub-
isolation,49 and stigma.50 More data are needed sequent appointments, adherence to and any ad-
to guide the care of patients as they age. verse effects of ART, as well as substance use
and other social factors that might interfere with
adherence to ongoing treatment, should be rou-
Guidel ine s
tinely assessed.
Professional guidelines regarding screening,51-53 Dr. Saag reports receiving grant support, paid to his institu-
tion, from ViiV Healthcare and Gilead Sciences. No other po-
the selection of an ART regimen for individual tential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
patients,11,33 and primary care for patients with Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
HIV infection54 are available. The recommenda- full text of this article at
I thank Bonnie Zarzaur for technical assistance and Donna
tions presented here are concordant with these Jacobsen for editorial assistance with an earlier draft of the
guidelines. manuscript.

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