Structural Damage Identifacation Using An Optimization Technique Based On Generalized Flexibility Matrix

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Journal of Mechanics, 2024, 40, 11–18
Advance access publication 22 December 2023
Regular Article

Structural damage identification using an optimization

technique based on generalized flexibility matrix
Qianhui Gao1 , Zhu Li1 , Yongping Yu1 and Shaopeng Zheng
College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, Republic of China

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∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

A generalized flexibility matrix-based objective function utilized for structure damage identification is firstly constructed. After transforming the
damage identification into a constrained nonlinear least squares optimization problem, the trust-region algorithm is applied to find the solution
of the inverse problem in multiple damage cases. Thereinto, the sensitivity analysis of the objective function with respect to the design variables
is derived using the Nelson’s method. At last, two numerical examples with several damage cases are investigated, including a steel truss bridge
model as well as a drilling rig derrick model. Based on the computational results, it is evident that the presented approach provides excellent
validity and reliability for the large and complicated engineering structures.

KEY WOR DS: generalized flexibility matrix, damage identification, constrained nonlinear least squares, trust-region algorithm

1. IN TRODUCTION Compared with the natural frequency, the vibration mode

Due to influences of working environment, material aging and could provide more abundant information about structures with
overloading, structural deterioration will occur in various types less sensitive to environmental changes. Li et al. [1] used the sen-
of structures such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, sitivity and changes of the generalized flexibility matrix (GFM)
marine engineering and so on. Once the structure is unstable for predicting location and extent of damage. An improved form
and failure, casualties and financial losses will follow. Therefore, of the curvature mode shape was applied in beam structures for
damage identification for engineering structures during the early detecting multiple damage cases by Cao et al. [10]. Based on the
stage is very necessary [1]. In actual projects, damage identifica- eigen-sensitivity analysis, Yan et al. [11] developed a closed-form
tion methods are classified into two types of methods as destruc- solution for modal flexibility sensitivity to determine the dam-
tive and non-destructive methods [2]. age position as well as its severity. For multiple damage cases of
As one of the non-destructive methods, the use of vibration- truss structures, Seyedpoor [12] developed a damage identifica-
based methods has drawn wide attention. This kind of meth- tion approach by utilizing flexibility-based damage indicator and
ods generally uses variations in dynamic properties of damaged differential evolution method. The trust-region (TR) restriction
and undamaged structures, especially in utilization of natural was employed to improve the response sensitivity method for
frequency, mode shapes and modal flexibility [3]. For exam- structural damage detection by Lu et al. [13]. In consideration
ple, Maity et al. evaluated the differences in natural frequen- of high sensitivity for strain modes, Cui et al. utilized eigensys-
cies with genetic algorithm (GA) method to estimate structural tem realization algorithm based on strain response to develop
damage extents [4]. For dealing with damage regions of com- a novel damage identification method [14]. Dahak et al. moni-
plex shapes, a level set model was proposed to depict the dam- tored variations of natural frequency and curvature mode shapes
age regions by Zhang et al. [5]. Based on frequency response of measured structures to detect structural damage condition
data, Guo et al. developed an objective function with constitu- [15]. Pooya et al. [16] used the discrepancies between the modal
tive relation error, and transformed the damage detection into a curvature obtained from the impaired structure and the com-
nonlinear optimization problem [6]. According to relative nat- puted modal curvature as an indicator to detect damage loca-
ural frequency change curves, Sha et al. [7] presented a new tions. In addition, modal strain energy has been employed for
probabilistic damage metric via the use of Bayesian data fusion. analyzing the damage condition of complex bridges [17] and a
By using discrepancies in natural frequencies as frequency shift jacket offshore platform [18].
coefficient (FSC), Dubey et al. [8] utilized the minimization The definition of GFM [19] was firstly introduced by Li et al.
of FSC to access a roughly quantitative damage extent. How- in 2010. In comparison with the initial flexibility matrix method
ever, the natural frequency is easy to be effected by working [20], the effect of high-order modes in GFM is decreased rea-
temperature, ambient humidity and other external environment sonably and only few low-order natural modes and frequen-
factors [9]. cies are required. Therefore, the GFM has received widespread

Received: 17 September 2023; Revised: 9 December 2023; Accepted: 21 December 2023

© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Republic of China, Taiwan. This is an Open Access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
12 • Journal of Mechanics, 2024, Vol. 40

attention. Masoumi et al. presented an objective function on the eigenvectors, and satisfy the mass-normalized condition, such
basis of GFM for solving a constrained optimization problem that
in damage detection procedure via imperialist competitive algo-
T K  =  (3)
rithm [21]. Considering the non-negativity of the damage in-
dex, an improved GFM approach without and with noises was and
proposed by Liu et al. [22]. Later, the improved GFM is applied
to deal with incomplete mode shape data of structural damage T M = I , (4)
problem [23]. A damage identification process for a jacket-type where I is the identity matrix with dimension n × n. As the flex-
offshore platform structure was presented by using GFM and ibility matrix F is the inverse matrix of K in Eq. (3), F can be
optimal GA by Aghaeidoost et al. [24]. expressed by
The article is organized as follows. Primarily, the damage iden-
tification problem is constructed and the GFM is reviewed in 
ϕ j ϕTj
−1 −1
F =K =   = .

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Section 2. In Section 3, an optimized mathematical framework (5)
for structure damage identification is established, and an ob-
jective function is developed by using the changes in the GFM
Note that the flexible matrix described above contains com-
of the structures before and after damaged. For solving the op-
plete mode shapes of a structure. However, its application in ac-
timized problem by TR algorithm, the derivation for sensitiv-
tual operation has indicated that only a few low-order modes
ity analysis of the objective function with related design vari-
could be obtained accurately during the modal identification
ables is then given in this section. To verify the validity of the
proposed method, two numerical examples are investigated in
With the combination of the mass-normalized condition
Section 4, including a steel truss bridge model and a drilling rig
and Eq. (5), the GFM F g is defined as [19]
derrick model. At last, the conclusions are given in Section 5.
F g = F (MF )L = −1 T M−1 T = −1−L T .
2.1 Formulation
Compared with flexibility matrix in Eq. (5), it demonstrates
In this article, only the reduction of structural stiffness for each that the GFM has a greater impact by several lower-order modes.
element is assumed to be the main cause of the structural damage In particular, when L = 0, the Eq. (6) becomes flexibility matrix
and the mass matrix before and after damage keep unchanged, F in Eq. (5). For L = 1, the GFM F g is expressed as
as well as the number of degree of freedoms (DOFs). Based on
this assumption, the stiffness matrix of the damaged structure is F g = −2 T . (7)
described as

In this paper, only L = 1 is considered.
K d (α) = K u − α j K eu j , (1)

where Kd and Ku represent overall stiffness matrix of the dam- 3. THE PROPOSED M ETHOD
aged prediction model with dimension n × n and the one of 3.1 Objective function
the undamaged structure, respectively. K eu j describes the stiff- On the basis of GFM, an optimization model is employed as a
ness matrix of the jth element in an undamaged structure with damage detection problem for searching a series of damage ex-
expended dimension n × n. α j (0 ≤ α j ≤ 1.0) denotes the di- tents 0 ≤ α j ≤ 1.0 (j = 1, 2, …, Ne ), i.e.
mensionless damage index of corresponding jth element stiff-
ness matrix, and α j = 0 indicates that the corresponding element f (α) = F gexp − F d (α), (8)
has not been harmed. α j can be interpreted as any geometric or g g
physical parameter of the prediction model, such as moment of where F exp is the n × n experimental measured GFM, i.e. F exp =
inertia, stiffness, boundary condition and so on. Ne is the count exp −2exp exp , exp and exp are eigenvector matrices and

of finite elements. Therefore, the damage identification problem eigenvalue matrices of the actual damaged structure, respec-
becomes the problem of finding a set of values α j (j = 1, 2, …, tively. F d (α) is the analytical GFM which corresponds to global
Ne ). stiffness matrix Kd of the damaged prediction model, expressed
2.2 The generalized flexibility matrix
F d (α) = d (α)−2
g T
The GFM is reviewed in this section. First, consider the free vi- d (α)d (α) , (9)
bration of structural eigenproblem with the expression where d (α) and d (α) are matrices of eigenvalues and the
corresponding eigenvectors for the damage prediction model.
K  = M, (2)
The issue is to find a set of values 0 ≤ α j ≤ 1.0 (j = 1, 2,
where K and M are structural stiffness and mass matrix …, Ne ) through minimizing the discrepancy between data from
with dimension n × n.  = diag(λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn ) and  = experimental measurement and data from the analytical dam-
[ϕ1 ,ϕ2 ,…, ϕn ] are matrices of eigenvalues and corresponding aged model. When 2-norm is applied to analyze the discrepancy
Structural damage identification using an optimization technique • 13

quantitatively, the objective function becomes

 2 For solving the NLS with constraint conditions, the framework
o (α) = vec( f (α)) 2
(10) of TR algorithm is given in Algorithm 1.
⎡ ⎤ Algorithm 1: Trust-Region (TR) algorithm for constrained nonlinear
f1 least squares problem
⎢ f2 ⎥
vec( f (α)) = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ ... ⎦ , (11) Step 1. Given initial iterative point x1 ∈ Rm ,
J(xk ) ∈ Rn ×Ne , 1 > 0, 0 < ε < 1, η > 0,
0 < τ 3 < τ 4 < 1 < τ 1 , 0 ≤ τ 2 < 1 and set k := 1;
where vec(f(α)) is a vector with dimension n2 × 1 by stacking
columns of f(α), and fi (i = 1, 2, …, n) is the ith column. Step 2. if J(xk )T G(xk )2 ≤ ε then stop; otherwise,

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In order to avoid erroneous estimates that would be induced by get sk from solving (14);
very small values of 2-norm, Eq. (10) is modified with dividing Are sk
by the initial estimate. Step3. Compute rk = ;
Pre sk
The final minimization problem is formulated as
xk , if rk < η, go to step 1
  xk+1 = ;
vec( f (α))2 xk + sk , if rk ≥ η, go to step 4
min  =  2
α vec( f (α0 ))2 , (12) [τ3 sk 2 ,τ4 k ], if rk < τ2
2 k+1 = ;
[k ,τ1 k ], if rk ≥ τ2
s.t. 0 ≤ α j ≤ 1 ( j = 1, 2, . . . , Ne )
Step 4. Compute a new function (xk + sk ),
where the vector α0 is set to be zero. k: = k + 1 and go to step 2.

3.2 Optimization algorithm Significantly, the TR algorithm requires the Jacobian matrix of
The optimization model above is actually a nonlinear least the objective function with related design variable α j (j = 1,
squares problem (NLS) with constraint conditions and can be 2,…,Ne ), i.e.
solved by TR algorithm. For this propose, the TR algorithm is
firstly reviewed [25, 26]. The general formulation of the ques- J (α) = [J (α1 ),J (α2 ), . . . ,J (αNe )] (18)
tion is expressed by and
 2  2 
min G(x)2 = y − A(x)2 ∂f
, (13) J (α j ) = vec
∂α j
s.t. li ≤ xi ≤ ui , i = 1, 2, . . . m  T
∂ −2 T −3 ∂ T −2 ∂
where A ∈ Rm , x ∈ Rm and y ∈ Rm . The TR algorithm provides the = vec −   + 2  −
∂α j ∂α j ∂α j
principle idea of transforming Eq. (13) into the kth step iterative
TR sub-problem j = 1, 2, . . . ,Ne , (19)
min k (sk ) = G(xk ) + J (xk )sk  where J(α) is the Jacobian matrix with size n × Ne . The sen-
x 2
sitivities of eigenvalues and eigenvectors to the model updating
, (14)
sk 2 ≤ k parameter α j (j = 1, 2,…,Ne ) will be deduced below by Nelson’s
li ≤ xi ≤ ui , i = 1, 2, . . . m method [27].
where xk represents the current point, sk denotes the solution 3.3 Sensitivity analysis
of Eq. (14), κ represents trust-region area at kth step. J(xk ) is In this paper, it is supposed that the itheigenvalue λi is simple so
the Jacobian matrix of A(x). Then the actual reduction is defined that the corresponding eigenvector ϕi is unique. Directly differ-
as entiation Eq. (2) with respect to α j yields
Are sk = G(xk ) − G(xk + sk ) (15) 
∂ϕi ∂K ∂M ∂λi
( K − λi M ) + − λi − M ϕi = 0
∂α j ∂α j ∂α j ∂α j
the predicted reduction is described as
j = 1, 2, . . . ,Ne . (20)
Pre sk = (xk ) − (xk + sk ). (16)
Premultiplying Eq. (20) by ϕTi and combining with Eq. (2), the
and the ratio of actual reduction to predicted one is defined as sensitivity of the ith eigenvalue λi can be achieved

rk =
Are sk
, ∂λi ∂K ∂M
(17) = ϕi T
− λi ϕi , j = 1, 2, . . . ,Ne . (21)
Pre sk ∂α j ∂α j ∂α j
14 • Journal of Mechanics, 2024, Vol. 40

Note that coefficient matrix K − λi M in Eq. (22) has a rank of

n − 1, and ordinary methods cannot be directly used to solve
the equation. Based on Nelson method, the maximum absolute
value in ϕi needs to be firstly determined, and its location is
recorded as k. After that, a new coefficient matrix Ai is formed
by taking the kth row and column of K − λi M to be zero, while
the kth diagonal elements of the matrix to 1. Setting the kth row
Figure 1 A steel truss bridge. of the coefficient matrix on the right side of Eq. (22) be zero to
form Bi . The particular solution xi of Eq. (22) can be obtained
Table 1 Simulated damage scenarios in example 1. ∂ϕi
by solving Ai xi = Bi , and the eigenvector derivative ∂α j
can be
Damage scenarios Damage element number Damage extents defined as
Scenario Ⅰ No. 8 20% ∂ϕi

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No. 9 25% = x i + ci j ϕ i . (23)
∂α j
Scenario Ⅱ No. 9 20% Considering the derivative of Eq. (4) with related α j and
No. 35 25%
No. 36 20% Eq. (23), one obtains
Scenario Ⅲ No. 15 15% ci j = −ϕTi Mxi . (24)
No. 34 20%
No. 61 25% As a result, the sensitivities of eigenvalues and eigenvectors can
No. 83 30% be given
⎪ ∂λi ∂K ∂M

⎨ ∂α = ϕ T
− λ i ϕi
For obtaining the sensitivity of the ith eigenvector ϕi , the expres- j
∂α j ∂α j
sion in Eq. (20) becomes ⎪
⎪ ∂ϕ , (25)
⎩ i = xi ci j − ϕTi Mxi ϕi
 ∂α j
∂ϕi ∂K ∂M ∂λi
(K − λi M ) =− − λi − M ϕi . (22) i = 1, 2, . . . , NR, j = 1, 2, . . . , Ne
∂α j ∂α j ∂α j ∂α j
where NR is the number of obtained modes in Eq. (5).

Figure 2 Damage presets of the steel truss bridge structure for all scenarios in Table 1. (a) Scenario Ⅰ, (b) scenario Ⅱ and (c) scenario Ⅲ.
Structural damage identification using an optimization technique • 15

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Figure 4 A drilling rig derrick structure.

Table 2 Simulated damage scenarios in example 2.

Damage scenarios Damage element number Damage extents
Scenario Ⅰ No. 153 25%
No. 207 30%
Scenario Ⅱ No. 152 20%
No. 154 30%
No. 160 25%
Scenario Ⅲ No. 18 15%
No. 112 10%
No. 126 10%
No. 178 20%

In this part, two simulation models are illustrated to show the
validity of the proposed method. Each of the two examples takes
account of three damage scenarios. All the simulated damage sce-
narios only result in reducing stiffness of specified elements. If
the calculated extent of damage is less than 5%, the related el-
ement is considered to be undamaged [19]. All NLS with con-
straint conditions problems included in the examples are imple-
mented by the trnlspbc command in Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel
Example 1: A steel truss bridge is presented in Fig. 1. The
bridge is 12 m wide, 10.5 m high and 90 m long. The material
properties are listed below: elasticity modulus E = 210 Gpa,
mass density ρ = 7800 kg/m3 and Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.31. The
structural finite element model has 94 elements and 40 nodes.
The boundary conditions are defined as all displacement con-
straints at two points on the left side and two horizontal displace-
Figure 3 Simulation results of the steel truss bridge structure for all
ment constraints at two points on the right side at the bottom.
scenarios in Table 1. (a) Scenario Ⅰ, (b) scenario Ⅱ and (c) scenario
Ⅲ. Therefore, the number of total DOFs is 230.
In this example, damage condition can be ascertained sim-
ply by the use of the first frequency and the related vibration
shape. The damage positions for the scenarios given in Table 1
are labeled in Fig. 2. The corresponding computational results
16 • Journal of Mechanics, 2024, Vol. 40

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Figure 6 Simulation results of the drilling rig derrick structure for all
scenarios in Table 2. (a) Scenario Ⅰ, (b) scenario Ⅱ and (c) scenario
Figure 5 Damage presets of the drilling rig derrick structure for all Ⅲ.
scenarios in Table 2. (a) Scenario Ⅰ, (b) scenario Ⅱ and (c) scenario
Structural damage identification using an optimization technique • 17

using the presented approach are illustrated in Fig. 3. For dam- FUNDING
age scenario Ⅰ, the predefined damage positions are mapped ex- This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foun-
actly on element 8 with damage extents 0.1831, and element 9 dation of China under Grant No. 42372356 and 41972323.
with stiffness reduction 0.2321. In scenario Ⅱ, the damage ex-
tents and locations calculated are 0.1960, 0.2388 and 0.1901 for
elements No. 9, No. 35 and No. 36, respectively. From the cal- CONFLICT OF IN TER E ST
culation results of the damage scenario Ⅲ shown in Fig. 3c, it
is observed that damage locations occurred in element 15, el- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
ement 34, element 61 and element 83, and the values of cor- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
responding reduction in stiffness are 0.1565, 0.1931, 0.2543 to influence the work reported in this paper.
and 0.3250, respectively. All these results indicate that this ap-
proach has the capability of precise identification of the damaged

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Received: 17 September 2023; Revised: 9 December 2023; Accepted: 21 December 2023

© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Republic of China, Taiwan. This is an Open Access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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