7 Zig Ziglar Secrets of Closing The Sale
7 Zig Ziglar Secrets of Closing The Sale
7 Zig Ziglar Secrets of Closing The Sale
You can be giving it everything you’ve got, but STILL not And while I’ve used many of the latest technologies and
making the headway you want. online platforms and strategies to get those results, it’s
those UNIVERSAL truths that
It can seem like other people have the “magic have made a SIGNIFICANT
combination” to unlock results... and you don’t. difference to what I’ve been
able to achieve.
I know, because I have been there.
One person who championed
Ten years ago I felt on the “outside” looking in when it
many of those timeless truths
came to making sales and getting results in my business.
and made a difference to the
And so I studied the masters. People who’d gone before lives of millions of sales people
me and achieved the results I was looking to achieve. and business owners the
world over, is legendary best–
I discovered a number of key things those people were selling author, motivational
doing differently than everyone else and I set about public speaker and sales
implementing those special traits and approaches. leader, Zig Ziglar.
And that’s when everything really started coming Zig was a profound influence on generations of people
together for me. and his many books and training programs contain the
DNA of what it takes to grow your business through
Fast forward to now and over the past decade, I’ve gone finding and serving your ideal customers – a topic I am so
from struggling to get even a few sales and wondering passionate about.
why people weren’t buying from me, to generating more
than 4 million leads and over $100 million dollars in This Checklist gives you 7 of the most influential Zig Ziglar
sales across 23 niches from Scrabble Tile Jewelry, Orchid Secrets of Closing The Sale that helped me achieve such
Care, and Memory Improvement to Business Consulting, extraordinary results... and I share them with you today to
Weight Loss, and Golf. help you achieve the results YOU are looking for.
Ryan Levesque
The professional thinks in terms of service, but he also thinks in terms of his ability to make the sale
on a specific call. He expects to make the sale. He is versatile in his sales knowledge and his approach.
He works from a plan and not a can, but as a professional he knows that while there are many ways to say
things, there is one best way. As a result, he includes many verbatim phrases, explanations, and expressions
in every sales presentation. He feels strongly that it is his responsibility to sell so clearly that the prospect
understands it is in his best interests to buy.
Zig Ziglar He knows when the prospect acts in an abusive manner it is often a defensive measure prompted by a
sense of fear because of his own feeling of inferiority or ego inadequacy. He understands one universal rule
in the world of selling and applies it with diligence and enthusiasm. That rule is his absolute conviction that
he needs to find out what the prospect wants and then help him get it.
The dictionary defines the professional as “one who has an assured competence in a particular field
or occupation.” It’s quality of performance. The professional has a good sense of humor. He takes his
profession and his prospects’ needs seriously – but not himself.
As Ziglar points out, and as I have also come to know, And it is right here at Step 1 – Discover, where you
you need to undertake the task of truly understanding determine how successful your sales and marketing is
your customer with the dedication and diligence going to be. This is the important pre–work you do that
of a professional. sets the foundation for everything else that follows.
In fact, I believe this understanding is so important, One of the biggest reasons businesses aren’t getting
I have made it the first step in my 3–step ASK Method the results they want is usually because they’ve skipped
Process (this is the process I used to successfully this vital step.
enter 23 different markets and generate millions of
leads and dollars). They haven’t ASKED first.
And, once you have made these discoveries, you want It wasn’t until I went back and really sought to understand
to leverage that understanding by being very deliberate those survey responses that I hit on the realization
about your sales process and language. that even though I’d had a lot of one line responses
asking “how to water?” there were other deeper, more
As Zig Ziglar says in the quote above, you want to include passionate responses asking different questions. And,
“many verbatim phrases, explanations and expressions in through a process called “Identifying your hyper–
every sales presentation.” responsives” I found a way to hone in on the most
profitable problems to focus on solving.
I discovered this important lesson early on in my career.
When I then created products aimed at solving those
I’d entered a market where I saw great opportunity and
specific problems and using the verbatim language of
which I believed was ripe for success. It was the Orchid
those particular customers, my business took off and
Care market and my research had led me to understand
rapidly went to 6–figures and, still to this day, 10 years on,
that this was a growing market of passionate enthusiasts
generates many thousands of dollars a month, almost
who needed help caring for their orchids.
completely on “auto–pilot”.
At that point I knew enough that I wanted to start with a
The key to this story is that when I shifted to being a
survey of my prospects.
true professional when it came to understanding my
So, I asked my market what they wanted. customers, my results shifted significantly as well.
... ZERO!
It’s very important for you to notice these questions, because they’re completely natural and appear
to be casual, despite the fact that Chuck has probably asked these same questions many times over the
years. His questions were not “canned,” but they were very carefully planned. I responded that my
neighbor across the street is a General Motors executive and I got the car through him. Chuck: “Say,
did you by any chance get one of the executive cars?” Zig: “Well, as a matter of fact, I did.” Chuck:
“I’ll bet you got a good deal on it, didn’t you?” (I don’t know how you are, but the odds are great when
somebody accuses you of having made a good deal four of five years earlier you’re going to modestly
admit you did all right in the transaction. I hope you do it modestly; otherwise it’s tacky!)
As modestly as I could, I said, “Well, Chuck, to tell you the truth, when I bought this car it was a
seventy–six–hundred–dollar automobile.” (Remember, this was in 1975.) “It only had twenty–one
hundred miles on it and I got it for fifty–six hundred.” Chuck: “Say, you did get a good deal!”
True, I did get a good deal, but with those words I also did something else. I leaded the first barrel
of his sales shotgun. He asked me for information and I (a prospect) had given it to him.
When Zig Ziglar says that in most And what I have found is there are two important stages
cases your prospects will be to ASK for that “pertinent” information Zig Ziglar was
“delighted to give you pertinent speaking of.
information if you’ll just ask for it” he
gives you one of the most powerful THAT PROCESS IS:
secrets for closing the sale (and
building a lifelong relationship with 1. DISCOVER – When you are seeking to understand your
your customer) that you will ever receive. customer so you can know what segments you have in
your market.
Every business I’ve started or been involved with for
the past 10 years on this principle of ASKING first. 2. SEGMENT – Once you have identified your segments,
you then want to build a repeatable sales process for each
In fact, I’ve written a best–selling book with the title, segment that asks a specific set of questions that leads people
“ASK” and built an entire sales and marketing method to feel understood and “diagnosed” so they then naturally
(The ASK Method) with thousands of students across trust (and want to buy) what it is you are prescribing or
the globe, around this concept. recommending.
Over the years I have developed a range of ways to This is SUCH an important point, I really can’t emphasize
“Discover” what my market wants, including what I call it enough!
Deep Dive Surveys. However the counterintuitive piece is
that I DON’T actually ask what they want! I have found that It can take years to develop a product; it can be hugely
people can only really accurately tell you two things: expensive to create a website and marketing campaigns...
and very often it can be the WRONG product or the
1. What they DON’T want WRONG campaign or the WRONG market.
2. What they’ve done in the past
It see this ALL the time. People spend years of their life
If you ask people outright what they want, they might say and invest thousands of dollars, only to be heartbroken
they want to run 5 miles a day to get fit, but that may not when their idea fails to get the results they want.
translate into actual behavior. But if you ask them “What
If only they have ASKED first and ASKED often.
have you done in the past to get fit” you will get a better
indicator of what they are likely to do again in the future. As Zig Ziglar says, you will be amazed by how “delighted”
people will be to give you the EXACT information you
Same goes for what they DON’T want. People often
need, if you will just ASK for it.
struggle to get really clear on what they DO want (for
example, Henry Ford once famously said “If I had asked
people what they wanted, they would have said faster
horses”) but they can very often tell you what they
DON’T want.
Think about the last time you were trying to get a bunch
of friends to decide on what restaurant to go to. They
might say “Oh I don’t mind” or be indecisive. But if you ask
where they don’t want to eat they will usually have a fast
and decisive response.
He looked at me and repeated what he had said earlier. “You know, Mr. Ziglar, this really is one of
the most beautiful cars I think I’ve ever seen! As a matter of fact, it is in even better condition on the
inside than it is on the outside, You’re to be commended.” Zig: “Thank you very much, Chuck.” He
continued, “As a matter of fact, I’m a little puzzled. Please don’t misunderstand, because I’m delighted
you’re here, but I am a little curious as to why you want to swap such a beautiful automobile at this
You readers who are directly involved in the world of selling, especially if you haven’t been at it
too long, might think this question seems a bit negative. Zig brings in a four–year–old car to trade on a
new one and Chuck is asking why he wants to swap it right now. Instead of it being negative, I believe
it is a positive sign of a competent and confident professional.
Here’s why. If there are any objections, it is infinitely better to bring them out early so you can deal
with them as part of the presentation rather than at the end of the interview. If you, the salesperson,
can smoke out any objection early, you can sell on the offensive instead of on the defensive.
This concept of deeply understanding THERE ARE TWO TIPS I WANT TO GIVE
(and embracing!) objections was a
lesson I learned early on as I began
to formalize and build a structure 1. SMIQ – The first tip is your Single Most Important Question
around The ASK Method. (SMIQ). This is one of THE most important questions you can
ever ask your audience and it will help you discover the range
I found when I truly understood
of challenges and potential objections people may have to
people’s challenges and objections,
your product or service. This is a simple question that asks
I could design my sales process to naturally deal
“When it comes to X, what is your single biggest challenge,
with and neutralize those objections before they
frustration or concern?” The “X” represents the thing you want
became an issue.
to know about. For example, “When it comes to caring for
Like Zig says, you do NOT want to leave this until the your orchids, what is your single biggest challenge, frustration
end of sales process, where people will already be or concern?” The feedback you will get to this question is
feeling naturally anxious or stressed about having to GOLD. It can help you create products, find marketing copy,
make a decision. determine your approach and unearth those objections that
are in the mind of your customer and stopping them from
You want to make that part of the process feels as taking action and buying from you.
stress–free as possible.
2. HEADLINES – in keeping with Zig Ziglar’s advice –
And to do that, you need to have flushed out and “if there are any objections, it is infinitely better to bring
dealt with the possible objections early. them out early,” I have found great success addressing the
objections right up front in the headlines for my sales pages When you can find a way to demonstrate you really
or at the start of my sales videos. For example, in my Orchid CARE and are genuinely interested in the concerns and
Care business, when I asked my SMIQ I found one of the challenges of your market, you will immediately get
big sticking points people had was that they’d ALREADY people’s attention.
tried to find a solution to their problem but they’d come up
empty–handed, time after time. So, I knew my market was Then, simply by repeating those concerns and objections
a little skeptical about why THIS time would be different. So back to people they will be more inclined to believe you
I addressed that key objection right there in my headline: can help them overcome those challenges.
Discover The Solution To Your Biggest Orchid Care
So, don’t be afraid of objections. Embrace them and be
Challenge (Even If You’ve Looked Everywhere and Haven’t
amazed at the results.
Been Able To Find An Answer!)
When I visited Dr. McDougal I noticed he used positive words. Many of these words are taken from
the extensive list prepared by dental consultant Gladys E. Cook.
He talked about “restoration” instead of “filling” and about a “change in schedule” rather than any
“cancellation” or “postponement.” I was in his “reception room” briefly, not his “waiting room.” At
the end of the visit they wanted to know how I would “take care of,” not “pay for,” the services. His
office called my office to “confirm” or to “verify” the appointment, not to “remind” me of it. I was
Zig Ziglar told to “empty my mouth,” not to “spit”. They “prepared” the tooth instead of “grinding” the tooth. He
gave me an “injection” instead of a “needle” or “shot.” I felt a little “discomfort” or “pressure,” not any
“pain.” Yes, sir, words are important. They do make a difference!
Just like Dr.McDougal consciously And one of the keys to doing that is to use what I call the
used a very specific list of words “insider language” of your market. That is, the subtleties of
that were developed as a result of the language of your market – the special terms, phrases
research and careful thought, you too or slang they use.
can create your own list of what Zig
calls “positive words” that will Doing this makes your marketing stand out from all
put you in a better position to make of the noise.
Ryan Levesque
more sales.
You really want people to feel like you have just read their
This is a process I have been using for the past decade to mind. That you understand them so well that what you
discover a LOT about the language my ideal customers are offering feels like a natural and obvious fit with what
use and to get more sales. they need.
It’s what I call the Deep Dive Survey, which is one of When you can do that, you can enter virtually ANY market,
the first things you do in the “Discover” stage of The even if you’re not an expert in that market, or you’ve
ASK Method. It is a short survey aimed at helping you never served that market before.
understand the key challenges, desires and language of
In other words, you don’t need to BE your market to
your market.
SERVE your market.
It’s so important know the language your market uses
I’ve got a personal story that illustrates this point… It
because you want to be able to echo that language back
was 2006 and I was living and working in China. By this
to them in email content, your website pages, product
time I was virtually fluent in Chinese, after studying
information and in your one–on–one conversations.
at Brown University and also traveling to China while
Because, when you can describe the problem in your in College to take part in a Chinese Bootcamp run by
prospect’s mind better than they can even describe Princeton University.
it themselves, they’re going to be much more open to
Couple that with having already lived in China for 2 years,
believing you can SOLVE THAT PROBLEM.
and my accent was pretty authentic.
One day I decided to order a bunch of orchids over the seconds you know that she’s not a REAL baseball fan
phone. Interestingly, the guy on the phone who took because she just doesn’t know the right words to use.
my order was the same guy who ended up delivering the
orchids to my house. Of course, I placed the order Sometimes it can be a single word that gives you away
in Chinese… as an outsider.
[Nihao. Wo xiang mai yixie lanhua. You mei you? Ah tai Like when you hear someone say “I saw that on The
hao le! Xiang song dao women jia lai. Women zhu de Facebook” – you know, immediately that they are not an
difang bu yuan. Shi nage zhongkai dasha. Zhidao ma?] experienced social media user.
And then, when he arrived, I scared him when I opened The subtleties of the language of your market can EVEN
the door because I was this American guy when he was come down to a single LETTER…
so convinced I would be a local Chinese guy based on the
For example, as an AFOL (that’s Adult Fan of LEGO) I can
phone conversation we had earlier.
tell whether someone is a trusted insider within one
He was so shocked, he even called his wife and had second of speaking to them.
me speak with her because he couldn’t believe how I
If they describe LEGO as playing with LEGOs (as in plural),
sounded so much like a local!
I know instantly that they’re not a TRUE fan.
Now, I was able to convince him to believe I was Chinese
In that one moment, just that simple addition of one letter
because of years of studying Mandarin and paying
– the “S” on the end of LEGO – puts me on notice that
attention to the subtleties, working on my accent,
they are an “outsider” and they’re maybe not the experts
focusing deeply on getting just the right intonation and a
they’d like others to believe they are.
ton of practice and refinement.
When you think about how YOUR audience interacts with
Until I finally knew the language so well that I was no
you– is there something you’re doing that is inadvertently
longer an “outsider”.
telling people you’re not a true expert?
By knowing the subtleties of the language, I went from the
This is an area that I invest a lot of time into BEFORE I go
outsider to the trusted “insider”.
to market. Time spent here to truly learn the language
And that’s what YOU want to be with your market– the of a “trusted insider” will give you a greater return than if
trusted insider. you’d rushed to market using an “outsider’s” language.
To do that, you need to be able to “speak” your market’s Because, as both Zig and I say... words definitely DO
language like a local. And to do that you need to make a difference!
have done your Deep Dive Survey and dug deep into
understanding the specific words your customers use.
You also want to avoid the words they DON’T use that
will be a sure sign you are an outsider. For example, if
my Mom tries to talk baseball, in about three and a half
I continue: “Mr. and Mrs. Prospect, do you ever eat out?” Prospect: “Why, sure!” Zig: “How
often?” “Oh, once or twice a week.” Zig: “Do you ever tip the waitress?” Prospect: “We always tip the
waitress.” Zig: “How much do you tip her?” Prospect: “Dollar, two dollars, it depends.” (Remember,
this was 1962!) I’d write “3¢” by “Your wife” and “$1.00” by “Waitress.” Zig “Let me offer a thought
and ask a question. The waitress takes the order, brings the food from the kitchen to the table, and brings
the extras like tea, coffee, and bread. Generally speaking, a busboy cleans the table and carries the
dishes back to the kitchen.
“Your wife goes to the store, buys the food, brings it home, puts it in the cabinets and in the
refrigerator. Later she takes the food out, cleans, prepares, cooks, and serves it. Then after the meal she
takes the leftovers, stores them in the refrigerator, and then cleans up. Now, Mr. Prospect, in all fairness,
if you tip the waitress a dollar [I’d circle the “$1.00” several times] just for bringing the food from the
kitchen to the table, don’t you really think your wife deserves at least three cents [I’d circle “Your wife
and “3¢” several times] for shopping, cooking, serving, storing, and cleaning?”
Imagination, emotion, and logic are all at work on this one. Chances are excellent you noticed
the large number of questions asked in this dialogue (twelve). This is significant because it forced
the prospect to put pressure on himself. When this happens, your chances for action are substantially
increased. In this example, the procedure and the questions undoubtedly helped the husband put the
wife’s contributions in a more realistic and favorable light. The questions also brought the price into
perspective and broke it down to such a low figure that it was affordable.
The “1902” simply means you break it down to a figure which is so low the prospect can visualize
the ownership of the product because he now sees it as affordable. Three cents per use certainly put the
cookware within reach, especially since we had demonstrated it would save more than that with each
use. This close makes it easy for the prospect to buy, and that’s the role of the professional salesperson.
It can be difficult to go from first incrementally makes their way towards the final micro–
meeting someone to immediately commitment... and that’s to buy from you.
closing the sale. There is always
a process. People need to feel While developing The ASK Method over the past decade,
understood. They need to know they entering market after market, I have found THE most
can trust you. They need to feel like effective way to create these micro – commitments
it’s a decision they can justify. is by asking a series of questions. Each one helping
my prospective customer feel more at ease, more
So many factors go into creating the perfect set of understood, more clarity.
circumstances for someone to be able to say YES to you.
The process I use to do this is called a “Segmentation
And one of THE most powerful ways I have found to help Funnel” and it is a series of questions that early on
lead a person to that YES decision is through a series determines which segment a person belongs to and then
of “micro – commitments”. These are actions that are asks them subsequent questions that are relevant to
so small, it’s impossible for someone to fail at them. that segment.
And through a series of these “no fail” steps, a person
So, once I have established which of my pre–determined For example, a highly successful quiz for tennis instruction
segments a person belongs to (based on my earlier site, fuzzyyellowballs.com, using my ASK Method, gave
Deep Dive Survey research), I can then ask highly people the opportunity to find out what their specific
relevant questions that position my product or service “Serve Killer” was. The idea being that there are a specific
recommendation as a well–thought out diagnosis of their number of “Serve Killers” that are hampering your ability
unique challenges and needs. to serve well and, once you know what yours is, you can
do something about fixing it. As people discover their
For example, if I sold backpacks online, I could ask people unique Serve Killer, they are also “prescribed” a specific
to tell me how they planned on using their backpack – fuzzyyellowballs.com training program to help fix the
was it for travel, or school or hiking? Once I knew it was issue. As people moved through the quiz, they felt heard,
for, say, hiking, I could then ask– was it for a day hike understood and then when they got the diagnosis
or a multi–day hike?... and so on. So that when I DID and the follow up prescription, they were much more
recommend a specific backpack from my product range, it likely to buy.
would feel like the ideal solution, tailored to that person’s
specific needs. And, along the way, I will have established As Zig Ziglar said “Imagination, emotion and logic are all at
trust and rapport by ASKING first and PRESCRIBING work on this one.”
second. Rather than rushing in and simply trying to SELL
whatever was my main priority to sell. And I agree completely. You can use pre–determined
questions to take YOUR prospects through a series of
This shift is significant and can totally transform the way micro–commitments that lead them to the decision to
you sell your products and services online (or in person). buy from you. And it will feel like a great experience for
your customers in the process!
One particular Segmentation Funnel that I have had HUGE
success with is the Quiz or Assessment. This is where you
offer someone the opportunity to experience some form
of “self discovery”– learning something about ourselves is
an idea that is universally appealing to all human beings.
You need to paint the picture of your prospect using and enjoying the goods or services you sell.
When you become completely aware of this process and the benefits that go with it, you will work at
doing it until picture selling becomes second nature for you.
Make yourself a mental note to check the word pictures I paint for you throughout the remainder of
this book. Remind yourself in your second and subsequent readings of Secrets of Closing the Sale to
look for the word pictures. Incidentally, I remind you again that you will glean more ideas, make more
notes, and mark the book more on your second reading than you will on your first and still more on your
third than on your second.
Throughout the book the picture painted is that of satisfaction and gratification. The reason is simple.
You don’t sell what the product is–you always sell what the product does. Example: Each year over 5
million quarter–inch drills are sold, yet it’s safe to say that nobody wants a quarter–inch drill. They want
a quarter–inch hole.
Each year billions of dollars worth of cosmetics are sold, yet it’s safe to say that nobody wants
lipstick, eye shadow, blush, etc. What they want is a more attractive appearance. They want to smell
good and to be glamorous and desirable to members of the opposite sex.
You don’t sell what the product is – you sell what it does.
Watch the ads on television and you’ll hear word pictures and see the actual picture of the users of the
product enjoying the benefits of the product.
There’s a classic saying that “Features “You don’t sell what the product is – you sell what it does.”
Tell and Benefits Sell” and, while this
is very true, it can still be easy to And, specifically, what it does for your customer.
slip into the habit of telling people
Another way of thinking about this is to think about the
all about your product’s features.
“Transformation” your customer will experience using
After all, you’ve spent a long time
your product or service. How will life be different? What
developing your product. You’ve
will they have / be able to do / feel like once they’ve
eaten, slept and dreamed about those features. They’ve
purchased your offer?
taken up all your time and your team’s time as you’ve
built your product. What is the THEIR equivalent of the quarter–inch hole that
Zig mentions in the quote above? Because, remember,
But the reality we need to face as marketers and business
“Nobody wants a quarter–inch drill. They want a quarter–
owners is that our customers don’t care about anywhere
inch hole.”
near as much about those features as we do. That’s not
what is gong to inspire them to buy. The more visual and real you can paint the picture of
that transformation, the more powerful your sales and
As Zig says many times in Secrets of Closing the Sale,
marketing messages will be.
and as I have found time and time again in 23 different
markets, people buy based on emotion.
This is where your Deep Dive Survey will become Elsewhere in Secrets of Closing The Sale, Zig Ziglar
invaluable as it helps you understand and have empathy says that “Selling is a transference of feeling” and by
for your market. It will also give you the language you can segmenting your prospects and speaking directly to the
use to create the “word pictures” Zig Ziglar speaks of. specific benefits EACH group most wants to achieve (that
is, by selling what the product DOES, not what it IS) you
This is also where being able to segment the various can evoke more emotion and desire and help people
people who come into your sales process becomes move forward to buy from you.
incredibly powerful because you can now paint a very
specific visual picture of the transformation for each Of course, this is based on the presumption that
segment. your product or service can definitely deliver the
transformation you are promising. When that is the
For example, if you have one segment for beginners, case, your job is to help as many people experience that
another for intermediate and another for advanced users, transformation as possible.
you can now speak directly to the transformation each of
those groups most wants. You can see how the beginner
is likely to want a very different transformation to the
advanced user and vice versa.
Of even more importance is the fact that Johnny was not content to make just one sale. He saw a chance
for the second and took advantage of the opportunity. I think you already know I was not the least bit
offended that he wanted to sell me the second shoe shine. Actually, once you’ve gained the confidence
of your customers with the first sale, you are in a position to be of real service to them. The first order is
an indication of trust. If you have companion products which your customers regularly use, you render
a service by saving them time, bookkeeping entries, and inventory problems by helping them reduce the
number of suppliers they deal with.
I’m not suggesting that if you have a multiple line you should try to sell the entire line on every sales
call. I am suggesting that if you believe in what you sell and your customer is using similar products,
you will do both of you a favor by offering the other products, especially on...
Once you have a sales process that All of these will help to scale your results, once you have a
is working, you can gain considerable functioning online (or in person) sales process.
momentum and really rapidly
increase your profitability by adding This approach is part of what I call the “Scaling Mindset”.
on additional upsells.
You are essentially going deeper with each customer
As Zig says, you don’t want to by giving them an opportunity to solve further problems
“try to sell the entire line on every with you, right at the point where they are solving their
sales call,” but it is possible to add items into the sales first problem.
process that complement the original product or service
Let me explain what I mean…
you are selling.
One of the most powerful ways we scaled my Orchid Care
Thereby increasing the dollar value of each sale.
business was to first get a powerful Segmentation Funnel
This means you can spend more to acquire new working to offer our Orchids Made Easy eBook.
customers and you can also make more profit per
Then we noticed there was a lot of feedback from people
saying they wanted a physical version of the book.
THE “ADD ON” ITEMS I USUALLY So, we created a physical copy of the book and offered it
as an upsell at the time of purchase.
Initially we were doing small print runs, but then we
1. Add an upsell to increase profitability
started to get enough regular sales that we could order
2. Add a SECOND upsell the book in bulk print runs. This made the process even
more economical and scaled our income even further.
3. Split test and optimize all the elements, including the
order of the upsell and the price points Then, once the book was selling well, we created a second
upsell called Grandma Bea’s Garden Remedies, and that
4. Add recurring revenue was an eBook product, which we also made available at
the time of purchase.
5. Add a big–ticket back end item
Then after that we created a DVD course on Orchids, And all with one funnel and one transaction offering
which was a companion course to the main book. multiple upsells and options.
All along the way increasing the average transaction value You can even customize the upsell offers you make based
for this one Segmentation Funnel, simply by going deeper on which segment a person belongs to. So that means
and offering additional upsells. showing different upsells to different segments. For
example, if you had a beginner’s group, you might need to
Then, we did something that really boosted our results – show them the upsell that’s most relevant to beginners.
we offered an upsell that was a continuity program. While the more advanced segment might need a more
advanced upsell option.
We called it “The Green Thumb Club” which was a ten
dollar a month orchid mastery program where people This one, simple idea, which Zig calls the “Add On”
were given additional content and had the opportunity to Close could easily double or even triple your sales, when
ask questions and be part of a community. done well.
So now, we were leveraging the sales we were making in This has been the secret to how I have scaled dozens
our Segmentation Funnel to not only one off sales, but of businesses and generated millions of dollars over
ONGOING sales. the past decade.
By original Shark Tank “Shark” and Inventor of the Infomercial, Kevin Harrington
Kevin Harrington
Selling is about giving value and helping people find solutions to problems,
so they can live more fulfilling lives.
In short, selling is serving. Zig Ziglar always emphasized 3. BE AUTHENTIC. Authenticity is a huge piece of success
this truth. It’s true today and always will be. in sales. You may get short–term sales through deception,
but long–term, over–the–top success happens when you
HOW YOU SERVE WHEN YOU SELL: don’t fake it. Be real. Authenticity is especially important to
Millennials who are tired of unrealistic claims by just about
Here are just a few ways you can serve other people
everybody. Be authentic by showing how you are focused on
when you sell:
serving people by meeting their needs.
1. PUT THEM FIRST. It’s a people – first mindset that unlocks 4. CREATE WIN–WIN SITUATIONS. I intentionally only
sales success. Some people think of “sharks” as ruthless do business deals where we create win–win situations. I
predators, but that’s not how I do business. I know how know I can only truly succeed when I first deliver value to
to innovate, disrupt the marketplace, orchestrate a killer other people.
investment deal, and grow a business. But my people–first
perspective is at the heart of everything I do. I intentionally
seek win – win relationships and solutions.
Go to www.askmethod.com/zigziglar