Araza Vs People

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International Women's Day

[ G.R. No. 247429,

September 08, 2020 ]
International Women's Day

October 5, 1989 - Araza and the

complainant were married

AAA received a text message from a certain

Edna and Mary Ann, who told her that
Araza was having an affair with their best

September 3, 2007- confirmed that Araza

was living with certain Tessie Luy Fabillar
International Women's Day
Concubinage- was filed against
Araza and Fabillar

November 22, 2007- Araza left his


June 20, 2014- AAA filed a Petition

for Habeas Corpus, thinking that
Fabillar was restraining the liberty of
International Women's Day
June 20, 2014. The [CA] deputized
NBI agent to conduct a thorough
investigation on Araza and
Based on the investigation- Araza
left their conjugal abode of his own
volition, and he has been living with
his mistress as husband and wife.
As a matter of fact, three children
were born out of their cohabitation.
Hence, the petition for habeas
corpus was dismissed.
International Women's Day
The truth caused AAA emotional
and psychological suffering.
She was suffering from insomnia
and asthma.
Allegedly, she is still hurting and
crying and could not believe what
had happened in their marriage as
they were living harmoniously as
husband and wife.
International Women's Day
She was taking anti-depressants
and sleeping pills to cope with the
severe emotional and psychological
turmoil brought about by Araza's
marital infidelity and having
children with his mistress.

She claimed she had spent a large

amount of money to search for her
husband, which includes the filing
of several cases.
International Women's Day
The defense presented Araza as it
sole witness. According to Araza

He and AAA were married in


He was a former taxi driver and an

OFW for [two] years. When he
stopped being an OFW, he went
back to being a taxi driver
International Women's Day
when he was in Cagayan de Oro to
recruit agents for their business,
AAA had told him that his sister
had a stroke.

He was allegedly dismayed when his

wife did not even offer any help, as
she claimed she had nothing to
He felt hurt about it and sadly, his
sister died
International Women's Day
In 2007- his relationship with his
wife went sour, and AAA believed
in rumors and accused him of being
a womanizer.

He denied having an affair with


when AAA went to Zamboanga,

she filed a complaint against him
and he was arrested as a
consequence and was forced to sign
an agreement.
International Women's Day
He returned to Manila with his
wife, hoping that she would change
her ways towards him, but she did

Eventually, he sought his friend’s ]

help to secure a plane ticket [ound
to Zamboanga. He left his wife
because he could no longer stand
[her] attitude towards him. He also
denied fathering children with
International Women's Day
RTC Ruling:
October 30, 2017
all the elements of the crime of
violence against women under
Section 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262 were
With regard to AAA's testimony,
the RTC is convinced by her
sincerity and candor.
International Women's Day
Her testimony was able to show that
due to Araza's acts of infidelity, she
suffered emotional and
psychological harm

Since there are no facts and/or

circumstances from which it could
be reasonably inferred that AAA
falsely testified or was actuated by
improper motives, her testimony is
worthy of full faith and credit.
International Women's Day
Araza- defense of denial
cannot be given greater weight
than the declaration of a
credible witness who testifies on
an affirmative matter.

Araza- GUILTY beyond

reasonable doubt for Violation of
Section 5(i) of Republic Act 9262
International Women's Day
Ruling of the CA
-denied Araza's appeal, and motion
for reconsideration, in toto.

- found that the prosecution

sufficiently established the elements
of the crime as defined in Section
5(i) of R.A. No. 9262, and as alleged
in the Information filed against
International Women's Day
The CA concluded that
-R.A. No. 9262 does not criminalize
acts such as the marital infidelity
per se
-but the psychological violence
causing mental or emotional
suffering on the wife.
International Women's Day
Supreme Court
Petition is denied for lack of
The elements of violation of
Section 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262
were sufficiently alleged in the
International Women's Day
In Dimamling v. People the elements of violation of Section
5(i) of R.A. No. 9262 are enumerated:
(1) The offended party is a woman and/or her child or
(2) The woman is either the wife or former wife of the
offender or is a woman with whom the offender has had a
sexual or dating relationship, or is a woman with whom such
offender has a common child. As for the woman's child or
children, they may be legitimate or illegitimate, or living
within or without the family abode;
(3) The offender causes on the woman and/or child mental
or emotional anguish; and
(4) The anguish is caused through acts of public ridicule or
humiliation, repeated verbal and emotional abuse, denial of
financial support or custody of minor children or access to
the children or similar acts or omissions.
International Women's Day

The CA was correct in ruling that Araza committed

psychological violence upon his wife, AAA, by committing
marital infidelity, which caused AAA to suffer emotional
anguish and mental suffering.

Psychological violence is an indispensable element of

violation of Section 5(i) of R.A. No. 9262. Equally essential
is the elements of emotional anguish and mental suffering,
which are personal to the complainant.

The law does not require proof that the victim became
psychologically ill due to the psychological violence done by
her abuser. Rather, the law only requires emotional anguish
and mental suffering to be proven
International Women's Day
The prosecution has established Araza's guilt beyond
reasonable doubt by proving that he committed
psychological violence upon his wife by committing
marital infidelity.

AAA's testimony was strong and credible.

She was able to confirm that Araza was living with

another woman.

Marital infidelity, which is a form of psychological

violence, is the proximate cause of AAA's emotional
anguish and mental suffering, to the point that even
her health condition was adversely affected

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