PM - 4549231

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With effective
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 4th Semester from academic
Functional Area Specialization: Human Resource Management year 2018-19
Subject Name: Performance Management (PM)
Subject Code: 4549231

1. Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcome Component Learning Outcome (Learner will be able to)
Business Environment and  Discuss the importance of performance management,
Domain Knowledge (BEDK) organizational strategic planning, and succession
planning, using individual KRAs and associating self-
evaluation with company evaluation.
Critical thinking, Business  Design the performance parameters in purview of
Analysis, Problem Solving and business goals and list innovative ways for redesigning
Innovative Solutions (CBPI) the appraisal needs for various organisations.
Global Exposure and Cross-  Analyse the assessment of appraisal problems and
Cultural Understanding (GECCU) difficulties encountered in appraisal methods based on
cultural context in MNCs and in Indian contexts.
Social Responsiveness and Ethics  Critically evaluate ethical issues in Performance
(SRE) Management Practices for given industry/business
Effective Communication (EC)  Explain the evaluation criteria and mapping of
performance outcomes with evaluation criteria and to
ensure effective implementation of performance
management system.
Leadership and Teamwork (LT)  Deliberate on leadership issues emerging during PMS
design, implementation and updating.
 Compare & contrast reward management system for
Team based performance.

Correlation Levels:
1 = Slight (Low); 2 = Moderate (Medium); 3 = Substantial (High), “-“= no correlation

Sub. Code: 4549231 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9
LO1: Discuss the importance
of performance management,
organizational strategic
planning, and succession
3 3 2 3 - 3 - 1 1
planning, using individual
KRAs and associating self-
evaluation with company
LO2: Design the performance
parameters in purview of
business goals and list
3 3 1 3 - 1 1 1 1
innovative ways for
redesigning the appraisal needs
for various organisations.
LO3: Analyse the assessment
of appraisal problems and
difficulties encountered in 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 - -
appraisal methods based on
cultural context in MNCs and

Page no. 1 of 4
With effective
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 4th Semester from academic
Functional Area Specialization: Human Resource Management year 2018-19
Subject Name: Performance Management (PM)
Subject Code: 4549231

in Indian contexts.
LO4: Critically evaluate
ethical issues in Performance
Management Practices for 1 3 2 3 - 1 3 1 1
given industry / business
LO5: Explain the evaluation
criteria and mapping of
performance outcomes with
evaluation criteria and to
1 1 2 3 - 1 - 1 1
ensure effective
implementation of
performance management
LO6: Deliberate on leadership
issues emerging during PMS
2 3 3 2 2 2 2 - 3
design, implementation and
LO7: Compare & contrast
reward management system
for Team based performance.

2. Course Duration: The course duration is of 40 sessions of 60 minutes each.

3. Course Contents:
70 Marks
Module No. of
Contents (External
No: Sessions
Performance Management:
 Aims, Characteristics
 Developments in Performance Management
 Concerns
I  Understanding PM 10 17
 Performance Appraisal and Performance Management
o PM and MBO
o 7 rules of excellence
o 7 sins of HR professionals
Process of Performance Management:
 Performance Management cycle
 PM Sequence, Working of PM
 Performance Management Activities
II  PM in action – feedback management in PM 10 18
 Performance Counselling
o Objectives; Process;
o Conditions for Effective Performance
Counselling and Planning
o Performance Managing,

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With effective
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 4th Semester from academic
Functional Area Specialization: Human Resource Management year 2018-19
Subject Name: Performance Management (PM)
Subject Code: 4549231

Performance Monitoring:
 Assessment Centre
 Designing and Measuring performance (KPI & KRA)
 Criteria for performance measurement
III  Setting Organizational, Team & Individual 10 18
performance Standards
 Methods for evaluating Performance
o 360 Degree appraisal, Competency Mapping &
Competency Modelling, Balance Score card.
Role of Training and Development in PMS:
 Need Identification for Training and Development for
Performance Management
 Rewards and Recognition
 Team Performance
 Performance Management linked Reward System
IV  Role of HR Professionals in Performance Management 10 17
 Potential Appraisal & its linkage to Performance
 Performance Agreements
 Performance Reviews; feedbacks – e-PM
 Strategic role of HR professionals
 Ethics in Performance Management
Live Projects based on activities and Exercises towards the
end of chapter or as decided by the subject faculty/ Live
experiences/ Industry-defined projects. (30 marks
V ---
Projects on designing industry-specific competencies and CEC)
its implications on Performance Mgt. (Eg. BPOs/ IT-ERP
Companies/ Retail Companies/ Hospitals/ NGOs/
Educational Institutions etc)

4. Pedagogy:
 ICT enabled Classroom teaching
 Case study
 Practical / live assignment
 Interactive class room discussions

5. Evaluation:
Students shall be evaluated on the following components:
Internal Evaluation (Internal Assessment- 50 Marks)
A  Continuous Evaluation Component 30 marks
 Class Presence & Participation 10 marks
 Quiz 10 marks
B Mid-Semester examination (Internal Assessment-30 Marks)
C End –Semester Examination (External Assessment-70 Marks)

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With effective
Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 4th Semester from academic
Functional Area Specialization: Human Resource Management year 2018-19
Subject Name: Performance Management (PM)
Subject Code: 4549231

6. Reference Books:
Year of
No. Author Name of the Book Publisher Publication
/ Edition
Oxford Higher 2008/ Latest
1 A. S. Kohli, T. Deb Performance Management
Education edition
2 Soumendra N. Bagchi Performance Management Cengage 2013 / 2nd
R. K. Balyan, Himalaya
Performance Management
3 Vikramender Singh Publishing 2017 / 1st
(Text & cases)
Balyan, Suman Balyan House
Performance Management-
4 Prem Chadha It’s about performing not Laxmi
just appraising
Performance Management
5 T.V. Rao Sage 2004 / 1st
and Appraisal Systems

6 Herman Aguinis ‘Performance Management Pearson 2012 / 3rd

G.K. Suri, Venkata Performance Measurement Excel

7 2005
Ratnam, N.K. Gupta and Management Publications
Strategies for Performance Excel Latest
8 D.K.Srivastava
Management Publications edition
Michael Armstrong, Performance Management: of Personnel & Latest
Angela Baron The new Realities Development, edition
Dipak Kumar Performance management Latest
10 Pearson
Bhattacharya system and strategies edition
Note: Wherever the standard books are not available for the topic appropriate print and online
resources, journals and books published by different authors may be prescribed.

7. List of Journals / Periodicals / Magazines / Newspapers / Web resources, etc.

1. Vikalpa – A Journal for Decision Makers
2. Management Review
3. Human Capital
4. Harvard Business Review
5. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
6. Human Resource Development Review
7. Journal of Human Resource Development
8. Human Resource Development Quarterly
9. International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management
10. European Journal of Training and Development information
11. Human Resource Management Review
12. Human Resource Management Journal

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