Main Shafting 2008

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I - Part 1 Section 4 C Main Shafting Chapter 2

GL 2008 Page 4–1

Section 4

Main Shafting

A. General quenched and tempered steels shall be used with a

tensile strength of more than 500 N/mm2.
1. Scope However, the value of Rm used for the calculation of
The following Rules apply to standard and established the material factor Cw in accordance with formula (2)
types of shafting for main and auxiliary propulsion as shall not exceed
well as for lateral thrusters. Deviating designs require − 600 N/mm2 for propeller shafts (exceptions need
GL's special approval. the special consent of GL)
In the case of ships with ice classes, the strengthening − 760 N/mm2 for shafts made of carbon or carbon
factors given in Section 13 are to be complied with. manganese steel except propeller shafts
GL reserve the right to call for propeller shaft dimen-
sions in excess of those specified in this Section if the − 800 N/mm2 for shafts made of alloy steel except
propeller arrangement results in increased bending propeller shafts.
Where materials with higher specified or actual tensile
strengths than the limitations given above are used, the
2. Documents for approval shaft dimensions derived from formulae (1) and (2)
General drawings of the entire shafting, from the main are not to be reduced accordingly.
engine coupling flange to the propeller, and detail Where in special cases wrought copper alloys resistant
drawings of the shafts, couplings and other component to seawater are to be used for the shafting, consent of
parts transmitting the propelling engine torque, and in GL shall be obtained.
addition detail drawings and the arrangement of the
stern tube seals and the cast resin mount for stern
tubes and shaft bearings are to be submitted in tripli- 2. Testing of materials
cate for approval. All component parts of the shafting which are partici-
For the arrangement of the shaft bearings of the pro- pating in transmitting the torque from the ship's pro-
pulsion plant an alignment calculation, including pulsion plant are subject to the GL Rules II – Materi-
alignment instruction, has to be submitted, see D.5.6. als and Welding and are to be tested. This requirement
With consent of GL for shafting with an intermediate also covers metal propeller shaft liners. Where propel-
shaft diameter < 200 mm the alignment calculation ler shafts running in seawater are to be protected
may be waived. against seawater penetration not by a metal liner but
by plastic coatings, the coating technique used is to be
The documentation shall contain all the data necessary approved by GL.
to enable the stresses to be evaluated.

C. Shaft Dimensioning
B. Materials
1. General
1. Approved materials
The following requirements apply to propulsion shafts
Propeller, intermediate and thrust shafts together with such as intermediate and propeller shafts of traditional
flange and clamp couplings are to be made of forged straight forged design and which are driven by rotat-
steel; where appropriate, couplings may be made of ing machines such as diesel engines, turbines or elec-
cast steel. Rolled round steel may be used for plain, tric motors.
flangeless shafts.
For shafts that are integral to equipment, such as for
In general, the tensile strength of steels used for shaft- gear boxes (see Section 5), podded drives, electrical
ing (shafts, flange couplings, bolts/fitted bolts) shall motors and/or generators, thrusters, turbines and
be between 400 N/mm2 and 800 N/mm2. For dynami- which in general incorporate particular design fea-
cally loaded parts of the shafting, designed in accor- tures, additional criteria in relation to acceptable di-
dance to the formulas as given under C. and D., and mensions have to be taken into account. For the shafts
explicitly for the shafts themselves as well as for con- in such equipment, the following requirements may
necting / fitted bolts for flanged connections in general only be applied for shafts subject mainly to torsion
Chapter 2 Section 4 C Main Shafting I - Part 1
Page 4–2 GL 2008

and having traditional design features. Other limita- 2. Minimum diameter

tions, such as design for stiffness, high temperature,
etc. are to be considered additionally. The minimum shaft diameter is to be determined by
applying formula (1).
Explicitly it will be emphasized that the following
applications are not covered by the requirements in Pw
da ≥ d ≥ F ⋅ k ⋅ ⋅ Cw (1)
this Section: ⎡ ⎛ di ⎞ ⎤
n ⋅ 1−⎜ ⎟ ⎥

− additional strengthening for shafts in ships, ⎢ ⎝ d a ⎠ ⎥⎦

which are strengthened for navigation in ice (see
Section 13)
d = minimum required outer shaft diameter [mm]
− gearing shafts (see Section 5) da = actual outer shaft diameter [mm]
− electric motor and generator rotor shafts di = actual diameter of shaft bore [mm]. If the bore
in the shaft is ≤ 0,4 ⋅ da the expression
− turbine rotor shafts (see Section 3a, 3b)
⎛d ⎞
− crankshafts for internal combustion engines (see 1 − ⎜ i ⎟ may be taken as 1,0
Section 2) ⎝ da ⎠

Additionally, all parts of the shafting are to be de- Pw = rated power of propulsion motor [kW], gearbox
signed to comply with the requirements relating to and bearing losses are not to be subtracted
torsional vibrations set out in Section 16.
n = shaft speed at rated power [min-1]
In general dimensioning of the shafting shall be based
on the total rated installed power. F = factor for type of propulsion installation [–]
a) Propeller shafts
Where the geometry of a part is such that it cannot be
dimensioned in accordance with these formulae, spe- = 100 for all types of installations
cial evidence of the mechanical strength of the part
concerned is to be furnished to GL. b) Intermediate and thrust shafts
= 95 for turbine installations, diesel engine in-
Any alternative calculation has to include all relevant stallations with hydraulic slip couplings, elec-
loads on the complete dynamic shafting system under tric propulsion installations
all permissible operating conditions. Consideration
has to be given to the dimensions and arrangements of = 100 for all other propulsion installations
all shaft connections. Moreover, an alternative calcu-
lation has to take into account design criteria for con- CW = material factor [–]
tinuous and transient operating loads (dimensioning 560
for fatigue strength) and for peak operating loads = (2)
(dimensioning for yield strength). The fatigue strength R m + 160
analysis may be carried out separately for different
load assumptions, for example: Rm = specified minimum tensile strength of the shaft
material (see also B.1.) [N/mm2]
− Low cycle fatigue criterion (typically < 104), i.e. k = factor for the type of shaft [–]
the primary cycles represented by zero to full
load and back, including reversing torque if ap- a) Intermediate shafts
plicable. This is addressed by formula (1)
= 1,0 for plain sections of intermediate shafts
with integral forged coupling flanges or with
− High cycle fatigue criterion (typically > 107), i.e.
shrink-fitted keyless coupling flanges. For
torsional vibration stresses permitted for con-
shafts with high vibratory torques, the diame-
tinuous operation as well as reverse bending
ter in way of shrink fitted couplings should be
stresses. The limits for torsional vibration
slightly increased, e.g. by 1 to 2 %.
stresses are given in Section 16. The influence of
reverse bending stresses is addressed by the = 1,10 for intermediate shafts where the cou-
safety margins inherent in formula (1). pling flanges are mounted on the ends of the
shaft with the aid of keys. At a distance of at
− The accumulated fatigue due to torsional vibra- least 0,2 ⋅ d from the end of the keyway, such
tion when passing through barred speed ranges shafts can be reduced to a diameter calculated
or other transient operational conditions with with k = 1,0.
stresses beyond the permitted limits for continu-
ous operation is addressed by the criterion for = 1,10 for intermediate shafts with radial holes
transient stresses in Section 16. which diameter is not exceeding 0,3 ⋅ d. Inter-
I - Part 1 Section 4 D Main Shafting Chapter 2
GL 2008 Page 4–3

sections between radial and eccentric axial For intermediate and thrust shafts, the radius at forged
holes require a special strength consideration. flanges is to be at least 8 % of the calculated minimum
diameter for a full shaft at the relevant location. For
= 1,15 for intermediate shafts designed as the aft propeller shaft flange, the radius is to be at least
multi-splined shafts where d is the outside di- 12,5 % of the calculated minimum diameter for a full
ameter of the splined shaft. Outside the shaft at the relevant location.
splined section, the shafts can be reduced to a
diameter calculated with k = 1,0.
2. Shaft tapers and nut threads
= 1,20 for intermediate shafts with longitudinal
slots within the following limitations: Keyways are in general not to be used in installations
with a barred speed range.
− slot length up to 0,8 ⋅ d Keyways in the shaft taper for the propeller are to be
− inner diameter up to 0,8 ⋅ d designed in a way that the forward end of the groove
makes a gradual transition to the full shaft section. In
− slot width e up to 0,1 ⋅ d addition, the forward end of the keyway shall be spoon-
shaped. The edges of the keyway at the surface of the
− end rounding at least 0,5 ⋅ e shaft taper for the propeller are not to be sharp. The
forward end of the rounded keyway has to lie well
− 1 slot or 2 slots at 180° or 3 slots at 120°
within the seating of the propeller boss. Threaded holes
Slots beyond these limitations require a spe- for securing screws for propeller keys shall be located
cial strength consideration. only in the aft half of the keyway (see Fig. 4.1).

b) Thrust shafts In general, tapers for securing flange couplings which

are jointed with keys shall have a conicity of between
= 1,10 for thrust shafts external to engines near 1 : 12 and 1 : 20. See Section 6 for details of propeller
the plain bearings on both sides of the thrust shaft tapers on the propeller side.
collar, or near the axial bearings where a
The outside diameter of the threaded end for the pro-
roller bearing is used.
peller retaining nut shall not be less than 60 % of the
c) Propeller shafts calculated big taper diameter.

= 1,22 for propeller shafts with flange mounted 3. Propeller shaft protection
or keyless taper fitted propellers, applicable
to the shaft part between the forward edge of
3.1 Sealing
the aftermost shaft bearing and the forward
face of the propeller hub or shaft flange, but At the stern tube ends propeller shafts with oil or
not less than 2,5 ⋅ d. grease lubrication are to be fitted with seals of proven
efficiency and approved by GL, see also the require-
In case of keyless taper fitting, the method of ments applicable to the external sealing of the stern
connection has to be approved by GL. tube in context with the propeller shaft survey pre-
= 1,26 for propeller shafts in the area specified scribed in the GL Rules Part 0 – Classification and
for k = 1,22, if the propeller is keyed to the Surveys, Section 3.
tapered propeller shaft. The securing at stern tube, shaft line or propeller (e.g.
= 1,40 for propeller shafts in the area specified chrome steel liner) shall guarantee a permanent tight-
for k = 1,22, if the shaft inside the stern tube ness.
is lubricated with grease. GL reserve the right to demand corresponding verifi-
= 1,15 for propeller shafts between forward end
of aftmost bearing and forward end of fore For protection of the sealing a rope guard shall be
stern tube seal. The portion of the propeller provided.
shaft located forward of the stern tube seal
can gradually be reduced to the size of the in- The propeller boss seating is to be effectively pro-
termediate shaft. tected against the ingress of seawater. This seal can be
dispensed with if the propeller shaft is made of corro-
sion-resistant material.
In the case of Class Notation IW, the seal is to be
D. Design fitted with a device by means of which the bearing
clearance can be measured when the vessel is afloat.
1. General
3.2 Shaft liners
Changes in diameter are to be effected by tapering or
ample radiusing. Radii are to be at least equal to the 3.2.1 Propeller shafts which are not made of corro-
change in diameter. sion-resistant material and which run in seawater are
Chapter 2 Section 4 D Main Shafting I - Part 1
Page 4–4 GL 2008

r6 ~ 0,5 b

Section E - E


r1 < r2 < r3 < r4

Standard values of r5
r1 r2 r3 r4
d r5 r5 r5 r5 r5
up to 150 3
up to 250 4
up to 450 5 A B C D
from 450 6 Sections: A - A B-B C-C D-D
Detail X

Fig. 4.1 Design of keyway in propeller shaft

to be protected against ingress of seawater by sea- Where propellers are attached to a forged flange on
water-resistant metal liners or other liners approved by the propeller shaft, the flange has to have a thickness
GL and by proven seals at the propeller. of at least 25 % of the calculated minimum diameter
of a solid shaft at the relevant location.
3.2.2 Metal liners in accordance with 3.2.1, which
run in seawater, are to be made in a single piece. With These flanges are not to be thinner than the Rule di-
the expressed consent of GL the liner may consist of ameter of the fitted bolts, if these are based on the
two or more parts, provided that the abutting edges of same tensile strength as that of the shaft material.
the parts are additionally sealed and protected after In the formulae (4), (5), (6) and (7), the following
fitting by a method approved by GL to guarantee symbols are used:
water-tightness. Such a possibility are special coat-
ings. Such joints will be subject to special tests to A = effective area of shrink-fit seating [mm2]
prove their effectiveness. cA = coefficient for shrink-fitted joints [–] , depend-
ing on the kind of driving unit
3.2.3 Minimum wall thickness of shaft liners
= 1,0 for geared diesel engine and turbine drives
The minimum wall thickness s [mm] of metal shaft
liners in accordance with 3.2.1 is to be determined as = 1,2 for direct coupled diesel engine drives
C = conicity of shaft ends [–]
s = 0,03 ⋅ d + 7,5 (3) = difference in cone diameters / length of cone
d = shaft diameter under the liner [mm] d = shaft diameter in area of clamp-type coupling
In the case of continuous liners, the wall thickness
ds = diameter of fitted bolts [mm]
between the bearings may be reduced to 0,75 ⋅ s.
dk = inner throat diameter for necked-down bolts [mm]
4. Coupling connections D = diameter of pitch circle of bolts [mm]
4.1 The thickness of coupling flanges on the f = coefficient for shrink-fitted joints [–]
intermediate and thrust shafts and on the forward end Q = peripheral force at the mean joint diameter of a
of the propeller shaft is to be equal to at least 20 % of shrink fit [N]
the calculated minimum diameter of a solid shaft at
the relevant location. n = shaft speed [min-1]
I - Part 1 Section 4 D Main Shafting Chapter 2
GL 2008 Page 4–5

p = contact pressure of shrink fits [N/mm2] applied. This clearance has to be derived as the differ-
ence between the lowest respectively highest diame-
Pw = rated power of the driving motor [kW] ters for the bore and the shaft according to the manu-
sfl = flange thickness in area of bolt pitch circle facturing drawings. The contact pressure p [N/mm2] in
[mm] the shrunk-on joint to achieve the required safety
margin may be determined by applying formulae (6)
S = safety factor against slipping of shrink fits in and (7).
the shafting [–]
= 3,0 between motor and gear Θ2 ⋅ T 2 + f ⋅ (ca2 ⋅ Q 2 + T 2 ) − Θ⋅ T
p= [N/mm2] (6)
= 2,5 for all other applications A⋅f
T = propeller thrust respectively axial force [N]
T has to be introduced as positive value if the propel-
z = number of fitted or necked-down bolts [–] ler thrust increases the surface pressure at the taper.
Rm = tensile strength of fitted or necked-down bolt Change of direction of propeller thrust is to be ne-
material [N/mm²] glected as far as power and thrust are essentially less.

μo = coefficient of static friction [–] T has to be introduced as negative value if the propel-
ler thrust reduces the surface pressure at the taper, e.g.
= 0,15 for hydraulic shrink fits for tractor propellers.
= 0,18 for dry shrink fits 2
⎛μ ⎞
Θ = half conicity of shaft ends [-] f = ⎜ o ⎟ − Θ 2 [ −] (7)
⎝ S ⎠
= C/2
For direct coupled propulsion plants with a barred
4.2 The bolts used to connect flange couplings speed range it has to be confirmed by separate calcula-
are normally to be designed as fitted bolts. The mini- tion that the vibratory torque in the main resonance is
mum diameter dS of fitted bolts at the coupling flange transmitted safely. For this proof the safety against
faces is to be determined by applying the formula: slipping for the transmission of torque shall be at least
S = 2,0 (instead of S = 2,5 ), the coefficient cA may be
106 ⋅ Pw set to 1,0. For this additional proof the respective
ds = 16 ⋅
n ⋅ D ⋅ z ⋅ Rm
[ mm] (4) influence of the thrust may be disregarded.

4.3 Where, in special circumstances, the use of 5. Shafting bearings

fitted bolts is not feasible, GL may agree to the use of
an equivalent frictional transmission. 5.1 Arrangement of shaft bearings

4.4 The minimum thread root diameter dk of the Drawings showing all shaft bearings, like stern tube
connecting bolts used for clamp-type couplings is to bearings, intermediate bearings and thrust bearings,
be determined using the formula: shall be submitted for approval separately, if the de-
sign details are not visible on the shafting arrangement
drawings. The permissible bearing loads are to be
106 ⋅ Pw
d k = 12 ⋅
n ⋅ d ⋅ z ⋅ Rm
[ mm] (5) indicated. The lowest permissible shaft speed also has
to be considered.
Shaft bearings both inside and outside the stern tube
4.5 The shaft of necked-down bolts shall not be
are to be so arranged that each bearing is subjected to
less than 0,9 times the thread root diameter. If, besides
positive reaction forces irrespective of the ship's load-
the torque, the bolted connection has to transmit con-
ing condition when the plant is at operating state tem-
siderable additional forces, the bolts shall be rein-
forced accordingly.
By appropriate spacing of the bearings and by the
4.6 Shrink fitted couplings alignment of the shafting in relation to the coupling
flange at the engine or gearing, care is to be taken to
Where shafts are connected by keyless shrink fitted
ensure that no undue shear forces or bending moments
couplings (flange or sleeve type), the dimensioning of
are exerted on the crankshaft or gear shafts when the
these shrink fits shall be chosen in a way that the
plant is at operating state temperature. By spacing the
maximum von Mises equivalent stress in all parts will
bearings sufficiently far apart, steps are also to be
not exceed 80 % of the yield strength of the specific
taken to ensure that the reaction forces of line or gear
materials during operation and 95 % during mounting
shaft bearings are not significantly affected should the
and dismounting.
alignment of one or more bearings be altered by hull
For the calculation of the safety margin of the connec- deflections or by displacement or wear of the bearings
tion against slippage, the maximum clearance will be themselves.
Chapter 2 Section 4 D Main Shafting I - Part 1
Page 4–6 GL 2008

Guide values for the maximum permissible distance A reduction of the bearing length may be approved if
between bearings lmax [mm] can be determined using the bearing is shown by means of bench tests to have
formula (8): sufficient load-bearing capacity.

A max = K1 ⋅ d (8) 5.2.4 Where the propeller shaft runs in grease lu-
bricated grey cast iron bushes the lengths of the after
d = diameter of shaft between bearings [mm] and forward stern tube bearings are to be approxi-
mately 2,5 ⋅ da and 1,0 ⋅ da respectively.
K1 = 450 for oil-lubricated white metal bearings
The peripheral speed of propeller shafts is to not ex-
= 280 for grey cast iron, grease-lubricated stern ceed:
tube bearings
− 2,5 to a maximum of 3 m/s for grey cast iron
= 280 – 350 for water-lubricated rubber bear- bearings with grease lubrication
ings in stern tubes and shaft brackets (upper
values for special designs only). − 6 m/s for rubber bearings
Where the shaft speed exceeds 350 min-1 it is recom- − 3 to a maximum of 4 m/s for lignum vitae bear-
mended that the maximum bearing spacing is deter- ings with water lubrication
mined in accordance with formula (9) in order to
avoid excessive loads due to bending vibrations. In 5.2.5 If roller bearings are provided, the require-
limiting cases a bending vibration analysis for the ments of 5.3.2 have to be considered
shafting system is recommended.
5.3 Intermediate bearings
A max = K 2 ⋅ (9) 5.3.1 Plain bearings
For intermediate bearings shorter bearing lengths or
n = shaft speed [min-1] higher specific loads as defined in 5.2 may be agreed
K2 = 8400 for oil-lubricated white metal bearings with GL.

= 5200 for grease-lubricated, grey cast iron 5.3.2 Roller bearings

bearings and for rubber bearings inside stern
tubes and tail shaft brackets. For the case of application of roller bearings for shaft
lines the design is to be adequate for the specific re-
quirements. For shaft lines significant deflections and
5.2 Stern tube bearings inclinations have to be taken into account. Those shall
not have adverse consequences.
5.2.1 Inside the stern tube the propeller shaft shall
normally be supported by two bearing points. In short For application of roller bearings the required mini-
stern tubes the forward bearing may be dispensed mum loads as specified by the manufacturer are to be
with, in which case at least one free-standing journal observed.
bearing should be provided.
The minimum L10a (acc. ISO 281) lifetime has to be
5.2.2 Where the propeller shaft inside the stern suitable with regard to the specified overhaul intervals.
tube runs in oil-lubricated white metal bearings or in
synthetic rubber or reinforced resin or plastic materials 5.4 Bearing lubrication
approved for use in oil-lubricated stern tube bearings,
the lengths of the after and forward stern tube bearings 5.4.1 Lubrication and matching of materials of the
shall be approximately 2 ⋅ da and 0,8 ⋅ da respectively. plain and roller bearings for the shafting have to meet
the operational demands of seagoing ships.
The length of the after stern tube bearing may be re-
duced to 1,5 ⋅ da where the contact load, which is cal- 5.4.2 Lubricating oil or grease is to be introduced
culated from the static load and allowing for the into the stern tube in such a way as to ensure a reliable
weight of the propeller is less than 0,8 MPa in the case supply of oil or grease to the forward and after stern
of shafts supported on white metal bearings and less tube bearing.
than 0,6 MPa in the case of bearings made of synthetic
materials. With grease lubrication, the forward and after bearings
are each to be provided with a grease connection.
5.2.3 Where the propeller shaft inside the stern Wherever possible, a grease gun driven by the shaft is
tube runs in bearings made of lignum vitae, rubber or to be used to secure a continuous supply of grease.
plastic approved for use in water-lubricated stern tube Where the shaft runs in oil inside the stern tube, a
bearings, the length of the after stern tube bearing header tank is to be fitted at a sufficient height above
shall be approximately 4 ⋅ da and that of the forward the ship's load line. It shall be possible to check the
stern tube bearing approximately 1,5 ⋅ da. filling of the tank at any time.
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The temperature of the after stern tube bearing (in gen- 5.7 Cast resin mounting
eral near the lower aft edge of the bearing) is to be indi-
cated. Alternatively, with propeller shafts less than 400 The mounting of stern tubes and stern tube bearings
mm in diameter the stern tube oil temperature may be made of cast resin and also the seating of intermediate
indicated. In this case the temperature sensor is to be shaft bearings on cast resin parts is to be carried out by
located in the vicinity of the after stern tube bearing. GL-approved companies in the presence of a GL Sur-
5.4.3 In the case of ships with automated machin- Only GL-approved cast resins may be used for seat-
ery, Chapter 4 – Automation has to be complied with. ings.

5.5 Stern tube connections The installation instructions issued by the manufac-
turer of the cast resin have to be observed.
Oil-lubricated stern tubes are to be fitted with filling, tes-
ting and drainage connections as well as with a vent pipe. For further details see VI – Additional Rules and
Guidelines, Part 4 – Diesel Engines, Chapter 3 –
Where the propeller shaft runs in seawater, a flushing Guidelines for the Seating of Propulsion Plants and
line is to be fitted in front of the forward stern tube Auxiliary Machinery and Part 9 – Materials and Weld-
bearing instead of the filling connection. If required, this ing, Chapter 5 – Guidelines for the Approval of Reac-
flushing line shall also act as forced water lubrication. tion Plastics and Composite Materials for the Seating
and Repair of Components.
5.6 Condition monitoring of propeller shaft at
stern tube 5.8 Shaft alignment
5.6.1 Where the propeller shaft runs within the It has to be verified by alignment calculation that the
stern tube in oil the possibility exists to prolong the requirements for shaft-, gearbox- and engine bearings
intervals between shaft withdrawals. For this purpose are fulfilled in all relevant working conditions of the
the following design measures have to be provided: propulsion plant. At this all essential static, dynamic
and thermal effects have to be taken into account.
− a device for measurement of the temperature of
the aft stern tube bearing (and regular documen- The calculation reports to be submitted are to include
tation of measured values), compare 5.4.2 the complete scope of used input data and have to
disclose the resulting shaft deflection, bending stress
− a possibility to determine the oil consumption and bearing loads and have to document the compli-
within the stern tube (and regular documentation) ance with the specific requirements of the component
− an arrangement to measure the wear down of the manufacturer.
aft bearing For the execution of the alignment on board an in-
− a system to take representative oil samples at the struction has to be created which lists the permissible
rear end of the stern tube under running condi- gap and sag values for open flange connections re-
tions for analysis of oil quality (aging effects and spectively the "Jack-up" loads for measuring the bear-
content of H2O, iron, copper, tin, silicon, bearing ing loads.
metal, etc.) and suitable receptacles to send sam- Before the installation of the propeller shaft the cor-
ples to accredited laboratories. (The samples rect alignment of the stern tube bearings is to be
shall be taken at least every six months.) checked.
− a written description of the right procedure to The final alignment on board has to be checked by
take the oil samples suitable methods in afloat condition in presence of the
GL Surveyor.
− a test device to evaluate the water content in the
lubricating oil on board (to be used once a month)
5.9 Shaft locking devices
− If roller bearings are provided, additional vibra-
tion measurements have to be carried out regu- A locking device acc. to Section 1, D.8.3 has to be
larly and to be documented. The scope of the provided at each shaftline of multiple-shaft systems.
measurements and of the documentation has to The locking device is at least to be designed to prevent
be agreed with GL specifically for the plant. the locked shaft from rotating while the ship is operat-
ing with the remaining shafts at reduced power. This
5.6.2 The requirements for the initial survey of this reduced power has to ensure a ship speed that main-
system as well as for the checks at the occasion of tains the manoeuvring capability of the ship in full
annual and Class Renewal surveys are defined in the scope, in general not less than 8 kn.
GL Rules I – Ship Technology, Part 0 – Classification
and Surveys, Section 3, B.1.3.8. If the locking device is not designed for the full
power/speed of the remaining shafts, this operational
5.6.3 If the requirements according to 5.6.1 and 5.6.2 restriction has to be recognizable for the operator by
are fulfilled, the Class Notation CM-PS may be assigned. adequate signs.
Chapter 2 Section 4 E Main Shafting I - Part 1
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5.10 Shaft earthing 2. Stern tubes

Shaft earthing has to be provided according to Section
Prior to fitting, cast stern tubes and cast sterntube
2, E.5.4.
parts are to be subjected to a hydraulic tightness test
at 2 bar pressure in the finish-machined condition.
A further tightness test is to be carried out after fit-
E. Pressure Tests ting.
1. Shaft liners
For stern tubes fabricated from welded steel plates, it
Prior to fitting, shaft liners are to be subjected to a is sufficient to test for tightness during the pressure
hydraulic tightness test at 2 bar pressure in the finish- tests applied to the hull spaces passed by the stern
machined condition. tube.

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