National Science Bee 2021-2022

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Which theory states that there exists no set larger

than the set of integers and smaller than that of
real numbers?
A. Continuum hypothesis
B. Cantor's theorem
C. Non-denumerability of the continuum
D. Axiom of infinity
National Science Bee – 2021-22 A Set Qualifying Exam
6. Identify the substances which contain a high
Name ________________________________________ concentration of a specific mineral.
A. Slag
School ________________________________________ B. Minerals
C. Ores
Grade ________ D. Gangue

Email address __________________________________ 7. Thales of Miletus accurately predicted a solar

eclipse for the first time in recorded history in
Instructions - Circle the correct answer or leave it which year?
blank. Correct answers are worth 2 points. Incorrect A. 1530 BC
answers are worth −1 point. Questions left blank are B. 584 BC
worth 0 points. C. 1276 AD
D. 2201 AD
1. In a scattering experiment, alpha particle 1
deflected at 120°, alpha 2 at 60°, and alpha 3 at 3°. 8. A steel ball is dropped from rest and falls for
Which was deflected by electrons of atoms in the several seconds. Approximately how fast is the
foil? ball moving at the end of 3 seconds?
A. Alpha 1 only A. 30 m/s
B. Alpha 1 and 2 only B. 60 m/s
C. Alpha 2 and 3 only C. 10 m/s
D. Alpha 3 only D. 20 m/s

2. Which of the following is NOT a programming 9. A triangle where no two sides are equal is
language? classified as which of the following?
A. Pascal A. Scalene
B. Mozilla B. Isosceles
C. C++ C. Acute
D. Ada D. Obtuse

3. Which of the following would not be found in a 10. Phosphorus reactions in soil are dependent on
standard hydrogen electrode? which of the following?
A. 1 M HCl solution with hydrogen gas A. Porosity
B. Zinc electrode B. Type of soil
C. 1 atmosphere C. Solubility
D. Inert platinum electrode D. pH

4. The Almagest was written by which of the 11. Which of the following is an amino acid, not a
following? polymer?
A. Aristotle A. Glycine
B. Pythagoras B. Bakelite
C. Ptolemy C. Polyethylene
D. Hipparchus D. Propanic acid
12. Most hypoxic zones, often caused by runoff of 19. Which of the following is TRUE?
excess nutrients, can be found in which parts of A. An effective buffer has a [base]/[acid]
the world? ratio in the range of 10 – 100.
A. Along the coasts of countries B. An effective buffer has very small
B. In the hadalpelagic zones absolute concentrations of acid and
C. In the abyssopelagic zones conjugate base.
D. Open ocean surface waters C. A buffer is most resistant to pH change
when [acid] = [conjugate base]
13. Diurnal motions are caused by D. A buffer cannot be destroyed by adding
A. The rapid rotations of heavenly bodies too much strong base. It can only be
B. The motion of the moon about the Earth destroyed by adding too much strong
C. The motion of the Sun about the Earth acid.
D. The rotation of the Earth around its axis
20. If a planet's rotation on its axis is perpendicular to
14. Medieval scientists and doctors believed in the its orbital plane, its seasons would be _____.
existence of four key liquids of the body that they A. Constant
called humours. Among the four humours, which B. Shorter than those on Earth
was believed to be the cause of ill-tempered C. Longer than those on Earth
moods? D. The same as those on Earth
A. Black bile
B. Phlegm 21. All prime numbers greater than 2 are odd, but a
C. Yellow bile prime greater than 10 can never end in which
D. Blood digit?
A. 1
15. Which accurately describes the role of the light- B. 7
independent reactions? C. 3
A. Transforming light energy into chemical D. 5
B. Transferring chemical energy into high- 22. The two strands of a DNA molecule are held
energy sugars together by which type of bond?
C. Returning chemical energy to light energy A. Covalent
D. Transferring light energy among different B. Peptide
compounds C. Ionic
D. Hydrogen
16. What process in the biogeochemical cycle of
nitrogen converts organic compounds from 23. Which astronomer created a trade wind theory
decomposing organisms to inorganic ammonium? when studying regional wind systems, though is
A. Fixation better known for identifying his namesake comet?
B. Ammonification A. Edwin Holmes
C. Nitrification B. Robert H. McNaught
D. Denitrification C. Edmund Halley
D. Alan Hale
17. Which is a cause of the rapid movement of a
Venus flytrap’s leaf? 24. Which element is so radioactive that it glows
A. Auxin visibly and emits heat?
B. Electrical Signals A. Radium
C. Ethylene gas B. Xenon
D. Abscisic acid C. Curium
D. Radon
18. Which of the following is a rational number?
A. √2 25. What is the probability that an integer chosen
B. √𝜋 randomly from numbers 100 through 999 will
have 0 as at least one of the digits?
C. √7
A. 19/900
D. %49⁄64 B. 171/900
C. 81/900
D. 90/900
26. What is the surface area of a cube whose volume 34. If a photographic film is sensitive to blue light but
is 27 cubic inches? not green light, would you predict it would be
A. 27 cubic inches sensitive to red light?
B. 27 square inches A. No, because red photons are less
C. 54 square inches energetic than green photons.
D. 54 cubic inches B. Yes, because red photons are more
energetic than green photons.
27. Anthropoids include monkeys and which of the C. Yes, if the intensity is high enough.
following? D. Yes, if the exposure is long enough.
A. Lemurs
B. Humans 35. On an ideal coil spring, pulses:
C. Tarsiers I. keep their size
D. Lorises II. Keep their shape
III. add displacements
28. Which of the following procedures would double A. I and II only
the pressure of a gas in a container? B. I, II, and III
A. Double the volume C. I only
B. Double the temperature D. II only
C. Decrease the pressure
D. Increase the size of the container 36. If the calculated cell potential is _____, the
reaction is spontaneous.
29. What is the oxidation number of chlorine in A. Positive
NaCl? B. Negative
A. -2 C. Neutral
B. -1 D. Balanced
C. 0
D. +1 37. The most dangerous consequence of earthquake
damage to structures is caused by
30. Which of the following describes a salt bridge? A. Soil Liquefaction
A. A pathway composed of salt water that B. Foundation tremors
ions pass through. C. Rolling Surfaces
B. A pathway in which no ions flow. D. Tsunamis
C. A pathway between the cathode and
anode in which ions are oxidized. 38. Identify the ion that is responsible for the red
D. A pathway by which counterions can flow color of rubies.
between the half-cells without the A. Cr 6+
solutions in the half-cell totally mixing. B. Cr 5+
31. Which civilization is regarded as the first to have a C. Cr 4+
functional theory of the planets? D. Cr 3+
A. Chinese
B. Babylonian 39. Identify the isomers that have ligands with
C. Egyptian different spatial arrangements about the metal
D. Cro-Magnon ions.
A. Linkage isomers
32. Which of the following was the first to apply for a B. Geometric isomers
patent for a refracting telescope? C. Coordination isomers
A. Galileo Galilei D. Optical isomers
B. Hans Lipperhey
C. Johannes Kepler 40. Which statement below describes chewing cud?
D. Hypatia A. Ruminants regurgitate food from the
rumen, chew and swallow it again
33. Which of the following is a real operating system? B. Non-ruminants use specialized bacteria to
A. Cold Fusion help digest proteins
B. Perl C. Ruminants use specialized bacteria to
C. Solaris digest cellulose
D. Boomerang D. Non-ruminants regurgitate food that is
41. A plant near a window will start to bend toward 47. What is the smallest number greater than 64 that
the window. Which of the following explains this is both a perfect square and a perfect cube?
phenomenon? A. 256
A. Abscisic acid inhibits cell division on the B. 729
sunny side of stems. C. 4096
B. Cytokinin stimulates cell division on the D. 149
sunny side of the plant's roots.
C. Gibberella fujikuroi stimulates the plant 48. Most crops are grown from which of the
to grow unusually tall. following?
D. Auxin concentrates on the shaded side of A. Dicotyledons
stems and stimulates cell elongation. B. Monocotyledons
C. Epiphytes
42. A battery that uses a reversible redox reaction is D. Eudicots
called a _____ storage battery.
A. Primary 49. An uncharged glass rod is rubbed with silk. The
B. Secondary rod is suspended and when the silk comes near
C. Tertiary the rod, it turns toward it. What does this tell you
D. Quaternary about electric charges?
A. A negative charge was transferred from
43. Which of the following features of the rod to silk.
photoelectric effect are incompatible with the B. A positive charge was transferred from
wave model of light? the silk.
A. The photocurrent is proportional to the C. Charges can be separated by rubbing glass
intensity of light. with silk.
B. There is no systematic delay between the D. No conclusion can be drawn.
time light hits cathode of photocell and
ejection of photoelectrons. 50. Who is credited with the invention of the electric
C. The wavelength of the light is inversely battery?
proportional to its frequency. A. Dmitri Mendeleev
D. Ejection of photo electrons is not B. Alessandro Volta
dependent on the frequency of light. C. James Clerk Maxwell
D. Michael Faraday
44. The problem with replicating the lagging strand, 3'
to 5' direction, is solved through use of which of
the following?
A. Base Pairing
B. Enzyme Helicase
C. Okazaki Fragments
D. Replication Forks

45. The ancestors of many modern animal phyla first

appeared during the
A. Burgess Period
B. Ediacaran Period
C. Precambrian Period
D. Cambrian Period

46. Which of the following changes would double the

period of a pendulum?
A. Double the mass of the bob
B. Double the length of the string
C. Quadruple the mass of the bob
D. Quadruple the length of the string

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