Assignment For Human Resource Management

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Great Vision College

Department of Accounting and Finance,

Assignment for Human Resource Management

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Great Vision College
Department of Accounting and Finance,

Assignment for Human Resource Management

Part One: Multiple Choice Questions (1 Pt. each)

1. All of the following competitive challenges faced by companies will increase the
importance of human resource management EXCEPT:
A. The global challenge. C. The political challenge.
B. The challenge of sustainability. D. The technology challenge.
2. _____ refers to the ability of a company to survive and succeed in a dynamic
competitive environment.
A. Outsourcing C. Sustainability
B. Empowerment D. Resource management
3. To use a physical exam as a selection device, a company must ____________.
A. be sure the physical requirements are valid and that they do not discriminate
B. have an insurance carrier that does not require the testing
C. prove that supervisors do not need physical abilities to perform their jobs
D. prove that the test has nothing to do with insurance
4. ______________ familiarizes the employee with the goals of the work unit, clarifies how his or
her job contributes to the unit goals, and includes an introduction to his or her new co-workers.
A. Organizational orientation C. Procedural orientation
B. Work unit orientation D. An assessment center
5. What training method involves employees participating in role playing, simulations, or other
face-to-face types of training?
A. job rotation C. on-the-job training
B. mentoring and coaching D. experiential exercises
6. _____________ is a process of setting standards and measuring employee performance to
arrive at performance standards.
A. Time and motion study C. Legal influence arrangement
B. Benchmarking D. A performance management system
7. ______________ is often used for appraising managers and professional employees.
A. Management by objectives C. A critical incident
B. Job analysis D. A graphic rating scale
8. What is not a factor that can influence compensation and benefits?
A. appearance and sex
B. unionization
C. geographical location
D. labor intensive
9. Empowering is defined as:
A. the movement of women and minorities into managerial positions.
B. giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions regarding all aspects
of product development or customer service.
C. leading employees by the strength of one's charisma.
D. the act of continually learning and improving one's skills and abilities.
10. The balanced scorecard:
A. is similar to most measures of company performance.
B. uses indicators important to the company's strategy.
C. is a standardized instrument of company performance.
D. should not be applied to HR practices.
11. The balanced scorecard presents a view of company performance from the perspective
A. its customers only.
B. its employees only.
C. its employees and customers only.
D. its employees, customers, and shareholders.
12. How diversity issues are managed in companies has implications for all the following
A. knowing how to learn.
B. creativity.
C. retaining good employees.
D. problem solving.
13. Managing cultural diversity can provide a competitive advantage by:
A. decreasing the number of available women and minorities in the company's labor
B. helping women and minorities understand they must conform to organizational
norms and expectations.
C. helping companies produce better decisions by including all employees' perspectives
and analysis.
D. identifying product markets on which the company should focus.
14. Which of the following cultural diversity arguments states that companies with the best
reputations for managing diversity will win the competition for the best personnel?
A. System flexibility argument
B. Marketing argument
C. Employee attraction and retention argument
D. Problem-solving argument
15. Diversity is important for tapping all of the following skills of employees EXCEPT:
A. cultural skills.
B. communication skills.
C. creativity.
D. homogeneous thinking.
16. Which of the following is one of the four ethical principles of a successful company?
A. Managers assume all responsibility for the actions of the company.
B. It has a strong profit orientation.
C. Customer, client, and vendor relationships emphasize mutual benefits.
D. It does not produce products that can be used for violent purposes.
17. Which of the following is NOT a standard that human resource managers must satisfy
for practices to be ethical?
A. Managers must treat employees as family.
B. Human resource practices must result in the greatest good for the largest number of
C. Employment practices must respect basic human rights of privacy, due process, and
free speech.
D. Managers must treat employees and customers equitably and fairly.

18. Which of the following statements about technology is FALSE?

A. The Internet allows employees to locate and gather resources, including software,
reports, photos, and videos.
B. Technology does not allow older workers to postpone retirement.
C. The Internet gives employees instant access to experts whom they can communicate
D. Technology has made equipment easier to operate, helping companies cope with skill
19. Which of the following is NOT typically true of work teams?
A. They are used to increase employee responsibility and control.
B. They use cross-training to give employees knowledge on a wide range of skills.
C. They frequently select new team members and plan work schedules.
D. They assume all of the activities reserved for managers such as controlling, planning,
and coordinating activities.
20. Which of the following is NOT recommended for supporting work teams?
A. Reducing flexibility and interaction between employees to maintain high
B. Giving employees formal performance feedback.
C. Linking compensation and rewards with performance.
D. Allowing employees to participate in planning changes in equipment, layout, and
work methods.
21. Managing the assessment and development of human resources involves all of the
following EXCEPT:
A. measuring employees' performance.
B. creating an employment relationship and work environment that benefits both the
company and the employee.
C. recruiting employees and placing them in jobs that best use their skills.
D. identifying employees' work interests, goals, and values, and other career issues.
22. High-performance work practices include such activities as ______________.
A. closed communication
B. centralized decision making
C. firm job assignments
D. self-managed teams
23. Labor unions use ____________ to protect the rights of their members.
A. functional operations
B. new product development
C. collective bargaining
D. process
24. An assessment that defines the jobs and behaviors necessary to perform the job is
known as a _____________.
A. job description
B. job specification
C. goal-oriented job definition
D. job analysis
Part Two: Discussion questions
25. Name and discuss the competencies that HR professionals need (3 pts.).
26. What is meant by empowering and what type of training must be conducted to make it
effective (3 pts.)?

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