Passive and Active Hybrid Integrated EMI Filters
Passive and Active Hybrid Integrated EMI Filters
Passive and Active Hybrid Integrated EMI Filters
5, MAY 2009
HE PURSUIT of obtaining higher power density ac/dc and
T dc/dc converters leads to increasing switching frequencies
in order to reduce the size of the energy storage elements. These
energy storage elements usually influence the overall size of
a converter significantly. This has resulted in the development
of electromagnetically integrated structures [1] that combine
several functions in one passive component.
Due to increasing switching frequencies, conducted emis-
sions from 150 kHz to 30 MHz have increased. Thus, the elec-
tromagnetic interference (EMI) filter has also become a signif- With the first filter structure, all inductor windings and all
icant part of the converter in terms of size and cost. For this capacitors except for a large differential-mode (DM) capacitor
reason, some electromagnetically integrated EMI filter struc- are integrated in the PCB. The DM capacitor is realized by a
tures [2] and [4] and also active EMI filters [5] and [6] have parallel connection of X2 SMD-X7R capacitors. For the large
been proposed. inductance value of the common-mode (CM) choke, a planar
In this paper, two new planar EMI filter structures are pre- ferrite core is needed, although the overall filter has a very low
sented that allow a significant reduction of the filter volume. profile (height <9.5 mm) and a low volume (≈25% volume re-
These structures are integrated in a printed board circuit (PCB), duction in comparison to a discrete solution). This filter is called
which could be manufactured using a cost-saving standard PCB a passive hybrid integrated EMI filter due to the combination of
manufacturing process. integrated and discrete passive components.
In a second step, the passive integrated structure is combined
with an analog amplifier (active EMI filter). With the amplifier
Manuscript received October 2, 2008; revised November 20, 2008. Current stage, the required inductance and capacitance values of the
version published May 6, 2009. This paper was presented in part at the Applied components decrease significantly, so that no additional ferrite
Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Dallas, TX, February
2006. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor P. Tenti. core is needed. The components of the active filter are mounted
J. Biela, R. Waespe, K. Raggl, and J. W. Kolar are with the Power Elec- on top of the PCB, where the passive filter is integrated. This
tronic Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH new approach results in a very compact construction (≈40%
Zurich), Zurich 8092, Switzerland (e-mail: [email protected]; waesper@; [email protected]). volume reduction in comparison to a discrete solution) and is
A. Wirthmueller was with the Power Electronic Systems Laboratory, called active hybrid integrated EMI filter.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), Zurich 8092, The two proposed filter structures are designed for a 600 W
Switzerland. He is now with Columbia University, New York, NY 10027-70031
USA (e-mail: [email protected]). power-factor-corrected (PFC) converter intended for informa-
M. L. Heldwein is with the Federal University of Santa Catarina, tion technology (IT) applications (cf., Fig. 1) with the specifica-
Florianopolis 88040-970, Brazil (e-mail: [email protected]). tion given in Table I. In Section II of this paper, the discrete EMI
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at filter for the PFC converter is described for comparing the new
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2009.2012404 structures with a conventional filter. The structure of the passive
0885-8993/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jacobo Aguillon. Downloaded on July 08,2024 at 06:33:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jacobo Aguillon. Downloaded on July 08,2024 at 06:33:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jacobo Aguillon. Downloaded on July 08,2024 at 06:33:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 8. Dependence of the coupling factor k on the length of the µ-metal layer
(cf. Fig. 7)—measured values at *.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Jacobo Aguillon. Downloaded on July 08,2024 at 06:33:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 12. (a) Circuit diagram of the active hybrid integrated EMI filter.
(b) Design of the active hybrid integrated EMI filter.
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Fig. 14. Circuit for the measurement of the transfer (U 2 /U 1 ) function (filter
attenuation) and the input impedance.
Fig. 17. (a) Transfer function of the active filter for CM with (with AMP) and
without amplifier (without AMP) and for DM. (b) Input impedance of the filter
at the load side for CM with (with AMP) and without amplifier (without AMP)
with phase (dashed lines). (c) Input impedance of the filter at the load side for
DM with phase (dashed lines).
Fig. 16. (a) Transfer function of the passive filter for CM with (with GND) and
In order to compare the performance of the different filters,
without connection of the µ-metal layer to ground (without GND) and for DM. measured transfer functions, losses, and volume of the discrete,
(b) Input impedance of the filter at the load side for CM and DM with phase the passive, and the active hybrid filters are presented in the
(dashed lines).
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Usually, insertion loss measurements, i.e., the ratio The comparatively low resonance frequency of the CM choke
U2 /UNoise , are used to characterize EMI filters. However, these of the passive integrated filter results in a CM attenuation curve
measurements also include the attenuation that results from the that is not as good as that of the discrete filter. The reason for this
source impedance of the measurement circuit (usually 50 Ω) and is the parasitic capacitances resulting from the planar winding
the filter capacitors (cf. Fig. 14). The source/internal impedance design. A possible alternative design of the CM choke, which
of the noise source and also the additional attenuation depend leads to reduced parasitic capacitances and also lower losses,
very much on the converter topology and the design of the con- is shown in Fig. 18, where the core is integrated in the PCB
verter. In order to obtain information about the filter attenuation by magnetic layers and the winding consists of wire or in case
that is independent of the source impedance, the transfer func- of low-power applications of PCB tracks. For the considered
tion, i.e., the ratio U2 /U1 , is used in the following. The input 600-W PFC system, the winding must be made of wires in order
voltage of the filter U1 for a given source impedance could be to keep the efficiency high. Since this would require special
calculated with the input impedance ZIN of the EMI filter, which manufacturing technologies, which are out of the focus of this
is also presented in the following. The additional attenuation be- project, this approach is not further investigated.
cause of the source impedance could be seen in Fig. 15, where In Fig. 17(a), the CM attenuation of the active integrated filter
the DM insertion loss and the transfer function for the active is shown, where it could be seen that the amplifier results in an
filter are plotted in the same graph. additional attenuation of 15–20 dB in the frequency range from
In Fig. 16, the CM and the DM attenuation and the input 400 kHz to 4 MHz. The resonant peak at approximately 160 kHz
impedance of the passive hybrid filter are given, where the two is caused by the limited gain of the amplifier. As simulations
curves for the CM show the different attenuation of the filter show, the gain could be increased by using transistors with a
when the µ-metal layer is connected to ground or free floating. higher transition frequency in the power stage of the amplifier.
Due to the additional parasitic capacitances (cf. Fig. 9), the The resonant peak around 2 MHz in the CM attenuation of the
HF behavior of the filter is improved. The resonant peak of active integrated filter is caused by the characteristic frequency
the CM attenuation between 400 and 500 kHz results from the of the integrated coils.
characteristic frequency of the CM choke. In Table V, the volume, the losses, and the efficiency of
Due to the large source impedance of the PFC converter (boost the three EMI filters are given. The values in the “modified”
inductor: 187 µH—cf. Fig. 1), the DM attenuation of the passive columns result from using Vacoflux 48 (VAC [15]), which has a
filter increases very much in the frequency range from 100 kHz saturation flux density of 2 T, instead of FPC 351/302 [14] as the
to 1 MHz, since the input impedance of the filter is relatively magnetic layer. The basic design of the inductors is the same for
low in this region. For example, at 100 kHz, approximately ad- both materials, just the higher possible maximal flux density is
ditional 20 dB results from the large source impedance resulting utilized to reduce the number of turns and therewith the losses.
in an effective attenuation larger than 40 dB for DM at 100 kHz. As can be seen, the losses and the volume of the integrated filters
In the considered frequency range, the input impedance of the can be reduced very much so that the efficiency of the integrated
active filter for DM is even lower than that of the passive filter, filters is comparable to that of the discrete filter, but the volume
which leads to a larger additional damping due to the source is reduced by more than 40%.
impedance (cf., Fig. 17). Consequently, the DM attenuation of The presented approach for the passive hybrid filter, which is
the two integrated filters is comparable to that of the discrete the more promising integration method if burst test and high-
filter and even exceeds it a bit. voltage spikes at the mains are considered, is also applied to an
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jacobo Aguillon. Downloaded on July 08,2024 at 06:33:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Jacobo Aguillon. Downloaded on July 08,2024 at 06:33:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
transformers,” in Conf. Rec. 2005 IEEE Ind. Appl. Conf. 40th IAS Annu. Marcello Lobo Heldwein (S’99–M’06) received
Meeting, Hong Kong, China, Oct. 2–6, vol. 3, pp. 1868–1875. the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineer-
[20] M. L. Heldwein, H. Ertl, J. Biela, and J. W. Kolar, “Implementation ing from the Federal University of Santa Catarina,
of a transformer-less common mode active filter for off-line converter Florianópolis, Brazil, in 1997 and 1999, respectively,
systems,” in Proc. 21th Annu. IEEE Appl. Power Electron. Conf. Expo. and the Ph.D. degree from the Swiss Federal Institute
(APEC), Dallas, TX, Mar. 19–23, 2006, p. 7. of Technology (ETH Zurich), Zurich, Switzerland, in
He is currently working as a Postdoctoral Fellow
at the Power Electronics Institute (INEP), Federal
University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis,
Juergen Biela (S’04–M’06) received the diploma Brazil. From 1999 to 2001, he was a R&D engineer
(with honours) from the Friedrich-Alexander Uni- with the Power Electronics Institute, Federal University of Santa Catarina. From
versity in Erlangen, Germany in 2000 and the Ph.D. 2001 to 2003, he was an Electrical Design Engineer with Emerson Energy Sys-
degree from ETH Zurich in 2005, all in electrical en- tems, in São José dos Campos, Brazil and in Stockholm, Sweden. His current
gineering. In the course of his M.Sc. studies he dealt research interests include power factor correction techniques, static power con-
in particular with resonant DC-link inverters at the verters, multilevel converters and EMC for power electronics.
Strathclyde University, Scotland (term project) and Mr. Heldwein is currently a member of the Brazilian Power Electronic
the active control of series connected IGCTs at the Society (SOBRAEP) and of the IEEE.
Technical University of Munich (diploma thesis).
He has worked at the research department of A&D
Siemens, Germany, from 2000 to June 2001, where
he focused on inverters with very high switching frequencies, SiC components
and EMC. In July 2002, he joined the Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
(PES), ETH Zurich, to work toward the Ph.D. degree, concentrating on opti-
mized electromagnetically integrated resonant converters. From 2006 to 2007
he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow with PES and has been a guest researcher at Klaus Raggl was born in Zams, Austria, in 1980.
the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Since 2007 he is working as Senior He received the M.Sc. degree in mechatronics from
Research Associate at PES, ETH Zurich. Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria, in
His current research interest include multi-domain modelling, design and op- 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in 2009 from the Power
timization of power electronic systems, in particular systems for future energy Electronic Systems Laboratory (PES), Swiss Fed-
distribution and pulsed power applications, advanced power electronic systems eral Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Zurich,
based on novel semiconductor technologies and integrated passive components Switzerland, in 2009.
for ultra compact and ultra efficient converter systems. At ETH Zurich, he worked on bearingless pump
systems with high power density, section drive tech-
nology, and magnetic bearings. Since April 2009, he
has been with Hilti AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein, where
he is working on high-performance drilling and demolition machines.
Alexander Wirthmueller was born in Regensburg,
Germany, on February 13, 1982. He has been study-
ing electrical engineering at the Swiss Federal In-
stitute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), Zurich,
Switzerland, since October 2002. He is currently
working toward the Diploma in silicon photonics at
Columbia University, New York.
His research interests include the design of inte- Johann W. Kolar (M’89–SM’02) received the Ph.D.
grated passives for power electronics applications as degree (summa cum laude) from the University of
well as with quantum transport simulation in semi- Technology Vienna, Vienna, Austria, where he stud-
conductor devices. ied industrial electronics.
From 1984 to 2001, he was with the University
of Technology Vienna, where he was teaching and
engaged in research in close collaboration with the
industry. He has proposed numerous novel converter
Roman Waespe was born in Zurich, Switzerland, on topologies, e.g., the VIENNA rectifier and the three-
August 12, 1982. He received the Diploma degree in phase ac-ac sparse matrix converter concept. He is the
distributed generation integration from the University author or coauthor of more than 200 scientific papers
of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2007, in international journals and conference proceedings, and has filed more than
and has been studying electrical engineering at the 50 patents. In February 2001, he was appointed a Professor and the Head of
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH the Power Electronics Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technol-
Zurich), Zurich, Switzerland, since October 2002. ogy Zurich, (ETH Zurich), Zurich, Switzerland. His current research interests
He is currently with the Power Electronic Sys- include ultracompact intelligent ac–ac and dc–dc converter modules employing
tems Laboratory, ETH Zurich. His research interests latest power semiconductor technology (SiC), novel concepts for cooling and
include the design of integrated passives for power active electromagnetic interference (EMI) filtering, multidisciplinary simula-
electronics as well as with real-time imaging pro- tion, bearingless motors, power microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and
cessing algorithms. wireless power transmission.
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