Alyona - TP8 - Lesson Plan

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Name: Alyona Lesson No: 8 Level: UI Date: 28/09/2023

Length: 45 min No. of Students: 6 Tutor: Eszter Szenttornyai

Lesson Focus: Functional language + Speaking

Main and Subsidiary Aims: (please be explicit and include your context too)
Main aim
To enable students to ask for advice and give advice by using functional language: "Why don't you...", "You have no
choice, but..", "You should", "How about...", "If I were you, I would", "What do you suggest?", "What should I do?".

Sub aims
-to improve students’ speaking skills
-to upgrade students’ language

Personal Aim(s):
-to make sure the pace of the lesson overall is neither rushed nor drawn out
-to elicit more from students in the clarification process
-to respond more to the students’words (to correct errors

Materials I plan to use: (remember © – or indicate that material is self-made)

-Authentic materials (dialogues)

-Handmade slides

Tutor’s overall comments on the lesson

Tutor’s comments on planning

Progress on previous action points

Strengths Action Points

The lesson overall meets / does not meet the standard required at this stage of the course

Tutor’s signature_______________________
Inter- Stage and Aim Procedure Anticipated Problems and Solutions Tutor’s Comments
action &

5-7 min Lead-in I will give my students the following situation Problem: Students might not have
and ask them to suggest what they could do in any ideas if they didn't have such
T-S to generate interest, experience
this situation:
set context for the
lesson. What would you do in this situation:
Solution: Make a demo and tell them
"Your boss promised you the promotion, but that ideas could be completely
then he promoted another person instead of different and even unusual (funny)

I will ask them to discuss the situation in pairs

for two minutes. During their PW I will be
monitoring carefully, making notes (interesting
ideas, errors).

OCFB: we will listen to several ideas and then I

will orientate my students to the text they will
read later. I will tell them a story about my friend
Jeremy, who was promised to get the promotion.

Gist task I will ask my students to read the dialogue Problem: Students might finish too
quickly and to answer the question: "Did Jeremy early
3-4 min Make students to
get the promotion?"
know the topic and
T-S Solution: Monitor carefully and start
the text we are going They will work on their own for 1-2 min then we
the checking process earlier if it's
to work later will check the answer and justify it together. necessary

15-17 Test 1 + Teach After my students got acquainted with the text, I will
min (Merged) ask them to pay attention to the highlighted phrases
and I will ask them to divide these phrases into two
T-S To give students columns: asking for advice/ giving advice
matching task and
S-S check their overall They will work on their own for 2-3 min.

T-S understanding of Then we will check the answers together.

functional language
After that I will ask them CCQs to check if they
understood the meanings of two groups of phrases
properly: Problem: Students might be
to ensure that confused with different forms:
students can CCQs for "giving advice" phrases:
infinitive/ to+infinitive.
understand the 1. Does it mean that person wants to help
meanings of the Jeremy? (Yes)
phrases properly Solution: Make an effective and
2. Does he have any ideas how to help him? thoughtful OCFB, ask clear CCQs

to ensure that CCQs for "asking for advice" phrases:

students can
1. Does it mean that Jeremy doesn't know what
pronounce the
to do? (Yes)
phrases properly
2. And does it mean that he really needs help
from another person? (Yes)

Then I will pay attention to each item from the point

of form and pronunciation. I will try to elicit it from
the students and ask them to give additional

1. Why don't you... + infinitive

2. You have no choice, but..TO + infinitive

3. You should + infinitive

4. How about...+ verb + ING

5. If I were you, I would.. + infinitive

6. What do you suggest?...finished sentence Problem: Students might have some

problems with connected speech
7. What should I do?...finished sentence
Solution: Drilling should help here
And I will also pay attention to appropriacy:

Please look at the phrases one more time and tell me

which of them you would use with your boss and
which you wouldn't say to the boss?

(What do you suggest? -is neutral. The others is better

to use with people you know well).

8-10 min Test 2 I will give my students another dialogue and ask them
to fill in the gaps with the following phrases:
S-S To check students'
understanding of the "Why don't you...", "You have no choice, but..", "You Problem: Students might have
SSS should", "How about...", "If I were you, I would", different answers
functional language
"What do you suggest?", "What should I do?
Solution: Warn them that some of
the phrases can replace each other,
I will warn them that it's important to pay attention to but not all of them. Pay attention to
the form that will help them to make
the form to find the right answer (there are also some
the right choice in many cases.
phrases that can replace each other).
They will do the task on their own for 3 min

Then compare their answers in pairs for 2 min

OCFB: we will check the answers and justify our

choice for 3-4 min

I will offer my students a rope-play:

Problem: There could be three
10-12 Freer Practice One of them will take "problem" card, will choose students in one breakout room.
min one of the problems given and will try to ask for
To give students advice. Another person will take the second card and Solution: Tell them, that in this case
SSS speaking practice will try to give advice to his/ hers partner's problem two of them should take the first card
with the target (but choose different problems) and
T-S the third person will try to give them
language During their PW I will be monitoring carefully,
making notes (interesting ideas, errors).

(Maybe they will have enough time for

exchanging their roles)

OCFB + error corrections

Complete this sheet for all functional language lessons that you teach.

Meaning and use: What is the function? (i.e. what is the language used for?)
Functional language for asking for/ giving advice

Context: Describe the context you’ll use to bring the functional language to life.
I will use the context of talking about problems at work

Target language: list the exponents of the function (in Form: What are the relevant aspects of
order from the most informal to the most formal). form? E.g. verb patterns,
Highlight relevant areas of phonology.

Why don't you... + infinitive

You have no choice, but.. + To + infinitive

You should + infinitive

If I were you, I would + infinitive

What do you suggest? ____

+ ING form of the verb

How about....

What should I do? _______

Potential problems and solutions: Meaning (including appropriacy/register/formality)

P1. Most of phrases are more informal than others.

S1. Ask CCQs: Which phrases would you use with your boss? (What do you suggest..?)

Which phrases would you use with people you know well (only)? (You should, You have no choice, but,
Why don't you...What should I...How about...)

Potential problems and solutions: Form

P1 Ss can be confused with forms that require infinitive only and forms that require TO + INFINITIVE

S1 Pay attention to each item and elicit form for them, ask students to give additional examples

Potential problems and solutions: Pronunciation

P1 Ss students might be confused with connected speech

S1 Drilling should help here.

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