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Undergraduate Analysis
A Working Textbook

Aisling McCluskey
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics
National University of Ireland, Galway

Brian McMaster
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Queen’s University Belfast

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP,
United Kingdom
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Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries
© Aisling McCluskey and Brian McMaster 2018
The moral rights of the authors have been asserted
First Edition published in 2018
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We dedicate this book to all those practitioners of the craft of analysis whose
apprentices we have been in times long past, and to the colleagues who in more
recent years have shared with us their insights and their enthusiasm.
In particular, we salute with gratitude and affection:
Samuel Verblunsky
Derek Burgess
Ralph Cooper
James McGrotty
David Armitage
Tony Wickstead
Ariel Blanco
Ray Ryan
John McDermott
AMcC, BMcM, October 2017

Mathematical analysis underpins calculus: it is the reason why calculus works, and
it provides a toolkit for handling situations in which algorithmic calculus doesn’t
work. Since calculus in its turn underpins virtually the whole of the mathematical
sciences, analytic ideas lie right at the heart of scientific endeavour, so that a
confident understanding of the results and techniques that they inform is valuable
for a wide range of disciplines, both within mathematics itself and beyond its
traditional boundaries.
This has a challenging consequence for those who participate in third-level
mathematics education: large numbers of students, many of whom do not regard
themselves primarily as mathematicians, need to study analysis to some extent; and
in many cases their programmes do not allow them enough time and exposure to
grow confident in its ideas and techniques. This programme-time poverty is one
of the circumstances that have given analysis the unfortunate reputation of being
strikingly more difficult than other cognate disciplines.
Aspects of this perception of difficulty include the lack of introductory gradual-
ness generally observed in the literature, and the without loss of generality factor:
experienced analysts are continually simplifying their arguments by summoning
up a battery of shortcuts, estimations and reductions-to-special-cases that are
part of the discipline’s folklore, but which there is seldom class time to teach in
any formal sense: instead, students are expected to pick up these ideas through
experience of working on examples. Yet the study time allocated to analysis in
early undergraduate programmes is often insufficient for this kind of learning
by osmosis. The ironic consequence is that basic analytic exercises are not only
substantially harder for the beginner than for the professional, but substantially
harder than they need to be.
This text, through its careful design, emphasis and pacing, sets out to develop
understanding and confidence in analysis for first-year and second-year under-
graduates embarked upon mathematics and mathematically related programmes.
Keenly aware of contemporary students’ diversity of motivation, background
knowledge and time pressures, it consistently strives to blend beneficial aspects
of the workbook, the formal teaching text and the informal and intuitive tutorial
discussion. In particular:
1. It devotes ample space and time for development of insight and confidence in
handling the fundamental ideas that – if imperfectly grasped – can make
analysis seem more difficult than it actually is.
2. It focuses on learning through doing, presenting a comprehensive integrated
range of examples and exercises, some worked through in full detail, some
supported by sketch solutions and hints, some left open to the reader’s
initiative (and some with online solutions accessible through the publishers).

3. Without undervaluing the absolute necessity of secure logical argument, it

legitimises the use of informal, heuristic, even imprecise initial explorations of
problems aimed at deciding how to tackle them. In this respect it creates an
atmosphere like that of an apprenticeship, in which the trainee analyst can
look over the shoulder of the experienced practitioner, look under the bonnet
of the problem and watch the roughwork develop, noting the occasional
failures of opening gambits and the tricks of the trade that can be mobilised in
order to circumvent them.
The price that has to be paid for such an approach is that the book is more
verbose, sometimes positively long-winded, and certainly longer than one that
would concentrate solely on finalised versions of standard proofs and slick model
answers. Yet it appears to us that such a price is well worth paying: for one thing,
it is our experience that a text principally consisting of streamlined, finalised
demonstrations and solutions creates in the mind of many beginners a misleading
and demoralising impression that this is how they are expected to create solutions
at the first attempt; for another, the extra material – far from being just digressional
– summarises what we find it necessary to say, time and time again, to students who
ask us eminently reasonable questions such as: ‘How do I start this?’ ‘How can we
be expected to think of that?’ ‘Why is that step true, and why did you think of taking
it?’ An additional benefit is that the text will be easier and quicker to read, since
the thoughtful reader will often find answers promptly supplied to the questions
that would otherwise have impeded progress to the next step.
Especially because less-specialised learners will often need to deal with only
some of the material covered here, we have streamed the presentation into basic
and more advanced chapters and, within these, we have flagged up relatively
specialised topics and sophisticated arguments that can reasonably be omitted
without compromising overall comprehension. Analysis is more welcoming to the
learner who has thoroughly grasped a modest amount of material than to one who
has an imprecise understanding of a larger body of knowledge.
It is central to our teaching philosophy and to our classroom experience that
students learn at a deeper level through doing than they ever could through
reading alone: despite our intention to present here as full an account of basic
analytic concepts, results and techniques as is reasonable to set before learners
who have many other competing demands on their time and energy, it is only by
active study, engaging in a broad range of exercises, that they will gain confidence
and empowerment in acquiring useable, performable knowledge and the insight
that directs it. Our account is therefore intended as a working textbook: each
idea encountered is embedded in worked examples and in exercises – some
with solutions, some with helpful hints encouraging the reader to explore and to
internalise that idea.

A Note to the Instructor xiii

A Note to the Student Reader xv

1 Preliminaries 1
1.1 Real numbers 1
1.2 The basic rules of inequalities — a checklist of things you probably know
already 2
1.3 Modulus 3
1.4 Floor 4
2 Limit of a sequence — an idea, a definition, a tool 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Sequences, and how to write them 6
2.3 Approximation 10
2.4 Infinite decimals 11
2.5 Approximating an area 13
2.6 A small slice of π 16
2.7 Testing limits by the definition 17
2.8 Combining sequences; the algebra of limits 24
2.9 POSTSCRIPT: to infinity 29
2.10 Important note on ‘elementary functions’ 35
3 Interlude: different kinds of numbers 37
3.1 Sets 37
3.2 Intervals, max and min, sup and inf 40
3.3 Denseness 47
4 Up and down — increasing and decreasing sequences 53
4.1 Monotonic bounded sequences must converge 53
4.2 Induction: infinite returns for finite effort 62
4.3 Recursively defined sequences 71
4.4 POSTSCRIPT: The epsilontics game — the ‘fifth factor of difficulty’ 75
5 Sampling a sequence — subsequences 77
5.1 Introduction 77
5.2 Subsequences 77
5.3 Bolzano-Weierstrass: the overcrowded interval 83
6 Special (or specially awkward) examples 87
6.1 Introduction 87
6.2 Important examples of convergence 87

7 Endless sums — a first look at series 103

7.1 Introduction 103
7.2 Definition and easy results 104
7.3 Big series, small series: comparison tests 111
7.4 The root test and the ratio test 118
8 Continuous functions — the domain thinks that the graph is unbroken 125
8.1 Introduction 125
8.2 An informal view of continuity 127
8.3 Continuity at a point 133
8.4 Continuity on a set 134
8.5 Key theorems on continuity 138
8.6 Continuity of the inverse 146
9 Limit of a function 153
9.1 Introduction 153
9.2 Limit of a function at a point 158
10 Epsilontics and functions 169
10.1 The epsilontic view of function limits 169
10.2 The epsilontic view of continuity 174
10.3 One-sided limits 177
11 Infinity and function limits 185
11.1 Limit of a function as x tends to infinity or minus infinity 185
11.2 Functions tending to infinity or minus infinity 192
12 Differentiation — the slope of the graph 201
12.1 Introduction 201
12.2 The derivative 203
12.3 Up and down, maximum and minimum: for differentiable functions 213
12.4 Higher derivatives 223
12.5 Alternative proof of the chain rule 225
13 The Cauchy condition — sequences whose terms pack tightly together 229
13.1 Cauchy equals convergent 229
14 More about series 237
14.1 Absolute convergence 237
14.2 The ‘robustness’ of absolutely convergent series 242
14.3 Power series 252
15 Uniform continuity — continuity’s global cousin 259
15.1 Introduction 259
15.2 Uniformly continuous functions 263
15.3 The bounded derivative test 272

16 Differentiation — mean value theorems, power series 277

16.1 Introduction 277
16.2 Cauchy and l’Hôpital 277
16.3 Taylor series 284
16.4 Differentiating a power series 287
17 Riemann integration — area under a graph 293
17.1 Introduction 293
17.2 Riemann integrability — how closely can rectangles approximate areas
under graphs? 295
17.3 The integral theorems we ought to expect 305
17.4 The fundamental theorem of calculus 313
18 The elementary functions revisited 325
18.1 Introduction 325
18.2 Logarithms and exponentials 325
18.3 Trigonometric functions 332
19 Exercises: for additional practice 341

Suggestions for further reading 377

Index 379
A Note to the Instructor

The first twelve chapters present the ideas of analysis to which virtually everyone
enrolled upon a degree pathway within mathematical sciences will require expo-
sure. Those whose degree is explicitly in mathematics are likely to need most of the
rest. Of course, how this material is divided across the years or across the semesters
will vary from one institution to another.
Most of the exercises set out within the text are provided with specimen
solutions either complete, outlined or hinted at, but in the final chapter we have
also included a suite of over two hundred problems which are intended to assist you
in creating assessments for your student groups. Specimen solutions to these are
available to you, but not directly to your students, by application to the publishers:
please see the webpage www.oup.co.uk/companion/McCluskey&McMaster for
how to access them.
Prior knowledge that the reader should have before undertaking study of this
material includes a familiarity with elementary calculus and basic manipulative
algebra including the binomial theorem, a good intuitive understanding of the
real number system including rational and irrational numbers, basic proof tech-
niques including proof by contradiction and by contraposition, very basic set
(and function) theory, and the use of simple inequalities including modulus.
Substantial revision notes on several of these topics are provided within the text
where appropriate.
A Note to the Student Reader

If, as a student of the material that this book sets forth, you are enrolled on a
course of study at a third-level institution, your instructors will guide and pace you
through it. Careful consideration of the feedback they give you on the work you
submit will be very profitable to you as you develop competence and confidence.
If you are an independent reader, not engaged with such an institution’s pro-
grammes, we intend that you also will find that the text supports your endeav-
ours through its design: in particular, through the expansive (almost leisurely)
treatment of the initial ideas that really need to be thoroughly grasped before you
proceed, through the informal and intuitive background discussions that seek to
develop a feel for concepts that will work in parallel with their precise mathematical
formulations, and through the explicit inclusion of roughwork paragraphs that
allow you to look over the shoulder of the more experienced practitioner of the
craft and under the bonnet of the problem being tackled.
In both cases, our strongest advice to you is to work through every exercise
as you encounter it, and either check your answer against a specimen answer
where available, see if it convinces a colleague or fellow student, or submit it for
assessment or feedback as appropriate. Nobody learns analysis merely by reading
it, any more than you can learn swimming or cycling just by reading a how-to book,
however well-intentioned or knowledgably written it may be. No one can teach you
analysis without your commitment; but you can choose to learn it and, if you do,
this working textbook is designed to help you towards success.

1 Preliminaries

1.1 Real numbers

You can choose to think of the real numbers as being all the possible decimals –
finite and infinite, recurring and non-recurring, positive and negative and zero,
whole numbers and fractions and surds1 and non-surds such as π and e, and every
possible combination of such objects. Equally well, you can choose to think of
them as being (or being represented by) all the points that lie on a continuous
unbroken straight line (the real line, the real axis) that stretches away endlessly in
both directions. Somewhere on that line is a point marked 0 (zero) which separates
the positives (on its right) from the negatives (on its left), and pacing out from
zero at regular intervals in both directions lie the whole numbers (the integers) like
distance markers along that endless road.
−√8 −1.7 2 π

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3

A naı̈ve picture of the real line

This is not, of course, a proper definition of what real numbers are. We are taking
what is sometimes called a naïve view of the system of real numbers: not having
sufficient time to construct it – to dig deeply enough into the logical foundations of
mathematics to come up with a guarantee of its existence – we are instead seeking
to highlight the common consensus on how real numbers behave, combine and
compare. This consensus will already be enough to let us start explaining some
basic ideas in analysis (and we shall say more about the finer structure of the real
numbers in Chapter 3).
Nothing in Section 1.2 is likely to strike the student reader as being much more
than common sense, and nor should it at this stage of study. Nevertheless, it is all
too easy to make mistakes in comparisons between numbers – inequalities – and it
is consequently important to keep these apparently obvious rules in mind and to
build up a good measure of confidence in their use, especially because so many
arguments in analysis depend upon using inequalities. Sections 1.3 and 1.4 present
a couple of useful operations on real numbers that are strongly connected with

√ 5 

1 that is, non-rational numbers involving roots, such as 2, √ , 10 − 3 2.
1+ 2
Undergraduate Analysis: A Working Textbook, Aisling McCluskey and Brian McMaster 2018.
© Aisling McCluskey and Brian McMaster 2018. Published 2018 by Oxford University Press

1.2 The basic rules of inequalities — a checklist

of things you probably know already
• Each real number is either positive or zero or negative. ‘Non-negative’ means
positive or zero.
• x > y and y < x both mean x − y is positive2.
• x ≥ y and y ≤ x both mean x − y is non-negative3.
• x < y < z means both x < y and y < z. Likewise for >, ≤, ≥.
• If x < y and y < z, then x < z. Likewise for >, ≤, ≥.
• If x ≤ y and y ≤ x, then x = y.
• If x and y are different real numbers, then one of them is greater than the other,
and is usually denoted4 by max{x, y}.
• You can add a number to an inequality without damaging it:
x < y ⇒ x + a < y + a.
• You can add two inequalities:
(x < y and a < b) ⇒ x + a < y + b.
• Notice how to use the symbol ‘ ⇒ ’ (pronounced implies): the last line is
shorthand for ‘if x < y and a < b then x + a < y + b’.
• You can multiply an inequality by a positive number without damaging it:
provided a > 0, we have x < y ⇒ ax < ay.
• If you multiply an inequality by a negative number, the inequality becomes
provided that a < 0, we have x < y ⇒ ax > ay.
• You can multiply two inequalities provided that all the numbers involved are
(0 < a < b and 0 < x < y) ⇒ ax < by ;
(0 < a ≤ b and 0 < x ≤ y) ⇒ ax ≤ by.
• Provided that the numbers involved are positive, you can take reciprocals
across an inequality, and the inequality becomes reversed:
x < y ⇒ 1/x > 1/y provided that x, y are positive.
• Provided that the numbers involved are positive, you can take square roots5
across an inequality, and the inequality is preserved:
√ √
x < y ⇒ x < y provided that x, y are positive. Likewise for cube roots,
fourth roots and so on.

2 – and are pronounced as x is greater/larger/bigger than y, y is less/smaller than x.

3 – and are pronounced as x is greater than or equal to y, y is less than or equal to x.
4 If x = y then max{x, y}√
means x (or y, which is the same thing).
5 Recall that the symbol x always means the non-negative square root of x.

• ‘There are large integers:’ that is, for any given real number x we can find an
integer n so that n > x.

1.3 Modulus
1.3.1 Definition If x is a real number, we define6 its modulus (also called its
absolute value) as |x| = the greater of x and −x. That is:
• If x ≥ 0 then |x| = x;
• If x < 0 then |x| = −x.

Since the effect of modulus is to ‘throw away the minus from negative numbers’,
the following should be obvious:

1.3.2 Proposition For any real numbers x, y:

• x ≤ |x|, −x ≤ |x|,
• | − x| = |x|,
• |xy| = |x||y|,
•  xy  = |x|
|y| provided that y  = 0,

• x2 = |x|.

1.3.3 The triangle inequality For any real numbers x and y, we have
|x + y| ≤ |x| + |y|.

Since x ≤ |x| and y ≤ |y|, adding gives us x + y ≤ |x| + |y|.
Exactly the same reasoning gives us −x + (−y) = −(x + y) ≤ |x| + |y|.
Now |x + y| is either x + y or −(x + y). So whichever one it is, it is ≤ |x| + |y|.

It is easy to extend this by induction7 to deal with any finite list of numbers, thus:

|x1 + x2 + x3 + . . . + xn | ≤ |x1 | + |x2 | + |x3 | + . . . + |xn |.

 Thereverse triangle inequality For any real numbers x and y, we have
|x| − |y| ≤ |x − y|.

6 More briefly: |x| = max{x, −x}.

7 We discuss this type of argument in detail later in the text.
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which her adopted father, Mr. Helston, F.R.I.B.A., has just completed in
Fransdale, which has been described as the most imaginative specimen of
domestic architecture produced by an Englishman during the last three
hundred years. It has been seriously suggested that the house in question
may revolutionise the idea of the English country house, and that the day of
gables, barge-boards, rough-casting and timbering is over.'"

They looked at each other in mischievous amusement.

"She will be angry," said Brenda; and, after a moment's silence, burst
out laughing.

"Think I'd better not show it?"

"Oh, you must let her see it; because, if you don't, someone else will—

Helston leaned back in his chair, with reminiscent eyes fixed on the
glowing fire.

"You and I were right, Brenda, when we believed her to be above the
average: she ought to go far."

"Never for a moment have I doubted it," his wife answered. "She has
power! Her smallness, her silence, her strength—it is a wonderful
combination. Many a time I have thanked God for her."

"I fancy," said Harry reflectively, "that Mrs. Cooper to this day believes
that we shall repent, and that it was Melicent who corrupted her entire
household, girls, maids, governess, all in the space of two or three weeks."

"If she does, the vicar knows better," returned his wife, "and is glad
enough for Gwen and Theo to come to us whenever they can."

"I believe we made one mistake," thoughtfully pursued the man. "I have
often wished that I had not complied with the vicar's written request that the
Burmesters should be told nothing. I don't want them to think there is
anything to conceal, as far as Millie is concerned. You see, Mayne doesn't
like the circumstances of her leaving Africa talked about, and Cooper
doesn't like the circumstances of her leaving the Vicarage talked about. At
this rate, it seems to me that she may become a Woman with a Past, if we
don't take care."

"Oh, pooh," said Brenda; "don't make a fuss about nothing. Everybody
knows what the Coopers are."

As she spoke, a gay voice, a dog's bark, a scuffle, was heard without;
and the girl they both loved whisked in, waving a roll of vellum in her hand.

"Behold," said she, "the result of my labours! A certificate about the

size of an ordinary table-cloth, signed by about a dozen men whom nobody
ever heard of. If that doesn't convince people of my competency nothing
ever will!"

She tossed the document in Brenda's lap, and sat down on the fender-
stool, a little out of breath.

She had not changed greatly since her early teens; but she had
improved. She was still small, though not too small; still pale, but with the
clear, rose pallor of a Malmaison carnation. Her soft, fair hair was
becomingly arranged, her movements graceful, her manner decidedly good.

"It's going to snow," cried she. "March is going out like a lion! Pater, I
hope the wind won't nip our crocuses."

"A Cleveshire crocus laughs at frost," said Helston. "But will a

Cleveshire maiden laugh at an impertinent newspaper paragraph?"

"Paragraph! You don't tell me! Where? After all my trouble!" She
stopped short, indignant, her cheeks suddenly rose-colour. "Well, I don't
care," she concluded defiantly. "Ne'er a reporter of them all shall flout me
out of my humour."

"Shall I read it?"


Helston did so, not without relish. When he had done, the girl made a
sound of disdain.

"Charming!" she said. "But what does it matter? Does anybody whose
opinion I value form that opinion upon the Hauberk?"

"If you will start doing what nobody has done before,—"

"Well, somebody must start," said Melicent composedly, "or nobody

would ever get anywhere. After all, these things matter so little. People very
soon forget; and one is not nearly so important as one believes."

"Your common-sense and self-possession are getting quite odious,

miss," said Brenda languidly.

Melicent was thoughtful.

"Very likely it is true what they say—that a business woman has got to
sacrifice something. But I always was practical, you know."

"So little do we know ourselves," gasped Helston.

"Why? Am I not practical?"

"Dreamer, idealist, dweller in Utopia, believer in the Fourth dimension

and in the sum of the really important things that nobody can classify—go
to!" said he gravely. "Tell that to the reporters, but not to the unfortunate
pater who had to hold you in when designing a house! 'Bridling the Tweed
with a curb o' stane' would have just been an interval for light refreshment."

Melicent, her arms about her knees, laughed blithely.

"For sheer power of vituperation, you are hard to beat," she said. "Well,
mater, what have you been doing all day?"

"When you have done railing at each other, you shall hear. I have news
of a really exciting character, but I shall not tell it until there is a suitable

Melicent whirled round and clutched her.

"What has happened? Speak instantly! Something nice? Something to

take out the taste of that par.?"

"I have heard news and received a visitor: who but Lance Burmester?"

She had no reason to complain of lack of interest in her hearers. They

rained questions upon her.

"He is in town for one night only," said she. "Goes down to Ilbersdale
to-morrow; so I implored him to come back and dine. He demurred, on the
ground that he had two friends with him, whom he could not desert One is a
Captain Brooke, a friend picked up in Africa. The other is—guess,

There was a peculiar intonation in her voice.

Melicent looked up quickly, and met a mischievous look; and suddenly

colour flooded the girl's face. Quite unexpectedly to herself, she did what
she was never wont to do—she blushed; and she felt as though the blush
covered her like a garment to the very feet.

The sensation made her furious. Why should she blush? At the memory
of a period of her life now so incredibly remote that it seemed like a
previous incarnation? She sometimes felt, in the infrequent moments when
she recalled her amatory experiences, as though she had merely dreamed
the savagery, the bestiality, of her African days; as though she had first
awakened to life when her uncle drove her out upon the high heathery Nab
that overlooked the moorlands.

Brenda's hint evoked a rushing stream of unpleasant, importunate

memories. Was it possible that Bert had bridged the five years' silence?
That he was still in pursuit—still claiming the promise made in a half-
delirious moment?
Her inmost being sickened. It could not be! Not now, on the very
threshold of her career—now that she had grown used to happiness and
love and England. Disgust was so acute that she grew actually faint.

With a craving for air she sprang from her low seat by the fire, stood up,
drew a long breath, flung back her head. What useless panic! She was free:
no promise could be said to bind her! Why should she fear?

The shock, the overwhelming spasm of apprehension, passed away so

quickly that the Helstons had barely time to wonder what was amiss when
she took calmly on her lips the name that haunted her.

"Do you really mean that it is Bert Mestaer?"

Brenda laughed.

"Bert Mestaer! What a notion! You would hardly expect Mr. Burmester
to make friends with him! Oh, no; it is someone whom you will really like
to see—surely you can guess!"

"Mr. Mayne?"

"Of course!"

The relief, the reaction, were extraordinary. Melicent's head swam. With
more demonstration of feeling than was usual to her, she clapped her hands.

"Oh, that is good! I am pleased! What a pity he did not get back in time
for my twenty-first birthday last spring! I wonder whether he will think that
I have changed!"

"Your wonder will be speedily set at rest. As it appeared that Lance was
inseparable from his friends, and that this was his only night, I told him to
bring them both back to dinner at eight. I sent Elizabeth for fish and cream,
and I wish you would go into the dining-room on your way upstairs, and see
that the flowers on the table are all right."

"Well!" cried Melicent, and heaved a sigh. "Things are happening to-
night in the bosom of this peaceful family. Pater, just put away that odious
newspaper in the table drawer, so that nobody can see it. To think of Mr.
Mayne being in England! Why didn't he write and say he was coming?"

"I fancy he only quite suddenly found that he could get away. You see,
all his plans are changed. He is to be Bishop of Pretoria."

"Bishop! Oh, lucky Pretoria!"

Melicent paused again, her eyes full of memories. She saw an open
grave, a long black procession of uncouth people winding down the rough
fields, past the Kaffir huts—the sun blazing down on Carol Mayne's sharp-
cut, ascetic face.

"I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth on Me, though he
were dead, yet shall he live."

The thought of what her heart had been then, torn with hatred, racked
with grief, savage, sullen, lonely, arose in sharp contrast with the thought of
all that had been since, all that she had come to understand, believe and
hope, in these full years of growth that lay between.

Moved by a rare impulse, she stooped and tenderly kissed Brenda's

forehead, before going to inspect the flowers upon the dinner-table.


"What man would risk the danger twice,
Nor quake from head to heel?
Whom would not one such test suffice?"
Not Melicent herself looked forward to the moment of meeting with
more eagerness than did the Bishop elect of Pretoria. He had been through
many anxieties during his first months of guardianship; and his gratitude to
the Helstons was immense. It was most natural that he should look forward
with interest to a sight of the girl he had saved.

She was not present in the drawing-room when the three men arrived,
but the cordiality of the Helstons' reception was delightful. Lance was
grateful to them for including his friend, a big, silent man, who had been
with much difficulty persuaded to come. Brenda assured him that six was a
far better number than five, and made him welcome with sincerity which
could not fail to please.

"But he wouldn't have come at all; he would have held out obstinately,"
said Lance gaily, "but for one thing, one mysterious reason, which will
transpire later. You needn't blush, Brooke."

"Haven't the least intention of it; don't play the fool, Burmester. I
suppose it was natural for an outsider to feel that he was intruding on a
party of friends who were meeting after long separation."

"Just as well for you to become acquainted now, for you'll be sure to
meet at Fransdale," said Lance easily. "I suppose you are going up for
Easter, Mrs. Helston, and I am taking Brooke and the Bishop to Ilbersdale."

As he spoke, the door opened, and all three men turned to watch
Melicent as she came in.

She had rather more colour than usual, and her expression was strangely
arresting. Her evening gown was white, and trailed over the soft carpet with
a delicate rustling. She walked straight up to Carol Mayne, her eyes shining,
her two hands outstretched: and he caught them in his, meeting her glance
with the piercing, deep-set eyes she remembered so well of old.

"Well!" he cried. "So this is you! How thankful I ought to be that my

responsibilities are over! Ah, well, I don't think I should have known you, if
I had met you in the street, but I am beginning to recognise the eyes, the
brow! The smile is new. I never saw that in Africa; did I, Miss Lutwyche?"

She looked up gravely, but with a certain kindled enthusiasm, far more
impressive than a girl's laughter.

"Miss Lutwyche!" she said reproachfully. "I shall not allow that. As for
you, you are not a bit changed. I should know you anywhere—Bond Street,
or darkest Africa."

"What about me, Miss Lutwyche?" cried Lance pleadingly.

"You have improved," she said, with an air of critical appraisement.

"You are not nearly so—lady-like as you used to be."

They all laughed.

"Are you still a crack shot, as you used to be?" he cried.

"I shoot every autumn. I have improved," she replied demurely.

When Captain Brooke had been presented, they all sat down, and the
talk hung fire a little.

"It is too big," said Melicent, with a little sigh. "There is so much to say,
we don't know where to begin. Mr. Mayne, I know, is thinking of me with
my hair in a pig-tail, and a calico frock, slouching across the yard with a
copper bucket; and Mr. Burmester is thinking of a time when I was locked
up in disgrace in the Vicarage schoolroom, and not allowed to go to a
picnic; and Captain Brooke is thinking how disagreeable it is of people to
have reminiscences he cannot share."

Captain Brooke smiled a little.

"I am thinking that it is hard to fancy you in a calico dress with a copper
bucket," he said.

Melicent was suddenly grave.

"People who have always lived in England don't realise," she said
absently. "We dwell in a kind of Garden of Eden here, and nobody
appreciates it. They should go to some place such as I was brought up in,
and learn what thorns and briars lie outside the garden gates."

"I saw a good deal of it during the campaign," the soldier answered. "A
good deal of outer darkness, I mean."

"Does England seem good after it?" she asked.

"Exactly what you say. Like the Garden of Eden."

At the moment dinner was announced, and they went into the dining-

"I suppose," said Melicent, who was seated next Mr. Mayne, "that it is
of no use to ask you after old acquaintance? It is so long since you left
Slabbert's Poort?"

"Well," he answered, "I have kept up with one or two of the folks there.
But the general scatter, when the war broke out, made great changes,
though, as you know, the place was never in the line of march. Marten
Brandt still owns the Vierkleur."

"I often meant to ask you in my letters what became of Otis?"

"The great Amurrica? It is reported that he made himself notorious in

the Boer Irish brigade, but later on—after the capture of Kroonstadt—he
turned up on the British side, got a commission in a scallywag corps, how I
know not, and is quite a great person now."

"Not sure he ain't a colonel; I knocked up against the beast," said Lance.
"Remember hearing about Gouverneur J. Otis, eh Brooke? Remember the
story of Sal's Drift and the stampede of the gun mules?"

The two men laughed, as at a common memory.

"Worst of him was, the brute was so witty," said Lance. "I believe all
our officers knew he was not to be trusted, but they made no end of a fuss
with him. Daresay he'll be turning up in England soon, in some swell house
that's been lent as a convalescent home, and flirt with all the titled girls as
bold as you please."

"Let's see; he was the chap who got his head punched by Millie's Boer
champion, wasn't he?" asked Mr. Helston.

His wife gave him a warning glance. Young Burmester was present, and
he knew nothing of the girl's vicissitudes, nor was it desirable that he
should. Besides, there was a stranger among them. She could see, by the
way he instantly began to speak, that Mayne was as desirous as she to turn
the subject; but Lance had caught the word.

"Hallo, Miss Lutwyche! had you begun breaking heads and hearts, even
before you came over?" he asked gaily, across the table.

"Boers don't trouble about hearts," said the girl, with composure. "We
were a pastoral people, and never did anything interesting. It is you from
whom we expect tales of prowess. Did you never escape in a goods train, or
scale a prison wall, or—"

"As to that," said Lance, "I've a magnificent yarn, all ready for telling,
only this beggar"—indicating his friend, who sat next to him and opposite
Millie—"tried, before he would come here to-night, to get me to promise
not to tell."

Melicent had wholly succeeded in turning away the subject. The silent
captain reddened, looked morose, and was heard to murmur that Burmester
was a rotter.

"I hope you were not so rash as to make the promise in question?" cried

"Well, do you know, as far as to-night goes, I'm afraid I did!" owned

"You did," said Brooke distinctly.

"But the fact of it is," said Lance lightly, "that he saved my life. Ever
heard it said that if you save a man's life, he's sure to do you a bad turn?
Look out for me, Brooke."

"I'll look out for myself," was the unamiable reply.

"But it's only if you save from drowning that the proverb applies," said
the host.

"Well, this was drowning. River suddenly rose while the column was
crossing; and the last men got washed away. But this is spoiling my yarn.
I'll keep it for when Brooke isn't about."

"I told you I should spoil sport if I came," said Brooke grimly.

Melicent looked at him with some amusement

He was a fair man, severely tanned by exposure. He was clean-shaven,

and the salient feature of his face was his large, finely-cut, strong yet
delicate mouth: a mouth which lifted his otherwise rough-hewn face up to a
different level, and made it full of possibilities. With such a mouth a man
might be a poet, a soldier, a statesman; but whatever he was, that he would
thoroughly be. He was also shy, to an extent that was amusing in such a
Hercules. When he spoke, he muttered: and he hardly ever raised his eyes.

The gentlemen did not linger over their wine. Mayne was anxious to
talk to Melicent of her future, and Lancelot was astonished at himself for
the anxiety he felt to return to the drawing-room. He remembered a day
when he had seen a slip of a girl seated on Tod's Trush, and how he had said
to Helston: "One is conscious of a personality." He was vividly conscious of
it now. It was the "indefinable something" that Melicent possessed. She
never spoke much, but always gave the fascinating impression of vast
reserves behind, of a boundless store from which she could give more, and
always more.

He was vexed with Mrs. Helston for engaging him at some length in
talk, which she did advisedly, to allow Carol to talk to the girl.
It was with interest and satisfaction that Mayne listened to her, and
found out how soon she hoped to be self-supporting, and how close were
the ties that bound her to her friends. There seemed no cloud upon her
horizon; life, which had begun so stormily seemed, like many a rainy
English morn, to be breaking out into a cloudless sky.

"But there is one thing I want to ask you about," said Melicent
presently. "I have one wrinkle among my rose-leaves. It is only a little
thing, yet at times I fear it I have a constant dread that ... you know who ...
may turn up. I expect it is very silly of me. Men soon forget these things;
and in so long a time, he is sure to have forgotten. But I have wished to see
you, to make sure. I didn't like to write about it. I can't help a dreadful kind
of feeling rushing over me at times, that he..." she looked round. Nobody
was in hearing but Captain Brooke, idly turning over music on the piano;
she dropped her voice—"that Bert Mestaer—may still think he has a claim
on me."

There was a silence, which the chat of the group by the fire did not
seem to break. Captain Brooke earnestly studied the song he was reading.

"That idea—the idea that Mestaer might still think of you—would not
be pleasant to you?" asked Mayne.

"Pleasant?" the word was a gasp. "But you see the life that is mine
now," she said tremulously. "You remember the house of bondage—the
darkness and shadow of death."

"Bert Mestaer wanted to loose your bonds."

"Oh, no! Only to bind me to another master!"

"I think you wrong him there, Melicent."

She turned towards him, put out one hand, and laid it on his.

"It was you who saved me; you delivered my soul from the snare of the
hunter," she said. "If Mestaer let me go, you were the only man that could
have persuaded him. You know it; we need not discuss it. What I want you
to tell me is, whether you have seen or heard anything of him; whether he is
alive or dead."

"He was certainly alive when I left Africa. He did splendidly during the
war. I believe he is considered the finest scout in the British army. I feel
sure I may take it upon myself to say, on his behalf, that he will never make
himself obnoxious to you. You need be in no fear of him."

"He has forgotten all that nonsense about me?"

"I don't exactly know what you mean by nonsense, Millie. If you mean
his love for you, I don't think I can truly say that he has forgotten."

She made a little sound of dismay.

"But he is in process of forgetting—he must be!" she cried. "Anyhow,

he doesn't expect me to start off to Africa to keep the promise he says I

"Nothing could be farther from his thoughts, I assure you."

"Well, that is what I wanted to be sure of! Now I shall breathe freely
again. I will confess to you now, that I had a terrible moment this evening.
Mater said Mr. Burmester had come home, and laughed and asked me to
guess who was with him! I leaped to the conclusion that it was Bert
Mestaer, and I suddenly found myself in the grip of a blind terror. I thought
I should faint, all the horror of that dreadful time came back so clearly. I
don't think I could have faced him...."

But Lance was no longer to be held back. He broke away from his
captors, and came towards Millie, calling for a song. Captain Brooke, who
still stood forlorn and rigid by the piano, leaning his chin on his hand, was
roughly pushed away. Melicent sat down without shyness, and sang two or
three ballads in a voice that—like herself—was small and flexible and very
distinctive. The last thing she sang was that wonderful little piece of

"The night has a thousand eyes."

Captain Brooke was turning over for her.

"That's very true," he said,

"'The mind has a thousand eyes,

The heart but one,'"

he repeated thoughtfully.

"Yes," she answered; "yet many people seem content with the one! I
suppose all women used to be! Think what an awful fate, to look on life
merely as a matter of sentiment! The thousand eyes are better, don't you
think so?"

"I never tried," he answered simply.

The reply struck her as remarkable, but she had no time to reflect upon
it, for Lance again struck in:

"Seems to me wonderful, with a profession of your own, that you

should find time to learn to sing so beautifully," he said.

"The singing is my recreation," she replied, "the other my serious


"Ah!" cried Lance, "and that reminds me of old Brooke's business and
the reason why he came here to-night! Do you know, Miss Lutwyche,
Brooke wants to build a house, and he's been reading a paragraph in the
Hauberk about a lady architect."

Melicent grew pink, and looked down.

"Captain Brooke won't want to give his work to such a complete

novice," she said demurely. "Now that he has seen me, he will want to retire
gracefully from his intention, and you put him in a cruel dilemma by
mentioning it."
"I like trying experiments," said the Captain, with more animation than
he had yet displayed.

Everyone was now crowding with interest around the music-stool where
Melicent sat.

"What and where would your house be, Captain Brooke?" asked

"It would be in my—my—the place my people come from," he replied.

"It's in Wiltshire."

"Wiltshire! That's a variable county; on Salisbury Plain?"

"No; it's a pretty village. Clunbury, they call it."

"What kind of house do you think of building?"

"I should leave that entirely to Miss Lutwyche."

"I say, Melicent, here's your chance!" cried Helston mischievously.

"You'll be able to send another paragraph to the Hauberk?"

"How dare you?" she cried, threatening him in mock rage. "Oh ... but
this is wonderful! Are you serious, Captain Brooke?"

"Quite. I have bought the land. Only about twenty acres. I should like
your advice about the actual site of the house."

"Well, Millie, if you give satisfaction over this, your career is made,"
cried Brenda.

"But what kind of house do you want?" cried the girl. "You must tell me

"No; that's what I shall pay you to tell me," said Millie's client calmly.
He smiled for the first time, as he added: "You have the thousand eyes."
"Well!" said Melicent, "the agitations of this day have been quite too
much for me!"

"Do your people live at Clunbury?" asked Helston of the Captain.

"Oh, no; not now. They sold their last acre in my grandfather's time. A
churchyard full of their graves is all that is left. It is, however, a part of their
land that I have bought back."

"That is the kind of thing I would like to do myself," said Carol Mayne.

"Now, Miss Lutwyche, is the house rising before your mind's eye?"
cried Lance, pleased at the intense interest created by the scheme.

"Not yet," said Melicent; but her eyes were dreamy. "What kind of
people were your forbears?" she asked the Captain.

"Merely yeomanry," he answered, "and wholly Philistine; people with

one eye."

"And do you want the house to resemble them in tone?" she asked,
smiling at his allusion.

"No. I want it to be the typical house that is in your mind; the house you
would live in, if you could choose."

She laughed.

"Take care! You don't know how lordly my ideas may be! You will have
to bring them down to the level of estimates."

"Do you want the thing put in hand at once?" asked Helston.

"Yes, I do. I should like Miss Lutwyche to come down and look at the
site before I go to Ilbersdale for Easter."

"Well, Millie, you must make up your mind! Do you accept the order?"
cried Carol Mayne.
"I should like to come down and look at the site before I finally say
Yes," said she. "And ask Captain Brooke all manner of questions."

"That will suit me well," he replied gravely. "To-day is Monday. Shall

we say Thursday?"


"He who has seen a city in the skies
Knows he may never cool his tired eyes
At the fair waters of that Paradise.

But the one moment when he thought his feet

Would enter that dream-city, was so sweet
That he can bear the noonday and its heat."

The sky was clear and starry; the night was swept by the strong, clean
current of the March wind, as the three men stepped out into Collis Square.

"How shall we get back?" asked Burmester, lighting his cigar. "Train,
tube or bus?"

"I shall walk," said Brooke, with brevity.

They were standing just beneath a street lamp, whose strong light,
falling on his face, showed it haggard and strained. Burmester did not
observe it.
"You don't catch me!" he cried jovially, flinging away his light. "Come
on, Bishop—leave that maniac to his own devices. Here's a hansom, the
very thing."

The jingling cab pulled up at his signal, and he sprang in. "Rhodes

"All right, Burmester, I'm walking a bit with Brooke," said Mayne.

"The deuce you are! Nice trick to play on me!" cried Lance, as he was
bowled away.

"Why can't you go with him, and leave me to myself?" growled Brooke,
lighting a pipe with a hand that shook.

"Because I want your society, though it seems the desire is not mutual."

There was no reply. They tramped eastwards in silence, past the Marble
Arch, down Park Lane into Grosvenor Square, and on into Berkeley Square,
where suddenly Brooke said:

"I wish you would go."

"You're not playing fair," quietly replied Mayne. "Conspirators ought to

share confidences."

"Confide away then."

"All right, I will. I am as pleased as I feel sure you must be, though you
don't show it, at the result of your idea."

"Pleased!" echoed Brooke. "Pleased! ... Great Heaven! Pleased, are

you? But then, you see, I am not you. Bishop, I know every line of her face,
every tone of her voice, though I never heard but one in the old days! I
know her as a man knows the land where he was born; and she could sit
looking full at me across the table, and not know she had ever seen me! ...
Man! How have I come through it?"
"Excellently. I don't understand you. Surely it is what you were hoping
for, planning for—complete non-recognition? What would have happened if
she had known you? You heard what she said to me about you?"

"Every word;" his voice sank to a despairing whisper.

"She is at least consistent," said Mayne.

An inarticulate murmur of assent.

"I don't think the non-recognition wonderful," went on Mayne. "You

see, she never thought about you, or even looked at you attentively in old
days. And think what you were like then! Not only the outer man has
changed. Remember that I myself, when first I saw you without your beard,
and without your slouch, and without your oaths—in your uniform, drilled
into a self-respecting Englishman—I did not know you."

"But you did, as soon as I said: 'Don't you remember me?'"

"Exactly; because you did say so. But you have not said so to Miss
Lutwyche; and don't you see that your very failure to do so would banish
the idea of your possible identity from her mind? You come before her with
looks, words, manners, your very nationality—all changed! An English
landed proprietor! Doubtless she knows nothing of the great diamond find
on the High Farm, nor of the fortune you have realised. The idea that you
should adopt such a method of gaining access to her, would never strike her,
it would not seem characteristic of her preconceived idea of you."

"I don't know how I got through," said the Captain brokenly. "When she
came in, looking like an angel from God ... and passed me by and went up
to you! By George, Mayne, she was right! It was you who saved her! But
for you—"

"She was wrong; it was you," said Mayne. "She will probably never
know the fight you made; women don't understand these things, and it is as
well they don't. Things go like that in the world."

"She's beautiful, Mayne; don't you think so?"

Mayne laughed.

"I don't think her at all angelic," he replied, "but I will own that she
seems to me less unlovable than I used to think her in Africa. Don't punch
my head! ... Burmester admired her, I thought."

"Yes, confound him!"

"But you have made a splendid opening. The idea of the house was a
masterly one. It gives you endless opportunities and a common interest.
Only remember, you must keep yourself well in hand. As I warned you, the
game is a dangerous one. One false move may cost you all."

"The worst is over now," returned the Captain. "The awfulness of

feeling that she's everything to me, I a nightmare to her! I can still hardly
believe she didn't know me."

"Everything was in your favour. She was full of my return, and of relief
that it was I, not you. The silent Captain Brooke was a negligible quantity."

"She never looked at me squarely but once. That was in the middle of
dinner. My heart nearly stopped. I had to lower my eyes lest they should say
things. Ah, well; you're a good sort, and no mistake. I'm glad we've talked it
out, though I was a sulky brute at first."

"H'm! Yes; Melicent might think the change in you not so deep if she
had heard your way with me this evening," said his friend drily. "The old
Bert is still there, in spite of all the polish."

Bert laughed as he strode on, with his long, swinging step. He made a
fine tribute to the creative powers of Sergeant What's-his-name. There had
been good material to work upon, and the right kind of training; and the
result was something like a miracle.

In the old days, Mayne had realised that this man was something out of
the common: but even he had not been prepared for his persistence, nor for
his wonderful flair for knowing the right men, reading the right books,
doing the right thing. During all these five years, no week had passed

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