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Management, 13e (Robbins)
Chapter 7 Managing Change and Innovation

1) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is an example of which of the following forces of change?

A) internal change
B) technological change
C) external change
D) organizational strategy change
Answer: C
Diff: 3
AACSB: Application of knowledge; Analytical thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Application

2) The technology change in the manufacturing process of New Ideas, Inc.'s products to make
the process more efficient is the result of a competitor lowering its price. Therefore, it was a(n)
A) external force of change
B) internal force of change
C) marketplace force of change
D) economic force of change
Answer: A
Diff: 3
AACSB: Application of knowledge; Analytical thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Application

3) First he was all about innovation. Next it was efficiency. Now Snyder's strategy is customer
responsiveness. These changes in strategy are indicative of ________.
A) external force of change
B) internal force of change
C) marketplace force of change
D) economic force of change
Answer: B
Diff: 3
AACSB: Application of knowledge; Analytical thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Application

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
4) When the employees express their concern about their bonus checks, which of the following
types of forces of change is in play?
A) external force of change
B) labor market force of change
C) internal force of change
D) social force of change
Answer: C
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Application

5) Falling interest rates are an example of what external force?

A) change in composition of workforce
B) change in employee attitudes
C) technological change
D) economic change
Answer: D
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Application

6) Increasing the numbers of employed women and minorities forces managers to pay attention
to what change factor?
A) strategy
B) workforce
C) equipment
D) technology
Answer: B
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Application

7) Labor strikes are an example of which of the following internal change factors?
A) workforce composition
B) equipment
C) employee attitudes
D) organizational strategy
Answer: C
Diff: 3
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Application

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
8) The two metaphors commonly used to describe the two views of the change process are
A) smooth water and troubled water
B) calm waters and white-water rapids
C) shallow water and falling water
D) burning bridge and water over the dam
Answer: B
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Concept

9) Business had been humming along just fine until the Great Recession hit. Benton Industries
adjusted by laying off employees until the recession ended then hired them back. Then it was
back to business as usual. This is an example of ________.
A) the shallow water metaphor
B) the calm waters metaphor
C) the white-water rapids metaphor
D) the falling water metaphor
Answer: B
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Application

10) In the ________ metaphor, change is normal and expected and managing it is a continual
A) calm waters
B) white-water rapids
C) smooth water
D) water over the dam
Answer: B
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Concept

11) Lewin's three-step process is consistent with ________ theory of organizational change.
A) white-water rapids
B) shallow waters
C) smooth waters
D) calm waters
Answer: D
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Concept
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
12) According to Kurt Lewin, which of the following is a stage in the change process?
A) restraining
B) driving
C) processing
D) unfreezing
Answer: D
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Concept

13) According to Kurt Lewin, increasing the driving forces is a means of ________.
A) unfreezing
B) changing
C) restraining
D) refreezing
Answer: A
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Concept

14) The unfreezing step of the change process can be thought of as ________.
A) changing to a new state
B) sustaining a change over time
C) changing the organizational structure
D) preparing for the needed change
Answer: D
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Concept

15) According to Lewin, which of the following is the objective of refreezing?

A) directing behavior away from the change
B) hindering the existing equilibrium
C) eliminating the need for future change
D) stabilizing the new situation
Answer: D
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
16) Fuel prices keep spiraling upward so recreational vehicle manufacturers are being pressured
to produce lighter units that can be pulled by smaller trucks. This situation is representative of
A) a driving force
B) a social force
C) a restraining force
D) an economic force
Answer: A
Diff: 3
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Application

17) "If it's not one thing, it's another. We just get used to doing things one way and suddenly
that's not good enough anymore. It's a new machine here, a new manager there, changing
customer demands–it never ends!" This is an example of ________.
A) the water over the dam metaphor
B) the calm waters metaphor
C) the white-water rapids metaphor
D) the falling water metaphor
Answer: C
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Application

18) New Ideas, Inc., focuses on new ideas, uses technology that changes frequently, and has
strong competition in the market. This situation describes what metaphor of change?
A) a shallow water metaphor
B) a falling water rapid metaphor
C) a rapid water metaphor
D) a white-water rapids metaphor
Answer: D
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Application

19) The "white-water rapids" metaphor of change is consistent with Lewin's concept of
unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
20) In the "white-water rapids" metaphor of change, change is seen as an occasional disruption in
the normal flow of events.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Concept

21) Identify some of the external and internal forces of change.

Answer: Some of the external forces of change are:
a. Changing consumer needs and wants
b. New governmental laws
c. Changing technology
d. Economic changes
Some of the internal forces of change are:
a. New organizational strategy
b. Change in composition of workforce
c. New equipment
d. Changing employee attitudes
Diff: 3
AACSB: Reflective thinking; Written and oral communication
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
22) Describe and explain the "calm waters" view of organizational change.
Answer: The calm waters view of organizational change envisions the organization as a large
ship crossing a calm sea. The ship's captain and crew know exactly where they are going because
they have made the trip many times before. Change comes in the form of an occasional storm, a
brief distraction in an otherwise calm and predictable trip. In the calm waters metaphor, change
is seen as an occasional disruption in the normal flow of events.
It is best illustrated by Kurt Lewin's three-step description of the change process.
According to Lewin, successful change can be planned and requires unfreezing the status quo,
changing to a new state, and refreezing to make the change permanent. The status quo can be
considered an equilibrium state. To move from this equilibrium, unfreezing is necessary.
Unfreezing can be thought of as preparing for the needed change. It can be achieved by
increasing the driving forces, which are forces pushing for change; by decreasing the restraining
forces, which are forces that resist change and push behavior toward the status quo; or by
combining the two approaches.
Once unfreezing is done, the change itself can be implemented. However, merely introducing
change does not ensure that it will take hold. The new situation needs to be refrozen so that it can
be sustained over time. Unless this last step is done, there is a strong chance that employees will
revert back to the old ways of doing things. The objective of refreezing, then, is to stabilize the
new situation by reinforcing the new behaviors.
Lewin's three-step process treats change as a move away from the organization's current
equilibrium state. It is a calm waters scenario where an occasional disruption means changing to
deal with the disruption. Once the disruption has been dealt with, however, things can continue
on under the new changed situation.
Diff: 3
AACSB: Reflective thinking; Written and oral communication
Learning Obj.: LO 7.1: Compare and contrast views on the change process
Classification: Concept

23) Organizational change is any alteration of ________.

A) people, structure, or technology
B) structure, management, or goals
C) technology, goals, or management
D) rules, procedures, or management
Answer: A
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
24) Colin believes his organization could be more profitable if it could respond to customers
more quickly so he has decided to remove some management layers and increase the remaining
managers' span of control. These would be considered changes in ________.
A) structural design
B) structural process
C) degree of centralization
D) structural components
Answer: D
Diff: 3
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Application

25) The installation of the new equipment at Fred Fryer's Donuts, Inc., is an example of
A) people change
B) management change
C) technological change
D) structural change
Answer: C
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge; Analytical thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Application

26) In organizations, people who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the
change process are called ________.
A) change masters
B) change agents
C) change champions
D) change generators
Answer: B
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
27) Outside consultants are more likely to initiate ________ organizational changes than
A) drastic
B) mild
C) acceptable
D) trivial
Answer: A
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

28) Structural component changes include ________.

A) combining departmental responsibilities
B) changing work processes
C) changing attitudes
D) changing behavior
Answer: A
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

29) If Kelly were to consider enhancing productivity by giving greater authority to her
subordinates and increasing formalization, she would be considering ________ changes.
A) structural
B) technological
C) people
D) automatic
Answer: A
Diff: 3
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Application

30) Changes in work processes, methods, and equipment are a part of ________ changes.
A) technological
B) structural component
C) financial
D) structural design
Answer: A
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
31) A company that decides to decentralize its sales procedures is managing ________ changes.
A) technological
B) people
C) financial
D) structural
Answer: D
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge; Analytical thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Application; Analytical

32) Which type of change might include a shift from a functional to a product structure?
A) a structural design change
B) a structural component change
C) a technological change
D) a people change
Answer: A
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

33) After several expansions and acquisitions that resulted in duplicate positions of several
administrative functions, U.S. Big Corp. decided to reorganize itself around customers rather
than around functions. This would amount to a change in ________.
A) structural design
B) selection process
C) degree of centralization
D) structural components
Answer: A
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Application

34) Competitive factors or new innovations within an industry often require managers to
introduce ________.
A) new equipment, tools, or operating methods
B) new equipment, tools or people
C) new equipment, operating methods, or structure
D) new equipment, people, or structure
Answer: A
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
35) When supermarkets and other retailers use scanners that provide instant inventory
information, they are adopting ________ changes.
A) technological
B) people
C) efficiency
D) structural
Answer: A
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge; Information Technology
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Application

36) ________ is the term used to describe change methods that focus on people and the nature
and quality of interpersonal work relationships.
A) Commercial development
B) Organizational development
C) Career development
D) Comprehensive development
Answer: B
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

37) If Kraft Foods hired a consultant to decrease group friction and enhance cooperative work
relationships, this would be an example of managing ________ changes.
A) technological
B) people
C) financial
D) structural
Answer: B
Diff: 1
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Application

38) ________ is a method of changing behavior through unstructured group interaction.

A) Team building
B) Intergroup development
C) Survey feedback
D) Sensitivity training
Answer: D
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
39) An increase in the diversity of his department has led to conflict and animosity. To reduce
this and allow his team to become more productive, Lemuel has asked the Human Resources
department to provide ________ for his people.
A) survey feedback
B) sensitivity training
C) team building
D) intergroup development
Answer: B
Diff: 3
AACSB: Application of knowledge; Analytical thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Application

40) What organizational development technique involves changing the attitudes, stereotypes, and
perceptions that work groups have about each other?
A) team building
B) intergroup development
C) survey feedback
D) sensitivity training
Answer: B
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

41) Organizational change can be any alteration of people, structure, or technology.

Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

42) Managers exclusively play the role of change agents.

Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

43) Changing structure includes any change in structural variables such as reporting
relationships, coordination mechanisms, employee empowerment, or job redesign.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
44) Sensitivity training refers to activities that help team members learn how each member thinks
and works.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

45) Explain organizational change and briefly discuss the three types of change.
Answer: Most managers, at one point or another, will have to make changes in some aspects of
their workplace. These changes are classified as organizational change, which is any alteration of
people, structure, or technology. Organizational changes often need someone to act as a catalyst
and assume the responsibility for managing the change process – that is, a change agent. Change
agents can be a manager within the organization, but could also be a non-manager such as a
specialist from the HR department or even an outside consultant. For major changes, an
organization often hires outside consultants to provide advice and assistance.
Managers face three main types of change: structure, technology, and people.
Changing structure includes any change in structural variables such as reporting relationships,
coordination mechanisms, employee empowerment, or job redesign. Changes in the external
environment or in organizational strategies often lead to changes in the organizational structure.
Because an organization's structure is defined by how work gets done and who does it, managers
can alter one or both of these structural components. For instance, departmental responsibilities
could be combined, organizational levels eliminated, or the number of persons a manager
supervises could be increased. More rules and procedures could be implemented to increase
standardization. Or employees could be empowered to make decisions so decision making could
be faster. Another option would be to make major changes in the actual structural design. For
instance, product divisions can be dropped, merged, or expanded. Structural design changes also
might include, for instance, a shift from a functional to a product structure or the creation of a
project structure design.
Today, technological changes usually involve the introduction of new equipment, tools, or
methods; automation; or computerization. Competitive factors or new innovations within an
industry often require managers to introduce new equipment, tools, or operating methods.
Automation is a technological change that replaces certain tasks done by people with tasks done
by machines.
Changing people involves changing attitudes, expectations, perceptions, and behaviors.
Organizational development is the term used to describe change methods that focus on people
and the nature and quality of interpersonal work relationships.
Diff: 3
AACSB: Reflective thinking; Written and oral communication
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
46) Define Organizational Development (OD). List and explain the five most popular OD
Answer: Organizational Development (OD) is the term used to describe change methods that
focus on people and the nature and quality of interpersonal work relationships.
The five most popular OD techniques are:
a. Sensitivity training – It is a method of changing behavior through unstructured group
b. Team building – These refer to activities that help team members learn how each member
thinks and works.
c. Intergroup development – This involves changing the attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions
that work groups have about each other.
d. Process consultation – Here, an outside consultant helps the manager understand how
interpersonal processes are affecting the way work is being done.
e. Survey feedback – It is a technique for assessing attitudes and perceptions, identifying
discrepancies in these, and resolving the differences by using survey information in feedback
Diff: 3
AACSB: Reflective thinking; Written and oral communication
Learning Obj.: LO 7.2: Classify types of organizational change
Classification: Concept

47) An individual is likely to resist change because of the feeling ________.

A) of achievement
B) of uncertainty
C) of personal gain
D) that the change is in the organization's best interest
Answer: B
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

48) When Joshua proposed cross-training his employees so absences and vacations would not
pose such a problem in productivity, his employees objected. Their resistance came from their
A) belief that ambiguity would increase
B) fear that they would be forced out of their habits
C) concern over personal loss of income
D) belief that Joshua's changes would harm the organization
Answer: B
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Application

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
49) Shelly was the most senior employee in the department and knew just about everything about
everyone else's job. If all employees in the department were cross-trained, Shelly would no
longer have an advantage that brought with it special privileges. Shelly's resistance to change
came from her ________.
A) belief that uncertainty would increase
B) fear that she would be forced out of her habit
C) concern over personal loss
D) belief that the changes would harm the organization
Answer: C
Diff: 3
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Application

50) Which of the following techniques for reducing resistance to change assumes that much of
the resistance lies in misinformation?
A) negotiation
B) education and communication
C) participation
D) facilitation and support
Answer: B
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

51) Fred's Donuts is installing new equipment in its bakery. Many employees are fearful they
will not be able to operate it. Which of the following courses of actions is best for Fred to use to
overcome this employee resistance?
A) threaten the employees who resist the change
B) present distorted facts to the employees
C) terminate employees who resist the change
D) educate employees and communicate with them
Answer: D
Diff: 2
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Application

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
52) ________ involves bringing individuals directly affected by the proposed change into the
decision-making process.
A) Participation
B) Facilitation and support
C) Delegation
D) Manipulation and co-optation
Answer: A
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

53) Which of the following techniques for reducing resistance to change includes employee
counseling, therapy, new skills training, or a short paid leave of absence.
A) negotiation
B) facilitation and support
C) manipulation and co-optation
D) coercion
Answer: B
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

54) ________ involves exchanging something of value for an agreement to lessen the resistance
to the change effort.
A) Negotiation
B) Manipulation and co-optation
C) Coercion
D) Facilitation and support
Answer: A
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

55) ________ involves distorting facts to make the change appear more attractive.
A) Framing
B) Education and communication
C) Participation
D) Manipulation and co-optation
Answer: D
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
56) One reason people resist change in an organization is that they are afraid their skill set will
be obsolete.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

57) People may resist change based on habit.

Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

58) Negotiation involves bringing those affected by change into the decision-making process.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

59) Manipulation involves the use of direct threats against the resisters.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

60) Coercion involves the use of covert attempts to influence others.

Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

61) A disadvantage of coercion is that it may be illegal and may undermine the change agent's
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
62) Why do people resist change?
Answer: An individual is likely to resist change for the following reasons: uncertainty, habit,
concern over personal loss, and the belief that the change is not in the organization's best interest.
Change replaces the known with uncertainty. For example, when quality control methods based
on sophisticated statistical models are introduced into manufacturing plants, many quality control
inspectors have to learn the new methods. Some inspectors may fear that they will be unable to
do so and may, therefore, develop a negative attitude toward the change or behave poorly if
required to use them.
Another cause of resistance is that people do things out of habit. Every day, when going to work,
people probably go the same way, whether walking, driving, or using mass transit. Usually, they
find a single approach and use it regularly. People do not want to have to consider the full range
of options for the hundreds of decisions they make every day. To cope with this complexity, they
rely on habits or programmed responses. But when confronted with change, their tendency to
respond in their accustomed ways becomes a source of resistance.
The third cause of resistance is the fear of losing something already possessed. Change threatens
the investment people have already made in the status quo. The more that people have invested
in the current system, the more they resist change. They fear the loss of status, money, authority,
friendships, personal convenience, or other economic benefits that they value. This is why older
workers tend to resist change more than younger workers. Older employees have generally
invested more in the current system and thus have more to lose by changing.
A final cause of resistance is a person's belief that the change is incompatible with the goals and
interests of the organization. For instance, an employee who believes that a proposed new job
procedure will reduce product quality or productivity can be expected to resist the change. If the
employee expresses his or her resistance positively, this actually can be beneficial to the
Diff: 3
AACSB: Reflective thinking; Written and oral communication
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
63) List and explain the techniques for reducing resistance to change.
Answer: The various techniques for reducing resistance to change are:
a. Education and communication – This helps reduce resistance to change by helping employees
see the logic of the change effort. This technique assumes that much of the resistance lies in
misinformation or poor communication.
b. Participation – This involves bringing those individuals directly affected by the proposed
change into the decision-making process. Their participation allows these individuals to express
their feelings, increase the quality of the process, and increase employee commitment to the final
c. Facilitation and support – This involves helping employees deal with the fear and anxiety
associated with the change effort. This help includes employee counseling, therapy, new skills
training, or a short paid leave of absence.
d. Negotiation – This involves exchanging something of value for an agreement to lessen the
resistance to the change effort. This resistance technique is quite useful when the resistance
comes from a powerful source.
e. Manipulation and co-optation – This refers to covert attempts to influence others about the
change. It involves distorting facts to make the change appear more attractive.
f. Coercion – This involves the use of direct threats or force against the resisters.
Diff: 3
AACSB: Reflective thinking; Written and oral communication
Learning Obj.: LO 7.3: Explain how to manage resistance to change
Classification: Concept

64) Which of the following is a favorable condition that will facilitate a cultural change?
A) the organization has a huge workforce
B) the organization has a long existence
C) a dramatic crisis occurs
D) a stable leadership exists
Answer: C
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.4: Discuss contemporary issues in managing change
Classification: Concept

65) Cultural change is most likely to take place when ________.

A) the organization is old
B) the organization is large
C) the culture is strong
D) there is a leadership change
Answer: D
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.4: Discuss contemporary issues in managing change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
66) Which of the following is a strategy for managing cultural change?
A) Support employees who remain devoted to the old values.
B) Redesign socialization processes to align with the new values.
C) Keep the same stories and rituals.
D) Allow subcultures to flourish.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.4: Discuss contemporary issues in managing change
Classification: Concept

67) ________ is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure placed on them from
extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities.
A) Euphoria
B) Stress
C) Degeneration
D) Disease
Answer: B
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.4: Discuss contemporary issues in managing change
Classification: Concept

68) A ________ prevents an individual from doing what he desires.

A) constraint
B) demand
C) lien
D) necessity
Answer: A
Diff: 1
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.4: Discuss contemporary issues in managing change
Classification: Concept

69) For ________, the outcome must be unknown, and the outcome must be important.
A) uncertainty to become stress
B) habit to become stressful
C) potential stress to become actual stress
D) personal loss to become stress
Answer: C
Diff: 2
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Learning Obj.: LO 7.4: Discuss contemporary issues in managing change
Classification: Concept

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
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towards her, and she, seeing that I recognized her, bounded to me
with joy in every feature, and expressed her great happiness at
seeing me. All thought of slavery, color, or what might seem to
belong to the dignity of her position vanished, and the meeting was
as the meeting of friends long separated, yet still present in each
other’s memory and affection.
Amanda made haste to tell me that she agreed with me about
slavery, and that she had freed all her slaves as they had become of
age. She brought her children to me, and I took them in my arms,
with sensations which I could not if I would stop here to describe.
One explanation of the feeling of this lady towards me was, that her
mother, who died when she was yet a tender child, had been briefly
described by me in a little “Narrative of my life,” published many
years before our meeting, and when I could have had no motive but
the highest for what I said of her. She had read my story, and
learned something of the amiable qualities of her mother through
me. She also recollected that as I had had trials as a slave, she had
had her trials under the care of a stepmother, and that when she was
harshly spoken to by her father’s second wife she could always read
in my dark face the sympathy of one who had often received kind
words from the lips of her beloved mother. Mrs. Sears died three
years ago in Baltimore, but she did not depart without calling me to
her bedside, that I might tell her as much as I could about her
mother, whom she was firm in the faith that she should meet in
another and better world. She especially wished me to describe to
her the personal appearance of her mother, and desired to know if
any of her own children then present resembled her. I told her that
the young lady standing in the corner of the room was the image of
her mother in form and features. She looked at her daughter and
said, “Her name is Lucretia—after my mother.” After telling me that
her life had been a happy one, and thanking me for coming to see
her on her death-bed, she said she was ready to die. We parted to
meet no more in life. The interview touched me deeply, and was, I
could not help thinking, a strange one—another proof that “Truth is
often stranger than Fiction.”
If any reader of this part of my life shall see in it the evidence of
a want of manly resentment for wrongs inflicted upon myself and
race by slavery, and by the ancestors of this lady, so it must be. No
man can be stronger than nature, one touch of which, we are told,
makes all the world akin. I esteem myself a good, persistent hater of
injustice and oppression, but my resentment ceases when they
cease, and I have no heart to visit upon children the sins of their
It will be noticed, when I first met Mr. Sears in Philadelphia, he
declined to talk with me, on the ground that I had been unjust to
Capt. Auld, his father-in-law. Soon after that meeting, Capt. Auld had
occasion to go to Philadelphia, and, as usual, went straight to the
house of his son-in-law, and had hardly finished the ordinary
salutations, when he said: “Sears, I see by the papers that Frederick
has recently been in Philadelphia. Did you go to hear him?” “Yes,
sir,” was the reply. After asking something more about my lecture, he
said, “Well, Sears, did Frederick come to see you?” “Yes, sir,” said
Sears. “Well, how did you receive him?” Mr. Sears then told him all
about my visit, and had the satisfaction of hearing the old man say
that he had done right in giving me welcome to his house. This last
fact I have from Rev. J. D. Long, who, with his wife, was one of the
party invited to meet me at the house of Mr. Sears, on the occasion
of my visit to Mrs. Sears.
But I must now return from this digression, and further relate my
experience in the Loyalist National Convention, and how from that
time there was an impetus given to the enfranchisement of the
freedmen, which culminated in the fifteenth amendment to the
Constitution of the United States. From the first, the members of the
convention were divided in their views of the proper measures of
reconstruction, and this division was in some sense sectional. The
men from the far South, strangely enough, were quite radical, while
those from the border States were mostly conservative, and,
unhappily, these last had control of the convention from the first. A
Kentucky gentleman was made President, and its other officers were
for the most part Kentuckians, and all opposed to colored suffrage in
sentiment. There was a “whole heap” (to use a Kentucky phrase) of
“halfness” in that State during the war for the union, and there was
much more there after the war. The Maryland delegates, with the
exception of Hon. John L. Thomas, were in sympathy with Kentucky.
Those from Virginia, except Hon. John Miner Botts, were unwilling to
entertain the question. The result was, that the convention was
broken square in two. The Kentucky President declared it adjourned,
and left the chair against the earnest protests of the friends of
manhood suffrage.
But the friends of this measure were not to be out-generaled and
suppressed in this way, and instantly reorganized, elected John M.
Botts of Virginia, President, discussed and passed resolutions in
favor of enfranchising the freedmen, and thus placed the question
before the country in such a manner that it could not be ignored. The
delegates from the Southern States were quite in earnest, and bore
themselves grandly in support of the measure; but the chief
speakers and advocates of suffrage on that occasion were Mr.
Theodore Tilton and Miss Anna E. Dickinson. Of course, on such a
question, I could not be expected to be silent. I was called forward,
and responded with all the energy of my soul, for I looked upon
suffrage to the negro as the only measure which could prevent him
from being thrust back into slavery.
From this time onward the question of suffrage had no rest. The
rapidity with which it gained strength was more than surprising to
In addition to the justice of the measure, it was soon
commended by events as a political necessity. As in the case of the
abolition of slavery, the white people of the rebellious States have
themselves to thank for its adoption. Had they accepted, with
moderate grace, the decision of the court to which they appealed,
and the liberal conditions of peace offered to them, and united
heartily with the national government in its efforts to reconstruct their
shattered institutions, instead of sullenly refusing as they did, their
counsel and their votes to that end, they might easily have defeated
the argument based upon necessity for the measure. As it was, the
question was speedily taken out of the hands of colored delegations
and mere individual efforts, and became a part of the policy of the
Republican party; and President U. S. Grant, with his characteristic
nerve and clear perception of justice, promptly recommended the
great amendment to the Constitution by which colored men are to-
day invested with complete citizenship—the right to vote and to be
voted for in the American Republic.

Inducements to a political career—Objections—A newspaper enterprise—The

new National Era—Its abandonment—The Freedmen’s Savings and Trust
Company—Sad experience—Vindication.

THE adoption of the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments and their

incorporation into the Constitution of the United States opened a
very tempting field to my ambition, and one to which I should
probably have yielded, had I been a younger man. I was earnestly
urged by many of my respected fellow-citizens, both colored and
white and from all sections of the country, to take up my abode in
some one of the many districts of the South where there was a large
colored vote, and get myself elected, as they were sure I easily could
do, to a seat in Congress—possibly in the Senate. That I did not
yield to this temptation was not entirely due to my age; for the idea
did not square well with my better judgment and sense of propriety.
The thought of going to live among a people in order to gain their
votes and acquire official honors, was repugnant to my self-respect,
and I had not lived long enough in the political atmosphere of
Washington to have this sentiment sufficiently blunted to make me
indifferent to its suggestions. I do not deny that the arguments of my
friends had some weight in them, and from their stand-point it was all
right; but I was better known to myself than to them. I had small faith
in my aptitude as a politician, and could not hope to cope with rival
aspirants. My life and labors in the North had in a measure unfitted
me for such work, and I could not readily have adapted myself to the
peculiar oratory found to be most effective with the newly
enfranchised class. In the New England and Northern atmosphere I
had acquired a style of speaking which in the South would have
been considered tame and spiritless; and, consequently, he who
“could tear a passion to tatters and split the ear of groundlings,” had
far better chance of success with the masses there, than one so little
boisterous as myself.
Upon the whole, I have never regretted that I did not enter the
arena of Congressional honors to which I was invited.
Outside of mere personal considerations I saw, or thought I saw,
that in the nature of the case the sceptre of power had passed from
the old slave and rebellious States to the free and loyal States, and
that hereafter, at least for some time to come, the loyal North, with its
advanced civilization, must dictate the policy and control the destiny
of the republic. I had an audience ready made in the free States; one
which the labors of thirty years had prepared for me, and before this
audience the freedmen of the South needed an advocate as much
as they needed a member of Congress. I think in this I was right; for
thus far our colored members of Congress have not largely made
themselves felt in the legislation of the country; and I have little
reason to think I could have done any better than they.
I was not, however, to remain long in my retired home in
Rochester, where I had planted my trees and was reposing under
their shadows. An effort was being made about this time to establish
a large weekly newspaper in the city of Washington, which should be
devoted to the defence and enlightenment of the newly emancipated
and enfranchised people; and I was urged by such men as George
T. Downing, J. H. Hawes, J. Sella Martin, and others, to become its
editor-in-chief. My sixteen years’ experience as editor and publisher
of my own paper, and the knowledge of the toil and anxiety which
such a relation to a public journal must impose, caused me much
reluctance and hesitation: nevertheless, I yielded to the wishes of my
friends and counsellors, went to Washington, threw myself into the
work, hoping to be able to lift up a standard at the national capital,
for my people, which should cheer and strengthen them in the work
of their own improvement and elevation.
I was not long connected with this enterprise, before I discovered
my mistake. The coöperation so liberally promised, and the support
which had been assured, were not very largely realized. By a series
of circumstances a little bewildering as I now look back upon them, I
found myself alone, under the mental and pecuniary burden involved
in the prosecution of the enterprise. I had been misled by loud talk of
a grand incorporated publishing company, in which I should have
shares if I wished, and in any case a fixed salary for my services;
and after all these fair-seeming conditions, I had not been connected
with the paper one year before its affairs had been so managed by
the agent appointed by this invisible company or corporate body, as
to compel me to bear the burden alone, and to become the sole
owner of the printing establishment. Having become publicly
associated with the enterprise, I was unwilling to have it prove a
failure, and had allowed it to become in debt to me, both for money
loaned, and for services, and at last it seemed wise that I should
purchase the whole concern, which I did, and turned it over to my
sons Lewis and Frederic, who were practical printers, and who, after
a few years, were compelled to discontinue its publication. This
paper was the New National Era, to the columns of which the
colored people are indebted for some of the best things ever uttered
in behalf of their cause; for, aside from its editorials and selections,
many of the ablest colored men of the country made it the medium
through which to convey their thoughts to the public. A misadventure
though it was, which cost me from nine to ten thousand dollars, over
it I have no tears to shed. The journal was valuable while it lasted,
and the experiment was full of instruction to me, which has to some
extent been heeded, for I have kept well out of newspaper
undertakings since.
Some one has said that “experience is the best teacher.”
Unfortunately the wisdom acquired in one experience seems not to
serve for another and new one; at any rate, my first lesson at the
National Capital, bought rather dearly as it was, did not preclude the
necessity of a second whetstone to sharpen my wits in this my new
home and new surroundings. It is not altogether without a feeling of
humiliation that I must narrate my connection with the “Freedmen’s
Savings and Trust Company.”
This was an institution designed to furnish a place of security
and profit for the hard earnings of the colored people, especially at
the South. Though its title was “The Freedmen’s Savings and Trust
Company,” it is known generally as the “Freedmen’s Bank.”
According to its managers it was to be this and something more.
There was something missionary in its composition, and it dealt
largely in exhortations as well as promises. The men connected with
its management were generally church members, and reputed
eminent for their piety. Some of its agents had been preachers of the
“Word.” Their aim was now to instil into the minds of the untutored
Africans lessons of sobriety, wisdom, and economy, and to show
them how to rise in the world. Circulars, tracts, and other papers
were scattered like snowflakes in winter by this benevolent institution
among the sable millions, and they were told to “look” to the
Freedman’s Bank and “live.” Branches were established in all the
Southern States, and as a result, money flowed into its vaults to the
amount of millions. With the usual effect of sudden wealth, the
managers felt like making a little display of their prosperity. They
accordingly erected one of the most costly and splendid buildings of
the time on one of the most desirable and expensive sites in the
national capital, finished on the inside with black walnut, and
furnished with marble counters and all the modern improvements.
The magnificent dimensions of the building bore testimony to its
flourishing condition. In passing it on the street I often peeped into its
spacious windows, and looked down the row of its gentlemanly and
elegantly dressed colored clerks, with their pens behind their ears
and button-hole bouquets in their coat-fronts, and felt my very eyes
enriched. It was a sight I had never expected to see. I was amazed
with the facility with which they counted the money; they threw off
the thousands with the dexterity, if not the accuracy, of old and
experienced clerks. The whole thing was beautiful. I had read of this
Bank when I lived in Rochester, and had indeed been solicited to
become one of its trustees, and had reluctantly consented to do so;
but when I came to Washington and saw its magnificent brown stone
front, its towering height, and its perfect appointments, and the fine
display it made in the transaction of its business, I felt like the Queen
of Sheba when she saw the riches of Solomon, “the half had not
been told me.”
After settling myself down in Washington in the office of the New
Era, I could and did occasionally attend the meetings of the Board of
Trustees, and had the pleasure of listening to the rapid reports of the
condition of the institution, which were generally of a most
encouraging character. My confidence in the integrity and wisdom of
the management was such that at one time I had entrusted to its
vaults about twelve thousand dollars. It seemed fitting to me to cast
in my lot with my brother freedmen, and help to build up an institution
which represented their thrift and economy to so striking advantage;
for the more millions accumulated there, I thought, the more
consideration and respect would be shown to the colored people of
the whole country.
About four months before this splendid institution was compelled
to close its doors in the starved and deluded faces of its depositors,
and while I was assured by its President and by its Actuary of its
sound condition, I was solicited by some of its trustees to allow them
to use my name in the board as a candidate for its Presidency. So I
waked up one morning to find myself seated in a comfortable arm
chair, with gold spectacles on my nose, and to hear myself
addressed as President of the Freedmen’s Bank. I could not help
reflecting on the contrast between Frederick the slave boy, running
about at Col. Lloyd’s with only a tow linen shirt to cover him, and
Frederick—President of a Bank counting its assets by millions. I had
heard of golden dreams, but such dreams had no comparison with
this reality. And yet this seeming reality was scarcely more
substantial than a dream. My term of service on this golden height
covered only the brief space of three months, and these three
months were divided into two parts, during the first part of which I
was quietly employed in an effort to find out the real condition of the
Bank and its numerous branches. This was no easy task. On paper,
and from the representations of its management, its assets
amounted to three millions of dollars, and its liabilities were about
equal to its assets. With such a showing I was encouraged in the
belief that by curtailing expenses, doing away with non-paying
branches, which policy the trustees had now adopted, we could be
carried safely through the financial distress then upon the country.
So confident was I of this, that in order to meet what was said to be a
temporary emergency, I was induced to loan the Bank ten thousand
dollars of my own money, to be held by it until it could realize on a
part of its abundant securities. This money, though it was repaid,
was not done so promptly as under the supposed circumstances I
thought it should be, and these circumstances increased my fears
lest the chasm was not so easily bridged as the Actuary of the
institution had assured me it could be. The more I observed and
learned the more my confidence diminished. I found that those
trustees who wished to issue cards and publish addresses
professing the utmost confidence in the Bank, had themselves not
one dollar deposited there. Some of them, while strongly assuring
me of its soundness, had withdrawn their money and opened
accounts elsewhere. Gradually I discovered that the Bank had
sustained heavy losses at the South through dishonest agents, that
there was a discrepancy on the books of forty thousand dollars, for
which no account could be given, that instead of our assets being
equal to our liabilities we could not in all likelihoods of the case pay
seventy-two cents on the dollar. There was an air of mystery, too,
about the spacious and elegant apartments of the Bank building
which greatly troubled me, and which I have only been able to
explain to myself on the supposition that the employees, from the
Actuary and the Inspector down to the messengers, were (perhaps)
naturally anxious to hold their places, and consequently have the
business continued. I am not a violent advocate of the doctrine of the
total depravity of human nature. I am inclined, on the whole, to
believe it a tolerably good nature, yet instances do occur which
oblige me to concede that men can and do act from mere personal
and selfish motives. In this case, at any rate, it seemed not
unreasonable to conclude that the finely dressed young gentlemen,
adorned with pens and bouquets, the most fashionable and genteel
of all our colored youth, stationed behind those marble counters,
should desire to retain their places as long as there was money in
the vaults to pay them their salaries.
Standing on the platform of this large and complicated
establishment, with its thirty-four branches, extending from New
Orleans to Philadelphia, its machinery in full operation, its
correspondence carried on in cipher, its actuary dashing in and out
of the bank with an air of pressing business, if not of bewilderment, I
found the path of enquiry I was pursuing an exceedingly difficult one.
I knew there had been very lately several runs on the bank, and that
there had been a heavy draft made upon its reserve fund, but I did
not know what I should have been told before being allowed to enter
upon the duties of my office, that this reserve, which the bank by its
charter was required to keep, had been entirely exhausted, and that
hence there was nothing left to meet any future emergency. Not to
make too long a story, I was, in six weeks after my election as
president of this bank, convinced that it was no longer a safe
custodian of the hard earnings of my confiding people. This
conclusion once reached, I could not hesitate as to my duty in the
premises, and this was, to save as much as possible of the assets
held by the bank for the benefit of the depositors; and to prevent
their being further squandered in keeping up appearances, and in
paying the salaries of myself and other officers in the bank.
Fortunately, Congress, from which we held our charter, was then in
session, and its committees on finance were in daily session. I felt it
my duty to make known as speedily as possible to Hon. John
Sherman, chairman of the Senate committee on finance, and to
Senator Scott of Pennsylvania, also of the same committee, that I
regarded the institution as insolvent and irrecoverable, and that I
could no longer ask my people to deposit their money in it. This
representation to the finance committee subjected me to very bitter
opposition on the part of the officers of the bank. Its actuary, Mr.
Stickney, immediately summoned some of the trustees, a dozen or
so of them, to go before the finance committee and make a counter
statement to that made by me; and this they did. Some of them who
had assisted me by giving me facts showing the insolvency of the
bank, now made haste to contradict that conclusion and to assure
the committee that it was abundantly able to weather the financial
storm, and pay dollar for dollar to its depositors if allowed to go on.
I was not exactly thunderstruck, but I was much amazed by this
contradiction. I, however, adhered to my statement that the bank
ought to stop. The finance committee substantially agreed with me,
and in a few weeks so legislated as to bring this imposing banking
business to a close by appointing three commissioners to take
charge of its affairs.
This is a fair and unvarnished narration of my connection with
the Freedmen’s Savings and Trust Company, otherwise known as
the Freedmen’s Savings Bank, a connection which has brought upon
my head an amount of abuse and detraction greater than any
encountered in any other part of my life.
Before leaving the subject I ought in justice to myself to state
that when I found that the affairs of the bank were to be closed up, I
did not, as I might easily have done, and as others did, make myself
a preferred creditor and take my money out of the bank, but on the
contrary, I determined to take my chances with other depositors, and
left my money, to the amount of two thousand dollars, to be divided
with the assets among the creditors of the bank. And now, after
seven years have been allowed for the value of the securities to
appreciate and the loss of interests on the deposits for that length of
time, the depositors may deem themselves fortunate if they receive
sixty cents on the dollar of what they placed in the care of this fine
savings institution.
It is also due to myself to state, especially since I have seen
myself accused of bringing the Freedmen’s Bank into ruin, and
squandering in senseless loans on bad security the hardly-earned
moneys of my race, that all the loans ever made by the bank were
made prior to my connection with it as its president. Not a dollar, not
a dime of its millions were loaned by me, or with my approval. The
fact is, and all investigation shows it, that I was married to a corpse.
The fine building was there with its marble counters and black walnut
finishings, the affable and agile clerks, and the discreet and comely
colored cashier; but the Life, which was the money, was gone, and I
found that I had been placed there with the hope that by “some
drugs, some charms, some conjuration, or some mighty magic,” I
would bring it back.
When I became connected with the bank I had a tolerably fair
name for honest dealing; I had expended in the publication of my
paper in Rochester thousands of dollars annually, and had often to
depend upon my credit to bridge over immediate wants, but no man
there or elsewhere can say I ever wronged him out of a cent; and I
could, to-day, with the confidence of the converted centurion, offer
“to restore fourfold to any from whom I have unjustly taken aught.” I
say this, not for the benefit of those who know me, but for the
thousands of my own race who hear of me mostly through the
malicious and envious assaults of unscrupulous aspirants who vainly
fancy that they lift themselves into consideration by wanton attacks
upon the characters of men who receive a larger share of respect
and esteem than themselves.

The Santo Domingo controversy—Decoration day at Arlington, 1871—Speech

delivered there—National colored convention at New Orleans, 1872—
Elector at large for the State of New York—Death of Hon. Henry Wilson.

THE most of my story is now before the reader. Whatever of good or ill
the future may have in store for me, the past at least is secure. As I
review the last decade up to the present writing, I am impressed with a
sense of completeness; a sort of rounding up of the arch to the point
where the key stone may be inserted, the scaffolding removed, and the
work, with all its perfections or faults, left to speak for itself. This
decade, from 1871 to 1881, has been crowded, if time is capable of
being thus described, with incidents and events which may well
enough be accounted remarkable. To me they certainly appear
strange, if not wonderful. My early life not only gave no visible promise,
but no hint of such experience. On the contrary, that life seemed to
render it, in part at least, impossible. In addition to what is narrated in
the foregoing chapter, I have to speak of my mission to Santo
Domingo, my appointment as a member of the council for the
government of the District of Columbia; my election as elector at large
for the State of New York; my invitation to speak at the monument of
the unknown loyal dead, at Arlington, on Decoration day; my address
on the unveiling of Lincoln monument, at Lincoln Park, Washington; my
appointment to bring the electoral vote from New York to the National
Capital; my invitation to speak near the statue of Abraham Lincoln,
Madison Square, New York; my accompanying the body of Vice-
President Wilson from Washington to Boston; my conversations with
Senator Sumner and President Grant; my welcome to the receptions of
Secretary Hamilton Fish; my appointment by President R. B. Hayes to
the office of Marshal of the District of Columbia; my visit to Thomas
Auld, the man who claimed me as his slave, and from whom I was
purchased by my English friends; and my visit to Lloyd’s plantation, the
home of my childhood, after an absence of fifty-six years; my
appointment by President James A. Garfield to the office of Recorder
of Deeds of the District of Columbia, are some of the matters which
belong to this decade, and may come into the chapter I am now about
to write.
Those who knew of my more than friendly relations with Hon.
Charles Sumner, and of his determined opposition to the annexation of
Santo Domingo to the United States, were surprised to find me
earnestly taking sides with Gen. Grant upon that question. Some of my
white friends, and a few of those of my own color—who, unfortunately,
allow themselves to look at public questions more through the medium
of feeling than of reason, and who follow the line of what is grateful to
their friends rather than what is consistent with their own convictions—
thought my course was an ungrateful return for the eminent services of
the Massachusetts senator. I am free to say that, had I been guided
only by the promptings of my heart, I should in this controversy have
followed the lead of Charles Sumner. He was not only the most
clearsighted, brave, and uncompromising friend of my race who had
ever stood upon the floor of the Senate, but was to me a loved,
honored, and precious personal friend; a man possessing the exalted
and matured intellect of a statesman, with the pure and artless heart of
a child. Upon any issue, as between him and others, when the right
seemed in anywise doubtful, I should have followed his counsel and
advice. But the annexation of Santo Domingo, to my understanding,
did not seem to be any such question. The reasons in its favor were
many and obvious; and those against it, as I thought, were easily
answered. To Mr. Sumner, annexation was a measure to extinguish a
colored nation, and to do so by dishonorable means and for selfish
motives. To me it meant the alliance of a weak and defenceless
people, having few or none of the attributes of a nation, torn and rent
by internal feuds, unable to maintain order at home, or command
respect abroad, to a government which would give it peace, stability,
prosperity, and civilization, and make it helpful to both countries. To
favor annexation at the time when Santo Domingo asked for a place in
our union, was a very different thing from what it was when Cuba and
Central America were sought by fillibustering expeditions. When the
slave power bore rule, and a spirit of injustice and oppression
animated and controlled every part of our government, I was for
limiting our dominion to the smallest possible margin; but since liberty
and equality have become the law of our land, I am for extending our
dominion whenever and wherever such extension can peaceably and
honorably, and with the approval and desire of all the parties
concerned, be accomplished. Santo Domingo wanted to come under
our government upon the terms thus described; and for more reasons
than I can stop here to give, I then believed, and do now believe, it
would have been wise to have received her into our sisterhood of

Charles Sumner
The idea that annexation meant degradation to a colored nation,
was altogether fanciful; there was no more dishonor to Santo Domingo
in making her a State of the American union, than in making Kansas,
Nebraska, or any other territory such a State. It was giving to a part the
strength of the whole, and lifting what must be despised for its isolation
into an organization and relationship which would compel
consideration and respect.
Though I differed from Mr. Sumner in respect of this measure, and
although I told him I thought he was unjust to President Grant, it never
disturbed our friendship. After his great speech against annexation,
which occupied six hours in its delivery, and in which he arraigned the
President in a most bitter and fierce manner, being at the White House
one day, I was asked by President Grant what I “now thought of my
friend Mr. Sumner”? I replied that I believed Mr. Sumner sincerely
thought, that in opposing annexation, he was defending the cause of
the colored race as he always had done, but that I thought he was
mistaken. I saw my reply was not very satisfactory, and said: “What do
you, Mr. President, think of Senator Sumner?” He answered, with
some feeling, “I think he is mad.”
The difference in opinion on this question between these two great
men was the cause of bitter personal estrangement, and one which I
intensely regretted. The truth is, that neither one was entirely just to
the other, because neither saw the other in his true character; and
having once fallen asunder, the occasion never came when they could
be brought together.
Variance between great men finds no healing influence in the
atmosphere of Washington. Interested parties are ever ready to fan the
flame of animosity and magnify the grounds of hostility in order to gain
the favor of one or the other. This is perhaps true in some degree in
every community; but it is especially so of the National Capital, and
this for the reason that there is ever a large class of people here
dependent upon the influence and favor of powerful public men for
their daily bread.
My selection to visit Santo Domingo with the commission sent
thither, was another point indicating the difference between the old
time and the new. It placed me on the deck of an American man-of-
war, manned by one hundred marines and five hundred men-of-wars-
men, under the national flag, which I could now call mine, in common
with other American citizens, and gave me a place not in the fore-
castle, among the hands, nor in the caboose with the cooks, but in the
captain’s saloon and in the society of gentlemen, scientists, and
statesmen. It would be a pleasing task to narrate the varied
experiences and the distinguished persons encountered in this Santo
Domingo tour, but the material is too boundless for the limits of these
pages. I can only say, it was highly interesting and instructive. The
conversations at the Captain’s table (at which I had the honor of a
seat) were usually led by Messrs. Wade, Howe, and White—the three
commissioners; and by Mr. Hurlburt of the New York World; the last-
named gentleman impressed me as one remarkable for knowledge
and refinement, in which he was no whit behind Messrs. Howe and
White. As for Hon. Benj. F. Wade, he was there, as everywhere,
abundant in knowledge and experience, fully able to take care of
himself in the discussion of any subject in which he chose to take a
part. In a circle so brilliant, it is no affectation of modesty to say I was
for the most part a listener and a learner. The commander of our good
ship on this voyage, Capt. Temple, now promoted to the position of
Commodore, was a very imposing man, and deported himself with
much dignity towards us all. For his treatment to me I am especially
grateful. A son of the United States navy as he was,—a department of
our service considerably distinguished for its aristocratic tendencies, I
expected to find something a little forbidding in his manner; but I am
bound to say that in this I was agreeably disappointed. Both the
commander and the officers under him bore themselves in a friendly
manner towards me during all the voyage, and this is saying a great
thing for them, for the spectacle presented by a colored man seated at
the captain’s table was not only unusual, but had never before
occurred in the history of the United States navy. If during this voyage
there was anything to complain of, it was not in the men in authority, or
in the conduct of the thirty gentlemen who went out as the honored
guests of the expedition, but in the colored waiters. My presence and
position seemed to trouble them for its incomprehensibility; and they
did not know exactly how to deport themselves towards me. Possibly
they may have detected in me something of the same sort in respect of
themselves; at any rate we seemed awkwardly related to each other
during several weeks of the voyage. In their eyes I was Fred. Douglass
suddenly, and possibly undeservedly, lifted above them. The fact that I
was colored and they were colored had so long made us equal, that
the contradiction now presented was too much for them. After all, I
have no blame for Sam and Garrett. They were trained in the school of
servility to believe that white men alone were entitled to be waited
upon by colored men; and the lesson taught by my presence on the
“Tennessee” was not to be learned upon the instant, without thought
and experience. I refer to the matter simply as an incident quite
commonly met with in the lives of colored men who, by their own
exertions or otherwise, have happened to occupy positions of
respectability and honor. While the rank and file of our race quote with
much vehemence the doctrine of human equality, they are often
among the first to deny and denounce it in practice. Of course this is
true only of the more ignorant. Intelligence is a great leveler here as
elsewhere. It sees plainly the real worth of men and things, and is not
easily imposed upon by the dressed up emptiness of human pride.
With a colored man on a sleeping car as its conductor, the last to
have his bed made up at night, and the last to have his boots blacked
in the morning, and the last to be served in any way, is the colored
passenger. This conduct is the homage which the black man pays to
the white man’s prejudice whose wishes, like a well-trained servant, he
is taught to anticipate and obey. Time, education, and circumstances
are rapidly destroying these mere color distinctions, and men will be
valued in this country as well as in others, for what they are, and for
what they can do.
My appointment at the hands of President Grant to a seat in the
council—by way of eminence sometimes called the upper house of the
territorial legislature of the District of Columbia—at the time it was
made, must be taken as a signal evidence of his high sense of justice,
fairness, and impartiality. The colored people of the district constituted
then as now about one-third of the whole population. They were given
by Gen. Grant, three members of this legislative council—a
representation more proportionate than any that has existed since the
government has passed into the hands of commissioners, for they
have all been white men.
Commissioners to Santo Domingo.
It has sometimes been asked why I am called “Honorable.” My
appointment to this council must explain this, as it explains the
impartiality of Gen. Grant, though I fear it will hardly sustain this
prodigious handle to my name, as well as it does the former part of this
proposition. The members of this district council were required to be
appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the United
States Senate. This is the ground, and only ground that I know of,
upon which anybody has claimed this title for me. I do not pretend that

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