Adhd Focus Protocol

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By: Holistic Humans

Welcome to the ultimate productivity blueprint. This document is an
accumulation of over 10+ years and $100,000+ spent in the health space
learning how to optimize health and mental function.

These practices are BY FAR the most effective protocols you’ll find on
the internet when it comes to optimizing focus, flow, ADD, and ADHD.

A lot of people who think they have “ADHD” or “ADD” are simply over-
stimulated and not in tune with their emotional/spiritual needs.

More coffee and stimulants are not the answer. This is like putting a
band-aid on a broken leg. We need to fix the root of the issue.

The #1 resource we have in this world is our time and energy.

The better we can optimize the time we spend on tasks and our energy
expenditure throughout the day, the better we will feel and the more we
will achieve.

With this being said, a lot of people like to dive strait into the
supplements and protocols when it comes to health.

But it’s important to remember that these supplements and protocols will
not work nearly as well without a stable foundation first built upon.

You also do not need everything inside of this document in order to

unlock superhuman levels of focus and flow.

I’d recommend implementing most if not all diet and lifestyle practices
first as it will act as a foundational tide that raises all ships.

Once you have these in place, consider throwing in some of the

supplements into the mix to see what works best for you and your body.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in these videos and documents are for educational purposes
only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. You should always seek the
advice of your physician or otherwise qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have
regarding a medical condition before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, health program, or
other procedures discussed in this course.
When it comes to boosting your ability to focus naturally -
Generally a combination of dietary advice, supplements,
and practices will do the trick. You don’t have to do all
these things, but the more you incorporate, the better off
you will be.

Diet (probably the biggest lever you can pull when it comes
to focus and fairly simple as well)

Clean eating (Organic, Wild, & Pasture Raised Whole

Foods with 1 ingredient)
Increase fat consumption (avocados + olive oil are S-
tier, eating more eggs, grass-fed butter, & ruminant
animals will also help)
Lower carbohydrate consumption (especially earlier in
the day as this will spike insulin and cause a crash in
energy. Hold off carbs until last meal of day)
Intermittent fasting or OMAD (one meal a day)
Increasing fermented vegetable, bone broth, and
collagen consumption for gut health alongside
blueberries and blackberries for brain health
Increase salt consumption (6-12 grams of Redmonds,
celtic, or baja gold)
Increase electrolyte consumption(Redmond re-lyte,
LMNT, coconut water)
Supplements (not necessarily in order of importance, but in
order of what may help optimize focus quickly):

Qualia Mind (caffeine free) - This is essentially a real

life limitless pill formulated by scientists to have the
most effective brain boosting herbs, vitamins, and
minerals on the planet.

Methylene Blue (don’t take if already on SSRI’s) - MB

supports mitochondrial function(essential for energy
production), neurotransmitter modulation(like serotonin
and dopamine), and enhances brain connectivity

Dessicated Brain - Like Supports Like. High in Omega

3’s, rich source of Sphingomyelin(essential for the
myelin sheaths that protect neurons and help in the fast
transmission of signals across nerve cells.

Mucuna - Highest natural source of L-Dopa (a precursor

to dopamine) which most people with ADHD are
deficient in

KETO BRAINZ (Includes theanine, C8 MCT, Alpha GPC,

and lions mane)

Ketones - Provide a more stable and effective fuel for

your brain than glucose. Also influences
neurotransmitters in the brain like GABA and glutamate,
essentials for flow and concentration

Blueberry Extract - Equivalent to eating 10 cups of

blueberries, supports blood flow to the brain, rich in
antioxidants, very anti inflammatory, overall amazing

Lions mane - Studies show this increases synaptic

plasticity, reduces anxiety, depression, and brain fog.

Alpha GPC - Highly bioavailable source of choline, which

is a precursor to acetylcholine. Highly neuroprotective
and mood boosting

L-Theanine - Promotes alpha wave production in the

brain associated with “wakeful relaxation”. Reduces
stress and anxiety, boosts creativity and flow, and
overall amazing for focus and mental health.

Magnesium- More than 80% of the population is

deficient in magnesium which is essential for every
cellular process in the body (including brain health). The
form linked is also highly bioavailable and crosses the
blood brain barrier.

Zinc- Modulates the bodies neurotransmitter systems,

regulates mood, and has been shown to have
antidepressant effects.

Glycine- similar to theanine. Has a calming effect on the

brain and nervous system and is synergistic with other

Passionflower- There was actually a study showing that

this stuff was just as effective as Ridilin at treating

C8 MCT - Similar to ketones, gives your body a clean

source of ketones to burn as fuel.

Shilajit - Enhances mitochondrial function, has

neuroprotective effects, increases dopamine, and is a
natural adaptogen

Niacin - Improves circulation, neurotransmitter

synthesis, and is highly ant- inflammatory

Saffron- Valued for its culinary and medicinal properties

since antiquity, and proved to be just as effective as
Ritalin in this study.

Note: You do not have to buy all of these in order to focus,

these are all supplements I’ve tried and tested and are
ranked it order of what has worked best for me.

If I could only get 3 of these I would check out Desiccated

Brain, Qualia, and Methylene Blue with Macuna or L-
theanine as a close 4th.

Thank me later:)
Practices + Recommendations

Proper Sleep
EMF protection(turn off your router at night)
Brain. Fm (Science backed music to help you with
certain brain states)
Holding your seed(men only)
Blue light blockers
Cold water therapy
Heat therapy

Trauma Release + Mental Work

(There are a lot of doctors who hold the belief that ADHD +
mental illness is rooted in a response to childhood trauma.
Check out Dr Gabor Maté on JRE for more info)

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk
Any books by Dr Gabor Maté
Joe Dispenza's work
Somatic Therapy
Fascial Release
Psycho Therapy
Thank you for taking the time to explore our Holistic Productivity Guide.
We hope this resource has been enlightening and valuable, providing you
with actionable insights and knowledge to enhance your health and well-

We know that the principles and information shared here have the power
to transform your life, offering a path to improved health, increased
vitality, and overall happiness, you just have to take action.

With that being said, we also know it’s just a start to your health journey,
so if you are someone who wants to dive deeper into these practices and

I’d encourage you to check out our Premium Group

Where we go deeper inot the topics of holistic health, detoxification, and

biohacking to help you optimize your health once and for all.

Remember, the journey to better health is a personal one, and the

changes you implement from this guide can profoundly impact your
physical, emotional, and mental health.

We encourage you to revisit this guide as often as needed, use it as a

reference in your daily life, and share it with others who might benefit

Let the power of productivity guide you to a healthier, more fulfilled life.

Hope you enjoyed:)

The Holistic Humans

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