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DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843

Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

The Development of Augmented Reality to Improve Critical Thinking and Digital

Literacy Skills of Elementary School Students

Laksmi Evasufi Widi Fajari, Ranny Meilisa

Universitas Bina Bangsa

[email protected]

Article History
received 24/9/2022 revised 3/10/2022 accepted 31/12/2022

This research objective was to develop augmented reality-based learning media to improve
elementary school students' critical thinking skills and digital literacy. This research method was
Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model. The research results showed: (1) the
analysis stage was carried out by media, curriculum, and material analyses as guidelines for
efficient and effective media design; (2) the design stage was carried out by designing an
augmented reality media framework and making research instruments; (3) the development
stage was carried out by developing the design of learning media and research instruments,
assessments from experts with very decent results and revising the media based on criticism
and suggestions; (4) the implementation stage was carried out through AR media development
trials and pretest-posttest analysis of critical thinking skills and digital literacy using normality
test, N-gain score, and independent t-test; and (5) the evaluation stage was carried out with the
final revision and analysis of student response questionnaires which indicated that the level of
practicality of the product was categorized as very practical. This research concluded that AR
media effectively improved elementary school students' critical thinking skills and digital literacy.
Keywords: Augmented reality, critical thinking skills, digital literacy, elementary school, ADDIE

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis augmented
reality untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan literasi digital siswa sekolah dasar.
Metode penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model ADDIE. Adapun
hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) tahap analysis dilaksanakan dengan analisis media, analisis
kurikulum dan analisis materi sebagai pedoman perancangan media yang efisien dan efektif; (2)
tahap design dilaksanakan dengan merancang kerangka media augmented reality serta
pembuatan instrumen penelitian; (3) tahap development dilaksanakan dengan
mengembangkan rancangan media pembelajaran dan instrumen penelitian, penilaian dari para
ahli dengan hasil sangat layak serta merevisi media berdasarkan kritik dan saran; (4) tahap
implementation dilaksanakan melalui uji coba pengembangan media AR serta analisis pretest-
posttest keterampilan berpikir kritis dan literasi digital menggunakan uji normalitas, N-gain score
dan uji independent t-test; (5) tahap evaluasi dilaksanakan dengan revisi akhir dan analisis
angket respon siswa yang menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepraktisan produk dikategorikan sangat
praktis. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah media AR efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan
berpikir kritis dan literasi digital siswa sekolah dasar.
Kata kunci: Augmented reality, keterampilan berpikir kritis, literasi digital, sekolah dasar,
ADDIE model

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0

International License.
DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

The 2013 curriculum that the 21st-century learning paradigm guides seek to
facilitate students with learning that prepares and directs the next generation to
become a generation with 21st-century skills. Education in the 21st century integrates
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and mastery of information and communication technology
(ICT). One of the essential 21st-century skills is critical thinking skills. Critical thinking
skills are an open, clear, fact-based thought process to collect, categorize, analyze,
and evaluate information accompanied by clear evidence and reasons (Sarwanto,
Fajari & Chumdari, 2021). Critical thinking skills are defined as a systematic process
that allows students to evaluate the evidence, assumptions, logic, and language that
underlie their own and other people's opinions with the aim of in-depth understanding
(Sari, 2021; Fajari et al., 2020). Supratman et al. (2021) state that critical thinking skills
involve analyzing and evaluating thinking to improve it. In other words, think
independently, be disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective. Furthermore, Sidiq et
al. (2021) state that skills related to critical thinking are the abilities to understand
problems, select problems, understand assumptions, formulate and select relevant
hypotheses, draw valid conclusions and determine the validity of conclusions. The
indicators of critical thinking skills in this research refer to the indicators proposed by
Facione (2015), which include interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation,
explanation, and self-regulation.
Based on the importance of critical thinking skills in students, the Indonesian
government implemented the 2013 curriculum focusing on these skills. However,
according to the PISA research data, the facts obtained that Indonesia's reading,
mathematics, and science scores were at the lowest level. Indonesia's score was
ranked 70 out of 78 countries in the science category. Furthermore, the observations in
the field showed that critical thinking skills were very low due to the following reasons:
(1) students were not involved in learning; (2) learning was still dominated by
conventional methods such as lectures; (3) students were more passive and listen; and
(4) the learning media used were still limited, such as books, not involving information
technology (Fajari, Sarwanto & Chumdari, 2020; Syawaluddin, Gunahardi & Rintayati,
The 2013 curriculum, which carries the concept of familiar learning with
information and communication technology, involves aspects of students' digital
literacy. Digital literacy in elementary schools is the ability to use digital media properly,
correctly, and responsibly to obtain learning information, find problem solutions,
complete learning assignments, and communicate various learning activities with other
learning people. Tang & Chaw (2016) and Chan, Churchill & Chiu (2017) define digital
literacy as the use of technology that involves the ability to understand, analyze, and
evaluate the information received to find and use information as thought and
disseminate that information through digital platforms. It is in line with several expert
opinions which state that digital literacy is an individual's awareness, attitude, and
ability to use digital components to identify, access, understand, integrate, manage,
evaluate, analyze, criticize, and synthesize information to build new knowledge,
communicate with others or elicit constructive social action (Durriyah & Zuhdi, 2018;
Wright & Wilson, 2011; Soepriyanti et al., 2022). Furthermore, Soepriyanti et al. (2022)
define seven digital literacy elements: media literacy, information literacy, digital
scholarship, learning skills, communication and collaboration skills, career
management, and technology and information literacy. Spires & Bartlett (2012), Rochet
(2017), and Lukitasari et al. (2022) describe that digital literacy has three dimensions,
namely a technical dimension related to information technology, a cognitive dimension
related to one's skills in processing information, and a social-emotional dimension
which is an online socialization skill. Digital literacy indicators in this research

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

comprised media literacy, information literacy, communication and collaboration skills,

and social-emotional skills.
Furthermore, students' digital literacy was also found to be still very low. It was
indicated by the fact that students were still unfamiliar with technology because of point
(4) above. Students were only proficient in using technology such as smartphones to
play games and social media, so their digital literacy was not channeled for learning
purposes. Digital literacy in elementary school students was seen as attitudes,
knowledge, and skills to use digital media around to use digital media to find
information, entertainment, and learning. However, the field facts showed that many
schools prohibited their students from playing digital media in the classroom. Students
were asked to accept limited lessons based on the teacher's wishes in applying the
media. According to the teacher, information was also obtained based on the interview
results. The application of digital media in elementary schools was tricky because
students asked many questions about the application of the media and the class was
not conducive (Perdana et al., 2019; Nelson et al., 2011).
Based on these problems, it is necessary to have the right solution. One of them
is by utilizing technology in learning. The use of technology in learning dramatically
affects students' critical thinking and digital literacy skills through learning media. One
of the suitable learning media for 21st century learning to improve critical thinking skills
and facilitate students' digital literacy is augmented reality. This augmented reality
technology can add specific information into the virtual world and display that
information in the real world with the help of equipment such as webcams, computers,
Android smartphones, or special glasses (Shoutthaboualy, Chatwattana &
Piriyasurawong, 2021). Augmented reality can improve students' understanding by
displaying 3D objects, text, images, video, and audio, involving students to interact
actively with virtual objects and providing fun and exciting learning. AR is also easy to
operate by simply pointing the camera at the body, book, or other objects (Nurhasanah,
Widodo & Riandi, 2019; Hsu, Wenting & Hughes, 2018).
Several studies have stated the effectiveness of augmented reality in improving
critical thinking skills, such as the research of Faridi et al. (2020), Fendi, Suyatna &
Abdurrahman (2021), Dilmen & Atalay (2021), and Syawaluddin, Gunahardi & Rintayati
(2019). Furthermore, there were also several studies stating the effectiveness of
augmented reality in improving students' digital literacy, including the research of
Shoutthaboualy, Chatwattana & Piriyasurawong (2021), Nurhasanah, Widodo & Riandi
(2019), and Hsu, Wenting & Hughes (2018). Therefore, researchers researched the
development of augmented reality-based learning media that met valid criteria in terms
of content, constructs, and practical criteria and could be used to improve elementary
school students' critical thinking skills and digital literacy.

This research used a type of research and development known as the Research
and Development (R&D) ADDIE model, which consists of five stages: Analysis, Design,
Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (Almelhi, 2021). The first stage was the
analysis stage. At this stage, the researcher analyzed the importance of developing
learning media to know the initial needs in developing this learning media. The analysis
carried out in this stage included media, curriculum, and material analyses. Second,
the design stage aimed to produce an initial product (prototype) or product design that
was adapted to the analysis that had been carried out. The activities carried out at this
stage were the selection of the initial format and framework as well as the selection of
research instruments.
The third was the development stage. This stage consisted of several steps,
including (1) the development of a design framework for learning media and

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

instruments made in the previous stage, which experts then evaluated, and (2) the
assessment of media carried out by competent experts in the field of media, material,
and language as well as being able to provide criticism and suggestions for better
media preparation, and (3) revision of the media that experts have validated based on
considerations and suggestions as well as criticism from media, material, and language
experts. Fourth, the implementation stage was indicated by the application of learning
media products that had been developed and declared worthy of testing by media
expert lecturers, linguists, and material experts then tested on research subjects on a
small scale. At this stage, a pretest-posttest was conducted to measure the
effectiveness of improving critical thinking skills and digital literacy before and after
using media. Then, the evaluation stage was carried out by the final revision of the
learning media developed based on student response questionnaires and observation
sheets obtained in the field.
The data obtained from this development research consisted of qualitative and
quantitative data. The qualitative data in this research were: (1) criticism and
suggestions as well as input from material experts, media experts, and language
experts; and (2) the results of observations were described in the form of descriptions
of responses and learning conditions. The results of the data analysis were used as the
basis for revising the product to be developed. The quantitative data in the research
included: (1) critical thinking skills test; (2) digital literacy questionnaire; (3) media
validation questionnaire; (4) student response questionnaire. Data on critical thinking
skills used an open description test instrument, while data for digital literacy was
obtained using a questionnaire instrument. The pretest and post-test results to
measure the improvement of critical thinking skills and digital literacy before and after
the use of the developed learning media were analyzed using statistics in the form of
normality test, N-Gain, and independent t-test.


The product developed was augmented reality-based learning media on android
devices with the Assemblr application as a support for human motion system material.
This learning media was expected to facilitate educators' and students’ learning.
Students were expected to be able to construct their thoughts by stimulating the
materialization of the human motion system material so that learning could improve
critical thinking skills and digital literacy in using Android.
The first stage of this research was the analysis stage. This analysis stage
included media, curriculum, and material analyses. Media analysis was carried out
using the observation method. The results of field observations also showed that
critical thinking skills were very low due to the following reasons: (1) teachers did not
involve students in learning; (2) teachers still dominated learning with lectures; (3)
students were more silent and became passive listeners; and (4) teachers only used
books in teaching, write learning materials on the blackboard or dictate to students.
Furthermore, the learning carried out never used smartphone-based media. Even
students were not allowed to bring smartphones. Based on the results of interviews,
most students stated that they often use their smartphones to play games, and only a
small percentage stated that they used smartphones to look for subject matter that was
not in the book. Curriculum and material analysis were also conducted to determine
suitable science material combined with AR. Furthermore, some abstract science
materials can be concretized with AR in grade 5, namely: (1) the human movement
system; (2) the respiratory system of living things; (3) the human digestive system; (4)
the human circulatory system; (5) the earth and its surroundings; and (6) the water
cycle and natural events. Based on the consideration of the timing of the research, the

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

appropriate material was the human movement system in Theme 1 ‘Animal and Human
Movement Organs’ and Subtheme 2 ‘Humans and the Environment’.
The results of this analysis stage were supported by the results of Samsudin et
al. (2021) and Mariam (2019), which stated that the primary things that must be carried
out at the analysis stage were analyzing the problem, determining teaching objectives,
analyzing student characteristics, examining the resources used and material analysis.
The research results were in line with the theory of Salas-Rueda et al. (2020), which
stated that the stages of the ADDIE model analysis analyze students in terms of their
needs, problem analysis, and task analysis so that the output of this analysis process is
in the form of student characteristics, gap identification, identification of needs and
analysis of tasks in the form of solutions to their needs. Trust & Pektas (2018) and
Thesalonika et al. (2019) also states that development research departs from existing
problems such as current or available products that are no longer relevant to the needs
of the target, learning environment, technology, student characteristics, and so on.
The second stage in this research was the design stage. The activities carried out
at this stage were the selection of the initial format and framework as well as the
selection of instruments. At this stage, researchers began to examine the most
effective applications used to create augmented reality. The selected application was
Assemblr. The researcher then downloaded the Assemblr application and tried to make
AR according to the material that had been determined. Researchers also designed
sentences displayed on AR to be more effective and efficient when AR media was
used. At this stage, researchers also began to make assessment instruments in the
form of pretest and post-test questions on critical thinking skills and digital literacy
questionnaire instruments. The question instruments were adjusted to the material
taught using AR, while the digital literacy instruments were adjusted to the
psychological development stage of students. The results of the design stage research
were in line with the theory, which stated that design activities in the ADDIE
development research model were a systematic process that started from designing
the concepts and content in the product. Designs were written for each product's
content. Instructions for implementing the design or manufacture of products were
sought to be written clearly and in detail. At this stage, the product design was still
conceptual and underlie the development process at the next stage (Thesalonika et al.,
2019; Samsudin et al., 2021; Ngussa, 2014).
Development stage. This stage consisted of several steps, including a)
developing a design framework for learning media and instruments made in the
previous stage, which experts then validated, and b) assessing learning media carried
out by competent experts in the field of media, materials, and language as well as
being able to provide criticism and suggestions for better media preparation, and c)
revising the media that experts had validated based on considerations and suggestions
and criticisms from media, material and language experts. Development in the ADDIE
development research model contained activities to realize product designs that had
previously been made (Tu et al., 2021). A conceptual framework for implementing a
new product had been developed in the previous stage. The conceptual framework
was then realized into a product ready to be implemented (Sarwanto, Laksmi &
Chumdari, 2021). Figure 1 below is a design framework for learning media that would
be developed.

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

Figure 1. Design of Augmented Reality about Human Movement System

To test the feasibility of the AR, the researchers conducted a series of judgments
on related experts and stakeholders, namely media experts, material experts, linguists,
and users. Meanwhile, after the judgment process, the researcher revised the media
that had been validated by experts based on suggestions and criticisms. Based on the
results of the assessments, it obtained the following data:
Table 1. Expert and User Assessment of AR Media
No Evaluator Score Appropriateness
1 Media expert 3.56 Very appropriate
2 Material expert 3.52 Very appropriate
3 Linguist 3.96 Very appropriate
4 User 1 3.80 Very appropriate
5 User 2 3.88 Very appropriate

Based on Table 1, it was obtained information that the assessment of the

developed media according to several experts and users stated that the media was
appropriate to use. Furthermore, the criticisms and suggestions were used as
guidelines for improvement and continuing research at the implementation stage. The
appropriateness of learning media at the elementary age level was significant because
the presence of the media helped students understand a particular concept. Students
still thought concrete and actual at this age, and could not think abstractly, especially
low-grade elementary school students. Therefore, teachers should choose the correct
media according to learning objectives and are appropriate and effective to use
(Puspitarini & Hanif, 2019).
The implementation stage was the stage of applying learning media products that
had been developed and declared appropriate based on the testing by media expert
lecturers and material experts. Then, it was tested on research subjects on a small
scale (Priyanka & Selamat, 2021). The application of the product in the ADDIE
development research model was intended to obtain feedback on the product being
made/developed. Initial feedback (early evaluation) can be obtained by asking
questions about product development goals (Ismiyani, 2021). At this stage, a pretest-
posttest was conducted to measure the effectiveness of students' critical thinking skills
and digital literacy. The data from the pretest-posttest results are presented in Figure 2

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Kelas Eksperimen Pretest Kelas Eksperimen Posttest
Kelas Kontrol Pretest Kelas Kontrol Posttest

Figure 2. Pretest-Posttest Data for Critical Thinking Skills

Based on Figure 2, information was obtained that visually, there was an increase
in the value of students' critical thinking skills in both the experimental and control
classes. The post-test scores for the critical thinking skills of the experimental class
students were much higher than the post-test scores for the critical thinking skills of the
control class students. However, further data analysis was needed to confirm this fact.
The prerequisite test that was needed was the normality test. Table 2 below is a
recapitulation of the normality test of this research.

Table 2. Recapitulation of Normality Test

Control Class Experimental Class
Variable Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest
N 27 27 27 27 30 30 30 30
Sig. (2- 0.69 0.107 0.082 0.103 0.083 0.110 0.76 0.089

Based on Table 2, it was obtained information that the value of Asymp. Sig. (2-
tailed) > 0.05, and it can be concluded that the data were normally distributed. Then,
the research continued with data analysis using the N-gain score. N-gain score aimed
to determine the effectiveness of the use of AR. The N-gain score test was carried out
by calculating the difference between the pretest and posttest scores. The following
were the results of the N-gain score test on this research's critical thinking skills data.

Table 3. N-gain Score Test Results for Critical Thinking Skills

Class Statistic Std.Error
Experiment Mean 61.8330 5.06601
95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound 43.3288
for Mean Upper Bound 65.9561
Control Mean 40.7407 3.07710
95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound 24.2710
for Mean Upper Bound 31.8781
Based on Table 3 above, it was known that the mean N-gain score for the
experimental class was 61.833 or if it was rounded up to 62%. Based on the category
table for the interpretation of the effectiveness of the N-Gain score (%), it can be

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

concluded that using AR in the experimental class effectively improved elementary

school students' critical thinking skills. Furthermore, it was known that the mean N-gain
score for the control class was 40.741 or if it was rounded up to 41%. Based on the
category table of the effectiveness of the N-Gain score (%), it could be concluded that
using conventional media (printed books only) in the control class was ineffective for
improving critical thinking skills. Furthermore, the next step was to compare the
differences in the effectiveness of using AR media with the use of book media in
improving the critical thinking skills of elementary school students through an
independent sample t-test. Table 4 below is the result of the t-test in this research.

Table 4. Results of t-test Critical Thinking Skills

Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
Ngain_ Equal
Percent variances .005 .946 2.334 28 .049 21.09230 8.743 .9384 34.117
2.354 26.803 .049 21.09230 8.743 .9886 34.087

Based on Table 4, it is known that the significance value (Sig) on Levene's Test
for Equality of Variances was 0.946 > 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that the variance
of the N-Gain data (%) for the experimental and control classes was the same or
homogeneous. Meanwhile, the value of Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.049 < 0.05. Thus, it can be
concluded that there was a significant difference in critical thinking skills between
experimental class students who used AR media and control class students who used
book media. Augmented Reality can be used in the learning process because it
supports science learning to be more interactive (Vari & Bramastia, 2021). Augmented
Reality technology can realize the virtual world into the real world so that the
application of AR technology in science learning will lead students to find physics
concepts independently (Herliandry et al., 2020; Waliyuddin & Sulisworo, 2021).
Furthermore, this research was supported by the results of Sirakaya & Alsancak-
Sirakaya (2018) and Setyawan (2019), who stated that Augmented Reality was
considered to train critical thinking skills because students required the ability to
imagine and understand an image called visual literacy skills. Augmented Reality
media had images that function as visual media so that it was related to visual literacy.
Furthermore, digital literacy data is obtained from the distribution of digital literacy
questionnaires adapted to elementary school students' development. Figure 3 below
summarizes the digital literacy pretest and post-test data for students in this research.

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Kelas Eksperimen Pretest Kelas Eksperimen Posttest

Kelas Kontrol Pretest Kelas Kontrol Posttest
Figure 3. Digital Literacy Pretest-Posttest Data

Based on Figure 3, information was obtained visually. There was an increase in

students' digital literacy in the experimental and control classes. The digital literacy
post-test scores of the experimental class students were much higher than the control
class students' digital literacy post-test scores. Then, the research continued with data
analysis using the N-gain score. The following are the results of the N-gain score test
on the digital literacy data of this research:

Table 5. N-gain Score Test Results for Digital Literacy Data

Experimental Class Control Class
No. Pretest Postest N-gain Pretest Postest N-gain
1 30 56 57.7778 35 40 12.5
2 32 58 60.4651 35 41 15
3 33 62 69.0476 32 38 13.9535
4 33 62 69.0476 33 34 2.38095
5 33 61 66.6667 32 41 20.9302
6 32 67 81.3954 35 40 12.5
7 32 68 83.7209 35 37 5
8 33 64 73.8095 32 41 20.9302
9 34 70 87.8049 32 33 2.32558
10 40 73 94.2857 32 37 11.6279
11 32 63 72.093 33 38 11.9048
12 35 69 85 40 42 5.71429
13 35 62 67.5 39 44 13.8889
14 32 58 60.4651 32 42 23.2558
15 32 56 55.814 31 43 27.2727
16 32 60 65.1163 41 51 29.4118
17 39 61 61.1111 39 41 5.55556
18 42 59 51.5152 31 32 2.27273
19 41 59 52.9412 34 35 2.43902
20 31 57 59.0909 31 37 13.6364

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

21 31 62 70.4546 34 35 2.43902
22 34 61 65.8537 35 37 5
23 34 61 65.8537 35 40 12.5
24 35 67 80 32 42 23.2558
25 38 71 89.1892 32 33 2.32558
26 39 70 86.1111 31 33 4.54546
27 39 67 77.7778 31 33 4.54546
28 39 57 50
29 31 58 61.3636
30 31 61 68.1818
Mean 34.467 62.667 69.648 33.852 38.519 11.375

Figure 4 above shows that the mean N-gain score for the experimental class was
69.648 or if it was rounded up to 63%. Based on the category table for the
interpretation of the effectiveness of the N-Gain score (%), it could be concluded that
using AR in the experimental class effectively improved elementary school students'
digital literacy. Furthermore, it was known that the mean N-gain score for the control
class was 11.375 or if it was rounded up to 11%. Based on the category table of the
effectiveness of the N-Gain score (%), it can be concluded that using conventional
media (printed books only) in the control class was ineffective for increasing digital
literacy. Furthermore, the next stage was to compare the differences in the
effectiveness of using AR media with the use of book media in increasing the digital
literacy of elementary school students through an independent sample t-test. Table 6
below is the result of the t-test in this research.

Table 6. Digital Literacy t-test Results

Levene’s Test
for Equality
of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence
Sig. Interval of the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
Ngain_ Equal
Pecent variances .005 .877 1.455 25 .029 11.85463 4.09234 .97975 24.94357
variances not 1.455 26.803 .029 11.85463 4.09234 .97975 24.94357

Based on Table 6, it was known that the significance value (Sig) on Levene's
Test for Equality of Variances was 0.877 > 0.05, so it can be concluded that the
variance of the N-Gain data (%) for the experimental and control classes was the same
or homogeneous. Furthermore, the value of Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.029 < 0.05. Thus, it
could be concluded that there was a significant difference in digital literacy between
experimental class students who used AR media and control class students who used
book media.
This research strengthened the theory of Hsu, Wenting & Hughes (2018), which
states that the introduction of digital-based literacy for elementary school students must
be adjusted to the psychological side and abilities of children at that age stage by
providing digital literacy through images, videos, animated videos, interactive

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

animation, and augmented reality-based animation. The elementary school students

could and wanted to learn actively. They could build knowledge independently, utilizing
fun learning to maximize learning outcomes. Furthermore, smartphones were among
the primary sources of information that could be used and were familiar to students.
The augmented reality application in this research required a smartphone to scan QR-
AR markers. The use of smartphones in learning was a new and effective step. These
digital-based information sources must be used properly and help students to learn to
be prepared optimally (Waliyuddin & Sulisworo, 2021). It means that digital-based
information must be created by maximizing the potential of technological progress,
which is packaged attractively (Shoutthaboualy, Chatwattana & Piriyasurawong, 2021;
Nurhasanah, Widodo & Riandi, 2019; Hsu, Wenting & Hughes, 2018).

Figure 4. Pretest-posttest work and implementation of augmented reality

The evaluation stage was completed with a final revision of the learning media
developed based on criticism and suggestions from experts and users and student
response questionnaires to the media. The evaluation stage in the ADDIE model
development research was conducted to provide feedback to product users so that
revisions were made according to the evaluation results or needs that the product had
not met. The final objective of the evaluation was to measure the achievement of
development goals (Salas-Reuda et al., 2020; Samsudin et al., 2021).
Based on the analysis of the data from the assessments of experts and users, it
was concluded that the developed product was appropriate to use without the need for
revision, but considering the suggestions and inputs given by material and media
experts. Furthermore, the researchers followed up with improvements. Furthermore,
after testing the product on students, the product's practicality would be measured
through a student response questionnaire sheet. The recapitulation of the assessment
of student responses to the practicality of the product developed is presented in the
following table:

Table 7. Recapitulation of Student Response Assessment to the Practicality of

the Product
No. Aspect Percentage Criteria
1. Media 90% Very Practical
2. Material 88% Very Practical
3. Benefit 85% Very Practical
4. Interest 90% Very Practical
Mean 88% Very Practical

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

Based on the data presented in Table 7 above, the mean percentage of student
response assessments was 88%, and it can be concluded that the practicality level of
the product was included in the very practical category. The research results were in
line with the theory of Darma et al. (2021), which stated that the practicality of learning
media could be viewed from the implementation of learning media in learning activities
and teacher responses to learning media, student responses to learning media. This
research also meant that the media's condition and application were ideal for students.
In the practical aspect of learning media, several aspects needed to be considered that
supported the media. First, the media was seen from the available formats, the time
used, and the costs incurred. The second was the suitability of students, namely the
suitability of media content with the development and experience of students, and the
third was the suitability of educators, namely the suitability of the media with learning
carried out by educators and being able to facilitate students to understand the material
through the developed media (Darma et al., 2021; Indang, 2020; Madona, 2018).

Based on the results and discussion, it could be concluded that AR media
effectively improved elementary school students’ critical thinking skills and digital
literacy. These results were obtained from the following research stages. First, the
analysis stage carried out in this stage included media, curriculum, and material
analyses. Thus, it was decided to make AR media on the science material with Theme
1 ‘Animal and Human Movement Organs’, Subtheme 2 ‘Humans and the Environment’
with the subject matter Human Movement System in grade 5 at odd semesters.
Second, the design stage was carried out by determining the AR application maker,
designing AR, and making research instruments. Third, the development stage was
carried out by developing the design of the learning media framework and instruments
made in the previous stage, which experts then evaluated. Competent experts
assessed the learning media in media, material, and language with decent results. It
made revisions to media that experts had validated based on considerations,
suggestions, and criticisms from media, material, and language experts.
Fourth, the implementation stage was carried out by testing the research
subjects. Analysis of media effectiveness at this trial stage was conducted by analyzing
the pretest and post-test of critical thinking skills and digital literacy. The normality test
of all data showed that the data came from a normal distribution. The mean score of N-
gain critical thinking skills for the experimental class was 62%, so it can be concluded
that using AR in the experimental class effectively improved the critical thinking skills of
elementary school students. The mean score of digital literacy N-gain for the
experimental class was 63%, so it can be concluded that using AR in the experimental
class effectively improved the digital literacy of elementary school students.
Furthermore, the t-test of critical thinking skills showed the value of Sig. (2-tailed) was
0.049 < 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that there was a significant difference in critical
thinking skills between experimental class students who used AR media and control
class students who used book media. Then, the value of Sig. (2-tailed) digital literacy
on the t-test was 0.029 < 0.05. It could be concluded that there was a significant
difference in digital literacy between experimental class students who used AR media
and control class students who used book media. The last stage was the evaluation
stage. It was carried out with a final revision of the learning media developed based on
criticism and suggestions from experts and users as well as student response
questionnaires to the media by 88% and could be categorized as very practical.

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik P-ISSN: 2581-1843
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2581-1835

The researchers would like to thank the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and
Technology for providing support to researchers as the recipients of funding for
beginner lecturer research in 2022 with contract number 076/SP2H/RT-
MONO/LL4/2022 and to the academic community of Bina Bangsa University who have
provided support and facilitate researchers in carrying out this research.

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