Exponential Sums
Exponential Sums
Exponential Sums
The integral of the type here involved with less specialized func-
tion </>(/) represents, therefore, a generalization of certain sums
of type (1). Such integrals include a number of standard func-
tions of importance, among which the Bessel functions may be
specifically mentioned. They will be considered briefly in part
II öf this discussion.
Returning to the consideration of the sum (1) we shall under-
stand that the quantities Cj, to be called the exponents, are con-
stants (real or complex). The functions Aj{z)1 to be called the
coefficients, will be characterized as the discussion progresses by
various sets of hypotheses. It will be my general plan to pass in
the considerations from forms of less to forms of greater gener-
ality, and to indicate at each stage the results and their rela-
tion with those previously established.
tion (3) vanishes for such values of z, and for only such, as
satisfy a relation
eaz = h.
The zeros of $(z) are, therefore, given by the formula
fA\ (o • . i y \ (7 = 1, 2, • • • , pn),
(4) z = —{2f»Tt + logt,-), o
a (w = 0, ± 1, ± 2, • • • ).
They are thus seen to be denumerably infinite in number and to
be distributed in the complex z plane at regular intervals of
length 27r/a along pn lines (not necessarily distinct) which are
normal to the axis of reals.
If the explicit solution of the polynomial equation involved is
feasible, the determination of the zeros of $(z) is completed by
the formula (4). In the alternative case the following further
considerations will not be futile. It is clear from the result (4),
that with any specifically given function $(z), the choice of a
constant K is possible so that the zeros of 3>(z) all lie within the
rectilinear strip of the z plane given by the relation
(5) | x | < K, (z = x + iy).
Any line y=yi, parallel to the axis of reals, cuts this strip, and
on such a line it is found by direct computation that
This evidently limits, both above and below, the density of zeros
in any portion of the strip (5). In particular it shows that no sum
of the form (3) with (n+1) terms can have a zero of multiplicity
greater than n.
T H E O R E M 1. If in the exponential sum (1) the coefficients are
constants and the exponents are real and commensurable, then the
distribution of zeros is given explicitly by the formula (4). In this
distribution the number of zeros which lie between two lines y=yu
and y=y2, is restricted by the relation (7).
The hypothesis of commensurability of the exponents is evi-
dently a restrictive one. Yet many functions $(0) of importance
and interest are included by it. It will be observed, for instance,
that the hypothesis is vacuous whenever the sum involves only
two terms, and the results obtained apply, therefore, to all such
sums. Similarly the familiar trigonometric sums
(8) n
^aj sinj0
all lie within the unit circle about £ = 0, then the zeros of the corre-
sponding trigonometric sums (8) are all real and simple. Each of
these sums has precisely 2n zeros on the interval 0^z<2w and the
zeros of either sum alternate with those of the other. (By a theorem
of Kakeya the hypothesis is fulfilled if 0^<Zo<#i< • • • <an.)
The proof is exceedingly simple. Under the hypothesis made
£ -P(£) increases by 2nw as £ traces the unit circle, that is,
arg P(eiz) increases by that amount as z traces the axis of reals
from 0 to 27T. But when z is real the sums (8) are respectively
the real and imaginary parts of P(eiz). Hence these sums vanish
in alternation, each 2n times on the interval 0^2<27r. T h a t
the zeros are thus all accounted for follows from the fact that
each of the sums (8) may be expressed as a polynomial of
degree 2n in eiz.
3. Constant Coefficients and General Real Exponents. When
the exponents are not commensurable the determination of the
distribution of zeros of $(0) is not in general of an algebraic
character. Independent discussions of the problem in this case
have been given by C. E. Wilder 2 and by J. D. Tamarkin. 3 In-
asmuch as the subject has to some extent been anticipated by
the discussion of the preceding section a slight amplification of
the reasoning there used will suffice here for the derivation of
such results as have been obtained.
The sum $(z) for the case in hand is expressed by the formula
(10) $(*) = 2>y^«, co = 0.
Given such a function it is easily seen that with K chosen as a
constant sufficiently large the zeros of $(z) all lie within a strip
of the z plane determined by a relation (5). This may be de-
duced from the dominance of the first term of the sum (10) over
all remaining terms for values of z satisfying the condition
x< — K, and the similar dominance of the last term of the sum
when x>K. The change in arg #(2) as z traces any portion of
the lines x= —K or x = K may be computed precisely as in the
case of the preceding section and the establishment of the relation
(7) depends only on the consideration of the quantity
in the region \z \ > M, or that they are multiple valued but such
that in the region \z \ > M, — w <arg z S T, their various
branches are each of the form (13). In the latter case the several
determinations of the coefficients correspond to distinct branches
of the sum $(2), and the considerations which follow apply di-
rectly to any one of these branches. The discussion may be
completed by a similar consideration of each individual branch.
The form assumed for the sum (1) is, therefore,
From this relation it follows that when \z \ >M, <&(z) has within
each contour yr precisely as many zeros as $1(2), and that all
zeros of $(2) are thereby accounted for.
T H E O R E M 4. If the function $(z) (or a determination of it) is
of the form (14), then in the region \z\>M the distribution of zeros
of $(z) (or of the branch of $(z) in question) may be described as
in Theorem 3. The zeros are asymptotically represented by those
of the related sum (15).
5. Coefficients which are Asymptotically Power Functions. It
will be supposed now that in the form (1) the coefficients A 3-(z),
or chosen branches of them, are of the form
(16) A,-(*) = z"{a3- + e(z)}, a0an 5* 0,
for z in the region \z\ >M, — 7r<arg Z^T. The values v,- are
taken to be any real constants positive, negative or zero.
The sums with coefficients of type (16) evidently include as
a sub-class those with coefficients which are polynomials in z.
A discussion of the latter was given first by Pólya 6 and
Schwengler. 7 Their method, which is largely geometric, is in
many respects convenient and illuminating and will be utilized
in the following discussion whenever it is of advantage.
Without further convention the values v3 (except for j = 0,
and j = n) are not fixed beyond ambiguity by the form (16), in-
asmuch as an increase in v3 may be compensated for by the
choice of a3 as zero. It will be assumed, therefore, for the sake
of definiteness that whenever the form of the coefficient Aj{z)
permits, the value v3 will be chosen so that the corresponding
constant a3 is not zero. The terms of the sum for which this is
possible will be called ordinary terms. In the exceptional non-
ordinary terms the value of v3 must remain unspecified. Under
the form (16) the constant a3- for every such term will be zero.
Thus, by way of example, if A3-(z)=log z, then the form (16)
implies a3=0, with v3>0.
As a preliminary to the discussion of the general case under
(16) it will be convenient to consider that in which all terms are
ordinary terms, and in which the constants v3 are proportional
to the exponents c3.
6. The Values v3 and c3 Proportional. If the real constant j3
is defined by the relation
vj = Pc h (j = 1, 2, • • • , n),
the formula
(17) f = z+ p\ogz
order being from left to right, and let the scheme of single sub-
script notation employed in (19) and in designating the set of
points Pj be replaced by one in which the points of the set
lying on the segment Lr are denoted in order by Prh, (A==l,
2, • • • , fir).
If the sum (19) contains exceptional terms it must be made a
matter of hypothesis that for every such term a choice of the
value Vj is possible under the form (16) such that the correspond-
ing point (e,-, Vj) lies below the broken line L. All points of the
set located below the line L may then be designated in any
order by P0h, (& = 1, 2, • • • , #0)> similar double subscripts being
assigned to the corresponding terms in (19).
Consider now any intermediate segment Lr of the line L, and
let its slope be mn the slope of the preceding segment being
ntr-i. Then as the real parameter k varies over the range
mr-\ — € ^ k > mr — e,
with e positive and sufficiently small but otherwise arbitrary,
the curve
(20) x = - k log | z |
sweeps out the region of the z plane bounded by the curves
x = - (mr-i - e) log | z\ ,
x — — (mr ~ e) log | z | .
The figure is symmetrical in the upper and lower half planes.
On any curve (20) it is obvious that
I zvl8eclaZ I = IsI Vla hcis
and hence the relative magnitude of the terms in (19) for z on
this curve depends upon the corresponding values (vu — kcu).
These, however, admit of ready geometrical interpretation. They
are, namely, the y intercepts of the lines having the slope k
and passing through the respective points Pu. In virtue of this
fact and the restriction upon the range of k it is readily seen
that for every l^r the inequality
(vu — kCu) < (vri ~ kCri)
is valid for z on any curve (20), and hence that the sum (19) can
be writ! m in the form
(22) $(*) = J2zvrh{arh + e(z)}ecrk^
for all z of the region bounded by the curves (21). Upon removal
of a factor zv^eCr^y however, the sum (22) takes the form con-
sidered in §6, since the constants {vrn — Vr\) are proportional to
the exponents (crh — cri), the constant of proportionality being
mr, the slope of the segment Lr. It may be concluded, therefore,
by Theorem 5, that the zeros of $(z) in the region (21) are
asymptotically confined to the logarithmic strip bounded by
the curves
(23) x + mr log | z | = ± K,
and that the number of zeros in this strip and between two lines
y=yi and y=y% is restricted by the relation obtained from (7)
by replacing n and cr by nr and (cr,nr — crl).
The geometric picture is completed if it is observed that in the
upper half of the plane the central line of the strip (23), that is,
the curve
(24) x -\- mr log | z I = 0 ,
passes through the point (0, 1) with slope —l/mr, namely in
the direction perpendicular to that of the associated segment L r .
There is a strip of the form (23) associated with each segment of
the broken line L (obvious simple modifications of the discussion
being necessary in the case of an end segment), and the zeros of
<&(z) in the remote part of the z plane are all contained within
these strips.
T H E O R E M 6. If $(z) is an exponential sum with coefficients of
the form (16) (the Vjfor exceptional terms satisfying the hypothesis
of the text), then the zeros of the sum are asymptotically confined to
a finite number of logarithmic strips (23), the number of zeros in
any strip between two lines parallel to the axis of reals being
asymptotically subject to a relation similar to (7).
8. Collinear Complex Exponents. The hypotheses which have
been made in the various cases of the sum (1) hitherto con-
sidered have been concerned primarily with the structure of the
in the role of the axis of reals the line containing the points c3- con-
jugate to the exponents c3\
9. General Complex Constants. In the most general type of
exponential sum to which consideration will here be given the
exponents may be any set of complex constants. This case is
now mature for discussion. While treatments of it by purely
analytic methods are available2,3'4«5 and effective, a geometric
method 6 will again be resorted to as convenient for the purpose
at hand. Let it be supposed that the values dj (conjugate to the
exponents) have been plotted in the complex plane, and let the
points of the set so represented be surrounded by the polygon
P which (i), is convex, (ii), has vertices only at points of the set,
and (iii), includes all points of the set either in its interior or on
its perimeter.
Let the sides of the polygon P taken in counterclockwise
succession with any one as the initial one be designated by lr,
r = l, 2, • • • , g, and with this done let the points of the set Cj
which lie on the side lr be redesignated by crh, h = l, 2, • • • , hr,
the succession being again in the counterclockwise sense around
the polygon P. The points Cj lying within the polygon may in
conclusion be denoted (in any order) by coh, h = 1, 2, • • • , h0.
If cor represents the inclination angle of the outer normal to
the side lr, the relation
COr_i + € g T < C0r + €,
(27) arg z = r
is valid for s^r and any k. The sum $(z) with coefficients of
the form (16) may, therefore, be expressed as a sum with a re-
duced number of terms, that is,
(29) $(s) = 2> r *(*)ew,
and in this expression which is valid for all z in the section (28)
the coefficients are still of the form (16). The exponents in the
sum (29) are, however, collinear, their conjugates crh lying on
the side lr. It may, therefore, be concluded from Theorem 7
that the zeros of $(2) within the sector (28) are asymptotically
confined to one or more strips which are parallel or approach
parallelism with the normal to the associated side of the polygon,
A similar conclusion may obviously be drawn in connection
with the values of z in any other sector.
T H E O R E M 8. If in the sum (1) the exponents are any complex
constants, the zeros of $(2) are confined for \z\>M to a finite
number of strips each of asymptotically constant width. These
strips are associated in groups with the exterior normals to the
sides of the polygon described in the text, and approach parallelism
with the respective normals. Within each group of strips the dis-
228 R. E. LANGER [April,
$00 = z I cj>(t)eztdt.
tions which deal with the integral with finite limits of integra-
tion and which impose none but qualitative hypotheses on the
coefficient function cj>(t) involved. Many investigators have con-
sidered either integrals of specialized forms included under the
type (30), or the integral with infinite limits. It is not due to a
want of interest in the results obtained that these subjects are
omitted from the present discussion.
Various normalizations of the integral (30) may be attained
by simple substitutions on the variables involved. Appropriate
normalizations of this kind make for simplicity in the enuncia-
tion of hypotheses and results, and for this reason the following
ones will be assumed as indicated from point to point in the en-
suing discussion. To begin with, the substitution of at+f3 and
z/a, respectively, for t and z affects a change in the limits of
integration, and by suitable choice of the constants a, /3, any
desired finite limits may be attained. It will be found of par-
ticular convenience to normalize the interval thus in some cases
to (0, 1) and in others to ( — 1, 1). Further, the substitution of
z-\-c for z affects the introduction of a factor ect into the coef-
ficient function ^(2), a n d it follows that whenever ^(<Z)T^0 and
^ ( & ) T ^ 0 , a normalization may be made such that \p(a) =\//(b) = l.
Lastly it will be observed that the trigonometric integrals
values might in such event be a limit point for the infinite set,
and if such were the case it would conceivably involve an indefi-
nite delay in the accession to dominance of the respective ex-
treme term of the sum. The absence of the corresponding bound
upon the x coordinate of the zeros might then be reasonably ex-
pected. T h a t the situation thus conceived does as a matter of
fact exist is shown by the following example constructed by
Titchmarsh. 9
Let the constants 0 and v be chosen subject to the conditions
0 < l / 2 , *>>2, and let a = v/6. The function
f yp{t)e-«ntdt\ ^ f liKfll dt
I r1
^ e _ a » (() »- i _ a -«+ i ) I | ^
| dt
and that
'e -oT
= ( - ! ) » ( * - l)e~
Hence it follows that
and since the quantity on the right approaches zero with 1/n it
must be concluded that ^o.iO3) takes when z = —an (and n is
sufficiently large) the sign of ( —l) n . The existence of at least
one zero in each corresponding interval — an+l ^ z ^ — an is thus
12. Hypotheses of Specific Type. While the example of the
preceding section shows that the distribution of zeros of an ex-
ponential integral may differ sharply from that of an exponen-
tial sum, yet in a very wide class of cases they show considerable
similarity. The coefficient function \p(t) is of course the deter-
minative factor of the integral, and hence is always the direct
subject of the hypothesis. The substance of the present section
is essentially an abstract of results which are due to Pólya 1 and
is characterized by the fact that the hypotheses are on the
whole of rather specific character. The results are accordingly
precise to a considerable degree of detail.
If the function \p(t) is a step-function with discontinuities
finite in number and occurring only at rational points of the
interval, the function will be called exceptional. With such a
function as coefficient the integral may be directly evaluated
into the form of an exponential sum of the elementary type
considered in §2. Hence no essential loss is involved in the re-
striction of the theorems to unexceptional functions, and this
will be tacitly assumed in the absence of statements to the con-
THEOREM 9. If the function \//(t) is positive and non-decreasing
on the interval (0, 1), then the zeros of the integral ^o,i(z) are all
located in the open half-plane x<0.
By way of proof let the value z=iy be first considered. For
any value t\ on the interval of integration it is seen that
a Ik - — - ^ 0,
then the zeros of the integral ^o.i(^) &*& confined to the open strip
of the complex plane given by the relation
a < x < p.
(The trivial case \{/(t) =ect+d is excepted.)
The transformations of the integral into the forms
has, for each value of n, coefficients which are positive and in-
creasing. Its zeros, therefore, by Theorem 2, are real, and alter-
nate with those of the corresponding sum of cosines. From this
it may be concluded, with suitable reasoning as n-^<x>, that the
zeros of the integrals ^fs(z) and ^c(z) are real, and that a multiple
zero of the one would necessarily be also a zero of the other.
Since in this latter event the integral
r1 2
Jo(z) = I cos ztdt,
Jo TT(I - t*yi*
f1 2/
Ji(z) I sin ztdt.
Jo *r(l - Z2)1'2
13. Hypotheses of Intermediate Type. Less specific than those
of the preceding section are the hypotheses and results to which
the attention will now be turned. The material has been taken
essentially from a memoir by Miss M. L. Cartwright 10 under date
of the present year. The two theorems to be given first, how-
ever, are attributed by her to Hardy.
As a preliminary it is perhaps desirable to note at this point
the following relations which have been proved by Titchmarsh, 9
namely that with any coefficient function \{/(t) which is inte-
(33) l^2)l{^otri-N»),forany0>0.
zeros, zm, of the integral SP-i.iOs) are given by the asymptotic for-
The proof is immediate. An integration by parts yields the
eztd\p — I eztdyp,
-I Ji-$
in which the integrals on the right are numerically less, respec-
tively, than Hexa~8), and exrj(ô), with H some constant and
7)(ô) the maximum of \yp(t2)-yp(h) | for 1 - ô<h<t2^l. Hence
| 2^_i,i0) | ^ ex{ 1 — e~2x — He~hx — rj(d)} .
n(r) = — + 0(1).
| x\ < K\ Z\ co
with a suitably chosen constant K> and
n(r) = — + O(rco(—YV
Jo s
is also deducible. Moreover, it can be shown that the require-
ment of continuity over the entire interval ( — 1, 1) can, with
suitable modification in the results, be replaced by hypotheses
demanding continuity only near the end points.
14. The Integral with Most General Coefficient. The exponen-
tial integral of greatest generality results from the admission of
any function which is absolutely integrable to the role of the
coefficient ip(f). As will be indicated below even this minimum
of hypotheses is not unproductive of significant results.
The function St'o.iO2) is analytic over the entire plane, and as
such its zeros may be enumerated in the order of increasing
absolute magnitude, thus, zm = rmeidm. The following theorems
involve a qualitative characterization of the density with which
these zeros are distributed in the complex plane.
T H E O R E M 17. If the coefficient function \p(t) is absolutely in-
tegrable, the zeros zm of the integral ^o,i(z) are distributed so that
the series
m—li II Z
« m II «
POO -*oi(o)fi f 1 - - ) -
In such event, however, a product of this type is known to
satisfy the relation
1. Pólya, G., Über die Nullstellen gewisser ganzer Funktionen, Mathema-
tische Zeitschrift, vol. 2 (1918), pp. 352-383.
2. Wilder, C. E., Expansion problems of ordinary linear differential equa-
tions, etc., Transactions of this Society, vol. 18 (1917), pp. 415-442.
3. Tamarkin, J. D., Some general problems in the theory of ordinary linear
differential equations, 1917', Petrograd; and Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 27
(1927), p. 24.
4. Birkhoff, G. D., Boundary value and expansion problems, etc., Transac-
tions of this Society, vol. 9 (1908), p. 373.
5. Langer, R. E., The asymptotic location of the roots of a certain transcen-
dental equation, Transactions of this Society, vol. 31 (1929), p.837.
6. Pólya, G., Geometrisches über die Verteilung der Nullstellen, etc., Sitzungs-
berichte der Bayerischen Akademie, München, 1920, p. 285.
7. Schwengler, E., Geometrisches über die Verteilung der Nullstellent etc.,
Dissertation, Zurich, 1925.
8. Ritt, J. F., A factorization theory, etc., Transactions of this Society, vol.
29 (1927), p. 584.
On the zeros of exponential polynomials, and algebraic combinations of ex-
ponentials, Transactions of this Society, vol. 31 (1929).
9. Titchmarsh, E. C , The zeros of certain integral functions, Proceedings of
the London Mathematical Society, vol. 25 (1926), p. 283.
10. Cartwright, M. L,, The zeros of certain integral functions, Quarterly
Journal of Mathematics, vol. 1 (1930), p. 38.