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 !"#$ %&' "%$ ()*+ !&, -. / 0#)*1$

* 234 561/#$( 78+%%+ 0#)*1$ 9: 21,%+ ;. 81<$ 7 =$ 7$%$ !>1#1" %?( *"+?$ ).#181& 21#6$
21 0#)*1$ 2&)$ ?1$@ ,. #A1"1%+ 81B3*+ 8$C##+ 31$D *1$ 7$ *$ 818(*51" ?E$"+ 2F#1 ?($G"
?E$"+%1$ !&,?/ ?"#1$.

** The information provided online is updated, and no physical visit is required for
this information.
For additional information you may visit respective office.

* *1.15/02/2024 01:05:17 %+ HI0*2$

District (JK1$)
Taluka (*1(L?1$)
Village ()18)
Survey/ Block Number (!"#$/ P(1$? %&'")

UPIN (Unique Property Identification Number)


Land Details (78+%%+ 0#)*1$)

Total Area (H.Are.SqMt.) (?L( T$U9C 3$.21"$ .E1$8+.) :
Total Assessment Rs. (?L( 21?1" X. ) :
Tenure (!>1[?1") :
7L%+ 6"* (7L.6)
Land Use (78+%%1$ \,D1$)) : 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
Page 1 of 7
]$*+(1D? \,D1$)
Name of farm (]$*"%L& %18) :

Other Details ("+81^/) :

7L%1 !#_ %&, Z`a

Ownership Details (]1*$51"%+ 0#)*1$)

]1*1 %&' " | T$U 9C | 21?1" | %1bA %&' "1$ *F1 ]1*$5 1"



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%'&& | "-)%-!* | #.*' +, -./ 012 3/ (%"""')(%"))%)

4567.8,9 +, -./ :.+.,3(%!$&()

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3<=>.8,9 +, -./ :.+.,3(%!$&()

3.,?=7/ +, -./ :.+.,3(%!$&()

1@A=-/ +, -./ :.+.,3(%!$&()

Boja and Other Rights Details ('1$; 2%$ '+; 3c %+ 0#)*1$)

'1$; 2%$ '+; 3c %+ 0#)*1$



Tenant Details ().1$0*D1%+ 0#)*1$)

).1$0 *D1 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
Page 2 of 7
Crop Details (,1? %+ 0#)*1$)

No Records Found

Entry Details %1bA %&' " %1bA %+ 0#)*

%1bA %+
3045 *1"+]
9$ "91"%1$
3743 %1bA %+
13576 A-D.,E 7.>2+.9. <.,1 , +:6.F. @.<9. C,FG7 C.7,A.3 <H@28,9 7, 012 3/9= 56I6.
7848 28/12/2023 (%"""'), +, -./ 012 3/ (%"""'), 8J2/ 012 3/ (%"""'), E-.8,9 012 3/
?B.7=<. ?+ (%"""'), K?3.8,9 012 3/ (%"""'), 4<28,9 012 3/ (%"""'), $.,$L/ 012 3/
8864 A.C> (%"""') 9. C.7. 9H83 %'&& M= <.N1O 9<.H 1P.6,> 1<=9 7,0.,9. C.7, J.>, Q, . 1,
[81d.* 1<=9<.H C.7,A.3, +, -./ 012 3/ (%"""') (C.7. 9H. %'&&) 9. $,R=9.<.H <2189.
10008 4=I= >=L=9. 6.34A.3.,, D< 9.< 48HI SH.6. ---------------------------------------
------------------ %) 4567.8,9 +, -./ :.+.,3 $TU (# *) ;37/ +, -./ :.+.,3
$2V #! !) 3<=>.8,9 +, -./ :.+.,3 $2V= #% #) 3.,?=7/ +, -./ :.+.,3 $2V #" $)
1@A=-/ +, -./ :.+.,3 $2V !) 1, $W+= 9=J, 87.6,> 7,<9. 6.34A.3.,9. 9.<
?B.7=<.H ?X A.C> +36. <.H@P= +3, > Q, . D< 9.< 48HI SH.6. ------------------
13534 --------------------------------------- %) 4567.8,9 +, -./ :.+.,3 $TU (# *)
;37/ +, -./ :.+.,3 $2V #! !) 3<=>.8,9 +, -./ :.+.,3 $2V= #% #) 3.,?=7/
13576 +, -./ :.+.,3 $2V #" $) 1@A=-/ +, -./ :.+.,3 $2V !) 0.<, $,R=9.<.H <2189.
4=I= >=L=9. +2> $ 6.34A.3., $W+= +2> $ 6.34A.3.,9. 9.<., 031A.39= 03/,
$,R=9.<2H 7M. 4H<Y7 >,C (Z, [ 9H. IN-GJ""()%&(!$)#%(!V 9.\IP=
7..*&/%*/*"*!) 0.I.3, C.7,A.39. C.7.<.H A.C> +36. ?B.7=<.H ?X A.C>9=
9.\I +3=.

13534 ].3@7= >,CM= ?X +<= ******************** >C= 0.$9.3 :- <H@28,9 7,

10/11/2023 012 3/9= 56I6. 8J2/ 012 3/ ^-.8,9 012 3/ K?3.8,9 012 3/ 4<28,9
?+ +<= 012 3/ $.,$L/ 012 3/ >C.6= >,9.3 :- +, -./ 012 3/ <.,1., +:6.F.
[81d.* 7..A_.,^9= 4=<<.H 0.6,> C.7. 9H83-1877 1,9., (12 9., `>.,+/46a 9H83 856) 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
Page 3 of 7
1,9., 96., `>.,+/46a 9H-212/002 9= +2> ?, .0.3, .J.,.<= 0-91-32 b,V]c 09,
0.+.3 4.28 $W4. 6.c= 12 9=-379= C,7=9= 1<=9 $W+= 6.6 K?d.9= ?, .0.3, .J.,.<=
0-78-28 6.c= 1<=9., 0H@., 3/Z3 ].3@7= Ae7.6,1 9H.&!)#, 7.."'/%%/*"*!
M= f.".""/- $23.<. ?X 3=>=g M7. ?X <,c69.3 73]M= 03/, ^h,b 7M.
?X 3/Z3 Ae7.6,19= i<.P=7 9+> 312 +37. ?X <,c69.3 9. 9.<, 9.< ], 3
+36. 9.\I +3=.

10991 <.,1., +:6.F. 7..A-D.,E /.0<A.6.A @.<9. 3, 6j2 `>.,+ 9H83. *%* k=
02/03/2020 F=.0.E.0,>. 0.3. 4.?, 8, 0<A.6.A 9. $236P= $V+ 9H.)! 9. ?2+<
KJP A23e7= 9H.F=.0,4.0.,/ F=.0.3.+, / +, .1,.$=/ 0,4.0.3. 9H.!))/%)-*" 7..*)/*/*"*" M=
[81d.* 9=J,9= 56@7, +<= le7= $V+ ;3.E 0.67. 7,<. 1P.6,> 56@7, ], 3].3 A.C>
+36. 9.\I +3=. ?.>9= mn7= A23e7= MB. $Q=9= mn7= ----------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- 46a/`>.,+ 9H b,V]c 0.+.3 K?d.
9H83 1<=99= l7 b,V]c 0.+.3 +o,A.39= 56@7 --------------------------------
----------------------------- *%* 13.B7 %-%p-%" p.#" *%*/""% 13.B7 "-)%-!*
#.*' <H@28,9 7, 012 3/9= 56I6. +, -./ 012 3/ 8J2/ 012 3/ E-.8,9 012 3/
K?3.8,9 012 3/ 4<28,9 012 3/ $.,$L/ 012 3/ ----------------------------------
------------------------------------------- *%*/""* 13.B7 "-*!-&' %.%* <H@28,9 7,
012 3/9= 56I6. +, -./ 012 3/ 8J2/ 012 3/ $.,$L/ 012 3/ -----------------
-------------------------------------- +2> %-%p-%" p.#" S$3.,q 56@7,
+, .1,.$=.;3.E 0.67. 9.\I +3=.

10928 A-D.,E 7.>2+.9. <.,1 , +:6.F. @.<9. C,FG7 C.7,A.3 <H@28,9 7, 012 3/9= 56I6.,
27/01/2020 +, -./ 012 3/, 8J2/ 012 3/, E-.8,9 012 3/, K?3.8,9 012 3/, 4<28,9
8.,l <2rq 012 3/, $.,$L/ 012 3/, <H@28,9 7, 012 3/9= 56I6., +, -./ 012 3/, 8J2/
[81d.* 012 3/, E-.8,9 012 3/, K?3.8,9 012 3/, 4<28,9 012 3/, $.,$L/ 012 3/ 0,
<.N1O 9<.H 1P.6,> 436, 9H839= 1<=9 S$3 3?, > 8.,l, 3A +36. <.L, 03/ +37.
B2K9B9 8\+, +:6.F. -.C. 9. 7.."*/"%/*"*" 9.H A.C>. 09, 031A.39= 03/9.
0.I.3, 8.,l <2rq9= 9.\I $.F6.<.H 0.6=. 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
Page 4 of 7
10008 A-D.,E 7.>2+.9. <.,1 , +:6.F. @.<9. C,FG7 C.7,A.3 012 3/ @>./, 012 3/
13/06/2018 @>./ 9. C.7. 9H83 : %"',%&# M= <.N1O 9<.H 1P.6,> 1<=9 7,0.,9. C.7, J.>,
6.34.^ Q, . 1, $W+=, 012 3/ @>./ (C.7. 9H. %&#) 92H 7.. *&/"$/*"%' (<3P A.C>. 9H.
[81d.* "") 9. 3.,1 064.9 M7. 7,<9. 4=I= >=L=9. 6.34A.3., D< 9.< 48HI SH.6. %.
<H@28,9 7, 012 3/9= 56I6. (C.7. 9H. %&# <.H) $TU &$ *. +, -./ 012 3/ (C.7.
9H. %&# <.H) $2V $& !. 8J2/ 012 3/ (C.7. 9H. %&# <.H) $2V $$ #. ^-.8,9
012 3/ (C.7. 9H. %&# <.H) $2V= $* $. K?3.8,9 012 3/ (C.7. 9H. %&# <.H) $2V=
#) (. 4<28,9 012 3/ (C.7. 9H. %&# <.H) $2V= #( &. $.,$L/ 012 3/ (C.7. 9H.
%&# <.H) $2V ## 0.< +2> - & 6.34A.3.,9. 9.<., <39.39. C.7.<.H A.C> +36. 312
MB,> 03/, <3P9., A.C>.,/0i.s A.C>.,, $,R=9.<2H-$HJ9.<2H 7M. 4.,@HA9.<.H 9.
0.I.3, 6.34.E 9.\I +3=.

8864 3=-436, 4H8I= 7WB.3 +36.<. 0.6,> 3, +Ft 92H 0,4.0,>.0.3. SLR (Supt of
08/09/2016 Land Records) Office $.LP k= Kansagra Umeshchandra
i<.,>@,-9 Mohanbhai (SLR) u.3.
[81d.* Jamin/promulgation/DASKROI/KATHVADA/jahernamuPrassid/2016
7.. 16/02/2016 M= l?, 3 9.,L=4 iv4wI +36.<. 0.6,> 09, KA64-!" <.
>,C=7 6.HI. 03/0., 312 +36. 1P.66.<. 0.6,>. l?, 3 9.,L=49. 4<[email protected].
A3x.9 312 MB,> 6.HI. 03/0., 0y6B, +36.$.V 42I.3.0., 4.H+c= 962 3, +Ft
7WB.3 +3= <.,+>6.<.H 0.6,>. 3=-436, 4H8I= 7WB.3 MB,> 96. 3, +Ft 9= 4., L+.
C3.E <.<>7A.3 k= A-D.,E u.3. +36.<. 0.6,>. 8.A 0,4.0,>.0.3. SLR
(Supt of Land Records) Office $.LP k= Kansagra Umeshchandra
Mohanbhai (SLR) u.3. J+.4P= +3= ?2+< 9H.
7..08/09/2016 9. ?2+<M= 962 7WB.3 +3, > 3=-436, 4H8I= 3, +Ft 92H i<.,>@,-9 +3=
0.C3= +36.<. 0.6,> Q, . 1, <218 12 9.-96. 436, 9H83 । b,V]c । 0.+.3 ।
+o,A.3 9= 56@7., 0>@M= $V+<.H 4.<,> Q, . 0. 4.M, +:6.F. @.<9. 436, 9H83
1 M= 436, 9H83 9059 0,< +2> $.K9B. 1514 9. i<.,>@,-99= 9.\I $.F6.<.H

7848 A-D.,E 7.>2+.9. <.,1 , +:6.F. @.<9. C,FG7 C.7,A.3 012 3/ @>./, 012 3/
09/10/2013 @>./ 9. C.7. 9H83 &#,' M= <.N1O 9<.H 1P.6,> 1<=9 7,0.,9. C.7, J.>, Q, . 0.
8.,l, A.C> 1<=9 S$3 B2K9B9 8\+ 0.,] ^H KFB., +:6.F. -.C. <.HM= 0H+, f$=B. !,$","""/-
[81d.* 92H zI3.P <,c67. 7.."&/%"/*"%! 9.H 0,+3.39.<.H 09, 03/9. 0.I.3, 1<=9
7.3P<.H <G+7. @.< 9<29. 9H & 9. 8.,l/8=l ?+<.H 9.\I A.C> +36. 0. 9.\I
$.F6.<.H 0.6=. 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
Page 5 of 7
Jantri Detail (7& U+%+ 0#)*1$ : e1# Xf,D1 [0* E1$"! 8+<" [81.$ : *1"+] RZ/SY/QSRR F+ 28(81&)
Record Not Found.

Sub registrar Deed Details (!'-"Jgh1" 5i*1#$7%+ 0#)*1$)

* Note: Please install TIF viewer on your system to view all pages of Deed.
Record Not Found.

iRCMS Revenue Case Details ("$ #$jL ?$ !%+ 0#)*1$)

Record Not Found.

High Court and Civil Court Case Details (31@?1$</ 2%$ k!0#( ?1$</ ?$ !%+ 0#)*1$)

Panchayat Tax Details (,&E1D*%1 #$"1%+ 0#)*1$)


Electricity Bill Details (#+7 '+(%+ 0#)*1$)

--- 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
Page 6 of 7
* 234 561/#$( 78+%%+ 0#)*1$ 9: 21,%+ ;. 81<$ 7 =$ 7$%$ !>1#1" %?( *"+?$ ).#181& 21#6$
21 0#)*1$ 2&)$ ?1$@ ,. #A1"1%+ 81B3*+ 8$C##+ 31$D *1$ 7$ *$ 818(*51" ?E$"+ 2F#1 ?($G"
?E$"+%1$ !&,?/ ?"#1$.

** The information provided online is updated, and no physical visit is required for
this information.
For additional information you may visit respective office.

Content Owned by Revenue Department, Government of Gujarat

© Developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Gujarat State Centre, Gandhinagar 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
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