Any RoR at Anywhere - 6
Any RoR at Anywhere - 6
Any RoR at Anywhere - 6
* 234 561/#$( 78+%%+ 0#)*1$ 9: 21,%+ ;. 81<$ 7 =$ 7$%$ !>1#1" %?( *"+?$ ).#181& 21#6$
21 0#)*1$ 2&)$ ?1$@ ,. #A1"1%+ 81B3*+ 8$C##+ 31$D *1$ 7$ *$ 818(*51" ?E$"+ 2F#1 ?($G"
?E$"+%1$ !&,?/ ?"#1$.
** The information provided online is updated, and no physical visit is required for
this information.
For additional information you may visit respective office. 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
Page 1 of 7
]$*+(1D? \,D1$)
Name of farm (]$*"%L& %18) :
]1*1 %&' " | T$U 9C | 21?1" | %1bA %&' "1$ *F1 ]1*$5 1"
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
).1$0 *D1 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
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Crop Details (,1? %+ 0#)*1$)
No Records Found 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
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1,9., 96., `>.,+/46a 9H-212/002 9= +2> ?, .0.3, .J.,.<= 0-91-32 b,V]c 09,
0.+.3 4.28 $W4. 6.c= 12 9=-379= C,7=9= 1<=9 $W+= 6.6 K?d.9= ?, .0.3, .J.,.<=
0-78-28 6.c= 1<=9., 0H@., 3/Z3 ].3@7= Ae7.6,1 9H.&!)#, 7.."'/%%/*"*!
M= f.".""/- $23.<. ?X 3=>=g M7. ?X <,c69.3 73]M= 03/, ^h,b 7M.
?X 3/Z3 Ae7.6,19= i<.P=7 9+> 312 +37. ?X <,c69.3 9. 9.<, 9.< ], 3
+36. 9.\I +3=.
10991 <.,1., +:6.F. 7..A-D.,E /.0<A.6.A @.<9. 3, 6j2 `>.,+ 9H83. *%* k=
02/03/2020 F=.0.E.0,>. 0.3. 4.?, 8, 0<A.6.A 9. $236P= $V+ 9H.)! 9. ?2+<
KJP A23e7= 9H.F=.0,4.0.,/ F=.0.3.+, / +, .1,.$=/ 0,4.0.3. 9H.!))/%)-*" 7..*)/*/*"*" M=
[81d.* 9=J,9= 56@7, +<= le7= $V+ ;3.E 0.67. 7,<. 1P.6,> 56@7, ], 3].3 A.C>
+36. 9.\I +3=. ?.>9= mn7= A23e7= MB. $Q=9= mn7= ----------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- 46a/`>.,+ 9H b,V]c 0.+.3 K?d.
9H83 1<=99= l7 b,V]c 0.+.3 +o,A.39= 56@7 --------------------------------
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#.*' <H@28,9 7, 012 3/9= 56I6. +, -./ 012 3/ 8J2/ 012 3/ E-.8,9 012 3/
K?3.8,9 012 3/ 4<28,9 012 3/ $.,$L/ 012 3/ ----------------------------------
------------------------------------------- *%*/""* 13.B7 "-*!-&' %.%* <H@28,9 7,
012 3/9= 56I6. +, -./ 012 3/ 8J2/ 012 3/ $.,$L/ 012 3/ -----------------
-------------------------------------- +2> %-%p-%" p.#" S$3.,q 56@7,
+, .1,.$=.;3.E 0.67. 9.\I +3=.
10928 A-D.,E 7.>2+.9. <.,1 , +:6.F. @.<9. C,FG7 C.7,A.3 <H@28,9 7, 012 3/9= 56I6.,
27/01/2020 +, -./ 012 3/, 8J2/ 012 3/, E-.8,9 012 3/, K?3.8,9 012 3/, 4<28,9
8.,l <2rq 012 3/, $.,$L/ 012 3/, <H@28,9 7, 012 3/9= 56I6., +, -./ 012 3/, 8J2/
[81d.* 012 3/, E-.8,9 012 3/, K?3.8,9 012 3/, 4<28,9 012 3/, $.,$L/ 012 3/ 0,
<.N1O 9<.H 1P.6,> 436, 9H839= 1<=9 S$3 3?, > 8.,l, 3A +36. <.L, 03/ +37.
B2K9B9 8\+, +:6.F. -.C. 9. 7.."*/"%/*"*" 9.H A.C>. 09, 031A.39= 03/9.
0.I.3, 8.,l <2rq9= 9.\I $.F6.<.H 0.6=. 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
Page 4 of 7
10008 A-D.,E 7.>2+.9. <.,1 , +:6.F. @.<9. C,FG7 C.7,A.3 012 3/ @>./, 012 3/
13/06/2018 @>./ 9. C.7. 9H83 : %"',%&# M= <.N1O 9<.H 1P.6,> 1<=9 7,0.,9. C.7, J.>,
6.34.^ Q, . 1, $W+=, 012 3/ @>./ (C.7. 9H. %&#) 92H 7.. *&/"$/*"%' (<3P A.C>. 9H.
[81d.* "") 9. 3.,1 064.9 M7. 7,<9. 4=I= >=L=9. 6.34A.3., D< 9.< 48HI SH.6. %.
<H@28,9 7, 012 3/9= 56I6. (C.7. 9H. %&# <.H) $TU &$ *. +, -./ 012 3/ (C.7.
9H. %&# <.H) $2V $& !. 8J2/ 012 3/ (C.7. 9H. %&# <.H) $2V $$ #. ^-.8,9
012 3/ (C.7. 9H. %&# <.H) $2V= $* $. K?3.8,9 012 3/ (C.7. 9H. %&# <.H) $2V=
#) (. 4<28,9 012 3/ (C.7. 9H. %&# <.H) $2V= #( &. $.,$L/ 012 3/ (C.7. 9H.
%&# <.H) $2V ## 0.< +2> - & 6.34A.3.,9. 9.<., <39.39. C.7.<.H A.C> +36. 312
MB,> 03/, <3P9., A.C>.,/0i.s A.C>.,, $,R=9.<2H-$HJ9.<2H 7M. 4.,@HA9.<.H 9.
0.I.3, 6.34.E 9.\I +3=.
8864 3=-436, 4H8I= 7WB.3 +36.<. 0.6,> 3, +Ft 92H 0,4.0,>.0.3. SLR (Supt of
08/09/2016 Land Records) Office $.LP k= Kansagra Umeshchandra
i<.,>@,-9 Mohanbhai (SLR) u.3.
[81d.* Jamin/promulgation/DASKROI/KATHVADA/jahernamuPrassid/2016
7.. 16/02/2016 M= l?, 3 9.,L=4 iv4wI +36.<. 0.6,> 09, KA64-!" <.
>,C=7 6.HI. 03/0., 312 +36. 1P.66.<. 0.6,>. l?, 3 9.,L=49. 4<[email protected].
A3x.9 312 MB,> 6.HI. 03/0., 0y6B, +36.$.V 42I.3.0., 4.H+c= 962 3, +Ft
7WB.3 +3= <.,+>6.<.H 0.6,>. 3=-436, 4H8I= 7WB.3 MB,> 96. 3, +Ft 9= 4., L+.
C3.E <.<>7A.3 k= A-D.,E u.3. +36.<. 0.6,>. 8.A 0,4.0,>.0.3. SLR
(Supt of Land Records) Office $.LP k= Kansagra Umeshchandra
Mohanbhai (SLR) u.3. J+.4P= +3= ?2+< 9H.
7..08/09/2016 9. ?2+<M= 962 7WB.3 +3, > 3=-436, 4H8I= 3, +Ft 92H i<.,>@,-9 +3=
0.C3= +36.<. 0.6,> Q, . 1, <218 12 9.-96. 436, 9H83 । b,V]c । 0.+.3 ।
+o,A.3 9= 56@7., 0>@M= $V+<.H 4.<,> Q, . 0. 4.M, +:6.F. @.<9. 436, 9H83
1 M= 436, 9H83 9059 0,< +2> $.K9B. 1514 9. i<.,>@,-99= 9.\I $.F6.<.H
7848 A-D.,E 7.>2+.9. <.,1 , +:6.F. @.<9. C,FG7 C.7,A.3 012 3/ @>./, 012 3/
09/10/2013 @>./ 9. C.7. 9H83 &#,' M= <.N1O 9<.H 1P.6,> 1<=9 7,0.,9. C.7, J.>, Q, . 0.
8.,l, A.C> 1<=9 S$3 B2K9B9 8\+ 0.,] ^H KFB., +:6.F. -.C. <.HM= 0H+, f$=B. !,$","""/-
[81d.* 92H zI3.P <,c67. 7.."&/%"/*"%! 9.H 0,+3.39.<.H 09, 03/9. 0.I.3, 1<=9
7.3P<.H <G+7. @.< 9<29. 9H & 9. 8.,l/8=l ?+<.H 9.\I A.C> +36. 0. 9.\I
$.F6.<.H 0.6=. 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
Page 5 of 7
Jantri Detail (7& U+%+ 0#)*1$ : e1# Xf,D1 [0* E1$"! 8+<" [81.$ : *1"+] RZ/SY/QSRR F+ 28(81&)
Record Not Found.
High Court and Civil Court Case Details (31@?1$</ 2%$ k!0#( ?1$</ ?$ !%+ 0#)*1$)
--- 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
Page 6 of 7
* 234 561/#$( 78+%%+ 0#)*1$ 9: 21,%+ ;. 81<$ 7 =$ 7$%$ !>1#1" %?( *"+?$ ).#181& 21#6$
21 0#)*1$ 2&)$ ?1$@ ,. #A1"1%+ 81B3*+ 8$C##+ 31$D *1$ 7$ *$ 818(*51" ?E$"+ 2F#1 ?($G"
?E$"+%1$ !&,?/ ?"#1$.
** The information provided online is updated, and no physical visit is required for
this information.
For additional information you may visit respective office. 23/03/24, 2 40 PM
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