Pinellas County Vote by Mail Chain of Custody - Redacted

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MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) siTE: LOCATION: 0x10} BALLOT RECEIPT DATE, BALLOT BOX SEALNUMBERS: Teal Veriietion acaony (8) ‘ain (©) Verified by @ ‘Main (@) Verified by Slot tas Taz | mas oate | sior er Taz [motels Date BALLOT BOX SEAL#S Previous Overnight Seals 1 the undersigned, swear/atfirm that will perform the duties of my position, in accordance wit Me Taw ane wit endeavor prevent al ave aeeetr er abuse in conducting the election. | fully understand that any violation ofthe Election Code is prosecutable under Floride law. Election Employee: (Print). Election Employee: (sign) ol Date/Tim Eeation Employee Pit) I\ esconemptoye: (en bate If seals cifferent see reverse and complete explanation on back TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport) int) SawelDoaerv, Election Employee: (sign) PN Election Employee: (Print). Election Employee: (sign) [ OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: BOXID. WAI BALLOTS Totals Verified at Remate Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS tniials| Date B S Election Employer Date/Tim Date/Time: TOTALSENT: Prepared/Received by: (P (stgnatvre) ay Totals Verified at ESC PROVISIONAL BALLOTS. TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer case Seal Numbers: Si rentvenet ty tiny CMM trey CDP ol MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sm: voearon: St Pole OFice wocarion; TF BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Tait Seale Seal Veriicaton ‘cary @) Main (6) Verified by || Auxiliary (8) ‘Main (© Verified by Slat Tat Td? [tials Date Slot Tat a2 | initials Date BALLOT 80x SEAL#"s Previous Overnight Seals TODAY'S SEALS ‘Overnight Seals |, the undersigned, swear/atfim that 1 will perform the duties of my positon, in accordance withthe law and will endeavor to prevent al fraud, decelt, oF base in conducting the election. fully understand that any violation ofthe lection Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Election Employ aaisr ree wasn da. Election Employee: (sign) “ Date/Tim erion Frotevee: Fa NED TUNES eck Enotoeitaeny_ Date/Tim + if seals ctferent se reverse and complete explanation on back TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport) |Number of transfer cases: or eal Numbers: Slot: Election employee: Print)_V- AUSF Election Employ Election Employee: (stzn) int) Election Employee: (sign) OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: BOKID WAIL BALLOTS aud Totaks Verified t Remote Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS Trial TOTAL SENT: Prepared/Received by: (Print), RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ES MAIL BALLOTS, ToAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer case Total verified by: (Print (signaturey v Total verted by (int. [V (iene ‘Aste 40- 202 vember GneLCTON NE Se eA fo ay ner heal MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Sealveriteation Main (C) Verified by Tniiat Seal ‘Main (©) SEALE'S Verified by | Auxiliary (@) Aaxiiary @) the undersigned, swear/affirm that Iwill perform the duties of my postion, in accordance withthe aw and wil endeavor to prevent all raud, decet, oF douse mconducting he leon. fly uncestand that any vlaton of te Eaton Cede prostate under Hori lw Election Employee: (Prinfarn ese Election Employee: (sign) Date/ti Election Employee: Print) VGwith = VG with = bh Election Employes sen) Date/ri * Wf s0al is different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: (To be completed by courier trai Number of transfer cases: ‘OFFICE USE ONLY: REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BLOTS TORT z] "Totals Veriied at Remote Office TOTALSENT: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totals Verined at ESC. ‘MAIL BALLOTS SIONAL BALLOTS. Ug PROV ‘TOTALRECEIVED: verona C04 wm cla a MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) . St Plo 7 sire wocarion St RAC Ob Fice 80x10} BALLOT RECEIPT DATE: BALLOT BOX SEALNUMBERS: Toit Seals Seal Verification nary (®) Maia (6) Verified by | Auaiiory (0) Main (6) Verified by ‘Stat rH Taz [nmiais date | __ slow tat Taz | wits Date BAWLOT BOX SEALS Previous Overrghe Seal TODAY'SSEALS 1, the undersigned, swear/atfirm that wil perform the duties of my position, In accordance withthe law and will endeavor to prevent al fraud, decel, or abuse in conducting the election. fully understand that any Violation ofthe lection Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Election Employee: (Print), Election Employee: (sign Date/Time] Election Employee: (Print), Election Employee: (sign) ate/Til * if seas different se reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport) Election Employee: (Print). Election Employee: (sign) Election Employee: (Print), Election Employee: (sign) —_ OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO FSC: Spas BoxID WAIL BALLOTS Totals Verified at Remote Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS: TOTAL SENT: Prepared Received by: [Print) (Signature) RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totak Verified at ESC SeaiNumbers:_ stot Wail BALLOTS: ‘TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer case Total verified by: (Pint) (signature), ‘otal veriied by: (Pint) (Signature arr enes\LCTON RUSS O51 3 (pit aly rane She MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sme _ 3 Locarion: Ke 106 0x10} ~own- BALLOT BOX SEALNUMBERS: Tritt Seal Teal Veriietion ition sexe iia) Main (c)__ Verii er ‘Aatony (8 ‘Main (@) Verified by _ || Auxiliary @ fied by “lat Tas Taz Slot at tiga | iitals Date Previous Overnight Seas 1 the undersigned, wear/affirm that | wil perform the duties of my position in accordance with the law and will endeavor to prevent al fraud, deest, or abuse in conducting the election fully understand that any violation ofthe Election Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Erection Employe: Print Election Employee: (sgn ater Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) _/ Date/Time on back * if seals different see reverse and complete explant TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courior transport) Number of transfer cases: ba: Election Employee: Print) SIs ROSOLCHO election employee: (sien) Election Employee: (Print) election Employee: (signl-f "pe ‘OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC TORS TAIL BALLOTS Totals Verified at Remate Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS TOTAL SENT: Prepared/Received by: [Print (Signature) RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: MAIL BALLOTS | PROVISIONAL BALLOTS TOTAL RECEIVED: a | 7 | sealnumbers: st Total verified by: (Print (Signature) “(ODF AGT Total veriied by: (Pint)_L (Signature) : MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) se: 3 weaon, St Pete OFFice Ai | BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Tata Seale ‘Seal verification BALLOT 8OX Fpaary (8) ‘main (@) aby ‘ain (0) SEALA'S Inthe undersigned, swear/atfirm that | will perform the duties of my postion, In accordance with the aw and will endeavor to prevent all frau, declt, or bute in conducting the election. fully understand that any violation of the Election Code Is prosecutable unde Florida law. eaten empoye:(rani POAIR MY eecton mploes sen) Erection Employee: (Prim NUR OSALLID — eteciontmptovee: (en) A+ *1f seals different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: Election Employee: (Prin NL ROSOACITD election Employee: (sien) NL« cxcton moots tna Qe, KesPeaha elctontmeoe: OFFICE USE ONIY: JREMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: "Totals Verified at Remote Office [PP rrouisiowatentnars [iris fam loss | prepremecedby rin SS SALUD spray AI erent RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: a ‘Number of ranster eases: of Seal Numbers: Slot: uaa: uaz Total verified by: Print), (signature) Date: Time: Total verified by: (Pret), (signature) Date: Time: Masato a2 Naver GerersLICTON FOR Shes HPOSE et Ml asl Tarr She MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sme vocsnon ow sort sauorecaoronr BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: 7 Tama a Fever sauoreor [yi roa ered | fos waif ru sor [a | EL —— ove] St Ta a a muni nara nin vei oe ect, or abuse in conducting = Date/Time the undersigned, swear/atrm that wil perform the duties of my position, in atcordance with the law and wil endeavor to prevent al rau, ‘the election. fully understand ‘ita 2 ofthe Election Code is prosecutable under Flo law. eectntrotnee ey KALAH OU IC! —cacnempoee cectontnotoye: ng Vi Es (Liye) tection employe: (sen) *1tseal i different see reverse and complete explanation on back “TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport) umber of tansercses: ‘ st umber: stot Bodtiont moje: Pint) SL/L. ection tmloye: (en oped aeeg 2 MMR econ employee: OFFICE USE ONLY Election Employee: [REMOTE OFTICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTSTOESC Co} MAeALOT Tora sen BBD rrepwedeceve by vind KL OVEE tient RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: “otah Verified at Remote OTice TALEATOT amber of tanser cases Teta verted by: Prine) AF Signatur). aici oe - MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) - m 1 “ 5 Initial Seale ‘Seal Verification BALLOT BOX YAaary (8) ain (C) Verified by_|| Aunilary (8) ‘Main (C) Veiied by SEAL#'s avaited L | a a CT sme: (SC tocanon: BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: rene undersigned, swea/offie that | wil perform the duties of my position In aecerdance with the law a wil endeavor to eves Al asd Seas oe abuse in conducting the election uly ndertand tht any vation othe ection Code is prosecutabl a s Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sien) tection Employee: (Print) i! election Employee: (sigh) + 1f goal is diferent see reverse and complete explanation on back “TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport) umber of transfer cases: of Seal Numbers: Slot: Ud 2: us? Election Employee: (sign) Date/Time: Hlection Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (Print), Election Employee: (sign) Ee OFFICE USE ONLY: a | [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: Prepared/Received by: (Print) Date: Time: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: ‘Tota verified by: (Prin) “Total verified by: (Pent), yore nb esreLEVON FOU eo 3 Malad MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: case = = 1 the undersigned, swear/affirm that | wil perform the duties of my position, in accordance withthe aw and will endeavor to prevent al fraud, decelt, 0 abuse in conducting the election. 1 a Understand that any violation ofthe Election Code is prosecutable under Florida Ia. iy tlie ancestor fining? war int) Noney earns caection employee: (ign) _A\ Bit pai *ifsealisitferent se revere and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport) Election Employee: Election Employ Number of transfer eases: Erection Employee: Print) NI+ ROSS GLE O Eccton employee: Prin) Seas ACL ie: ud2 Sesion play en Datei econ Erloyon: (ole, i Date OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: QS! Totals Verified at Remote Office a B57 CS rreparetnecsved (rin) W>ROEBQIO — pignaurey A> REE 2 AD) ol RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totals Verifie ‘TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer case Total verified by: (Pint Total verified by: (Pint) IC O47 UU (signature) G v MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Flection (404) BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS sauor 90x [ain win Teena Train) Tete i ‘Slot. Lid 2 tid als ‘Slot tid Lid 2 initials Date = ov Sa ‘Overnight Seals 1 the undersigned, swear/affim that | wil perform the duties of my position, in accordance withthe law and will endeavor to prevent all fraud, decet, oF abuse in conducting the election. | fully understand that any violation ofthe Election Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Election eno: Pin) Saal a ery Election Employee: (sign) Date/T ciacontmoinee: ny \IL\ Suit Election Employee: (sign) Dates * if seal s different see reverse and complete explanation on back TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport) lumber of transfer cases: esse Employer int Seale Election Employee: (sie) ceciontnpye puncte KepaFass —emtontmpre vn fete. Paper OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC™ BORD An BALLOTS % Totals Verified wt Remate Office RRA UGTS |—— Tora se ug Prepared/Received by: (Print. (signature) RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Teale Verified at ESC | “MAIL BALLOTS. TOTAL RECEIVED: ‘sts 04202 Naaman ELECTION FORMS se Ses -7I0-A 3 Mela Dales Seta MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) om vocsnon ow saucer are BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: aaa anna sauoreox Tt Taine Tea by | ity uaa a T tie rm revs varia eas mnnuiit ropa seaus Ca 1s the undersigned, swam that | wil perform the duties of my poston in accordance with the law and wil endeavor te prevent al raud, dest r abuse inconducing the election. fully understand that any voiatlen ofthe Election Cade is prosecutable under lia py a oo 1 Ay int) VL atl Beran, Election Employee: (sign) Hl n Date/Time +1 zeal ie different sae reverse and complete explanation on back Election Employee: be completed by courier transport) Number of transfer cases Becton Employes (nt) aba Gut c ection Employee: (rin) VGH Mar*brn tection Employee: stn) VV) ex ‘OFFICE USE ONLY: ([Rimore oFfice Taansrex oF saLOTSTOESC. BORD, WALeALOTS Towa verified wt Remove Oca PROVSIONATBALOTS Tatas TOTAL SENT: QO AE Prepared/Received by: roi LH {L2 a Cue (Signature) RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: 7 Tou TATAATOR —[ PROVEDYALEALOTS ———————— romances | SACD fed eC Toile Numba oftantrgstr: of Seat umber: sop uate uaa Ty rata vrieatyeteeg” 1 VC yer, / ont re raavertear onal) CMGI | xed re I / (MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Teitar Seale Seal verification Main Verifed by | Availany () ‘ain (C) Veriieaiby |. the undersigned, sweat/atfrm that {will perform the duties of my position In accordance with the law and will endeavor to prevent al fraud, declt,or abuse In conducting the election. fully understand that a a Election Employee: wt SaaadeP aneny Election Employee: (sien) Beachy * o NA Smibtly cinema es) ie Ser Date/t} Election Employee: (Print) Dates * if seals different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS 7 Election Employee: rind Election Employee: (sen. Election Employees (erin Gorge Kapeven rection tmployee (len Totals verined at Remote Office on a {signature} Time} Prepared/Recelved by: (Print), RECEIPT OF BALLOTS ATESC: "Youu Veriied ESC CZ i a ‘TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer ease™ ‘Tota verifies by: (Print), (Signature) (signature) Date: Times MESES 20 vember GeeaNLETION FORME Sees7O}Ner3 Mal Bt at Tae Sea MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Electi oy sm: EY Location: za BALLOT RECEIPT DATE: fo BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Taal sate Seal Verification eek aunty (8 ‘Main (C) Veritied by _ || Aviary (®) ‘ain (C) Verified by slot da Ta? | mntiats Date | Slot waa Taz [tia Date rewous vemight Seals TODAYS stats ‘overnight Seals | the undersigned, swear/sffirm that | wil perform the duties of my postion In accordance with the lw and wil ‘abuse In conducting the election. in ‘understand that any violation of the Election Code ls prosecutable rider Flori 0 \ merl. " tan rr i VVC Qoet — ectontmpovertan VY [est fo tteaion employe: (Print|? 6 “<7 eteaton tmloye: tan Lr + Hf seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘To be completed by courier transport) Number of transfer cases: Seal Numbers: Slot: Hection Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign). Prepered/Recelved by: (rit) (Signature) Date: Tne: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: “Totals Verified at ESC [imacanttore—[ provstowssenuors [rata Tl saslenianiial Se | Number of transfer cases: atl rg tiga: te Te Hf Tete verified by Pent saat 2 Nore GaahcHON ome en 7 et la ay aes MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET ape No\ General Election (404) m a igo, A _/ BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: T Taitial seals ‘unin (8) Main (©) Slot I Seal Verfiation ain (©) ‘valor (8) Slot Verified by Tritials Date BALLOT BOX SEALs a2 , swea:[atfir that wil perform the duties of my position, in accordance withthe Iw and will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit, oF aw. fon full understand that any wolation of the Election Code Is prosecutable under For |. the undersign ‘abuse In conducting the elect Election Employee: (sien) _ Election Employee: (Print), Date/Time: Election Employee: (Print)__________Eleetion Employee: (sien). + seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back To be completed by courier transport) ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS 10 ESt uaa: us2 Number of transfer cases: of Seal Numbers: Slot: Election Employee: (sien) Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (Print), Election Employee: (sien) OFFICE USE ONLY: [EMOTEOHTCE TIANFTR OF PALO TORE Totals Verified at Remote Office ‘TOTAL SENT: manmcolll + Yon Lon ff ‘otal verified by: (print)_fO OAH LST ‘Total verified by: (Print) 2 MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Elect on 204 pater RECSIPT il LV-Bag sme, CS LocaTion: VRoon BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: iia See Se vereton BALLOT BOX | .analiary (81 ‘Main (C) SEALs ‘ot uid az {the undersigned, swear/effirm that | will perform ‘buse in conducting the election fully understand econ employe: Ph scien tl ie ff Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: ( + trseal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport) Number of transfer cases: of Seal Numbers: Slot: ig a: Hlection Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Election Employee: (sign) __ Election Employee: (Print) ICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ‘TOTAL SENT: Prepared/Received by: (Print) : Totals Verited at Remote Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS Talia Date (Signature) Date: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS ATE: ‘Tota verified by: (Print) zy “Total verfiee by: orm Bers the duties of my postion in accordance with the law and will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit, Or that any violation of the Election cinerea upder Florida tw. uaz Date/Time, Date/Time: Time: MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sm: £ toomon _L ye 1 bro _ | BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: ‘Seal verincation that | will perform the duties of my postion, n accordence \uthe undersigned, swesr/etfirm , _ fully understand that any violation of the Election Code Is prosecuteble under Florida law. ‘abuse In conducting the election. lection Employee: (Print)________ Election Employee: (sign) Election Employee: (Print), Election Employee: (sign) + ifseal i different see reverse and complete explanation on back TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: (To be completed by courler transport) Number of transfer eases: of Seal Numbers: Slot: Election Employee: (Print)__________Election Employee: (sign), Date/Time: Election Employee: (Print), Election Employee: (sign) Date/Time: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: TOTALSENT: Prepared/iveceived by: (Peat) (signature) “Totals Veritied at Remote Office Date: Time: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS ATESC: [iniiais ad az | ‘TOTAL RECEIVED: Total verified by: (Print) (signature) nat vate pene LOT ites (ers sevaserrets 404-2122 Novebe cnr. Fm SatlFC7OSD1HE 2, Ma BX iy Taner See ‘MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) Shoal f sont niger ci 5 verification site: LocaTion BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Taal 7 saucr 80% | rata Maint Tete | Rar aan ay So a es ome st a a = on yoonresaais oven Sal fendeavor to prevent st I, the undersigned, swear/atfirm that | will perform the duties of my position in accordance with the law an the election. fully understand that any violation ofthe Election Code is prosecutable under Florida law. abuse in conducting Date/Time: Election Employee: (sien) Date Tim Election Employee: (Print). Election Employee: (sign). Election Employee: (Print) * tf seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport) number of transfer cases: ‘Seal Numbers: Slot: Election Employee: (Print), Election Employee: (sign), Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sien) REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: Totals Veriied at Remote Office Tails ‘PROVISIONAL BALLOTS. Tine: Prepered/Received by (Print) RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: at ESC MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBER sor 90% [rae nt Teed — | Rao rin Yee ‘overnight Seal | the undersigned, swear/affim that will perform the duties of my position, in accordance withthe law and will endeavor to prevent al fraud, decelt, or abuse in conducting the election. fully understand that any violation ofthe Election Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) ate/Tim Election Employee: (Print). Election Employee: (sign) Date/Tim * If seas different see reverse and complete explanation on back TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport) Election Employee: (sign) Date/Time] Election Employee: (Print) _\0 Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sien) Date/Time: OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALOTS TORE 1 Tatas Verified at Remote Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS. Trials TOTAL SENT: Prepared) Recelved by: [Print (signature) BOxID WAIL BALLOTS RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totals Verified at ESC ‘TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer cases o, Tota vertteaby: (Prt (signature ae onEisenon rons Show o750-e 9. softy Ts Shee MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBER: eae Trial Seale Sealvertieation ain ered by Main) erie SEALMs: io = ry (2) (e) \Vertied by, rc Taz [mas 034 “Slot tar Taz —[inilals Date Previous Overnight Seats TODAY'S SEALS ‘Ovemigh Saks 1 the undersigned, swear/affrm that | will perform the duties of my position in accordance withthe law and will endeaver to prevent al fraud, deeat, or abuse in conducting the election. fully understand that any violation ofthe Election Code ls prosecutable under Florida aw. Election Employee: (Print Date/Tim| Election Employes wi al treciontmploye: tien Kip SHR. avr +f sealis different see reverse and complete explanation on back TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport Election Employee: (Print), Number of transfer cases: Seal Numbers: slot: Election Employee: (Print). Election Employee: (sign) Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Date/Time: [ OFFICE USEONLY: ie eon ae] [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: Totals Verifed at Remote Office EE TWARBAWOTS | PROVIGONALEALOTS | ___yfipis__ Date MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) ses tocanow ow BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: ToT Fava sasoreox [sia and ey | a iat Needy . ‘Slot ida use ‘initiais Date ‘Slot tid id 2 initials ‘Date cs muni Toon ssta mm |, the undersigned, swear/afim tht wll perform the duties of my positon acordance with th law {he election. flly understand that any violation ofthe Election Cade i prestcutable under Flvda ly Bectontmpoye: rien HATA Cutt « ectontnptoee ring HELENE Lure AWE trcton enue oer) diferent see reverse and comolate explanation on back Election Employee: (sien) *Htseal will endeavor to prove alfraud, dee or abuse in conducting Date/Tim: Date/Time “TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: (To be completed by courier transport) Number of wansfer eases: ot I Numbers: Sot sector ply: vin OMAN ics taper fiubbnda — ower Diana] lection Employee: (Print) MCL Election Employee: (sign) Date/Tir ‘OFFICE USE ONLY: ] Tora sen AA, DB Seale arf) sasntat wa fVLOsaef = = oxaveited by pring (MOWBLA TM a one: ne rd 4 ry : MAL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sea tocamon ow sauorrecuproa BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Toca = avatar savor ex [earl ‘ante eid by | iy iit Needy - ‘Slot tid i ue? ritials Date. ‘Slot Lid 3 ‘tials Date MMMM mieunnnt bs the understand, swear/afirm tht! ill perform the duties of my position, n accordance withthe aw and willendeaver to prevent al fraud del o abuse In conducting ‘the election. fly understand that any violation ofthe Election Code is prosecutabe under Flv la mactconein nah EL CURIE scasntaenri ULAUT Date/Time / ie o ection Employee: (Print) {LEW lection Employee: (cen) [pater * Hf sea is ifferent see reverse and complete explanation on back cactniapgecra hers, Picummpy” masonic, [ = OFFICE USEONTY: Dete/Ti Number of wanser cases a2 [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTSTO ESC: Tox MALBALOTS Tota Veried st Remote OFice PROVSIONALBALLOTS Taal ann AO -e- -; Se WA (signasre Fae Date: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Propared/Received by: (Print), Torah veed see PROVEIONATBALLOTS Teta veried by Pe MAL a: (entre : MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) = _— ; | Seal verication mE nocavion: St. Reke OCFice 0x! BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: 1, the undersigned, swea/afirm that will perform the duties of my position, In accordance with the law and will endeavor to prevent a ‘abuse in conducting the election. Ifuly understand thet any violation ofthe Election Code I prosecutable under Florida law. Election Employee: (Print ten ee Datefri ten tmplyeestrin MOLEVIP SHA) ten mplyes (sen pawn * if seals different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: { To be completed by courier transp Jnurnber of transfer cases: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: ‘Tora Veriied at SCs PROVISIONAL BALLOTS ‘TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer eases: of SealNumbers: Slot: uaa: a2 ‘Total verified by: (Print. (signature) Time: Total verified by: (Print), (Stansted. Time: Wesson Nosema GereMLECDONY ONSET RMD Trae Seeae ‘MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Trial seals T Seal Verification ‘atany Terie by | Auta 8) ‘Main (¢) Verified by |. the undersigned, swear/atfirm that I will perform the dutles of my postion in accordance withthe law and will endeavor ‘abuse In conducting the election. fully understand that any violation ofthe Election Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Election Employee: (Print Election Employee: i Fe Date/tin| trecton employees) MALEVIP-SMHN ——teontmsloyee: bien Smith. pater 1M seal Is different see reverse and complete explanation on back preventall fraud, deceit, oF Number of transfer cases: Election Employee: (Print). Election Employee: (Print) ‘OFFICE USE ONLY: Toa Vetied weno ice [Paousionateauors [ine [sone | [ap RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Toate Veriied at ESC ce TOTAL RECEVED: fT Number oftranster cases: of Seal Numbers: slot uda: wd? Total verified by: (Print (Signature) Date: Times “Total verified by: Print). {signsture) Date: Time: vases 4-32 Mover: Gere TON Ff Shee 780-3 Mat ae Diy Tansee at MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) site LOCATION: BOX Io: BALLOT RECEIPT DATE; BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Taal Tea vertenTon saoreox Tamaya [wang _| Veredy | anton [wane _| Ve St a | “2 i as aa | Overiaht Seals TODAY'S SEALS Overnight Seats cee Cre |. the undersigned, swear/afirm that {ill perform the duties of my position, in accordance withthe law and will endeavor to prevent all ra abuse in conducting the election, {fully understand that any violation of the Election Code is prosecutable under Florida law. TD Coecperee. ection Employee: (Print| DOROTHY (SRYHE Fection Employee: (sient A aterri Election Employee: (Print ) c & + ¢/ Election Employee: (sign) —bsA__, iL’ pate/Tim "If seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO by courier trans Number of transfer casest Election Employee: (Print) Sour at) —_ Election Employee: (sign) DP WW Election Employee: (Print) AIH) ERWE MAD erection employee: sign) LILLE» YOLS. OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: BOKID WAIL BALLOTS Totals Verified at Remote Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS Totals Verified ESC TOTALSENT: Prepered/Received by (Print. RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: initia ‘TOTAL RECEIVED: Total verified by: (rine) (Signet Date| Time: Total verified by: (Print) (Signativ6h Datel Time: MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) si: LOCATION: 80x 10 BALLOT RECEIPT DATE; BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Taal Seals = Seal verfication Sears | Auaitary (2) [Wain (6) Verified by || Ausiliary (8) [| Main(C) a Slot tea tid?) initials Date Slot lida tid? TODAY'S SEALS |, the undersigned, sweat affirm that Iwill perform the duties of my postion, in accordance with the law and will endeavor to prevent al fraud, deco op abuse in conducting the election. fully understand that any violation of the Election Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Election Employee: (Print| 9-071)” Election Employee: (sign) Date/Time Flection Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) — C Date/times * If seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO by courier transy umber of transfer cases: Jal Numbers: Slot: Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) pate] OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESCr BOxID WAIL BALLOTS Totals Verified at Remote Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS Tnitiels TOTALSENT: Propared/Received by: (Print) (Signature) th RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Toiais Verified at ESC MAILBALLOTS | PROVISIONAL BALLOTS TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer cases of Seal Numbers: Slot ud2 Total verified by: (Print) (signature) Date: Time: Total verified by: (Print) (Signature) Date: Time: MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) r. 2 e sm: Do wocaron Compe OF [Ale Haebor sox} SANT RECEIPT DATE: BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Taal Seas 7 Teal verfcton — sar ox | aoa [aera] Veesy | Raion 6) [wate | “veited oy | oars Slot tidt | _lid2__| nitals Date Slot ida uaz initials Date | TODAY'S SEALS 1 the undersigned, swearfaffirm that twill perform the duties of my position, in eecordonce with the low ond will endeavor to prevent al fraud, deect, oF abuse in conducting the election, I fully understand that any violation of the Election Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Qo. ep c) , 6 lection Employee: (Print) SVG >Comaath) siecion employe: en) Saker. Ouro Date/Tirn ection Employee: (Print) IVER MK * if seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO an Election Employee: (Print) Nha Wo LVP Dal Election Employee: (sign). Jue» WW rt \— Kp 2, A Ly y Election Employee: (Pint) (OTEK EMALY) erection Employee: (san), ne Mla Election Employee: (sign) A2thow xe W2 Date/Tim Number of transfer cases: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO FSC BOKID WAN BALLOTS Totals Verified at Remate Office PROVISIOWAL BALLOTS Trials TOTALSENT: Prepared/Received by: (Print) (Signature) Date: Time: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totals Verified at ESC PROVISIONAL BALLOTS initials ‘AIL BALLOTS_ ap a TOTAL RECEIVED: LGU eS Total verified by Print}. Total vetted by (Ping evi s Gj) (sinatuerLZeue YM vate MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sn vocamion bhai Yasebo sox sauornecepr ox BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: bauer vox | cara) [Man a ee TT a Te Ta [as owe ‘TODAY'S SEALS Overnight Seals |, the undersigned, swear/affirm that | will perform the duties of my postion, in accordance with the law and will endeavor to prevent al fraud, decet, or abuse in conducting the election. fully understand that any violation of the Election Code Is prosecutable under Florida law. Election Employee: (Print| Election Employee: (sign) Date/Tim| Election Employee: (Print| Election Employee: (sien) Date/Tir| * if seals different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO. by courier trans Number of transter cases: | Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Date/Time: Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Date/Time: ‘OFFICE USE ONLY [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: BOKID WAILBALLOTS 5 Total Verified at Remote Office ‘PROVISIONAL BALLOTS ‘TOTALSENT: Prepared/Received by: (Print) - (Signature) Date: Tim RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totals Verified av ESC TWAILBALLOTS | PROVISIONAL BALLOTS. Trial Date TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer cases: ot Seal Wumbers:_ slot: usa uaa ‘etal verified by (Print) (Signature) Date: Time: “etal verified by: (Print) (signature) ate: Time: MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) Libene+| sox; BALLOT RECEIPT DATE: Semmole ti or sm DLO ocxron BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Toa Seat renee sauorsox Tana) [mamta | Fairy) [ — Maing) Veitedy Sit tia Taz Tat poe [sen da Tas [innate oats ‘TODAY'S SEALS ‘2ccordance with the law nd will endeavor to prevent all frac, deceit, or |, the undersigned, swenr/afiem that Iwill perform the duties of my position, use in conducting the election. I fully understand that any violation ofthe Election Code is prosecutable undor Floris law. Hection Employee: (Print) | Cae Hrleme. “" Clection Employee: (sign) Adee? Date/Tim Election Employee: (Print) izes L Koders Election Employee: (sien Lue A LOVETT) Date/tim *1fsoal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO i by courier trans Number of transfer cases: Election Employee: (Print) Lci,0. wee parent oie Election Employee: (Print) 7 OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO FSC OKI WAILBALLOTS Totals Verified at Remate Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS initials TOTALSENT: — Prepared/Received by: (Print) (Signature) Date: Time: a ECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: "Totals Verified at SC MAILBALLOTS [PROVISIONAL BALLOTS [Initials 419 ‘Total verified by: (Print) Sj -- YOu Bb AAT ‘signaturey a ‘Total verified by: (Print) oe in {Jee (Signature) __#7 V2. {Or Date| TOTAL RECEIVED: Date| MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sir Locarion: Box 10 BALLOT RECEIPT DATE BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Tala Saver sauor 90% |p al [Waite iy Ta Tete Sit tat) aL sone | Stet Ta [aia pate Tooay's seats Overnight Seats the undersigned, swear/aftirr that Iwill perform the duties of my position, in accordance with the law and ill endeavor toprevent all fraud, deceit, of abuse in conducting the election. | fully understand that any violation ofthe Election Code is prosecuteble under Florida law. Election Employee: int) Election Employee: (sign) Date/Tim Election Employee: (Print) iv! 1s 5 Election Employee: (sien) Date/Tim * If seal is differont see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ( To be completed by courier transport) Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) — Date/Time: Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) ate/rime:| USE ONLY: [Spee] [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO FSC BOKID MAN BALLOTS "Total Verified at Remote Office ‘PROVISIONAL BALLOTS. Trials Date TOTALSENT: Prepared/Received by: (Print) (signature) Date: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT E “Totals Verified at ESC PROVISIONAL BALLOTS MAIL BALLOTS TOTAL RECEIVED! Number of transfer cases: of Seal Numbers: Slot uaa us ‘otal vetified by: (Print) (signature) Date: Time: ‘eral verified by: (Pint) (Signature) Date: Time: MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sm: Dil won Barbara Pence. BALLOT RECET DATE: BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Lilorans J T Tana seals — Seal Veration peer Tauxiary (6) [ain | Verified by | Auniliary (a) [Main (C) Verified by ‘Slot tied Lid 2 initials Date ‘Slot lida lid2 initial) Date Overnight Seals ToDay's SEALS ‘Overnight Seals | the undersigned, swear/afiem that | will perform the duties of my position, in accordance withthe Iaw and will endeavor to prevent all fraud, decelt, or stosenconducting the election. ly undestand that ary vation ofthe lection Code roel under Pr sil ze A secion poy: nine Dlg FrodleriK5@theionemptoye:ttey/L Wh KD owerrine ection Employee: (Pint) _CfINEUS LOCALE ctection Employee: (ssn) kV. YALL paterrime: * if seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO i by courier trans Number of raster cass: a, al Numbers: sot: A Election Employee: (print How Fake 1 eA empaoee: tio Zp Election Employee: (Print) VACWE \ fy SOL ETT Etection Employee: (sigh) Xu [ OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALIOTS TO ESC; Tox TAT BALOTS = r Totals VerTiod Remote Offee PROVSIONAL BALLOTS Tits Date TOTAL Sen sa [BEL Propared/Received by: (xn (signature) _ bate Time RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: aii BALLOTS | PROVISIONAL BALLOTS. 23 eZ ! (Signature) ‘TOTAL RECEIVED: Total vetted by (it) ‘otal verified by: (Print) Mek (signature). MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) site LOCATION: 20x 1 BALLOT RECEIPT DATE BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: aaa ] Teal Veneto aor cox | acanyTe | Wane | [aaa [wom Teel Sot | ts] Pte oats [set [is aa Tinta ova vig Sa Tooarsstas wright Su | the undersigned, swear/aficm that | will perform the duties of my positon, in accordance with the law and will endesvor to prevent all fraue, decett, or ‘use in conducting the lection. | fully understand that any violation ofthe Election Code is prosecutable under Florida aw. Election Employee: (Print) ic is 10) N° lection employee: (sien) UAL, Date/Time] Hlection Employee: (Print)__ lection Employee: (sien) Date/Time} * If seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO 1d by courier transy umber of transfer cases: al Numbers: Slot: Election Employee: Print) Election Employee: (sign) Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: BOX WAI BALLOTS “Totals Verified at Remate Office NAL BALLOTS Trials Dat ‘TOTALSENT: Prepared/Recelved by: (Print) (Signature) Date! RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: ‘Totas Verified a SC Wail palloTs | PROVISIONAL BALLOTS. TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of ranster cases: of Seal Numbers: sot uaa ud ‘otal verified by: (Print) (signature) Date: Time: ‘etal verified by: (Print) (signature) Date Time: MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) ” iS iN srs DID —rocanon: Gt Ruct soxio} panorreceroh Neignbook BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: S TnidalSeals Seal Verifeation sauor 0% | aan 8) [ waa [Cveaeasy — [any [nae Weed . siot | ued Ta? —[intats Date | slot uaa Taz [intials Date Coverlet Seals ‘TODAY'S SEALS ‘Overnight Seals | | |, the undersigned, swear/affiem that | ill perform the duties of my position, in accordance with the law and will endeavor to prevent al fraud, decet, or abuse in conducting the election. fully understand that any violation of the Election Code is prosecutable under Flore law. Noh, thd. Yo ayes Uf election Employee: sien Luce (Moke vatestimn lection Employee: (ein) LEE. StBinntAler” election Employee: inf POE Theterpeblee —patesrim * If seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO Election Employee: (Print| AZ 1d by courier trans Number of transter cases: fo] j Ch: ee Election Employee: (Pring hrce Mdche// election employee: (sempeas dete. /) Le vaterrim =} _ Q Election Employee: (Print| pete, Dleswwall er erection Employee: (sienj OMe Fe Aewucd_. bate/tim [ OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: BOxID WAN BALLOTS “Totals Verified t Remate Office [PROVISIONAL BALLOTS Initials Date TOTALSENT: + Prepared/Received by: (Print) (signature) Date: Times RECEI PT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totals Verified at EC PROVISIONAL BALLOTS a WAN BALLOTS 199 in “otal vested by: (Print)_ mex (sienaturey Lodo / Late: ‘TOTAL RECEIVED: Total vertied by: (Prim), >t ce (signature) Date MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sm voerron C vox. sautorreceeroare BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Tas ealverReon ——— sate manta _| Yesiedy JA [Wat aie | TODAY'S SEALS Overnight Seats |, the undersigned, swearfatfirm that twill perform the duties of my position, in accordance with the law and will endeavor to prevent all raud, decet, or abuse in conducting the election. {fully understand that any violation of the Election Code is prosocutable under Florida law. Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Date/Time} Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Date/Timel * If seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO. by courier trans Number of transfer cases: al Numbers: Slot: Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Election Employee: (Print| Election Employee: (sign) OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC BOKID WAN BALLOTS “Totals Verified t Remote Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS Trias TOTALSENT: Propared/Recelved by: (Print) (Signature) Date Time: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totals Verified at ESC ‘MAILBALLOTS | PROVISIONAL BALLOTS: initials TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer cases: of Seal Numbers: Slot: ida uaa Total verified by: (Print) (signature) Date, Time: “Total verified by (Print) (signature) Date: Time: MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) co ¢ = sm: DUT ocarion: Ti CRE Ree 0x10 BAUOTRECEPTDATE BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS ‘rasa Seal verano sausor Box | scay(a) [wan Talon oy [aie Teitedby Sit ea Taz Linas pate [sit si Taz rwas owe Overnight Seals Topaysseais ‘Overnight Seais |, the undersigned, swear/aficm that | will perform the duties of my position, in accordance withthe law and will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit, o ‘abuse in conducting the election. | fully understand that any violation ofthe lection Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Hection Employee: (Print) Rickard Ly ons Election Employee: (sien) ‘ Date/Tin] Election Employee: (Print) Cacele Lyons Election Emplovee: sian. d Date/Tin * if seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO id by courier trans number of transter cases: al Numbers: Slot: SHS Election Employee: (sign) // o/s’ [Gf Election Employee: (sign) (2x 7} yen Date/Time: ‘OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC BOKID AN BALLOTS “otal Verified t Remate Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS Tria TOTALSENT: Prepored/Recelved by: (Print) (Signsturo) Date: Times RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: “Totals Verified at ESC Mall BALLOTS Zb5” initial He, ea seatnumbers: sit [BB 5 ‘i 5) f Total verified by: (Print) / A/D MCF (signature) Le F711 ate: TOTAL RECEIVED! Number of transfer cases o bis Hime: Total verified by: (Print) y Date: rime: MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sit: tocarion: = Re Box: mm BAWoT RECEIPT! SC BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: inital eats ~ Seal Verification sar eox Wain (@) Verified by | Aunitiary (@) [Main (c) Verified by = et Tid? [inal Date | sot ud Td? inkals Date Ovemight Seals |, the undersigned, swear/affirm that | ill perform the duties of my position, in accordance with the law and will endeavor to prevent all fraud, decel, oF abuse in conducting the election. Ifully understand that ay violation ofthe Election Code i prosecutable under Flori law. Election Employee: (Print) ©.) 4-45 Election Employee: (sign) Date/Tin] Election Employee: (Pri Election Employee: (sign) <8 o/s ate/Tim * if seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO. by courier trans Number of transfer cases: Bection Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Hection Employee: (Print) 2s Election Employee: (sign) OFFICE USE ONLY: 1 [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC BOKID MAIL BALLOTS Totals Verified t Remote Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS TOTALSE Prapared/Received by: (Print) (signature) Date Time: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totats Varied ESC MAILBAWLOTS | PROVISIONAL BALLOTS initials ‘TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer cases of Seal Numbers: Slot: uaa: uaz Total verified by (Print) (signature) Date: Time: Total verified by (Print) (signature) Date: Time: MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) site LOCATION: BOX 10: BALLOT RECEIPT OTE: BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Tease Seal vere sauor 90x | aaaiaaral [Wate | Teed | Aaa [Wate Veiled set dt Lt isi a Tas baa Overnight Seals TODAY's SEALS Overnight Seats I |, the undersiened, swear/affirm that | will perform the duties of my position, In accordance with the law end will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit, of abuse in conducting the election. | fully understand that any violation of the Election Code is prosecutable under Florida law. \ rection Employee: Print| PhyII3 AE 1Ne- ection Employee: woah UnaShe-tiisd oxte/tn Election Employee: (Print). alae HtBuléy eeetonsmlovee: sn Sheer lee Teh, * If seal is different see reverse and complete explanation on back + ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO Date/Tim| by courier trans Number of transter cases: sal Numbers: Slot secionemsloyee: (nn PhS bo Election Employee: (Print) Sheba Election Employee: wll lg OFFICE USE ONLY: Election Employee: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: OKI MAILBALLOTS Totals Verified at Remote Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS trials TOTALSENT Propared/ Received by (Print) (Signature) Date RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totals Verified at ESC MAIL BALLOTS | PROVISIONAL BALLOTS TOTAL RECEIVED: ‘Number of transfer cases jr seat tuner: soc: BBL. Total verified by: (Print) f (Signature) Date| Total verified by: (Pent) (signature) MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sm: DOs LocaTioN: © Box 10} BALLOT RECEIPT DATE: BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Initial Seals ] ‘Seal Verification ] faye) | wain(@ edby | Alay [_Mainte) Verody slot Te re a ida aL als Date sauor sox | SEAL Hs Coverlet Seals TODAY's SEALS. Overnight Seals |, the undersigned, swear/affirm that | will perform the duties of my position, in accordance with the law and will endesvor to prevent all fraud, decelt, or abuse in conducting the election. {fully understand that any Violation ofthe Election Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Date/Time] Bection Employee: (Print) Election Employee: sien) Date/Time Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Date/Time| Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Date/timel OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: ] SSS BORD MAN BALOTS aye Tela Verfied at Remate Offee PROVISIONAL BALOTS ini Date TOTAL SENT: | Prapere/Received by (Pri) (Senature) bate Tire RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totals Verified ESC ‘PROVISIONAL BALLOTS. ‘MAILBALLOTS Taitials ‘TOTAL RECEIVED: Number of transfer cases: of SealNumbers: siet: isa uaz Total verified by: (Print) (signature) Date: Time: Total verified by (Print) (signature) Date _ Time: MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) we Dad wore Coushysicte Rec moll Pas BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: sauortoe | poate ia) [wae | [vary | Roatan [wate Terie] Sot ai | ia nc Ta TT bate TooArsseas ‘Overnight Seals | the undersigned, swear/atfirm that | will perform the duties of my position, In accordance with the law and will endeavor to prevent all fraud, decelt, or abuse in conducting the election, I fully understand that any vilation of the Election Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Election Employee sign) (70-~ lection Employee: (Print) (eau f- fod eur Avserav Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) * If seals different see reverse and complete explanation on back Ltt Linkdve Date/Tim| Date/Tim TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO © by courier trans NG lection Employee: (Print) (7lewn R-F2"S_ tection Employees (sien ZZlex AT? ate/tim AC AAD GA Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) bo >— pate/time OFFICE USE ONLY: [Rint orice Transrtn OF BALIONS TOC: KID MAILBALLOTS Totals Verified at Remote Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS Trias ‘TOTALSENT: (signature) Prepared Received by (Print) RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: IAL BALLOTS | PROVISIONAL BALLOTS 45. - & TOTAL RECEIVED: Date: Time: Total verified by (Print)_L Total verified by: (Print) _\O f (signature (Signature) 4 —Pate: Date! ‘MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) = Box EE BAWOT RECEIPT i sm: D3) tocsnon te BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: Tama ae Tavern ] sauer vox | aay TaT [Ra Teiiedey Roa [Wane eset] Sods eats aa Taba Tooavsstas Overnight Seals | the undersigned, swear/affirm that | will perform the duties of my postion, in accordance with the law and will endeavor to prevent al fraud, deceit, or ‘abuse in conducting the election. I fully understand that any violation of the lection Code is prosecutable under Florida law. Election Emplayee:(Print) (“CA .. FOND lection Employee: (sien) Date/Tim| Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Date/Tim * if sealis different see reverse and complete explanation on back ‘TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO by courier trans Number of transfer cases: Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) Election Employee: (Print) Election Employee: (sign) _“ OFFICE USE ONLY: [REMOTE OFFICE TRANSFER OF BALLOTS TO ESC: BOKID WAN BALLOTS Totals Verified at Remate Office PROVISIONAL BALLOTS. Tnitials Dae Prepared/Received by: (Print) __ (Signature) Date: Time: RECEIPT OF BALLOTS AT ESC: Totals Verified at ESC PROVISIONAL BALLOTS WAIL BALLOTS Trine TOTAL RECEIVED! "Number of wanster cases: of Seal Numbers: stot: usa: uaz Total verified by: (Print) (Signature) Date Time: Total verti by: (Print) (signature) Date Time: (MAIL BALLOT DAILY TRANSFER SHEET 2022 November General Election (404) sme: Locarion: ow vo ll {BALLOT RECEIPT DATE: BALLOT BOX SEAL NUMBERS: aise Seal veatin sauoro% Tamaya aie et oy | ay tint vestedby * ‘Slot dT tid? initials ‘Date ‘Slot Lid ]__ waz ‘Initials Date ovr ss munuiint ovavsseais ante 1, the underignad meat/fim thi wil perform the dtl af my poston In acordance with the lw an will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deca or abuse in conducing the election. fully understand that any violation ofthe Election Code i rosecutable under Floris la Beciontmoeye: tnd AMAAAA CUTS [C- ——staton tmpoyeten) ate/Tine: A ? = Hlection Employee: (Pring ELE

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