Present Simple Vs Continuous

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Present Simple vs.

Present Continuous
Present Simple Present Continuous
Form (Forma) Form (Forma)

A: S+VB1+ -s/es (he/she, it) A: S+ am/is/are + V-ing

N: S+ do/does + not+ vb1 N: S + am/is/are + not+Ving
Q: Do/Does + S+ vb1? Q: Am /Is/Are + S+ Ving?

To play To play
I play = Eu ma joc I am playing=Eu ma joc
You play You are playing
He plays He is playing
She plays She is playing
It plays It is playing
We play We are playing
You play You are playing
They play They are playing

I do not play = I don’t play I am not playing
Eu nu ma joc Eu nu ma joc
You do not play You are not playing
He does not play He is not playing
She does not play She is not playing
It does not play It is not playing
We do not play We are not playing
You do not play You are not playing
They do not play They are not playing
Do I play? Am I playing?
Do you play? Are you playing?
Does he play? Is he playing?
Does she play? Is she playing?
Does it play? Is it playing?
Do we play? Are we playing?
Do you play? Are you playing?
Do they play? Are they playing?

Use (Folosire) Use (Folosire)

1. Actiuni repetate cu o 1. Actiuni la momentul
anumita frecvență vorbirii (ACUM)

I play tennis every I am playing tennis now.


2. Actiuni permanente / 2. Actiuni temporare

aproape permanente
/adevaruri stiintifice

I live in Ramnicu Valcea. I am living with my

Water boils at 100 degrees grandparents this week

3. Orare oficiale 3. Planuri personale

The bus leaves at 5. I am meeting my friends

The film starts at 8. Mary is visiting her
grandparents next weekend

Signal words (Indicatori) Signal words (Indicatori)

-every day / week/ month/ -now, right now, at the

year/ summer/ Friday moment
-always (mereu) -Shh! Listen! Look!
-often (des) -this week/ month/ year/
-sometimes (uneori) summer/ Friday
-seldom/rarely (rar) -today (azi)
-never (niciodata) -tomorrow (mâine)
-usually/ generally/ normally/ -tonight (diseară)
regularly -next week/ month/ year/
-once a day/ twice a week summer
-on Sundays (duminica, adică -on Sunday (duminică, adică
în fiecare duminică) duminica aceasta)
-later (mai târziu)

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