Ml8 - Chapter - 3 Unit 3 Pythagorean Relationship

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Many board games and puzzles include
squares and triangles in their design.
Checkers, chess, and SCRABBLE® have
game boards made of squares. The game
called Playing Leader, includes both squares
and triangles in its game board design.
Squares and triangles are also important
geometric figures in construction, art, and
mathematics. There are many connections
between squares and triangles in
mathematics. In previous math courses,
you have discovered some connections
between these two shapes.

What You Will Learn

φ to find the squares and square roots of whole
φ to estimate square roots of whole numbers
φ to determine whether a triangle is a right
φ to apply the Pythagorean relationship to find
missing dimensions of triangles and to solve

76 NEL • Chapter 3
Key Words
• prime factorization • hypotenuse
• perfect square • Pythagorean
• square root relationship

Literacy Link
You can use a Verbal Visual Chart (V VC) to
help you learn and remember new terms.
Copy the blank V VC into your math journal
or notebook and use it for the term square.
• Write the term in the first box.
• Draw a diagram in the second box.
• Define the term in the third box. The
glossary on pages 517–521 may help you.
• In the fourth box, explain how you will
remember the term and what it means.
Consider using an example, a characteristic,
a memory device, or a visual.
Term Diagram

Definition How I Will Remember It

Chapter 3 • NEL 77
;DA967A:H /

Making the Foldable Step 5

Label the tabs as shown.
• eight sheets of grid paper
• stapler
• ruler
• scissors Chapter 3:
Pythagorean Relationship
Step 1
Staple eight sheets of grid paper together along
the top edge.
Step 2 Key Words
Make a line 10.5 cm up from the bottom of the top 3.1 Squares and Square Roots
page. Cut across the entire width of the page at 3.2 Exploring the Pythagorean Relationship
this mark. 3.3 Estimating Square Roots
3.4 Using the Pythagorean Relationship
3.5 Applying the Pythagorean Relationship
What I Need to Work On

Using the Foldable

As you work through Chapter 3, define each Key
Word on the first tab of your Foldable. Use a visual
or example to help you remember each term.
10.5 cm Make notes about examples and Key Ideas under
the appropriate tab.
On the last tab, make notes using the heading
What I Need to Work On. Check off each item as
Step 3 you deal with it.
Make a line 9 cm up from the bottom of the
Use the back of the Foldable to list your ideas for
second page. Cut across the entire page at
the Wrap It Up!
this mark.
Step 4
In a similar manner, cut off 7.5 cm from the third
page, 6 cm from the fourth page, 4.5 cm from the
fifth page, 3 cm from the sixth page, and 1.5 cm
from the seventh page.

78 NEL • Chapter 3
Game Design
Playing Leader is a peg board game. The board design for Playing
Leader includes squares and triangles. In this game, two players
• Playing Leader board
compete against each other. One player controls 13 green pegs and • coloured counters
the opponent controls the leader peg, which is a different colour. All of
the pegs start at the top of the board and are moved one hole at a time
along the lines on the board. The 13 green pegs may be moved left,
right, or down. The leader peg may be moved left, right, up, or down.
The green pegs try to surround the leader peg so that it cannot move
to another position. The leader peg tries to capture all of the green
pegs or advance to the
bottom of the board. The
leader peg captures a
green peg by jumping
over it to an empty space.
Captured pegs are
removed from the board.
Web Link
Use a copy of the Playing
For more information
Leader board to help about the game of
answer the following Playing Leader, go to
and follow the links.
1. Show how to place the
13 green pegs and one
leader peg in such a way that the leader peg cannot move.
2. Moving one space at a time, what is the maximum number of
moves you can make with one peg in a straight line vertically?
3. How many squares can you count on the board that do
not overlap?
4. What words could you use to describe the triangles on
the board, for example, isosceles, equilateral, scalene,
acute, right, obtuse? Draw and label the triangle(s) to
show why you used the words you did.
Digital rights not available.
5. The horizontal or vertical distance between two peg
holes is 5 cm. Determine the area of the game board in
two different ways.
Compare your answers with those of a classmate.
At the end of the chapter, you will design a new board
game that includes triangles and squares in the design.

Math Link • NEL 79

Squares and Square Roots

Focus on…
After this lesson, you
will be able to...
φ determine the
square of a whole
φ determine the
square root of a
perfect square
The Pythagoreans were members of an academy of study that
existed 2500 years ago. They created square numbers by arranging
pebbles in equal numbers of rows and columns. Nine pebbles could
be arranged in three rows and three columns. Nine is a square
Literacy Link number because 3 × 3 = 9. The picture shows the first four square
A square number is numbers that the Pythagoreans found: 1, 4, 9, and 16. How can you
the product of the determine the next square number?
same two numbers.
3 x 3 = 9, so 9 is a
square number.
A square number is Pythagoras (about 580–500 B.C.E.) was the leader of a group of academics called
also known as a the Pythagoreans. They believed that patterns in whole numbers could help
perfect square. A explain the universe.
number that is not
a perfect square is
called a non-perfect

How can you identify a perfect square?

• square tiles 1. Use square tiles to make Length Width
five rectangles with the (cm) (cm)
dimensions shown. 5 3
What is the area of 8 2
each rectangle? 9 1
4 3
9 4

80 NEL • Chapter 3
2. Try to rearrange the tiles in each
rectangle to make a square.
a) Which rectangles can you
make into squares?
b) What is the side length of
each square?
c) How is the area of each
square related to its
side length?

3. a) Choose three perfect Literacy Link

squares and three Prime Numbers and
non-perfect squares. Prime Factors
A prime number is
b) Express each number
a whole number
as a product of prime greater than 1 that
factors. has only two factors:
1 and itself.
c) For each number,
how many times does Prime factors are
factors that are prime
each prime factor
appear? Compare
your results with a For example, the
prime factors of 10
partner’s results. are 2 and 5.

4. a) What do all of the perfect squares have in common?

b) What do all of the non-perfect squares have in common?

Reflect on Your Findings

5. a) How can square tiles help you to determine if a number is a
perfect square?
b) How can prime factors help you to determine if a number is
a perfect square?

3.1 Squares and Square Roots • NEL 81

Example 1: Identify Perfect Squares
prime factorization a) Determine the prime factorization of the following
• a number written as numbers: 24, 36, 81.
the product of its b) Which of the numbers is a perfect square ? Explain. Different factor
prime factors trees are
c) For each number that is a perfect square, draw the
• the prime factorization possible to arrive
square and label its side length. at the same
of 6 is 2 × 3
perfect square Solution
• a number that is the a) 24 36 81
product of the same
two factors 4 6 4 9 9 9
• has only an even
number of prime 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
factors 24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 81 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3
• 5 × 5 = 25, so 25 is a
perfect square
b) To be a perfect square, each prime factor in the prime factorization
5 must occur an even number of times. 36 and 81 are perfect squares
because each prime factor occurs an even number of times.
5 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 two factors of 2, two factors of 3
81 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 four factors of 3

24 is not a perfect square because at least one of the prime factors

occurs an odd number of times.
24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 three factors of 2, one factor of 3

c) To determine the side length of the squares, look at the product of

prime factors for the area.
36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 81 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3
Rearrange the prime factors into two equal groups.
36 = 2 × 3 × 2 × 3
36 = 6 × 6
81 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 6
81 = 9 × 9 9

Write the prime factorization of each number. Which number is not

a perfect square? Explain how you know.
a) 45 b) 100

82 NEL • Chapter 3
Example 2: Determine the Square of a Number
Determine the area of a square picture with a side length of 13 cm.


A = s2 13 cm
A = 132
Draw a Diagram
A = 13 × 13
A = 169 13 cm
The area is 169 cm2.
area of a square = side length × side length
A=s×s Literacy Link
A = s2
You can write
a repeated
like 13 × 13
Determine the area of a square with a side length of 16 mm. as a square:
13 × 13 = 132.
132 is read as
thirteen squared.
Example 3: Determine the Square Root of a Perfect Square
Edgar knows that the square case for his computer
game has an area of 144 cm2. What is the side length
of the case?
144 cm2

Method 1: Use Inspection
To find the side length, determine what positive number square root
when multiplied by itself equals 144. • a number that when
12 × 12 = 144 ____ multiplied by itself
The square root of 144 is 12, or √144 = 12. equals a given value
The side length is 12 cm. • 6 is the square root of
36 because 6 × 6 = 36
Method 2: Use Guess and Check
Find the positive value for the blank boxes. Literacy Link
 ×  = 144 Reading Square
10 × 10 = 100 Too low
The symbol for __
13 × 13 = 169 Too high root is √ .
square __
12 × 12 = 144____ Correct! √
Read 9 as the
12 = √144 square root of 9,
The side length is 12 cm. square root 9, or
root 9.

3.1 Squares and Square Roots • NEL 83

Method 3: Use Prime Factorization
2 72
2 8 9
2 2 4 3 3
2 2 2 2 3 3
You can use a The prime factorization of 144 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3.
calculator to find
the square root of Rearrange the prime factors into two equal groups.
a number. Try the
following key 144 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 2 × 2 × 3
sequences on your
calculator. Then,
= 12 × 12
record the one that √144 = 12
works on your The side length is 12 cm.
C 144 √⎯ =
C √⎯ 144 = Determine the side length of a square with an area of 196 cm2.

• The square of a number is the number multiplied by itself.

5 × 5 = 25, or 52 = 25
• The square of a whole number is a perfect square. 22 = 4
So, 4 is a perfect square.
• The square of a number can be thought of as the area of a square.
42 = 16
The area is 16 cm2. A = 16 cm2 4 cm
• The square root of a number can be thought of as the side length
a square.
√16 = 4
The side length is 4 cm.
• The square root of a value is a number that when multiplied by itself
equals the value. ___
6 × 6 = 36, so √36 = 6
• In the prime factorization of a perfect square, there is an even
number of each prime factor.
36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 two factors of 2, two factors of 3

84 NEL • Chapter 3
1. Explain how to square the number 7.

2. How would you use prime

factorization to determine the square
root of 225? Compare your answer
with a classmate’s.

3. The factors of 36 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 36. Use words and/or
diagrams to explain how you know which factor is the square root of 36.

4. Explain how squaring a number is the reverse of finding the square

root of a number. Include an example with your explanation.

For help with #5 to #8, refer to Example 1 on For help with #9 to #12, refer to Example 2 on
page 82. page 83.
5. a) Determine the prime factorization of 4. 9. What is the area of a square with each
b) Is 4 a perfect square? Explain. side length?
c) Draw the square and label its side a) 10 b) 16
10. Determine the area of a square with each
6. A rectangle has an area of 64 m . 2 side length.
a) Determine the prime factorization a) 20 b) 17
of 64.
11. What is the square of each number?
b) Is 64 a perfect square? Explain.
a) 9 b) 11
c) Draw a square with that area and label
its side length.
12. Determine the square of each number.
7. Write the prime factorization of each a) 3 b) 18
number. Identify the perfect squares.
a) 42 b) 169 c) 256 For help with #13 to #16, refer to Example 3 on
pages 83–84.
8. Determine the prime factorization of each 13. What is the side length
number. Which numbers are perfect of the square shown? 49 mm2
a) 144 b) 60 c) 40

3.1 Squares and Square Roots • NEL 85

14. Determine the side length of a square with 21. Kate is going to put a patio in her
an area of 900 cm2. backyard. The patio stones she is using
each have an area of 1 m2. She has created
15. Evaluate. the rectangular design shown.
___ ___ ____
a) √49 b) √64 c) √625
16. Determine the value.
__ ___ _____
a) √9 b) √25 c) √1600 14 m
a) What is the area of the patio?
b) What are the dimensions of another
rectangular patio she could build
with the same area?
17. A fridge magnet has an area of 54 mm2. c) Kate decides to make a patio with the
Is 54 a perfect square? Use prime same area but she wants it to be a square
factorization to find the answer. with whole number side lengths. Is this
possible? Explain your reasoning.
18. A floor mat for
gymnastics is a square 22. The world’s largest city square is
with a side length of Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China.
14 m. What is the It has an area of 396 900 m2.
area of the floor mat
in square metres?

19. The gym teacher told the students to

run twice around the perimeter of the
school field. The area of the square field
is 28 900 m2. What distance did the
students run?
a) What are the dimensions of the square?
20. Adam’s uncle has instructions for building b) If the square had dimensions of 629 m
a shed. One page of the instructions, by 629 m, what would be the area?
shown below, is not very clear. c) If the square had an area less than
394 000 m2 and greater than
9m 386 000 m2, what are all of the
possible whole number dimensions
4m that it could have?

area of rectangle = area of square 23. A helicopter landing pad has a square
shape. The area is 400 m2. Use prime
a) What is the area of the rectangle? factorization to find the side length of
b) What is the side length of the square? the pad.

86 NEL • Chapter 3
d) How many times as large as the original
side length is the enlarged side length?
24. The first three triangular numbers are e) Use what you know about the square

1 3 6
root of a perfect square to identify the
relationship between the numbers in
parts c) and d).

26. a) Determine which of the following

a) What are the next three triangular numbers are perfect squares: 10, 100,
numbers? 1000, 10 000, 100 000.
b) Add together any two consecutive b) State the square root of each perfect
triangular numbers. What do you square.
notice about the sums? c) Choose one of the numbers that is not a
perfect square. Explain how you know
25. A square digital photo on the computer that it is not a perfect square.
has an area of 144 cm2. d) Describe a quick method for determining
a) What is the side length of the photo? mentally if the numbers are perfect squares.
b) The photo is enlarged so that the side e) Use your method in part d) to decide
length is now 36 cm. What is the area if 1 000 000 000 is a perfect square.
of the enlarged photo?
c) How many times as large as the original 27. a) Determine the square root of
area is the enlarged area? each number: 6400, 640 000,
64 000 000.
b) Describe a quick method for
Imagine your dog is 80 cm tall and your cat is 40 cm tall.
determining mentally the square root
How many times as tall as your cat is your dog?
What operation did you perform? of each number in part a).
c) Explain why this method
____does not
work for evaluating √640 .
d) Use your method in part b) to evaluate
√640 000 000 000 . Explain how you
determined the answer.

Chess is played on a square board. The board is made
up of 32 white squares and 32 dark squares.
42 cm

You decide to make your own chessboard. You are going to cut the board
out of the 42 cm x 50 cm piece of wood shown. 50 cm

Each square on the board will have whole number side lengths. The chess pieces fit on squares that
are no smaller than 9 cm2. What are all of the possible dimensions that your board could have?

3.1 Squares and Square Roots • NEL 87

Exploring the Pythagorean
Focus on…
After this lesson, you
will be able to...
φ model the
φ describe how the
applies to right

Right triangles are found in art, construction, and many other objects.
The sail for this sailboat is a right triangle. What makes this shape so
special? You will explore some important properties of right triangles
in this lesson.

What is a relationship that applies to right triangles?

• centimetre grid
paper 1. From a piece of centimetre grid paper, cut out three squares with
• scissors the following dimensions:
• transparent tape 6 cm × 6 cm 8 cm × 8 cm 10 cm × 10 cm
• protractor
2. Arrange the squares to form
Triangle 1 as shown. Tape the
squares onto a sheet of paper.
Label Triangle 1.
c b
The length of side a is
6 cm, side b is 8 cm,
and side c is 10 cm.

88 NEL • Chapter 3
3. Copy the table below into your notebook.
Side Angle Area of Right Literacy Link
Length Opposite the Square Triangle? Right Triangle
Side (cm) Side (°) (cm2) (yes/no) A right triangle has a
a 6 37 right angle (90°). The
right angle may be
Triangle 1 b 8
marked with a small
c 10 square.
a 5 The two shorter sides
that form the right
Triangle 2 b 7 angle are called the
c 10 legs. The longest side
a 5 25 is called the
hypotenuse .
Triangle 3 b 144
c 169

4. Measure the angle opposite each side of Triangle 1 with a protractor.


angle opposite side c

angle opposite side b a
• the longest side of a
right triangle
b • the side opposite the
right angle

angle opposite side a

5. In your table, record the angle measures to the nearest degree.

6. Complete the rest of the table for Triangle 1.

7. Repeat the above steps for Triangles 2 and 3 in the table.

Reflect on Your Findings

8. a) Which triangles are right triangles? How do you know?
b) For each right triangle, write an addition statement showing
the relationship between the areas of the three squares.
c) For each right triangle, describe in words the relationship
between the side lengths of the triangle.

3.2 Exploring the Pythagorean Relationship • NEL 89

Example 1: Describe Relationships in Right Triangles
a) What is the area of each square?
b) Which side is the hypotenuse of
the triangle?
c) Write an addition statement showing
r = 5 cm
the relationship between the areas of p = 3 cm
the three squares.
d) Describe, using words and symbols, q = 4 cm
the relationship between the side
lengths of the triangle.

a) p = 3 cm q = 4 cm r = 5 cm
A = 32 A = 42 A = 52
A=9 A = 16 A = 25
The area is 9 cm2. The area is 16 cm2. The area is 25 cm2.

This relationship is called the b) Side r is the hypotenuse.

Pythagorean relationship .
c) 9 + 16 = 25

d) The sum of the areas of the squares attached to legs p and q equals
the area of the square attached to hypotenuse r.
For a right triangle with legs p and q and hypotenuse r, p2 + q2 = r2.
• the relationship
between the lengths The sides of a right triangle are 9 cm, 12 cm, and 15 cm.
of the sides of a right
triangle a) Sketch a picture of the triangle. Draw a square on each side
• The sum of the areas of the triangle.
of the squares b) What is the area of each square?
attached to the legs of
a right triangle equals c) Write an addition statement using the areas of the three squares.
the area of the square
attached to the

a2 Example 2: Identify a Right Triangle

A triangle has side lengths of 5 cm, 7 cm, and 9 cm.
c2 a) What are the areas of the three squares that can be drawn
on the sides of the triangle?
b) Is the triangle a right triangle? Explain your answer.
a2 + b2 = c2

90 NEL • Chapter 3
Web Link
a) 5 × 5 = 25 7 × 7 = 49 9 × 9 = 81
To learn more about
the Pythagorean The area is 25 cm2. The area is 49 cm2. The area is 81 cm2.
relationship, go to b) Calculate the sum of the areas of the two smaller squares.
and follow the links. 25 + 49 = 74
The sum of the areas is 74 cm2. The sum does not equal the
Literacy Link area of the large square. 74 cm2 ≠ 81 cm2
The symbol ≠ means The triangle is not a right triangle.
“is not equal to.”

A triangle has side lengths of 12 cm, 16 cm, and 20 cm.

a) What are the areas of the three squares that can be drawn
on the sides of the triangle?
b) Is the triangle a right triangle? Explain.

• In a right triangle, the sum of the areas

of the squares attached to the legs equals s2
the area of the square attached to the
• The Pythagorean relationship states that t2
in a right triangle with sides s, t, and v, v2
where side v is the hypotenuse,
v2 = s2 + t2
v2 = s2 + t2.

1. Describe, using words and symbols,

the relationship among the areas of
the three squares shown. 225 cm2

289 cm2
2. A triangle has side lengths of 7 cm,
11 cm, and 15 cm. Explain how you
64 cm2
can determine whether or not it is a
right triangle.
3. For the triangle shown, Kendra wrote r
the Pythagorean relationship as
r2 = p2 + q2. Is she correct? Explain. q

3.2 Exploring the Pythagorean Relationship • NEL 91

7. The sides of a right triangle measure 9 cm,
12 cm, and 15 cm.
For help with #4 to #7, refer to Example 1 on a) What is the area of each square
page 90. attached to the three sides of the
right triangle?
4. What are the areas
b) Write an addition statement showing
of the three squares
the relationship between the areas of
the three squares.
g = 50 mm
c) Describe, using words and symbols,
e = 30 mm the relationship between the side
lengths of each square.
f = 40 mm
For help with #8 to #11, refer to Example 2 on
pages 90–91.
8. Is the triangle shown a right triangle?
Explain your reasoning.
5. A right triangle has side lengths of 40 mm,
75 mm, and 85 mm. 40 cm2
a) Sketch the triangle. Draw a square on
each side of the triangle. 50 cm2 ?
b) What are the areas of the three squares?
20 cm2
c) Write an addition statement with the
areas of the three squares.
9. a) Calculate the areas of the three squares.
6. a) Write an addition statement using the
areas of these three squares.

25 cm2 4 cm
3 cm
2 cm

144 cm2
169 cm2 b) Is this triangle a right triangle? Explain.

10. A triangle has side lengths of 120 mm,

160 mm, and 200 mm. Is the triangle a
right triangle? Explain your reasoning.
b) What is the side length of each square?
c) Describe, using words and symbols, the 11. The side lengths of a triangle are 5 cm,
relationship between the side lengths of 6 cm, and 8 cm. Determine whether the
each square. triangle is a right triangle. Explain.

92 NEL • Chapter 3
13. A small triangular flower bed has a square
stepping stone at each of its sides. Is the
12. Use the Pythagorean relationship to find flower bed in the shape of a right triangle?
the unknown area of each square. Explain your reasoning.

cm2 9800 cm2

20 cm2 4800 cm2

32 cm2 4800 cm2

14. Show whether each triangle in the table
576 mm2
is a right triangle.
Triangle Side Lengths (cm)
A 9, 12, 15
B 7, 8, 11
mm2 C 7, 24, 25
D 16, 30, 34
E 10, 11, 14
15. Construction workers have begun to dig
a hole for a swimming pool. They want
cm2 to check that the angle they have dug is
90°. They measure the diagonal as shown
to be 9.5 m. Is the angle 90°? Explain
90 cm2
your reasoning.
25 cm2 8m


16. Baldeep is building a wooden box for
12 cm2 storing coloured pencils. The box will have
rectangular sides that are 12 cm wide and
20 cm long. Show how Baldeep can be sure
12 cm2 the sides are rectangular, without using
a protractor.

3.2 Exploring the Pythagorean Relationship • NEL 93

17. What is the area of the square that can 20. A right triangle has sides of 3 cm, 4 cm,
be drawn on side c of each triangle? and 5 cm. Attached to each side is a
a) b) semi-circle instead of a square. Describe
c 5 mm the relationship between the areas of the
21 cm
12 mm semi-circles.

28 cm
Literacy Link
area of a circle = π  r 2

18. The diagram is made of two right triangles

and five squares.
21. An example of a
12 m2 Pythagorean triple A Pythagorean triple
is 3, 4, 5. consists of three
a) Multiply each whole numbers that
Y X form the sides of a
24 m2 number by 2. right triangle. For
Show whether example, 3, 4, 5 make
4 m2 the resulting three a Pythagorean triple
because 32 + 42 = 52..
numbers form a
a) What is the area of square X? Pythagorean triple.
b) What is the area of square Y? b) Multiply each number in the triple
3, 4, 5 by a natural number other
19. A right triangle has a square attached to than 2. Show whether the results
each side. Two of the squares have areas form a Pythagorean triple.
of 10 cm2 and 15 cm2. What are possible c) Is there any natural number that does
areas for the third square? Draw a sketch not make a Pythagorean triple when
for each solution. 3, 4, 5 are multiplied by it? Explain.

Identify the right triangle and three squares that complete this Pythagorean puzzle.
6 cm
#3 #7
4 cm #5 #8
41 cm2 C
5 cm 25 cm2
6 cm
5 cm
#6 5 cm
#1 5 cm B #9
6 cm 62 cm2
50 cm2 5 cm #4
4 cm #10
16 cm2

94 NEL • Chapter 3
Estimating Square Roots

Focus on…
After this lesson, you
will be able to...
φ estimate the
square root of a
number that is not
a perfect square
φ identify a number The picture shows three tatami mats that are used in judo. Can
with a square root you think of a way to estimate the side length of the middle mat?
that is between
two given

How do you estimate a square root?

1. What is a reasonable estimate for the area of the middle mat
in the picture?

2. What are the side lengths of the smallest and largest mats?
Explain how you calculated these dimensions.

3. The number line below shows square roots of perfect squares.

Copy the number line into your notebook. Complete the boxes.

√1 √4 √9 √ √25 √36 √ √64 √

0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9

4. Use the number line to estimate the side length for the middle mat.
Give your answer to one decimal place.

Reflect on Your Findings

5. a) Compare your estimate of the side length of the middle mat
with a classmate’s.
b) Using a calculator, determine the square root of your estimate
in #1. Give your answer to the nearest tenth. Compare this
approximation to your estimate for the side length.
c) Explain how you can use perfect squares to estimate a square root.

3.3 Estimating Square Roots • NEL 95

Example 1: Estimate the Square Root of a Number
Felicity wants to know if a wading pool will fit in a small space in
her yard. She must estimate the side length of the square wading
pool, which has an area of 7 m2.

a) What is a reasonable estimate for the side length of the pool? Use
perfect squares to estimate. Give your answer to one decimal place.
b) Use a calculator to approximate the side length of the pool, to the
nearest tenth of a metre. Compare your estimate in part a) with the
calculator’s approximate answer.

a) The side length of the pool is the square root of 7. Strategies
Estimate and Check
The perfect squares on either side of 7 are 4 and 9.
Since 7 is closer to 9, the square root of 7 is closer
to the square root of 9.
√4 √7 √9

2 2.5 3
9 =3
√7 will be a bit less than 3.
A reasonable estimate is 2.7 m. This value is an approximation.
The decimal portion of the exact answer
b) Approximate the square root of 7. continues forever. The calculator can
display only ten digits.
C 7 √⎯ 2.645751311 The square of the approximation shows
The answer to the nearest tenth that it is not an exact answer:
of a metre is 2.6 m. 2.6457513112 = 6.999999999658218721
This answer is very close to the
estimate of 2.7 m.

For each of the following, use perfect squares to estimate the square
root to one decimal place. Check your answer with a calculator.
___ ___ ___
a) √18 b) √23 c) √35

96 NEL • Chapter 3
Example 2: Identify a Number With a Square Root Between
Two Numbers
a) What is a whole number that has a square root between 6 and 7?
b) How many whole numbers can you find that have a square root
between 6 and 7? Show your work.

a) Determine the square of 6.
62 = 36
Determine the square of 7.
72 = 49
Draw a number line.
√36 √ √49

6 7

Find a value for  on the number line. Strategies

Choose any whole number between 36 and 49. Estimate and Check
___ possible whole number is 40.
√40 will have a value between 6 and 7.

C 40 √⎯ 6.32455532
6.32455532 is between 6 and 7.
40 is a possible answer.

b) The possible answers are all of the whole numbers larger than
36 and smaller than 49:
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48
There are 12 whole numbers that have square roots between 6 and 7.

Identify a whole number with a square root between 8 and 9.

b) How many whole numbers can you find that have a square root
between 8 and 9? Show your work.

3.3 Estimating Square Roots • NEL 97

• To estimate the square root of a whole number that is not a
perfect square,
locate the perfect squares on either side of the number
calculate the square roots of these two perfect squares
estimate based on the position between the two perfect squares
example, estimate the square root of 17: √16 √17 √25
√17 ≈ 4.1 4 4.5 5
• To identify a whole number that has a square root between
two given numbers,
determine the perfect squares of the two consecutive whole numbers
choose a whole number between the two perfect squares
For example, identify a whole number that has a square root
between 5 and 6: √25 √ √36
= 25 62 = 36 5 6
√30 will have a value between 5 and 6.
• When using a calculator to find the square root of a natural number
that is not a perfect square, the value shown on the calculator is only
an approximation.
C 8 √⎯ 2.828427125

1. Explain how to estimate √28 to one decimal place
without using a calculator. Compare your answer
with a classmate’s.

2. Find a whole number that has a square root

between 3 and 4. Explain how you found it.

3. Jason is doing his math homework. He has to find

the square root of 10. He presses √⎯ 10 on his
calculator and the screen displays 3.16227766.
However, when 3.16227766 is multiplied by itself,
the answer is not 10. Explain.

98 NEL • Chapter 3
11. The square has an area of 20 cm2.

For help with #4 to #5, refer to Example 1 on

page 96.
4. Estimate the square root of each number, 20 cm2
to one decimal place. Check with a
a) 72 b) 103 c) 55

5. Estimate each value, to one decimal

place. Check your answer with a a) Use perfect squares to estimate the side
calculator. length to one decimal place.
___ ___ ____
a) √14 b) √86 c) √136 b) Check your answer using a ruler to
measure the side of the square. Measure
For help with #6 to #9, refer to Example 2 on
to the nearest tenth of a centimetre.
page 97.
12. While shopping online, Ji Hun finds
6. What is an example of a whole number a square rug with an area of 11 m2.
that has a square root between 9 and 10? He needs to know if it will fit in his
4 m × 5 m bedroom.
7. Identify a whole number with a square a) Estimate the side length of the rug,
root between 11 and 12. to one decimal place.
b) Check your estimate with a calculator.
8. Identify all possible whole numbers with a
c) Will the rug fit? Explain.
square root larger than 2 and smaller than 3.

9. What are all possible whole numbers that 13. Stella is planning an outdoor wedding. She
have a square root between 4 and 5? would like a square dance floor with an
area of 115 m2.
a) Determine the side length of the dance
floor, to the nearest tenth of a metre.
10. Kai uses an entire can of paint b) Stella finds out that the dance floor will
on a square backdrop for the be made up of floorboards that each
school play. The label on the measure 1 m2. What are the two side
can states that one can covers lengths the dance floor can have that
27 m2 of wall surface. Estimate are closest to what she wants?
the backdrop’s side length, to c) What are the two square areas for the
one decimal place. dance floor that Stella can choose from?
d) Which area will Stella choose? Explain.

3.3 Estimating Square Roots • NEL 99

14. Alex is thinking of a number. 17. Carmel wants to mount an 18 cm × 18 cm
square picture on a square board that is
four times the area of the picture.
a) What is the area of the picture?
b) What is the area of the board?
c) What are the dimensions of the board?

a) What number could he be thinking of? __

18. a) Evaluate √9 .
b) Is there more than one answer? Explain.
b) Estimate the square root of your answer
Order the following in part a), to one decimal place.
15. ___ numbers
___ from least
to greatest: 7, 46 , 5.8, 27 , 6.3.
√ √ c) Use a calculator to check your estimate.
Express your answer to the nearest
16. A fitness centre will install a square hot hundredth.
tub in a 6 m × 6 m room. They want the d) How close is your estimate in part b)
tub to fill no more than 75% of the to your calculation in part c)?
room’s area. ________
a) What is the maximum area of the 19. Estimate √160 100 . Explain how you
hot tub? determined your estimate.
b) What dimensions, to a tenth of a metre,
will the fitness centre order from the 20. What is the smallest natural
____number value
manufacturer? Explain. for n if the solution for √56n is also a
natural number?

21. Determine two numbers that have a

square root between 326 and 327, are
divisible by 100, and are a multiple of 6.

You have created a mini peg board game
called Mind Buster. The square game board
Box A 11.3 cm Box B 11.3 c m
has a base area of 134 cm2. You go to the
store to get a box for storing the game. You
find five boxes with the base dimensions 11.3 cm 11.9 cm
a) Identify which boxes can store the game Box C 11.7 cm Box D 11.7 cm Box E 11.9 cm
board. Explain.
b) Which box would you choose? Why?
11.4 cm 11.6 cm 11.9 cm

100 NEL • Chapter 3

Using the Pythagorean
Focus on…
After this lesson, you
will be able to...
φ use the
relationship to
determine the
missing side
length of a right
27 m

A baseball diamond is a square. How could you determine the distance

from second base to home plate? How many different strategies can
you develop?

How do you determine the missing side length of a

• centimetre grid right triangle?
• ruler 1. On centimetre grid paper, draw a right triangle.

2. Describe two methods for finding the length of the hypotenuse

of a right triangle.

Reflect on Your Findings

3. a) Describe a situation in which one method would be better to
use than another.
b) Work with a partner to determine the distance from second base
to home plate on a baseball diamond. Share your solution with
another pair of classmates.

3.4 Using the Pythagorean Relationship • NEL 101

Example 1: Determine the Length of the Hypotenuse of a
Right Triangle
Determine the length of hypotenuse c. Express
your answer to the nearest tenth of a metre. c

Solution b = 10 m

Strategies Use the Pythagorean relationship, c2 = a2 + b2, where the length

Solve an Equation of the hypotenuse is c, and the lengths of the legs are a and b.
c2 = 72 + 102
c2 = 49 + 100
Strategies c2 = 149
What other method(s) c = √149
could you use to c ≈ 12.2
solve this problem?
The length of the hypotenuse is approximately 12.2 m.

Determine the length of the hypotenuse for h

f = 6 cm
the right triangle, to the nearest centimetre.
g = 10 cm

Example 2: Determine the Length of a Leg of a Right Triangle

What is the length of leg e of the f = 41 mm
right triangle? d = 9 mm
Strategies Use the Pythagorean relationship, d 2 + e 2 = f 2, where the length
Solve an Equation of the hypotenuse is f, and the lengths of the legs are d and e.
92 + e2 = 412
81 + e2 = 1681 Why do you
81 + e2 - 81 = 1681 - 81 subtract 81?
e2 = 1600
e = √1600
e = 40
The length of the leg is 40 mm.

Determine the length of leg s of the t = 52 cm

right triangle. r = 20 cm

102 NEL • Chapter 3

• The Pythagorean relationship can be used to determine the length of the
hypotenuse of a right triangle when the lengths of the two legs are known.
c2 = a2 + b2
c2 = 32 + 42
c2 = 9 + 16 c
a = 3 cm
c2 = 25___
c = √25
b = 4 cm
The length of hypotenuse c is 5 cm.
• The Pythagorean relationship can be used to determine the leg length of a right
triangle when the lengths of the hypotenuse and the other leg are known.
p2 + q2 = r2
p2 + 122 = 152
p2 + 144 = 225 r = 15 m
p2 + 144 - 144 = 225 - 144 p
p2 = 81___
p = √81
p=9 q = 12 m

The length of leg p is 9 m.

1. Jack must determine the missing side

length of a triangle. He decides to draw
it and then measure it, as shown. Do
you agree with the method that Jack is
using? Explain.

2. Kira calculated the missing side length of the right triangle.

y2 = 52 + 132
y2 = 25 + 169 x = 13 cm
w = 5 cm
y2 = 194
y ≈ 13.9 y
The length of side y is approximately 13.9 cm.
Is Kira correct? If she is correct, explain how you know. If she is incorrect,
explain the correct method.

3.4 Using the Pythagorean Relationship • NEL 103

7. What is the missing length of the leg for
each triangle? Give your answer to the
nearest tenth of a millimetre.
For help with #3 and #4, refer to Example 1 on
page 102. q = 11 mm
a) h i = 9 mm b)
3. Determine the length of each hypotenuse. p
a) b) r = 15 mm
c a = 12 cm r
p = 16 m g = 5 mm

b = 16 cm q = 30 m

4. What is the length of each hypotenuse?

Give your answer to the nearest tenth of 8. The side view of a
50 cm
a centimetre. ramp at a grocery 200 cm
a) b) store is in the shape of
d a right triangle. Determine the length
z b = 8 cm of the ramp, to the nearest centimetre.
y = 7 cm
c = 11 cm
9. Tina wants to construct a path along the
x = 6 cm diagonal of her yard. What length will
5. a) What is the area of each square attached the path be? Express your answer to the
to the legs of the right triangle? nearest tenth of a metre.

6 cm diagonal 6m

8 cm
12 m

10. What is the minimum distance the player

at third base has to throw the ball to get
the runner out at first base? Express your
b) What is the area of the square attached
answer to the nearest tenth of a metre.
to the hypotenuse?
c) What is the length of the hypotenuse?

For help with #6 and #7, refer to Example 2 on

page 102. second base
first base
6. Determine the length of the leg for each
right triangle.
a) c = 25 cm b) t = 26 cm
third base 27 m
a = 7 cm r home plate
s = 24 cm

104 NEL • Chapter 3

11. The right triangle below has a square 14. What are the
attached to its hypotenuse. What is the lengths of b and c
perimeter of the triangle? Give your c? Write your b
answer to the nearest tenth of a centimetre. answer to the
nearest tenth of 3m 3m
a metre where
914 cm2

17 cm

15. The coordinate grid shown was drawn on

12. The hypotenuse of the triangle cuts the centimetre grid paper. What is the length
circle in half. What is the diameter of the of line segment AB? Express your answer
circle? Express your answer to the nearest to the nearest tenth of a centimetre.
tenth of a centimetre. y

7 cm 2
5 cm
0 2 4 6 x

13. Determine the length of the base of the

large triangle. Express your answer to the 16. What is the length of the red diagonal
nearest tenth of a millimetre. in the box? Express your answer to the
nearest tenth of a millimetre.

10 mm 10 mm
8 mm
5 mm
7 mm
12 mm

5 cm
For each of the following questions, express your answer to the
nearest tenth of a centimetre. C

a) What is the distance between A and B? Explain.

b) If you have to follow the lines on the game board, what is the
shortest distance between C and D? B
c) If you do not have to follow the lines on the game board, what is
the shortest distance between C and D? Justify your answer.
3.4 Using the Pythagorean Relationship • NEL 105
Applying the Pythagorean
A ship leaves the Pacific coast of British Columbia
Focus on… and travels west for 10 km. Then, it turns and
travels north. When the ship is 25 km from its
After this lesson, 25 km
starting point, how could you use the Pythagorean
you will be able to...
relationship to determine the distance the ship
φ apply the travelled north?
Pythagorean starting
10 km
relationship to point
solve problems
φ determine
between objects How can you determine a distance using the Pythagorean
The diagram shows Sam’s trip to school.
1. a) Work with a partner Sam’s house
to determine how far
Geography Link his house is from the
North, south, east,
and west are b) Share your answer
400 m
directions. On a with your classmates.
compass, they are
Is there more than
called the cardinal
points. one possible answer?
600 m school

2. a) What do you think the expression “as the crow flies” means?
b) How much farther does Sam travel than the crow? Show your

Reflect on Your Findings

3. Why is the path that the crow takes from Sam’s house to the school
difficult to measure directly?

106 NEL • Chapter 3

Example 1: Determine Distances With Right Triangles
a) Anthony and Shalima are canoeing on a lake
in Saskatchewan. There are two boat ramps
on the lake. How far is it by canoe between boat ramp A
the boat ramps?
1500 m
b) How much farther is it for someone to travel
by road from ramp A to ramp B than to canoe
between the two ramps?
800 m

boat ramp B
a) The two roads leading from the boat ramps
make the legs of a right triangle. The distance
by canoe is the hypotenuse.
Let d represent the distance by canoe. Strategies
Use the Pythagorean relationship. Solve an Equation
d 2 = 15002 + 8002
d 2 = 2 250 000 + 640 000 Strategies
d 2 = 2 _________
890 000 What other method
d = √2 890 000 could you use to
d = 1700 solve this problem?
The distance by canoe is 1700 m.

b) Determine the total distance by road between the boat ramps.

1500 + 800 = 2300
The total distance by road is 2300 m.
Determine the difference between the two distances.
2300 - 1700 = 600
It is 600 m farther to travel by road than by canoe between
the boat ramps.

Refer to the opening paragraph and picture on page 106. A ship

leaves the Pacific coast of British Columbia and travels west for
10 km. Then, it turns and travels north. If the boat is 25 km from
its starting point, what distance did it travel north? Give your
answer to the nearest tenth of a kilometre.

3.5 Applying the Pythagorean Relationship • NEL 107

Example 2: Verify a Right Angle Triangle
Danelle is trying to install a
corner shelf in her bedroom.
Since the shelf does not fit
properly, she thinks the two walls
in her bedroom do not meet at a
right angle. She measures a length
of 30 cm along the base of each
wall away from the corner. Then,
she measures the hypotenuse to
be 41 cm. Do the walls meet at a
right angle? Explain.


Draw a Diagram 41 cm
30 cm
Strategies 30 cm
What other method
could you use to
solve this problem?
Use the Pythagorean relationship to determine whether the triangle
is a right triangle.
Determine whether the sum of the areas of the two smaller squares
equals the area of the large square.
Left Side: Right Side:
302 + 302 = 900 + 900 412 = 1681
= 1800 The area of the large square is
The sum of the areas of the 1681 cm2.
two smaller squares is 1800 cm2.

1800 cm2 ≠ 1681 cm2

The triangle is not a right triangle. The walls do not meet at a right angle.

A construction company is digging a rectangular foundation with a

width of 17 m and a length of 20 m. To check that a corner is a right
angle, a worker measures the diagonal length, which is 26.25 m. Is the
corner a right angle? Explain.

108 NEL • Chapter 3

• The Pythagorean relationship can be used to determine distances
that might be difficult or impossible to measure.
d 2 = 5002 + 12002
d 2 = 250 000 + 1 440 000 d
2 500 m
d = 1 _________
690 000
d = √1 690 000 1200 m
d = 1300
The hypotenuse is 1300 m.

• The Pythagorean relationship can be used to show if a triangle

is a right triangle.
Left Side: Right Side:
2 2
6 + 8 = 36 + 64 102 = 100
= 100 The area of the large 10 cm
6 cm
The sum of the areas of the two square is 100 cm2. ?
8 cm
smaller squares is 100 cm2.
100 cm2 = 100 cm2
The triangle is a right triangle.

1. Use an example from real life to explain how you can apply
the Pythagorean relationship to calculate distance.

2. Ilana used the following method to determine whether the

diagram shows a right triangle.
61 cm
Left Side: Right Side: 11 cm
The large square is 61 cm. 11 + 60 = 71
60 cm
The two smaller squares are 71 cm.
61 cm ≠ 71 cm
The triangle is not a right triangle.

Is Ilana’s method correct? If it is correct, explain how you know.

If it is incorrect, explain the method llana should use.

3.5 Applying the Pythagorean Relationship • NEL 109

For help with #3 and #4, refer to Example 1 on 7. What is the height of 80 cm

page 107. the wheelchair ramp? 79 cm

Give your answer to
3. Walter walks across a rectangular field in a the nearest tenth of a centimetre.
diagonal line. Maria walks around two sides
of the field. They meet at the opposite corner. 8. Shahriar knows that the size of a computer
monitor is based on the length of the
diagonal of the screen. He thinks that the
120 m
diagonal is not as large as the ad says. Is
he correct? Explain.
300 m
a) How far did Maria walk? GREAT DEAL
b) How far did Walter walk? 42-cm monitor
25 cm on sale!
Express your answer to the nearest metre.
c) Who walked farther? By how much? 30 cm

4. Find the height of the pole

guy wire
where the guy wire is
attached, to the nearest 10 m
9. A checkerboard is made of 64 small
tenth of a metre. squares that each have a dimension of
3 cm × 3 cm. The 64 small squares are
arranged in eight rows of eight.
2m a) What is the length of the diagonal of a
small square? Give your answer to the
For help with #5 and #6, refer to Example 2 on
nearest tenth of a centimetre.
page 108
b) What is the total length of the diagonal
5. Martin measured a rectangle and wrote: of the board? Give your answer to the
Width: 9 cm Length: 22 cm Diagonal: 23.8 cm nearest centimetre.
Could these measurements form a
rectangle? Justify your answer. 10. A gymnast requires a
distance of 16 m for
6. You are asked her tumbling routine.
to check the If the gymnast is
design plans 27 m competing on a
for a baseball 12 m × 12 m square
diamond. Is the 37.1 m ? mat, does she have
triangle a right enough room to do
triangle? Explain. 27 m her routine safely?
Explain your answer.

110 NEL • Chapter 3

11. Johan has a 300-cm ladder that he leans 13. A cruise ship travels from Port Cassett
up against a wall. The safety sticker on the north at a speed of 34 km/h for 2.5 h.
side of the ladder shows that the bottom Then it turns 90° and travels west at
must be placed between 70 cm and 30 km/h for 7.3 h. When it reaches Green
110 cm away from the wall. What are the Sea Island, how far is the ship from Port
minimum distance and maximum distance Cassett? Express your answer to the
up the wall that the ladder can reach? nearest kilometre.
Give your answers to the nearest tenth of
a centimetre. Green Sea Island

12. Sarah has a vegetable garden in the shape
of a right triangle. She wants to put
fencing all around it to keep the rabbits Port Cassett
away. 14. The red square has a perimeter of 40 mm
a) What total length of fencing does she and the green square has an area of
need? Give your answer to the nearest 4 mm2. What is the shortest distance
hundredth of a metre. between A and B? Give your answer to
b) If fencing costs $2/m, what will be the the nearest tenth of a millimetre.
total cost of the fencing? B

The diagram shows the rough plans for a board game designed for
a toy manufacturer. The board is composed of a square and four
identical right triangles. Complete the plans by answering the
following questions. Give your answers to the nearest tenth of a
centimetre where appropriate.
a) If the central square has an area of 225 cm2, what is the perimeter
of the game board? Show how you know.
b) The game will be packaged in a box with a square base.
Determine the minimum diagonal length of the base of the box.

3.5 Applying the Pythagorean Relationship • NEL 111

Key Words 3.2 Exploring the Pythagorean
Relationship, pages 88–94
For #1 to #5, write in your notebook the terms from
9. A triangle has squares
the list that complete the sentences below.
on each of its sides.
hypotenuse perfect square
a) Is the triangle a 36 cm2
prime factorization Pythagorean relationship
right triangle? 16 cm2
square root ?
1. The   of 36 is 6. b) What is the length 16 cm2

2. The number 25 is a   because of each of the

it is the product of the same two factors, three sides?
5 × 5 = 25.
10. Is the triangle a w = 36 cm
3. In a right triangle, the longest side is right triangle?
v = 15 cm
known as the . Explain. x = 39 cm

4. If the sides of a right triangle are a, b, and

c, and c is the longest side, the equation 11. The table shows the side lengths of four
c2 = a2 + b2 is known as the  . triangles. Which triangles are right angled?
5. The   of 18 is 2 × 3 × 3. Triangle Side x Side y Side z
A 9 12 15

3.1 Squares and Square Roots, B 5 6 7

pages 80–87 C 12 35 37
6. Determine the square of each number. D 30 000 40 000 50 000

a) 6 b) 11 c) 25
3.3 Estimating Square Roots, pages 95–100
7. Determine each square root.
___ 12. Cliffmount School is creating invitations
a) √49 for its 50th anniversary celebration. There
b) √256 are three possible designs.
c) √100 000 000 Cliffmount
Cliffmount School

Cliffmount School
You are School
You are invited
invited to
You are invited
8. Lisa needs at least 17 m2 to our 50th our 50th
to our 50th
anniversary anniversary
of fabric to make curtains. 4m
Is this square piece of fabric
25 cm2
large enough? Show cm2
36 cm2
your work.
a) What is a possible whole number area
for the middle invitation?

112 NEL • Chapter 3

b) What is the side length of the smallest 15. The coordinate grid shown was drawn
one? the largest one? on centimetre grid paper. Answer the
c) What is an estimate for the side length following questions to the nearest tenth
of the middle invitation? Express your of a centimetre where appropriate.
answer to one decimal place. y
d) With a calculator, use the area in part a) E
to check the side length in part c). Give
your answer to the nearest tenth of a

13. Use the number line to answer the A B

following questions.
−4 −2 0 2 4 6 x

√1 √4 √9 √16 D F
1 2 3 4
a) What is an estimate for √10 ? Give a) What is the length of the hypotenuse
your answer to one decimal place. in ABC? in DEF?
b) Is √6 closer to 2 or 3? Explain. b) What is the perimeter of DEF?
c) A calculator shows that the
approximate square root of a certain
whole number is 3.61. What is a 3.5 Applying the Pythagorean Relationship,
reasonable value for this whole pages 106–111
number? Explain. 16. A 4-m ladder is being used
for a production of Romeo
and Juliet. The bottom of
3.4 Using the Pythagorean Relationship, the ladder will be placed
pages 101–105 1 m from the base of Juliet’s
3.9 m
14. Find the missing side length of house. Will the ladder reach
each triangle. the window? Show your
a) work.

c = 12 m d 17. Yosef wants to buy a 70 cm

70 cm
hutch. It must fit in
the 90° corner of his
b=5m dining room. Yosef
measures as shown.
What should his
w = 15 cm
t = 9 cm measurement be?
Give your answer to
v the nearest tenth of
a centimetre.

Chapter Review • NEL 113

For #1 to #5, choose the best answer. Complete the statements in #6 and #7.
1. Which number is a perfect square? 6. For a right triangle with sides a, b,
A 10 B 20 and c, the Pythagorean relationship is
c2 = a2 + b2. The variable that represents
C 50 D 100
the length of the hypotenuse is .
2. What is the side length of the square in
7. A square has an area of 53 cm2. When
the diagram?
you calculate the side length of the square,
to the nearest tenth, the answer is .

81 mm2 Short Answer

8. The legs of a right triangle measure 3 cm
and 7 cm.
a) Use a calculator to determine the
A 6 mm B 9 mm
approximate length of the hypotenuse,
C 12 mm D 18 mm to the nearest tenth of a centimetre.
b) Explain why the length is an
3. A square has a side length of 7 cm. approximation both before and after
What is the area of the square? you round the answer.
A 14 cm2 B 21 cm2
C 28 cm2 D 49 cm2 9. The rectangular pool at Wild Water
World has a length that measures 15 m
4. A right triangle has squares on each of its and a diagonal that measures 17 m.
sides. What is the area of the blue square? A float line divides the shallow end and
deep end. What is the length of the
6 m2 float line?

22 m2
17 m

A 4 m2 B 14 m2
15 m
C 16 m2 D 28 m2
___ 10. a) Identify a whole number that has its
5. The value of √51 is closest to which square root between 7 and 8.
whole number?
b) How many whole numbers have a
A 7 B 8 square root between 7 and 8? Identify
C 49 D 51 these whole numbers.

114 NEL • Chapter 3

11. Use the Pythagorean relationship to 14. A carpenter’s square is a tool in the shape
determine whether a triangle with sides of a right triangle. Joe thinks there may
of 14 mm, 48 mm, and 50 mm is a right be something wrong with the one he
triangle. Show your work. bought. Determine whether the carpenter’s
square shown is a right triangle. Explain
your reasoning.
12. Josie skated
diagonally across a
rectangular ice rink.
Han is skating along 25 m 18 cm
12 cm
two sides of the rink
and has just reached
the first corner. How 20 m 12 cm
much farther does
he have to skate to meet up with Josie?
15. The prime factorization of 15 876 is
2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 7 × 7.
Extended Response a) How can you use prime factorization
13. Determine the perimeter of ABC. to determine that 15 876 is a perfect
13 cm b) Use a calculator to check that 15 876
5 cm
B is a perfect square. Show your work.
c) Explain how you can calculate √15 876
9 cm using its prime factors.

Create a game of your own. Include squares and right
triangles in the game board. Write rules for your game.
The design of your board or the way you play your
game needs to cover the following concepts:
• calculating the square of a number
• calculating the square root of a perfect square
• estimating the square root of a non-perfect square
• using the Pythagorean relationship to determine
if a triangle is a right triangle
• determining the missing side length of a right
Show how you have covered the concepts.

Practice Test • NEL 115

It’s Prime Time
• 2 dice per pair of
1. Play It’s Prime Time! with a partner. These are the rules: students
• Each player rolls one die to decide who will play first. If there is
a tie, roll again.
• For each turn, roll one die twice. The result of the first roll gives
the first digit of a two-digit number. The result of the second roll
gives the second digit of the number. For example, if you roll a 5
and then a 2, your number is 52.
• Determine the prime factorization of the two-digit number. For
example, the prime factorization of 52 is 2 × 2 × 13.
• Determine the sum of the factors in the prime factorization. This
sum is your score for the turn. For instance, for a roll of 52, your 2 + 2 + 13 = 17
score is 17 points.
• Score zero points for the turn if the two-digit number is a prime
number. For example, if you roll 41, which is a prime number,
your score is zero.
• Score ten bonus points for the turn if the two-digit number is a
perfect square. For instance, if you roll 16, which is a perfect The prime factorization of 16 is
square, your score is 18 points. 2 × 2 × 2 × 2.
• The first player to reach 100 points wins. 2+2+2+2=8
Adding the 10 bonus points
gives a score of 18 points.
2. Play a different version of the game by modifying the rules
as follows:
• For each turn, roll both dice together.
• Record the results in either order to
make the two-digit number. For
example, if you roll a 2 and a 4, you
can choose either 24 or 42 as your
two-digit number.
• Award points and decide the winner
in the same way as before.

116 NEL • Chapter 3

Building a Staircase

Carpenters are well known for their skill in mental math. By studying
the blueprint of a house plan, they are able to build many parts of the
house such as walls, floors, and stairs.

joist length of stringer

total rise


total run

You be the carpenter! Your task is to calculate the length of a stringer

for a staircase. The staircase has five steps. Each step has a rise of 18 cm
and a run of 24 cm.

1. What is the total rise of the staircase?

2. What is the total run of the staircase?

3. Using the Pythagorean relationship, calculate the length of a piece of

wood needed to make the stringer.

4. A retirement residence wants you to build a number of step stools

for its residents. Each step stool should be two steps high. Each step
should have a rise of 13 cm and a run of 26 cm.
a) Design and label a step stool.
b) To the nearest centimetre, calculate the length of stringer needed
for the stool.

Challenge in Real Life • NEL 117


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