Cancer Update

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Cancer Update: New Theories and

Advances in Cancer Treatment

By Prof. Serge Jurasunas, MD(Hom), ND


Research from past decades has established that the p53 tumor suppressor gene protein provides a
major barrier to neoplasic transformation and tumor progression. Its role is not only associated with
controlling cell cycle progression and apoptosis, involving other apoptotic genes, but is implicated in
several functions, including regulation of glycolysis, promoting oxidative phosphorylation, and
repressing overactive telomerase enzymes. Cancer cells first acquire selective advantages by
retaining mutant forms of p53 protein that confer new oncogenic functions that upregulate several
genes that accelerate tumor progression, metastasis, and chemotherapy resistance.

In this article, we also demonstrate the new role of (Wild Type) WT p53 in controlling telomerase
activity since telomerase is overexpressed in most cancers, allowing cancer cells to acquire a stem-
cell-like state (CSCs). These cells can continually renew and become almost immortal. Furthermore,
they are responsible for cancer recurrence and chemo-resistance. New research demonstrates that
mutant p53 cannot repress telomerase enzymatic activity; only WT p53 can. This underscores the
critical role that WT p53 plays in cancer therapy. The idea is to establish a new ratio between p53
and telomerase that offers a better dimension and perspective to understand and treat cancer. Several
natural compounds have demonstrated efficacy to reactivate p53 function and therefore to inhibit
glycolysis and telomerase activity.

Have we explored fully the possibilities, new theories, new ways, new treatments to win the battle
against cancer, or at least, to have a much better result? Probably not! Today in 2020, cancer has
become an epidemic, while in 2005 Andrew Von Eschenbach, director of the NCI, announced there
would be an end to deaths caused by cancer by 2015. Would you have believed such a thing back
then? Some doctors did believe in this prediction. In one article published in the same year, I read the
following: “We are closer than ever to achieving this goal!”

Five years later, this goal continues to be only a dream. Oncology is still in a deadlock since
chemotherapy and radiation have yet to bring significant improvement to cancer patient longevity
over the past 30-35 years. Cancer metastasis is still responsible for 90% of cancer deaths. Besides,
oncologists have absolutely no way to detect cancer recurrence risk or prevent primary tumors,
thought to be contained, from metastasizing. How many times have we seen patients undergoing
chemotherapy develop more metastasis?

A 2012 study published in Natural Medicine strongly suggested that chemotherapy is responsible for
disease recurrence. It is supported by Dr. Laurent Schwartz, a well-known professor of oncology at
Public Hospitals in Paris, who wrote a new book, Cancer: A Simple and Non Toxic Treatment.
According to some of its statements, after chemotherapy loses efficacy there follows an increased
risk of metastasis. This is also supported by oncologists like Dr. Dominique Belpomme, professor of
oncology at Paris-Descartes University, president of the French Association for Research on
Treatment Against Cancer (ARTAC), and author of an important book on cancer, Cure of Cancer
and How to Prevent: A Way to Change our Approach to the Disease. He wrote the following: “Today
chemotherapy offers its maximum efficacy where we cannot expect more future progress since it has
reached its upper limit.Therefore, the need for new modalities and tools for cancer prevention, cancer
recurrence, and treatment with less toxicity, remain the main goal in modern oncology.” 1There is an
urgent need to change the cancer paradigm by searching for new theories and methods to treat cancer
with more efficacy, some of which are newly emerging. These include the theories of cellular
respiration and the Warburg effect as the prime cause of cancer. 2 Cancer as a metabolic disease is
now gaining more interest in the scientific community. More recently, research has shown that the
metabolic profile observed in cancer cells includes mitochondrial dysfunction, increased
consumption of glucose, increased glycolysis, and increased secretion of lactate, while oncogenes
and tumor suppressors have been discovered to have an important role in cancer.

Cancer Cell Resistance

Chemotherapy may kill many cancer cells sensitive to apoptosis; but during the treatment, a small
population can acquire apoptosis resistance by the up-regulation of multiple pro-survival factors such
as loss of p53 gene function and activated inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs). In one study, survivin, an
IAP, increased the activity of the nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κβ), inducing lung metastasis of human
breast cancer in nude mice treated with Paclitaxel, which was inhibited with curcumin. 3

A tumor represents a diverse collection of cancer cells. When cancer is detected, the million (or
billions) of cells that make up the tumor have become differentiated. Some cancer cells are sensitive
to chemotherapy and apoptosis, while others emerging during the late stage of the tumor
development—being actuated by the loss of p53 function as undifferentiated cancer stem cells that
possess the ability to self-renew—become resistant and can usually originate metastasis. This type of
cancer cell harbors mutated p53 that has gained additional oncogenic function, which I will explain
in depth as we continue to address the p53 gene function.

p53 Function
Figure 1: Mechanisms Associated with Cancer Development,
Growth, Motility, Invasion, and Metastasis
The p53 field has been growing at a rapid pace with more than 2,500 articles published since 1989.
However, it’s still poorly understood as an important tool in clinical application. Briefly, the p53
gene is a transcriptional factor, a potential master regulator with a broad range of biological functions
that include primarily blocking cell cycle progression to induce apoptosis, senescence, DNA
metabolism, and angiogenesis.4,5 To activate the apoptosis mechanism, p53 transcriptionally regulates
other apoptotic genes such as Bax while simultaneously suppressing the BcL2 antagonist. 6 It is a
potent anti-apoptotic oncogene that when activated blocks Bax in promoting apoptosis. 7 Both reduced
Bax expression and overexpressed BcL2 are associated with poor response to chemotherapy and
shorter survival of cancer patients.8

Thus, we may better understand the role of WT p53 in the apoptosis process since low p53 gene
activity or even loss of p53 has some negative effects by not being able to regulate BcL2 and Bax
expression. For instance, Bax is lost in one-third of breast cancers and BcL2 is activated in 60% of
breast cancers, which contribute to drug resistance and shorter survival. 9 Both BcL2 and Bax have
potential prognostic and predictive significance. Several studies have shown that high Bax expression
is associated with improving survival in a number of cancers. Bax and BcL2 are evaluated in a ratio
that determines the fate of cells or the level of self-destroyed cancer cells. The Bax/BcL2 ratio may
be used as a predictive value for chemotherapy response and offer a better evaluation of what results
can be expected.10 I have been able to observe and follow the Bax/BcL2 ratio with the blood testing
we usually do with cancer patients. Thus, we can improve this ratio by using a variety of select
natural compounds. Another strong inhibitor of apoptosis protein is survivin, which is highly
expressed in cancer tissue, yet undetectable in healthy tissue.

Being only expressed in cancer tissue, survivin is being used as a new cancer marker, a prognostic
factor, and a promising therapeutic target in chemotherapy because of the resistance of cancer cells.
Survivin expression is observed in virtually all cancers, including breast and prostate cancers. 11-
Survivin was found to inhibit three apoptotic enzymes: caspase 3, caspase 7, and caspase 9, thus
protecting cells from death. Survivin may act simultaneously with the BcL2 proteins, although
differently as I have frequently observed with my cancer patients. Survivin is transcriptionally
repressed by wild type p53 but not by mutant p53, 13 which again may explain the crucial role of wild
type p53 in apoptosis and against cancer cell resistance during chemotherapy.

p53 Mutation
Figure 2: Growth of Xenograft Tumors
The bad news: p53 itself is the most commonly mutated gene in the human body. Mutated p53 is
harbored in more than half of all cancers and appears necessary to develop many forms of
cancer.14 It’s important to remember that in oncology, p53 mutation is a major obstacle to patient
remission, causing cancer recurrence and decreased lifespan. p53 mutation not only blocks apoptosis
but when mutated, p53 acquires additional functionality, known as gain-of-function (GOF), 15 by
causing change and up-regulation in gene expression that promotes tumor growth, angiogenesis,
immune suppression, migration, and metastasis invasion. The p53 gene is part of a network where
cross-talking regulation occurs with a number of genes such as RAS, ID4, E2F1, E-Cadherin, TGF-β,
EGFR, C-Myc, and even nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κβ). It’s not surprising that p53 loss or mutant
p53 enhances NF-κβ, which in turn activates other mechanisms of tumor growth that, when
upregulated by mutant p53, contribute not only to chemotherapy resistance in cancer cells but
additionally contribute to tumor growth and metastasis invasion.

For instance, cancer cells can break the basal membrane and undergo epithelial-mesenchymal
transition (EMT) and acquire migratory properties. Mutant p53 may induce EMT by up-regulation of
TGF-β responsible for bone and lung metastasis in breast cancer. 17 (See Figure 1) When activated,
WT p53 produces a protein that adheres to the DNA core domain of the gene to activate apoptosis;
but when the protein is degraded by MDM2 (murine double minute 2), it becomes a negative
regulator of the p53 gene. This mutant p53 protein is not degraded and accumulates. The more it
accumulates, the more aggressive the cancer. For instance, I have often observed a high level of
mutant p53 protein in all aggressive ovarian cancer cases but managed to reverse it to a wild type
protein by using natural compounds that I have selected through my extensive clinical experience.
Mutant protein eliminates the normal function of the WT protein by forming oligomeric complexes
with WT protein through a dominant-negative effect, thus inactivating its function.

An important piece of news: We have two types of mutation—to the p53 gene itself or to the protein
itself. Even with a WT p53, mutated protein can be produced and considered as a post-translational
event during protein modification. The mutated p53 gene is considered as a post-transcriptional
mutation. p53 mutation (or p53 mutant protein) is associated with aggressive tumors increasing
cancer cell resistance during chemotherapy but has also a prognostic and predictive value for poor
response, metastasis invasion, and increased recurrence during chemotherapy regimens.

Some studies have found that the presence of mutated p53 (14 out of 19 cases) was associated with a
poor response to various chemotherapy or radiotherapy regimens in breast, colorectal, ovarium,
stomach, and soft tissue carcinomas. Sixty-five out of 93 studies found that mutant p53 (WT p53
increases cell death) is a statistically significant factor of poor prognosis in various cancers.

Texas researchers found, from a study of 1,500 breast cancer patients treated with mastectomy and
chemotherapy, that high levels of p53 mutated protein accumulation are associated with a significant
increase in local recurrence rate. There was about a 40% lifespan reduction in breast cancer patients
at five-years survival, who harbored a p53 mutation, compared to patients with a WT p53.19
p53 Inhibits the Warburg Effect by Reducing Glycolysis and
Enhancing Oxidative Phosphorylation
Besides being a tumor suppressor gene associated with apoptosis, which I had previously presented
in the Townsend Letter (August/September 2015), p53 has other important functions, although these
are less known or even ignored. They have not been discussed before, so this is all new for our
readers. You have to work with p53 in clinical applications and look behind its normal function as a
tumor suppressor. I discovered that WT p53, but not the mutated p53 gene or protein, inhibits
glycolysis. Therefore, this offers a new approach and way to treat cancer. Furthermore, these
functions also provide another approach to one of the main hallmarks of cancer known as the
Warburg effect.20 This is accomplished by regulating glycolysis and shutting down glycolysis
transporters as well as other expressions of the glycolysis enzyme promoting oxidative
phosphorylation (oxphos) through transcriptional regulation of target genes. p53 can inhibit
glycolysis; but when mutated or misfolded, p53 stimulates glycolysis that cancer cells use to generate
energy and contributes to cancer progression. Thus, by p53 balancing the use of glycolysis and
oxphos, it provides a mechanism blocking tumorigenesis and the Warburg effect.

Glycolysis is the pathway that tumors use as an alternative for generating energy via oxidative
phosphorylation or respiration in mitochondria to generate so-called ATP molecules from sugar
burned or oxidized in the presence of oxygen and broken down into C02 and H20.

Oxygen reduction in the mitochondria and blockage of the cellular respiratory chain from deficient
respiratory enzyme and other electron chain transport damage (or mtDNA mutation observed in a
variety of human cancers) may further contribute to respiratory malfunction in cancer cells. The
German biochemist Otto Warburg proposed in 1924 that cancer was caused by a defect of oxphos or
respiration in the mitochondria forcing cells to switch to the old primitive glycolysis channel when
oxygen cannot be used by the mitochondria to generate cellular ATP energy.21-23

Otto Warburg, who was the director of the famous Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology in
Berlin, won his first Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine in 1931 for the oxygen transfer
enzyme of cell respiration. His second Nobel Prize in 1944 was for his discovery of hydrogen
transferring enzymes. This latter process does not require oxygen because it arose early in the
primordial evolution of prokaryotic cells back when the earth’s atmosphere had very little oxygen.
Warburg analyzed the ratio of oxphos to glycolysis in different cancer cell tissues and found that
glycolysis under anaerobic fermentation was particularly high in aggressive tumors when compared
with benign tumors and normal tissues. These observations led Warburg to propose a deficiency in
oxphos and elevated glycolysis as the primary cause of cancer. Today the Warburg effect is now
enjoying a resurrection and has started to be taken very seriously by several researchers and even
doctors and oncologists.

Phosphorylation and Aerobic Respiration in Mitochondria

The glycolytic pathway is found in the cytoplasm of each cell that does not require oxygen. However,
glycolysis pathways produce ATP less efficiently than aerobic respiration, resulting in the production
of only two molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose while 36 molecules of ATP are produced in
oxphos; yet cancer cells possess a 20- to 30-fold increased rate of glucose cellular uptake and a more
than 30-fold higher glycolytic rate when compared to normal cells. Cancer cells produce ATP from
glycolysis a hundred times faster than normal cells24 in order to support three basic needs of these
cells: 1) Maintenance of energy status, 2) Increased biosynthesis of macromolecules such as proteins
3) Maintenance of the cellular redox status, which permits survival and growth. Several studies have
already shown that WT p53 plays a crucial role in slowing down or inhibiting glycolysis and at the
same time promotes oxphos and cellular respiration through transcriptional regulation of target
genes. Mutant protein or even misfolded protein, which has lost its anti-tumor capabilities, triggers
glycolysis to favor cancer progression.25 p53 is mutated in many tumors and thus can influence
aspects of both glycolysis and oxphos, thus being significantly important in contributing to the
Warburg effect.

How Cancer Cells Use Glucose

Figure 3: p53 Regulated Glucose Catabolism in a Normal Cell

Cancer cells use glucose to generate energy; its entrance into the cells from the increase of the
glucose receptors on the surface is deferentially mediated by glucose transporters and then converted
in pyruvate, which is then further converted in lactate.

Cells with high rates of glycolysis produce more lactate and exhibit decreased mitochondrial
respiration compared to cells with WT p53, indicating that WT p53 suppresses aerobic glycolysis.
The family of transporters that mediate the transport of glucose is comprised of four major
transporters including GLUT1, GLUT2, GLUT3, and GLUT4. Each of the GLUT transport proteins
possesses different affinities for glucose and other hexoses such as fructose. GLUT1, GLUT2,
GLUT3, and GLUT4 have a high affinity for glucose, allowing transport of glucose at a high rate
under a normal physiological process26-28 but also by the tumor cell. Tumor cells badly need glucose,
thus increasing cellular intake associated with increased and deregulated GLUT transport expression.
In fact, glucose uptake mediated by GLUT1 appears to be critical in the early stages of breast cancer
development, affecting cell transformation and tumor formation. 29 But other glucose transporters such
as GLUT2, GLUT3, and GLUT4 are also expressed in breast cancer and other cancers, 30,31 correlating
with a poor prognosis.32 GLUT1 and GLUT3 are associated with cancer cell resistance to
radiotherapy or chemotherapy.33

Another example of p53 directly repressing the transcriptional activity of GLUT3 gene expression is
shown by the indirect repression of IKK kinase complex, a central regulator of NF-κβ activation. As
already described, WT p53 can reduce intracellular uptake of glucose by downregulating the glucose
transporters by directly repressing gene coding resistance for the glucose transporter 34.35; in contrast,
mutated p53 gene expression stimulates glycolysis, which is an additional oncogenic function of the
mutated gene.

However, WT p53 can use other channels to regulate glycolysis by promoting Tigar (Tp53-induced
glycolysis and apoptosis regulator) gene expression and by down-regulation of PGM
(phosphoglycerate mutase). Tigar is gene-regulated as part of the p53 tumor suppressor
pathway,36 which encodes a protein similar to glycolytic enzymes. This recently discovered enzyme
primarily functions as a regulator of glucose in human cells. This protein functions by blocking
glycolysis and also protects cells from DNA damaging reactive oxygen species, further providing
some protection from DNA-damage-induced apoptosis. PGM is a polypeptide derivative that can
inhibit glycolytic flux. WT p53 down-regulates PGM, but mutated p53 enhances PGM activity, thus
increasing glycolysis flux. Therefore, the downregulation of PGM expression and activity by WT
p53 can inhibit the glycolysis pathway.37

p53 Promotes Oxidative Phosphorylation

One of the important but probably lesser known functions of p53 is the regulation of the metabolic
versatility of cells by favoring mitochondrial respiration over glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation
(oxphos), and reversal of the Warburg effect. In mitochondria (MT), the key components involved in
oxphos and MT respiration are cytochrome C oxidase synthesis (critical for regulating oxygen
utilization by the cell) and cytochrome C oxidase (COX), which can be directly trans-activated by
WT p53. Cytochrome oxidase or Complex IV is encoded in humans by the SC02 assembly factors
(synthesis of cytochrome oxidase) and critical to catalyzing the transfer of electrons from cytochrome
C into molecular oxygen necessary for aerobic ATP production.

SCO2 is required for the assembly of the MT DNA encoded cytochrome C oxidase (COX IV) sub-
unit into the COX complex found in the mitochondria electron transport chain, serving as the site of
mitochondrial oxphos in mammalian cells. Loss of p53 supports a switch from aerobic respiration to
glycolysis through the disruption of COX IV function, which decreases cellular dependence on
oxygen. Therefore, SCO2 disruption with mutant p53 in human cancer cells aggravates the metabolic
switch into glycolysis. Activation of WT p53 could increase SCO2 expression and thereby stimulate
MT respiration and ATP production.38,39 Studies have shown that WT p53 can directly upregulate the
COX I gene encoding sub-unit of the COX complex found in colon cancer cells. This may contribute
to the maintenance of MT cytochrome C oxidase and Complex IV in the electron transport chain.

p53 can also transcriptionally activate the apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), a protein that maintains
the integrity of Complex I in the MT electron transport chain. One other key function of AIF is to
initiate the caspases-independent apoptosis pathway after the release of cytochrome C by the
mitochondria. Thus, WT p53 plays an important role in enhancing MT oxphos in cancer cells,
reactivating oxphos, and shutting down glycolysis, all being considered as a potential cancer therapy.

Telomerase Activity and p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene in Cancer

A growing number of studies are now showing the implication of telomerase overexpression in the
malignant transformation and progression of the human tumor. 40 Telomerase is a large
ribonucleoprotein complex in nature, a reverse transcriptase enzyme that carries RNA molecules used
as a template to elongate telomeres. The molecules consist minimally and essentially of the protein
catalytic subunit coded for human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) and telomerase
associated protein (hTEP1). Its role is to maintain telomere integrity in the sequences of the
eukaryotic chromosome ends. This prevents the ends from undergoing DNA damage response,
playing a critical role in chromosome replication. This telomerase activity regulates dividing cells
maintaining the telomere ends against erosion of their normal length.

As we age, have excess oxidative stress, or are exposed to radiation, telomeres gradually shorten.
This shortening leads to cell aging, cell death, or senescence. Some somatic cells lack sufficiently
high levels of telomerase to maintain their telomere length for an indefinite number of divisions.
Consequently, these telomeres gradually shorten as cells age. This is why telomere activity has been
widely studied as an aging factor.41

While normal somatic cells show varying telomerase activity, cancer cells express abundantly high
telomerase. This may be considered a relevant factor to distinguish cancer cells from normal cells.
It’s as if cancer cells use telomerase to divide indefinitely. Telomerase up-regulation/reactivation has
been observed in 85% of all human tumors. Such tumors may become immortal and play a crucial
role during human tumor pathogenesis.42 Besides being found in primary tumors, telomerase activity
is also detected in circulating tumor cells, for example in breast,43 ovarian,44and prostate cancers.45

Many cancer cells are considered immortal because telomerase activity allows them to divide
virtually forever because they possess the ability to continually regenerate their telomeres. 46 With
telomere activation, some types of cells and their offspring become immortal because they bypass the
Hayflick limit, thus avoiding all death as long as the conditions for their duplication are met. Many
cancer cells are considered immortal because as mentioned telomere activity allows them to live
much longer than any other somatic cells. A good example of immortal cancer cells is HeLa cells,
which have been used in laboratories as model cell lines since 1951.

These cancer cells become resistant; and under several circumstances, they acquire some stem cell
characteristics known as a cancer stem cell-like state (CSCs). They need to adapt to an ever-changing
environment in order to survive. This is accomplished through genetic changes such as oncogene
activation, tumor suppressor gene inactivation, epigenetic changes such as
hypomethylation/hypermethylation, and metabolic changes with a shift to anaerobic glycolysis.
These resistant cancer cells develop a very strong DNA repair mechanism, more rapidly than normal
cells. While chemotherapy can damage them, they can repair quickly.
Figure 4: Telomere Genetic Structure
The p53 tumor suppressor gene, independently of inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, seems to
also play a crucial role in protecting telomeres from DNA damage by regulating telomerase activity
through a crosstalk node employing two important mechanisms. 47 According to a recent discovery led
by Paul Lieberman of the Wistar Institute, this is a particularly new function of p53 that had never
been described previously. Both telomeres and p53 play an important role in the maintenance of
genome integrity and tumor suppression They easily could be regarded as guardians of the
genome.48 The local binding of p53 to the region close to the amino terminus of telomerase associated
protein 1 (hTEP1) is one response to DNA damage, protecting the telomere. Wild type p53 further
represses telomerase enzymatic activity through downregulation of its protein catalytic subunit,
human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) together with the interaction of the specificity
protein 1 (transcription factor Sp1). Wild type p53 protein level prevents telomerase from becoming
overactive and proliferating indefinitely. p53 mutation and accumulation of mutant protein correlate
with telomerase over-activity in many cancers, such as ovarian cancer, 48breast cancer,49,50 and non-
small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).51 I have also personally observed this during the past few years with
other cancers in patients with bladder cancer, sarcoma, and prostate cancer.

With the activation of telomerase, some types of cells and their offspring possess the ability to
continually regenerate their telomeres, by dividing continuously. This increases their lifespan and
immortality. On the contrary, telomerase shortening provides a barrier to cancer progression where
the majority of cancer cells depend on telomerase activation to gain proliferative immortality. If the
p53 gene is more activated than telomerase, cancer cells, in all probability, are not yet immortal.
They have a limited lifespan and can be destroyed. If telomerase is more highly activated than the
p53 gene, cancer cells are out of control and become immortal. p53 gene expression leads to more
effective control over the telomerase activity and prevents cancer cells from becoming immortal

Telomerase upregulation/reactivation is observed in 85% of all cancers—and up to 90% in breast

cancer—suggesting a crucial role during human tumor pathogenesis. The p53 tumor suppressor gene
is mutated in 50% of all cancers. Both p53 mutation and overexpressed telomerase are considered an
important event in earlier cancer development and disease progression with metastasis invasion.
Over-expression of WT p53 was shown to down-regulate the telomerase enzymatic activity.

The role of the p53 tumor suppressor gene is to kill cancer cells via apoptosis and prevent them from
continuously dividing, thus preventing cancer cells from reaching a more aggressive stem-like state.

Mutant p53 and overactive telomerase allow cancer cells within a tumor to turn back time by
acquiring a stem-cell-like state (CSCs) by developing survival factors. This type of aggressive cell
usually emerges during the later stage of tumor development facilitated by the loss of p53. They
possess the ability to self-renew, differentiate by forming resistant phenotypes, and produce
metastasis activity, chemo-resistance,52,53 failure of treatment, and tumor relapse. These CSCs display
high levels of telomerase activity possessing the ability to continually regenerate their
telomeres.54 The WT p53 tumor suppressor gene, indeed, plays a more crucial role than we may have
initially learned, such as inducing apoptosis. When activated with the production of normal protein, it
prevents established cancer cells from moving toward a more aggressive stem-like state, especially
by regulating telomerase activity.

If the tumor suppressor gene is malfunctioning due to a lack of protein production or mutated protein,
telomerase can become overactive. This means that along with the transformation of cells by mutated
p53 into cancer cells, there is a high probability they also may be able to form a tumor. Fortunately,
we can evaluate the presence of cancer cells capable of forming a tumor in the case of a non-cancer
(diagnosed) patient, meaning we start at a preventive level. It is important to evaluate the activity of
these two genes with the telomerase/p53 ratio for cancer patients under treatment or, even better,
before starting treatment.

Figure 5: Cancer Stem Cell-Like State (CSC’s) Escape

and Are Responsible for Secondary Tumors.
We have to know if the p53 gene is more activated than the telomerase or vice versa to determine the
presence of non-resistant CSCs or, in a case of cancer remission, if there remains a presence of
cancer cells somewhere in the body with a high risk of recurrence.

On several occasions, I have seen as a result of testing cancer patients in remission a bad
p53/telomerase ratio. This includes the presence of mutated p53 protein. We already know by
experience that cancer recurrence is still high in such breast cancers. We have not come across any
other technique that permits clinicians to evaluate recurrence risk. p53 mutation by itself together
with BcL2 overexpression represents a sign of high-risk for cancer recurrence as I have often
observed in several breast cancer patients. New studies have shown that telomerase reverse
transcriptase (TERT) overexpression upregulated the expression of BcL2 and downregulated Bax
activity reducing the activation of some caspases proteins such as caspase 9. 55,56 This explains why
sometimes, even if p53 is highly expressed, BcL2 expression is also high even if normally activated;
BcL2 can be overexpressed because of overexpression of TERT in the telomerase. There is a
feedback mechanism between the two that we will develop further in my blog. Thus, a bad
p53/telomerase ratio suggests the presence of CSCs with resistance to apoptosis and chemotherapy.
Remember that overactive telomerase provides immortality to cancer cells if not regulated by WT
p53 and the production of normal protein.

Figure 6: p53 Gene Regulates Telomerase Activity

Telomerase activity may be seen as a new marker for cancer. In fact, the levels of telomerase activity
(independent of the p53 gene) in the early and late stages of cancer might be used to determine the
diagnosis of various human cancers as well as a biomarker for detection.

Ratio: p53/Telomerase Activity – A New Way to Diagnose Cancer

For nearly 15 years I spent considerable time studying and researching molecular markers, especially
the p53 gene. I also studied a variety of selected natural compounds that exhibit anti-tumor activity
targeting most of the mechanisms used by the tumor to grow and expand. One of the most important
biomarkers used with p53 was the telomerase enzyme. An important strategy is to reactivate (restore)
mutated p53 to a normal function, such as normal p53 protein production level, together with
downregulation of telomerase activity and decreasing glycolysis. For this purpose, we can just
perform a blood test with molecular markers. We include p53 gene expression, p53 protein level,
BcL2, Bax, survivin, P21 gene expression and proteins, VEGF, MMPs, TNFa, and telomerase
activity. As previously explained, telomerase upregulation is observed in 85%-95% of all cancers;
and p53 is mutated in more than 50% of all cancers. If not mutated, p53 is often poorly activated.
Activated WT p53 downregulates telomerase enzyme activity; therefore. if we have the difference
from the activity of a WT p53 gene and the activity of telomerase—or differently from a failure or
mutated p53 gene and the high expression of telomerase—surely we can determine a ratio, just as we
do for Bax/BcL2.

I believe—first from my study of a number of scientific articles and secondly from my personal
clinical experience—that targeting p53/telomerase activity remains today a major challenge in
oncology. Theoretically, science has been researching synthesized compounds or drugs that can
inhibit telomerase, same as with the reactivation of mutant p53. In the meantime, we already have on
hand a range of natural compounds that have demonstrated efficacy to inhibit telomerase activity
with no side effects. I am going to explain further.

In order to offer such services, we work with a laboratory specializing in biological assays that is
directed by Dr. Olga Galkina Taylor, PhD, a highly reputed Russian scientist who opened a new door
in my professional life. I have collaborated with Dr. Galkina’s laboratory for over 15 years. We have
started working on the p53/telomerase ratio, which she developed; but so far, her work has never
been published. In this article, I am presenting for the first time a preliminary introduction with some
examples of clinical cases. We conjointly wrote an article in the Townsend Letterin
August/September 2010 explaining how to reverse p53 mutation with my own therapy protocol, 57 but
it probably came out too soon to be well understood at that time. We take a venous blood sample
from the patient, before treatment, to determine an exact genetic expression affecting the pro-tumor
activity and anti-tumor activity, utilizing the Bax/BcL2 ratio. Since p53 gene expression regulates
telomerase activity, we had concluded that we may also define a p53/telomerase ratio and then use it
for diagnosis and prognosis. We then prescribe the appropriate treatment according to the results. If
WT p53 is overexpressed and it down-regulates telomerase enzyme activity, then the cancer tumor is
much less resistant and more sensitized to chemotherapy.

We started testing p53/telomerase activity only a couple of years ago, but so far, we have collected
many interesting cases. We then perform a second test (when possible) to verify the effect of our
treatment on the expression of the various genes included, and then observe the results. Some
patients even after remission continue with regular testing even after several years for purposes of
prevention and monitoring recurrence. Often the results have shown a condition of high-risk
recurrence where we immediately modify the patient’s regimen with appropriate treatment. This is
the best way to handle cancer disease and especially prevent any recurrence. Of course, I performed
very extensive research and study into the many roles of telomerase in both aging and cancer,
especially on the new link between p53 and telomerase and its application in cancer.

I was highly motivated to research which natural compounds had the best efficacy to inhibit
telomerase activity while applying the knowledge I gained years ago about restoring mutant p53 to
the WT p53 tumor suppressor gene, using selected natural compounds.

In the presence of mutant p53 and highly activated telomerase, we definitively need to first reactivate
the gene or the production of normal protein over mutated protein. This is more complicated than
only increasing the p53 gene activity. Many natural compounds can stimulate p53 gene activity
increasing apoptosis and regulate telomerase, but not all-natural compounds can reverse p53
mutation; yet, I have been able to successfully reverse it. Once again please refer to my previous
articles describing in detail the list of the natural agents that have demonstrated efficacy to target both
apoptosis and telomerase,58 or interfere with glucose transport. 59 However, this topic is too involved
for this article. We will just provide the name of the most important agents with some references but
will later offer more details and interesting figures for the reader in my blog along with complete
molecular markers clinic case reports with a full explanation. Again, this all requires considerable
space; but in summary, it’s very important for doctors to understand how to more effectively handle a
cancer case and see how applied therapy is currently functioning along with improvement of genetic

Today we have ample scientific proof from multiple targeted cancer therapies utilizing curcumin and
genistein, which induce apoptosis; activate the immune cells; inhibit NF-κβ, HER-2/Neu, and EGFR;
down-regulate BcL2 and survivin; upregulate Bax; decrease COX2 activity; activate caspases; and
stimulates the immune system.60 Most important is to note that both curcumin and genistein have
strong properties to inhibit telomerase activity by decreasing the level of TERT. 61-63 Both curcumin
and genistein may kill CSCs more effectively than chemotherapy. 64,65 This explains why for many
years I have included liposomal curcumin and genistein in my cancer protocols together with rice
bran arabinoxylan compound (RBAC), a strong biological response modifier that has special
properties to activate NK cells. The reader can refer to my last article in the Townsend
Letter(August/September 2019).66 Besides being known as a strong immunomodulator, some new
studies have shown that RBAC improves the Bax/BcL2 ratio along with radiotherapy. 67 You can use
these three compounds together in your cancer protocol and optionally include an anti-angiogenic
therapy like C-Statin. This extract is made from a naturally occurring plant (bindweed) that contains
a proteoglycan molecule with strong angiogenic properties. You may observe how a tumor can
decrease in size and/or eliminate metastasis. (See my TL article “How to Approach Cancer Patients,
Diagnostic and Treatment.” August/Sept 2018;68-73.) Other natural compounds have shown efficacy
in repressing telomerase activity as well as targeting other cancer mechanisms such as apoptosis,
including resveratrol,68 green tea polyphenols, epigallocatechin-3-
gallate,69 allicin,70 sulphoraphane,71 silymarin,72quercetin,73 and genistein.74

Examples with a Ratio of p53 Gene and Telomerase Activity

Here we present three patient case examples. These are incomplete concerning other apoptotic and
anti-apoptotic genes (due to space limitations). I plan to show more detailed complete case reports
with an in-depth explanation,along with more details about the survivin gene and its relation with p53
and cancer in my blog and on my website.

Clinical Case 1: Female, 66 years old, a medical doctor living and practicing in the US with breast
cancer remission after surgery and chemotherapy. A very emotive person, under high-stress, who has
anxiety. We started her on a better dietary style, and she practices meditation and relaxation. The test
was done several months after she started my suggested treatment and diet. The last test was taken in
October 2019.

 p53 gene expression: 6116 units/ml of plasma

 p53 normal protein level: 1520 units/ml of plasma. Reference range: 0.1-1.00 unit
 p53 mutated protein level: 28.5 units/ml of plasma. Reference: (N.D. Trace)
 p53 misfolded protein: 500 units/ml of plasma. Reference: (N.D. Trace)
 Telomerase activity: 6816 units. Reference (N.D. Trace)
 The ratio between p53 gene expression and telomerase gene expression: 0.9 (Reference range 1.0)

The p53 gene expression is highly activated together with a very high level of normal p53 protein
probably due to the applied therapy; many damaged precancerous cells were destroyed as indicated
by the test. However, some cancerous cells started to produce mutated protein and a high level of
misfolded protein that can trigger glycolysis. It also may compromise the destruction of some
populations of cancer cells through apoptosis. The p53/telomerase ratio is a little bit lower but not
enough at the moment to create very resistant cancer cells. The apoptosis in process is highly
activated. However, with time, if not improved together with the elimination of mutated and
misfolded p53 protein, she may develop resistant cancer cells and increase the risk of recurrence.
However, through April 2020 the patient remains in remission. (See more details in my blog:

Clinical Case 2: Female, a 38-year-old pharmacist living on the Island of Madeira, was diagnosed
with lymphoma but has refused chemotherapy. She went to Germany to receive a special dendritic
cell vaccine and ozone therapy treatments. Her March 2019 test results follow:

 p53 gene expression: 380 units/ml of plasma

 p53 normal protein level: N.D.
 p53 misfolded protein level: 8.8 units/ml of plasma
 p53 mutated protein: 13.2 units/ml of plasma
 Telomerase activity: 3108 units/ml of plasma
 The ratio between p53 gene expression and telomerase activity: (N.A.)

Here we cannot determine a ratio with these results since the p53 gene is too low compared to the
telomerase activity. Even if it can be calculated as 0.122, the laboratory mentions this result as too
low to be meaningful. Also, together with a high expression of BcL2 and survivin gene along with a
very low Bax/BcL2 ratio, it shows the presence of cancer cells that are resistant to destruction (see
more details in the blog).

Showing p53 gene expression that was too low and producing no WT p53 (normal) protein but only
mutated and misfolded protein can trigger glycolysis and inflammation that can stimulate cancer
cells. There is an increasing population of cancer cells with active telomerase and only a small
fraction had been destroyed. Because of the high activity of the telomerase compared to the p53 gene
activity, many cancer cells can turn into CSCs. Here only a small fraction of pre-cancerous/cancerous
cells were destroyed through the genes; however many cancer cells may be destroyed via the immune
cells, especially by NK cells, which have increased their activity after the treatment in Germany as
observed in the report from the clinic. So, the immune system and especially the NK cells are an
alternative to destroy cancer cells when tumor suppressor genes alone are not efficient.

Clinical Case 3: Male, 16 years old diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma. This is a very difficult case that
I treated for seven years but with very good results so far. Surgery could not remove the total tumor
localized on the spine. The boy was subjected to several surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy
yet improved considerably with our treatment. Recently we performed molecular markers testing,
including telomerase, to facilitate a better prognostic and possibly prevent any recurrent cancer
activity. As of the last scan, the remaining tumor tissue was inactivated.

 p53 gene expression: 5915 units/ml of plasma

 p53 normal protein level: N.D.
 p53 misfolded protein level: N.D.
 p53 mutated protein: 20 units/ml of plasma
 Telomerase activity: 4388 units/ml of plasma
 The ratio between the p53 gene and telomerase activity: 1.3

The patient continued taking my treatment for the past seven years, which is a success. The high p53
gene activity (before: 1134) is probably from the applied treatment, but no normal p53 protein was
produced, only mutated protein. However, many cancer cells were destroyed through the highly
activated Bax and P21 gene expression. (See my blog) The ratio p53/telomerase is good 1.3; p53
gene expression maintains a lower telomerase activity and an inactivated tumor. However, the result
of the test showed the presence of cancer cells somewhere in the body; the patient continues with
check-ups and the risk of tumor reactivation still exists (We still closely follow the case).
The article has shown that the metabolic cause of cancer is associated with the Warburg effect and
mitochondria dysfunction, which allows cancer cells to switch to the glycolysis pathway. The p53
gene plays a key role in inhibiting glycolysis, inducing apoptosis, and as a new function may inhibit
the telomerase activity, which today gains considerable interest as a target against immortal cancer
cells. Cancer disease is no longer a mystery, but a disease that can be treated differently. Thankfully,
at last, some selected natural compounds and other foods have demonstrated properties that target
p53 and telomerase, as presented in the article.

Complete References
More information on cancer can be seen from my last lecture in Europe, “How to Understand and
Treat Cancer with Modern Methods” (Zagreb, Croatia; February 28, 2018), on

The reader may also receive an in-depth understanding by viewing my 2019 Medicine Week (Baden-
Baden) presentation “A New Modern Way to Approach Cancer” on Slideshare:

Prof Serge Jurasunas Upcoming Presentation – Oct 30 2019 Baden Baden from Sheldon Stein

Integrative Oncology Research

Update from
by Jen Green, ND is an integrative oncology database and educational platform created and

maintained by the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians. KNOWoncology is a
revolutionary tool that supports clinical decision making, creation of patient handouts, authoring of
mini systematic reviews, and staying up to date on the human research on natural health products in
cancer care. Because the volume of human studies is increasing each year, it is necessary to have a
website like KNOW to stay abreast of new and relevant international research.

Methodology: Twice or more yearly, a medical librarian systematically searches Medline and
EMBASE for all human studies on natural health products and cancer care. Then KNOW uses a
double screening process to identify records that meet criteria (human studies, English language,
natural agent used with or without conventional therapies). Articles are then summarized by a team
of research assistants and tagged according to tumor type, natural therapy (eg, probiotics, green tea),
conventional therapy (eg, radiation, Taxol), and side effects of conventional care (eg, neuropathy,
nausea, diarrhea). This allows each study to be fully searchable within the KNOW website.
Search Results: When you search in KNOW, studies result on the screen according to level of
evidence (ie. systematic review, then controlled trials, then observational studies and case reports).
Most of the studies that have closed access (you have to pay for them) are summarized in a more
detailed way so that clinicians can quickly learn the precise population, natural product type, dose
and duration, and outcomes of the study. There is also an export button to copy either the whole
summary or just the citation into patient recommendations, letters to oncology teams, patient
handouts, presentations, or articles.

Comparing KNOW to a PubMed Search: EMBASE, which is the European version of PubMed, has
many studies on natural health products and cancer care that are conducted in France, Japan,
Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. These studies are missed in a typical PubMed search. In two
quality appraisal studies of KNOW, a search in KNOW consistently resulted in a more complete list
of human studies than a search in PubMed.1

Applications of KNOW: is both a clinical tool to support evidence-informed

decision making, as well as an academic tool to support mini systematic reviews and other evidence-
based content. An example of content powered by are three patient brochures
(IV Vitamin C in Cancer Care, Tamoxifen Support, and Protecting Your Heart During Adriamycin
Chemotherapy), which were done in collaboration with and is up to date and empowers clinicians with current best evidence. To gain
access, sign up as a new OncANP member at and get 10% off
membership using code “Townsend2020”.

Cancer Studies from 2018/2019 to KNOW About

Breast Cancer. In a double blind RCT, 48 women with stage IIIb breast cancer being treated with
neoadjuvant cyclophosphamide-doxorubicin-5FU who took omega 3 fatty acids 1 g/day (EPA and
DHA dose not specified) during chemotherapy had a significantly greater reduction in Ki67
expression and VEGF expression post-treatment compared to placebo. Disease-free survival at one
year was improved (P=.044) and overall survival was significantly better in the fish oil group

Comments: This is one of many studies supporting the use of fish oil during chemotherapy for breast
cancer. It is also the second trial to show a survival benefit for fish oil in stage III/IV breast cancer.
The first RCT by Bougnoux P et al, 2011 was a smaller trial with more advanced patients, where 1.8
g of DHA alongside chemotherapy showed greatly improved survival (P=.007). 3 Fish oil likely also
decreases side effects from chemotherapy. In a double blind RCT, 1 g DHA during paclitaxel
chemotherapy decreased incidence of peripheral neuropathy.4 In an RCT, breast cancer patients
taking fish oil 4 g daily concurrent with chemotherapy had better lung strength and endurance.5

Two new systematic reviews, worth reading, on managing side effects in breast cancer discuss the

 Treatments for aromatase inhibitor-associated arthralgia in breast cancer survivors: acupuncture,

aerobic exercise, omega-3 fatty acids6
 Natural approaches to cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer: guarana, acetyl-L-carnitine, co-
enzyme Q10 and diet rich in whole foods, omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, and vegetables7
Colon Cancer. In a small RCT (n=28), patients with stage IV colorectal cancer who took C3
curcumin 2 g/d along with FOLFOX +/- bevacizumab had improved overall survival compared to
placebo. No significant difference was found between arms for quality of life or neurotoxicity. The
HR for OS was 0.34 (95% CI: 0.14, 0.82; P = 0.02) median of 200 d for FOLFOX and 502 d for

Comments: Until this study, it was unclear whether curcumin was safe to combine with FOLFOX
chemotherapy. Although these findings cannot be extrapolated to other types of chemotherapy or
other types of curcumin, it provides a strong rationale that C3 curcumin is safe to use during
FOLFOX chemotherapy. It’s also thrilling to see a chemotherapy acronym, CUFOX, to show the
integration of a natural health product into cancer care.

In an RCT (n=73), patients undergoing colorectal cancer surgery who took synbiotics (Lactobacillus
paracasei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactisplus FOS)
for seven days before surgery had reduced inflammation (CRP, IL-6, P < 0.001), fewer postoperative
infections (2.8% vs 18.9%, P = 0.02), lower antibiotic use (P < 0.001) and shorter length of hospital
stay (P < 0.001).9

Comments: A previous double blind RCT of synbiotics before colorectal surgery had shown that
synbiotics reduced post-operative infections.10 This short, simple intervention with only seven days of
probiotics plus FOS showed strong benefits in clinical outcomes and also levels of inflammation.

Ovarian Cancer. In a controlled trial, women with advanced stage III and IV ovarian cancer were
divided into five treatment arms of neoadjuvant (before surgery) platinum-taxane with and without
long-term platinum-taxane chemotherapy after surgery, and with or without Indole 3 carbinol (I3C)
alone, or I3C and EGCG. The group that took I3C alone, or I3C (200 mg BID) and EGCG (200 mg
BID) alongside neoadjuvant platinum-taxane chemotherapy as maintenance therapy had significantly
statistically better five-year survival (60 vs 44 months, p<.0001), lower CA-125 tumor markers,
improved progression-free survival, and less ascites compared with those who did not use
I3C/EGCG. There were no adverse events found for I3C and EGCG.11

Comments: While this trial was not randomized due to recruitment challenges, it was a controlled
trial and the groups were very similar at baseline. The researchers in this study selected I3C and
EGCG to try to target cancer stem cells. I3C and EGCG were proven safe to combine with
carboplatin-Taxol chemotherapy, and they improved treatment outcomes. This study is the first of its
kind to suggest more broadly that I3C (400 mg) and EGCG (400 mg) are safe to combine with

Prostate Cancer. In a systematic review of four RCTs, use of green tea catechins by patients with
high grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia or atypical small acinar proliferation prevented
development of prostate cancer.12

In a systematic review of fish oil for prostate cancer, fish oil did not impact PSA; however in cohort
studies, there was an association between higher intake of fish and decreased risk of prostate cancer–
related death.13

In an RCT, wood mallow and marshmallow flower powder infusion prevented anal discomfort and
diarrhea caused by prostate radiation.14

Pediatric Cancers. (Note that has a search function to select all pediatric
studies regardless of tumor type.) A systematic review of integrative clinical trials for supportive care
in pediatric oncology from the International Society of Pediatric Oncology, traditional and
complementary medicine collaborative, included 44 RCTs.15
KNOW contains two additional RCTs published after this systematic review. In an RCT, children
with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), who received 420 mg silymarin daily for a week
following each doxorubicin dose, had improved cardiac tests compared to placebo. 16 In an RCT,
children with ALL were given 30 g/day soy or cowpea nut powder for 12 weeks. The soy powder
significantly improved physical activity level, body weight, body mass index, number of red blood
cells, hemoglobin/hematocrit levels, and fatigue.17

Systematic Reviews on Cancer Treatment Side Effects

In a systematic review of herbs for mental health in cancer survivors, 100 RCTs of 38 botanicals
were included (St John’s wort was excluded due to concerns about drug interactions). Herbs with
minimal risk of series side effects with demonstrated effectiveness for anxiety and depression are
black cohosh, chamomile, lavender essential oil internally, passionflower, saffron and chasteberry.
The herbs with two or more RCTs were saffron, kava kava, gingko, lavender essential oil internally,
bacopa, and passionflower.18

In a systematic review on natural agents for mucositis, 26 RCTs were included. Effective agents
included aloe vera juice, Calendula officinalis, chamomile, yarrow, low level laser, olive oil,
placental extract, propolis, royal jelly, indigowood root, and Glycyrrhiza glabra. Natural therapy was
reported to have better patient compliance with fewer side effects. Manuka honey was not tolerated
by patients due to nausea and vomiting. 19

In a systematic review of herbal treatment for xerostoma, 25 RCTs were included. A total of 24
formulas were included in the trials, but most were insufficiently reported in the methodology
section. Five traditional Chinese formulas were shown to significantly improve the salivary flow rate
compared to comparators (Shennongbaijie decoction, Xuanmaizengyehuadu decoction,
Yunnanbaiyao capsule with Niancianchuanqipipa gel, Jiaweizengye decoction, and Sanganhuayin

To continue learning, sign up as an allied member at Get in the know



1. Quality Appraisal Comparing KNOWoncology to PubMed Searches. SIO Conference 2020.

OncANP Conference 2020 Poster Presentations


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