01 ABORTUS INACOG Part 2 Prep Course Material - DR - Dr. Kanadi Sumapraja, Sp.O.G, Subsp - FER, M.SC
01 ABORTUS INACOG Part 2 Prep Course Material - DR - Dr. Kanadi Sumapraja, Sp.O.G, Subsp - FER, M.SC
01 ABORTUS INACOG Part 2 Prep Course Material - DR - Dr. Kanadi Sumapraja, Sp.O.G, Subsp - FER, M.SC
InaCOG part 1
Module 1:
Miscarriage and
Recurrent miscarriage
Tujuan instruksional umum :
Peserta didik dapat memahami dan menjelaskan tentang
kejadian keguguran dan keguguran berulang
The National Centre for Health Statistics and the World Health
Definition or terminology
The term therefore includes all pregnancy losses from the time
of conception until 24 weeks of gestation
Definition or terminology
Early pregnancy loss is a nonviable, intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) within the first 12 weeks of
gestation that consists of either an empty gestational sac or one containing an embryo or
fetus without fetal heart activity
Death of the embryo or fetus 🡪 hemorrhage into basal decidua 🡪 tissue necrosis 🡪contraction 🡪
uterine contraction and expulsion
No fetal echo
First trimester miscarriage – fetal factors
The association between euploid vs aneuploid miscarriage to gestational age
Trisomy 50-60% Trisomy of chromosome 13, 16, 18, 21 and 22 Chromosomal non-disjunction
Balance translocation
Monosomy 9-13% 45, X0 (Turner syndrome), autosomal monosomy Chromosomal non-disjunction
Triploidy 11-12% Dignyc triploidy (maternal derived) Failure to produce haploid
Fertilization of diploid oocyte by
haploid sperm
Diandric triploidy (paternal derived) Fertilization of haploid oocyte by
two haploid sperm
Maternal factors
Medical disorder
Thyroid disorder, diabetes mellitus, SLE, malignant disease, exposure to
teratogenic substances
Surgical procedure
Ovarian surgery, uterine surgery
Abdominal trauma
Persistent smoking, alcohol consumption, recreational drugs
Environment factors
Endocrine disrupting chemical (DDT, bisphenol A, phthalate, etc.), radiation,
Spontaneous miscarriage clinical classification
To diagnose early pregnancy loss
Spontaneous miscarriage clinical classification
Septic abortion
Spontaneous or induced abortion, 2 percent of D-negative women will become alloimmunized if not
provided passive iso-immunization
300-μg intramuscular dose of anti-Rho (D) immunoglobulin for all gestational ages
Graduated doses: a 50-μg or 120-ug dose is given for pregnancies ≤12 weeks and a 300-μg one for
those ≥13 weeks
For medication abortion or expectant management, the injection is given within 72 hours of
pregnancy failure diagnosis
Recurrent miscarriage: Definition or terminology
Kejadian keguguran sebanyak dua kali atau lebih sebelum usia kehamilan 24 minggu (ESHRE)
Kejadian keguguran sebanyak tiga kali atau lebih berturut-turut sebelum usia kehamilan 24 minggu (RCOG)
Primary RPL refers to multiple losses in a woman who has never delivered a liveborn
Secondary RPL refers to multiple pregnancy losses in a patient with a prior live birth
15% 15%
no. of miscarriage
1o 2o 3o 4o
Recurrent miscarriage: etiology
The circles of protection
Uterine cavity
Cervical structure
Autoimmune disorders
Diabetes mellitus
Thyroid disorder
Sumapradja K. 2020 supporting system
Mrs. A. 24 years old, primigravida, present to your outpatient clinic with chief complaint of vaginal bleeding. There is
no abdominal pain. Her LMP was happen 2 months ago. She had positive pregnancy test 3 weeks ago.
Her vital signs still in normal limit
No abdominal tenderness.
Speculum examination shows closed ostium with light bleeding comes from the external os. No cervical mass.
Transvaginal was done and it shows intra-uterine gestational sac and yolk sac. Fetal echo still cannot be identified.
Gestational diameter was 2.0 cm. No subchorionic bleeding was identified.
1. What will be your diagnosis?
A. Threatened abortion
B. Incomplete abortion
C. Missed abortion
D. Complete abortion
E. Inevitable abortion