Science-4 - Q1 - W1 - Lesson Log

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Lesson Exemplar Quarter 1


in Science 1

MATATAG School Grade Level 4

K to 10 Curriculum Name of Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE
Weekly Lesson Log Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1


A. Content Science inventions have brought about major changes to our daily lives.
By the end of the Quarter, learners describe chemical properties of materials and changes in them. They demonstrate
B. Performance an understanding that science processes can solve everyday problems and use creativity and determination to
Standards provide examples. They exhibit objectivity and open-mindedness in gathering information related to environmental
issues and concerns in the community.
Use information from Use information from home or local community to identify a science invention and
C. Learning secondary sources to identify explain its impact on their everyday life.
Competencie a famous Filipino and/or
s foreign scientist and their
At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
learners should be able to learners should be able to the learners should be the learners should be
identify famous Filipino and use information from home able to use information able to explain the
D. Learning
or foreign scientist and their or the local community to from the home or the local impact of the Filipino
Objectives inventions. identify a science invention. community to identify a and or foreign scientist
science invention and its and their inventions on
importance. everyday life.
II. CONTENT Science Inventions Science Inventions Science Inventions Science Inventions
Science Quarter 1 – Module Science Quarter 1 – Module Science Quarter 1 – Science Quarter 1 –
4: “Changes in Materials that 4: “Changes in Materials that Module 4: “Changes in Module 4: “Changes in
are Useful and Harmful to are Useful and Harmful to Materials that are Useful Materials that are Useful
A. References one’s Environment” one’s Environment” and Harmful to one’s and Harmful to one’s
EASE Module 1 EASE Module 1 Environment” Environment”
EASE Module 1 EASE Module 1


Great Inventors, Inspiring Great Inventors, Inspiring

Inventions by Nathalie Louge, Inventions by Nathalie Louge,
Suzanne Simard, and Pia Suzanne Simard, and Pia
Zorayda Busiños Zorayda Busiños

“I am a Scientist” by Brian
B. Other
Resources i/Disposable_cup
Before/Pre-Lesson Proper
Nowadays, people use 3 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
sophisticated materials to The teacher will let the Learners complete the Let the learners bring out
make work easier and faster. learners complete the graphic graphic organizer. any materials from their
Materials we use at home, in organizer to recall the Refer to Worksheet Day 3 bag and ask them how
school and in the local scientists and their Task 1 important are the
community are invented and inventions. materials to them.
created by scientists. The teacher will establish
the linkage of idea from The teacher will facilitate
3 minutes the stated concepts on the the learners’ sharing.
The teacher will show real importance of science Then establish the
Activating Prior materials commonly used at inventions. linkage to the impact of
Knowledge home and in school. Let the the scientists’ inventions
learners classify those on everyday life.
The teacher will observe the
materials by answering the
learners while doing the
task on Worksheet Week 1
activity. Discuss the activity
Task 1.
and give feedback.
The teacher will observe the
learners while doing the
The teacher will establish the
activity. Answer the activity
linkage of idea to the lesson
and give feedback.
on the use of information
from home or in the local


community to identify a
science invention.
The teacher will present and The teacher will present and The teacher will present The teacher will present
explain to the learners that explain to the learners that to the learners that the and explain to the
most of the materials we see the lesson is all about the lesson is all about the use learners that the lesson
Lesson and use at home, in school use of information from information from the will explain the impact of
Purpose/Intention and in the local community home or the local community home or the local the Filipino and or
are products of scientists’ to identify a science community to identify a foreign scientist and
inventions. invention. science invention and its their inventions on
importance. everyday life.
5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes The teacher will show to
The teacher will let the Divide the class into 6. Let Divide the class into 6. the learners a video lifted
learners read the poem titled them accomplish the activity Let them accomplish the from Youtube about how
“I am a Scientist” by Brian provided in the Worksheet activity provided in the windmill works and its
Crawford. Day 2 Task 1. Worksheet Day 3 Task 2. importance.
Refer to the Worksheet Week
The teacher observes The teacher observes the Suggested Youtube link:
1 Task 2
learners’ answers. Let the learner’s answers. Let the
learners present their learners present their
The teacher will help learners
answers and give positive answers and give positive Note:
unlock the identified words,
feedback. feedback. The teacher may
phrases, sentences from the
download other video
poem and let the learners
Lesson Language The teacher will connect the The teacher will facilitate that is available and
understand who the
Practice learners’ answers in the the discussion by asking common in the local
scientists are, what scientific
lesson by giving answers to the learners to give their community.
processes a scientist does insights on the uses of
the following questions:
and what the conclusion is. the materials given in the The teacher will facilitate
Then, the teacher will provide Q1. What common task. Then, the teacher the discussion by asking
additional will provide additional
materials did you use to the learners to give their
information/knowledge on information/knowledge
accomplish the identified insights first on the
those cited/identified terms, on those cited/identified
tasks? unfamiliar terms,
phrases, and sentences. terms, phrases, and phrases, or sentences
Q2. What would your life be sentences. cited/identified. Then,
if these materials you use the teacher will provide
everyday were not invented? additional

on those cited/identified
terms, phrases, and
During/Lesson Proper
5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
The teacher will present the The teacher will give the The teacher will give the Let the learners watch a
following Foreign and Filipino learners a passage about learners a passage about video lifted from the
scientists and their Gregorio Zara lifted from the Gregorio Zara lifted from Youtube about windmill.
inventions. Leveled Reader (Chapter 1-6) the Leveled Reader
titled Great Inventors, (Chapter 1-6) titled Great Youtube link:
Suggested local and foreign Inspiring Inventions Inventors, Inspiring
scientists: by Nathalie Louge, Suzanne Inventions Ap1fyI?si=TjGzOrFGdG-
1. Gregorio Y. Zara. He is a Simard, and Pia Zorayda by Nathalie Louge, Y3eof
Filipino engineer and Busiños, Suzanne Simard, and Pia
physicist. He was born in Illustrations by Rea Diwata Zorayda Busiños, Note: The teacher may
1902 in Lipa, Batangas. Mendoza. Illustrations by Rea use other invention based
Throughout his work, Diwata Mendoza. on the experiences,
Zara invented thirty Refer to Worksheet Day 2 Task interest and culture of the
devices. These devices 2 Q1. What science learners.
Reading the Key made life easier for invention is the passage
Idea/Stem people. He invented The teacher will facilitate the all about? The teacher will ask the
devices that use energy class reading and unlock Q2. Why is the science learners to read, analyze
from the sun where unfamiliar terms, phrases, or invention invented ? and answer the guide
electric wires could not sentences so that the Q3. What are the questions below.
reach people. These are learners will understand the importance of the
called solar devices. He concept of the passage. Then, videophone as cited in the Q1. How does a windmill
also invented a compass the teacher will provide reading passage? work to produce
that airplane pilots still additional electricity?
use today. Compasses tell information/knowledge on The teacher should Q2. What is the impact
you which way you are those cited/identified terms, facilitate the discussion of windmill on the
going so that you don’t get phrases, and sentences. and give feedback. everyday life of the
lost. One of Zara’s biggest people in the local
inventions was the video community?
2. Agapito Flores. He is The teacher will observe
the inventor of fluorescent learners’ answers and

lamp which is used at will ask the learners to

home, schools and offices. volunteer their answers,
giving positive feedback.
3. Narciso Mosuela. A farmer
who invented the
superkalan which is used
for cooking.

4. Lawrence Luellen. He
discovered the disposable
cup with lid in 1907
which is commonly used
during parties and events.
10 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes
The teacher will process the The teacher will facilitate the Name one invention used Choose from the
lesson and emphasize that discussion by answering the in each of the given places following materials and
materials we use at home, in following questions: and give its give its importance
school, and in the local importance/use. 1. laptop
community are products of Q1. Who is the scientist the a. at home 2. cellphone
scientists’ inventions. story is referring to? b. at school 3. television
Q2. What is the biggest c. at the
The teacher can provide more invention of the scientist in garden The teacher will observe
Developing foreign and Filipino scientists learners’ answers and
according to the learners’ the story?
Understanding of the will ask the learners to
needs Q3. Why did Zara invent a volunteer their answers.
Key Idea/Stem The teacher will observe
videophone? learner’s answers. Let the Positive feedback should
Q4. How are video phones learners present their be provided.
different from normal answers and give positive
phones? feedback.
Q5. How do video phones
Q6. How are video phones


The teacher will build

connection with the task to
the lesson on using
information at home, at
school and in the local
community to identify
science inventions.

The teacher should facilitate

the presentation/discussion
and give feedback.
15 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes The teacher will ask the
The learners will be grouped Research Work The teacher will ask the learners to read out and
into five (5). Each group will (Group activity) learners to read out and answer the following
be given a tablet and let them The teacher will let the answer the following questions:
search 5 Filipino and foreign learners identify 5 materials questions: Q3. How do the
scientists and enumerate found at home, at school or Q4. What have you scientists’ inventions like
their inventions. in the community. Search realized after doing the cellphones, fluorescent
who and how these materials tasks? lamp, laptop and the like
were invented. Write answers Q5. How did the given impact your life?
The teacher will observe in the science notebook. materials help in your
Deepening learners’ answers and will daily life? The teacher will observe
Understanding of the ask the learners to volunteer The teacher will observe Q6. If you were a learners’ answers and
Key Idea/Stem their answers and give learners’ answers and will scientist, what invention will ask them to present
positive feedback. ask the learners to volunteer would you want to invent? their answers, giving
their answers, giving positive Why? positive feedback.
The teacher will select a feedback.
sample answer for all The teacher will observe The teacher will select a
learners to write down. This The teacher will select a learners’ answers and will sample answer for all
may come from one of the sample answer for all ask the learners to learners to write down.
students or from the f learners to write down. This volunteer their answers. This may come from one
sample answers. may come from one of the Provide positive feedback. of the students or from
students or from the the following sample
following sample answers. answers.
After/Post-Lesson Proper


2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes The teacher will highlight

The teacher will ask the The teacher will highlight the The teacher will highlight to the learners that the
learners to answer the use of information from home the use of information lesson explains the
question below. or in the local community to from home or the local impact of the Filipino
identify a science invention. community to identify a and or foreign scientist
Has this lesson helped you to science invention and and their inventions on
identify Foreign and Filipino The teacher will ask the identify the importance of everyday life.
scientists and their learners to answer the listed each invention.
inventions? Why? Why not? question either by class The learners will be
discussion or writing the asked to answer the
answers in their worksheet. listed question either by
Generalizations and
class discussion or
What is your favorite writing the answers in
scientist’s invention? Why? their worksheet.

Has this lesson helped

you to better explain the
impact of the Filipino
and or foreign scientist
and their inventions on
everyday life.

3 minutes 5 minutes 3 minutes Performance Task.

Written Work. Written Work. Written Work.
Classify the materials in the Write your answer to the
Match the scientist in column that were invented by question, Write a composition
A to his invention in column scientists as to “If you were a scientist, highlighting a foreign or
B. food/medicine, cleaning what do you think would Filipino scientist and his
1. He is a. Narciso materials and tool/gadget. be the best invention you invention/s.
Evaluating Learning
from Mosuel Write your answer in your can create to address our
Batangas a science notebook. present needs? Why?

2. He b. Gregori
created a o Zara
way to
eggs with
chicks Refer to Worksheet Day 2
inside. Assessment
3. He c. Alexand
invented er
the Graha
superkal m Bell
an which
is used
nts in
4. He d. Agapito
invented Flores
e which
is used
in long
5. He e. Fernan
invented do
the Paras,
fluoresce Jr.
nt lamp.
Additional Activities
for Application or

Remediation (if

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Subject Teacher Master Teacher/Head Teacher School Head

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