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Performance Evaluation of Balancing Bicopter using P, PI, and PID Controller

Article in Jurnal Teknik Elektro · December 2019

DOI: 10.15294/jte.v11i2.23032


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4 authors, including:

Esa Apriaskar Dhidik Prastiyanto

Universitas Negeri Semarang Universitas Negeri Semarang


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Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol. 11 No. 2 P-ISSN 1411 - 0059
Juli - Desember 2019 E-ISSN 2549 - 1571

Performance Evaluation of Balancing Bicopter using

P, PI, and PID Controller
Esa Apriaskar1, Fahmizal2, Nur Azis Salim3, and Dhidik Prastiyanto4
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Gunungpati, Semarang, 50229, Indonesia
Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Yacaranda, Sekip Unit IV, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract— Due to potential features of unmanned aerial vehicles for society, the development of bicopter
has started to increase. This paper contributes to the development by presenting a performance evaluation
of balancing bicopter control in roll attitude. It aims to determine the best controller structure for the
balancing bicopter. The controller types evaluated are based on Ziegler-Nichols tuning method; they are
proportional (P), proportional-integral (PI), and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. Root locus
plot of the closed-loop balancing bicopter system is used to decide the tuning approach. This work considers
a difference in pulse-width-modulation (PWM) signal between the left and right rotors as the signal control
and bicopter angle in roll movement as the output. Parameters tuned by the method are Kp, Ti, and Td
which is based on the ideal PID structure. The performance test utilizes rising time, settling time, maximum
overshoot, and steady-state error to determine the most preferred controller. The result shows that PI-
controller has the best performance among the other candidates, especially in maximum overshoot and
settling time. It reaches 8.34 seconds in settling time and 3.71% in maximum overshoot. Despite not being
the best in rising time and resembling PID-controller performances in steady-state error criteria, PI-
controller remains the most preferred structure considering the closeness of the response to the desired

Keywords— bicopter, roll attitude, Ziegler-Nichols, PID controller

Controllers based on PID (Proportional, Integral, and

I. INTRODUCTION Derivative) components tend to be appropriate ways for
Flying vehicle is not a new product in the engineering field. controlling bicopter. Proportional term has a role to improve
Even so, rapid development of unmanned aerial vehicles response time of bicopter performance, while derivative term
(UAVs) has caused research in the field of flying vehicles to can provide a damping effect for unwanted overshoots. In
become a hotspot in the world today. Due to its potential order to assure bicopter performing desired movement,
features, UAVs are available to be used for many applications, integral term may eliminate steady-state error. Several works
such as sowing fertilizer for plants in paddy fields [1], [2], regarding bicopter control have also involved PID
monitoring the activity of a volcano mountain [3], self- components. However, they are mostly using trial and error to
localization, and mapping of specific environment [4], [5], determine the control parameters. In [9], PID controller was
video shooting purpose [6], even for surveillance vehicle in presented to stabilize the attitude of bicopter in both
military mission [7], [8]. Therefore, it has been such a simulation and real platform. This, however, tuned the
challenge for researchers to give their significant contrivances parameters using trial and error method which could waste
for technology development on UAVs. time due to difficulty in tuning parameter control for such a
Research on minimizing the number of rotors in a rotor- complex system. In [10], a modified N-PID controller was
type UAV has been one of challenging issues. Bicopter is one used to produce more stable final performances of bicopter in
of the examples which has only two rotors. It has an comparison to the standard PID controller, despite of this also
advantage in terms of flight time compared to other common used trial and error method for tuning the parameter. A more
rotor-type UAVs which has more rotors. The reduction in the complex control problem was presented in [11]. It utilized lift-
number of rotors can lead to an alleviation of unit time power propeller gyroscopic to naturally stabilize the bicopter in a
demand and consequently improving flight time [9]. However, hovering position. It is considered as mechanical controller
problem of controlling bicopter system is not a trivial task due and a pilot action is utilized to help the stabilization under
to its complexity regards to mathematical dynamics model. disturbances. It applied integral-controller to represent the
Designed controller has to be capable for stabilizing bicopter pilot control. Stabilization response depends on the pilot over
with acceptable response time and overcoming oscillation the controller. A different design of two-rotor aerial vehicle
effect at the same time to maintain the desired trajectory. has also been proposed by [12]. It actually follows the concept

45 Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol. 11 No. 2
Juli - Desember 2019

of a fixed wing plane, but gives two tilt-rotors and a ducted- can lift a bicopter, which is expressed in (3). L represents a
fan. The modifications are intended to generate a lift force range between rotation axis of the rotor to the center body of
during a vertical flight. PID controller adjusted to the system bicopter.
were not tuned. It followed default parameters of the PX4-
autopilot device.
In this paper, Ziegler-Nichols tuning method is used to
determine the control parameter based on PID components.
This work also aims to evaluate which controller types better
in performing attitude control of balancing bicopter system.
The performance of the method is tested using a balancing
bicopter on roll movement. The balancing bicopter model and
the determination of control parameter for bicopter system
using Ziegler-Nichols method are described in section II. Z
Section III presents how the controllers perform through
simulation. It also includes the performance comparison
between P, PI, and PID-controllers tuned by Ziegler-Nichols
concept. Section IV concludes the paper with suggestions for
future works. Y X
II. DESIGN AND METHOD Figure 1. Balancing bicopter design
A. Balancing Bicopter Model
 LK f (12  22 ) 
The input and output variables have to be determined first  MB    
before controlling a system. Balancing bicopter system used  K M (12  22 ) 
in this work consider roll angle (𝜑) as the output and actuating To represent the dynamics of a balancing bicopter with
signal for two rotors as the input. Figure 1 shows the rotor signal as the input and roll angle as the output, [13] has
balancing bicopter design applied in this paper. Each rotor i developed a transfer function model. Rigorous modelling
produces moment M i and aerodynamic force Fi . The steps have been introduced involving multi-level periodic
relations between them are described in (1) - (2) with K f as perturbation signal. Several model structures were generated
and validated with a certain distribution of data sets. Thus, it
constant for aerodynamic force and K M for moment constant.
obtains the most appropriate model by comparing their fitness
The angular velocity of the rotor applied in balancing bicopter values. Final validation using a feedback control scheme has
are represented with  i (i=1,2). singled out a 4th-order transfer function as written in (4).
 Fi  K f i 2   (s ) 0.6126s 3  1.359s 2  28.81s  5.315 
 
PWM (s) s 4  2.27s 3  19.89s 2  14.84s  2.74
 Mi  KM i  2

From (1)-(2), which describe the forces and moments
generated by the propellers, we obtain the moment M B that

Desired Roll
Angle Base PWM
Balancing Bicopter System
Rotor Left

+ ESC +
+ Rotor Left
+ e PWM
- Rotor Right
Roll Angle
Present Value

Base PWM
Rotor Right

Sensory System

Figure 2. Diagram block for roll attitude control of balancing bicopter

Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol. 11 No. 2 46
Juli - Desember 2019

PWM (s) is the difference value of PWM (Pulse Width

Modulation) signals that operate left and right actuators of the
bicopter. The term (s) in the input and output variables denote
that the equation is in the frequency domain. This parameter
also becomes manipulated variable in a closed-loop control
Figure 2 depicts block diagram of the closed-loop control
scheme for the system. The measured difference between
desired and roll angle present value becomes primary input of
the controller. It needs sensory systems that include 3-axis
accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope sensor inside an MPU-
6050 to obtain the present value. Thus, the controller
generates a control signal in the form of PWM (s) . It becomes
an addition to each actuating signal for left and right rotors. It
is considered as a base PWM signal. The base PWM signal for
left and right rotors can be different from each other due to Figure 3. Root locus plot of balancing bicopter system
mechanical device specification tolerances. Afterward, the
actuating signal drives both rotors through an electronic speed Ultimate gain Kcr is a proportional gain which creates a
controller (ESC). marginally stable condition. This condition shows a sustained
oscillation of the output signal, as shown in Figure 4. Firstly,
B. Ziegler-Nichols based PID controller we set ki=0 and kd=0 and then increase the value of kp from 0
The controlled system dynamics are represented by a to critical value that first exhibits marginally stable condition.
transfer function model as stated in (4). For a linear transfer Obtaining Kcr can be faster with the assistance of a root locus
function model, the PID controller can be written as (5), plot. It gives information about a gain that is close to the value
where kp, ki, and kd are proportional, integrative, and of Kcr from points that are tangent with the imaginary axis.
derivative constant of the controller. e(t) is the error that To define Pcr, we calculate a period of the oscillation as
defines the gap between the desired value and the output of shown in Figure 4. From our simulation, it finds Kcr=1.37
the system y(t) which is obtained during the controlling and Pcr = 0.537. With those two variables, Ziegler-Nichols
process. Equation (6) shows the transfer function of the PID method is able to determine the appropriate parameters for P,
controller after being transformed by Laplace transform [14]. PI, and PID-controller scheme, as shown in Table I.
de (t )

u (t )  k p e (t )  k i e ( )d   k d
 

U (s )  (k p   k d s )e (s )  
There are several methods to decide appropriate PID
parameters for a particular control system or so-called tuning
method. One of the most well-known methods for tuning a
PID controller is Ziegler-Nichols. That is classified into two
methods based on the existence of integrator or dominant
complex-conjugate poles [15]. The first approach is for the
system that does not consist of both integrator and complex-
conjugate poles. It is based on an open-loop structure relying
on reaction curves. The second approach is for the system
which has one of integrator or complex-conjugate poles. It is Figure 4. Marginally stable condition
based on a closed-loop structure with the computation of
ultimate gain Kcr and ultimate period Pcr. Since the system TABLE I. ZIEGLER-NICHOLS RULES
involved in this paper is possessing complex-conjugate poles, Controller type kp Ti Td
as shown in Figure 3, it is best to use the closed-loop approach. P-controller 0.5 Kcr - -
PI-controller 0.45 Kcr 0.833 Pcr -

PID-controller 0.6 Kcr 0.5 Pcr 0.125 Pcr

47 Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol. 11 No. 2
Juli - Desember 2019


U ( s )  k p (1   Td s )e( s )  
Ti s Criteria P-controller PI-controller PID-controller
Rise Time (s) 0.66 1.96 0.73
Another thing to concern about Ziegler-Nichols method is
Settling Time
that it works with an ideal PID structure. It makes (6) is 10.52 8.34 12.08
converted into (7). It notices that ki and kd are also affected by Maximum
the value of kp. To independently tune ki or kd, it is available Overshoot 20.51 3.71 21.83
by changing the value of time integral, Ti or time derivative, (%)
Td. error (degree)
6.42 0 0


Testing performances of designed controllers can be
shown through a closed-loop test respecting on the transient
response. In this paper, closed-loop tests consider 15 degrees
in the roll angle of the balancing bicopter as the set point. The
15-degree set point is selected randomly and considered that it
is enough to move the bicopter vertically. Evaluations are
conducted by comparing P, PI, and PID-controller, which of
parameters are tuned using Ziegler-Nichols method. Based on
the calculation mentioned in Table I, the parameter value of kp
in P-controller is 0.685. It generates a transient response as
shown in figure 5 which indicates that P-controller is not
suitable for the system due to the existence of a steady-state
error. It has actually reached a stable state, but the produced
error is unacceptable. Thus, an integrator is highly required to
improve performance. Figure 6. Closed-loop response of the system using PI-controller
There are two structure options for the controller,
including integrator, and they are PI-controller and PID- Compared to PID-controller performance, rise-time
controller. Parameters utilized in PI-controller based on the performance of PI-controller is still acceptable since reducing
Ziegler-Nichols method are kp and Ti with a value of 0.6165 a settling time is more important than rise time regarding the
and 0.447, while for PID-controller, there are kp, Ti, and Td closeness of the response to the desired value [16]. PID-
with the value of 0.822, 0.2685, and 0.067125, respectively. controller can quicken the rise time performance, but it gives
considerable drawbacks in the other criteria, especially in the
overshoot. Speeding up rise time may cost a large amount of
maximum overshoot [17]. It is approximately 18% apart from
PI-controller, which only possess 3.71% or equals to 0.56
degree. For settling time, PI-controller is also better than PID-
controller in 8.34 seconds.

Figure 5. Closed-loop response of the system using P-controller

As seen in Figure 6 and 7, improvements have been

achieved. Table II highlights a more detailed comparison
performance of the three controller types. The addition of an
integral part of controllers tends to be a successful step to
eliminate steady-state error. PI-controller can reduce the
settling time and maximum overshoot of the closed-loop Figure 7. Closed-loop response of the system using PID-controller
system, despite slightly lacking in rise-time performance. The The work about multi-copter attitude control conducted by
best in rise time criteria is when the system uses P-controller [18] also uses maximum overshoot, rising time, settling time,
in 0.66 seconds, but it is unacceptable due to the drawback in and steady-state error to check the performance of the
error steady state.
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol. 11 No. 2 48
Juli - Desember 2019

proposed controller as shown in Table II, despite not optimization approach may be necessary. It is also possible to
evaluating the comparative performance between P, PI, and create a more robust controller after utilizing artificial
PID-controller. It has confirmed through a simulation that the intelligence in the control parameter tuning process [23].
proposed controller could gain steady-state error and
maximum overshoot which are close to 0 for attitude control IV. CONCLUSION
in a quadcopter. It has also occurred with bicopter system in Finally, this work has evaluated performances of balancing
[9]. It resembled roll angle attitude control, which resulted in bicopter control on roll movement tuned by Ziegler-Nichols
zero steady-state error and maximum overshoot. As shown in concept. The closed-loop approach of Ziegler-Nichols method
Table II, the three controllers evaluated in this work could not has been utilized due to the existence of complex-conjugate
obtain absolutely the same performance. It declares that the poles in the balancing bicopter transfer function. The tuning
Ziegler-Nichols tuning method is not enough to eliminate the method can provide fine parameters for three controller types;
overshoot in the case of balancing bicopter control. they are P, PI, and PID-controllers. The result concludes that
Nevertheless, we can determine the best controller type based on Ziegler-Nichols tuning method, PI-controller is the
between P, PI, and PID-controller for the balancing bicopter most preferred option for balancing bicopter control system
system. PI-controller tends to perform the best for a balancing among the other controller types due to better performance,
bicopter system in roll angle attitude control based on ziegler- especially in settling time and maximum overshoot criteria.
nichols tuning method. It can obtain overshoot and steady- The robustness test using impulse disturbance has also
state error which are closer to 0 rather than other controllers. ensured the determination of PI-controller. It has produced
A robustness test has also been conducted to ensure that shorter stabilizing time compared to the P and PID controller.
the determination of controller type is proper. An impulse However, it seems still possible to develop the controller
disturbance can be applied to test the robustness of a parameter tuning since several works indicate that the
controller [19]. The test considers that balancing bicopter is performance of maximum overshoot can still be improved.
initially in a hovering position. Thus, it is given reference 0 Using a more advanced tuning method can be an unfilled
degree in roll angle. An impulse signal is supplemented with space for future work in the development of a bicopter control
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8 shows the comparison response between P, PI, and PID
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