Sandjo. 2014. Cytotoxic Benzophenanthridine and Furoquinoline Alkaloids From Zanthoxylum Buesgenii (Rutaceae)

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Sandjo et al.

Chemistry Central Journal 2014, 8:61


Cytotoxic Benzophenanthridine and Furoquinoline

Alkaloids from Zanthoxylum buesgenii (Rutaceae)
Louis P Sandjo1*, Victor Kuete2,3, Rodrigue S Tchangna1, Thomas Efferth3* and Bonaventure T Ngadjui1

Background: Zanthoxylum buesgenii is a shrub used in Sierra Leone as remedy to cure venereal diseases, arthritis, and
rheumatism whereas leaves and barks are employed to treat leprosy and to relieve pain. In South West Region of
Cameroon, the plant locally called “Mbem” by Lewoh-Lebang community, is orally given to patients as aphrodisiac
decoction and to increase sperm count. Previous chemical studies on Zanthoxylum species reported the identification
of lignans, coumarins, diterpenes, sesquiterpenes, steroids, alkaloids and benzopropanoids. Besides, structurally diverse
compounds belonging to these classes of secondary metabolites have been reported as trypanocidal, antileishmanial,
antimycobacterial and cytotoxic metabolites.
Results: We therefore investigated the alkaloidal constituents of Z. buesgenii. In the course of the study, two
benzophenanthridines [1-methoxy-12-methyl-12,13-dihydro-[1,3]dioxolo[4′,5′:4,5]benzo[1,2-c]phenanthridine-2,13-diol
(1) and isofagaridine (2)] were identified among them one new. Alongside, three known furoquinolines [maculine (3),
kokusaginine (4) and teclearverdoornine (5)] were also obtained and their structures were established on the basis of
their NMR data and by comparison with those previously reported. Furthermore, the cytotoxicities of metabolites
(1–4) isolated in substantial amount were evaluated against a series of multidrugs-resistant cancer cell lines. While
compounds 2–4 showed selective cytotoxicities, compound 1 displayed activities against all cancer cells.
Conclusions: The observed activities corroborate those previously reported on similar benzophenanthridine alkaloids
indicating that compounds 1 and 2 can chemically be explored to develop other chemotherapeutic agents.
Keywords: Zanthoxylum buesgenii, Benzophenanthridines, Furoquinolines, Cytotoxicity

Background benzopropanoids [5]. Interestingly, alkaloids represent

Formerly named Fagara buesgenii, Zanthoxylum buesgenii the largest group of secondary metabolites obtained
is a shrub or small tree of about 4 m height with leaves from the genus Zanthoxylum with structurally diverse
about 20 to 75 cm long [1,2]. In Sierra Leone, roots are scaffolds including oxoaporphines [6], aporphines, qui-
used as remedy to cure venereal diseases, arthritis, and nolinones, furoquinolines [4], indolopyridoquinazolines,
rheumatism whereas leaves and barks are employed to β-carbolines, and benzophenanthridines [4,7]. Besides
treat leprosy and to relieve pain [2]. In South West Re- bioactivities such as trypanocidal [8], antileishmanial
gion of Cameroon, Z. buesgenii locally called “Mbem” [9], antimycobacterial [10] effects, most of these alka-
by Lewoh-Lebang community, is orally given to patients loids have shown from moderate to significant cyto-
as aphrodisiac decoction and to increase sperm count toxicity against several cancer cell lines [11-13].
[3]. Previous chemical studies on Zanthoxylum species Therefore, we investigated the alkaloidal constituents of
reported the identification of lignans, coumarins, di- Z. buesgenii. In the course of the study, two benzophe-
terpenes, sesquiterpenes, steroids, alkaloids [4] and nanthridines were identified among them one new.
Alongside, three known furoquinolines were also
* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]
Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Yaoundé I, P. O. Box 812, We herein report the structure elucidation of the new
Yaoundé, Cameroon compound and the cytotoxic potentiality of the identified
Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Institute of Pharmacy and secondary metabolites against a series of multidrugs-
Biochemistry, University of Mainz, Staudinger Weg 5, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article resistant cancer cell lines.

© 2014 Sandjo et al.; licensee Chemistry Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public
Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this
article, unless otherwise stated.
Sandjo et al. Chemistry Central Journal 2014, 8:61 Page 2 of 5

Results and discussion signals were further revealed, among them, four oxygen-
Chemistry ated and arranged in pairs of ortho resonances. The afore-
A Dragendorff reagent-guided isolation of the aerial part mentioned data suggested 1 to be a benzophenanthridine
of Zanthoxylum buesgenii yielded five alkaloids identi- alkaloid [14]. COSY correlations (Figure 1) between H-12
fied as benzophenanthridines (1 and 2) and furoquino- (δH 7.62) and H-11 (δH 8.02) as well as H-10 (δH 7.82)
lines (3–5). and H-9 (δH 7.41) supported the presence of two sets of
Compound 1 was obtained as a red powder giving a two ortho aromatic protons. The 1,3-dioxole ring was
positive test with the Dragendorff reagent indicative of al- fused to the aromatic ring bearing the singlets at δH 7.31
kaloids. The HR ESI mass spectrum gave a pseudo- (H-1) and 7.89 (H-4) according to HMBC correlations
molecular peak at m/z 374.1003 ([M + Na]+, calcd. (Figure 1) observed from H-1 to C-2 (δC 148.8), and H-4
374.1004) consistent with the molecular formula to C-3 (δC 148.2) as well as those found from the acetalic
C20H17NO5. This formula corresponded to thirteen dou- CH2 group to carbons C-2 and C-3. Furthermore, H-4
ble bond equivalents. The NMR spectra of compound 1 showed long range correlations to C-4a (δC 128.2) and C-
(Table 1 and the Additional file 1) displayed two pairs of 4b (δC 140.1) while H-1 displayed same interactions with
aromatic signals at δ [7.62 (d, J = 8.5 Hz)/124.2, 8.02 C-12a (δC 131.7) and C-12 (δC 124.2). Similarly, the NCH3
(d, J = 8.5 Hz)/121.0] and δ [7.82 (d, J = 8.4 Hz)/120.4, group (δH 2.77) presented HMBC correlations with C-4b
7.41 (d, J = 8.4 Hz)/118.3) in an ortho arrangement, two and the hemiaminal carbon C-6 (δC 80.0). H-6 (δH 6.54) in
aromatic CH groups resonating as singlets at δ 7.31/105.3 turn correlated with C-4b, C-6a (δC 124.3), C-7 (δC 146.9),
and 7.89/101.7, one hemiaminal at δ 6.54 (s)/80.0, one and C-10a (δC 129.1). Further HMBC correlations were
acetalic CH2 group at δ [6.04 (d, J = 1.2 Hz), 6.08 (d, J = observed from the CH3 group at δH 4.62 to C-7 (δC 146.9),
1.2 Hz)/102.0] and two downfield CH3 groups among from H-9 (δH 7.41) to C-7, C-8 (δC 150.6) and C-10 (δC
them one NCH3 group at δ 2.77/40.6 and one OCH3 at δ 120.4) while H-10 (δH 7.82) correlated with C-8, C-10a, C-
4.24/62.2. Moreover, ten aromatic quaternary carbon 10b (δC 124.3). The benzophenanthridine core was formed
on the basis of the HMBC cross peaks found between H-
11 and C-4b, C-10b, C-12 (δC 124.2), and C-12a (δC 131.7)
Table 1 NMR data of compound 1 (C5D5N, 400 MHZ) as well as between H-12 and C-12a, C-4a, C-10b, and C-1.
Position δH (multi, J = Hz) δC The relative configuration at C-6 could not be estab-
1 7.31, s 105.3 (CH)
lished by using NMR information although the methoxy
proton (δH 4.24) showed NOE contact (Figure 2) with
2 - 148.8 (C)
the hemiaminal proton (δH 6.54) which in turn revealed
3 - 148.2 (C) similar interactions with the NCH3 group. Likewise, the
4 7.89, s 101.7 (CH) NCH3 group correlated with the aromatic proton H-4 at
4a - 128.2 (C) δH 7.89 while H-1 had spatial correlations with H-12
4b - 140.1 (C) and H-11 showed similar contact with H-10.
5 - -
The foregoing data led to identification of compound
1 as 1-methoxy-12-methyl-12,13-dihydro-[1,3]dioxolo
6 6.54, s 80.0 (CH)
[4′,5′:4,5]benzo[1,2-c]phenanthridine-2,13-diol which
6a - 124.3 (C) was trivially named buesgenine (Figure 3).
7 - 146.9 (C)
8 - 150.6 (C)
9 7.41, d (8.4) 118.3 (CH)
10 7.82, d (8.4) 120.4 (CH)
10a - 129.1 (C)
10b - 124.3 (C)
11 8.02, d (8.5) 121.0 (CH)
12 7.62, d (8.5) 124.2 (CH)
12a - 131.7 (C)
OCH2O 6.04, d (1.2) 102.0 (CH2)
6.08, d (1.2)
NCH3 2.77, s 40.6 (CH3)
OCH3 4.24, s 62.2 (CH3) Figure 1 COSY (bold) and HMBC (arrow) correlations of
compound 1.
δH, and δC are chemical shifts of protons and carbons, respectively in ppm.
Sandjo et al. Chemistry Central Journal 2014, 8:61 Page 3 of 5

but could inspire synthesis of more cytotoxic analogues.

This assumption is supported by recent studies showing
the ability of some benzophenanthridines to induce apop-
tosis in colon carcinoma cancer cells HCT116 [12]. Be-
sides, sanguinarine structurally related to compounds 1
and 2 has been previously reported as apoptosis inducer
in KB [19], AsPC-1, BxPC-3 [20], U937 [21], and MDA-
MB-231 [22] cancer cells via different mechanisms.

The purification of the aerial part of Z. buesgenii moni-
tored by TLC and Dragendorff reagent as alkaloids indica-
tor led to the isolation of one new benzophenanthridine
Figure 2 NOESY correlations of compound 1. (buegenine, 1) along with four known metabolites namely
a benzophenanthridine (isofagaridine, 2) and three furo-
quinolines (maculine 3, kokusaginine 4, and teclearver-
The known compounds (Figure 3) were identified as doornine 5). Compounds (1–4) in substantial amount
isofagaridine 2 [15], maculine 3 [16], kokusaginine 4 were evaluated for cytotoxicity activities and the obtained
[17] and teclearverdoornine 5 [18] based on their NMR secondary metabolites showed from moderate to strong
data and by comparison with those previously reported. bioactivities. The observed activities corroborated those
previously reported on similar benzophenanthridine alka-
Biological assay loids [19-22] indicating that compounds 1 and 2 can be
Compound 1 displayed cytotoxicity towards all the nine chemically explored to develop other chemotherapeutic
tested cancer cell lines with IC50 values below or around agents.
65 μM while other metabolites showed selective acti-
vities. The activities of compounds 2–4 were observed Methods
on 8/9, 2/9, and 6/9 of the tested cancer cell lines, General procedure
respectively (Table 2). The lowest IC50 values of 0.24 μM Optical rotation: JASCO P-2000 polarimeter; IR (KBr disc):
and 0.30 μM were obtained with compounds 1 and 2, JASCO A-302 spectrophotometer; HR-ESI-MS: JOEL MS
respectively towards the leukemia CCRF-CEM cancer apparatus; 1 and 2D NMR: Brüker DRX-400 MHz with
cell line. The activities of compounds 1–4 were better TMS as internal reference. Thin layer chromatography
than that of doxorubicin towards the resistant CEM/ (TLC) was performed over silica gel aluminum plates
ADR5000 cell line (Table 2). Compound 1 can therefore 60 F254. Silica gel 40–63 μm were used for columns chro-
be considered as a potential cytotoxic candidate agent to matography (CC) separation. The melting point (m.p.) was
fight malignant diseases. Interestingly, compound 1 was measured by an Electro thermal IA 9000 digital melting
active on both sensitive and resistant cell lines. Mean- point apparatus: uncorrected.
while, all tested compounds were generally less toxic on
normal AML12 hepatocytes. However, compound 1 was Plant collection
generally less active than the reference drug, doxorubicin The aerial of Z. buesgenii was collected in Buea, South
West region of Cameroon, in January 2014. Voucher
specimens (BUD 0510) were deposited in the Herbarium
of the Botany Department of the University of Dschang,

Extraction and isolation

The dried aerial part (1.8 kg) of Z. buesgenii was cut into
small pieces, crushed and the powder was extracted for
two days with a sufficient volume of methylene chloride
(DCM)/MeOH (1:1). The solid residue was further ex-
tracted with MeOH for 24 h. Both solutions were pooled
together and evaporated in vacuo to afford 50 g of crude
extract. This latter was subjected to a liquid–solid ex-
traction using successively n-hexane (hex), ethyl acetate
Figure 3 Structure of the isolated compounds.
(EA) and MeOH as the liquid part. Hex and EA fractions
Sandjo et al. Chemistry Central Journal 2014, 8:61 Page 4 of 5

Table 2 Cytotoxicity of the studied compounds towards sensitive and drug-resistant cancer cell lines and normal cells
as determined by the resazurin assay
Cell lines Isolated compounds, doxorubicin and IC50 values (μM)
Compounds Doxorubicin
1 2 3 4
CCRF-CEM 0.24 ± 0.01 0.30 ± 0.04 89.09 ± 6.22 49.81 ± 5.04 0.20 ± 0.06
CEM/ADR5000 31.58 ± 3.48 20.37 ± 2.16 63.09 ± 3.75 44.56 ± 3.92 195.12 ± 14.30
MDA-MB231 30.14 ± 4.12 41.38 ± 3.44 >164.61 62.01 ± 7.24 1.10 ± 0.28
MDA-MB231/BCRP 65.01 ± 5.37 113.98 ± 9.82 >164.61 >154.44 7.83 ± 0.47
HCT116 (p53+/+) 42.46 ± 3.22 87.08 ± 7.55 >164.61 119.88 ± 13.14 1.41 ± 0.29
HCT116 (p53−/−) 62.34 ± 4.41 >119.76 >164.61 >154.44 4.06 ± 0.07
U87MG 60.55 ± 7.29 105.19 ± 9.16 >164.61 70.08 ± 6.40 1.06 ± 0.15
U87MG. ΔEGFR 61.84 ± 4.68 115.30 ± 13.78 >164.61 >154.44 6.11 ± 0.57
HepG2 22.37 ± 1.97 26.69 ± 3.15 >164.61 90.77 ± 8.86 3.83 ± 0.94
AML12 >106.92 >119.76 >164.61 >154.44 >73.59

were pooled together based on the TLC profile to give drug towards various sensitive and drug-resistant cancer
fraction A (35 g). TLC of fractions A and B (MeOH) cell lines, including the CCRF-CEM and CEM/ADR5000
sprayed with Dragendorff’s reagent, revealed the presence leukemia, MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells and its resistant
of alkaloids in A. Therefore, this latter was purified by subline MDA-MB231/BCRP, HCT116p53+/+ colon cancer
silica gel CC eluted with hex, hex/EA (gradient) and EA cells and its resistant subline HCT116p53−/−, U87MG glio-
yielding six sub-fractions (A1-A6). Maculine (3, 1.5 mg) blastoma cells and its resistant subline U87MG. ΔEGFR
was isolated from A2 eluted with hex/EA (95:5). A3 [5.2 g, and HepG2 hepatocarcinoma cells and normal AML12 he-
hex/EA (3:1)] was further chromatographed on silica gel patocytes. The assay is based on the reduction of the indi-
column eluted with hex/EA in gradient conditions. 60 cator dye, resazurin, to the highly fluorescent resorufin by
sub-fractions were collected and isofagaridine (2, 3.1 mg) viable cells. Non-viable cells rapidly lose their metabolic
was filtered from the sub-fractions 10–15 eluted with hex/ capacity to reduce resazurin and, thus, do not produce
EA (9:1) while kokusaginine (4, 5.1 mg) was obtained from fluorescent signals anymore. Briefly, adherent cells were de-
the sub-fractions 17–23 eluted with the same mixture of tached by treatment with 0.25% trypsin/EDTA (Invitrogen,
solvent. Compound 1 (3.7 mg) was further isolated from Darmstadt Germany) and an aliquot of 1 × 104 cells was
sub-fractions 26–33 eluted with hex/EA (85:15). A4 placed in each well of a 96-well cell culture plate (Thermo
[10.2 g, hex/EA (1:1)] followed the same purification Scientific, Langenselbold, Germany) in a total volume of
process under isocratic conditions of hex/EA (3:1) used as 200 μL. Cells were allowed to attach overnight and then
eluent to give teclearverdoornine (5, 0.7 mg). This latter were treated with different concentrations of compounds.
(0.21 mg) was further obtained from the purification of For suspension cells, aliquots of 2 × 104 cells per well were
A5 [8.7 g, hex/EA (1:3)] by using Hex/EA in the gradient seeded in 96-well-plates in a total volume of 100 μL. The
condition. studied compounds were immediately added in varying
concentrations in an additional 100 μL of culture medium
Buesgenine, 1-methoxy-12-methyl-12,13-dihydro-[1,3]dioxolo to obtain a total volume of 200 μL/well. After 72 h, resa-
[4′,5′:4,5]benzo[1,2-c]phenanthridine-2,13-diol (1) zurin (Sigma-Aldrich, Schnelldorf, Germany) (20 μL,
Red powder, m.p. 177°C; [α]D –7 [c 0.37, CH3OH]; IR 0.01% w/v) in distilled H2O was added to each well and the
(KBr), νmax 3450, 3074, 1540, 1480, 1475, 1404, 1385, 1321, plates were incubated at 37°C for 4 h. Fluorescence was
1284, 1257, 1203, 1161, 1126, 1082 cm−1; 1H (C5D5N, 400 measured on an Infinite M2000 ProTM plate reader
MHZ) and 13C (C5D5N, 100 MHZ) NMR data see Table 1 (Tecan, Crailsheim, Germany) using an excitation wave-
and these data have been compiled in the Additional file 1 length of 544 nm and an emission wavelength of 590 nm.
provided as supporting information; HR-ESIMS: m/z Each assay was done at least twice with six replicates each.
374.1003 [C20H17NO5 + Na]+ (calcd. 374.1004). The viability was evaluated based on a comparison with un-
treated cells. IC50 values represent the compound concen-
Cytotoxicity assay trations required to inhibit 50% of cell proliferation and
The resazurin reduction assay [23] was performed to assess were calculated from a calibration curve by linear regres-
the cytotoxicity of compounds and doxorubicin as control sion using Microsoft Excel [24].
Sandjo et al. Chemistry Central Journal 2014, 8:61 Page 5 of 5

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2-arylbenzofuran neolignans in HCT116 colon carcinoma cells. Phytomedicine
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