RPH Assignment

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RPH (2-3 PM)


1. What is the marker year of the events in the documentary?

•On December 8th, 1720, the Southern regions of Mindanao were occupied by Spanish soldiers
that were then identified as Zamboanga City. King Dalasi which is the King of Bulig in
Maguindanao who led in attacking the Fort Pillar together with the forces of the Sulu Sultanate;
burned the town around the Fort, cut down the line of provisions for the Spaniards, and began a
war against the soldiers inside the Fort.

2. Discuss the difference between “raiders” and “pirates.” Is anyone appropriate to be use to refer to
the Moros described in the documentary?

Raiders are described as individuals skilled in maritime activities. They often disguise
themselves as fishermen, using their knowledge of the sea to approach communities and
kidnap women for the purpose of trading. "raiders" primarily engage in capturing people,
particularly women, as a part of their activities. This behavior is central to the documentary's
focus on the Moros in the Sulu region. Pirates, on the other hand, are also skilled in sea
activities but have a different focus. They are known for seeking treasures and engaging in
conflicts with other pirates. Unlike raiders who primarily target people for trading, pirates are
more interested in acquiring valuable goods and engaging in battles with rival pirate groups.

3. Identify and describe the weapons used by the raiders to fight against the Spaniards.

•Kalis / Kris

It is a type of double-edged Filipino sword, often with a "wavy" section The kalis's double-edged
blade can be used for both cutting and thrusting. The sword is more than 300 years old and it
was used during the time of the Spanish colonization. It is a weapon for warfare and servility. It
is 2 meters in length and was carried not only by slave raiders into battle but also nobles and
high-ranking officials of southern Sultanates. It’s double-edge blade is used for easier slashing
and penetration to the bone that would stick so it’s very hard to pull.

•Barong or Barung is the one Taosug warriors use to cut off an M-14 and a carabiner because
its blade is thick. It is a deadly weapon and a sword with a single-edge leafshape blade made of
thick type of steel. It is also a 1-meter long weapon that was used to enclose hand to hand
battle to cut Spanish firearms down to size. This weapon is used by Muslim Filipino
ethnolinguistic groups like the Tausug, Sinama or Yakan in the Southern Philippines.
•Kampilan is the longest sword that was used by the Illanuns. It is a heavy, single-edge sword
that has two horns projecting from the blunt side of the tip which was used to pick up the head
of the decapitated body. The Kampilan has a distinct profile, with the tapered blade being much
broader and thinner at the point than at its base, sometimes with a protruding spikelet along the flat
side of the tip and a bifurcated hilt which is believed to represent a mythical creature's open mouth. At
about 36 to 40 inches (90 to 100 cm) long, it is much larger than other Filipino swords.

•The armor was made from carabao horn. Its steel plate was molded to fit the body and held together
by chain mail. It could also deflect the blows from a sword but useless against firearms.

4. How did the Spanish attempts to stop the slave raiding practice affect the practice itself and the
trade in Southeast Asia?

•The Spanish actions to stop slave raiding in Southeast Asia had a big impact. At first, they
succeeded in stopping many raiders by destroying their bases and ships. This made the raiding
activities go down, and the raiders had to surrender to the Spanish. A major turning point was
when the Spanish started using steamships. These were faster, didn't need wind, and had
powerful weapons, giving the Spanish a big advantage. It made it very hard for the raiders to
keep going. Some raiders tried to fight back, but it didn't work. Many Muslims felt they had no
choice but to give in or keep resisting, even though it seemed hopeless.

5.Did the documentary present a fair picture of the Moros who attacked the Spaniards at Fort Pilar?
Why or why not?

In my own perspective, the documentary doesn't give a fair picture for the Moros who attacked
the Spaniards at fort , since the weapons that they used is less advance than Spaniards who
used swords and some war weapons such as cannons and musket.

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