Operating Sysytem

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Operating System lies in the category of system software. It basically manages all the
resources of the computer. An operating system acts as an interface between the software and
different parts of the computer or the computer hardware. The operating system is designed
in such a way that it can manage the overall resources and operations of the computer.
Operating System is a fully integrated set of specialized programs that handle all the
operations of the computer. It controls and monitors the execution of all other programs that
reside in the computer, which also includes application programs and other system software
of the computer. Examples of Operating Systems are Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc.
An Operating System (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware
resources and provides common services for computer programs. The operating system is the
most important type of system software in a computer system.
The operating system works as a communication channel between system hardware and
system software. The operating system helps interact an application with the hardware part
without knowing about the actual hardware configuration. It is one of the most important
parts of the system and hence it is present in every device, whether large or small device.

Functions of the Operating System

 Resource Management: The operating system manages and allocates memory, CPU
time, and other hardware resources among the variousprograms and processes running on
the computer.
 Process Management: The operating system is responsible for starting, stopping, and
managing processes and programs. It also controls the scheduling of processes and
allocates resources to them.
 Memory Management: The operating system manages the computer’s primary memory
and provides mechanisms for optimizing memory usage.
 Security: The operating system provides a secure environment for the user, applications,
and data by implementing security policies and mechanisms such as access controls and
 Job Accounting: It keeps track of time and resources used by various jobsor users.
 File Management: The operating system is responsible for organizing and
managing the file system, including the creation, deletion, and manipulation of files and
 Device Management: The operating system manages input/output devices such as
printers, keyboards, mouse, and displays. It provides the
necessary drivers and interfaces to enable communication between the devices and the
 Networking: The operating system provides networking capabilities such as establishing
and managing network connections, handling network protocols, and sharing resources
such as printers and files over a network.
 User Interface: The operating system provides a user interface that enables users to
interact with the computer system. This can be a Graphical User Interface (GUI),
a Command-Line Interface (CLI), or a combination of both.
 Backup and Recovery: The operating system provides mechanisms for backing up data
and recovering it in case of system failures, errors, or disasters.

Types of Operating Systems

There are several different types of operating systems present. In this section, we will
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these types of OS.

 Batch OS
 Distributed OS
 Time Sharing OS
 Network OS
 Real-OS

Batch OS

Batch OS is the first operating system for second-generation computers. This OS does not
directly interact with the computer. Instead, an operator takes up similar jobs and groups
them together into a batch, and then these batches are executed one by one based on the
first-come, first, serve principle.

Advantages of Batch OS

 Execution time taken for similar jobs is higher.

 Multiple users can share batch systems.
 Managing large works becomes easy in batch systems.
 The idle time for a single batch is very less.
Disadvantages of OS

It is hard to debug batch systems.

If a job fails, then the other jobs have to wait for an unknown time till the issue is
 Batch systems are sometimes costly.
Examples of Batch OS: payroll system, bank statements, data entry, etc.
Distributed OS
A distributed OS is a recent advancement in the field of computer technology and isutilized
all over the world that too with great pace. In a distributed OS, various computers are
connected through a single communication channel. These independent computers have their
memory unit and CPU and are known as looselycoupled systems. The system processes can
be of different sizes and can perform different functions. The major benefit of such a type of
operating system is that a user can access files that are not present on his system but in
another connected system. In addition, remote access is available to the systems connected to
this network.

Advantages of Distributed OS

 Failure of one system will not affect the other systems because all the computers are
independent of each other.
 The load on the host system is reduced.
 The size of the network is easily scalable as many computers can be added tothe
 As the workload and resources are shared therefore the calculations are
performed at a higher speed.
 Data exchange speed is increased with the help of electronic mail.

Disadvantages of Distributed OS

 The setup cost is high.

 Software used for such systems is highly complex.
 Failure of the main network will lead to the failure of the whole system.
Examples of Distributed OS: LOCUS, etc.

Time Sharing Operating System

In a time-sharing operating system, each task uses the CPU in such a way that the response time
of the CPU is minimized. Each task takes the same amount of time to execute.

The time-sharing operating system is different from a multiprogramming operating system. In a

multiprogramming operating system, the main objective is to maximize the use of the CPU. But
in Time-sharing OS, the main aim is to minimize the response time of the CPU.

Advantages of Time Sharing OS

 Each task gets equal time for execution.

 The idle time for the CPU will be the lowest.
 There are very few chances for the duplication of the software.

Disadvantages of Time Sharing OS

 Processes with higher priority cannot be executed first as equal priority is given to
each process or task.
 Various user data is needed to be taken care of from unauthorized access.
 Sometimes there is a data communication problem.
Examples of Time Sharing OS: UNIX, etc.
Network OS

Network operating systems are the systems that run on a server and manage all the
networking functions. They allow sharing of various files, applications, printers, security, and
other networking functions over a small network of computers like LAN or any other private
network. In the network OS, all the users are aware of the configurations of every other user
within the network, which is why network operatingsystems are also known as tightly
coupled systems.

Advantages of Network OS

 New technologies and hardware can easily upgrade the systems.

 Security of the system is managed over servers.
 Servers can be accessed remotely from different locations and systems.
 The centralized servers are stable.
Disadvantages of Network OS

 Server costs are high.

 Regular updates and maintenance are required.
 Users are dependent on the central location for the maximum number of
Examples of Network OS: Microsoft Windows server 2008, LINUX, etc.

Real-Time OS

Real-Time operating systems serve real-time systems. These operating systems are useful
when many events occur in a short time or within certain deadlines, such as real-time

Types of the real-time OS are:

 Hard real-time OS
The hard real-time OS is the operating system for mainly the applications in which the
slightest delay is also unacceptable. The time constraints of such applications are very
strict. Such systems are built for life-saving equipment like parachutes and airbags, which
immediately need to be in action if an accident happens.

 Soft real-time OS
The soft real-time OS is the operating system for applications where time constraint is not
very strict.

In a soft real-time system, an important task is prioritized over less important tasks, and this
priority remains active until the completion of the task. Furthermore, a time limit is always
set for a specific job, enabling short time delays for future tasks, whichis acceptable. For
Example, virtual reality, reservation systems, etc.
Advantages of Real-Time OS

 It provides more output from all the resources as there is maximum utilization of
 It provides the best management of memory allocation.
 These systems are always error-free.
 These operating systems focus more on running applications than those in the
 Shifting from one task to another takes very little time.
Disadvantages of Real-Time OS

 System resources are extremely expensive and are not so good.

 The algorithms used are very complex.
 Only limited tasks can run at a single time.
 In such systems, we cannot set thread priority as these systems cannot switchtasks
Examples of Real-Time OS: Medical imaging systems, robots, etc.

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