IPS-e.max-Report-e 2006
IPS-e.max-Report-e 2006
IPS-e.max-Report-e 2006
Dr Thomas Völkel
4 Editorial
Dr Harald Bürke
Frank Rothbrust
Marcel Schweiger
Marcel Schweiger
Harald Kerschbaumer
37 IPS e.max
The development in terms of dental technology and shading
41 IPS e.max
Two clinical cases
Even higher strength values are achieved with oxide ceramics. The
strength of yttrium-stabilized zirconium oxide comes close to that of metals. It
is already recognized as a fully-fledged metal replacement. Clinical data
covering longer observation periods are still rare but look promising.
The new IPS e.max all-ceramic system allows the user to cover the
entire range of indications with only one system. The frameworks are
fabricated using either materials for the press or the CAM techniques.
– Zirconium oxide is only used for the framework. The white-opaque surface
has to be covered with a more translucent ceramic to achieve aesthetic
restorations. Such a build-up is possible with IPS e.max ZirPress. The
IPS e.max ZirPress ingots are pressed on the zirconium oxide frameworks
in the proven IPS Empress technique.
– IPS e.max Ceram is the layering material that is suitable for sintering on
all the IPS e.max materials.
The articles, however, can only convey a few aspects of the materials and
their compatibility with each other. For further information, please refer to the
cited literature. It goes without saying that issue No 17 will not be the last report
about all-ceramics.
Dr Thomas Völkel
Scientific Services
IPS e.max Press and IPS e.max CAD Harald Bürke
1 Introduction Table 1:
IPS e.max Press and IPS e.max CAD are Possible classification of ceramic materials according to different
characteristics (examples)
the two framework materials from the IPS e.max
range that offer medium strength and maximum
Manufacturing technique: Sintering
IPS e.max Press ingots are particularly Reaction sintering
suitable for single tooth restorations in the
Hot isostatic pressing
anterior and posterior region as well as anterior
bridges with a maximum of 3 units up to the Infiltration
second premolar as the abutment tooth. The
current range of indications for IPS e.max CAD
includes the fabrication of anterior crown Crystallization
copings. The results of currently conducted
Structure: Crystalline
clinical studies will show whether the range of
indications can be further extended. Both Glassy-amorphous
materials belong to the same group of
Multiple-phase partially crystalline
materials. Depending on the facilities available
in the dental laboratory or the preferences of Composition: Oxide ceramic
the dental technician, either the well-known
IPS Empress press technique or the CAD/CAM Non-oxide ceramic
technique can be chosen. Nitride ceramic
The results after veneering are very similar,
Silicate glass
so that it is even possible to combine both
techniques in one patient. Phosphate glass
Borosilicate glass
After a section with general informa-
tion, the present article will provide a more Alumosilicate glass ceramic
detailed description of the two materials.
Lithium silicate glass ceramic
Special emphasis will not only be placed on the
possibilities of glass ceramics, but also on their Function: Consumer good
limitations. Their potential can be fully tapped
Heat exchanger
only when the preparation guidelines are
strictly observed. Heating conductor
Dental ceramic
Chemical resistance
Apart from acrylics, composites and
metal alloys, all-ceramic materials are increa- Thermal conductivity
singly used in dental prosthetics today. By defi-
nition, ceramic is an inorganic, non-metallic
material which is solidified by means of a firing Translucency
process and has a crystalline content of at least
30 % [1]. In the English language, the term has
an even broader meaning as there is no limita-
tion with regard to the crystalline content.
Various criteria are applied to differen- 2.1.3 Reaction sintering
tiate between the different materials in this We speak of reaction sintering if new
large group. The criteria may be eg production components are formed during the sintering
method, composition or function (Table 1). process. This is useful if, for example, the
desired ceramic shows little sintering activity.
Some-times, the changes in volume that occur
2.1 Ceramics as a result of the reaction are used in a
targeted fashion to counteract the shrinkage.
Ceramics in the narrower sense are
predominantly crystalline products which are
2.1.4 Porcelain
produced with the help of a sintering pro-
cedure. For this purpose, the ceramic powders The porcelain firing process represents
are mixed with a bonding agent and the a special case. The crystal phases (quartz,
required, slightly larger moulds are produced. mullite, feldspar, aluminium oxide) are
Various moulding procedures are available, eg surrounded by a large amount of glass phase.
uniaxial pressing, extrusion moulding, slip Apart from solution and precipitation, different
casting, injection casting or cold/hot isostatic chemical reactions occur. The high viscosity of
pressing. The pre-formed materials are fired at the liquid phase prevents deformation of the
high temperatures. During this "sintering" fired material.
process, diffusional mass transport occurs in
the course of which porosity is eliminated. The
driving force for this process is a reduction in 2.2 Glass
surface energy. Each system strives to reach
In the traditional sense, glass is an in-
the lowest possible energy level. The finer the
organic non-metallic, non-crystalline melt pro-
initial powder, the smaller the gaps that have
duct. In this context, the picture of the
to be closed, the larger the surface area that
“frozen super-cooled liquid” is helpful.
needs to be decreased and the higher the
Condensed material has a higher chemical
driving force for the sintering process. Finer
order than glass. Crystals are characterised by
powders show more sintering activity. The
a particularly high order. There is a fixed
grain boundaries also show a higher energy
spatial relationship between all of their atoms,
level than the crystal, eventually leading to
be it the nearest neighbours or more remote
crystal growth in the final stage of sintering.
atoms. A chemical short-range and long-range
Large crystals grow at the cost of small ones.
order exists. In the case of glasses and liquids,
the long-range order is completely annihilated.
2.1.1 Solid-state sintering
However, a short-range order exists, since the
In pure solid-state sintering, the distance from an atom to its nearest neighbour
sintering temperatures are lower than the is predetermined. The glass formation is linked
lowest melting temperature of the compo- to the kinetics of crystallization. Even though
nents involved. Diffusion occurs at the surface the crystals strive to reach the higher order if
of the powder particles and is brought about the temperature falls below the melting point,
by rearrangement within the crystal lattice as crystallization is prevented due to the limited
well as through the gas phase by evaporation mobility of the structural units at lower
and condensation. temperatures.
2.2.3 Bulk glass technology
As raw materials, individual oxides,
hydroxides or carbonates are used. They are
thoroughly mixed and jointly melted at high
temperatures. Initially, the chemicals react with
each other, hydroxide groups are segregated
and carbon dioxide is released. Eutectic
mixtures help to decrease the melting
temperature. After initial melting, the melt
must be mixed and homogenized. Trapped air
or gas should be able to escape. This procedure
is called purification. For this purpose, the melt
must have a very fluid consistency. Once the
glass melt is homogeneous and free of air
Fig 1: Amorphous silica structure (b) compared to crystal structure (a) [4] bubbles, the temperature is reduced, so that
the glass becomes more viscous. Depending
on the moulding process used, a clearly defined
viscosity must be achieved. The glass, which
demonstrates a viscosity similar to that of
honey, is poured into eg a separable steel
mould. The material is left to cool in this mould
until it has reached a temperature which
ensures that no deformation occurs during
removal. The corresponding temperature range
is called the transformation temperature range.
2.2.5 The characteristics of glass The crystal size and number can best
A typical characteristic of glass is a large- be controlled by clearly separating the tempe-
scale homogeneity which is characterized by rature ranges of maximum nucleation and
the absence of grain or phase boundaries. maximum crystal growth (Fig 3). The end pro-
Furthermore, glass is spatially isotropic, which duct is a ceramic whose properties are deter-
means that its properties are the same in all mined by the type, morphology, size, content
directions of space. and degree of cross-linking of the precipitated
crystal phase(s) as well as the remaining glass
The absence of grain boundaries is the phase. The objective of this crystallization pro-
reason for the disastrous fracture behaviour of cess is eg an increase in mechanical strength,
glass. As long as the surface is intact, glass can resistance to temperature changes or the
exhibit extremely high strength. Virgin glass targeted adjustment of thermal expansion and
fibres, for example, have a tensile strength optical or electrical characteristics.
under vacuum of 12,000 to 16,000 MPa.
However, as soon as a crack is initiated, it may The difference between the structure
spread unhindered. The typical shell-shaped of glass ceramics and conventional ceramics is
fracture pattern results. In order to increase the that glass ceramics are exclusively created by a
strength of glass, it is thus particularly important crystallization of the glass phase, so that a
to improve its scratch resistance. This prevents particularly fine-grained and homogenous
the surface of glass products from becoming structure is achieved. Their high crystalline
damaged prematurely and the products from content distinguishes glass ceramics from glasses.
being weakened.
2.3.1 Volume nucleation
Other properties, such as chemical In order to manufacture glass ceramics,
resistance, light refraction and thermal expan- specific glass compositions are often melted in
sion are significantly influenced by the chemical conjunction with special oxides as nucleating
composition. agents, processed like glass and moulded into
a transparent glass block. The additives
dramatically accelerate the nucleation that
2.3 Glass ceramics occurs within the glass in various ways. The
difficult thing in developing a glass ceramic is
In general, crystallization phenomena to find a suitable nucleating agent for the
represent defects in glassy products. However, crystal phase. Frequently, oxides are melted
in the production of glass ceramics, one or together with the glass which show only
more crystalline phases are deliberately limited solubility in the corresponding glass. At
precipitated. Glass ceramics are polycrystalline a low temperature, many nanocrystals of this
solids produced by means of a controlled phase form initially. These nanocrystals then
crystallization of glass [3]. A typical characteristic constitute the substrate on which the actual
of glass ceramics is that the crystals do not crystals are grown. This process is called
grow sporadically, randomly or accidentally heterogeneous nucleation.
within the glass matrix. This would lead to
uncontrolled crystal growth and result in an
inhomogeneous structure with inferior
Melting temperature
The fact that amorphous phase The best-known and most widely used
separation is of particular importance for the glass ceramics are those based on the Li2O-
nucleation process has been pointed out by Al2O3-SiO2 system, which possess high thermal
Vogel, for example [4]. According to him, shock resistance due to their low thermal
crystallization is initiated within the micro- expansion. They are used for eg hot plates,
drops and initiates bulk crystallization which furnace windows or telescope mirrors [5].
leads to the formation of crystallites of uniform
However, it should be kept in mind that
due the enlargement of the diameter, the press
pressure has been reduced by 15 %. This may
lead to longer pressing times, particularly in
conjunction with furnaces of other manu-
3.2 IPS e.max Press facturers. However, it would be wrong to
increase the temperature so that it exceeds the
In the production of IPS e.max Press prescribed temperature, as this could lead to
ingots, new process technology is employed. the formation of a thicker reaction layer in the
The ingots are no longer manufactured via a area of contact with the investment material.
powder stage as in the case of IPS Empress and In extreme cases, exposure to excessively high
IPS Empress 2, but by bulk casting. As a result, temperatures could even damage the structure
a product can be manufactured that is entirely of the glass ceramic which would lead to a
porefree. reduction in strength. If problems occur, the
calibration of the furnace should be checked
3.2.1 Ion colouring and opaquing first. Similarly, it should be checked whether
mechanism sufficient pressing force is applied.
This new production procedure does
not involve the addition of colour pigments, as For restorations with thinly tapered
these would melt at the melting temperature. margins, thick and short sprues should be used
The product thus shows less defects, which at as a lot of press force is lost in conjunction with
the same time enables higher strength and long sprues. This loss of force is proportional to
higher translucency to be produced than with the length of the sprue, while the diameter
conventional sintering technology. affects the pressing speed to the fourth power.
If required, the diameter of the sprue may be
The colour is achieved with polyvalent slightly reduced at the point of contact with
ions which are atomically dissolved in the the object to reduce the time required for
glass. The colour centres interact with each grinding. The following sketch illustrates how
other and with the glass matrix through redox sprueing influences the press behaviour (Fig 4).
processes. In this context, the right combina-
tion and concentration of the colouring ions is After careful divesting, investment
essential. Also, the melting conditions must be residue needs to be removed with IPS e.max
precisely defined. Press Invex Liquid - a procedure commonly
used in conjunction with lithium disilicate
The desired opacity of the medium- materials. The indicated time should be strictly
opacity ingots is adjusted by means of a phase observed, as compared to IPS Empress 2, the
separation process which occurs within the new product features an improved chemical
remaining glassy phase during slow cooling in resistance which also affects the treatment
the press mould. The same effect originally led with Invex Liquid. It is recommended to place
to a formation of strong, undesired opalescence the restorations in a small, suitable container
in translucent glass ceramics. and cover them with fresh liquid each time.
Subsequently, the solution can be neutralized
3.2.2 Processing as indicated and discarded.
Processing in the dental laboratory is
done using the well-known IPS Empress
technology. This is characterised by high Flow of a fluid in a pipe (Hagen Poiseuille)
precision of fit.
• dV/dt = π r4 Δρ / 8ηl
The new press ingots are offered in 3-g r = radius
and 6-g sizes. In contrast to the IPS Empress ρ = pressure (press force: - 15% in 6-g ingots)
and IPS Empress 2 ingots, which feature a η = dynamic viscosity
diameter of 11.8 mm, the diameter of the new
Sprues: Diameter Length Pressing speed
ingots has been enlarged to 12.8 mm.
2.0 mm 8.0 mm 1.00
Correspondingly, the press system, ring base 2.0 mm 6.0 mm 1.33
and press plunger have been enlarged to 13 mm. 2.5 mm 4.0 mm 4.88
3.0 mm 6.0 mm 6.75
Fig 4: Repercussions of the sprue dimensions on the pressing force, sprues with a diameter
of 2.0 mm and a length of 8.0 mm correspond to standard 1.00
solved and the lithium disilicate crystallizes. As
virtually no shrinkage occurs during this con-
version process, the fit of the restoration can
be previously adjusted. In the course of the
conversion process, the material acquires a
3.3 IPS e.max CAD high strength of more than 300 MPa and a
fracture toughness of 2.0–2.5 MPa m0.5. The
CAD/CAM techniques are increasingly blue shade of the metasilicate glass ceramic
employed in the fabrication of dental restora- disappears and the desired tooth shade is
tions. Systems such as CEREC 3, inLab, Kavo achieved. This colour change is attributable to
Everst and others are technically mature and a change in the coordination number of the
enable economical, high-quality restorative colouring ions (Fig 7).
results. The intention was to offer a machinable
high-strength glass ceramic in addition to the 3.3.4 Complex crystallization of
high-strength glass ceramic IPS e.max Press. IPS e.max CAD
disilicate. However, it is well-known that in position of the base glass corresponds to
materials containing between 5 and 30 mol % that of lithium disilicate, all metasilicate
of Li2O, a miscibility gap occurs [cfr 6, p 75; 7, crystals are consumed in this process. The
p 76]. This means that when the melt is desired lithium disilicate glass ceramic
cooled, areas rich in Li2O and SiO2 form. This forms.
phase separation is a prerequisite for the
simultaneous nucleation of lithium metasilicate Expressed in the form of a chemical
and lithium disilicate. In conjunction with reaction, lithium disilicate is created from
certain compositions, it is possible to adjust the the glassy phase of lithium metasilicate and
duration and temperature of nucleation in SiO2: Li2SiO3 + SiO2 = Li2Si2O5.
such a way as to achieve a defined nucleation
density and a defined ratio of crystal nuclei. Expressed in terms of volume, a glass
The subsequent crystallization process ceramic material containing 60–70 % of
comprises two stages. During the first stage, disilicate crystal phase and 30–40 % of glass
lithium metasilicate crystallizes almost phase is created from a glass ceramic
exclusively, while the lithium disilicate crystal material containing 30–40 % of metasilicate
nuclei remain in the glassy matrix in a latent crystal phase and 60–70 % of glass phase.
state (Figs 6 and 7).
Table 3:
Crystal size is a
glass ceramic in % mass Dissolution of
LS and growth function of
of LS2 crystals temperature
growth of LS
SiO2 57 – 80
nucleation of
Li2O 11 – 19 two crystal
K2O 0 – 13.5
ZnO 0–8 Processing
P2O5 0 – 11
ZrO2 0–8
Additional components 0 – 12
Colouring oxides Fig 6: Crystallization pattern of IPS e.max CAD; the first temperature treatment is carried out industrially, while the
final crystallization takes place in the dental laboratory (LS = lithium metasilicate, LS2 = lithium disilicate)
Nuclei from various crystal species Isolated LS nuclei after the first Cross-linked LS2 crystals result in In the Ostwald ripening stage, a
develop independently crystallization stage enable simple, high fracture strength and further temperature increase
precise machining toughness produces crystal growth
Transparent glass block after Glass ceramic block after the first CAD/CAM-manufactured restoration Restoration after conversion into LS2
nucleation of LS and LS2 crystallization stage made of LS glass ceramic glass ceramic at 850 °C
Fig 7: Complex crystallization of IPS e.max CAD (LS = lithium metasilicate, LS2 = lithium disilicate)
3.3.5 Processing objects should only be sand-
The nucleation and initial crytallization blasted in case of absolute
process establishes the basis for the final lithium necessity. IPS e.max CAD does
disilicate glass ceramic product. Nevertheless, not need to be sandblasted
the temperature and crystallization regime prior to further processing,
must be strictly observed. Excessively high tem- layering or glazing. It is
peratures may lead to a plastic deformation of sufficient to clean the surface
the restoration. To counteract this, with eg a steam blaster. After
supporting paste or zirconium oxide spheres immersion in Invex Liquid,
are used. Rounded edges and severe vitrifica- restorations fabricated with
tion of the surface are an indication of too high IPS e.max Press should be
firing temperatures. If the firing times are too blasted with glass beads at
short or the furnace temperature is too low, maximum 2 bar pressure to
the shades may not be precisely matched. In completely remove the reac-
tion layer. To minimize the Fig 8: Etched IPS e.max CAD surface - a retentive pattern has
contrast, the firing parameters have hardly any been created by etching with hydrofluoric acid (IPS Ceramic
impact on the strength. impact of the abrasive medium, Etching Gel, Ivoclar Vivadent)
the surface should not be
The special Ivoclar Vivadent firing tray positioned vertically, but at an
made of SiN ceramics is capable of balancing angle. After sandblasting, the
the temperature profile due to its good thermal surface needs to be cleaned
conductivity and relatively high thermal mass, with steam again or in the
independent of the number of objects placed ultrasonic unit.
in the furnace. The use of this firing tray in
conjunction with a calibrated ceramic furnace After finishing, the
is both essential and sufficient to successfully restoration should not be
conduct the final crystallization of IPS e.max sandblasted (Figs 9 and 10).
CAD. The retentive surfaces required
for cementation or adhesive
3.3.6 Sandblasting luting are created by etching
with hydrofluoric acid (Fig 8).
A whole section will be dedicated to
Investigations have revealed
this issue, as very different views exist. Many Fig 9: IPS e.max CAD surface after sandblasting – deep damage
that hydrofluoric acid etching of the glass ceramic is noticeable
dental technicians are used to sandblasting
hardly affects the strength of
their work patterns to create clean and rough
glass-ceramics (Table 4). It is
surfaces for the subsequent working steps.
interesting to note that
(careful) grinding with high-
However, if glass and glass ceramic sur-
quality fine-grain diamond
faces are sandblasted, so-called median cracks
burs is even less critical than
are produced. These cracks are perpendicular
sandblasting. However, any
to the surface and weaken the restoration due
generation of heat during the
to the notch effect. In the case of glass, this
grinding procedure should be
leads to a tremendous reduction in strength,
strictly avoided.
but also glass ceramics can be weakened, even
though the resulting cracks are stopped by the
incorporated crystals. Therefore, glass ceramic
Fig 10: IPS e.max CAD surface after sandblasting and etching –
the damaged areas cannot be eliminated by etching - this is
reflected in the biaxial strength values (Table 4)
Table 4:
Biaxial strength [MPa] 554 +/- 78 520 +/- 98 232+/-18 235 +/-25
3.3.7 Microstructure 3.4 Properties of framework materials
Figures 11 to 13 show SEM pictures of The properties and respective values
glass-ceramics in different processing stages. achieved by IPS e.max CAD and IPS e.max
Press are indicated in the table below. The
requirements stipulated in the product profile
as well as ISO 6872 could be met.
Table 5:
Fig 13: SEM picture of the glass ceramic pressed using the
IPS Empress technique at 920 °C; approx 70 % of LS2 crystals in
the residual glassy phase (glass phase etched with HF)
4. Literature
IPS e.max ZirCAD Rothbrust
1170°C 2370°C
950°C 2355°C
monoclinic (M) tetragonal (T) cubic (c)
p = 5.83 g cm-3 p = 6.10 g cm-3 p = 6.10 g cm-3
+ ΔV ~3–5%
martensitic transformation
Fig 1: Modification of zirconia at different temperatures
2. To shift the transformation of the tetrago-
nal phase to lower temperatures
3. To keep the cubic phase metastable up to
room temperature
Fig 2: Phase diagram in the ZrO2-Y2O3 system according to Yashima et al. [9] 3 ZrO2 materials
In the course of the past 30 years, a
number of different high-performance
materials have been developed. Their func-
Fully Stabilized Partially
Zirconia (FSZ) Stabiliized tional, biocompatible and mechanical pro-
Zirconia I (PSZ) perties have been optimized over time [5, 7, 8].
Four of the main types of these materials are
shown below (Fig 3).
1. microcrack-induced transformation
reinforcement (MR)
2. stress-induced transformation
reinforcement (TR)
Frontal Zone Frontal Zone
Crack tip
The MR in PSZ I is produced when the
stabilization of the tetragonal particles in the
cubic matrix is not sufficient and the t/m trans-
Wake formation takes place. The resulting micro-
cracks can impair the propagation of cracks if
a macrocrack occurs in the structure, as the
energy is distributed among many small
tetragonal tetragonal
monoklin monoklin microcracks along the process zone. In PSZ II,
however, TR takes place: The tetragonal grains
Fig 4: Crack propagation and stress-induced transformation reinforcement within Y-TZP are not able to transform in the strained matrix
due to their crystallite size and the stabiliza-
tion. They remain metastable in the matrix. If a
crack penetrates the structure, the tension in hydrothermal instability has
the matrix is released and the tetragonal become irrelevant for the appli-
particles can transform. Due to the ensuing cation [15]. IPS e.max ZirCAD
volume change, the crack cannot propagate. (Fig 5) has been doped with a
The fracture toughness of the material in- content of about 0.25 wt%
creases. Because of this “pseudo-plastic” Al2O3. The excellent mechanical
deformation, the material is also called properties are maintained
“ceramic steel” [1]. despite the additive. At the Fig 5 IPS e.max ZirCAD B40 and C15
Table 1: 6 IPS e.max ZirCAD –
Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the individual the procedure
processing strategies for ZrO2 in dental applications
Below is a description of the process
steps for the manufacture of a dental restora-
Processing of white body Processing of HIP ZrO2 tion made of IPS e.max ZirCAD (Fig 7). Apart
Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages from the fabrication itself, the further process-
ing by the user is highlighted in particular. The
Easy processing Detailed calculation Accuracy of fit, High processing dental technician is responsible for the com-
of shrinkage precise milling, no costs (tools and puter-aided design of the framework structure
required distortion machine)
and the veneer. He uses precise computer-
Short processing Risk of fracture in Excellent aesthetics, Complex reworking aided machining in a milling unit to create an
time, particularly white state high translucency procedure with accurately fitting framework.
with CAD/CAM effects on the
framework structure
Dry pressing
Fracture toughness, KIC / MPa1/2
CAD/CAM process
Dense sintering
Fig 6: Comparison of mechanical properties of different dental ceramics Fig 7: Process diagram for fabricating an IPS e.max ZirCAD
The procedure for processing the white After shaping, the material is finally
body shows the following characteristics: A densified in a high-temperature furnace
block, which has not yet attained its final (Fig 9), which has been especially developed
properties, such as strength, fracture toughness, for oxide ceramics. The process of final
density etc, but is predensified, is machined. In hardening in which the individual crystallites
this presintered state, the block can very easily move closer together by diffusion processes
be machined with suitable grinding instru- due to thermal activation until virtually no
ments. Only after shaping (CAM process) is the pores are left in the structure is called sintering.
block finally densified. Densification means This process takes place at 1500 °C. What is
that the material shrinks by a certain degree. important in this process is that both heating
This shrinkage has to be taken into account in and cooling rates are exactly coordinated with
the CAD/CAM process. Therefore, an enlarged the actual sintering procedure. Consequently,
framework is milled from the block. The more the thermal process of the equipment has to
detailed the degree of shrinkage in a block is be accurately adjusted to the processes in the
determined, the more precise is the accuracy material. Hence, the entire firing process in the
of fit after final hardening of the framework in Sintramat furnace takes about 8 hours. The
the firing procedure. material shrinks in every direction by about
20% in relation to the original size.
Fig 8: SEM image of a fracture surface of an IPS e.max ZirCAD Fig 9: High-temperature furnace Sintramat from Ivoclar Vivadent
block, 30,000x magnification AG for firing IPS e.max ZirCAD
Table 2: density. The combination of high densification,
low error rate in the structure and the small,
Properties of IPS e.max ZirCAD mean crystallite size of approx. 0.5 µm results
- the presintered state with chemical composition in the high fracture strength of the material. In
addition, the above mentioned possibility of
Density /g cm-3 3.09 – 3.21 transforming the tetragonal particles leads to
Porosity /% 47.3 – 49.3 a reinforcing mechanism and thus to a fracture
toughness of more than 5.5 MPa m1/2. Other
Strength of presintered body /MPa 50 – 90 properties are summarized in Table 3.
Crystallite size /µm 0.25 – 0.35
ZrO2 /wt.% 87.0 – 95.0
Y2O3 /wt.% 4.0-6.0 6.2 Sources of error: reasons and
HfO2 /wt.% 1.0 – 5.0 effects
Fig 12: 3-unit bridge framework on IPS e.max Fig 13: Firing aid for the sintering process: Sintramat Fig 14: Accuracy of fit of a 3-unit bridge framework after the
ZirCAD on ZrO2 beads after the sintering process ZrO2 beads firing process on the model
surface with diamond tools. Although one
might assume that this surface roughness
implies great defective areas or even cracks,
the magnification (Fig 15) clearly shows that
no sharp-edged scrapes are visible within the
milling pattern.
6.2.2 Influence of thermal treatment
The thermal process is decisive for the
formation of the microstructure and thus the
properties of the material. If the firing process
is not accurately controlled, undesirable firing
results will be the outcome, which often
cannot be visually differentiated. The difference
only becomes apparent upon inspection of the
microstructure and the comprehensive
characterization regarding the dental applica-
tion. Grain growth processes and the forma-
tion of different phases are often not visible to
the user.
7 Literature
[5] Heuer A.H., Claussen N., Kriven W.H. and Rühle R.;
Stability of Tetragonal ZrO2-Particles in Ceramic
Matrices; J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 65, 642-650 (1982)
[16] Kosmac̆ T., Oblak C., Jevnikar P., Funduk N., Marion L.;
The effect of surface grinding and sandblasting on
flexural strength and reliability of Y-TZP zirconia
ceramic; Dental Materials 15, 426–433 (1999)
IPS e.max Ceram Marcel Schweiger
Table 1:
Chemical composition of the different IPS e.max Ceram products (in %wt)
to precipitate the fluorapatite. Thus indirectly, By using different concentrations of
the content of apatite-forming components CaO, P2O5 and F and by varying the crystalliza-
has an impact on the opacity and aesthetics of tion temperature and time, different shapes of
the material. fluorapatite crystals can be produced in a
targeted fashion. These processes are con-
The milling technique used when ducted in a controlled, reproducible way during
processing glass granulates into glass powder production. The quantity and shape of the
plays a decisive role. By means of the grain size crystals will not change any more during the
distribution and final grain size of the powder, ceramic firing procedure in the dental labora-
the handling properties can be selectively tory, which is conducted at 750 °C. This is
adjusted. While the Dentin and Incisal ensured by the fact that during the production
materials feature a coarse grain structure with procedure, a crystallization temperature
average particles sizes ranging from 30 to between 850 °C and 1150 °C is maintained
36 µm, very fine powders with average particle during a tempering period of more than one
sizes of 5 to 10 µm are used for the Essence hour. All subsequent firing cycles in the dental
materials and Glazes. Stained Essence laboratory are conducted at processing para-
materials can be admixed, just like colour meters that are clearly below these tempe-
pigments, in order to individually and homo- ratures. Consequently, no crystal growth can
geneously enhance the chroma of the existing ensue. In the case of IPS e.max Ceram, nano-
coarse-grain materials. scale as well as oblong fluorapatite crystals are
present. The long prismatic crystals have a
length of 1–2 µm and a cross-sectional dia-
meter of less than 200 nm. With less than
200 nm, the nano-scale crystals are very short in
3 Microstructure length. Their cross-sectional diameter is less
than 100 nm. For sizes below 100 nm, the term
IPS e.max Ceram is a homogeneous “nano” is justified. Evidence of the crystalline
mixture of fluorapatite-containing glass content can be provided by means of XRD. In
ceramic and sintered glass powders. The Figure 3, the X-ray diffraction diagram of a
sintered glasses are single-phase glasses and fluorapatite glass ceramic from the IPS e.max
do not contain any crystalline phases. As a Ceram range is shown and contrasted with a
result, these glasses remain completely stable reference pattern from pure fluorapatite.
during the ceramic firing process and do not
form any crystals. The glass ceramics contain Apart from the fact that the structure
fluorapatite crystals Ca5(PO4)3F. Evidence of of fluorapatite crystals is very similar to that
crystalline phases is provided by means of X- of natural tooth enamel, the crystals are
ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron systematically employed to adjust the optical
microscopy (SEM). Figures 1 and 2 show the properties of the different materials. More
fluorapatite crystal shapes that typically occur details on this subject can be found in chapter 4.
in IPS e.max Ceram.
Fluorapatite forms
long prismatic crystals with a
hexagonal base. Longitudinal
cuts show an oblong rec-
tangular surface and lateral
cuts the corresponding hexa-
gonal surfaces. The crystalline
symmetry is thus hexagonal.
The main components are
PO43+ tetrahedrons laterally
cross-linked with Ca2+ ions. F-
ions are embedded in the
intermediate spaces. Fluor-
apatite has a refractive index
ranging from 1.629 to 1.667. Fig 1: Longish fluorapatite crystals (etched; 3 % HF, 10 s) Fig 2: Nano-fluorapatite crystals (etched; 3 % HF, 10 s)
4 Properties
4.1 Optical properties
Fluorapatite crystals have a significant
impact on the light dynamics of IPS e.max
Ceram. The light is mainly refracted along the
crystals. In this refraction process, the light
wave range, particle size (cross-sectional dia-
meter) as well as the refractive index of the
filler particles and matrix play a crucial role. In
IPS e.max Ceram, the opacity is established
with the help of fluorapatite crystals which are
embedded in the glass matrix as particles. The
refractive index of the crystals (particles) is
between 1.63 and 1.67, which is higher than
that of the glass matrix which features 1.50 to
1.55. In contrast to conventional opaquing
techniques using ceramic particles such as
ZrO2 (refractive index 2.1 to 2.2) or TiO2
(refractive index 2.5 to 2.6), the differences
between the refractive index of the particles
and that of the matrix is significantly smaller in
IPS e.max Ceram. Consequently, light
PU PZ-GM/Neptun EB-1000 b:E37518, Art:549239 - File: E37518-1.RAW - Type: PSD fast-scan - Start: 10.000 ° - End: 60.158 ° - Step: 0.014 ° - Step time: 1. s - Temp.: 25 °C (Room) - Time Started scattering conditions which are ideal for
Operations: Background 0.120,1.000 | Import
00-015-0876 (*) - Fluorapatite, syn - Ca5(PO4)3F - Y: 107.87 % - d x by: 1. - WL: 1.54056 - Hexagonal - a 9.36840 - b 9.36840 - c 6.88410 - alpha 90.000 - beta 90.000 - gamma 120.000 - Primitive - dental applications are created. Optical pro-
perties such as translucency and brightness
Fig 3: X-ray diffractogram of a fluorapatite glass ceramic which is used in IPS e.max Ceram
can be ideally adjusted. If the difference
between the two refractive indices is too high,
for example, high brightness may be achieved,
but hardly any translucent properties can be
created because of the strong scattering
the dental laboratory. The opalescent effect is (ISO 6872) of >50 MPa. The fluorapatite
thus maintained even during multiple firings. crystals do not measurably strengthen the
The drop-shaped phase separation areas have a glass ceramic as, for example, leucite and
diameter of approx 300 nm (Fig 5). lithium disilicate crystals do. The precipitation
Consequently, the basic requirements for wave- density is too low and the difference in the
length related light scattering and thus thermal expansion coefficient compared to the
opalescent effects are met. glass matrix is too small to reinforce dispersion.
It should be pointed out that all the currently
available veneering ceramics for ZrO2 frame-
works exhibit similar strength values of bet-
ween 70 and 100 MPa (measurements Ivoclar
Vivadent AG, 2003–2005). Table 2 shows a
comparison of the biaxial strength value of
different veneering ceramics for ZrO2 frame-
4.3 Thermal properties In the case of IPS e.max ZirCAD, the maximum
tensile stress calculated is 15 MPa, and in the
The linear coefficient of thermal expan-
case of the glass ceramics IPS e.max CAD and
sion (CTE) of both the framework and
Press, the maximum value is 7 MPa. These
veneering material need to be compatibilized
figures are clearly below the inherent strength
with each other. The CTE indicates the expan-
values of the framework materials and thus do
sion or contraction a rod of 1 m length under-
not present a problem. However, the fact that
goes if the temperature is changed by
this theoretical calculation is based on the
1 °C or 1 K (Kelvin). The change in absolute
assumption of a homogeneous cooling
length is indicated in µm (=0.000001 m).
process should be kept in mind. Quick cooling
Therefore, the unit of measurement is
and varying thickness of the restoration may
µm/m*K. The measuring unit may also be
lead to an increase in tensile stress and even
abbreviated to ppm/K. However, the letters
transfer critical tensile stresses to the
ppm stand for “parts per million” and
veneering ceramic.
correspond to 0.0001%. The CTE thus indi-
cates the change in relative length of a
When comparing CTE values, it is
material per K. To illustrate this relationship, a
important that the values relate to identical
calculation example is shown below. The
temperature intervals. The indicated or
change in absolute length Dl of an IPS e.max
calculated CTE value is dependent on the
ZirCAD bridge with a length of 30 mm (Lo) is
temperature. As the transformation
to be determined within the temperature
temperature of IPS e.max Ceram is in the
range DT of 25 to 400 °C (CTE ZirCAD a =
range of 470–490 °C, the CTE value cannot be
10.75 µm/m*K).
analysed up to 500 °C. The transformation
point represents a characteristic point in the
Dl = a • DT • L0 • 0.000001
transition between the glassy solid state and
Dl = 10.75 • (400–25) K•30mm•0.000001/K
the glass melt. The linear expansion changes at
= 0.121mm=121µm
the transformation temperature. In the
analysis, the upper temperature limit is thus set
The change in absolute length Dl of an
at 400 °C in order to ensure a stable linear
IPS e.max ZirCAD bridge with a length of
expansion range. Correspondingly, the CTE
30 mm in the range of 25 to 400 °C is 121 µm.
values for framework ceramics are indicated in
the temperature range between 100 and 400
As a rule of thumb, the veneering
°C, even though it would be perfectly possible
ceramics used for dental restorations tend to
to evaluate the CTE values of these materials
establish a stable bond to the framework if
up to a temperature of 500 °C.
their CTE is lower than that of the framework
material. The mechanically weaker surface of
the veneering ceramic is thus exposed to
compressive strain. Glasses and ceramics can
resist compressive forces much more easily
than tensile forces. This principle is applied in
both metal and all-ceramics.
5 Sintering process In order to illustrate the sintering
process, a firing cycle conducted in a
IPS e.max Ceram is a low fusing glass Programat P200 was interrupted at the
ceramic. The sintering point of the mixture is temperature stages of 600, 650, 700 and
below 800 °C. Sintering is a dynamic process. 750 °C to enable SEM analysis of the sinter
The most important factors that influence this structure. The progress of the sintering process
process are grain size distribution, the specific is shown in Figs 6 to 9.
surface texture, surface conditioning of the
powder, densification of the powder, heating At 600 °C, the individual glass and glass
rate, final temperature and holding time. ceramic grains can still be easily distinguished.
IPS e.max Ceram is a glass ceramic material Thermal microscopy shows that the sintering
with a high content of glassy phase. Glassy process starts at 550 °C. First sinter necks form
materials demonstrate a characteristic trans- at the direct contact points between individual
formation as well as subsequent softening grains. The sinter structure exhibits low
range. In the softening range, the viscosity is strength at this stage. In the temperature range
108–1013.5 Pas. At the points of contact, first between 600 and 650 °C, strong sintering
melting bridges form between the individual activity is observed (Fig 8). At 650 °C, the
powder particles. Further densification is sinter shrinkage is around 19.3 %
achieved by liquid-phase sintering [6, 7]. By (corresponds to a linear shrinkage of 6.9%).
selective melting of the IPS e.max Ceram glass The individual grains are connected with each
grains, which is accomplished as from the other through pronounced sinter necks. These
softening point of 540 °C, the open pores are sinter necks form through localized melting of
continuously closed as the temperature the grains. Large grains and components with
increases. higher melting temperatures impart the
material with the required resistance against
The sintering behaviour can be charac- deformation. Up to 650 °C, the material has
terized by means of thermal microscopy. In the an open-pored structure. Volatile organic
process, a cylindrical powder specimen is substances need to be disintegrated and
heated at a constant rate and the sintering decomposed when this temperature is
shrinkage is recorded digitally by means of reached. If this is not so, isolated sinter pores
shadow projection. The volumetric shrinkage in the structure remain which are filled with
of the standardized, non-densified test undesirable reaction products. Therefore, it is
specimens is 45.4 %. Provided that the of utmost importance to use only IPS e.max
sintering behaviour is isotropic (identical in all build-up liquids. The organic components
directions), this corresponds to a linear used in these materials easily decompose at
shrinkage of 18.3 %. To enable a comparison, these temperatures. From 700 °C, the sintering
several competitive ceramic materials were process is so far advanced that only closed
subjected to the same test procedure (Table 3). porosities (isolated spaces) are present (Fig 9).
The linear shrinkage of all the systems was In contrast to trapped gas, this type of porosity
limited to the relatively narrow range between is easily eliminated as the sintering process
43.2 and 46.5 (linear 17.2 –18.8 %), while the advances. In the final stages of sintering, at
linear shrinkage of IPS e.max ZirCAD was 20 % 750 °C, the remaining closed porosities are
on average. densely sintered. Depending on the pre-
compaction by the dental technician, the total
volumetric shrinkage ranges between 40 and
45 %. A dense, homogenous sinter structure
results as shown in Figure 10.
Table 3:
6 Bonding properties
IPS e.max Ceram is sintered onto
different framework materials. The properties
of the veneering ceramic are optimally co-
ordinated with corresponding framework
materials as regards the CTE and firing
temperature. The resulting adhesive regions
are visible on the polished sections shown
below (Figs 11–14).
Fig 13, 14: Bonding region between IPS e.max Ceram, ZirLiner and IPS e.max ZirCAD (100x and 1000x
magnification, polished section, BDE Contrast)
7 Summary 8 Literature
IPS e.max Ceram is a veneering ceramic [1] Höland W., Rheinberger V., Wegner S., Frank M.;
Needle-like apatite-leucite glass-ceramic as a base
for universal use which is suitable for both material for the veneering of metal restorations in
zirconium oxide frameworks (IPS e.max dentistry; J Mater Sci Mater Med. 11 (1),11–7 (2000)
ZirCAD) and lithium disilicate frameworks [2] Höland W., Rheinberger V., Frank M.; Mechanism of
(IPS e.max Press, CAD). Due to the use of fluor- nucleation and controlled crystallization of needlelike
apatite glass ceramics as opaquing agent, apatite in glass-ceramics in the SiO2-Al2O3-K2O-CaO-
P2O5 systems; J Non-Cryst. Solids 253, 170–177
natural-looking aesthetics are achieved. (1999)
IPS e.max ZirPress Marcel Schweiger
3 Structure
IPS e.max ZirPress is a homogeneous
2 Composition mixture of fluorapatite-containing glass-
ceramics and sinter glasses. The sinter glasses
IPS e.max ZirPress is composed of sili- are single-phased and do not contain any
cate glasses and apatite glass-ceramics. The crystalline phases. The glass-ceramics used
only natural raw material used is quartz sand. contain fluorapatite crystals Ca5(PO4)3F. The
IPS e.max ZirPress does not contain any feld- presence of a crystalline phase
spar components or leucite crystals. Glasses is confirmed by XRD measure-
from the SiO2-Li2O-Na2O-K2O-ZnO-Al2O3 system ment and scanning electron
are used for the mixing components. For the microscopy (SEM). Figure 1
glass-ceramics which contain fluorapatite, the and 2 show the crystal forms
base glasses additionally include CaO, P2O5 typical of IPS e.max ZirPress.
and F. These three basic components are the
prerequisite for the formation of the By using different con-
Ca5(PO4)3F fluorapatite crystals. The base centration ratios of CaO-P2O5-
F and coordinated crystalliza-
Table 1: tion temperatures and times,
various fluorapatite crystal
Composition of IPS e.max ZirPress ingots forms can be selectively pro-
(wt.%) Fig 1: Longish fluorapatite crystals
duced. These processes take
place in a controlled fashion
SiO2 57.0 – 62.0 on a production scale. The
crystal quantity and form no
Na2O 6.0 – 8.0
longer changes during the
K2O 2.0 – 4.0 firing process in the dental
CaO 2.0 – 4.0 laboratory. IPS e.max ZirPress
Al2O3 12.0 – 16.0
contains needle-like and
nanoscale fluorapatite crystals.
ZrO2 1.5 – 2.5 The needles measure 1–2 µm
P2O5 1.0 – 2.0 in length and less than 200 nm
F 0.5 – 1.0 in diameter. The nano-scale
crystals have grown along a
Additional components: SrO, B2O3, ZnO
Fig 2: Nano-fluorapatite crystals
slight longitudinal axis and have a length of less The firing stability during subsequent
than 200 nm. Their diameter measures firing cycles with IPS e.max Ceram is ensured
less than 100 nm. The term nano-crystals is by the temperature difference of 150 °C
applicable to sizes below 100 nm. between pressing and layering. The accuracy
of pressed ceramic shoulders or margins in
Apart from the fact that fluorapatite inlay-retained bridges is maintained and thus
crystals are employed because their structure is they no longer have to be adjusted. Hence,
very similar to that of natural dental enamel, possible shortcomings in the accuracy of fit of
the crystals are selectively used to establish the sintered and reduced ZrO2 frameworks can be
optical properties as regards translucency and improved.
brightness of the different ingots. This topic is
explained in the chapter IPS e.max Ceram and The CTE is ideally coordinated to the
is also valid for IPS e.max ZirPress. IPS e.max ZirCAD framework ceramic and
IPS e.max Ceram. The CTE is the highest in
IPS e.max ZirPress and decreases continuously
(see Fig 3).
Table 2:
IPS e.max ZirPress can be etched with 5 Conclusion
hydrofluoric acid to produce a retentive
pattern. The etching pattern enables a good IPS e.max ZirPress is a fluorapatite-
bond to adhesive luting systems, such as containing glass-ceramic, which can be pro-
Variolink II or Multilink. The retentive pattern cessed in the IPS Empress technique. IPS e.max
in microscopic and macroscopic magnification ZirPress is used to press onto CAD/CAM-
is visible in Figs 6 and 7. The apatite crystals fabricated ZirCAD frameworks and thus
that have been produced as a result of etching represents a link between the IPS Empress and
the glass matrix are apparent in Fig 6. Figure 7 CAD/CAM processing technique. The chemical
shows high-contrast surfaces of the and physical properties are ideally coordinated
individual glass and glass-ceramic grains with with the IPS e.max ZirCAD framework ceramic
different etching patterns. and the IPS e.max Ceram veneering ceramic.
By using the IPS Empress technique, repro-
ducible results exhibiting a high accuracy of fit
and good aesthetic properties can be achieved.
Fig 4: Bond between IPS e.max ZirCAD, ZirLiner and ZirPress Fig 5: Bond between IPS e.max ZirPress and Ceram (etched, 3%
(polished ground surface) HF, 10 s)
Fig 6: Etching pattern of IPS e.max ZirPress with fluorapatite Fig 7: Etching pattern of IPS e.max ZirPress with glass and glass-
crystals (4.5% ceramic etching gel (HF); 20 seconds of reaction ceramic particles (4.5% ceramic etching gel (HF); 20 seconds of
time) reaction time)
IPS e.max
The development in terms of dental technology and shading
Harald Kerschbaumer
2 Framework materials
– IPS e.max Press is a lithium disilicate
glass-ceramic, which is available as a Table 1:
framework material in a medium opacity
(MO). Therefore, the opacity and the Table of opacity
resulting brightness value is of particular
importance for this ingot. The ingots are Material CR*
coloured according to the five basic e.max CAD MO 2 85%
shades MO 0, MO 1, MO 2, MO 3 and
e.max Press MO 2 85%
MO 4.
e.max Press HO 95%
– IPS e.max CAD is a lithium disilicate e.max ZirPress A3 MO 85%
glass-ceramic that has been particularly e.max ZirPress A3 LT 75%
optimized for CAD processing. During the
milling process in the unit, the framework e.max ZirCAD 95%
3 Veneering material
Basically, the development of veneering
ceramics covers the entire range of desirable
optical properties, such as translucency, opacity,
opal effect, fluorescence etc.
3.2 Opalescence
The opalescence of the IPS e.max
Ceram Effect materials is created by a selective
precipitation of nano-apatite crystals in the
size of 300 to 500 nm. The opalescent effect is
maintained even after multiple firing cycles.
Fig 6: Veneered zirconium oxide crowns by transmitted light; in the center IPS e.max ZirCAD / IPS e.max Ceram;
on the left and right crowns from competitors
3.2 Fluorescence 3.3 The liner
The fluorescence of the IPS e.max The IPS e.max Ceram ZirLiner has two
Ceram layering materials has been determined functions. It establishes a sound bond to the
according to the proven IPS d.SIGN metal- zirconium oxide framework. In addition, the
ceramic. Special emphasis has been placed on liner endows the frameworks with the same
the natural concentration of fluorescent shade as IPS e.max CAD and IPS e.max Press
agents. Like in the natural tooth, the highest frameworks. In order to properly adjust the
concentration of fluorescent agents is in the required shade intensity, a special IPS e.max
root dentin and the lowest in the materials Ceram ZirLiner shade guide is available (Figs 10
used for the incisal region (Fig 9). and 11).
Fig 7: Test sample of an opal component Fig 8: Test sample with ready-mixed Fig 9: IPS e.max Ceram crown with the respective shade tabs under UV light; Shoulder,
by transmitted light Effect 1 material by transmitted light Dentin and Enamel materials to show the course of fluorescence
Fig 10: Fired ZirLiner on IPS e.max ZirCAD crown with IPS e.max Ceram ZirLiner shade Fig 11: IPS e.max Ceram ZirLiner materials shade guide
The IPS e.max Ceram ZirLiners are
transparent. Thus, light is transmitted into the
tooth structure and gingiva (Figs 12 and 13).
The development of the ZirLiners also Fig 12: ZirLiner on IPS e.max ZirCAD; light Fig 13: Opaque liner from a competitor;
is transmitted into the framework light is not transmitted
fulfils the need for natural fluorescence.
Zirconium oxide frameworks do not have any
inherent fluorescent properties. By adding
fluorescent agents to the ZirLiners, a natural-
looking fluorescence is transferred to the
frameworks (Fig 14).
Fig 14: Zirconium oxide with ZirLiner (left) and without ZirLiner (right) under UV light
IPS e.max
Two clinical cases
Harald Dr Alexander
Kerschbauer Stiefenhofer
The following two clinical cases were exposed, and the overall colour of the two
treated with all-ceramic crown and bridge crowns was grey compared to the contra-
restorations. The first case involved a single lateral natural incisors (Fig 1). The gingiva of
tooth restoration with IPS e.max CAD/IPS e.max teeth 21 and 22 was located symmetrically to
Ceram crowns. The second case was restored the gingiva of the contralateral teeth 11 and
with an inlay/crown-retained bridge made of 12. The endodontic and periodontal state did
IPS e.max ZirCAD/IPS e.max ZirPress. not give any cause for concern (Fig 2).
Case 1: 46-year-old patient: Before abutment teeth 21 and 22 were
single crowns with lithium restored, the existing metal root posts with
disilicate glass-ceramic copings composite build-up material had to be re-
moved first. The prepared teeth had to be
in the maxilla restored with tooth-shaded, metal-free post
and core build-ups. For the crown, it was
Preoperative situation planned to use IPS e.max CAD MO frame-
The endodontically treated teeth 21 works in connection with the IPS e.max Ceram
and 22 which had been reconstructed with veneering ceramic. IPS e.max CAD MO is indi-
post and core build-ups had to be replaced by cated for single crowns in the anterior and
new prosthodontic restorations 13 years after posterior region. Since the IPS e.max CAD
insertion due to aesthetic shortcomings. The framework materials feature a similar opacity
following aspects were particularly noteworthy: to that of IPS e.max Ceram Deep Dentin, the
the crown margins were located in the supra- framework can be designed more generously
gingival area with the dark root surfaces in order to achieve maximum strength.
Fig 1: Preoperative situation: 13-year-old crowns on teeth 21 and 22. The root surfaces Fig 2: X-ray of teeth 21, 22 in the preoperative state. Opacities according to the
were exposed, as the gums had receded. In addition, the ceramic showed a grey colour endodontic and prosthetic restoration of teeth 21 and 22 with composite post and core
compared to the contralateral natural teeth. build-ups and crowns.
Fig 3: Abutment teeth 21 and 22 reconstructed and postprepared with post and core build-ups made of composite and glass fibre posts ready to accommodate all-ceramic crowns.
Picture A shows an overview, Picture B shows a close-up of abutments 21 and 22.
Pretreatment formed foil after the wax-up was prepared.
The crowns were inserted with the eugenol-
Once the crowns and composite build-
free temporary luting cement Systemp.cem
ups, as well as endodontic posts had been
(Fig 4).
removed, new post and core build-ups were
inserted after the preparation was revised and
After a non-inflamed gingival situation
an elastomeric impression taken. The post and
was achieved after 4 weeks, the location of the
core build-ups were made using the light-
preparation margins in relation to the course
curing composite Tetric EvoCeram in the incre-
of the gingival margin was checked and an
mental layering technique and the glass fibre
impression of the abutment teeth taken. The
reinforced root posts FRC Postec on mounted
sulcus management comprised a thorough
super hard stone models with detachable
display of the preparation margin by means of
segments. The restorations were inserted after
the double cord technique. An electrosurgical
retraction cords were applied in a relatively dry
extension of the sulcus was not required. Iron-
operating field. For the adhesive cementation
IIII-sulfate was used as an astringent.
technique, the chemically curing luting com-
posite Multilink was used and the restoration
conditioned with the chemically curing
Multilink Primer. Subsequently, excess cement Fabrication of the restoration
was immediately removed prior to polymeriza- The best starting point for the frame-
tion using foam pellets and brushes. Finally, work design is the fully anatomical model of
the teeth were prepared to accommodate the the restoration, which is selectively reduced for
new crowns. The margin was prepared in the the veneer. It is important that the veneering
intrasulcular area (Fig 3). ceramic does not account for more than 50%
of the entire restoration thickness to avoid a
Temporary restorations were provided weakening of the overall restoration. The
in the form of resin crowns made of crown copings were fabricated of lithium di-
Systemp.c&b plus, which were fabricated silicate glass-ceramic blocks (IPS e.max CAD
directly on the patient. The temporary crowns MO) in the laboratory using the inLab system
were fabricated using a polyethylene vacuum from Sirona (Fig 5).
Fig 5: IPS e.max CAD MO crown copings Fig 6: Application of the firing paste Fig 7: Tempered crowns on silicon nitride
Fig 8: The restoration is cleaned with steam Fig 9: Application of the wash paste Fig 10: First firing with Deep Dentin and characterization
Fig 11: Completed crowns 21 and 22 made of IPS e.max CAD/IPS e.max Ceram. Picture A: labial view, Picture B: palatal view
Fig 12: Situation after insertion of crowns 21 and 22 using glass ionomer cement. The
crowns have been in situ for 1 week. Picture A: overview, Picture B: close-up,
Picture C: final X-ray examination
Before the IPS e.max Ceram materials Placement
are applied, the framework is cleaned with
The strength of IPS e.max CAD/IPS e.max
steam or in an ultrasonic bath (Fig 8). The
Ceram crowns enables conventional cementa-
IPS e.max CAD framework must not be blasted
tion with a retentive core preparation. The
with aluminium oxide.
crowns were seated using the glass ionomer
cement Vivaglass CEM PL. The fully veneered
Before Dentin and Incisal materials are
crowns on IPS e.max CAD frameworks that
generously layered, a thin wash layer must be
have been veneered with IPS e.max Ceram
applied with any layering material and fired
harmoniously blend into the natural surround-
(Fig. 9). Subsequently, the restoration can be
ings (Fig 12).
completed as usual (Figs 10 and 11).
Six-month recalls showed an un-
The restoration must not be sand-
changing result regarding the soft tissue and
blasted with aluminium oxide prior to seating.
the quality of the ceramic (Fig 13).
The inner aspects of the restoration are treated
with IPS Ceramic Etching Gel for 20 seconds.
This etching procedure is conducted both with
adhesive and conventional cementation.
Fig 13: Recall after 6 months (Picture A) and 12 months (Picture B) after placement. The wedge-shaped defects in the upper posterior region had been restored in the meantime.
Case 2: 44-year-old patient: After sulcus management, elastic
impression taking, facebow transfer and
posterior bridge with registration of the horizontal and vertical jaw
zirconium oxide framework relation in the intercuspation position, the
super hard stone models were mounted into a
Preoperative situation semi-adjustable articulator to fabricate the
After successful periodontal treatment, inlay/crown-retained bridge 15-17.
the interdental space between teeth 15 and 17
had to be closed. Both abutment teeth 15 and The zirconium oxide bridge framework
17 were vital. Tooth 15 was crowned; tooth 17 was milled from an IPS e.max ZirCAD zirconium
showed a two-surface mesio-occlusal restora- oxide block in the inLab system from Sirona.
tion (Fig 14). The sintered zirconium oxide was fitted to the
master model. Once the framework was
finished, the ZirLiner in the suitable shade was
applied and fired (Fig 16).
The interdental space between 15 and A translucent pressed ceramic was
17 was to be closed with an adhesively luted, used to press a circular shoulder to tooth 15
all-ceramic inlay/crown-retained bridge with a and the side walls of the inlay in tooth 17.
zirconium oxide framework on which the
veneering ceramic was pressed and layered in
some areas. From a technical point of view, the
easiest and best solution in this case was to Wax-up and preparation for the press
press IPS e.max ZirPress onto the zirconium procedure
oxide framework. On the one hand, this allows
the complex occlusal surface to be designed A modelling wax that burns out without
with a proven wax-up. On the other hand, the leaving residue has to be used for the wax-up.
inlay in tooth 17 is much easier to fabricate by The teeth are modelled fully anatomically. A
means of the press technique than with the small portion of Incisal material is applied only
layering method. The translucent LT ingot was in the buccal and lingual area (Fig 17).
used to ensure ideal adaptation of the restora-
tion to the residual tooth structure. If the pontics in the posterior region are
voluminous, it is recommended to apply a ring-
shaped sprue (Fig 18) to achieve a detailed
Preparation and fabrication of the reproduction of the pontic (Fig 19).
Abutments 15 and 17 were prepared
according to a crown preparation with a
pronounced chamfer on tooth 15 and an MO
inlay preparation with a proximal shoulder on
tooth 17 (Fig 15). In the occlusal area, 1.5 mm
were available for the bridge framework and
Fig 14: Orthopantograph after the periodontal treatment was completed. Interdental Fig 15: Preparation of the abutments for
space 15-17 to be closed the inlay/crown-retained bridge 15–17.
Circular chamfer on 15, inlay cavity with
proximal shoulder and slightly divergent
cavity walls on tooth 17
Completion present case, the preparations were isolated by
means of electrosurgical sulcus management,
After the sprues had been removed
iron-IIII-sulphate application and the place-
and the restorations completely fitted on the
ment of retraction cords (Ultrapak, Ultradent).
master model, a little space was provided for
It was not possible to use a rubber dam to
the build-up in the incisal area (Fig 20).
establish a completely dry field. Therefore, the
bridge was inserted under stringent moisture
To complete the anatomical form, the
control. The retraction cords had to remain in
incisal area was built up according to the free
place in the sulcus as far as possible during
layering technique with IPS e.max Ceram
placement to avoid sulcus fluid from escaping
(Fig 21).
and to protect the sulcus from penetration of
adhesive and luting composite. In the present
Finally, the restoration was stained with
case, the chemically curing Multilink luting
IPS e.max Ceram Shades and Essence materials
composite system was used for the adhesive
and glazed (Fig 22).
technique. Before the bridge was seated, the
restoration was conditioned with 5% hydro-
The basal view shows the central white-
fluoric acid gel (IPS Ceramic Etching Gel) in the
opaque IPS e.max ZirCAD zirconium oxide
area of the etchable IPS e.max ZirPress ceramic
bridge framework which was entirely covered
and subsequently silanized (Monobond-S).
with the IPS e.max ZirPress veneering ceramic
Cement excess was removed with foam
in the occlusal area and in the area of the
pellets, brushes and dental floss immediately
preparation margins. IPS e.max ZirPress is suit-
after placement before the restoration was
able for the adhesive technique.
light cured. At the cementation joint a brush
should be preferred over a foam pellet to
An inlay-retained bridge or a combined
prevent the luting composite from being
version, such as an inlay/crown-retained
wiped out of the cement margin. Figure 23
bridge has to be adhesively seated in order to
shows occlusal and buccal aspects of the
achieve the clinically required retention and
restoration in situ. The fully veneered inlay/
strength of the construction. As the zirconium
crown-retained bridge seamlessly blends into
oxide bridge framework exhibits only a very
the natural environment. The surrounding soft
low translucency, a chemically or dual-curing
tissue looks vital.
adhesive and luting composite have to be used
to ensure complete polymerization. In the
Fig 16: Reduced zirconium oxide framework with fired Fig 17: Complete wax-up of the restoration Fig 18: Attaching the sprues (note the ring-shaped sprue
ZirLiner on the pontic
Fig 19: Complete and accurate reproduction of details Fig 20: Pressed restoration completely seated on the Fig 21: Build-up of the incisal areas
master model
The IPS e.max system currently offers
ceramic materials for the fabrication of single
tooth restorations (crowns, partial crowns,
veneers) and 3 to maximum 4-unit bridges in
the press and CAD/CAM techniques. Dental
technicians can work with only one layering
ceramic on the different framework materials
and thus cover virtually all indications in all-
ceramics. Dental technicians will appreciate
the benefit of having to handle only one
veneering ceramic, which will enable them to
fabricate predictable restorations more
Dental-lab work was fabricated by
efficiently. Franz Perkon and Andreja Mezan.
Fig 22: Completed inlay/crown-retained bridge 15-17: Picture A, B: view on the model; Fig 23: Inserted inlay/crown-retained bridge tooth 15 to 17. Final clinical pictures;
Picture C: basal view. The white-opaque zirconium oxide framework is visible in the Picture A: occlusal view, Picture B and C: buccal view