Bolaji Et Al - JGR Space Physics - 2020

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Adebiyi Shola, John (Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4861-5827)

Adenle H., A. (Orcid ID: 0000-0003-2241-6819)

Owolabi Charles (Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6080-7402)

Pattern of latitudinal distribution of ionospheric irregularities in the African region and the
effect of March, 2015 St. Patrick’s Day storm

O.S. Bolajia,b, S.J. Adebiyic*, J.B. Fashaea,d, S.O. Ikubannic , H.A. Adenlea, C. Owolabie
Department of Physics, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.
Department of Physics, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
Department of Physics, Space Weather group, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria.
Department of Physics, Bowen University, Iwo, Nigeria.
Department of Geophysics and Planetary Science, University of Science and Technology of
China, Hefei, China.
*Corresponding author: ([email protected]; [email protected]; +23470880504)

Key points
 The pattern of latitudinal distribution of irregularities is investigated in the African
 The distribution shows hemispheric asymmetry in terms of latitudinal boundary.
 The March 17, 2015 storm event inhibited the appearance of irregularities for the storm
days considered.
This paper investigates the latitudinal distribution of quiet and storm-time irregularities over
the African ionosphere in the month of March 2015. The average rate of change in TEC index
(ROTIave) calculated from Global Positioning System (GPS) data is used as a proxy for the
irregularities. The result during the quiet condition shows that irregularities are mostly
observed between 19:00LT and 00:00LT regardless of the hemisphere. Its appearance in the
southern hemisphere is earlier, though with less severity mainly around the equatorward
edge of the equatorial anomaly (EA) peak. The peak of its development occurred at 21:00 LT;
as it is observed in all the latitudes except those outside the equatorial region. The strength
is found to be most severe at ∼12o magnetic latitude (up to 1.10 TECU/min.) in the south.
Beyond ∼18o magnetic latitude, it is rarely noticed in the south. However, it is not observed
around this latitude in the north, indicating a major hemispheric asymmetry in terms of the
latitudinal boundary between the northern and southern hemispheres. Furthermore, its
disappearance is found to be most rapid around the poleward verge of the EA region
particularly in the southern hemisphere. In contrast to quiet-time observations, irregularities
were absent in all latitudes during the storm days considered. This can be attributed to the

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local time of the storm’s onset and the possible imposition of westward electric fields in the
dusk period.

Keywords: Ionospheric Irregularities; Equatorial ionosphere; Geomagnetic storm;

Scintillation; ROTI.

1. Introduction
The appearance of irregularities in the ionosphere due to its variability may pose a serious
threat to radio waves propagating through it. The interaction between radio signals and
irregular ionospheric plasma structure may lead to a rapid fluctuation in the phase and
amplitude of the signals, which are called phase and amplitude scintillations respectively.
Ionospheric scintillation can cause significant degradation in signals quality (i.e. reduction of
the information content of the signals), communication/navigation errors, and if the
scintillation is sufficiently intense, it could lead to complete navigational failure (Kintner et al.,

Previous investigations have shown that ionospheric scintillation is more typical at the
equatorial and low latitude region soon after the local sunset (Ngwira et al., 2013; Mungufeni
et al., 2016). Ionospheric scintillations are caused when radio signals propagate through an
inhomogeneous ionosphere. The cause of the inhomogeneity in the F-region ionospheric
structure at the equatorial region have been linked to a series of multi-step plasma processes
involving interchange of plasma Rayleigh-Taylor (R-T) and E x B instabilities operating at the
F2 region immediately after the sunset (Fejer et al., 1999). The R-T instability occurs in the
ionosphere when light plasma (due to plasma depletion associated with the absence of solar
radiation at that period) at the bottom of the F2-layer is accelerated into dense plasma. The
R-T instability is triggered by post-sunset enhancement of eastward electric field (EEF) (De
Rezende et al., 2007). It is well known that enhancement in the EEF at the equatorial region
immediately after the sunset is the cause of the upward motion of plasma around that period
(known as pre-reversal velocity enhancement). Investigations by Anderson et al. (2004), Li et
al. (2008) and Kil et al. (2009) have reported that the main contributor to the development of
post-sunset equatorial ionospheric irregularities is the size of the pre-reversal vertical plasma
drift of electron density and is associated with the intensification of the eastward electric field
around the post-sunset periods.

Studies of ionospheric irregularities have been a subject of extensive investigation over

several decades. These studies have revealed the dependence of ionospheric irregularities on
local time, season, longitude, latitude solar and magnetic activities (Mungufeni et al., 2016;
Bolaji et al., 2019; Amaechi et al., 2018; Dugassa et al., 2019; Muella et al., 2008; Ngwira et
al., 2013; Oladipo and Schϋler, 2013a; 2013b). The ionosphere in the African region, which
has the history of been less investigated compared to other sectors, has been reported by
Kintner et al. (2009) to show more severe effects on trans-ionospheric signals. Furthermore,
most studies involving irregularities in the African ionosphere have mainly focused on its
variability at individual stations (e.g. Oladipo and Schϋler, 2013a; Olwendo et al., 2013; Wiens
et al., 2006) or using a few number of stations to investigate its longitudinal dependence
during different geomagnetic conditions (e.g. Ngwira et al., 2013; Mungufeni et al., 2016). For
example, the seasonal dependence of the occurrence of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles (EPBs)
over Asmara, Eritrea, in East Africa has been investigated by Wiens et al. (2006). The seasonal
variation of ionospheric scintillation over Nairobi, Kenya, was also investigated by Olwendo

©2020 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.

et al. (2013). Recently, Mungufeni et al. (2016) investigated the solar activity pattern of
irregularities using four different stations spanning from east to west in African region.
However, studies on the pattern of latitudinal distribution of irregularities have not yet been
fully investigated over the region. Simultaneous investigation over the entire latitudes in both
hemispheres may provide insight to less known features in the region. Such investigation may
provide information which may include the frequency, the latitudinal boundaries, the severity
in the distribution pattern of irregularities etc.

Consequently, this paper is aimed at investigating the latitudinal distribution of irregularities

in the African region during quiet and storm periods. GPS data for the month of March 2015
were used for the investigation. The GPS data were those from receivers located within the
23o – 40oE meridians and spanning through the entire latitudes in the region. The distribution
during the 17 March 2015 major geomagnetic disturbance was also investigated.

2. Data and Method of analysis

In this paper, the average ROTI derived from the GPS data is used as a proxy to indicate the
fluctuation level due to the presence of irregularities. The Receiver INdependent EXchange
(RINEX) files that is largely available from the databases of International GNSS Service (IGS)
( and African Geodetic Reference Frame (AFREF)
( were used. The IGS is a collection of over 300 permanent ground-
based heterogeneous GNSS receivers that collect, archive and distribute GNSS data products.
The AFREF project is primarily designed to unify all the GNSS networks in Africa including
those from the national mapping agencies and universities. Thus, measurements from the
GPS receivers within the longitudes 23 o – 40oE and spanning from the dip equator down to
the low latitudes in both hemispheres were used. Fig. 1 shows the distributions of these
receivers while Table 1 indicates the geophysical information of those locations. The GPS data
are collected for the month of March 2015 and are processed using the GPS-TEC analysis
application developed at Institute of Scientific Research, Boston College, USA.

Many authors have used different indices as a proxy for irregularities in the ionosphere. For
example, Mendillo et al. (2000) and Lee et al. (2009) employed FP index, Li et al. (2007) used
power spectral index (n) while Pi et al. (1997), Oladipo and Schuler (2013a, 2013b), Li et al.
(2010) and Deng et al. (2014) used rate of TEC index (ROTI) as a measure of the fluctuation
level. In this paper, the a 30-minute average of ROTI (in TECU/min) derived from GPS
observations is empolyed. The ROTI is a good proxy for detecting the presence of ionospheric
irregularities and it captured the GPS phase fluctuation due to plasma depletion during the
post-sunset periods. The ROT and hence ROTI (one of the ROT derived parameters) are
computed using equations (1) and (2) respectively:
𝑅𝑂𝑇 = (1)

𝑅𝑂𝑇𝐼 = √< 𝑅𝑂𝑇 2 > −< 𝑅𝑂𝑇 >2 (2)

where ROT is the de-trended rate of change of TEC, ∆t is the change in time in minute, ∆TEC
is change in TEC obtained by subtracting each TEC from its previous value and ROTI is defined

©2020 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.

as the standard deviation of ROT over a 5-minute interval (Pi et al., 1997). In order to minimise
the multipath effect, the estimation of ROTI is done using the TEC data from satellites with
elevation angle greater than 30 o. The 30-minute ROTI index is estimated and used to
represent the phase fluctuations level over a location. The 30-minute resolution is the
average value of ROTI (ROTIave) over a 30-minute period for all the satellites in view at a
particular location. In this study, the presence of irregularities is indicated based on a certain
ROTIave threshold values defined in the investigation by Oladipo and Schüler (2013a); where
ROTIave< 0.4 TECU/min indicates the background irregularities (i.e. absent of irregularities),
0.4 < ROTIave < 0.8 indicates the presence of moderate irregularities, and ROTI ave > 0.8
indicates the occurrence of severe irregularities .

3. Results and discussions

3.1 Latitudinal distribution of irregularities during quiet condition.
Figure 2 shows the variation of ROTIave over the entire stations in the northern hemisphere
for all the days in the month under investigation while Fig. 3 is for stations in the southern
hemisphere. The result obtained shows that irregularities are observed at stations from the
dip equator up to around the equatorial anomaly (EA) region irrespective of the hemisphere.
It was however not seen at locations beyond the EA region. This result is in agreement with
the existing knowledge on irregularities. The occurrence is observed to be consistent over the
equatorial region for all the days during this period except for storm days.

To investigate the latitudinal distribution of irregularities in the region, the average monthly
value of ROTIave is plotted against magnetic latitudes for each station. The arrangement of
the stations is such that they span from the dip equator down to the mid-latitude in both
hemispheres. The average monthly value of ROTIave is the average value of ROTIave for all
the quiet days (Kp index ≤ 2) of the month, except at stations where irregularities are
observed, it was computed only from quiet days with the presence of irregularities. Fig. 4
shows the latitudinal distribution of the monthly average of ROTIave value between 16:00 and
03:00 LT for the entire stations. From the plots, it can be observed that the appearance of
irregularities strongly depends on local time and latitude. Irregularities occurred mostly
between 19:00 and 00:00 LT regardless of the hemisphere. This result is also in agreement
with previous investigations involving individual location in the region (e.g. Mungufeni et al.,
2016). Furthermore, the appearance of irregularity is observed to be earlier in the south,
though with a less severity mainly at a station outside the dip equator but close to the
equatorward boundary of the EA region. The peak appearance is observed at 21:00 LT, as it is
seen across the entire latitudes except for stations outside the equatorial region and it
disappeared finally at 01:00 LT. Beyond the ∼18o magnetic latitude, it is rarely observed in
the south, however, only the background irregularity levels were observed at ∼18oN magnetic
latitude in the north contrary to the observation in the southern hemisphere. This indicates a
major asymmetry in terms of the latitudinal boundary between the northern and southern
hemispheres. The appearance of irregularities observed in this study during the evening
period is in agreement with the existing theory. It well known that the appearance of
ionospheric irregularities at the equatorial region has been linked to the lifting of the
equatorial F-region plasma just after sunset and the plasma density decay that occurred at
the bottomside ionosphere due to absence of solar ionizing radiation around the same time.
The decay in plasma gives rise to steep density gradient and may result to plasma instability
at the bottomside. Plasma density perturbation at the bottomside ionosphere can be

©2020 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.

triggered by the R-T instability. The initial perturbation can however be provided by upward
propagating gravity wave (Kelley, 1989).

Furthermore, the strength of irregularities is generally most severe at ∼12o magnetic latitude
in the south with a peak value of about 1.1 TECU/min observed at 22:00 LT. However, it was
observed around ∼7oN in the north in most of the hours. The observation in the north may
require further investigation because of the wide gap between latitudes ∼7o and ∼18o in the
north due to the absence of GPS receivers. The occurrence of severe irregularity near the
anomaly crest region in the south may be an indication that the conditions necessary for
occurrence of strong irregularities are most favorable at that region. Such conditions may
include higher altitude of the F-region peak, or/and steep background plasma density
gradient at the bottomside of the F-region. Higher altitudes of the F2-region due to the
evening pre-reversal plasma drift may be one of the key factors that favor the generation of
irregularities. At higher altitude of the F-region peak, recombination rate is low due low ion-
neutral collision frequency, hence the ambient plasma density at the topside F-region is high.
On the other hand, the absence of irregularities at station beyond ±18o may also suggest the
absence of either the above factors or the seeding mechanisms necessary for the generations
of irregularities at those locations.

3.2 The effect of March 17, 2015 storm on the latitudinal distribution of Irregularities.
Fig. 5 shows the variation of geomagnetic indices and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)
parameters against the universal time (UT) from 10 to 31 March, 2015. The parameters
include the BY and BZ components of IMF, the solar wind temperature (T), the plasma flow
speed (v), the proton density (Ne), the 1-minute symmetric H-component (SYM-H) and the
asymmetric H-component (ASYM-H), the average daily planetary A-index (AP index) and
weighted average 3-hourly planetary K-index (KP index).

Previous investigations have reported that the March 17, 2015 storm event was initiated by
the impact of the coronal mass ejections (CMEs) produced by C9 solar flare on the earth’s
magnetosphere (Borries et al., 2016; Kataoka et al., 2015). The impact led to increase in most
of the IMF parameters (e.g. Vz increase from 400 – 500 km/s, IMF-Bz fluctuates from 5 nT up
to 25 nT, etc.) and at the equatorial region, its effect is seen by the rapid increase in the
magnitude of SYM-H index (up to maximum value of ~70 nT) around 05:00 – 06:00 UT on 17
March 2015. Also, judging from the SYM-H index variation (which indicates the dynamics of
the ring current) shown in Fig. 5, this storm event can be classified as very intense storm
(minimum value of SYM-H index is -234 nT) with a double-step main phase and a recovery
phase that lasted for several days. The first step of the negative excursion of SYM-H is
observed between 06:00 – 09:30 UT on 17 March 2015 following the abrupt southward
incursion of IMF-Bz from its northward path. This is followed by a partial recovery that lasted
for about 3 hours on the same day and this corresponds to the period when the IMF-Bz turned
northward from southward orientation. The second step of the main phase occurred between
12:00 – 23:00 UT on the same day and this is when SYM-H reached its minimum value. This
interval also corresponds to the time when the orientation of Bz is southward and it remains
there for a long duration that lasted for about 11 hours. The recovery phase started
immediately after the peak minimum value of SYM-H is reached and lasted for several days
before full recovery condition is attained.

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As indicated in Figs. 2 and 3, the absence of spike between 17 – 20th March 2015, particularly
at the equatorial stations suggests that there are no irregularities during those periods. To
further investigate this, the latitudinal distribution during the main phase and night of the
first recovery days are analyzed and the results are presented in Figs. 6 and 7 respectively.
Each panel in the two figures represents the hourly ROTIave value in all the stations. As
indicated in the two figures, the results obtained confirm the absence of irregularities across
the entire latitudes on the night of the two disturbed days considered. This result is in
agreement with the result of Bolaji et al. (2019) over the region. Just recently, Bolaji et al.
(2019) investigated the effect the same storm event had on the longitudinal distribution of
ionospheric irregularities. Their result showed a considerable longitudinal difference in the
occurrence of irregularities during the night following the main phase and first day of recovery

The absence of irregularities during the storm days may be due to the suppressive action of
the storm event on drivers that may trigger its development. The main phase of the storm
event considered occurred around the local sunrise and persisted until the midnight periods.
This period corresponds to when the under-shielding electric fields penetrate through the
entire latitudes and it polarity at low latitude region may impedes or enhance the
development of irregularities. The absence of irregularities observed during the night
following the main phase may suggest that the electric fields injected into the region during
the main phase may have inhibited the initiation of R-T processes and hence may prevent the
development of irregularities on that day. Furthermore, the result observed during the first
night of the storm recovery also indicates the absence of irregularities. This may be attributed
to the mechanical effect of storm-induced drivers such as the effect of disturbance dynamo
electric fields (DDEF). It is well known that the Joule heating of the polar region during
geomagnetic storm due precipitation of high energetic particle into the region set-up a
pressure gradient that may cause a significant perturbation in the global thermospheric wind
systems. At the equatorial region, such perturbation in the thermospheric wind may generate
DDEF, whose polarity is such that may favor or impede the development of irregularities. The
polarity of electric fields which favors the generation of irregularities is such that it is eastward
during daytime. Daytime imposition of westward electric field due to storm activity may
counterbalance the usual eastward fields and hence may impedes those mechanisms that
may favor the generation of irregularities (e.g. the evening vertical upward drift and hmF2
increase) as observed in this case.

This paper has investigated the latitudinal distribution of irregularities over the African
ionosphere in March 2015. This period of study included days that are considered to be
magnetically quiet and also extremely disturbed. The results obtained lead to the following
 The appearance irregularities are mostly observed between 19:00 and 00:00 LT in the
region during the period considered.
 Its appearance is earlier at the southern hemisphere toward the equatorward edge of the
 The peak of its occurrence is at 21:00 LT. The occurrence at this time is found to be most
severe and is seen over the entire latitudes except those outside the equatorial region.

©2020 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.

 The maximum severity occurred around the ∼12o geomagnetic latitude in the south
during the period considered with a value up to 1.10 TECU/min. The exact location in
north cannot be determined due to data gap.
 Irregularity is found up to around ∼18o geomagnetic latitude in the south, beyond this
latitude it is rarely noticed. However, it is not seen up to ∼18oN contrary to the
observation at southern hemisphere. This shows a major hemispheric asymmetry in terms
of latitudinal boundary.
 Its disappearance is faster around the poleward verge of the EIA particularly in the south.
 Lastly, it was found that the March 17, 2015 storm event hindered the appearance of
irregularities across the entire latitudes in the region during the nights of the main phase
and the one following the first day of recovery phase.

The African Geodetic Reference Frame ( and International GNSS
Service ( where the GPS data is obtained are acknowledged. We
thank the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Space Physics data facility
( for the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)
data and the World Data Center for geomagnetism, Kyoto University, Japan for the
geomagnetic indices ( The authors also appreciate Gopi Krishna
Seemala of the Indian Institute of Geomagnetism for the GPS-TEC analysis software.

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Fig. 1: Plot showing the geographic locations of the GPS receivers used for the investigation.

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Fig. 2: The variation of ROTIave for stations located in the northern hemisphere during the
period of 1 -31 March 2015.

©2020 American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved.

Fig. 3: The variation of ROTIave for stations located in the southern hemisphere during the
period of 1 -31 March 2015.

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Fig. 4: The quiet time latitudinal variation of the average monthly value ROTIave. The plots
indicate the average ROTIave as a function of magnetic latitude for the period 16:00 –
03:00 LT. The average monthly value of ROTIave is the average value of ROTIave for all
the quiet days (Kp index ≤ 2) of the month, except at stations where irregularities are
observed, the average monthly value ROTIave is computed only from quiet days with
the presence of irregularities.

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Fig. 5: The time variations of IMF parameters and geomagnetic indices for the period of 10 -
31 March 2015.

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Fig. 6: The latitudinal variation of ROTI ave on the night following the main phase. The plots
indicate ROTIave value as a function of magnetic latitude for the period 16:00 – 02:00
LT on 17 March 2015.

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Fig. 7: The latitudinal variation of ROTIave on the night following the first day of recovery phase.
The plots indicate ROTIave as a function of magnetic latitude for the period 16:00 – 02:00
LT on 18 March 2015.

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