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By Mariia Ryvko
Unit 1

1)out of the ordinary


There was nothing out of the ordinary

2)from scratch

from the beginning, without using anything that already exists

Tom built the shed from the scratch

3)brand new

completely new, especially not yet used

This house is brand new

a type of fortified tower built within castles during the Middle Ages

Keep is the main part of the castle


a long, wide hole that is dug all the way around a place such as a castle

The moat is very deep


a bridge that can be raised or brought down in order to protect a castle

The drawbridge was raised


unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary

Harsh winter came

8) draughts

a current of unpleasantly cold air blowing through a room

If you sit in a draught, you will catch cold


To attract, please, orinterest

This interior appeals to me


not having enough of something

I'm a little short of space right now, so I am going to rent more spacious house

11)suitable for

right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation

The location of this house is suitable for me

12)hay fever

an illness like a cold, caused by pollen

She suffers from hay fever


a new part added to a house or other building

There is room for an extension at the back of the house


to persuade someone or make someone certain

She convinced me that the story was true


to stop yourself fromdoingsomethingthatyou want to do

Shecouldn'tresist laughing


having changed in form or character, or transformed

They converted the shed into a house


a material made from small threads of glass twisted together

Fiberglass shark appeared to have crushed through the roof

18)set up

to formally establish a new company, organization, system, work

I need to set up a security system

19)stand out

to be very noticeable
He stands out in the crowd

an area outside a house with a solid floor but no roof, used for relaxing

Our kitchen looks out a patio


a very poor and crowded area, especially of a city

She was brought up in the slums of the city


a building or area of land, or both together

This house is now my property


less bright in colour than before

My T-shirt faded because I left it outside

5)stripped pine

a natural pine that has no finish on

This table is made of stripped pine


a type of thick, rough cloth used for things and coverings

There are a lot of apples in hessian sack

7)dressing table
a piece of bedroom furniture like a table with a mirror and drawers

My childhood dream is a dressing table with many perfumes


a wooden frame, usually with legs, that holds a picture

Thepaintingwasdisplayedonan easel

9)mixer tap

a device for controlling the flow of water

If you need warm water,turn the mixer tap to the left


giving a clear, strong message

His speech was eloquent and fluent despite the fact that he was nervous

2)sheer cliffs

a very steep cliff

The eastern side of the hill is almost a sheer cliff


to become gradually damaged, worse, or less

Sugar makes your teeth decay


complete and in the original state

The castle was almost in ruins but its tower remained intact


someone who studies birds in their natural environment as a hobby

She is an birdwatcher by profession, so she knows a lot about birds

1) cobblestones

a rounded stone that is used on the surface of old-fashioned road

Some roads in the city are paved with cobblestones


very strong and solid

The castle has study stone walls

1)once in a blue moon

Not very often

She goes to the theatre once in a blue moon

2)black and blue

with dark marks on your skin caused by being hit or havingan accident

Her leg was black and blue

3) out and about

active; doingthethingsyouusuallydo

She is always out and about because she likes sports

Unit 2

Absorbed – Поглиблений

Definition: Fully engrossed or immersed in something

Thrilled - В захваті

Definition: Extremelly happy about something

To absorb – Поглинати, захоплювати

Definition to take something in, especially gradually

My guess is we won`t have to absorb all this information/

Transmitt – Передавати
Definition to broadcast something or to send out or carry signals.

We`ve been working on a way to transmitt what my visor sees

Anatomy – анатомія

Definition: The study of the structure of living organisms.

You cannot possibly expect everyone studied Anatomy.

Visible speech – мова для глухонімих

Definition: A system of symbols and notation designed to represent speech sounds.

His father was a world-famous teacher of speech and the inventor of a system which
he called "Visible Speech".

Sign language – мова жестів

Definition: A system of communication using visual gestures and signs.

You know, I actually know some sign language.

To achieve – досягати

Definition: To successfully complete a task or reach a goal.

It's what everybody wants, but few can achieve.

Fatal – фатальний

Definition: Resulting in death or serious harm.

The attack resulted in twenty-three wounds, albeit only one fatal.

White plague – Біла чума

Definition Tuberculosis, especially of the lungs

Here occurred some of the earliest cases of the plague which spread over London.

Deaf mute – глухонімий

Definition: Individuals who are both deaf and unable to speak.

Apparently, you are primarily interested in the deaf-mutes, and only secondarily in
problems of linguistics

Basement – підвал
Definition: The lowest floor of a building, below ground level

I moved into my parents' basement.

To give up – кидати

Definition: To surrender or cease efforts.

I see no reason to give up yet.

Iron rod – Залізні стрижні

Definition Ane oxide of iron esp. ferric oxide or ferrous oxide

Iron rods can be round, square or twisted.

Persistent – Стійкий, наполегливий

Definition refusing to relent, continuing.

He was completely obsessed by one persistent thought.

Daydreamer – Мрійник

Definition A person who wastes time daydreaming of.

Indifferent – Байдужий

Definition Having no marked feeling for or against.

I was strong, active, indifferent to consequencec.

Run out of - закінчуватись

Definition: To deplete the supply of something.

Maybe some people run out of toothpaste.

Waste of – пустата трата

Definition: A use or expenditure that is regarded as inefficient or unnecessary.

Going to mediation without lawyers is a waste of time.

Fizzy hair – кучеряве волосся.

Her hair was black and fizzy.

Spiky hair – Колюче волосся.

Definition Hair that sticks out in all directions

He was quite tall and buff and had spiky brown hair.

Pointed chin – загострене підборіддя.

Definition Beneath the pointed chin a cesond, fatty version was forming.

Impatient – Нетерплячий.

Definition Feeling or showing a lack of a patience.

She grow impatient, waiting for the guardsmen to return.

Ecstatic – Несамовитий, шалений.

Definition Of, having the nature of, or characterized by ecstasy.

Pathetic - Жалюгідний.

Definition Expressing arousing or intended to arouse pity sorrow.

Carry on – Продовжувати.

Definition Continue

We wish you strength to carry on.

Come by – приїхати на, отримувати здобути

Definition Obtain

Cheep organic food is still difficult to come by.

Come down to – Передаватися у спадок

Definition Be passed on to sb by inheritance.

A lot of trees came down in th storm

Come into – Отримати у спадок

Definition Inherit

Just after I left university I came into a bit of money.

Come up – підходити, з’являтися, виникати, бути згаданим.

Definition Be mentioned

After the concert he came up to me to ask for my autograph.

Come up with – придумувати, розробляти ідеюю

Definition find answear

We need to come up with a better way of making money.

Come round – заходити в гості змінювати думку

Definition visit casually

You must to come round to the flat for dinner some time.

Depend on – залежати від когось або чогось.

Definition to need the help od someone something

She depends on her son for everything.

Comment on – прокоментувати

Definition Something that you say or write that shows what you think about

Dismiss from – звільнити з, відкидати

Definition To refuse to consider an idea or opinion

The commite dessmissed the idea as rubbish.

Charge – ціна або плата

Definition the amount of money that you have to pay for something

There`s no charhe for children under 14.

Curious – цікавий

Definition waiting to know or learn about something

I was curious about his life in india.

Sleds – сани

Definition an object used for travelling over snow and ice with long, narrow strips of
wood or metal under it instead of wheels.
The children are playing in the snow with their sleds.

Solemn – урочистий

Definition serious and without any humour

Everyone looked very solemn.

Meadow – луг

Definition a field with grass and often wild flowers in it

There was a path through the meadow to the village.

Lass – дівчина

Definition a girl or young woman

He was born there, and married a lass from there

Repose – спокій

Definition to rest or lie

he reposed on the sofa.

Do-or-die expression - “зроби або помри”

Definition said when you are in a situation in which you must take a big risk in order
to avoid failure.

On Tuesday, it's do or die in the final game.

Stuck out – застрягати

Definition to go past the surface or edge of something

There was a handkerchief sticking out of his jacket pocket.

Whizz - свист, швидко щось робити

Definition to move or do something very fast

A police car whizzed by, on its way to the accident

Timid – боязкий

Definition shy and nervous; without much confidence; easily frightened

My dog is a little timid - especially around other dogs

Mischievous – пустотливий

Definition behaving in a way, or describing behaviour, that is slightly bad but is not
intended to cause serious harm or damage

She has a mischievous sense of humour.

Slyly – хитро

Definition in a way that suggests that you know secrets

They look as if they're remembering a joke, grinning slyly to themselves.

Barrel – бочка

Definition a large container, made of wood, metal, or plastic, with a flat top and
bottom and curved sides that make it

They drank a whole barrel of beer (= the contents of a barrel) at the party

As different as chalk and cheese - такі ж різні, як крейда і сир

Definition those that differ greatly

Tom and Ann are as different as chalk cheese

By heart – на пам’ять

Definition to learn something in such a way that you can say it from memory

My father can still recite the poems he learned by heart at school.

Dismissed from – звільнений з посади

Definition to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth

He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence.

Have one`s head in the clouds – витає в хмарах

Definition be absentmind ed or impractical

Well, we love animation because it allows us to have head in the clouds

Sake – заради, через

Definition in order to benefit because of a desire for

Their parents only stayed together for the sake of the children.

Abruptly – раптово

Definition in a sudden, unexpected, and sometimes unpleasant way

He stood up abruptly and went outside.

Announce – повідомляти, оголосити

Definition to make known publicly

They announced the death of their mother in the local paper

Avid – жадібний

Definition eager

He took an avid interest in the project

Bark – гавкання

Definition the short, sharp cry of a dog, fox

The bark of a dog broke the silence

Brace – зміцнювати, збиратись з силами

Definition to make (often one oneself) firm or steady

He braced himself for the struggle

Bustling – жвавий

Definition If a place is bustling, it is full of busy activity

The house, usually bustling with activity, was strangely silent.

Chap – хлопець

Definition a man

He is a nice chap

Cling – чіплятися

Definition (unusally with to) to stick to) to grip tightly

The mud clung to her shoes

Dimple – ямочка на щоці

Definition a small hollow especially on the surface of the skin

She has a dimple in her cheek when she smiles

Feast – свято, вшанування

Definition a large and rich meal, usually eaten to celebrate some ocassion

The king invited them to feast in the palace

Have an early night – лягати спати раніше

Definition go to bed earlier

I`m going to have an early night today

First-rate - першокласний, найкращий

Definition extremely good

We visited a first-rate restaurant yesterday

Grin – усмішка

Definition to smile a big smile

He grinned at me from the doorway

Overjoyed – дуже задоволений

Definition very happy, full of joy; very glad

She was overjoyed to hear of his safe arrival.

Tribe – клан, плем’я

Definition a race of people, or a family, who are all descended from the same
ancestor a group of families, especially of a primitive or wandering people.

the desert tribes of Africa.

Unit 3

1)be right up sb’s street

to be exactly the type of thing that someone knows about or likes to do

This job is right up my street, it’s like my hobby

2)a stone’s throw

a very short distance

This hotel a stone’s throw from the sea


modern and influenced by the most recent fashions or ideas

The bar was very stylish and trendy

4)fully equipped

having sufficient equipment, supplies, or abilities

The hotel has fully equipped gym


to taste a small amount of food or drink to decide if you like it

I want to sample Turkish cuisine


(of food) very high quality

The restaurant offers a wide range of gourmet dishes


related to the Middle Ages (= the period in European history from about AD 600 to
AD 1500)

This castle is like a touch of medieval magic


a unit of land area equal to 4,840 square yards (0.405 hectare)

Assume we have 1 acre of fertile land.

9) woodland

land on which many trees grow, or an area of this

Her villa is situated in the woodland

10)dates back to

tohavebeenmadeinortohavecomeintobeingin (a certaintimeinthepast)

This university dates back to 1940

11)stained glass

glass that has been coloured and cut into various shapes to form pictures or patterns,
used especially in church windows

His house has stained glass windows


loud and powerful

A roaring fire is very large, noisy, and bright.


to eat the main meal of the day, usually in the evening

You can still dine where mobsters dined.


the art or sport of shooting arrows

I would like to try my hand at archery

15)try a hand at sth

to try doing something for the first time

I’ve tried my hand at pottery


having or allowing you to see beautiful natural features

The water is nothing short of magnificently scenic.

a part of a town that is next to an area of water such as a river or the sea

Today, the waterfront is increasingly being transformed into a leisure oasis.


a place that has not been changed or damaged by people

An island with clean, unspoiled beaches


an open area of hills covered with rough grass, especially in Britain

Now the moor can go, leaving his successor to consolidate and legitimize this split.


containing or having everything that is needed within itself

This gated self-contained campus has historic, French-style buildings with modern
interior decorations.

21)modern conviniences

electric lights, telephone services, elevators, restrooms, fitting rooms, and luxury
duplex escalators etc.

The hotel is comfortable and has every modern convenience


similar to each other

The twins were always dressed alike


containing extremely small drops of water in the air

New York is very hot and humid in the summer


with wind that is quite strong but pleasant

Officer Braun invited me to his country home on a sunny, breezy fall day

3)insect repellent(засіб від комах)

a substance that deters insects from approaching or settling

I'll get you insect repellent.

4)first aid kit

a box or bag containing basic medical equipment such as bandages and antiseptic

I have a first aid kit in the car.

1)enthusiastic about

having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval

Attendees weren't enthusiastic about the new format.

2)put a lot of effort into

you spend a lot of time or effort doing it

Mia has put a lot of effort into his final test

3)put semphasis on

to express the idea of highlighting or emphasizing something

4)eager for

having or showing an impatient or enthusiastic desire or interest

I’m eager to meet you

5)familiar with

to know something or someone well

I’m familiar with this part of town

6)famous for

known by very many or most people

He's famous for being the first man on the moon

7)experienced in

having gained knowledge or skill in a particular field over time

We are also experienced in handling disputes arising from tax-related issues.

8)expert on

a person who is very knowledgeable about or skilful in a particular area

Scotty is our foremost expert on extinction-level events.

1)cut across

take a shorter way

The fact that they cut across the traditional left-right political spectrum makes them

2)cut back

reduce(expenses, production); cut down on

The timetable has now been cut back

3)cut in

move suddenly in front of another car; interrupt

Did you see that car cut in on us?

4)cut into


5)cut off

disconnect;isolate(usu places)

About as much as getting your ear cut off.

6)cut out


Eventually try to cut out the regular coffee altogether.

7)be cut out for/to be

to be suited for profession

Cut out the middleman: Buy from the source and cut out the middlemen whenever

8)cut up

cut into small pieces

Sorry, we had to cut up the pillowcase

1)do away with


This way you cannot do away with any form of cheap tactics like before.

2)do down

speak badly of sb

Then see how they do down the road.

3)do in


They tell you exactly what to do in specific.

4)do up

fasten; tie

This kit does give you the ability to do up to 4 tests so you can, as I said, track your

5)do with


But hardly anyone realizes what these companies can do with our data.

6)do without

live or continue without having sth/sb

I can’t do without electricity

White of cliffs dover

1)due to

because of

He declined this offer mainly due to his availability and due to his work but
appreciated this possibilities.


an occasion when an army or country uses force to enter and take control of another

It therefore must be an invasion.


an accident in which a ship is destroyed or sunk at sea, especially by hitting rocks, or

a ship that has been destroyed or sunk in such an accident

But the investigators are now more sure than ever that they had found the right
shipwreck, she said.


to cause something to reach, often as far as possible, in a particular direction

The last downhill stretch before we reach our destination.

The rockies

a snow field capped mountain

Around the peak hours traffic jams can occur.


a large deer with brownish-red fur and large antlers

You look like an elk with the mumps.


the remains or impression of a prehistoric plant or animal embedded in rock and

preserved in petrified form

That fossil can teach us about dogs from your time.


to make an action intended to achieve something more difficult

One cannot hamper trade by protectionism while professing belief in the principle of
free trade.


a person who arrives, especially from another country, in a new place in order to live
there and use the land

Every white settler could be a property owner.

Idioms&Fixed phrases

1)live out of a suitcase

tostayverybrieflyinseveralplaces, withonlythebelongingsinyoursuitcase.

But it's tough when you live out of a suitcase.

2)drop a line

tosend (someone) a briefnoteormessage

So I can drop a line like that.

3)put my feet up

to sit and relax

Maybe I would just have to put my feet up a bit more.

4)get a move on

hurry up

Well, tell them to get a move on.

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