Eurocon 07
Eurocon 07
Eurocon 07
14 1,928
3 authors:
Krešimir Pripužić
University of Zagreb
All content following this page was uploaded by Krešimir Pripužić on 29 September 2015.
Abstract—Project management helps accomplish the section IV analyzes student projects. Section V
common purpose of a project with defined requirements emphasizes the use of software tools to manage projects.
and desired quality. Teaching project management for Sections VI and VII represent results of two projects that
graduate and undergraduate students requires combining were directly used to improve the course quality, and
optimal foundation in theory with maximal usability in section VIII concludes the subject of teaching project
practice, as well as project management tools support. management in academic ICT environments.
Finding an optimal balance between theory and practice,
and motivating students to broaden their understanding of II. STUDENTS’ TEAMWORK EXPERIENCE
the PM area is an exciting and challenging task. If
successful, students’ research projects may yield attractive Today, teamwork is an inevitable part of successful
outcomes. This paper presents our experience in a PM project management, particularly for large
course and illustrates the resulting student projects. telecommunication software development projects [6].
Project management is mainly team management, but also
Keywords—project management, teaching, student time management, money management, etc. While
experiments, education methodology. designing the Project Management course structure, with
the aim of acquainting students with the advantages of
teamwork and the associated risks, we organized student
I. INTRODUCTION projects in such a way as to allow students to plan,
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create monitor and work on the activities for a certain time
a unique product, service, or result [1]. Although basic period, producing high quality project outcomes.
awareness of what the project represents exists, real-life To investigate different teamwork aspects among
research studies have show that the overall understanding undergraduate students, we conducted a short research
of project issues often isn’t very thorough. The study [2] experiment at our Department. The goal was to formally
from 2003 shows that project success rates account for analyze students’ experiences while working in a large
34% of all projects. 15% percent of all projects fail, and team (where teamwork problems become more visible).
51% are considered challenged. Although these numbers Research was conducted on a group (N=56) of fifth year
have improved with respect to similar studies from 1994, students participating in a software engineering course.
there is still plenty of room for improvement. The students were divided in two equally-sized teams
In order to improve overall project success rates, it is and both teams were supposed to solve identical tasks in
imperative to have domain experts in teams, but also to the area of known student business processes. One team
have people familiar with project management (PM) had assigned a team leader whose responsibility was to
principles. This was a guideline used to introduce a organize subtasks, as shown in Fig. 1, while the other
Project Management course for upper-undergraduate team was free to apply democratic team organization.
students of both electrical engineering and computing,
with the intension of building their competence in the
areas of project management basics and practice.
The goal was that students acquire knowledge
regarding formal project definition, teamwork and the
common life cycle processes of a project. Students were
meant to obtain a good understanding of the prerequisites
for successful project management, with an emphasis on
project domain [3], business environment [4] and
communications aspects [5]. The final goal was to obtain
a theoretical basis and practical skills, and to participate
efficiently in teamwork. This would prepare them to
successfully carry out different roles in industry projects.
In order to prepare this course with the desired quality Fig. 1. Communication paths inside teams with: a) an assigned team
and maximum benefit, we decided to conduct some leader, b) democratic organization. Solid lines represent usual paths,
while dashed lines represent unusual paths.
preliminary research regarding students’ readiness to
participate in teamwork. This is described in section II.
Section III describes the Project Management course, and
Both student tasks were related to student business A. Lectures
process, such as teaching improvement or student canteen Lectures cover the project and project management
efficiency, and demanded a written and graphical solution basics. The lectures are divided into two segments. The
proposal within two weeks. The teams were given a first segment covers fundamental theory regarding project
template to help document their solutions, describe the definition, project management discipline, characteristics
teamwork aspects encountered (along with their and examples of successful projects and project failures.
advantages and limitations), and discuss the team Students learn about the project life cycle process and
organization applied. planning techniques, the role of a project manager and the
The research was focused on the teams’ communication profession itself. The lectures also cover negotiation,
and collaboration, subtask coordination, the process of communication and conflict management. Project
decision making, etc. The results were qualitatively management tools, as well as the aim of project
evaluated and are summarized below. According to the documentation, are presented within this core project
results, the experiences of the team with an assigned team management theory.
leader were as follows: The remaining lectures are composed of invited talks
• Inter-team communication was strictly virtual held by recognized project management professionals
(e.g. by e-mail) and only conducted with the from different segments of industry, as advised in [8]. The
team leader, with clearly defined and assigned ratio between fundamental theory lessons and invited talks
subtasks, is 2:1. Invited talks mostly illustrate industry projects,
• Faster decision making and less responsibility mapping theoretic principles to real-life situations. Each
for team members, with no practical insight year, a new set of invited topics is offered. So far there
into other team members’ progress, were topics about: managing the projects of system
integration, project management as a career, human
• Non-democratic relationships inside the team, resource management, establishing a project management
with one-man decision-making leading the office for an international company, and invited talks
process of finding the solution. describing different examples of projects, such as software
The teamwork aspects in the team without an assigned development for mobile telephony and a civil construction
leader can be described as follows: project for building a business tower. Invited speakers are
• direct and heterogeneous communication (e.g. mostly from recognized IT companies (IBM, Ericsson,
by SMS, e-mail, live), with more democracy Siemens, Microsoft), and from civil construction
inside the team, companies. In a final ‘satisfaction survey’ given at the end
• difficult subtask definition and delegating, of the lectures, students express their satisfaction with the
communication sometimes confused, way theory is illustrated through the invited talks.
• Less motivated team members without clear B. Projects
leadership, no exact supervision of roles and An important and practical part of this course is student
responsibilities. projects. At the beginning of the term, an initial list of
From these experiences, we concluded that students do project proposals containing short descriptions and
not find teamwork odious, but due to their lack of explanations of the projects’ purpose is presented to the
experience, would rather have some form of leadership students. They are also encouraged to propose their own
with clear and precisely defined tasks. Consequently, we projects, and those provided from real customers [9].
decided to act as stakeholders and partly manage student Project teams are composed of 4-10 students, and they are
course projects ourselves, but also have project team free to choose any project they are interested in. Unlike
leaders for each student team to bear some the approach in [10] where the team leader is rigidly
responsibilities, manage tasks, etc. The authors of this selected, each project team appoints its own project leader.
paper later dealt with the teamwork issues by The project lasts seven weeks. The result (deliverable) of
implementing a tool for improving virtual team the each project is clearly defined and should be visible at
communication [7]. the end of the 7-week period. The deliverable is either a
piece of software or a written study.
While working on the project, students are also obliged
III. PROJECT MANAGEMENT COURSE DESCRIPTION to fill out the given project documentation: the Project
The Project Management course was introduced to our Charter, Project Plan, Revised Project Plan, and Project
Faculty for all fourth year students (upper-undergraduate) Closure documents. The form of documentation is defined
in the academic year 2004/2005. Due to the broad by adapted templates divided into chapters that need to be
applicability of project-based work and development in all completed with information regarding the particular
fields of electrical engineering (EE) and computing, this project. Students should plan their activities, make work
course was offered as an elective to students enrolled in breakdown structures (WBS), network and Gantt
any graduate study programme at the Faculty. diagrams, determine project milestones, and identify and
During the introductory year, significant efforts were manage project risks. All team members should take part
made to establish a laboratory environment for practical in the planning activities, while the project leader is
student exercises in project management. In 2005/2006, responsible for controlling and coordinating all these
the emphasis was on taking advantage of high-quality activities. The project team should meet regularly, and all
student projects to improve the course itself. student project leaders should have regular meetings with
lecturers, discussing the hot topics concerning their
project. Students are encouraged to work iteratively and to
monitor project progress through the validation of the
determined project milestones which should be clearly