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Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts

Alexandra Balahur
European Commission Joint Research Centre
Vie E. Fermi 2749
21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
[email protected]

Abstract classes of emotion, usually the basic ones, as de-

scribed by Paul Ekman (Ekman, 1992). Although
This paper presents a method for sentiment different in some ways, some of the research in the
analysis specifically designed to work with field has considered these tasks together, under the
Twitter data (tweets), taking into account their umbrella of sentiment analysis.
structure, length and specific language. The This task has received a lot of interest from the re-
approach employed makes it easily extendible
search community in the past years. The work done
to other languages and makes it able to pro-
cess tweets in near real time. The main contri-
regarded the manner in which sentiment can be clas-
butions of this work are: a) the pre-processing sified from texts pertaining to different genres and
of tweets to normalize the language and gener- distinct languages, in the context of various applica-
alize the vocabulary employed to express sen- tions, using knowledge-based, semi-supervised and
timent; b) the use minimal linguistic process- supervised methods (Pang and Lee, 2008). The re-
ing, which makes the approach easily portable sult of the analyses performed have shown that the
to other languages; c) the inclusion of higher different types of text require specialized methods
order n-grams to spot modifications in the po-
for sentiment analysis, as, for example, sentiments
larity of the sentiment expressed; d) the use of
simple heuristics to select features to be em- are not conveyed in the same manner in newspaper
ployed; e) the application of supervised learn- articles and in blogs, reviews, forums or other types
ing using a simple Support Vector Machines of user-generated contents (Balahur et al., 2010).
linear classifier on a set of realistic data. We In the light of these findings, dealing with sen-
show that using the training models generated timent analysis in Twitter requires an analysis of
with the method described we can improve the characteristics of such texts and the design of
the sentiment classification performance, irre-
adapted methods.
spective of the domain and distribution of the
test sets. Additionally, the sentiment analysis method em-
ployed has to consider the requirements of the fi-
nal application in which it will be used. There is
1 Introduction an important difference between deploying a system
working for languages such as English, for which
Sentiment analysis is the Natural Language Process- numerous linguistic resources and analysis tools ex-
ing (NLP) task dealing with the detection and clas- ist and a system deployed for languages with few
sification of sentiments in texts. Usually, the classes such tools or one that is aimed at processing data
considered are “positive”, “negative” and “neutral”, from a large set of languages. Finally, a sentiment
although in some cases finer-grained categories are analysis system working with large sets of data (such
added (e.g. “very positive” and “very negative”) or as the one found in Twitter) must be able to process
only the “positive” and “negative” classes are taken texts fast. Therefore, using highly complex methods
into account. Another related task - emotion detec- may delay producing useful results.
tion - concerns the classification of text into several In the light of these considerations, this paper


Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis, pages 120–128,
Atlanta, Georgia, 14 June 2013. c 2013 Association for Computational Linguistics
presents a method for sentiment analysis that takes corpus of positive tweets, with positive emoticons
into account the special structure and linguistic con- “:)”, and negative tweets with negative emoticons
tent of tweets. The texts are pre-processed in or- “:(”. Subsequently, they employ different supervised
der to normalize the language employed and re- approaches (SVM, Naı̈ve Bayes and Maximum En-
move noisy elements. Special usage of language tropy) and various sets of features and conclude that
(e.g. repeated punctuation signs, repeated letters) the simple use of unigrams leads to good results, but
are marked as special features, as they contribute to it can be slightly improved by the combination of
the expressivity of the text in terms of sentiment. unigrams and bigrams.
Further on, sentiment-bearing words, as they are In the same line of thinking, (Pak and Paroubek,
found in three highly-accurate sentiment lexicons - 2010) also generated a corpus of tweets for sen-
General Inquirer (GI) (Stone et al., 1966), Linguis- timent analysis, by selecting positive and negative
tic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) (Tausczik and tweets based on the presence of specific emoticons.
Pennebaker, 2010) and MicroWNOp (Cerini et al., Subsequently, they compare different supervised ap-
2007) - are replaced with unique labels, correspod- proaches with n-gram features and obtain the best
ing to their polarity. In the same manner, modifiers results using Naı̈ve Bayes with unigrams and part-
(negations, intensifiers and diminishers) are also re- of-speech tags.
placed with unique labels representing their seman- Another approach on sentiment analysis in tweet
tic class. Finally, we employ supervised learning is that of (Zhang et al., 2011). Here, the authors em-
with Support Vector Machines Sequential Minimal ploy a hybrid approach, combining supervised learn-
Optimization (SVM SMO) (Platt, 1998) using a ing with the knowledge on sentiment-bearing words,
simple, linear kernel (to avoid overfitting of data) which they extract from the DAL sentiment dictio-
and the unigrams and bigrams from the training set nary (Whissell, 1989). Their pre-processing stage
as features. We obtain the best results by using includes the removal of retweets, translation of ab-
unique labels for the affective words and the mod- breviations into original terms and deleting of links,
ifiers, unigrams and bigrams as features and posing a tokenization process, and part-of-speech tagging.
the condition that each feature considered in the su- They employ various supervised learning algorithms
pervised learning process be present in the training to classify tweets into positive and negative, using
corpora at least twice. n-gram features with SVM and syntactic features
The remainder of this article is structured as fol- with Partial Tree Kernels, combined with the knowl-
lows: Section 2 gives an overview of the related edge on the polarity of the words appearing in the
work. In Section 3, we present the motivations and tweets. The authors conclude that the most impor-
describe the contributions of this work. In the fol- tant features are those corresponding to sentiment-
lowing section, we describe in detail the process fol- bearing words. Finally, (Jiang et al., 2011) classify
lowed to pre-process the tweets and build the classi- sentiment expressed on previously-given “targets”
fication models. In Section 5, we present the results in tweets. They add information on the context of
obtained using different datasets and combinations the tweet to its text (e.g. the event that it is related
of features and discuss their causes and implications. to). Subsequently, they employ SVM and General
Finally, Section 6 summarizes the main findings of Inquirer and perform a three-way classification (pos-
this work and sketches the lines for future work. itive, negative, neutral).

2 Related Work 3 Motivation and Contribution

One of the first studies on the classification of po- As we have seen in the previous section, several im-
larity in tweets was (Go et al., 2009). The au- portant steps have already been taken into analyzing
thors conducted a supervised classification study on the manner in which sentiment can be automatically
tweets in English, using the emoticons (e.g. “:)”, detected and classified from Twitter data. The re-
“:(”, etc.) as markers of positive and negative tweets. search we described in previous section has already
(Read, 2005) employed this method to generate a dealt with some of the issues that are posed by short,

informal texts, such as the tweets. However, these example, crisis events 3 , in real time. In order to
small snippets of text have several liguistic peculiar- benefit from this, however, a system processing
ities that can be employed to improve the sentiment these texts has to be easily adaptable to other
classification performance. We describe these pecu- languages and it has to work in near real time.
liarities below:
Bearing this in mind, the main contributions we
• Tweets are short, user-generated text that may bring in this paper are:
contain no more than 140 characters (strongly
related to the standard 160-character length of 1. The pre-processing of tweets to normalize the
SMS 1 ). Users are marked with the “@” sign language and generalize the vocabulary em-
and topics with the “#” (hashtag) sign. ployed to express sentiment. At this stage, we
take into account the linguistic peculiarities of
• In general, the need to include a large quantity
tweets, regarding spelling, use of slang, punc-
of information in small limit of characters leads
tuation, etc., and also replace the sentiment-
to the fact that tweets sometimes have no gram-
bearing words from the training data with a
matical structure, contain misspellings and ab-
unique label. In this way, the sentence “I love
roses.” will be equivalent to the sentence “I like
• Some of the tweets are simply posted from roses.”, because “like” and “love” are both pos-
the websites of news providers (news agencies, itive words according to the GI dictionary. If
newspapers) and therefore they contain only ti- example 1 is contained in the training data and
tles of news. However, subjective tweets, in example 2 is contained in the test data, replac-
which users comment on an event, are highly ing the sentiment-bearing word with a general
marked by sentiment-bearing expressions, ei- label increases the chance to have example 2
ther in the form of affective words, or by em- classified correctly. In the same line of thought,
ployins specific modalities - e.g. the use of we also replaced modifiers with unique corre-
capital letters or repeated punctuation signs to sponding labels.
stress upon specific words. Most of the times,
these words are sentiment-bearing ones. 2. The use of minimal linguistic processing,
which makes the approach easily portable to
• The language employed in subjective tweets in- other languages. We employ only tokenization
cludes a specific slang (also called “urban ex- and do not process texts any further. The reason
pressions” 2 ) and emoticons (graphical expres- behind this choice is that we would like the fi-
sions of emotions through the use of punctua- nal system to work in a similar fashion for as
tion signs). many languages as possible and for some of
them, little or no tools are available.
• Most of the times, the topic that is discusses
in the tweets is clearly marked using hashtags. 3. The inclusion of bigrams to spot modifications
Thus, there is no need to employ very complex in the polarity of the sentiment expressed. As
linguistic tools to determine it. such, we can learn general patterns of senti-
• In major events, the rate of tweets per minute ment expression (e.g. “negation positive”, “in-
commenting or retweeting information sur- tensifier negative”, etc.).
passes the rate of thousands per minute.
4. The use of simple heuristics to select features
• Twitter is available in more than 30 languages. to be employed. Although feature selection al-
However, users tweet in more than 80 lan- gorithms are easy to apply when employing a
guages. The information it contains can be use- data mining environment, the final choice is in-
ful to obtain information and updates about, for fluenced by the data at hand and it is difficult to
1 3
2 resources-on-twitter.html

employ on new sets of data. After performing Additionally, the language employed in Twitter has
various tests, we chose to select the features to specific characteristics, such as the markup of tweets
be employed in the classification model based that were reposted by other users with “RT”, the
on the condition that they should occur at least markup of topics using the “#” (hash sign) and of
once in the training set. the users using the “@” sign.
All these aspects must be considered at the time of
5. The application of supervised learning using a processing tweets. As such, before applying super-
simple Support Vector Machines linear classi- vised learning to classify the sentiment of the tweets,
fier on a set of realistic data. we preprocess them, to normalize the language they
contain. The pre-processing stage contains the fol-
We show that using the training models generated
lowing steps:
with the method described we can improve the sen-
timent classification performance, irrespective of the • Repeated punctuation sign normalization
domain and distribution of the test sets.
In the first step of the pre-processing, we detect
4 Sentiment Analysis in Tweets repetitions of punctuation signs (“.”, “!” and
“?”). Multiple consecutive punctuation signs
Our sentiment analysis system is based on a hybrid are replaced with the labels “multistop”, for
approach, which employs supervised learning with a the fullstops, “multiexclamation” in the case of
Support Vector Machines Sequential Minimal Opti- exclamation sign and “multiquestion” for the
mization (Platt, 1998) linear kernel, on unigram and question mark and spaces before and after.
bigram features, but exploiting as features sentiment
dictionaries, emoticon lists, slang lists and other so- • Emoticon replacement
cial media-specific features. We do not employ any In the second step of the pre-processing, we
specific language analysis software. The aim is to employ the annotated list of emoticons from
be able to apply, in a straightforward manner, the SentiStrength4 and match the content of the
same approach to as many languages as possible. tweets against this list. The emoticons found
The approach can be extended to other languages by are replaced with their polarity (“positive” or
using similar dictionaries that have been created in “negative”) and the “neutral” ones are deleted.
our team. They were built using the same dictio-
naries we employ in this work and their corrected • Lower casing and tokenization.
translation to Spanish. The new sentiment dictionar- Subsequently, the tweets are lower cased and
ies were created by simultaneously translating from split into tokens, based on spaces and punctua-
these two languages to a third one and considering tion signs.
the intersection of the trainslations as correct terms.
• Slang replacement
Currently, new such dictionaries have been created
for 15 other languages. The next step involves the normalization of the
The sentiment analysis process contains two language employed. In order to be able to
stages: pre-processing and sentiment classification. include the semantics of the expressions fre-
quently used in Social Media, we employed the
4.1 Tweet Pre-processing list of slang from a specialized site 5 .
The language employed in Social Media sites is dif-
• Word normalization
ferent from the one found in mainstream media and
the form of the words employed is sometimes not At this stage, the tokens are compared to entries
the one we may find in a dictionary. Further on, in Rogets Thesaurus. If no match is found, re-
users of Social Media platforms employ a special peated letters are sequentially reduced to two or
“slang” (i.e. informal language, with special expres- one until a match is found in the dictionary (e.g.
sions, such as “lol”, “omg”), emoticons, and often 4
emphasize words by repeating some of their letters. media

“perrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfeeect” becomes “perrfeect”, mining software 6 . The training models are built on
“perfeect”, “perrfect” and subsequently “per- a cluster of computers (4 cores, 5000MB of mem-
fect”). The words used in this form are maked ory each). However, the need for such extensive re-
as “stressed”. sources is only present at the training stage. Once
the feature set is determined and the models are built
• Affect word matching using Weka, new examples must only be represented
Further on, the tokens in the tweet are matched based on the features extracted from the training set
against three different sentiment lexicons: GI, and the classification is a matter of miliseconds.
LIWC and MicroWNOp, which were previ- The different evaluations scenarios and results are
ously split into four different categories (“pos- presented in the following section.
itive”, “high positive”, “negative” and “high
5 Evaluation and Discussion
negative”). Matched words are replaced with
their sentiment label - i.e. “positive”, “nega- Although the different steps included to eliminate
tive”, “hpositive” and “hnegative”. A version the noise in the data and the choice of features have
of the data without these replacements is also been refined using our in-house gathered Twitter
maintained, for comparison purposes. data, in order to evaluate our approach and make it
comparable to other methods, we employ three dif-
• Modifier word matching ferent data sets, which are described in detail in the
Similar to the previous step, we employ a list following subsections.
of expressions that negate, intensify or dimin-
5.1 Data Sets
ish the intensity of the sentiment expressed to
detect such words in the tweets. If such a word • SemEval 2013 Data
is matched, it is replaced with “negator”, “in- The first one is the data provided for training
tensifier” or “diminisher”, respectively. As in for the upcoming SemEval 2013 Task 2 “Sen-
the case of affective words, a version of the data timent Analysis from Twitter” 7 . The initial
without these replacements is also maintained, training data has been provided in two stages:
for comparison purposes. 1) sample datasets for the first task and the sec-
ond task and 2) additional training data for the
• User and topic labeling two tasks. We employ the joint sample datasets
Finally, the users mentioned in the tweet, which as test data (denoted as t∗) and the data released
are marked with “@”, are replaced with “PER- subsequently as training data (denoted as T ∗).
SON” and the topics which the tweet refers to We employ the union of these two datasets to
(marked with “#”) are replaced with “TOPIC”. perform cross-validation experiments (the joint
dataset is denoted as T ∗ +t∗. The character-
4.2 Sentiment Classification of Tweets istics of the dataset are described in Table 1.
Once the tweets are pre-processed, they are passed On the last column, we also include the base-
on to the sentiment classification module. We em- line in terms of accuracy, which is computed as
ployed supervised learning using SVM SMO with a the number of examples of the majoritary class
linear kernel, based on boolean features - the pres- over the total number of examples:
ence or absence of n-grams (unigrams, bigrams and • Set of tweets labeled with basic emotions.
unigrams plus bigrams) determined from the train-
ing data (tweets that were previousely pre-processed The set of emotion-annotated tweets by (Mo-
as described above). Bigrams are used specifically hammad, 2012), which we will denote as
to spot the influence of modifiers (negations, inten- T weetEm. It contains 21051 tweets anno-
sifiers, diminishers) on the polarity of the sentiment- tated according to the Ekman categories of ba-
bearing words. We tested the approach on differ- 6
ent datasets and dataset splits, using the Weka data

sic emotion - anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and unigrams and bigrams together, selecting only
surprise. We employ this dataset to test the re- the features that appear at least twice in the data
sults of our best-performing configurations on (U + B + F S). The second set of evaluations aimed
the test set. This set contains a total of 21051 at quantifying the difference in performance when
tweets (anger - 1555, disgust - 761, fear - 2816, the affective words and the modifiers were replaced
joy - 8240, sadness - 3830, surprise - 3849). As with generic labels. We tested the best performing
mentioned in the paper by (Mohammad, 2012), approaches from the first set of evaluations (U + B
a system that would guess the classes, would and U + B + F S), by replacing the words that were
perfom at aroung 49.9% accuracy. found in the affect dictionaries and the modifiers
with their generic labels. These evaluations are de-
• Set of short blog sentences labeled with basic noted as U + B + D and U + B + D + F S. The
emotions. results of these evaluations are shown in Table 2.
The set of blog sentences employed by (Aman
and Szpakowicz, 2007), which are annotated Features 10-f-CV T*+t*
according to the same basic emotions identi- U 71.82
fied by Paul Ekman, with the difference that the B 66.30
“joy” category is labeled as “happy”. This test U +B 82.01
set contains also examples which contain no U +B+D 81.15
emotions. These sentences were removed. We U + B + FS 74.00
will denote this dataset as BlogEm. This set U + B + D + FS 85.07
contains 1290 sentences annotated with emo-
tion (anger - 179, disgust - 172, fear - 115, joy - Table 2: Results in terms of accuracy for 10-fold cross-
536, sadness - 173, surprise - 115). We can con- validation using different combinations of features for the
sentiment classification of tweets on the entire set of Se-
sider as baseline the case in which all the ex-
mEval 2013 training data.
amples are assigned to the majority class (joy),
which would lead to an accuracy of 41.5%.
The same experiments are repeated by employing
T* as training data and t* as test data. The aim of
Data #Tweet #Pos. #Neg. #Neu. Bl% these experiments is to test how well the method can
T* 19241 4779 2343 12119 62 perform on new data. The results of these evalu-
t* 2597 700 393 1504 57 ations are shown in Table 3. In order to test if in-
T*+t* 21838 5479 2736 13623 62
Features Train(T*) & test(t*)
Table 1: Characteristics of the training (T*), testing (t*) U 74.90
and joint training and testing datasets. B 63.27
U +B 77.00
U +B+D 76.45
5.2 Evaluation and Results
U + B + FS 75.69
In order to test our sentiment analysis approach, we U + B + D + FS 79.97
employed the datasets described above. In the case
of the SemEval data, we performed an exhaustive Table 3: Results in terms of accuracy for the different
evaluation of the possible combination of features combination of features for the sentiment classification
to be employed. We tested the entire dataset of of tweets, using T* as training and t* as test set.
tweets (T*+t*) using 10-fold cross-validation. The
first set of evaluations concerned the use of the pre- deed the use of sentiment dictionaries, modifiers and
processed tweets in which the affective words and the simple feature selection method improves on the
modifiers were have not been replaced. The com- best performing approach that does not employ these
bination of features tested were: unigrams (U ), bi- additional features, we tested both the approaches on
grams (B), unigrams and bigrams together (U + B) the T weetEm and BlogEm datasets. In this case,

however, the classification is done among 6 differ- a b c d e f
ent classes of emotions. Although the results are a 5879 178 865 246 349 723
lower(as it can be seen in Table 4, they are compara- b 657 1327 339 67 59 367
ble to those obtained by (Mohammad, 2012) (when c 1243 248 1744 123 129 362
using U + B) and show an improvement when using d 549 189 79 419 48 271
the affect dictionaries and simple feature selection. e 167 55 45 89 160 245
They also confirm the fact that the best performance f 570 405 611 625 233 1386
on the data is obtained replacing the modifiers and
the words found in affect dictionaries with generic Table 5: Confusion matrix for the emotion classification
labels, using unigrams and bigrams as and eliminat- of the T weetEm dataset employing the sentiment dictio-
ing those n-grams that appear only once. naries.

a b c d e f
a 6895 252 395 57 20 622
Features Tweet Em Blog Em
b 1384 861 207 49 11 302
U +B 49.00 51.08 c 1970 147 1258 39 13 421
U + B + D + FS 51.08 53.70 d 884 133 88 101 18 332
e 433 54 60 32 40 142
Table 4: Results in terms of accuracy for the different f 2097 192 287 72 23 1160
combination of features for the emotion classification of
tweets and short blog sentences.
Table 6: Confusion matrix for the emotion classification
of the T weetEm dataset without employing the senti-
ment dictionaries.
The results obtained confirm that the use of uni-
gram and bigram features (appearing at least twice)
with generalized affective words and modifiers ob- 5.3 Discussion
tains the best results. Although there is a signifi- From the results obtained, we can conclude that, on
cant improvement in the accuracy of the classifica- the one hand, the best features to be employed in
tion, the most important difference in the classifica- sentiment analysis in tweets are unigrams and bi-
tion performance is given by the fact that using this grams together. Secondly, we can see that the use of
combination, the classifier is no longer biased by the generalizations, by employing unique labels to de-
class with the highest number of examples. We can note sentiment-bearing words and modifiers highly
notice this for the case of tweets, for which the con- improves the performance of the sentiment classi-
fusion matrices are presented in Table 5 and Table fication. The usefulness of pre-processing steps is
6. In the table header, the correspondence is: a = visible from the fact that among the bigrams that
joy, b = fear, c = surprise, d = anger, e = disgust, f were extracted from the training data we can find
= sadness. In the first case, the use of unigrams and the unique labels employed to mark the use of re-
bigrams leads to the erroneous classification of ex- peated punctuation signs, stressed words, affective
amples to the majoritary class. When employing the words and modifiers and combinations among them.
features in which affective words and modifiers have Interesting bigrams that were discovered using these
been replaced with generic labels, the results are not generalizations are, e.g. “negative multiexclama-
only improved, but they classifier is less biased to- tion”, “positive multiexclamation”, “positive multi-
wards the majoritary class. In this case, the incorrect stop” - which is more often found in negative tweets
assignments are made to classes that are more sim- -,“negator positive”, “diminisher positive”, “mostly
ilar in vocabulary (e.g. anger - disgust, anger - sad- diminisher”, “hnegative feeling”, “hnegative day”,
ness). In the case of surprise, examples relate both “eat negative”,“intensifier hnegative”. All these ex-
to positive, as well as negative surprises. Therefore, tracted features are very useful to detect and classify
there is a similarity in the vocabulary employed to sentiment in tweets and most of them would be ig-
both these classes. nored if the vocabulary were different in the train-

ing and test data or if, for example, a stressed word obtain good results even though we employ min-
would be written under different forms or a punctu- imal linguistic processing. The advantage of this
ation sign would be repeated a different number of approach is that it makes the method easily appli-
times. We can see that the method employed obtains cable to other languages. Finally, we have shown
good results, above the ones reported so far with the that the use of a simple heuristic, concerning filter-
state-of-the-art approaches. We have seen that the ing out features that appear only once, improves the
use of affect and modifier lexica generalization has results. As such, the method is less dependent on the
an impact on both the quantitative performance of dataset on which the classification model is trained
the classification, as well as on the quality of the re- and the vocabulary it contains. Finally, we employed
sults, making the classifier less biased towards the a simple SVM SMO linear classifier to test our ap-
class with a significantly larger number of exam- proach on three different data sets. Using such an
ples. In practice, datasets are not balanced, so it is approach avoids overfitting the data and, as we have
imporant that a classifier is able to assign (even in- shown, leads to comparable performances on differ-
correctly) an example to a class that is semantically ent datasets. In future work, we plan to evaluate
similar and not to a class with totally opposite affec- the use of higher-order n-grams (3-grams) and skip-
tive orientation. In this sense, as we have seen in the grams to extract more complex patterns of sentiment
detailed results obtained on the T weetEm dataset, expressions and be able to identify more precisely
it is preferable that, e.g. the examples pertaining to the scope of the negation. Additionally, we plan to
the emotion classes of anger and sadness are mis- evaluate the influence of deeper linguistic process-
takenly classified as the other. However, it is not ing on the results, by performing stemming, lem-
acceptable to have such a high number of examples matizing and POS-tagging. Further on, we would
from these classes labeled as “joy”. Finally, by in- like to extend our approach on generalizing the se-
specting some of the examples in the three datasets, mantic classes of words and employing unique la-
we noticed that a constant reason for error remains bels to group them (e.g. label mouse, cat and dog as
the limited power of the method to correctly spot the “animal”). Finally, we would like to study the per-
scope of the negations and modifiers. As such, we formance of our approach in the context of tweets
plan to study the manner in which skip-bigrams (bi- related to specific news, in which case these short
grams made up of non-consecutive tokens) can be texts can be contextualized by adding further con-
added and whether or not they will contribute to (at tent from other information sources.
least partially) solve this issue.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
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