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DOI: 10.17812/IJRA.3.


International Journal of Research and Applications

eISSN : 2349 – 0020
April-June © 2016 Transactions 3(10): 427-433 pISSN : 2394 – 4544

A Security Protocol for mobile-banking and payment using

SMS and USSD in Ethiopia
1 Ramesh Gadde, 2 Kifle Berhane. N and 3 Fthi Arefayne Abadi
123 Department of CSE, Mekelle Institute of Technology, Mekelle University, Tigray, Ethiopia.
[email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]

Short message service (SMS) and Unstructured Supplementary Services Data (USSD) are a very popular and
easy to use communications technology for mobile phone devices. Originally, these services were not
designed to transmit secured data, so the security was not an important issue during its design. Yet today, it
is widely used to exchange sensitive information between communicating parties i.e. HelloCash, Ethio
Gebeta, Lehulu, CBE M-banking, 8100, 8400 and so much more. Due to the vulnerable nature of SMS and
USSD this paper proposes an alternative solution that provides a client-server SMS and USSD security
protocol that guarantees provision of confidentiality, authentication, integrity, non-repudiation, and file
compression security services. A hybrid cryptographic scheme is used which combines the Identity Based
Encryption (IBE) and AES-Rijndael algorithms without key distribution servers and certificate authorities to
achieve more robust functionality. HMAC-SHA256 hashing algorithm will be used to generate a message
digest. IBE will be used to digitally sign the message and to encrypt the encryption key used on AES. LZW
compression will be used to compress the SMS. Unlike any previous works that involve certificate authority
and key management, this protocol is proposed to be used in mobile banking and payment once a user
successfully subscribes to the service.
Keywords: USSD, HelloCash, IBE, HMAC-SHA256.

1. INTRODUCTION Mobile banking system is one which provides all

daily banking operations to customer with one click
Even though Ethio-Telecom, the only internet service
of his mobile handset with supported application. M-
provider (ISP) in Ethiopia, provides very low quality
banking system has a potential to provide access or
services of internet it has offered SMS and USSD as
delivery of very specific and highly necessary
an alternative tools for mobile banking. For instance,
information to customer. Mobile banking is a recently
USSD services are used in HelloCash system to
new research area. At present, many banks are
transfer money, pay in supermarkets and hotels [1],
promoting their mobile banking services heavily. As
transferring mobile money, recharging your phone
mobile banking becomes popular, the concern for
money and more and SMS services are used in
security of mobile banking is raised.
Answer and Question (A&Q), fund rising, Lottery
There is perhaps no software engineering topic of
services, 8400, and 8100 which was used to collect
more timely importance than application security.
around 33 million ETB from people across the
Attacks are costly, whether the attack comes from
country for the Construction of the Grand Ethiopian
inside or out, attacks can expose any company to
Renaissance Dam (GERD) [2]. Recently, an
liability for damages. As computer (and especially
application called lehulu, powered by Kifiya
Internet) technologies evolve, security attacks are
Corporation, has begun to be used for paying
becoming more sophisticated and frequent. Staying
electrical, water and telecommunication bills at one
on top of the most up-to-date techniques and tools is
place and it has planned to start online payments[3].
one key to application security; the other is a solid

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foundation in proven technologies such as data can be used to counteract the security attacks are
encryption, authentication, and authorization. The discussed below.
growing number of programmers and hackers has
b. Cryptographic Security Mechanisms
led to the raise of the following serious problems.
First, several mobile applications are distributed to Cryptography can be defined as the conversion of
steal mobile money without the consent of the users. data into a scrambled code and then sending it to the
Second, lack of confidence on the transactions as a recipient; the scrambled code can be decrypted to
result of the insecure mobile banking services in retrieve the original data once it is received. It has
Ethiopia. two main forms for encrypting data; symmetric and
asymmetric encryption. Beside these two
Therefore, this paper primarily aims to study the cryptography techniques there are several security
current SMS banking encryption techniques and technologies and mechanisms discussed below
devise strong security protocol for secure transaction
1. Symmetric key cryptography: which is also called
in mobile banking in Ethio-Telecom and other private
secret key cryptography. It is a type of cryptography
and governmental companies. Additionally, by
where the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt
blocking attackers everywhere from Stealing user’s
the message.
mobile money, modifying packet on transmission
this project plans to increase confidence of users and 2. ID-based encryption, or identity-based
entrepreneurs on mobile banking. encryption (IBE): is an important primitive of ID-
based cryptography. As such it is a type of public-key
2. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORKS encryption in which the public key of a user is some
The contents of SMS and USSD are visible to and unique information about the identity of the user
monitored by anyone who tapped to the packets as (e.g. a user's email address).
they are transmitted as a plain text. The network 3. Message authentication: is concerned with:
provider itself i.e. Ethio Telecom which is generally protecting the integrity of a message, validating
regarded as insecure stores messages temporarily in identity of originator and non-repudiation of origin
servers until delivery making the contents and (dispute resolution). An authenticator, signature, or
addresses vulnerable to ISP attacks. A hacker can message authentication code (MAC) is sent along
easily hack the SMS center, base stations, and GSM with the message. Private Key ciphers or hash
servers and read what the SMS contains and what the function can be used to generate an authenticator.
USSD code is. We will now discuss the security
4. Hashing functions: are used to condense an
attacks, available security mechanisms and security
arbitrary length message to a fixed size, usually for
constraints. Most of the security attacks reside to the
subsequent signature by a digital signature
following four type of threats
algorithm. They are one-way functions so that
a. Security threats messages are not disclosed by their signatures.
1. Man-in-middle Attack: the attacker can use a false 5. Message digests. Coupled with message
BTS with the same mobile network code as the authentication codes, a technology that ensures the
subscriber's legitimate network to impersonate integrity of your message.
himself and perform a man-in-the-middle attack.
6. Digital signatures: Only the owner of the private-
This also include masqueraders.
key can create the digital signature, hence it can be
2. Message Disclosure: SMS and USSD are sent as
used to verify who created a message anyone
plain text which allows full disclosure of the contents
knowing the public key can verify the signature
to outsider.
(provided they are confident of the identity of the
3. Denial of Service (DOS) Attacks: DOS attacks
owner of the public key - the key distribution
are made possible by sending repeated messages to
problem). Usually a hash of the message is signed
a target mobile phone, making the victim's mobile
instead of the whole message, because signing the
phone inaccessible.
whole message would mean doubling the size of
4. SMS Tapping: The attacker can tap an SMS in
information exchanged. Let’s proceed to what types
different places including from radio broadcast or
of security constraints should be achieved that will
base transceiver station (BTS). If the attacker has an
help our goals. All the security services mentioned
access to the BTS or other parts of the GSM network,
above are used independently and with one another
then the tapping is easy. The security services that
to satisfy the following vital security requirements.

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c. Security constraints Voting Singers (8400): In 2008 E.C (2016 September)

In order to make SMS and USSD a secure medium of there was a national Balageru idol singer’s final
mobile banking we need to make sure following competition and citizen’s vote was given 60 percent
security constraints are met with minimum cost of value to decide a winner. It has been seen a 52
overhead. percent vote gap between the winner (first rank) and
the second winner, when there was almost
Confidentiality it prevents the unauthorized user to
no/comparable difference among the others [15].
assess the private information. It can be met using the
How confident was the voting process? Can there be
private key cryptography.
a hacker involved? Well our guess is as good as yours
Integrity it is preventing anybody other than Ethio-Telecom’s services like this and others like,
authorized parties from altering the SMS and USSD. 8100 has no security measures at all. As stated above
It can be achieved by the use of digital signatures and you have not been attacked does not imply a forest is
hashing functions. a safe place to live.
Non-repudiation it provides security service that Ethio Gebeta: This Ethio-telecom service is one of the
prevent participant from denial of message latest package (phone air time or money) transactions
transmission service. The receiver must prove the being used in Ethiopia. It makes use of USSD and
message is coming from authorized sender and the SMS to buy a package for week, a month or a day or
sender needs to be sure it is sending to authorized to send packages of money for a friend or a family.
receiver. It is met only by using digital signatures Like any other Ethio-Telecom services, it has not
with the help of hashing functions. made security an issue.
Authentication it gives assurance to the GSM security shortfalls
communication party that it claims to be. Message GSM network uses its own encryption algorithm
authentication functions will be used to authenticate when data is sent among several base transceiver
stations (BTS) over the radio waves. It is transmitted
a user. Enough is said about the technologies and
in encrypted format by using A5 algorithm in which
services around security along with the threats and the attack to A5 algorithm is already known [4] and
protections. We are left with the current security level Ethio-telecom disables the encryption anyway to
in M-banking services in Ethiopia, security analysis speedup communication by reducing security
of GSM network and what researchers has done so overhead. BTS also use A3/A8 authentication
far. The following part discusses how the current M- algorithm that is considered as the weakest
banking in Ethiopia works along with its security authentication protocol [4]. Overall, a message is
transmitted in unencrypted format from the mobile
operator’s network to the message center and then
HelloCash: A person can register in the nearest bank stored as plain text available for anyone who got
branch or agent providing HelloCash Services and an access (including hackers) to the servers until it is
Agent/bank teller initiates your HelloCash delivered to its destination. There is no doubt of the
need for application level security instead of trusting
registration using their mobile phone. The helloCash
the GSM security protocols.
system will call your mobile phone and ask you to
Carefully select your 4-digits secret PIN for your Previous researches
helloCash account then you will receive an SMS to Many researchers have proposed solutions to secure
confirm your HelloCash account creation and you are the mobile phone SMS communication by using
public key cryptography [5, 6, 7, and 11]. One of the
good to transfer (*[number]#), withdraw (Call Short
main reasons for not implementing the standard
USSD No.), pay for services (Call USSD ), and check
public key cryptography in the current telecom
balance (USSD call)[1]. Now, look how inconvenient
architecture is the restricted resources (that is, user
it is to circulate value for hundreds of millions of will be charged twice for key exchange session and
households (money) that rely only on a 4-digits PIN the SMS alone) in the mobile phone devices. The
that can easily be broken by a brute force attack. The second important reason is the user’s authentication
same goes for the commercial bank of Ethiopia’s scheme and knowledge difference among users.
(CBE’s) mobile banking and for Kifiya’s Lehulu Many researchers have also suggested the use of
water, electricity and telecommunications bill mobile private key cryptography [12, 13 and14] which is not
payment [3]. enough to meet the security constraints mentioned

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Why not PGP (pretty good service) This solution is novel not only because it achieves all
PGP combines the advantages of both asymmetric the four constraints, but also it uses phone numbers
and symmetric encryption, while also downplaying as a public key and uses a one-time subscription in
the disadvantages of both. PGP parties have each 2 order to get a corresponding private key eliminating
keys one public and the other session or private. The the need for CA (certificate authorities) and key
session key is used to encrypt the message while the management and distribution issues, replacing all
public key is used to encrypt the session key [8]. Even this by a trusted authorities (TA), accessed only by a
PGP will not guarantee non-repudiation or message new user to own a valid key pair. Key exchange
integrity. Despite the failure to meet the criteria’s set, session is also removed by appending session key
PGP has problems with administering conflicting into the ciphered text before generating a message
versions and compatibility Issues, complexity of use digest. A user has no clue of encryption because it is
(requires training), no recovery of any lost data or done behind the user interface of the client
password, and more. application, so it is easy and familiar to use. The basic
algorithms are discussed here.
a. Boneh–Franklin ID-PKC
In order to achieve all the goals set and stated earlier
Identity-based systems allow any party to generate a
this paper proposes the introduction of an
public key from a known identity value such as an
independent Ethio telecom mobile application, only
ASCII string. A trusted third party, called the Private
for smartphones who involve in the E-commerce that
Key Generator (PKG), generates the corresponding
Ethio Telecom has setup, which will serve as a secure
private keys. To operate, the PKG first publishes a
SMS sending agent that encrypts and sends any SMS
master public key, and retains the corresponding
or USSD that involves any transfer of money. At the
master private key (referred to as master key). Given
server side the decryption algorithm will be installed.
the master public key, any party can compute a
The system uses encrypted messaging protocol with
public key corresponding to the identity ID by
deniability guarantees and message-level forward
combining the master public key with the identity
secrecy. Therefore, no other intruder will be able to
value. To obtain a corresponding private key, the
read the SMS or access any of the information sent,
party authorized to use the identity ID contacts the
leaving both sending and receiving parties confident
PKG, which uses the master private key to generate
on the transaction. In order to achieve this it will
the private key for identity ID.As a result, parties
require the usage of Symmetric encryption and
may encrypt messages (or verify signatures) with no
identity based encryption.
prior distribution of keys between individual
Unlike, the security solutions mentioned and
participants. This is extremely useful in cases where
suggested by other researchers, which require
pre-distribution of authenticated keys is inconvenient
certificate authorities (CA), key exchange sessions,
or infeasible due to technical restraints. However, to
key revocation and generating authorities, and even
decrypt or sign messages, the authorized user must
so they all fail to consider the cost of using multiple
obtain the appropriate private key from the PKG [9].
SMS on a GSM network for single transaction. The
proposed solution uses the advantages we get from b. AES rijandeal symmetric key cryptograaphy
using both the symmetric cryptography and Identity AES is based on a design principle known as a
based encryption to achieve more robust substitution-permutation network, combination of
functionality. Even though, we have several both substitution and permutation, and is fast in both
algorithm choices on each encryption type, AES software and hardware.[10] Unlike its predecessor
rijandeal is chosen for symmetric encryption and DES, AES does not use a Feistel network. AES is a
Boneh–Franklin has been selected as our IBE public variant of Rijndael which has a fixed block size of 128
key encryption. In addition, the proposed solution bits, and a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits. By
will use HMAC message authentication function to contrast, the Rijndael specification per se is specified
generate message digest and IBE public key with block and key sizes that may be any multiple of
cryptography to digitally sign the message digest. 32 bits, both with a minimum of 128 and a maximum
LZW file compression algorithm will also be used to of 256 bits and calculations are done in a special finite
compress the ciphered text incase a message reaches field.
GSM’s character limit (i.e. 160 characters).

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c. LZW SMS Compression for everyone and authenticated by Ethio telecom as a

Every SMS’s cost is associated with the number of public identity specifier to encrypt the AES key and
characters it contains. As per the GSM regulation to sign the message digest generated by
only 160 (English) characters are supported in single HMACSHA256 algorithm. Finally, the LZW file
message. But sometimes only 160 characters are not compression will compress and send it to the
sufficient so even if single character exceeds the limit, receiver.
you will be charged for two messages.


Hence, to solve this problem we apply compression
on SMS to pack maximum characters in single SMS Start: plaintext = input
body. The LZW algorithm stores strings in a Step 1: ciphertext = Private Key cryptography using
―dictionary" with entries for 4,096 variable length AES-rijndael to ensure message confidentiality.
strings. The first 255 entries are used to contain the - KeyGenerator.getInstance ("DES"), .init (56), and -
values for individual bytes, so the actual first string .generateKey (): Generates the key.
index is 256. As the string is compressed, the - Cipher.getInstance ("DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"):
dictionary is built up to contain every possible string Creates the Cipher object (specifying the algorithm,
combination that can be obtained from the message, mode, and padding).
starting with two characters, then three characters, - .init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key):
and so on. Initializes the Cipher object,
d. Security protocol design doFinal(plaintext) : Calculates the ciphertext
Step 2: ciphered key = Public Key cryptography
As explained briefly in Fig. 1.The AES rijndael
using IBE to transmit the above key.
encryption will use a random number encryption
- Encrypt the symmetric AES key using the public
key, generated by AES-Fig. 1. The security protocol
design rijndael, to cipher the SMS or USSD and the
- byte [] Encryptkey = (new BigInteger(AES_key))
IBE will use Phone number of users which are unique
.modPow(Public_key, n).toByteArray();

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package, execute, and as a debugging tool for

Step 3: mac =Message authentication code using
developing wireless MIDP applications (MIDlets).
HMAC-SHA256 ensures message integrity.
The whole project’s implementation has two major
- Message = Append ciphertext from step 1 and
parts; the first is the client side and the second is the
Encryptkey from step 2
server side.
- KeyGenerator.getInstance ("HmacSHA256") and
.generateKey (): Generates the key. Client side
- Mac.getInstance ("HmacSHA256"): Creates a MAC This is the side where users see, so it is made easy to
object. use even familiar with the previous user interfaces.
- .init (shakey): Initializes the MAC object. The user interface include tabs for SMS sending and
- .update (Message) and .doFinal (): Calculates the USSD dialing. Users have no knowledge of the
MAC object with a plaintext string. encryption going underneath. Android studio and
eclipse were used to develop the client side
Step 4: signature = Digital signature using IBE-PKC application using two main programming languages
for non-repudiation purpose. JAVA and XML. The system is tested and tried on
- Need private key that will only be given by the android phones, Samsung to be specific.
Trusted Authorities (TA) on the time of subscription - A simple SMS that sends its public key as a means
- .initSign (key.getPrivate ()): Initializes the Signature to subscribe
object. - The server will register the user, calculate
- .update (mac) and .sign (): Calculates the signature appropriate private key and reply it to the sender.
- .initVerify (key.getPublic ()) and .verify (signature): - User will the use these key pair in encryption and
Verifies the signature. signature.
A prototype framework for testing the proposed
Server side
security solution has been designed as part of the
Since our server side telecom application (TAP)
work in this paper. A basic two-tiered model, the
requires actual network provider infrastructure
client-server model, in which the client requests
which is impossible to get access, we go through
services in encrypted format and the server decrypts
totally different system implementation and testing.
and provides them, is used in the implementation of
JAVA programming language was still used to write
the security protocol. Application logic is partitioned
the server side decryption-encryption module on
between client and server. Both of them have
eclipse IDE with SMS and USSD libraries and SDKs
software interfaces to run part of the application,
from Hsenid Mobile Corporation. Devspace
establish the connection, and handle the interactions.
simulator and servers form jetty were used to test the
In addition, the unreliable, error prone, low
telecom application.
bandwidth, and high latency wireless networks often
require assurances that data has been delivered in a
reliable manner. This is accomplished by using The Dev Space Telco APIs by HSenid Mobile provide
intense throwing of the input/output and data a rich framework for TAP developers to build
exchange exceptions techniques to catch network various server applications by integrating Telco
connection failures. assets such as SMS, USSD, Charging, Location and
Subscription to create various types of Telco apps
Technologies Used
that range from enterprise level to entertainment[10].
Java platform was used due to its Fine-grained
To get to our testing we need to do the following.
control over resource access for both applets and
The application
applications and a large number of library functions.
To run the application you have two options. First
- JSSE (Java Secure Sockets Extension)
one is running as a standalone application. Second
- JCE (Java Cryptography Extension)
one is creating a web archive and deploying in a web
- Android studio
container like tomcat.
- Devspace JAVA SMS SDK
First option (make sure your codes are on exact places)
- Jetty web socket and server
- \bin\create_standalone.bat
- Eclipse JavaEE
- cd..\target\stand-alone\bin
- Algorithms used: HMAC, AES, LZW, and Boneh–
- Start-app.bat
Second option
- The Sun Microsystems J2ME Wireless Toolkit
- \bin\create_war.bat
(WTK) is used on the client side for the application
development. The WTK is used to compile, build,

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 Download devspace simulator and extract This research was supported by a friend, brother and
 …bin>sdp-simulator.bat console mentor Mr. Hiliwi Leake kidane, who I want to thank
 http//:localhost:10001 record interface very greatly. My gratefulness thanks to Ramesh
SMS interface on Gadde, M.Tech (Ph.D) and Kifle Berhane. N -
 http://localhost:{port of the application}/mo- M.Tech, my project advisor who was committed to
receiver the end helping me in every ways possible. I finally
USSD interface on thank my roommates and friends who provided
 http://{host}:{port of the sample app}/mo-ussd insight and expertise that greatly assisted the paper.
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