Max 1
Max 1
Max 1
PUBLISHED 11/10/2000
EFFECTIVE SERIAL NO. First Production Unit
The Rosco Maximizer I is used for the transportation The technical information found in this manual was
and distribution of asphalt based products for road correct at the time that it was approved for
maintenance and repair. The machine can spray publication. However, due to a continuous program
asphalt emulsions, asphalt cements and cut backs. of research and development, some procedures,
Rosco Manufacturing strongly recommends the use specifications and parts may be altered in a constant
of asphalt emulsions. Water based emulsions effort to update and improve our products. ROSCO
reduce the risk of fire and explosion. The Maximizer Manufacturing Company reserves the right to make
I should not be used to distribute water, calcium design or specification changes without prior
chloride or other deicing liquids. These materials notification or to make any other improvements
can corrode the pump and valves and dangerously without incurring obligations to add them to any
contaminate the tank. If these materials are used in machine in existence. Please contact your local
a Maximizer I, the warranty is voided on those ROSCO Authorized Dealer if you require further
components effected by the material. assistance.
1000 U.S.. Gallons (3,785 L) to 4000 U.S. Gallons (15,136 L) with overage for expansion.
Elliptical shape. Full-cross section 10 gauge (3.4mm) surge plates with staggered openings. Meets all applicable
Federal Tank Regulations for asphalt distributors.
Steel, 10 gauge (3.4mm) shell, 7 gauge (4.5mm) reinforced and flanged heads, all seams electrically welded inside and
22 Inch (558mm) diameter with weather tight and safety relieving cover. Inside splash guards, 3 inch (76mm) diameter
overflow pipe, steel measuring stick, basket type strainer.
8 Inch (203mm) diameter at rear of tank with cleanout plug. Suction line from pump includes tank cutoff valve.
Single flue with 8 inch (203mm) inside diameter tubing with square return bend configuration. Hi-Lo double flue
14 gauge (1.9mm) stainless steel at rear with hood.
Armored pencil inspectors type 20 degree to 500 degree on side of tank in pipe well. 4 inch (101mm) dial thermometer
Liquid withdrawal LPG burner(s) with pressure regulators and necessary LP connections to frame mount 52 gallon tank.
Standard temperature control included. Optional LPG electronic controls (ignition and outfire). Optional diesel fired
burners with standard electronic ignition and temp limit control.
Float type, continuous reading in 50 gallon (189 L) increments rear head mounted.
Viking MV1054, 4 inch (102mm) 400 GPM/1514 LPM capacity positive displacement, rotary gear pump. Located at rear
of unit with suction piping to tank sump.
Standard brass V-Jet, 4 inch (101mm) centers.
Radar horn to accurately measure speed and distance travelled. 0-1,500 FPM (457 MPM)
Controls in cab for spraybar on/off in1 foot (.3m) increments, spraybar lift and shift and auto valve functions. Optional on/
off of spraybar in 4 foot (1.22m) - 2 foot (.61m) sections. Controls in cab and at rear for hydraulic folding of spraybar wing
sections (optional).
Enamel paint with aluminum jacket. Black paint standard.
Rubber or steel loading hose, portable LP torch, spray bar extensions, washdown system, sampling valve, heat limit
control, two and three nozzle handspray wands remote RH mirror.
Signal Words
Note the use of key the signal words DANGER, DANGER An immediate and specific hazard
WARNING, and CAUTION with the safety message. which WILL result in severe personal
The appropriate signal word for each message has injury or death if the proper
been selected using the following guidelines: precautions are not taken.
B. Operators and operator trainees shall meet the 4. Be familiar with applicable safety
following physical qualifications: regulations.
1. Vision of at least 20/30 Snellen in one
eye and 20/50 in the other, with or without 5. Understand responsibility for
corrective lenses. maintenance requirements of the Asphalt
2. Ability to distinguish colors, regardless of
position, if color differentiation is required 6. Be thoroughly familiar with the Asphalt
for operation. Distributor and its control functions.
3. Do not mix different asphalt materials in tank. 7. With propane fired burners, use a liquid draw
Clean tank and the circulating system before system at 10-20 PSI.
adding a foreign substance (See Clean out
procedure in the Operation Section of this 8. Use a torch to light LPG burners rather than
Manual). Due to the tremendous variety a match or cigarette lighter.
of asphalt products the tank cleaning
procedure will vary. Contact the supplier of HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS
the asphalt product for the correct procedure PRECAUTIONS
for cleaning the tank.
1. Make sure that all
components are in good
working condition. Replace any worn, cut, 4. Prevent fires by keeping the
abraded, flattened or crimped hoses and machine clean of accumulated
metal lines. debris, grease and spilled fuel.
2. Do not attempt makeshift repairs using tape, 5. Fill the fuel tank outdoors to reduce the
clamps or cements. The hydraulic system chance of fumes accumulating and causing
operates under extremely high pressure and a fire or explosion.
such repairs could cause serious injury.
6. DO NOT allow fuel to spill on
3. Wear proper hand and eye hot components. Maintain
protection when control of the fuel filler
searching for a high nozzle when filling the tank. Fire
pressure leak. Use a piece can result from fuel contacting hot
of wood or cardboard as a components.
back stop instead of hands to isolate and
identify leaks. Escaping hydraulic fluid or oil 7. Tighten the fuel tank cap securely. Should
under pressure has sufficient force to the fuel cap be lost, replace it only with the
penetrate the skin which could cause serious original manufacturer's approved cap. Use
personal injury. Insure that all pressure is of a non-approved cap without proper venting
relieved before disconnecting lines, hoses may result in pressurization of the tank.
and/or valves.
4. If injured by concentrated high pressure
steam or hydraulic fluid, seek medical 1. Keep all sparks and flames away
attention immediately. Serious infections or from batteries, as gas given off
toxic reaction can develop from hydraulic fluid by electrolyte is explosive. Acid
penetrating the skin surface. propelled by an explosion can
cause blindness if it comes in contact with
TIRE PRECAUTIONS 2. Make sure that all lights and reflectors comply
with state and local regulations. Make sure
1. Follow proper procedure when mounting a that they are clean, in good working order
tire on a wheel or rim. Failure to follow these and can be seen clearly by all overtaking
procedures can result in an explosion which and oncoming traffic.
may result in serious injury or death.
3. Always raise and secure spraybar wings
2. Do not attempt to mount a tire unless you before transporting.
have the proper equipment and experience
to do the job. 4. Do not exceed legal speed limit and wear
your seat belt.
3. Have a qualified tire dealer or repair service
perform required tire maintenance. STORAGE PRECAUTIONS
4. When inflating tires, use a self attaching 1. Store the Maximizer in an area away from
inflation chuck with remote shut off and stand human activity.
clear of the tire.
2. Do not permit children to play on or around
5. DO NOT inflate the tire beyond the tire the stored machine! Serious injury can result
maufacturer's recommended inflation from slips and falls.
3. Make sure the unit is stored in an area that
6. DO NOT operate the machine with loose is firm, level and free of debris.
wheels or rims. Check wheel nuts
periodically for proper tightening torque. 4. Store the Maximizer inside a building or cover
securely with a weatherproof tarpaulin.
7. DO NOT hammer on rims with steel
hammers. Ues rubber, lead, plastic or brass PTO DRIVELINE SAFETY
faced mallets if necessary.
1. Shut off engine and remove ignition key
8. Block the tires and wheel on opposite side before working on or near the PTO system.
of the vehicle before you place a jack in
position. 2. Stay away from rotating
driveline. Hands, feet, hair
9. Place hardwood blocks under the jack and clothing can get
reguardless of how hard or soft the ground caught on rotating parts
is. To reduce the risk of injury or death from and cause serious injury
crushing, ALWAYS support the vehicle with or death.
blocks or preferably jack stands in case the
jack should slip. 3. Do not go under the vehicle when the engine
is running.
4. Do not work on the PTO driveline when 1. Be sure that the installation area is clean
engine is running. and dry. Use hot soapy water and dry area
thoroughly before installing decals.
5. Do not engage or disengage PTO by hand
from under the vehicle when the engine is 2. Decide on the exact position by taking
running. measurements and test fitting before you
remove any of the backing paper.
2. Keep Safety Decals and signs clean and 5. Slowly peel back the remaining paper and
legible at all times. carefully smooth the remaining portion of
the decal in place.
3. Replace decals and signs that are missing
or cannot be read easily. 6. Small air pockets can be pierced with a pin
and smoothed out using a piece of decal
4. When replacing parts that previously backing paper.
displayed a safety decal, be sure to replace
the decal as well. 7. If the decal has a protective top paper, use
hot soapy water on the surface to which the
5. Obtain Safety Decals or signs from your decal is being applied. Leave wet. After
Authorized ROSCO Dealer. deciding on the location, remove the
backing paper and soak the decal in clean
soapy water before application. This will
help to alleviate air bubbles in the finished
Decal for
Burner (See
ROSCO / A LeeBoy Company follows the general Safety Standard specified by the Society of Auto-
motive Engineers (SAE) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Anyone who
will be operating and/or servicing the Maximizer I must read and clearly understand all safety, operating
and maintenance information presented in this manual. Do not operate or allow anyone to operate this
equipment until such information has been learned. Annually review this information before the season
start-up. Make periodic reviews of SAFETY and OPERATION a standard practice. An untrained em-
ployee is not qualified to operate this machine.
A sign-off sheet is provided below for your record keeping to show that all personnel who will be working
with the Maximizer I have read and understand the information in the Operator's Manual and have been
instructed in the operation of this equipment.
This section is included to help the operator better Standard grades of Emulsified Asphalt are:
understand the properties of the asphalt product that ANIONIC (- charge) : RS-1, RS-2, MS-1, MS-2, MS-
he/she may be using. The selection of the right 2h, HFMS-1, HFMS-2, HFMS-2h, HFMS-2s, SS-1,
product is generally dependent on the following SS-1h.
considerations: CATIONIC (+ charge) : CRS-1, CRS-2, CMS-2,
CMS-2h, CSS-1, CSS-1h.
A. Availability of various types of aggregate.
B. Availability of various liquid asphalt grades.
C. Climate conditions anticipated during ATTENTION: DO NOT mix Emulsion
applications. Types, Especially Anionic with Cationic.
D. Traffic conditions during application.
E. Contract specifications.
RS, MS, SS - indicates the emulsion setting rate -
The information given in the charts in this section
(Rapid Set, Medium Set, Slow Set)
are based on industry standards. It is important to
note that some asphalt product manufacturers have
h,s - indicates if a hard or soft base asphalt is used
grades or mixtures which do not conform to industry
in the mix.
standards. These materials are often tailored to local
geographic conditions and may provide superior
HF - indicates High - Float which means chemicals
performance to the standard grades.
have been added to permit a thicker film of asphalt
on the aggregate particles and prevent drain off of
There are many types and grades of asphalt
asphalt from the aggregate.
products and the best results can be obtained
through the trail of several different types of asphalt
C - the letter "C" in front of the emulsion type means
and aggregates. The following classifications and
it is a cationic asphalt. The absence of this letter
grades of asphalts are provided to help in the
means it is anionic asphalt.
CUTBACK ASPHALT: is asphalt cement which has
ASPHALT CEMENT (AC): Asphalt that is refined to
been liquefied by blending with petroleum solvents.
meet specifications for paving, industrial, and special
Upon exposure to the air, the solvents evaporate,
leaving the asphalt cement to preform its function of
cementing and waterproofing. Cutback asphalts are
EMULSIFIED ASPHALT: An emulsion of asphalt
divided into three main grades.
cement and water with a small amount of an
emulsifying agent. The emulsifying agent determines
Rapid Curing (RC) Asphalt: This is a cutback asphalt
the charge of the asphalt particles. It may have a
composed of asphalt cement and naphtha or
negative (-) charge - called anionic, or a positive (+)
gasoline-type diluent of high volatility.
charge - called cationic.
An anionic type of emulsion will work best with
Medium Curing (MC) Asphalt: This cutback asphalt
aggregates having positive (+) surface charges -
is composed of asphalt cement and kerosene-type
limestone and dolomite are examples.
diluent of medium volatility.
A cationic type of emulsion will work best with
aggregates having negative (-) surface charges -
some examples are siliceous or granitic aggregates.
Asphalt Cements °C °F °C °F °C °F
Emulsified Asphalts
RS-1 20 - 60 70 - 140 20 - 60 70 - 140
RS-2 50 - 85 125 - 185 50 - 85 125 - 185
HFRS-2 50 - 85 125 - 185 50 - 85 125 - 185
MS-1 20 - 70 70 - 160 10 - 60 50 - 140
MS-2 20 - 70 70 - 160 50 - 85 125 - 185
MS-2h 20 - 70 70 - 160 50 - 85 125 - 185
HFMS-1 20 - 70 70 - 160 10 - 60 50 - 140
HFMS-2 20 - 70 70 - 160 50 - 85 125 - 185
HFMS-2h 20 - 70 70 - 160 50 - 85 125 - 185
HFMS-2s 20 - 70 70 - 160 50 - 85 125 - 185
SS-1 20 - 70 70 - 160 10 - 60 50 - 140
SS-1h 20 - 70 70 - 160 10 - 60 50 - 140
CRS-1 50 - 85 125 - 185 50 - 85 125 - 185
CRS-2 50 - 85 125 - 185 50 - 85 125 - 185
CMS-2 20 - 70 70 - 160 50 - 85 125 - 185
CMS-2h 20 - 70 70 - 160 50 - 85 125 - 185
CSS-1 20 - 70 70 - 160 10 - 60 50 - 140
CSS-1h 20 - 70 70 - 160 10 - 60 50 - 140
Cutback Asphalts
MC-30 30+ 80+ 54 130 38 100
MC-70 50+ 120+ 71 160 38 100
MC-250 75+ 165+ 91 195 66 150
MC-800 95+ 200+ 99 210 66 150
MC-3000 110+ 230+ 99 210 66 150
RC-70 50+ 120+ 71 160 - -
RC-250 75+ 165+ 91 195 27 80
RC-800 95+ 200+ 99 210 27 80
RC-3000 110+ 230+ 99 210 27 80
SC-70 50+ 120+ 71 160 66 150
SC-250 75+ 165+ 91 195 79 175
SC-800 95+ 200+ 99 210 93 200
SC-3000 110+ 230+ 99 210 107 225
Product to be Loaded
Empty to no Empty to no
Asphalt OK to Load OK to Load Measurable Measurable
Cement Quantity Quantity
Empty to no Empty to no
Cutback Empty * OK to Load Measurable Measurable
Asphalt Quantity Quantity
Empty to no Empty to no
Cationic Empty * Measurable OK to Load Measurable
Emulsion Quantity Quantity
Empty to no Empty to no
Anionic Empty * Measurable Measurable OK to Load
Emulsion Quantity Quantity
The EZ-1S Controller is mounted in the cab and the Maximizer II. When the Auto/Manual
is used to measure, monitor and control the op- switch (Item 7) is in the Auto position the
eration of the machine. (Figure 2) first operating screen displays four items: (1)
the pump speed in gallons per minute or
The ROSCO EZ-1S Controller has been liters per minute, (2) the truck speed in feet
designed to provide fast and accurate pump per minute or meters per minute, (3) the
control while allowing for any changes in ground application rate in gallons per square yard
speed and spraybar width. It provides a or liters per square meters and (4) the
consistent, accurate application rate. spraybar length in feet or meters.
1. SYSTEM POWER: This is the master On/ 8. SELECT SCREEN: Controls the display of
Off switch for the control panel. The panel the available screens.
must be turned on before the machine can
operate. This switch may also be used as 9. DATA UPDATE: Allows for changes in the
an emergency shutdown switch. following display readouts:
(1) Application Rate
2. BEACON (OPTION): On/Off switch for the (2) Spraybar Width
beacon light. (3) Speed Calibration
(4) Flow Calibration
3. HI TANK LIGHT (OPTION): Indicates (5) Spraybar Circulate Rate
when asphalt tank exceeds 80% full. (6) Exit and Save Function
(7) Change from English to Metric
4. LOW TANK LIGHT (OPTION): Indicates (8) Memory Settings
when asphalt tank falls below 20% full.
10. TOTALS: Used for calibrating functions
5. HYDRAULIC TEMP LIGHT: Indicates and to clear display totals or to printout
when the hydraulic oil exceeds 200 totals to optional printer.
degrees F (94 degrees C).
11. MODE SELECTION: Controls and
6. LED DISPLAY SCREEN: The LED display determines the eight possible functions of
screen can display all information to operate the asphalt distributor.
12. MANUAL PUMP CONTROL: This control 17. LEFT WING FOLD (OPTION): Raises and
determines which Pump Speed Control, lowers left spraybar wing.
front or rear, is activated and, when the front
controller is used, which direction the pump 18. RIGHT WING FOLD (OPTION): Raises
will rotate, front forward or front reverse. The and lowers right spraybar wing.
front Pump Speed Control (Item 13) is on
the control panel and the rear Pump Speed 19. BURNER CONTROL (OPTION): This is
Control is located in the tool box at the back the On/Off control for the burners.
of the Maximizer.
13. MANUAL PUMP SPEED CONTROL: This Each switch corresponds to a segment of
dial controls the GPM of the asphalt pump the spraybar. If equipped with 1 foot controls,
when the Auto/Manual switch (Item 7) is in each switch will correspond to an individual
the manual position and the Manual Pump 1 foot control on the spraybar. If equipped
Controls (Item 12) are in the FRONT and with a 4 foot control, the four switches will
FRT FWD or FRT REV positions. correspond to each of the 4 sections of the
14. SPRAYBAR MASTER: This is the master
control switch for all of the nozzles on the 21. POINTER GUIDE SWITCH: raises and
spraybar. When turned on, all Individual lowers the pointer guide.
Spraybar Segments (Item 20) will spray oil
unless the the individual spray bar switches
are turned off or the individual valve
actuators on the spray bar are disengaged.
This switch has three positions:
(1) Spraybar Circulate: is used in conjunction
with the Auto setting and the Mode selection
in Spray or bar circulate to allow the
controller to circulate asphalt in the bar at
the rate that was set in the set up/calibration
screen during calibration.
(2) OFF: can be used to build pressure in
the bar for starting or when spraying a heavy
application. If the switch is left in the "OFF"
position, excessive pressure (70 psi) can
build in the spraybar resulting in too much
oil being applied at the start of a spray run.
(3) ON: With all other settings set as above
in (1), this is the normal operating position
for spraying. The "ON" position opens all
spraybar valves that are turned on.
a. Go to the top scale for the bar length. a. Follow the pre-operation check list (Sec-
Move the inner sleeve to the desired tion III) before starting.
application rate with the correct bar
length. b. Load the Tank.
For Example:
• Spraybar Length = 12 Feet c. Go to the simulation area.
• Application Rate = .3 Gal/Sq.Yd.
• For No. 1 Nozzles the recommended d. Check that the material in the tank is at
pump rate is 8-14 GPM per feet bar the recommended application temper-
length. ture.
• For 12 Ft bar, pump rate is then 96
(12 x 8) to 168 (12 x 14) or approx- IMPORTANT: Temperature affects the
imately 100 - 170 GPM. viscosity of the material. If the temperature
is not at the application rate conditions, the
b. Go to the center scale (Pump Rate) and range in viscosity could affect the accuracy
bracket the pump rate from the above of the calibration.
example (100 - 170 GPM).
e. Select a transmission gear and axle
c. Look directly below the pump rate scale ratio to give the required ground speed
at the truck speed (FPM) scale. For 12 of 350 FPM. Use the panel readout to
Ft bar and .3 rate setting you should measure the speed. The best results
read 250 FPM below 100 GPM and are obtained when the engine speed is
425 FPM below 170 GPM. maintained between 1500 and 1800
RPM for a specific gear ratio.
d. Select a truck speed between 250 and
425 FPM that is appropriate for the f. Operate the unit in the Spraybar Circulate
terrain and operating conditions. Mode. Use the Manual Control Pump
Speed Dial on the EZ-1S Controller to
e. Select the pump flow rate above the se- set the pump flow to 140 GPM at the
lected truck speed. For example: specific engine RPM for operation.
• Select 350 FPM (4.0 MPH) as speed.
• 140 GPM will be pump setting. g. Now drive the unit over the application
route in the specific gear, axle ratio,
NOTE: Do not exceed the nozzle maxi- engine RPM, travel speed and set the
mum flow. 170 GPM is overflow for 36 pump rate.
#1 nozzles.
h. Record all operating parameters on your
2. RUN SIMULATION data sheet for future reference.
For this phase of the calibration, a loaded
Distributor operating in the Spraybar Circu- i. Small variations in ground speed will not
late Mode will be driven per the operator's affect the application rate. As the truck
calculations. It is recommended that a data speed increases or decreases, there will
sheet be kept to record the machine perfor- be a proportional increase or decrease
mance and application information for future in the flow from the hydrostatic pump.
reference. This will also give a proportional change
IMPORTANT: Read Section III on Opera- in the asphalt pump flow.
tion of Distributor before proceeding.
c. Start spraying as you cross the start line. Calculated Vol x Pump Flow in GPM = Correct GPM
Measured Volume
Be sure to maintain the ground speed
and engine RPM at the values specified 360 Gal x 140 Gal = 148 GPM
on the data sheet. 340 Gal
Figure 6
Application Data Sheet
0. SYSTEMS OVERVIEW ........................................................... 3.3-3.4
The Maximizer I consists of a truck-mounted insulated tank ranging in capacity from 4000 to 16000
liters (1000 to 4000 gal.). Rosco distributors are equipped with a heating system that will maintain the
asphalt at the proper spray temperature.
The distributor has a power driven asphalt pump capable of handling products ranging from light
applications of emulsified asphalt to heavy asphalt cements heated to spraying viscosity. At the back
end of the tank is a system of spray bars with nozzles through which asphalt is forced under pressure
and applied to the road surface. The spray bars cover a variety of widths ranging from 10 cm to 7.3 m
(4 in to 24 ft) in one pass, depending on their width.
Following are descriptions for two of the main systems on the Maximizer I. They are the circulating
system and the burner system. BE SURE to read these sections so you as an operator are aware of
the functions and capibilities of the systems and the unit.
The Circulating System application rate, the truck speed and nozzle size. If
the nozzle size is not correct for the application rate
The circulating system has an engine driven and truck speed, the spray pattern will not be as
hydraulic pump which drives the hydraulic motor that desired. If the nozzle is too small, the liquid will
powers the asphalt pump to: atomize, the spray pattern will distort and the result
will be excessive overspray or inconsistent
» fill the distributor tank, application rate. If the nozzles are to large, the result
» circulate material through the bar and tank, will be streaking caused by low spray bar pressure.
Refer to the nozzle selection chart (Page 3.13-3.14)
» spray material through the bar or hand spray,
to determine the correct nozzle size for the job.
» draw material back to the tank from the bar
or hand spray,
» pump material from the tank to outside
The Burner System
storage and,
» transfer material from one storage tank to USE BURNERS PROPERLY!
another. These burners are only intended to be used to
increase the temperature of liquid asphalt materials
The spray bar must have a constant and uniform to proper spraying temperatures. This is intended to
pressure along the entire length of the bar for uniform be done while the liquid is being circulatied in the
output at each nozzle. tank.
The Rosco Distributor delivers a volume of asphalt If the material has been allowed to cool to the point
to the spray bar which is regulated by a number of that it will not flow easily and will not circulate, the
variables. The variables include the application rate operator must use extra care when heating the
setting, the truck speed, the spray bar width. The on material. Improper heating will cause damage to the
board computer senses the different values and equipment and the material being heated.
controls the asphalt pump speed to deliver the
precise amount of asphalt to the spray bar. The burners in the Maximizer I have a very high heat
output which must dissipate through the asphalt.
Both the application rate and spray pattern are Thick asphalt is an excellent insulator and resists
influenced by factors such as the selected the conduction, dissipation of heat through the
If the material is heated too hot or too quickly without DANGER - Never travel with the
the needed circulation, hot spots will be created near truck or spray asphalt while the
the rear of the tank at the flue tubes. The result of burners are ignited. The flue tubes
this quick heating is the break down of the material could be exposed causing an
and damage to the flue tubes. explosion and/or the material being
sprayed could ignite causing a fire
Warning: Operating the burners and explosion.
without circulating the product can
create explosive fumes. If the product DANGER - Keep the tank vents clear
can not be circulated after 10 to avoid a buildup of pressure in the
minutes of heating, the burners must tank when heating. Check the vents
be turned off. Do not try to heat before starting the burners.
material again for 15 minutes.
DANGER - Never use gasoline,
If it is necessary to heat asphalt that has been allowed alcohol or any other unapproved fuel
to cool more than 20 to 30 degrees below the in a diesel burner. Fire and explosion
optimum spraying temperature, the operator must can occur.
use extreme care in trying to reheat the material.
Run the burners for short periods of time only (10 to DANGER - Do not operate the
15 minutes at a time) every 30 minutes to allow the burners if the tank is leaking or a spill
heat to dissipate through the material. has occurred. Fire and explosion can
The amount of time necessary to heat enough of
the asphalt material to allow for proper circulation DANGER - Do not operate the
and heating will vary depending on the type of burners while wash down system is
material, the type of burners, the tank size and the operational or has recently been
amount of material in the tank. If you have any doubts used. Fire and explosion can occur.
about the proper way to heat cooled asphalt, Be sure to read, understand and
contact your asphalt supplier or equipment follow all precautions for the type of
manufacturer. cleaning material which you are
DANGER - Never operate the
burners in a confined area such as a DANGER - Do not operate the
building or shed. Vapor build-up could burners with top tank cover open.
cause an explosion. Fire and explosion can occur.
d. Check the angle of each nozzle using
the nozzle wrench supplied with the
machine. Be sure that they are all set at
the same angle.
Before starting the days work, it is
recommended that a functional check be
done on each system and major component
to insure that each is functioning properly.
Use two persons when performing the
functional checks. One person in the truck
cab to run the engine and Maximizer I
Controls and one person at the appropriate
check point.
(1) Start the truck engine and run at low idle.
(2) Turn the EZ-1S Controller System Power EZ-1S Controller
ON to activate the system. (Figure 1)
(1) Set the long axis of the nozzle openings
Rear Controller Pump Speed Control to 20 degrees so that the spray fans
do not interfere with each other as shown
(6) Set the Manual Pump Control switch below. The 20 degree setting will give the
to the Rear position. Use the Pump best coverage without interference with
Speed Control dial on the Rear the spray pattern. To check the angle, use
Controller (Figure 5) to operate the the Nozzle wrench provided with your
hydrostatic motor and asphalt pump in unit. Refer to page 3.9 for adjustment
the Forward and Reverse directions. The procedures.
center position, No. 0, will stop the pump. 20°
THE ASPHALT SPRAY BAR (cont.) Valve and Nozzle Adjustment
Be sure to measure from the bottom of When changing valves or nozzles becomes
the nozzle to the ground to set the height necessary or adjustment is needed, Rosco has
as the nozzle extends below the bar.The made it easy to acheive accureate positioning with
operator will have to try spraying to see the use of two simple tools provided with the unit.
which height gives the best coverage. The first is the Valve Alignment Wrench, which is
Different weights of material require used to be sure that the valves are in proper
slightly different heights. Generally, lighter alignment. To use this tool, simply lay the round slot
weight materials should be sprayed at of the tool over the bottem of one valve and align
closer to the 9 inch height, while heavier
Nozzle Wrench
weight material will need to be sprayed 90°
Rear of Alignment
at a height closer to the 11 inch height. Spraybar Wrench
(See diagram below.)
(5) Although there is rarely a difference in To adjust the nozzles, lay the Nozzle Wrench over
fan patterns as the truck load lightens, if a single nozzle and turn the wrench until the nozzle
you notice a change in the pattern, you wrench is at a 90° angle with the rear of the spray
may need to readjust the height of the bar. This will give the operator the proper 20° angle
bar. of the nozzle for spraying without interference with
the other nozzles.
DANGER - DO NOT SMOKE around e. Set the EZ-1S Controller Mode Selection
the machine. Fuel, asphalt material and switch to Load.
the fumes from both can explode when
exposed to flame or heat from smoking
or other sources.
Load Line & Transfer Line
Rear Controller
f. Set the EZ-1S Controller Manual Pump k. Fill until the tank is 80% to 90% full.
Control switch to the Rear position.
l. When the tank is filled, slow down the
g. Set the EZ-1S Controller Spraybar pump speed so that it just provides suction
Master switch to Off or Bar Circulate. to the line. (50-75 GPM)
h. Use the Rear Controller and be sure to m.Close the valve at the storage or transfer
turn the Pump Speed Control (Figure 5) tank to stop the flow.
slowly in Forward direction to provide
suction to the line. (50 - 75 GPM) n. Open the small vent on the top left of
the Load Line to allow the pump to draw
i. Slowly open the small vent valve to the material out of the Maximizer I load line.
left of the Load Line coupler (Figure 7)
to relieve the vacuum in the line and to o. Disconnect the loading hose, replace the
get the Load Line cap off. When suction cap, secure latches, close the small vent
relief is heard remove the cap. If no relief valve and stow the loading hose.
is heard, do not remove cap. Check that
the pump is turning in the Forward direction CAUTION - Some residue will remain in
and that the vent valve is open. line. Beware of hot asphalt in the line.
Always wear protective clothing, gloves
CAUTION - Some residue will remain in and a face shield.
line. Beware of hot asphalt in the line.
Always wear protective clothing, gloves r. Set the EZ-1S Controller Manual Pump
and a face shield. Control switches to Front and Front
Close the vent before loading. Connect
the loading hose. Be sure the over center s. Set the EZ-1S Controller Mode Selection
latches lock the coupler in place. switch to Tank Circulate.
j. Use the Rear Controller (Figure 8) and
run the asphalt pump in the Forward
position at 50-150 GPM.
c. Move the Maximizer I to the storage tank CAUTION - Some residue will remain in
or to the transfer vehicle. line. Beware of hot asphalt in the line.
Always wear protective clothing, gloves
DANGER - Burner equipment must not and a face shield.
be operated when the vehicle is being
loaded or is in transit. j. Remove the hose from the storage tank
and stow as appropriate.
Control switches for the electronic ignited diesel (2) Be sure that fire tubes are covered
burners are mounted on the left rear fender. (Figure by at least eight inches of material.
10) Read the tank dipstick and if the
a. Fuel Switch: Activates burner fuel solenoid amount in the tank is less than the
and ignites burner. Turn off to extinguish recommended amount in the chart on
burner. page 3.17, do not use the burners.
Using the burners without enough
b. Blower Switch: Activates blower and fuel material in the tank will cause damage
pump. Burner will ignite if fuel switch is to the flue tubes and could cause an
on. explosion.
WARNING - Do not stick your head in (10) Turn lower flue fuel "On".
the tank. Serious injury or death could
result from breathing poisonous fumes. (11) Turn lower flue blower "On".
DANGER - DO NOT SMOKE around Note: The burner should light. If it does not start
the machine. Fuel, asphalt material and immediately, shut "Off" fuel, run blower to clear fuel
the fumes from both can explode when from flue and then retry in 1-2 minutes.
exposed to flame or heat from smoking
or other sources. (cont.)
CAUTION - If the fuel is not cleared from the flame sensor recognizes the flame and keeps
the flue, the fuel may backfire through the the burner running. This may take 20 seconds or so.
burner when the operator tries to relight However, if the burner does not start immediately,
it. This could cause burns to the operator. do not hold the ignition button. Shut off the fuel and
clear the tubes by running the blower for 1 -2 minutes
(12) If your unit is equipped with an upper and retry.
flue, repeat steps 10 and 11 to light If after three tries the burners do not light, start
the upper burner. troubleshooting procedures.(See section 4)
b. Burner Extinguishing
(1) Turn fuel switches "Off".
LPG Burner System (Auto Ignition)
PORTABLE LPG GAS TORCH (2) Open shut off valve on torch with pilot
valve closed. (The pilot valve when
A portable LPG gas torch may be supplied on the closed has an orifice which will allow
Maximizer I as an option. If the unit is equipped with enough LPG flow to light torch.)
LPG burners for tank heating the portable torch is
(3) Light portable torch with wick type
plumbed into the unit LPG gas burner regulator. If torch.
the unit is equipped with diesel fired burners the
portable torch will have it's own LPG tank and (4) Open pilot valve on torch to allow
regulator. enough flow for torch operation.
NOTE: If the display does not come on, turn the System Power switch off and check the connectors
on the blue Microprocessor Box as well as the in line fuse next to the truck fuse panel. The circular
connector with the blue and white wire sends the signal to the Control Box. Check to see that it is
not damaged and is connected properly. Turn the power back on. The green POWER light on the
Microprocessor should be on (the STATUS light will illuminate briefly but does not stay on) and the
small display window will indicate the program number installed in the Microprocessor. Be
sure to note this number so as you read these instructions, you will know which screens and
settings your particular unit is equipped with.
When the Auto\Manual switch is set on Auto the first
operating screen(1) will show you the current
To change the Application Rate press the Data Press the Totals switch up (CLEAR) to clear the
Update switch up (INCR) to increase the value or displays and reset the totals to zero.
down (DECR) to decrease the value Press the
Select Screen switch down again and the Flow NOTE: If your unit is equipped with a printer, push
Calibration Rate will start flashing and the operator the Totals switch down to the PRINT position. The
can use the Data Update switch to increase (INCR) controller will print a report and clear the totals.
or decrease (DECR) that value as well. Press the
Select Screen switch down again and the display Press the Select Screen switch down and the fifth
will move on to Memory Preset *1*. operating screen (5), BAR PRESSURE AND
HOURS will be displayed.
*1* FLOW RATE 1030
Follow the above procedure for each memory level The hours refer to pump operation hours.
that you choose to program. The memory screens
number from 0 to 9. When you have programed the Pressing the select screen again will take you to the
controller memory to your satisfaction turn the sixth operating screen (6). The display reads
System Power switch OFF. The controller will save ACTUAL TANK TEMP AND LIMIT TEMP. This
all of the entries. screen allows the operator to monitor the tank
temperature and to set the high limit temperature
Restart the controller by pressing the System Power which will prevent the burners from overheating the
switch ON. Press down on the Select Screen switch material.
until you reach the Memory Preset Screen. Press
the Data Update switch up (INCR) and check to (6) ACTUAL TANK TEMP XXX
see if the data is correct at all of the programed
memory levels. To return to your current operating
rate, press the Data Update switch down (DECR)
until you have reached Memory ** which is set at
the current Application Rate and Flow Calibration
Rate. Press the Select Screen switch down to move
on to the next operating screen.
Setup & Spraybar Rate Screen Two numbers will be shown. The upper number
Enter the SETUP DISPLAY mode by turning on the remains fixed for the calculation and represents the
System Power switch while holding DOWN on the number of gallons that the controller says has been
Select Screen switch. The screen will briefly flash sprayed (0 SET). The lower number can be changed
"Read the operators manual..." and then by pressing the Data Update switch up (INCR) to
automatically switch to the Spraybar Circulate increase and down (DECR) to decrease the number
display. If the display does not change automatically (1 ACT). In the case discussed above the DECR
press down on the Select Screen switch. would be pushed down until 1800 was displayed.
1800 being the actual quantity sprayed and 2000
CIRCULATE GPM SET being the quantity measured by the controller.
60 GAL/MIN Press the Totals switch up (CLEAR) and the screen
will display the new flow calibration number. It would
The Spraybar Circulate Rate will be displayed. be 927 in this example, assuming that the old
This rate will be set at the factory at 60 GPM. To calibration number was 1030.
adjust the rate press the Data Update switch up THE NEW CALIBRATION
(INCR) to increase the rate or down (DECR) to
decrease the rate. Higher rates are helpful when FLOW CONST. IS 927
spraying asphalts that require a high spray tem-
perature or are very viscous. Lower rates are
needed when spraying very light application rates Speed Calibration Screen
or when using an asphalt emulsion or some material Press the Select Screen switch down until the
that does not have a high spray temperature. Speed (Distance) Calibration screen is displayed.
SPEED CONST. IS ** 1000 ***
If the operator chooses to make corrections to the
data press the Select Screen switch up several times
and reenter either the Flow Calibration, Speed
Calibration or the Bar Circulate Rate.
Metric Measurement System. Press the Data
Update switch down (DECR) to change to the Metric
System (If the operator has a change of mind he/
she can press Data Update up (INCR) and return
EZ-1S Controller to the English System). After the operator exits and
saves SETUP DISPLAY the controller will show
Position the truck at the start of a manually measured liquid volume in liters, distance in meters, bar width
distance approximately 500 to 1000 feet. Press the in meters, application rate in liters per square meters
Totals switch up (CLEAR) and begin driving or press and total area sprayed in square meters.
CLEAR as you pass the beginning marker from a
rolling start. Press CLEAR again as you pass the Bar Width Option Screen
Press the Select Screen switch down and follow
the instructions on the screen by pressing the Data
end distance marker. The display will show a
number that the controller calculates is the end Update switch down (DECR). (Pressing the Data
distance traveled. It will then prompt the operator to Update switch up ,INCR, returns the selection to
enter the actual distance traveled. SWITCH which is normally the desired operation
OPERATOR is the selection that will be made if the NOTE: Do not change any screen value other than
those described above. The remaining screens in
BAR WIDTH OPERATOR the menu are needed only when components other
INCREASE TO CHANGE than what was originally installed are used as
replacements. Contact ROSCO service department
operator needs to be able to input the actual spray for specifics.
bar width and not have the controller monitor the
spray bar switches to determine the bar width. For
example, the Maximizer may be equipped with wing
extensions that are operated by the same switch
that controls the standard 12 foot bar. If the controller
was monitoring bar width, it would not know that
additional footage was added to that switch and so
would count it as being only 2 foot when it could
actually be 6 foot or more. Then the application rate
would be lower than expected and the calculated
total area sprayed would be incorrect.
0 FPM 0' 0" BAR
EZ-1S Controller
LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE - Is displayed on the top PUMP SIGNAL AT MAX - Is displayed on the top
line if supply voltage to the controller is below 9.0 line when the Master Spray switch is OFF and the
vdc.. Check battery and wiring. EDC valve current is greater than 100 ma. (Max
Circulation Rate has been reached.)
EDC OPEN-CK REAR SW - Is displayed on the
top line if the resistance of the EDC is calculated to PUMP SIGNAL AT MIN - Is displayed on the top
be greater than 40 ohms for more than 1 second. line when the Master Spray switch is OFF and the
EDC valve current is less than 1 ma. (Min Circulation
EDC CONTROL SHORTED - Is displayed on the Rate has been reached.)
top line if the resistance of the EDC is calculated to
be less than 5 ohms for more than 1 second. ELECTRO MOTIVE RADIATION
NO RADAR SIGNAL - Is displayed on the top line High Electro Motive Radiation (EMR) produced by
when the Master Spray switch is ON and the EDC citizen band radios and other sources can interfere
valve current is greater than 70 ma. for approximately with the function of the on board computer. EMR
2 seconds or longer and feedback is not detected causes stray voltages to be induced in the signals
from the Radar Sensor. See Troubleshooting Section. to and from the computer. As a result, the machine
could unexpectedly speed up and/or the application
PUMP PICKUP ERROR - Is displayed on the top rate could suddenly change.
line when the Master Spray switch is ON and the
EDC valve current is greater than 70 ma. for ATTENTION: The machine should be
approximately 2 seconds or longer and feedback is tested at a remote site if EMR is present
not detected from the Asphalt Pump. See Trouble to insure that there is no abrupt
Shooting Section. movements or extreme levels of
RAM FAILURE - Is displayed on the top line
continuously after self-test is performed and fails to Possible solutions for problems caused by EMR
write or read the controllers internal RAM correctly. include:
The controller is disabled and repair is required. a. Remove the source of the radiation.
ROM FAILURE - Is displayed on the top line b. Move the source of the radiation away from
continuously after self-test is performed and fails to the computer area.
calculate the proper check sum for PROM (Program
Memory). c. Shield the computer and/or the wiring in
metal enclosures, particularly the power
PROM FAILURE - Is displayed on the top line lead going to the computer.
continuously after self-test is performed and fails to
calculate the proper check sum for ROM or PROM
(Program Memory).
b. Turn the Mode Selection switch to Spray (4) Position the spray bar and wing
or Bar Circulate position. extensions into their operating
c. Turn the Spraybar Master switch to the Bar
(5) Set the height of the spray bar to
Circulate position. obtain triple fan coverage using the
chains to fix the down position. If the
d. Before spraying be sure that the following
functions have been performed:
(1) Be sure that the EZ-1S Controller
has been programed to deliver the
specified amount of asphalt. Turn on Single coverage
Individual Spraybar switches on the
Controller panel for the spray bar Double coverage
sections to be used. (See EZ-1S Triple coverage
Controller Page 3.24-3.30)
Spray coverages
Handspray Wand
g. Be sure that you have a firm grip on the j. Got to the cab and turn the Mode Selection
wand. Turn the combination grip & spray Switch to Tank Circulate and switch the
valve on the wand. Manual Pump Control to Front and Front
Forward. Return the rear Manual Speed
h. Direct the wand to the spraying area. Use Control Dial to "0".
long sweeping arcs with the wand to evenly
distribute the asphalt.
k. Place the wand back in its storage position.
Note: Use the rear manual pump speed dial in the
forward direction to adjust the pressure at the
handspray wand.
10. REVERSE SUCTION MODE (Figures 24-25) to the Front and Front Reverse positions.
This section explains the procedure to be followed f. Turn all of the EZ-1S Controller Individual
when removing the asphalt from the spray bar and Spraybar switches Off.
plumbing circuit when spraying is complete before
starting the cleanout procedure. g. Turn the Controller Spraybar Master switch
to the On position.
IMPORTANT: If the operator fails to h. Run the Controller Pump Speed Control
perform this function at the end of the at 100 to 125 GPM.
day the asphalt will set up over night and
the Maximizer II will not be able to spray i. Using the EZ-1S Controller Individual
the next time that it is used. Spraybar switches turn on the one foot
section farthest from the spray bar feed
It also covers the position and function of applicable lines (right or left) for 2 seconds and then
controls. Review these instructions and follow them turn off. Do the same for the adjoining one
to insure the safety of the operator and to maintain a foot section and then the next always
working toward the spray bar feed lines.
safe working environment.
NOTE: If your unit is equipped with wings, do the
wings first.
a. Set the EZ-1S Controller Auto/Manual
switch to Manual.
NOTE: If the unit is equipped with 2,4 or 6 Ft. section
controls, open one section of spray bar at a time
b. Turn the Controller Spraybar Master
switch to the Off position.
11. CLEANOUT MODE (Figures 26-29) b. The EZ-1S Controller Auto/Manual switch
This section explains the procedure to be followed switch should be set at Manual.
when flushing and washing out the spray bar and
plumbing circuit when spraying is complete. c. The Controller Spraybar Master switch
should be in the Off position.
IMPORTANT: If the operator fails to
d. Turn off all EZ-1S Controller Individual
perform this function at the end of the
Spraybar switches.
day the asphalt may set up over night
and the Maximizer I will not be able to e. The Controller Mode Selection switch
spray the next time that it is used. should be set at Cleanout.
It also covers the position and function of applicable f. Turn the Controller Manual Pump Control
controls. Review these instructions and follow them to the Rear position.
to insure the safety of the operator and to maintain a
safe working environment. g. Run the Rear Pump Speed Control in the
Forward position at approximately 100
WARNING - Always use the Reverse
Suction Mode to remove excess asphalt
from the system prior to going to Cleanout
Cleanout Mode - Solvent Removal
h. Open the Solvent Valve on the Load Line. Be sure not to contaminate the enviroment.Open and
(Figure 27) This valve and line connect to close the combination grip & valve handle until a
the solvent tank or the diesel burner fuel small amount of solvent comes out of the wand. The
tank. on/off action will allow the air to come out of the hose
and liquefy the asphalt in the wand to keep it from
i. Open the far left side spray bar valve and setting up. Close the Handspray Valve. Cover
watch for material to appear. Close the bucket with a snap on lid to contain cleaning material.
valve. Be sure to dispose of cleaning material according to
local, state and federal regulations.
j. Open the far right side spray bar valve and l. Turn off the Solvent Circulate Valve. Turn
watch for small amount of material to the EZ-1S Rear Pump Speed Control
appear. Close the valve. counterclockwise to zero to stop the pump.
k. Close the Solvent Valve on the Load Line m.Leave the machine in the Off Mode when
and open the Solvent Circulate Valve. it will not be in use for a period of time, such
(Figure 26 ) Run for 2 - 5 minutes to as overnight or when in storage.
circulate solvent through the system.
Cleanout Mode - ENVIROFLUSH System
12. ENVIROFLUSH CLEANOUT MODE materials being used, to clean the spray bar and
This section explains the procedure to be followed pumping circuit. However, if the solvent is used too
when flushing and washing out the spraybar and many times, the concentration of asphalt material in
plumbing circuit using the optional Rosco the tank may become so high that it will set up. This
ENVIROFLUSH System. (Figure 30) Follow the makes the tank unusable and the material is diffucult
instructions for standard cleanout. (See Page 3.42- to remove. The same problem will occur if the spray
3.44) bar is full of asphalt and this asphalt is pumped into
the Enviroflush Tank.
a. To remove solvent from system, run the To prevent the material from setting up in the tank,
pump in reverse direction at 100 GPM. monitor the solvent in the tank by removing the fill
cap and checking the fluid in the tank with a flashlight.
b. Open Enviro Solvent Valve, close the
Solvent Circulate valve and manually open Remove and replace the solvent before it becomes
Spraybar Valve at the right side end of to thick to remove. This will require a container of at
spraybar. least 25 gallons. Be sure to avoid contaminating the
enviroment while draining and dispose of material
c. Run the pump for 1 to 2 minutes or until according to local, state and federal regulations.
solvent is removed from the system. Should the material become set, heat the Enviroflush
Tank with steam until the material becomes fluid
d. Close Enviro Solvent Valve and Spraybar enough to drain.
Valves and stop pump.
CAUTION - Always wear protective
e. Drain ENVIROFLUSH tank as necessary clothing, gloves and a face shield.
and dispose of in an approved manner in
accordance with local, state and federal WARNING - DO NOT SMOKE around
regulations. the machine. Fuel, asphalt material and
the fumes from both can explode when
NOTE: The solvent in the Enviroflush exposed to flame or heat from smoking
Tank can be used multiple times, or other sources.
depending on the type of asphalt
WARNING - DO NOT SMOKE around d. With Transfer Line valve shut-off and the
the machine. Fuel, asphalt material and Solvent Return Valve closed, remove the
the fumes from both can explode when cap on the transfer line and securely attach
exposed to flame or heat from smoking the hose attached to the inlet port on the
or other sources. Remote Tank to the Transfer Line
It is extremely important that the components, lights,
reflectors and safety decals on the Maximizer I are
kept clean and visible.
Rosco recommends the use of biodegradable
cleaning solvents. However, if you will be using diesel
fuel or kerosene, check with your state
environmental authorities before using and dispose
of all materials according to local, state and federal
Figure 35
Transfer Line & Load Line
WARNING - DO NOT SMOKE around The Maximizer I can be equipped with bi-fold spray
the machine. Fuel, asphalt material and bar wings which increase the spray bar width to 16
the fumes from both can explode when feet (4.88 m). Machines with this option must be
exposed to flame or heat from smoking equipped with the spray bar lock option to avoid
or other sources. damage to the spray bar during travel.
To raise the spray bar wings for travel position, follow
17. SPRAY BAR CYLINDER FAILURE the below instructions:
PREVENTION a. DO NOT bend the bi-fold until the wing is
It is very important to keep the spray bar cylinder vertical.
rods free of asphalt build up. Asphalt build up on b. With the wing vertical, rotate the bi-folds in
these rods may be pulled into the cylinder and cause to the lock position.
premature failure of the cylinders. c. Be sure the bi-fold section has locked
To prevent this type of failure, check the cylinders before traveling.
frequently. Some asphalt materials my build up When using the bi-fold wings for spraying, adjust
faster than others.Therefore, check the cylinder the bi-fold sections for level spraying with the
rods freuently as it may be necessary to clean threaded rod eyes on the bi-fold wing cylinders.
the cylinder rods 3 or 4 times per day or more.
The rods must be cleaned at the end of each day.
Use the same type of solvent used for the washdown 20. COMBATING POOR VISIBILITY
of the unit. Increasingly, asphalt maintenance equipment is being
used during less than ideal light conditions, such as
DANGER - Diesel and/or kerosene is fog, smog and at night. Usage during this and other
extremely flammable. Use great care similar types of conditions presents safety hazards
when using these substances to to the workers, bystanders and passing traffic.
washdown the cylinder rods. Do not People can be injured or killed by the equipment,
operate Burner System during passing traffic or driving into ditches, holes or down
cleaning! embankments and other obstructions.
Truck Check Service per Truck Operator's Manual
Tank Top Opening Cover Check
Cover Gasket Check
Cover Screen Clean Use Diesel Fuel or Kerosene
Overflow Vent Clean Use Diesel Fuel or Kerosene
Asphalt Distribution Hoses Check
Hydraulic Hoses Check
Fuel Level Check Add as Required
Engine Oil Level Check Add as Required
Coolent Level Check Add as Required
Cleanout Solvent Level Check Add as Required
Burners Check
Fuel Level Check Add as Required
Fire Tubes Check
Load Line Screen Clean Use Diesel Fuel or Keroscene
Radar Horn Face Cover Clean
Spraybar Hyd Cylinders Clean
20 Hours or Weekly
Asphalt Pump Check
Packing Gland Tighten
Chain Coupler Check
Tank Capacity Indicator Check
Float Shaft Packing Tighten
Spraybar Check
Nozzles Check Adjust Alignment if Necessary
Hardware Check Tighten if Necessary
Hydraulic Filter Check
Tank Tie-Down Hardware Check
Burner System Check
Fuel Strainers Clean
Hardware Check Tighten if Necessary
Tank Top Opening Cover Gasket Check
c. Loosen both latches and lift the top c. Before replacing seal, empty the tank and
opening cover. allow it to cool. Remove the pointer from
the shaft. Loosen and remove the
d. To provide a proper seal, the gasket packing nut. Use a small screwdriver to
material must be in good condition. If remove the old packing material from the
it is damaged in any way it must be cavity. Install the new packing into the
replaced. To provide a good seal, the cavity. Install the packing nut and turn
four (4) top opening cross bar until it contacts the packing material. Use
adjustment bolts must be tightened to vise grips to turn the shaft and lift the float.
provide uniform pressure on the When the shaft is released, the float
gasket. should turn the shaft easily as it moves
down. Install the pointer in its previous
e. To replace gasket remove fasteners in position.
gasket retainer.
f. Use a screw driver to remove the old The tank is attached to the truck frame with
gasket from the retaining ring and top spring loaded bolts. Wooden blocks are
opening cover. mounted between the tank and the truckframe
to absorb shock loads and to act as wear
g. Fit the new gasket in the top opening surfaces. During use the blocks wear and
lid and reinstall the gasket retainer. mounting hardware will need to be tightened.
To tighten follow this procedure:
h. Adjust the four (4) adjustment bolts on a. Stop the engine, place all controls in
the top opening cross bar to provide neutral, set park brake and remove
uniform gasket compression. ignition key. Be sure the tank is cool to the
A pointer gauge is located on the front and on b. The best time to check the hardware is at
the rear of the tank to indicate the amount of the start of the working day.
asphalt in the tank. The float in the tank is
attached to a shaft through the tank wall and c. Tighten the anchor bolts. Measure spring
moves the pointer appropriately. The shaft is length and maintain at 2.75 inches (7 cm).
sealed with a packing material to prevent The spring coils should have a visible gap
leakage. If the seal needs adjustment or between them.
replacement follow the following procedure:
a. Stop the engine, place all controls in d. If mounting bolts can no longer be
neutral, set park brake and remove adjusted to proper spring compression,
ignition key. the wooden blocks must be replaced.
b. Check under the shaft at the start of each e. Keep the hardware tight at all times to
day for seal leakage. If leakage is prevent the tank from shifting on frame.
occurring, tighten the packing gland. If
seal is leaking, tighten the nut on the 5. ASPHALT PUMP
packing gland 1/3 turn at a time. Do not The asphalt pump input shaft uses a special
over tighten the packing gland nut. If it is material that is packed into a cavity around the
too tight it will bind the shaft causing the shaft to seal the hot material into the pump.
shaft not to turn properaly. Fill the tank To adjust this seal follow this procedure:
and check if the shaft still leaks. Repeat, if
leaking continues. If the nut bottoms out CAUTION - Always wear protective
and the shaft still leaks, the seal will have clothing, gloves and a face shield.
to be replaced.
WARNING - DO NOT SMOKE around The asphalt circuit is designed with a relief
the machine. Fuel, asphalt material valve to prevent damaging components when
and the fumes from both can explode the system pressure gets too high. To adjust
when exposed to flame or heat from the relief pressure follow this procedure:
smoking or other sources.
a. The valve is set at the factory to 75 PSI for
a. Stop the engine, place all controls in all operating conditions.
neutral, set park brake and remove
ignition key. Be sure that all components b. To check the relief pressure, there must be
are cool to the touch before adjusting. material in the tank. Stop the engine,
place all controls in neutral, set park brake
b. Visually inspect the pump on a weekly and remove ignition key.
basis for shaft leakage. Correct
adjustment of the packing gland will allow c. Allow machine to cool to the touch.
for a slight weeping of the shaft. No
weeping means the gland is probably too d. Restart the engine. Turn the EZ-1S
tight and shaft damage could occur. If Controller System Power "ON".
more than slight weeping is observed,
tighten the packing gland. e. Set the EZ-1S Controller Mode Selection
Switch to Reverse Suction. Set the Auto/
c. To adjust the packing material, tighten the Manual Switch to Manual and run the
bolts on the packing gland. Tighten both pump at 200 gpm.
bolts 1/2 turn and check for seepage.
f. Slowely open the ¾ inch (19.05 mm) plug
on top of the strainer box and listen for a
suction sound. If sound is heard, remove
the plug and install a 0-100 PSI pressure
guage with diaphram (Rosco Part # 5058)
to the screen box. If a suction sound is not
heard, all switches to be sure the right
settings are being used.
Figure 3
Relief Valve
Readjust if required. Adjust the mounting
bolts an equal amount each time to
maintain an even pressure on the packing
Test gauge placement
d. Replace packing material when gland
adjustment does not stop shaft leakage. g. After the gauge is installed, set the EZ-1S
Controller Mode Switch to Spray/Bar
The asphalt pump is driven by a fixed
displacement hydraulic pump through a
double chain coupler (See Figure 5). Inspect
the components and maintain the system in
good working order. Follow this procedure:
a. Turn the EZ-1S Controller Mode Selection
switch from one position to another and
watch the valve to see if it functions
The air valves are located in the rear valve
a. Shut OFF system power or disconnect the
power wire from the solnoid on the valve.
d. On the 3-Way valve, repeat with other exposed shafts of each air and hydraulic
solenoid. cylinder to prevent caked asphalt from
being drawn into the system when the
e. Reconnect power wire. ram is retracted.
The oil level should be at the center of the contaminants. To check the condition of
sight glass to allow room for expansion the oil filter or change it: (1) Start the
when the oil warms during operation. engine. (2) Engage PTO to operate the
hydraulic system (if equipped) . (3) Run
b. Add oil through the filler cap on the side of the engine at 1200 RPM. (4) Visually
the tank. Clean the cap and filler neck be- check the pointer on the gauge at the top
fore filling to be sure that no dirt or con- of the filter. If the pointer is not in the red
taminants enter the tank. Hydrostatic area, the filter need not be changed.
systems will fail in a short time if the oil is
not clean. Watch the sight glass when ATTENTION: The pointer indicates
adding oil. Add until the oil level is in the the pressure drop across the filter.
center of the gauge. This can only give an accurate
reading when oil is circulating through
c. The reservoir has a temperature switch the system.
that is set at 2100 F (99° C). The sight
gauge also displays the hydraulic oil (5) Always change the oil filter after 400
temperature. Check it if the control panel Hours or annually. Otherwise, only
hydraulic temperature light goes on. change the oil filter if the pointer is in the
Check temperture to assure operating red position.
temperature isbelow 2250 F (107° C). If
temperature exceeds 2250 F (107° C), 13. DIESEL BURNER SYSTEM
check system for failing motor or pump. The Diesel Burners are located at the rear of
See Troubleshooting. Keep the tank the Maximizer I. Check the burner operation
exterior clean so it can act as a radiator to on a Daily basis. Follow this procedure:
cool the oil in the system.
CAUTION - Always wear protective
d. Change the oil in the reservoir annually clothing, gloves and a face shield.
or every 400 Hours whichever comes
first. The drain plug is located in the
bottom of the tank. It is recommended WARNING - DO NOT SMOKE around
that the oil be drained when system is the machine. Fuel, asphalt material
warm or hot to remove the most and the fumes from both can explode
contaminants. DO NOT SMOKE when when exposed to flame or heat from
working around hot oil. Use a large pail smoking or other sources.
or container to collect the used oil.
Dispose of the used oil in an approved a. Excessive smoke or trouble starting
manner. Add Chevron MV ISO 32 means burner cover must be removed for
hydraulic oil or its equivalent to the tank. cleaning or adjustment. Visually inspect
Watch the sight gauge. Remember that the burner and mounting system daily and
contaminants can enter the system when tighten, repair or replace components as
hydraulic cylinder rams are retracted. The required.
asphalt can get past the seals and be
dissolved by the oil. b. Check fuel level in the tanks on a daily
Changing oil will remove these basis. Add as required.
contaminants to prevent gum deposits
from building up on the internal c. Check the fuel filter and fuel lines before
components. the burners are ignited. Tighten fittings
that are leaking and replace any damaged
e. The hydraulic system is equipped with an parts. Clean filter as required.
oil filter to remove dirt and other
d. On a monthly basis or every 80 Hours e. Visually inspect the fire tubes for cracks
remove burner covers to check condition or other damage.
of burner. Clean off build up of asphalt on
burner components. WARNING - Never operate burners if
flue tubes are damaged. Asphalt
e. On a monthly basis or every 80 Hours material coming through the cracked
remove burner from tank and check the tube could ignite when the burner is lit.
condition of the flue liners and flue tubes. Consult yourROSCO Dealer for repair
Replace liner if damaged and inspect flue procedures.
16. DAILY EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE g. All units should be stored where they are
Clean the top platform,steps, railings, ladder protected from adverse weather
and catwalk to prevent slipping or tripping conditions. Likewise, all replacement
during operation. Clean the instruction plates, parts, whether complete assemblies,
decals, gauges and other information plaques component repair parts, service kits, etc.,
so they can be seen and read by the operator should be stored in a dry sheltered area.
at all times. Replace any decals or information
plates that are damaged or permanently
After the machine is warmed-up, grease all
pivot points, following standard Operation
Manual procedures.
DO NOT MIX manufacturers or Hydraulic oil viscosity must not fall below 50 SUS
grade weights when adding (7 cs) in the reservior under the most adverse
hydraulic oil. conditions. The best viscosity being 80-180 SUS
(17 cs to 39 cs). The viscosity rating at the lowest
expected start-up temperature should not exceed
Be sure hydraulic oil selection is compatable with 10,000 SUS (2158 cs).
your hydraulic system.
Be sure to use mineral base hydraulic oil. Hydraulic oil must have rust and oxidation
Be sure hydraulic oil selection assistance is from inhibitors that will maintain chemical stability.
a reputable supplier. When changing the hydraulic oil with oil other
Be sure the hydraulic specifications meet or than the specific factory fill oil listed below, the
exceed the following specifications. hydraulic system must be completely drained. Be
sure to purge or drain all hoses, cylinders,
Hydraulic oil must provide anti-wear properties valves, motors and pumps of hydraulic oil. All
that meet or exceed those found in the API hydraulic oil filters must also be changed at this
(American Petroleum Institute) classification SD, time.
SE or CC crank case oil.
M6 7 10 11 15
1/4 9 12 12 17
5/16 19 25 27 36
M8 18 25 26 35
3/8 33 45 45 63
M10 37 50 52 70
7/16 53 72 75 100
M12 66 90 92 125
1/2 80 110 115 155
M14 103 140 148 200
9/16 115 155 165 220
5/8 160 215 220 305
M16 166 225 229 310
3/4 290 390 400 540
M20 321 435 450 610
7/8 420 570 650 880
M24 553 750 774 1050
1 630 850 970 1320
M30 1103 1495 1550 2100
The following Troubleshooting Guide includes some problems that an operator may
encounter during the course of operating the Maximizer I Asphalt Distributor. It also includes
some acceptable corrections to these problems. Unless otherwise noted, the problems
listed here are those which an operator can diagnose and repair. See an Authorized
ROSCO Dealer/Distributor for diagnosis and repair of problems not listed. For specific
engine and hydraulic problems not covered by this guide, please refer to the Engine or
Hydraulic Pump/Motor Manufacturer's manual.
When a problem occurs, don't overlook the simple causes. For example, a starting
problem could be caused by something as simple as an empty fuel tank. After a mechanical
failure has been corrected, be sure to locate and correct the cause of the problem.
Air solenoid leaks ------------------------------ 4.25 Individual nozzles spraying light ----------- 4.24
Air solenoid sticking --------------------------- 4.25 Machine vibrates ------------------------------- 4.18
Asphalt application too light ----------------- 4.23 No diesel fuel to burners --------------------- 4.27
Asphalt pump won't pick up --------- 4.19 - 4.20 No gpm readout -------------------------------- 4.23
Asphalt pump won't turn fast enough ---- 4.20 No ground speed displayed ----------------- 4.26
Asphalt pump won't turn --------------------- 4.23 Optional Printer not working ---------------- 4.27
Bar streaks then comes on full ------------- 4.26 RH and LH sections spraying light -------- 4.26
Bitumen leaks at asphalt pump ------------ 4.21 Solenoids get hot ------------------------------ 4.25
Burner blower motor not working ---------- 4.27 Spray bar doesn't circulate ------------------ 4.21
Burner fan not working ----------------------- 4.27 Spray bar sections not on ------------------- 4.25
Burner ignites - poor flame ------------------ 4.28 Spray bar shuts off ---------------------------- 4.24
Burner will not ignite -------------------------- 4.28 Spray valve stays open ----------------------- 4.25
Excessive lowering of spray bar ----------- 4.27 Spray valve stays closed --------------------- 4.25
Fogging ----------------------------------- 4.22 - 4.23 Spray bar wont lift or lower ------------------ 4.24
Ground speed reading at stop ----- 4.23 - 4.24 Streaking of asphalt --------------------------- 4.22
Hydraulic oil temp. too high --------- 4.18 - 4.19 Tank valve stuck -------------------------------- 4.25
Hydraulic system "chatters" ----------------- 4.18 Valves diffucult t operate ------------- 4.20 - 4.21
Inconsistent application -------------- 4.21 - 4.22 Vibration in the front of the machine ------ 4.26
1. Entire machines vibrates PTO drive shaft U-Joints worn Replace U-Joints
PTO drive shaft out of balance. Have drive shaft balanced by quali-
fied repair shop.
Drive shaft not phased correctly. Have drive shaft phased with both
yoke ends parallel to each other;
even one spline off creates vibra-
Input and output angles of drive- Check for worn/loose pump mounts,
shaft not equal or at angles realign pump with input to be equal
greater than 8 degrees. angle with PTO output.
2. "Chatter" heard during Air in hydraulic system (oil Add fluid to the proper level.
hydraulic system operation. foaming) from:
Note A: Some clicking or • filter change
chattering noise is natural • low oil level Purge air from system, check for
and can be heard at the • leaks in system leaks.
asphalt pump motor. The • hydraulic pump cavitation Check for restrictions to inlet flow on
geroter motor makes some hydrostatic and hydraulic pumps.
of the noise and the double
link chain coupling also Pressure setting of hydrostatic Check hydrostatic pump relief pressure;
makes some noise. pump relief valve too low. should be 4350 PSI
Tank valve closed and asphalt Open tank valve; tank valve may be
pump is cavitating. stuck closed and require additional
force to open.
3. Hydraulic oil "High Temp" Low hydraulic oil level. Add fluid to proper level.
light is on or higher than
usual temperature on Reservoir and/or hoses Clean with solvent.
gauge. covered with asphalt.
3. Hydraulic oil "High Temp" Air trapped in hydraulic system. Check for leaks and/or restrictions in
light is on or higher than the hydraulic lines.
usual temperature on
gauge. (Continued) Asphalt viscosity is circulating Heat material to proper temperature
system too thick causing ex- as recommended by asphalt supplier.
cessive hydraulic pressures.
Relief valve setting too low on Check hydrostatic pump relief pressure;
hydrostatic pump. should be 4350 PSI. Relief is adjust-
able by adding shims; see pump
Valve stuck for spray bar Lift. Manually operate hydraulic valves to
Extend and oil is being see if any are activated when switches
pumped over relief valve. are off. Repair or replace any defec-
tive valves.
4. Asphalt pump turns but Air leak on suction side of Check gasket on quick coupling cap
won't pick up material. asphalt pump. of load inlet. No "air suction" type
sound should be heard.
Check for hole in piping on the suction
side of the asphalt pump.
Make sure ball valve from solvent tank
and load line bleed valve are closed.
Asphalt pump not turning in When viewed from the shaft end (motor
a "forward" rotation. end), shaft should turn clockwise for
forward. Check that the pump moves
in the forward direction when the control
panel manual pump control dial is ro-
tated clockwise. The pump control
switch must be in FRT FWD position.
4. Asphalt pump turns but Circulating system valves not Check Operating Section to determine
won't pick up material. set correctly for the required correct valve positions for desired mode.
(Continued) operating mode. Check corresponding air solenoids to
see if they are activated.
5. Asphalt pump won't turn Asphalt not heated to rec- Heat material to temperature recom-
fast enough. ommended temperature. mended by asphalt supplier.
NOTE B: 2-Way and 3-Way Cold asphalt material clogging Apply heat to valves with portable
valves are controlled by air valves. torch if required to restore operation.
acutators which force these Use CAUTION not to heat air actuators
valves to certain positions. or air lines!
Manually trying to overcome Follow proper cleanout procedure
the pressurized acuators outlined in Section III.
is difficult but it can be done.
6. Valves in circulating system Low air pressure or no air Increase truck air pressure to
are diffcult to operate. pressure. 90 - 110 PSI.
Use a large wrench to turn 90 degree vane air actuators Check air actuators; may not be getting
valves manually. The valves stuck. lubed or may be getting dirty air.
should spring back to their
original position when released
if there is sufficient air
pressure. If not, check
for broken hoses, stuck
actuators, defective
solenoid valves or low
air pressure.
7. Spraybar doesn't Circulating system valves may Check valve actuator positions against
circulate properly and does not not be set for Spraybar Circu- information in the Operation Section.
heat the spray bar. late. Free up stuck air actuators.
Check that proper air solenoid valves
are activated. See Solution 4 &
Note B
Cold asphalt material blocking Apply heat to spray bar with hot steam,
passages in the spray bar. air, or electrical heat tapes to loosen
Asphalt pump not turning or See Problems 4 & 12. Pump should
tank valve closed. turn clockwise when looking at input
Pump shaft grooved, bent Replace pump shaft. Check for causes
or worn. of shaft damage (Misalignment, loose
mounts, packing too tight.
9. Inconsistent application Inconsistent asphalt temper- Monitor asphalt temperature and reheat
of asphalt. ture and viscosity between when needed. Circulate spray bar for
tank loads. several minutes before spraying.
Asphalt pump speed too high for Slow truck speed down. Refer to cali-
type of nozzles used, relief valve bration and application rate information
on pump limits pressure to spray in Section II & III to determine correct
bar ; excess flow bypasses to settings.
inlet of pump.
Relief valve not seating properly. Take to authorized dealer and have
them check the seal between the seat
and the poppet.
10. Streaking of asphalt Incorrect spray bar height. Adjust spray bar up high enough so
during spraying. spray fans completely overlap.
Valves not aligned correctly. Check angle setting with alignment tool.
11. "Fogging" occurs when Ground speed is too fast for Slow down ground speed.
spraying. desired application rate.
11. "Fogging" occurs when Asphalt pump is running too Flow calibration and/or ground speed
spraying. (Continued) fast for desired application rate. calibration are incorrect. See
Problem 16 and refer to calibration
and application rate information
Section II & Section III.
12. Asphalt pump does PTO not engaged; hydrostatic Engage PTO.
not turn. pump not turning.
13. Asphalt Application Ground speed too fast. Slow truck down.
Rate to light.
More spray bar extended (or See Calibration and Application Infor-
activated) than used in mation. Section II & Section III.
14. No GPM readout on Faulty wiring or sensor. Test wiring and sensor. Replace
display or inconsistent. if necessary.
15. Ground speed reading Truck parked over/near open Move truck to a clean, dry and litter
when truck isn't moving. puddle of water, waving grass free pavement area and check FPM
(See note E) or weeds. reading.
Loose piece of trash hung up Inspect the area near the Radar Horn
on or near the Radar Horn face. face and clean as needed.
16. Spraybar won't lift or lower. Obstruction in the lifting Remove obstruction.
18. Spraybar shuts off Blown fuse or circuit breaker. Replace fuse or reset circuit breaker.
while spraying.
Low air pressure; air leak. Rebuild truck air pressure; check for
and fix air leaks.
Vibration from rough road surface Mercury switches located under the
affecting mercury switches. sheilds on the spray bar need to be
20. Air solenoid valve sticking. Gummy deposits form which Clean or replace. Solvent washing of
cause spool to hang up or air valves can create more problems
dirt in valves. by causing valve seals to swell.
Replacement is the most reliable repair.
21. Solenoids hot. Solenoids when operating will Check voltage marked on side of
feel hot to the touch; too hot to solenoid. Should have 12V DC shown.
hang onto after they have been
energized continuously for
several minutes.
22. Tank valve stuck closed. No air pressure on lift (bottom) Check air solenoid valve operation.
side of spray valve air cylinder Check for kinked or blocked air hoses.
23. Spray valve (individual) Debris in spray valve. Open spray valve, remove nozzle and
staying on or not fully closing. clear debris with wire hook.
Actuator handle on spray valve Use valve installation tool to align valve
not correctly aligned with spray actuator with valve body. See Nozzles
valve body. Section II.
24. Spray valve (individual) Actuator handle spray valve Use valve installation tool to align valve
staying closed or not fully not correctly aligned with actuator with valve body. See Nozzles
open. valve. Section II.
25. Complete spray bar Control switch for that section of Activate switch on instrument panel.
section not coming on. spray bar not activated.
Solenoid air valve for that Check solenoid air valve by using
section not coming on. manual override button. If ok, check
wiring and solenoid. Repair or replace.
26. RH and LH spray bar Spraybar not heated properly. Circulate spray bar for several minutes
section spraying light. before attempting to spray.
27. Bar sprays streaks Spraybar not heated properly. Circulate spray bar.
then comes on full.
Asphalt pump not at correct Check flow and speed calibration factors
speed. and adjust if needed. See Problem 5
28. No ground speed Vehicle not moving. Get vehicle moving. When radar horn
reading on display. is working properly, vehicle must be
moving to show ground speed reading.
No power to the radar horn. Check fuses, circuit breakers and wiring.
Replace, reset or fix as needed.
29. Vibration in the front Set screw holding the splined Push the splined coupling back on to the
of the machine. coupling on the pump shaft is pump shaft and torque the set screw to
loose, allowing the coupling to 24 foot pounds and replace locking wire.
The drive shaft has been Insure that the alignment arrows on the
reassembled improperly and is drive shaft are in line. If not, disassemble
out of balance. and realign.
Bolts holding the drive shaft to Align and properly torque the drive shaft
engine crankshaft are loose and to the engine crankshaft.
has allowed the drive shaft to
move out of alignment.
30. Excessive lowering of the Internal leakage in the hydraulic Repack the cylinder or replace the valve
spray bar during use. cylinders or the valves. To check: section.
(Normal lowering maybe as Raise the base end of the
much as 2 inches per hour.) cylinders and open the rod end.
If the bar doesn't settle, the
problem is in the valves. If the bar
does settle on the cylinders,
repeat the check to see which
cylinder is the problem.
31. Optional printer does not Standard program shipped with Contact factory for program changes.
work. the EZ1S controller does not
include the software required to
operate the printer.
32. Blower motor for high Check for power. Run truck. Check the truck alternator.
pressure diesel burners will
not run. Check for loose wires and Repair or replace. Tighten connections.
33. Fan for high pressure Check for excessive dirt build up Clean off fins and fan shroud.
diesel burners turns less than on blower fins.
2800 rpm.
Not enough voltage for proper fan Check with truck running. Check truck
operation. electrical system.
35. Diesel fuel will not ignite. Fuel combustion problems. Test for combustibility. Remove fuel
(Igniters not working properly) suction line. Insert line into a container
of #1 diesel fuel or stove fuel and try
running burner. If burner lights and runs
properly, it is a fuel problem due to low
sulphur fuel. Use a fuel additive to aid
Air intake not set properly. Adjust air inlet or band on blower.
36. Diesel burner ignites but Clogged fuel filter. Replace in line fuel filter.
has fluttering and blow back.
Air intake not set properly. Adjust air inlet or band on blower.
Low sulfur fuel is being used. Use a fuel additive to aid combustion.
Fan is running too slow. Clean fan blade fins. Check voltage.
Air in the fuel system. Check and tighten all fuel connections
and filters.
REVISED 9/30/2000
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
NOTE: For wiring of the control box, see fold out pages at the end of this section.
Item 23069
J-Plug Chart
2) Item 10 to be placed on dash in view of operator.
3) Item 13 located in cab on the dash.
5) Item 14 located vertically and horizontally on the center of the tank but at least 1.25
inches above top edge of the hose hook.
6) P/N 37000 used on units with side ladder.
7) Decal, PTO warning, comes with PTO, PTO units only.
37764 use with Burner Group 19343-1 & -2.
36089 use with Burner Group 19343-5 & -6.
37777 use with Burner Group 24657-01, -02, -03 & -04.
37850 use with Burner Group 25179-01, -02, -03 & -04.
35687 use with Burner Group 25179-05, -06, -07 & -08.
1) Item 1 to located around opening of valve box.
4) Item 12 located behind warning of contents gauge.
5) Item 14 located vertically and horizontally on the center of the tank but at least 1.25
inches above top edge of the hose hook.
7) Decal, PTO warning, comes with PTO, PTO units only.
8) Item 18 located on under side of valve box cover
9) Use item 20 to seal up rear valve box.
1 1 10
REF.: 27531, 27540 (REV. Ø, Ø) EFFECTIVE SERIAL NUMBER: 36285 & HIGHER
REF.: 27531, 27540 (REV. Ø, Ø) EFFECTIVE SERIAL NUMBER: 36285 & HIGHER
9 11
15 13
7 21 16
Symbols B (cont.)
3' SUCTION LINE SCREEN ------------------------------ 6 BRACKET, LADDER ------------------------------------- 62
3SUCTION LINE SCREEN ------------------------------ 89 BRACKET W/M,HOSE GUARD ----------------------- 12
52 GAL LP TANK,FRAME MOUNT ------------------ 90 BRACKET,AIR TANK ------------------------------------- 80
BRACKET,BUMPER ------------------------------------- 87
A BRACKET,BURNER,B-2 DUAL FUEL ---------------- 50
BRACKET,CLAMP,LEFT -------------------------------- 74
ACTUATOR ARM,SPRAY VALVE --------------------- 38
BRACKET,CLAMP,RIGHT ------------------------------- 74
ACTUATOR,VANE,90 DEGREES --------------------- 12
BRACKET,CYLINDER ------------------------- 44, 46, 48
ADJUSTING SCREW -------------------------------------- 8
BRACKET,HYDRAULIC LINE -------------------------- 22
AIR BAND --------------------------------------------------- 84
BRACKET,IGNITER & FLAME ROD ----------------- 50
AIR CONTROLS,12',1CONT --------------------------- 42
BRACKET,IGNITOR --------------------------------------- 50
AIR SHUTTER --------------------------------------------- 84
BRACKET,LADDER -------------------------------------- 60
AIR TUBE COMBINATION ------------------------------ 84
BRACKET,LIGHT ------------------------------------------ 87
AIR,RSVR,9.50X22.50,1488 CU IN ------------------- 80
BRACKET,PIPE,0.05 ------------------------------------- 89
ALARM, BACKUP ---------------------------------------- 92
BRACKET,PIVOT ----------------------------------------- 74
ANGLE,1.5X1.5X.125X6.0 W/HOLE ------------------ 68
BRACKET,RADAR VEL SENSOR -------------------- 87
ANGLE,CYLINDER STOP ------------------------------ 28
BRACKET,REFINERS PLATFORM ------------------ 82
ARM WLDMT,UPPER,LH ------------------------------- 28
BRACKET,RELAY MOUNT ------------------ 30, 36, 78
ARM WLDMT,UPPER,RH ------------------------------ 28
BRACKETS (2),20,TANK MTG ----------------------- 90
ARM,LOWER ---------------------------------------------- 28
BRACKET,SUPPORT ------------------------------------ 82
BRACKET,W/M,DBL ACTR ---------------------------- 12
ASPHALT PUMP (EXPLODED VIEW) ---------------- 8
BREAKAWAY W/CHAIN -------------------------------- 40
AUTOMATIC VALVE ------------------------------- 14, 15
BRKT,MOUNT,SGL ACTUATOR W/M ---------------- 12
AUTOMATIC VALVE ASSEMBLY -------------- 12, 13
BUMPER,REAR ------------------------------------------- 87
B BURNER HEAD ------------------------------------------- 84
BURNER J1 LPG LIQUID ------------------------------- 91
BAR - LOAD LINE SUPPORT ------------------------- 10 BURNER,LPG,B3,D FLUE, AUTO IGNITION 50, 52
BAR,.250X3.00X5.00 ------------------------------------- 20 BURNER,PROPANE,LIQUID,B2 ----------------------- 50
BAR,LIFT,W/CHAIN -------------------------------------- 26 BUZZER,12 VDC,CONTINUOUS TONE ------------- 78
BAR,PLUG GROUP --------------------------------------- 92
BAR,SCISSORS ------------------------------------------ 26 C
BENT HANDLE,BALL VALVE -------------------------- 18
CABLE,WIRE ROPE,.125-7X19G --------------------- 80
BLOWER MOTOR ---------------------------------------- 84
CAP ------------------------------------------------------------ 8
BLOWER WHEEL ---------------------------------------- 84
CAP,FUEL,4.0 NPT,AL,W/GASKET ------------------ 89
BOARD,DIODE,1 AMP,8 BANK ----------------------- 88
CAP,LH,SPRAYBAR END ------------------------------ 40
BODY,INNER,SPRAY VALVE -------------------------- 38
CAP,RH,SPRAYBAR END ------------------------------ 40
BODY,OUTER,SPRAY VALVE ------------------------ 38
CASING ------------------------------------------------------- 8
BOLT --------------------------------------------------------- 64
CASTING,CAP,SUMP ------------------------------------ 40
BOLT KIT, FOR VALVE ---------------------------------- 30
CASTING,PIVOT,POINTER ------------------------------ 74
BOLT KIT,FOR VALVE ----------------------------------- 76
CASTING,SPRAYBAR PIVOT ------------------- 26, 74
BOLT,HEX HD,5/16-18 UNC X 1, GR5 --------------- 91
CENTERING SPIDER ------------------------------------ 84
BONNET ------------------------------------------------------- 8
CHAIN,SASH,#35,STEEL ------------------------------- 90
BOX, SPRAYBAR EXTENSIONS --------------------- 92
CHANNEL,PUMP SUPPORT -------------------------- 24
BOX,CONTROL BOX ------------------------------------- 34
CIRCUIT BOARD ------------------------------------------ 52
BOX,SUCTION SCRN,LH -------------------------------- 89
CLAMP COVER PLATE --------------------------- 20, 22
BRACE BAR, CONTRL BOX --------------------------- 88
CLAMP HALF 1.250 -------------------------------- 20, 22
BRACE W/M,BUMPER,LH ----------------------------- 74
CLAMP,HOSE,.22-.62,WORM,#04 -------- 44, 46, 48
BRACE W/M,BUMPER,RH ----------------------------- 74
CLAMP,HOSE,.44-.78,WORM,#06 -- 20, 22, 42, 80
BRACKET ---------------------------------------- 60, 62, 70
C (cont.) C (cont.)
CLAMP,HOSE,.50-.91,WORM,#08 ------------------- 78 CSHH,.312-18X.62,GR5 ------------------------------ 4, 6
CLAMP,HOSE,.50-.91,WORM,#8 --------------------- 89 CSHH,.312-18X.75,GR5 --------------------------- 24, 78
CLAMP,HOSE,.81-1.75,WORM,#20 -------------------- 6 CSHH,.312-18X1.00,GR5 -------- 12, 50, 52, 70, 88
CLAMP,HOSE,2.375 ID --------------------------------- 16 CSHH,.312-18X1.25,GR5 ------------------------- 12, 88
CLAMP,LOOP,.625 OD,PLSTC COVER ------------- 42 CSHH,.312-18X1.50,GR5 ------------------------------- 66
CLAMP,LOOP,.75 OD,PLSTC COVER --------- 28, 30 CSHH,.312-18X2.25,GR5 ------------------------- 20, 22
CLAMP,LOOP,1.562 OD,NPRN COVER ------------ 22 CSHH,.375-16X.75,GR5 ------------- 2, 6, 18, 22, 89
CLAMP,TUBE,1.00 OD TWIN,SET ------------- 20, 22 CSHH,.375-16X.88,GR5 --------------------------- 12, 89
CLAMP,WIRE ROPE,.125,SLEEVE ----------------- 80 CSHH,.375-16X1.00,GR5 -------------------- 12, 82, 88
CLIP ----------------------------------------------------------- 88 CSHH,.375-16X1.25,GR5 --------------- 6, 10, 16, 22,
CLIP,HAIR PIN,#9,.148 DIA ------------------------------ 28 60, 62, 68, 80
COIL, FOR VALVE ---------------------------------------- 30 CSHH,.375-16X1.50,GR5 -------- 10, 22, 60, 62, 88
COLLAR,STOP,HANDLE REWORK ----------------- 90 CSHH,.375-16X1.75,GR5 -------------------------------- 87
COLLAR,SWIVEL,HANDLE ---------------------------- 90 CSHH,.375-16X5.00,GR5 ------------------------------- 40
CONN HOUSING,CAP,8 WIRE ------------------------ 36 CSHH,.375-24X1.00,GR5 ------------------------------- 14
CONN HOUSING,PLUG,8 WIRE ---------------------- 36 CSHH,.500-13X1.00,GR5 ------------------------------- 12
CONN,BUTT,16-14 GA ----------------------------------- 78 CSHH,.500-13X1.50,GR5 ------------------------------- 80
CONNECTOR TUBE ASSEMBLY --------------------- 84 CSHH,.500-13X1.75,GR5 --------------------- 4, 24, 87
CONNECTOR WLDMT,ACTUATOR ------------------ 12 CSHH,.500-13X2.00,GR5 -------------------------- 22, 90
CONNECTOR,SEALED,TOWER,2-PIN ------------- 88 CSHH,.500-13X2.25,GR5 -------------------------------- 24
CONNECTOR,TANK VALVE --------------------------- 14 CSHH,.500-13X2.50,GR5 -------------------------------- 74
CONT GA,F,52X80X140,DF ----------------------------- 68 CSHH,.625-11X1.25,GR8 -------------------------------- 26
CONT GA,FR,48X74X96,DF ----------------------------- 68 CSHH,.625-11X1.50,GR5 ---------------------------- 6, 74
CONT GA,R,48X74X96,DF ------------------------------ 68 CSHH,.625-11X11.50,GR8 ------------------------ 26, 74
CONT GA,R,52X80X140,DF ---------------------------- 68 CSHH,.625-11X2.50,GR571678 ------------ 2, 4, 6, 16
CONTACT, SOCKET, 20-14 GA ----------------------- 72 CSHH,.750-10X1.25,GR5 ---------------------------------- 6
CONTACT,SOCKET,20-14 GA ------------------- 46, 48 CSHH,.750-10X1.50,GR5 ---------------------------------- 6
CONTROL BOX -------------------------------------------- 36 CSHH,.750-10X1.75,GR5 --------------------------- 2, 88
COTTER PIN,.188X1.00 --------------------------- 26, 74 CSHH,.750-10X5.00,GR5 ------------------------------- 26
COUPLING CHAIN W/ CONN. PIN ------------------ 4, 6 CSHH,1.000-8X3.00,GR8 ------------------------------- 28
COUPLING HALF -------------------------------------- 4, 6 CSHH,3.75-16X.75,GR5 --------------------------------- 10
COVER PLATE, INCLUDES BOLTS ----------------- 30 CSSH,.250-20X2.25 -------------------------------------- 32
COVER,CONTROL BOX -------------------------------- 34 CYL,01.06X3.00, ------------------------------------ 44, 48
COVER,HOSE PORT ------------------------- 44, 46, 48 CYL,03.50X4.00,250PSI,11.17 OA -------------------- 14
COVER,STRAINER ACCESS ----------------------------6 CYL,1.06X3.00, -------------------------------------------- 46
CROSSOVER PIPE W/M,B-3 -------------------------- 50 CYL,HYD,1.50X2.00,06SAE,3000 -------------- 74, 76
CSHFHS,.250-20X.75,WHIZLOCK --------- 44, 46, 48 CYL,HYD,2.00X5.75,12.50 ------------------------------ 26
CSHFHS,.500-13X1.25,WHIZLOCK ------- 40, 46, 48 CYL,HYD,2.50X6.00 --------------------------------------- 30
CSHH, .250-20 X .50, GR5 ----------------------------- 24 CYL,HYD,2.50X6.00, ------------------------------------- 28
CSHH, .500-13 X 1.50, GR5 ---------------------------- 24 CYL,HYD,STEERING,BH 7/8 -------------------------- 26
CSHH, .625-11 X 2, GR5 --------------------------------- 68
CSHH, .625-11 X 7.00, GR5 ---------------------------- 68 D
CSHH,.250-20X.50,GR5 ----------------------- 44, 46, 48 DECAL PLATE, PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION NO. ---
CSHH,.250-20X.75,GR5 ---------------------- 30, 36, 88 ------------------------------------------------------------ 56, 58
CSHH,.250-20X1.00,GR5 ------------------------- 28, 30 DECAL PLATE,DANGER,EXPLN HAZ -------- 56, 58
CSHH,.250-20X1.25,GR5 -------------------------------- 88 DECAL PLATE,WRN,HOT MATL HAZ -------- 56, 58
CSHH,.250-20X4.00,GR5 ------------------------------- 87 DECAL PLATE,WRN,HOT SURF HAZ -------- 56, 58
CSHH,.250-20X5.00,GR5 ------------------------------- 18 DECAL,CONTROL BOX REAR ------------------------ 36
CSHH,.312-18 X 1,GR5 ---------------------------------- 70
D (cont.) F (cont.)
DECAL,CONTROL BOX,MAX II ------------------ 18, 34 FILTER,RETURN,HP,-12SAE PORTS ---------------- 22
DECAL,DANGER,CONFINED SPACE -------------- 56 FITT,45 04MJ-04MP -------------------------------------- 12
DECAL,EMERGENCY STOP -------------------------- 36 FITT,45 06MJ-06FJX -------------------------------------- 92
DECAL,HYDROSTATIC, LARGE YELLOW --- 56, 58 FITT,45 06MP-06HB,CRIMPED ------------------ 42, 80
DECAL,LPG BURNER SAFETY ---------------- 50, 52 FITT,90 02MP-04HB,NYL -------------------- 44, 46, 48
DECAL,OPERATING CAUTIONS ---------------------- 56 FITT,90 04MP-06HB,CRIMPED ------------------ 22, 42
DECAL,POINTER LIFT ---------------------------------- 76 FITT,90 06MJ-06FJX --------------------------- 30, 32, 76
DECAL,REMOTE MIRROR ----------------------------- 87 FITT,90 06MJ-06MB --------------------------- 30, 32, 76
DECAL,ROSCO LOGO,LARGE,BLACK ------ 56, 58 FITT,90 06MJ-06MB,ORF.030 MODF ---------------- 76
DECAL,SOLVENT TANK --------------------------------- 89 FITT,90 06MJ-06MP --------------------------- 28, 30, 32
DECAL,SPRAY NOZZLE GUIDE ---------------- 56, 58 FITT,90 06MJ-08MB -------------------------------------- 32
DECALS,REFLECTORS & LIGHTS 56, 57, 58, 59 FITT,90 08MP-08HB,CRIMPED ------------------ 78, 89
DECAL,STRIPE,MAXIMIZER II ------------------ 56, 58 FITT,90 10MJ-10FJX -------------------------------------- 22
DECAL,STRIPE,RED-ORANGE,5" ------------------- 58 FITT,90 10MJ-12MB -------------------------------------- 22
DECAL,TANK LADDER --------------------------- 60, 62 FITT,90 12MJ-10MB -------------------------------------- 22
DECAL,VALVE CONFIGURATION -------------------- 58 FITT,90 12MJ-12MB -------------------------------------- 22
DECAL,WARNING,FIRE HAZARD -------------------- 56 FITT,90 12MJ-12MP -------------------------------------- 20
DECAL,WASHDOWN PUMP BUZZER -------------- 78 FITT,90 16MJ-12MB -------------------------------------- 20
DIAL THERM, 50-500 F,GROUP ---------------------- 72 FITT,90 16MJ-16MB -------------------------------------- 22
DIESEL BURNER WITH OUTFIRE ------------- 84, 85 FITT,90 16MJ-16MJ ---------------------------------------- 20
DIESEL BURNER WITH OUTFIRE SCHEMATIC - 86 FITT,90 16MJ-20MP -------------------------------------- 20
DIODE,20 VOLTS ----------------------------------------- 34 FITT,PLUG 02PD,DUST --------------------------------- 22
DISPLAY ASSEMBLY,LCD,EZ-S1 -------------------- 34 FITT,PLUG 02QD ------------------------------- 44, 46, 48
DOOR TOOL BOX ---------------------------------------- 87 FITT,PLUG 06MB,HEX ----------------------------------- 32
DR SHAFT,PTO 18,FRONT LIVE --------------------- 92 FITT,PLUG,12MB,HEX,W/04FP ----------------------- 22
FITT,QD 3.00 PLUG -------------------------------------- 10
E FITT,QD 3.00F-3.00FP,BRASS -------- 6, 10, 89, 92
ELECTRODE ASSY -------------------------------------- 84 FITT,QD 3.00M-3.00FP,BRASS ----------------------- 92
ELECTRODE CLAMP ------------------------------------ 84 FITT,QD 3.00PLUG ----------------------------------------- 6
ELEMENT,FILTER,9.00,4 MICRON ------------------- 22 FITT,QD,3.00 PLUG -------------------------------------- 89
ENCLOSURE,ELEC,6X6X4,MODIFIED--------------- 52 FITT,STR 02MP-04HB,PUSH-ON ---------- 44, 46, 48
END NOZZLE, #0 ----------------------------------------- 38 FITT,STR 04FP-04MS,LPG,BRASS ------------------ 50
END NOZZLE, #1 ----------------------------------------- 38 FITT,STR 04MB-04FPX ---------------------------------- 20
END NOZZLE, #2 ----------------------------------------- 38 FITT,STR 04MJ-08MP ------------------------------------ 12
END,PLATFORM ------------------------------------ 60, 62 FITT,STR 04MP-04MS,BRASS ------------------------ 12
EXPANSION BOARD,DC-2 CONTROLLER -------- 34 FITT,STR 04MP-06HB,PUSH-ON --------------------- 20
EYE BOLT,LOCKING,MANHOLE COVER ---------- 74 FITT,STR 04MP-09MPF,LH LP GAS ----------- 78, 91
EYEBOLT --------------------------------------------------- 64 FITT,STR 06MJ-06MB ------------------------------ 32, 76
EZ-1 SPRAY VALVE ASSEMBLY --------- 40, 46, 48 FITT,STR 06MJ-06MB,W/.07 ORF -------------- 30, 32
EZ-1S CONTROL GROUP ------------------------------ 88 FITT,STR 06MJ-08MB ------------------------------------ 32
FITT,STR 06MP-04HB,PUSH-ON --------------------- 42
F FITT,STR 06MP-06HB,PUSH-ON --------------------- 42
FITT,STR 08MP-06HB,CRIMPED --------------------- 80
FENDERS AND MUD FLAPS -------------------- 70, 71 FITT,STR 08MP-08HB,CRIMPED --------------- 78, 89
FENDERS, SINGLE AXLE ------------------------------ 70 FITT,STR 10MJ-10MB ------------------------------------ 22
FENDER,SINGLE AXLE,STL --------------------------- 70 FITT,STR 12FJX-12HOSE,FLD CRP ------------ 20, 22
FILLER, HYD FLUID, 10 PSI --------------------------- 24 FITT,STR 16FJX-16HOSE,CRIMPED ----------- 20, 22
FILTER -------------------------------------------------------- 84 FITT,STR 16MJ-16MB ------------------------------------ 22
FILTER STRAINER ---------------------------------------- 84 FITT,STR 16MJ-16MJ ------------------------------ 20, 22
F (cont.) G (cont.)
FITT,STR 16MP-16HB,CRIMPED ----------------------- 6 GROMMET,INS,.375ID X 1.00GRV ------------------- 52
FITT,TEE 04HB-04HB-02MP,NYL ---------- 44, 46, 48 GROMMET,INS,.62 ID,1.38 HOLE -------------------- 36
FITT,TEE 04HB-04HB-04HB,NYL --------------------- 42 GUARD --------------------------------------------------------4
FITT,TEE 06MJ-06MJ-06MJ ---------------------------- 32 GUARD,FRONT LIVE PTO,MO DOT ----------------- 24
FITT,TEST 06MB-02PD ---------------------------------- 22 GUIDE,SLIDE RULE APPLICATION ------------------ 92
FLANGE ----------------------------------------------------- 84 GUN,GREASE --------------------------------------------- 92
FLANGE GASKET ------------------------------------ 8, 84
FLAT BONNET GASKET ----------------------------------8 H
FLAT CAP GASKET ---------------------------------------- 8 HAIRPIN CLIP,NO 11,1/8 DIA -------------------------- 91
FLEX HOSE ASSEMBLY ------------------------- 16, 17 HALF COUPLING, 1 1/4 SHAFT ------------------- 4, 6
FLOAT, BALL,SS ------------------------------------------ 64 HANDHOLD,LH --------------------------------------------- 62
FLUE LINER W/M,304 SS, DIESEL BURNER ---- 68 HANDHOLD,RH -------------------------------------------- 62
FLUE LINER W/M,LP BURNER, SST ---------------- 68 HANDLE W/M --------------------------------------------- 18
FLUE TUBE FLANGE ------------------------------------ 50 HANDLE,END,LH ------------------------------------------ 60
FLUSH TANK SYSTEM,35 GALLON ---------------- 89 HANDLE,HAND SPRAY --------------------------------- 18
FRONT LIVE HYDRAULIC GROUP - 20, 21, 22, 23 HANDLE,SIDE,RH ---------------------------------------- 60
FRONT LIVE MISC. GROUP -------------------------- 24 HANDSPRAY WAND ASSEMBLY -------------- 18, 19
FUEL PUMP ----------------------------------------------- 84 HANGER,HANDSPRAY HOSE ----------------- 18, 87
FUEL VALVE ----------------------------------------------- 84 HARNESS,15 WIRE,12.5FT --------------------------- 36
FUSE HOLDER,12V,20AMP --------------------------- 88 HARNESS,7 WIRE,1FT --------------------------------- 46
FUSE HOLDER,IN-LINE,BLADE,SEAL ------------- 52 HARNESS,7 WIRE,2 FT -------------------------------- 48
FUSE HOLDER,PANEL MT,.25X1.25 ---------------- 34 HARNESS,SPRAYBAR,1CONT,LH ------------------ 42
FUSE,20 AMP,.25X1.25 --------------------------- 87, 88 HARNESS,SPRAYBAR,1CONT,RH ----------------- 42
FUSE,5 AMP,.25X1.25,SLO-BLO --------------------- 34 HARNESS,WIRE ----------------------------------------- 88
FUSE,BLADE,2 AMP ------------------------------------ 52 HARNESS,WIRING --------------------------------- 50, 52
HEAD GASKET SET --------------------------------------- 8
HEAD WITH IDLER PIN ----------------------------------- 8
GASKET ----------------------------------------- 10, 14, 84 HEATED, 4-WAY,MOTOR,MIRROR GROUP ------ 87
GASKET,3" FLANGE ---------------------------- 2, 6, 16 HEX HD 5/8-11 X 5 1/2 GR. 5 --------------------------- 26
GASKET,3 FLANGE ------------------------------ 10, 89 HINGE,DOOR ---------------------------------------------- 87
GASKET,3.00 COMPANION FLANGE ------- 2, 6, 16 HOLDER,FUSE,12 V,20 AMP ------------------------- 78
GASKET,4" FLANGE ----------------------------------- 2, 6 HOLSTER, WASHDOWN WAND --------------------- 78
GASKET,4.00 FLANGE ----------------------------------- 6 HOLSTER,REEL CRANK ------------------------------- 90
GASKET,ASPHALT SPRAY VALVE ------ 40, 46, 48 HOOK,HOSE,3.00 ----------------------------------------- 87
GASKET,FOLD SECT,.12X3.38X3.75 ---------------- 40 HOOK,WASH DOWN HOSE -------------------------- 78
GASKET,SPRAYBAR END ----------------- 40, 46, 48 HOOK,WASHDOWN HOSE --------------------------- 91
GASKET,STRAINER ACCESS --------------------------6 HOSE, 16 X 25 FT, HANDSPRAY, M END --------- 18
GAUGE, SIGHT LEVEL/TEMP, 5.00 ----------------- 24 HOSE ASSY, -06 x 106, 2500 ------------------- 28, 30
GAUGE,PRESS,2.50,100 PSI,04 MP --------------- 50 HOSE ASSY 2500 PSI,-08 X 48 ----------------------- 32
GLAND PACKING ----------------------------------------- 64 HOSE ASSY,-06 x 36, 2500 ----------------------------- 32
GLAND, RELIEF VALVE STEM ----------------------- 64 HOSE ASSY,-06 x 52, 2500 ---------------------------- 32
GRATING,24.00X27.44,FRT & REAR ---------------- 82 HOSE ASSY,-06 x 61, 2500 ---------------------------- 32
GRATING,24.00X49.28,FRT & REAR ---------------- 82 HOSE ASSY,-06 x 85, 2500 ---------------------------- 32
GREASE FITTING ------------------------------------------8 HOSE ASSY,1500 PSI,-10 X 34.0 --------------------- 22
GREASE,TUBE WITH DECA 10/CASE ------------- 92 HOSE ASSY,4000 PSI,-16 X 21.00 -------------------- 20
GROMMET,.50IDX.75HOLE ---------------------------- 46 HOSE ASSY,4000 PSI,-16 X 27.00 ------------------- 20
GROMMET,.50IDX.81HOLE ---------------------- 42, 44 HOSE ASSY,4000 PSI,-16 X 45.00 -------------- 20, 22
GROMMET,1/2ID X 3/4HOLE --------------------------- 48 HOSE REEL HANDLE ----------------------------------- 90
HOSE REEL MOUNT GROUP ------------------------- 90
H (cont.) L
HOSE,04,PUSH-ON,LOW PRESS ------------- 46, 48 LADDER & PLATFORM --------------------------- 62, 63
HOSE,04X14,04MP-04FJX,350 ------------------------ 50 LADDER AND PLATFORM ---------------------- 60, 61
HOSE,04X180,04FPX-04RE,350 ---------------------- 91 LADDER,56X84 & 52X80 -------------------------- 60, 62
HOSE,04X20,04MP-04FJX,350 ------------------------ 90 LAMP,LICENSE -------------------------------------------- 87
HOSE,04X300,04FPX-04RE,350 ---------------------- 78 LEFT & RIGHT LOAD LINE W/SUCTION SCREEN --
HOSE,06,06FJX-06FJX,3000 --------------------------- 76 89
HOSE,06,LOW PRESSURE --------------------------- 42 LENS, RED ------------------------------------------- 56, 58
HOSE,06,PUSH-ON,250,BLUE ----------------------- 20 LENS,AMBER --------------------------------------- 56, 58
HOSE,08,12MJ-06FJX,2500 ---------------------------- 32 LEVEL,TUBLAR,VERT ---------------------------------- 64
HOSE,08,PUSH-ON,250 -------------------------- 78, 89 LICENSE PLATE,ROSCO ---------------------- 56, 58
HOSE,1.00 ID, HOT ASPHALT -------------------------- 6 LIGHT,CLEARANCE,AMORED,MAX II -------- 56, 58
HOSE,12,HYD,1250 -------------------------------- 20, 22 LIGHT,CLEARANCE,ARMORED,AMBER ----- 56, 58
HOSE,16 16FJ-16FJ90T,4000 -------------------------- 22 LIGHT,CLEARANCE,ARMORED,RED --------- 56, 58
HOSE,16,SUCTION,250 --------------------------------- 22 LIGHT,RED,DASH,.50 HOLE -------------------------- 34
HOSE,16X50,HOT ASPHALT -------------------------- 90 LINKAGE WLDMT,LOWER ----------------------------- 26
HOSE,2.00IDX80,FLEX,METAL,FEM ---------------- 16 LINK,QUICK,.188 CHAIN -------------------------------- 74
HOSE,3.00ID X 15 FT,FLEX,STL,M ------------------ 92 LOAD & SUCTION TEE W/M ----------------------------- 6
HOSE,3.50ID,FLEX,METAL ---------------------------- 68 LOAD LINE HOSE ---------------------------------------- 16
HOSE,FLEX METAL,LH --------------------------------- 16 LOAD LINE W/M,LH ------------------------------------- 89
HOSE,FLEX METAL,RH --------------------------------- 16 LOCKNUT ------------------------------------------------ 8, 64
HOSE,FLEX,MET,3.00X13.75 ----------------------------- 2 LOCKNUT, NOZZLE LINE ------------------------------- 84
HYDRAULIC POINTER GROUP ----- 74, 75, 76, 77 LOCK,RECESSED PADDLE --------------------------- 87
HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR,20 GAL ------------ 24, 25 LOCKWASHER, #10 ------------------------------------- 64
LOCTITE REMOVABLE #242 --------------- 44, 46, 48
I LOOM,BRAIDED FIBERGLASS,.375 ----------- 50, 52
IDLER BUSHING ONLY ----------------------------------- 8 LOOM,SPLIT,CONVOLUTED,.250 -------------- 50, 52
IDLER PIN ONLY -------------------------------------------- 8 LOOM,SPLIT,CONVOLUTED,.500 -------------------- 36
IDLER WITH BUSHING ------------------------------------ 8 LP RELIEF KIT --------------------------------------------- 54
IGNITER ----------------------------------------------------- 50 LPG BURNERS WITH AUTO IGNITIOIN --------------
IGNITER/FLAME ROD ------------------------------------ 50 ------------------------------------------------- 51, 52, 53, 55
IGNITION ASSY WITH OUTFIRE ---------------------- 84 LPG BURNERS WITH AUTO IGNITION ------- 50, 52
IGNITION ASSY WITHOUT OUTFIRE ---------------- 84 LUBRICANT, ANTI-SEIZE, 8 OZ ----------------------- 38
IN CAB CONTROL BOX --------------------------- 34, 35
INS TANK,48X74X96, DF,AL,RND,F ------------------ 68
INS TANK,52x80x140,DF,AL,RND,F ------------------ 68 MACH SCR,PH,#10-24X.75 ---------------------- 50, 52
MACH SCR,PH,#10-24X2.00 --------------------------- 78
J MACH SCR,PH,#10-32X.38 ---------------------------- 52
JAM NUT ----------------------------------------------------- 64 MACH SCR,PH,#8-32X.50 ------------------------ 78, 88
MACH SCR,PH,.250-20X.75 ---------------------------- 88
K MACH SCR,RH,#10-24X.50 ---------------------------- 42
MACH SCR,RH,#10-24X4.00 --------------------------- 42
KEY ---------------------------------------------------------- 87 MANIFOLD ------------------------------------------------- 30
KEY,HANDLE NOTCH ------------------------------------ 90 MANIFOLD, 6 STA,4 VLV, W/RELIEF --------------- 30
KEY,SQ,.500X1.50 ------------------------------------- 4, 6 MANIFOLD,4 STATION,INLINE,AIR ------------------- 42
KIT,HOSE,AUTO VLV,W/SCREEN BOX ------------ 12 MEASURING STICK,48X74X96,DF ------------------- 68
KNOB,.25 SHAFT ----------------------------------- 34, 36 MEASURING STICK,52X80X140,DF ----------------- 68
KNOB,D-FLAT SHAFTS --------------------------------- 34 MICRO CONTROLLER,DC-2 --------------------------- 34
M (cont.) N (cont.)
MISC NON-SKIRTED MAXIMIZER GROUP -------- 87 NUT,FLEXLOC,.750-10,FULL,LT ----------------------- 26
MISC. TANK PARTS ------------------------------------- 64 NUT,FLEXLOC,1.000-8,GR C -------------------------- 28
MISCELLANEOUS HYDRAULIC GROUPS -------- 24 NUT,HEX,#10-24 ------------------------------------------- 42
MISCELLANEOUS LP BURNER GROUPS -- 54, 55 NUT,HEX,#8-32 -------------------------------------- 78, 88
MOTOR BRUSH KIT -------------------------------------- 84 NUT,HEX,.250-20 ------------------------------------------ 88
MOTOR COUPLING -------------------------------------- 84 NUT,HEX,.312-18 ------------------------- 12, 42, 46, 48
MOTOR MOUNT,2000 ------------------------------------- 4 NUT,HEX,.375-16 --------------------------- 2, 6, 10, 16,
MOTOR,HYD,2000 SERIES ------------------------------ 4 40, 68, 80, 82, 88, 89
MOUNT BAR,MUD FLAP -------------------------------- 70 NUT,HEX,.500-13 ------------------------------------ 28, 80
MOUNT GRATING ----------------------------------------- 82 NUT,HEX,.625-11 -------------------------------------- 2, 16
MOUNT,DC2 MICRCONTROLLER -------------------- 88 NUT,HEX,.750-16 ------------------------------------------ 74
MOUNT,HOSE REEL ------------------------------------ 90 NUT,HEX,FLEXLOC,5/16-18 UNC --------------------- 91
MOUNT,PUMP,FRONT LIVE --------------------------- 24 NUT,HEX,JAM,.312-18 ----------------------------------- 12
MUD FLAP ASSEMBLY -------------------------------- 70 NUT,HEX,JAM,.312-24 ------------------------ 44, 46, 48
MUD FLAP,ANTI-SAIL 24X30 -------------------------- 70 NUT,HEX,JAM,.625-18 ------------------------ 44, 46, 48
MUFFLER,PNEUMATIC EXH,.12 NPT ---- 44, 46, 48 NUT,HEX,JAM,.688-18 ----------------------------------- 26
NUT,HEX,JAM,.688-18,LH ------------------------------ 26
N NUT,HEX,JAM,.750-16 ----------------------------- 26, 74
NIPPLE,04X11.00,STD ----------------------------------- 78 NUT,HEX,JAM,1.000-12 ---------------------- 40, 46, 48
NON-ILLUSTRATED GROUPS ----------- 87, 88, 89, NUT,U-TYPE,.250-20,W/NUT --------------- 44, 46, 48
90, 91, 92 NUT,WING,.312-18 ---------------------------------------- 66
NOZZLE, #0 ------------------------------------------------ 38 O
NOZZLE, #00 ----------------------------------------------- 38
NOZZLE #1 -------------------------------------- 40, 46, 48 OIL,HYDRAULIC,MULTI SERVICE ------------------- 20
NOZZLE, #1 ------------------------------------------------ 38 OVERFLOW ATTACHMENT GROUP --------------- 68
NOZZLE, #1.5 ---------------------------------------------- 38
NOZZLE, #2 ------------------------------------------------ 38 P
NOZZLE, #3 ------------------------------------------------ 38
PACKING --------------------------------------------------- 87
NOZZLE, #4 ------------------------------------------------ 38
PACKING GLAND ------------------------------------------- 8
NOZZLE, #6 ------------------------------------------------ 18
PACKING RETAINER WASHER ------------------------8
NOZZLE, 3.5 GPH, 45B --------------------------------- 84
PACKING SET, 3 RINGS ----------------------------------8
NOZZLE ADAPTER --------------------------------------- 84
PAD,TAPPED ---------------------------------------------- 70
NOZZLE ALIGNMENT TOOLS ------------------------- 38
PAN HEAD SCREW, #10-24 UNC X 3/4 ------------ 64
NOZZLE ALIGNMENT WRENCH ---------------------- 38
PENETRATING THREAD LOCKER 290 ---------- 14 18
NOZZLE,V-JET-04npt ------------------------------------- 78
PIN,HYD,LIFT CYLINDER ------------------------- 26, 74
NUT, FLEXLOC, .500-13, FULL, LT ------------------- 24
PIN,QUICK RELEASE,.25X1.3 GRIP ---------------- 74
NUT, FLEXLOC, .625-11, FULL,LT -------------------- 68
PIN,QUICK RELEASE,.375X4.00 --------------------- 18
NUT, HEX, JAM .875-14 --------------------------------- 64
PIPE, BUSH,16MP-04FP, MI -------------------------- 72
NUT,FLEXLOC,#10-24,FULL,LT ----------------- 52, 78
PIPE, CPLG, 15FP --------------------------------------- 72
NUT,FLEXLOC,.250-20,FULL,LT ----- 18, 28, 30, 32,
PIPE, NIPPLE, 16 X 2.50 ------------------------------- 72
36, 42, 87, 88
PIPE PLUG, MAG, 06MP, SQ HD -------------------- 24
NUT,FLEXLOC,.312-18,FULL,LT ------ 52, 70, 78, 88
PIPE, PLUG,2.00MP, SQ HD, MI ---------------------- 24
NUT,FLEXLOC,.375-16 FULL,LT ----------------------- 60
PIPE,45,04FP,MI ------------------------------------------- 78
NUT,FLEXLOC,.375-16,FULL,LT ----- 10, 16, 22, 40,
PIPE,90,04FP-04MP,300# ------------------------- 50, 91
50, 62, 87, 88
PIPE,90,08FP,MI ------------------------------------ 78, 89
NUT,FLEXLOC,.500-13,FULL,LT ------- 4, 22, 24, 74,
PIPE,90,08MP-08FP,MI --------------------------- 89, 92
87, 90
PIPE,90,08MP-O8FP,MI ----------------------- 6, 78, 80
NUT,FLEXLOC,.625-11,FULL,LT ------------- 4, 26, 74
PIPE,90,12FP-08FP,GALV ------------------------------ 18
P (cont.) P (cont.)
PIPE,90,16MP-16FP,MI ----------------------------------- 6 PLUG,HOLE,.562,FLUSH MT,PLSTC ---------------- 44
PIPE,BUSH,06MP-04FP,STL -------------------------- 42 PLUG,HOLE,.750,FLUSH MT,PLSTC ---------------- 44
PIPE,BUSH,08MP-04FP,STL -------------------- 78, 89 POINTER ASSEMBLY ----------------------------------- 68
PIPE,BUSH,08MP-06FP,MI ----------------------------- 72 POINTER W/M -------------------------------------------- 74
PIPE,BUSH,1.25 MP- 12FP,MI ------------------------ 24 POPPET ------------------------------------------------------ 8
PIPE,BUSH,12MP-06FP,STL -------------------------- 80 PORTABLE TORCH -------------------------------------- 91
PIPE,BUSH,16MP-08FP,STL -------------------------- 89 PORTABLE TORCH HOLDER, ASSY,LPG --------- 91
PIPE,BUSH,16MP-12FP,GALV,MI -------------------- 18 PORTABLE TORCH HOLDER W/M ------------------ 91
PIPE,CPLG,08FP ----------------------------------------- 72 POTENTIOMETER,100 OHM -------------------- 34, 36
PIPE,HALF CPLG,06FP,300# -------------------------- 91 PUMP DISCHARGE MANIFOLD W/M ----------------- 6
PIPE,LP RELIEF LINE ----------------------------------- 54 PUMP NOZZLE FITTING -------------------------------- 84
PIPE,NIPPLE,02X2.00 ----------------------------------- 48 PUMP,DIAPHRAGM,12 VDC -------------------------- 78
PIPE,NIPPLE,02X2.25 ----------------------------- 44, 46 PUMP,HYD,M46,CCW,EDC ---------------------- 22, 92
PIPE,NIPPLE,04X1.50,300# ---------------------------- 50 PUMP,VIKING,EM ------------------------------------- 4, 6
PIPE,NIPPLE,04X2.50,300# ---------------------------- 50
PIPE,NIPPLE,04X4.00,300# ---------------------- 50, 91 R
PIPE,NIPPLE,04XCLOSE(7/8) ------------------------- 42 RADAR HORN --------------------------------------------- 87
PIPE,NIPPLE,04XCLOSE,300# ----------------- 50, 91 RADAR HORN GROUP --------------------------------- 87
PIPE,NIPPLE,08XCLOSE --------------------- 6, 78, 89 RAIL,W/M --------------------------------------------------- 82
PIPE,NIPPLE,12XCLOSE ------------------------------- 18 REAR BUMPER ASSEMBLY -------------------------- 87
PIPE,NIPPLE,16XCLOSE --------------------------------- 6 REAR CONTROL BOX ---------------------------- 36, 37
PIPE,PLUG,04MP,SQ HD,MI -------------------------- 89 REAR PLATFORM & PIPING ASSY,96 ----------- 2, 3
PIPE,PLUG,08MP,SQ HD,MI -------------------- 80, 89 REAR PLATFORM ASSEMBLY ------------ 4, 5, 6, 7
PIPE,PLUG,12MP,SQ HD,MI ---------------------------- 6 REEL,HOSE 1 X 50- FOR ASPHALT ---------------- 90
PIPE,PLUG,16MP,SQ HD,MI ----------------- 6, 87, 89 REGULATOR,LPG ---------------------------------- 50, 91
PIPE,PLUG,2.00MP,SQ HD,MI ------------------------- 89 RELAY,SPDT,40AMP,12VDC --------------- 30, 36, 78
PIPE,TBE,08X55.00 -------------------------------------- 89 RELIEF VALVE ---------------------------------------------- 8
PIPE,TBE,08X83.00 -------------------------------------- 89 RELIEF VALVE -------------------------------------------- 30
PIPE,TEE.04FP,300# ------------------------------------ 91 RELIEF VALVE (EXPLODED VIEW) ------------------- 8
PIPE,TEE,04FP,300# ------------------------------------ 50 RELIEF VALVE GASKET SET --------------------------- 8
PIPE,TEE,06FP,MI --------------------------------------- 42 RESERVOIR, 20 GAL ----------------------------------- 24
PIPE,TEE,08FP,MI ----------------------------- 6, 78, 89 RESERVOIR, CLEAN OUT COVER ----------------- 24
PIPE,UNION,16FP,MI -------------------------------------- 6 RESERVOIR GROUP, AIR ------------------------------ 80
PLACARD HOLDER,ALUMINUM --------------------- 92 RING,SPLIT,2.02IDX.18,ZINC CTD -------------------- 26
PLACARD,NO.F,1999,PLASTIC --------------------- 92 RIVET,BLIND,STL,.125,.188-.250 ---------------------- 87
PLATE,CLAMP -------------------------------------------- 74 RIVET,BLIND,STL,.188,.126-.250 ---------------- 87, 88
PLATE,FILLER,VALVE BOX ---------------------------- 42 ROD END MW12TS AURORA -------------------------- 26
PLATE,SWITCH ------------------------------------------- 52 ROD END,SPHER,FEM,.75-16 ----------------------- 74
PLATE,TAPPED ------------------------------------------- 89 ROD,BREAKAWAY -------------------------------------- 40
PLATFORM-------------------------------------------------- 62 ROLL PIN, 1/2 X 1-1/2 ----------------------------------- 64
PLATFORM WELDMENT --------------------------------- 4 ROLL PIN,.125X.75 --------------------------------------- 38
PLATFORM WITHOUT HANDRAIL ---------------- 2, 3 ROLL PIN,.250X3.50 ------------------------------------- 14
PLATFORM,1000 GAL TANK,TEXDOT -------------- 82 ROTOR AND SHAFT --------------------------------------- 8
PLATFORM,NON SKIRT -------------------------------- 60 ROTOR BEARING SLEEVE GASKET ---------------- 8
PLATFORM,PUMP ------------------------------------------ 4 ROTOR BEARING SLEEVE WASHER --------------- 8
PLUG,CAVITY,METRI PACK,150 S ------------------- 36 ROTOR THRUST WASHER ------------------------------- 8
S S (cont.)
SCREW,SELF TAP,BTN HD,5/16X1 L ---------------- 87 SPRING GUIDE --------------------------------------------- 8
SCR,SLFDRL,HH,#10X1.00,#3PT ---------- 56, 58, 82 SPR,TUBING,.12 DIA X 8,SST ------------------------- 16
SCR,SLFTPG,HH,.250-20X.75 ------------------------- 68 SQUARE PLATE ------------------------------------------ 84
SCR,SLFTPG,HH,.375-16X1.00 ------------------------ 82 SQUARE PLATE GASKET 8 ----------------------------- 4
SEAL KIT, --------------------------------------------------- 30 STACK ASSEMBLY -------------------------------- 66, 67
SEAL KIT, HYD CYLINDER ---------------------------- 26 STACK COVER ASSEMBLY --------------------------- 66
SEAL KIT, HYDRAULIC CYLINDER, 2.50 ---------- 28 STRAINER W/M,DISCH MANIFOLD -------------------- 6
SEAL KIT, STEERING CYLINDER -------------------- 26 STRAINER,LQD,100MESH,NYL,08FP -------------- 78
SEALANT,PIPE,W/TEFLON,8.45 OZ ------------------- 4 STRAINER,SUCT,2 NPT,100 MESH ----------------- 20
SEAL,CABLE,18-16 GA --------------------------------- 88 STRAINER,Y,.250PT,60 MESH ------------------------ 50
SEAL,CABLE,METRI PACK,150 S ------------------- 36 STRAP,HOLD DOWN,MANIF0LD --------------------- 42
SET S,HSKT,KCUP,.312-18X.50 ---------------------- 12 STRIP,ADH SPONGE,.75X.062 ----------------------- 58
SET S,SQ,KCUP,.375-16X1.50 ------------------------ 40 STRIP,ALUM,1.5X18.0X.050 ---------------------------- 68
SHIM,MOTOR MOUNT ------------------------------------4 SUPPORT,BURNER PIPING --------------------------- 50
SHIM,STL .500IDX.750ODX.020 ----------------------- 38 SUPPORT,FILTER ---------------------------------------- 22
SHROUD,INNER,1' --------------------------------------- 46 SUPPORT,HYDRAULIC FILTER ----------------------- 92
SHROUD,INNER,2FT ------------------------------ 44, 48 SWITCH PLATE,REMOTE MIRROR,FRT ----------- 87
SHROUD,OUTER,1FT ----------------------------------- 46 SWITCH SUPPORT W/M ------------------------------- 42
SHROUD,OUTER,2' -------------------------------- 44, 48 SWITCH, TEMP, 210 DEG F., -08MP ---------------- 24
SLEEVE,ABRASION,NYLON,1.75ID ---------------- 30 SWITCH,PUSH-PULL,RED KNOB ------------------- 36
SLIDE BAR,1FT -------------------------------- 44, 46, 48 SWITCH,ROCKER,DPDT,ON/ON --------------------- 34
SOCKET WLDMT,1.50 SQ ----------------------------- 12 SWITCH,ROCKER,DPST,ON/OFF -------- 34, 46, 48
SOCKET WLDMT,2 SQ --------------------------------- 12 SWITCH,ROCKER,SPDT,MOMENTARY ----------- 76
SOCKET,QUICK COUPLER,02 NPT ------ 44, 46, 48 SWITCH,ROCKER,SPST,OFF/ON ------------------- 52
SOLENOID ------------------------------------------------- 50 SWITCH,RTRY,4 POLE,11 POS ---------------------- 34
SOLENOID CONTROL VALVE ------------------ 32, 33 SWITCH,TOGGLE,3-POLE,ON/ON ------------------ 34
SPACER ---------------------------------------------------- 90 SWITCH,TOGGLE,DODT,3-POS,LONG ------------- 34
SPACER,LADDER ---------------------------------- 60, 62 SWITCH,TOGGLE,SPDT,3-POS,MOM -------------- 36
SPACER,SOCKET,3.00 3 WAY VALVE ------------- 12 SWITCH,TOGGLE,SPST,2-POS ---------------------- 78
SPEED SENSOR ------------------------------------------- 4 SWITCH,TOGGLE,SPST,LIGHTED ------------------ 87
SPR, 1.62 DIA X 3.5, 1005 PSI ------------------------- 68
SPRAYBAR ASSEMBLY -12 FOOT ------------ 40, 41 T-HANDLE W/M,.375-16X1.00 ------------------------- 74
SPRAYBAR ASSEMBLY, EXTENSIONS, 1 FOOT -- TACK --------------------------------------------------- 56, 58
46, 47 TAG,VALVE TAG,MAXI ----------------------------------- 80
48, 49 TANK MOUNT, TRUCK ANGLE ----------------------- 68
SPRAYBAR WLDMT,CTR,LH -------------------------- 40 64, 65
SPRAYBAR WLDMT,CTR,RH ------------------------- 40 TANK WLDMT,35 GALLON ----------------------------- 89
SPRAYBAR WLDMT,EXT,1FT ------------------------- 46 TANK,52 GAL LPG --------------------------------------- 90
SPRAYBAR WLDMT,EXT,2FT ------------------------- 48 TEMP PROBE,RTD,9 IN,MIN,INS -------------------- 72
SPRAYBAR WLDMT,WING,LH ------------------------- 40 TERM,PIN,METRI PACK,150 S ----------------------- 36
SPRAYBAR WLDMT,WING,RH ----------------------- 40 TERM,PUSH-ON,.18,FEM,16-14 GA ---------- 36, 52
SPRAYBAR,12 FOOT,1 FOOT CONTROLS ---------- TERM,PUSH-ON,.18,FEM,22-18 GA ---------------- 36
42, 43, 44, 45 TERM,PUSH-ON,.25,FEM,16-14 GA ---- 12, 46, 48,
SPRING ------------------------------------------------- 8, 40 52, 78, 88
TERM,PUSH-ON,.25,FEM,18-14,SLV ---- 44, 46, 48
T (cont.) V
TERM,PUSH-ON,.25,FEM,22-18 GA ----- 46, 48, 78 VALVE -------------------------------------------------------- 76
TERM,PUSH-ON,.25,FEM,22-18GA ----------------- 12 VALVE -------------------------------------------------------- 30
TERM,RING,16-14 GA,#10 STUD --------------------- 52 VALVE ALIGNMENT WRENCH ----------------------- 38
TERM,RING,16-14 GA,#6 STUD ----------------------- 52 VALVE BODY ------------------------------------------------ 8
TERM,RING,16-14 GA,.250 STUD -------------------- 36 VALVE IDENTIFICATION TAGS ------------------------ 80
TERM,RING,22-16 GA,#8 STUD ---------------------- 36 VALVE TAGS & AIR RESERVOIR GROUP -- 80, 81
TERM,RING,22-16GA,#10 STUD ---------------------- 78 VERT SUPPORT WLDMT,LH -------------------------- 26
TERM,SEALED CONN,16-14 GA,FEM ------------- 88 VERT SUPPORT WLDMT,RH ------------------------- 26
TERM,SOCKET,METRI PACK,150 S ---------------- 36 VLV ASSY,TANK 4 --------------------------------------- 12
TERM,SOLDER SPLICE,20-10 AWG ---------------- 52 VLV WLDMT,TANK,4 ------------------------------------- 14
TERM,SOLDER SPLICE,22-14 AWG ---------------- 52 VLV,AIR,SOL,2 POS/4 WAY,.12 ----------- 44, 46, 48
TERM,SPARK PLUG,.90 -------------------------------- 52 VLV,AIR,SOL,2POS,5PORT,.02 ----------------------- 12
THERM,ARMORED,PENCIL,100-600 F ------------- 72 VLV,BALL,08 NPT,T HANDLE --------------------- 6, 89
THERM,DIAL,5.0 FACE,500F -------------------------- 72 VLV,BALL,1.00,BRONZE ---------------------------------- 6
THERMOMETER GROUP ------------------------------ 72 VLV,BALL,12 NPT ---------------------------------------- 18
THERMOMETER GROUPS ---------------------- 72, 73 VLV,CHECK ------------------------------------------------ 42
THREADLOCKER,HIGH TEMP 272 -------------------- 4 VLV,CHECK,08 NPT,SWING --------------------------- 89
TIE ROD END,LH W/NUT & COTTER --------------- 26 VLV,DRAIN .25 --------------------------------------------- 89
TIE ROD END,RH W/NUT & COTTER --------------- 26 VLV,DRAIN COCK,.25 ----------------------------------- 80
TIE ROD WLDMT ------------------------------------------ 26 VLV,GATE,3.00,FLANGED ----------------------------- 10
TIE WRAP,.094X4.00 ------------------------------------- 32 VLV,LPG,RELIEF,04 NPT,450 PSI -------------- 50, 54
TIE WRAP,.188X11.00 ----------------------------- 20, 22 VLV,NEEDLE,04 FEMALE,NPT ------------ 42, 50, 91
TIE WRAP,.188X7.5 -------------------------------------- 78 VLV,PILOT -------------------------------------------------- 91
TOOLBOX ASSEMBLY --------------------------------- 87 VLV,PLUG,04MPX04FP --------------------------------- 78
TOOLBOX WLDMT,W/CONTROL BOX -------------- 87 VLV,PLUG,3.00 2-WAY,MODIFIED --------------------- 6
TOP OPENING COVER ---------------------------------- 64 VLV,PLUG,3.00 3-WAY,MODIFIED --------------------- 6
TOP OPENING COVER GASKET -------------------- 64 W
TOP OPENING COVER KNOB ------------------------ 64
TOP OPENING COVER LATCH ------------------------ 64 W/M, LOAD & TRANSFER SUPPORT -------------- 10
TOP OPENING COVER RETAINER ------------------ 64 W/M,INSIDE SUCTION PIPE -------------------------- 92
TOP OPENING SCREEN ASSEMBLY -------------- 64 WAND,HANDSPRAY ------------------------------------ 18
TORCH,PORTABLE,LPG ------------------------------- 91 WASH DOWN SYSTEM, FENDER CONTROLS ------
TRANSFER LINE PIPING ------------------------ 10, 11 78, 79
TRANSFER LINE SUPPORT BRACKET ------------ 10 WASHER --------------------------------------------------- 40
TRANSFER LINE,LOWER,GROUND LEVEL ------- 10 WASHER, SPLIT LOCK, .250 ------------------------- 24
TRANSFER LINE,UPPER,GROUND LEVEL ------ 10 WASHER, TYPE A, PLAIN, .500 ---------------------- 24
TRUCK MOUNTING, SINGLE -------------------------- 68 WASHER, TYPE A PLAIN, .625 ----------------------- 68
TUBE ASSY,HYDRAULICS,MAX II ------------- 20, 22 WASHER, TYPE A PLAIN,.312 ----------------------- 70
TUBE W/M,ANGULAR BRACE ----------------------- 74 WASHER, WEATHER SEAL,#10 --------------------- 24
TUBE W/M,CLEVIS -------------------------------------- 74 WASHER,CURVED SPRING,.462 ID ---------------- 38
TUBE W/M,LIFT ------------------------------------------- 74 WASHER,FLAT,5/16 ------------------------------------- 91
TUBE W/M,POINTER ------------------------------------ 74 WASHER,SAE PLAIN,.312 ---------------------- 42, 46
TUBE,BUTYL,GLASS SETTING ---------------------- 58 WASHER,SAE PLAIN,.500 ------------------------------ 4
WASHER,SAE PLAIN,1.000 ---------------- 40, 46, 48
U WASHER,SAE,HARDENED,.375 -------------------- 82
WASHER,SAE,HARDENED,.750 -------------------- 74
U-BOLT,.375-16,3.62IW,4.62IL ------------------------- 10 WASHER,SPLIT LOCK,#10 ---------------------- 42, 52
WASHER,SPLIT LOCK,#8 ----------------------- 78, 88
W (cont.) W (cont.)
WASHER,SPLIT LOCK,.250 ---- 30, 44, 46, 48, 88 WIRE,18 GA,PURPLE ----------------------------------- 12
WASHER,SPLIT LOCK,.312 -- 4, 12, 24, 42, 46, 48 WIRE,18 GA,RED ----------------- 12, 36, 46, 48, 78
WASHER,SPLIT LOCK,.375 ------------- 2, 6, 10, 12, WIRE,18 GA,RED/BLACK STRIPE ------------------ 36
14, 16, 22, 62, 68, 80, 89 WIRE,18 GA,WHITE -------------------------------------- 36
WASHER,SPLIT LOCK,.500 ----------------- 4, 12, 80 WIRE,18 GA,WHITE/BLACK STRIPE --------------- 36
WASHER,SPLIT LOCK,.625 ------------- 2, 6, 16, 26 WIRE,18 GA,YELLOW ----------------------- 36, 48, 78
WASHER,SPLIT LOCK,.750 -------------------- 2, 6, 88 WIRE,MECHANICS,18GA ------------------------------ 22
WASHER,TYPE A PLAIN,#10 ------------------- 42, 78 WOOD, OAK, 1.5 X 3.00 X 16 FT ---------------------- 68
WASHER,TYPE A PLAIN,#8 --------------------------- 88
WASHER,TYPE A PLAIN,.250 ------ 28, 30, 32, 42,
44, 46, 48
WASHER,TYPE A PLAIN,.312 -------- 4, 12, 24, 48,
50, 52, 66, 70, 78, 88
WASHER,TYPE A PLAIN,.375 ------ 10, 12, 16, 22,
40, 50, 60, 62, 68, 80, 87, 88, 89
WASHER,TYPE A PLAIN,.500 ------------ 12, 22, 24,
74, 87, 90
WASHER,TYPE A PLAIN,.625 ------ 2, 4, 6, 16, 74
WASHER,TYPE A PLAIN,.750 --------------- 6, 26, 88
WASHER,TYPE A PLAIN,1.000 ----------------------- 28
WASHER,TYPE B PLAIN,.438,NAR ----------------- 38
WELD PLATE ---------------------------------------- 20, 22
WELDMENT-LOAD LINE,MODIFIED ------------------- 6
WING FOLD ASSEMBLY -------------- 28, 29, 30, 31
WING NUT, 1/2-13 ---------------------------------------- 74
WIRE, 18 GA, BROWN ---------------------------------- 72
WIRE, 18 GA, YELLOW --------------------------------- 72
WIRE HARNESS ------------------------------------------ 88
WIRE HARNESS COMMON BOX --------------------- 92
WIRE HARNESS,12 WIRE,MAX II ------------------- 42
WIRE HARNESS,DIST LIGHTING,135 --------------- 92
WIRE HARNESS,DIST LIGHTING,173 --------------- 92
WIRE HARNESS,J-2,MAX II,W/RCPT --------------- 88
WIRE,14 GA,RED ---------------------------------------- 78
WIRE,14 GA,YELLOW ---------------------------------- 78
WIRE,16 GA,BLACK ------------------------------------- 52
WIRE,16 GA,BLUE --------------------------------- 50, 52
WIRE,16 GA,BROWN ----------------------------------- 52
WIRE,16 GA,ORANGE ---------------------------------- 52
WIRE,16 GA,RED ---------------------------------------- 52
WIRE,18 GA,BLACK -------------------------- 12, 36, 78
WIRE,18 GA,BLUE ---------------------------- 36, 46, 48
WIRE,18 GA,BROWN ----------------------------------- 36
WIRE,18 GA,GRAY -------------------------------------- 36
WIRE,18 GA,GREEN ------------------------------------ 12
WIRE,18 GA,GREEN/WHITE STRIPE -------------- 36
WIRE,18 GA,ORANGE ----------------------- 12, 36, 78
WIRE,18 GA,PINK ---------------------------------------- 36