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Trêng thcs Nga Thuy §Ò thi chän ®éi tuyÓn- §Ò 1

Häc sinh giái m«n tiÕng anh lop 9- vong 2

N¨m häc 2008-2009- 120 phut
I.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the othe
1. A. rose B. disclose C. chosen D. whose
2. A. ocean B. decision C. cushion D. patient
3. A. though B. laugh C. cough D. rough
4. A. one B. follow C. horror D. across
5. A. myth B. truth C. both D. northern
II. Choose the best answer from A,B, C or D:
1. Thank you very much for that! - Well, ............
A. you're welcome B. of course C. thank you D. I don't mind
2. It's no use..........children.......... quiet. They are always noisy.
A. to ask / to keep B. asking /keeping C. to ask / keeping D. asking /to keep
3. We finally................. our teacher to go on a camping trip with us
A. persuaded B. argued C. pleased D. liked
4. Who’s responsible for..............ink over my book.
A. putting B. spreading C. spilling D. pouring
5. Linda was the last person...... the classroom yesterday
A. leave B. to leave C. left D. leaves
6. If it's raining tomorrow, we shall have to ......... the match till Sunday.
A. put away B. put out in C. put off D. put on
7. Peter will only pass his exams if there is a/ an …………in his class work.
A. progress B. increase C. rise D. improvement.
8. The noise .................. from the boat engine might disturb sea animals.
A. comes B. coming C. came D. has come
III Rewrite the following sentences so that they have the same meanings:
1. I should like someone to take me out to dinner.
What I should ………………………………………………………….
2. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life.
Martin’s poor ……………………………………………………….
3.They’ll have to take the dog on holiday with them.
They can’t leave …………………………………………………..
4.My aunt got heavily stressed because her marriage broke up.
The break-up of the marriage .................…………………………
5. I can’t believe that he passed the exam.
I find……………………. ……………..........................................
6. This is the fastest way to get to the city center.
There ……………………………………..........................................………
7.If anyone succeeds in solving the problems, it will probably be him.
He is the most …………………………………………………………
IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer from A,B, C or D:
I had feared that my companion would talk, but it was soon plain (rõ ràng) that there
was no such danger. Two days passed during which we did not exchange a single word. He
seemed, indeed, absolutely unaware of my presence. He neither read nor wrote, but spent
most of his time sitting at the table and looking out of the window across the pleasant
parkland that surrounded the house. He sometimes talked to himself and said things half
under his breath. He bit his nails and once he produced a penknife and dug holes in the
furniture until one of the attendants (nhân viên) took it from him. I thought at first that
perhaps he was mentally ill. During the second day I even began to feel a little nervous of
him. He was extremely large, both broad and tall, with very wide shoulders and enormous
hands. His huge head was usually sunk low between his shoulders. He had dark, rather
untidy hair and a big shapeless mouth which open very now and then. Once or twice he
began singing to himself, but broke off abruptly (bất ngờ) on each occasion - and this was
the nearest he seemed to get to noticing my presence.
By the evening of the second day I was completely unable to go on with my work.
Out of a mixture of nervousness and curiosity, I sat, too looking out of my window and
blowing my nose, and wondering how to set about establishing the human contact which
was by now becoming an absolute necessity. It ended of with my asking him for his name.
He had been introduced to me when he arrived, but I had paid
no attention then. He turned towards me a very gently pair of dark eyes and said his name:
Huge Belfounder. He added:" I thought you didn't want to talk." I said that I was not at all
against talking, that I had just been rather busy with something when he arrived, and I
begged his pardon if I had appeared rude.
It seemed to me, even from the way he spoke, that he was not only mentally ill, but
was highly intelligent; and I began, almost automatically, to pack up my papers. I knew
that from now on I should do no more work. I was sharing a room with a person of the
greatest fascination.

1. How did Huge spend the first two days? 3. Huge didn't talk to the writer at first
A. He worked as if the writer was not there. because
B. He talked and sang to himself from time A. he didn't realise the writer wished
to time. to.
C. He spent his time making holes in the B. he thought the writer was rude.
furniture. C. he was feeling ill.
D. He kept annoying the attendants. D. he was too busy.
2. On the second evening the writer 4. The writer's attitude to Huge changed
A. tried in vain to start a conversation. from
B. was feeling bored. A. fear to nervousness.
C. began to fell frightened of his B. nervousness to interest.
companion. C. curiosity to nervousness.
D. could not concentrate on his work. D. nervousness to unfriendliness.

V. Read the passage and put one suitable word into each gap:

People usually complain that they never have enough time to accomplish tasks. The hours
(1) ................ seem to slip away before many planned chores get done.
(2) .................... to time management experts, the main reason for this is that most people
fail to set priorities about what to do (3) ................. They get tied down by trivial; time-
consuming matters and never complete the important ones.
One simple solution often used by those at the top (4) ................. to keep lists of
tasks to be accomplished daily. These lists order jobs from most essential to (5) .................
essential and are checked regularly through the day to access progress. Not only is this an
effective way to imagine time, but also it serves to give individuals a much-deserved sense
(6) .................. satisfaction over their achievements. People (7) ................. do not keep
lists often face the end of the work with uncertainty over the significance of their
accomplishments, which over time can contribute to serious problems in mental and
(8) .................. health.
VI Use the following sets of words or phrases to write complete sentences .
Dear Jan ,
1. not seen you / long time
2. we / pleased / move / country / because / we / fed / London.

3. in / city / traffic / noise / no time / relax.

4. in / country / life / slower / more/ peaceful
5. children / enjoy / fresh air / make /new friends
6. people / helpful / kind / friendly /
7. but /we/ do / miss /friends /London / - especially you
8. come / see / soon .
9. we / look / see / again .

Milly , Bob , Tim and Teresa .

VII. Every sentence has one mistake. Correct these nine mistakes:

1. ..................... Thirteen-year-olds not spend as much money as their parents

.... suspect - at least not according to the findings of a recent survey,
Money and Charge.
2. .....................
.... The survey included three hundred teenagers, 13-17 years old,
from all over British.
By the time they reach their teens, most children see its weekly
3. ..................... allowance rise dramatically to an amazing national average of
... ₤5.14.

4. ..................... Two thirds think they get enough money, but most expect doing
... something to get it.
Although they have more cash, worry about debt is increasing
5. ..................... between teenagers.

6. ..................... Therefore, the majority of children do an effort to save for the

.... future.
Greater access to cash among teenagers does not, however, mean
7. ..................... that they are more irresponsible as result.
The economic recession seems to have encouraged cautious
8. ..................... attitudes to money, even in the case of children in these ages.
Instead of wasting what pocket money they have on sweets or
magazines, the 13-year-olds took part in the survey seem to
9. ..................... respond to the situation by saving more than half of their cash.
VIII. Fill in each gap in the sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters:

1. Alice had a ……………..… day at work and went to bed early. ( TIRE )
2. Food and clothing are ................................................ of life ( NECESSARY )
3. His dream is to be an ...............................like his father when he grows up. (economy)
4. Japan is an ………………………country. (industry)
5. She can find no ................................................ to her financial troubles. ( SOLVE )
6. The instructions are very................................ I am not clear what I should do.( confuse)
7. The large dog is perfectly …………….........and he has never been known to attack
anyone. (harm)
8. The party is …….…………, so you don’t have to dress up for it. ( FORM )
9. Travelling in big cities is becoming more ………….....…… everyday. ( TROUBLE )
10.We should learn all the new words by heart in order to ……..…… our vocabulary.

§¸p ¸n ®Ò thi sè 1
I.1 m x 5 = 5 M.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. What I should like is being/ to be taken out to dinner.
2. Martin’s poor health doesn’t / can’t prevent / stop him ( from ) enjoying life.
3. They can’t leave their dog behind when they go/are on holiday.
4. The break-up of the marriage made my aunt heavily stressed.
5. I find it hard to believe that he passed the exam.
6. There’s no faster way than this to get to the city center.
7. He is the most likely person to succeed in solving the problems.
1 2 3 4
VI 1. We haven't seen you for such a long time .
2. We're really pleased that we moved to the country because we were getting so fed up
with living in London.
3. In the city there was so much traffic and noise and there was no time to relax.
4. Here in the country, life is slower and much more peaceful.
5. The children are enjoying the fresh air and have made a lot of new friends.
6. The people here are helpful kind and ever so friendly.
7. But we do miss all our friends in London, especially you, Jan.
8. Do come and see us soon.
9. We're all looking forward to seeing you again.
1. DO NOT spend 5. .between - 8. .in these..- AT
2. British - AMONG these ..
Britain 6. do- MAKE an 9.took part - WHO
3. its -their effort took part
4. expect TO do 7. result - A
VIII. 2( NECESSities) 4. (industrial) 7. (harmless) 9.TROUBLEsome )
5. ( SOLution ) 8(infORMal ) 1. (enrich)
3. (economist) 6.( confusing) 10 ( Tiring )
Trêng THCS Nga Thuû Kỳ thi học sinh giỏi năm học 2008 - 2009 -§Ò 2
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)
Họ và tên: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trường . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I. Which word is stressed differently from the others? (0,5m)
1. A. picnic B. fishing C. arrive
D. movie
2. A. tomorrow B. badminton C. aerobic
D. usually
3. A. frequently B. gymnastic C. adjective
D. difference
4. A. activity B. destination C. independent D.
5. A. recycle B. potato C. collection
D. dangerous
II. Which underlined part is pronounced differently? (0,5m)
6. A. drop B. joke C. top
D. confidence
7. A. ground B. found C. though
D. sound
8. A. normal B. order C. oven
D. origin
9. A. honesty B. hair C. honor
D. hour
10. A. sugar B. steam C. press D.
I) Choose and circle the word (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence (3ms)
1. Hurry up, there’s …… time left.
A. a little B. a few C. little
D. few
2. For lunch, you may have _________ fish or chicken.
A. both B. neither C. not only D.
3. The clerk said she was tired …… hearing complaints day after day.
A. with B. of C. about D. for
4. You and I are busy right now, ……?
A. aren’t I B. aren’t we C. we aren’t D. aren’t you
5. We arrived …… to have some coffee before class.
A. enough early B. early enough C. too early D. early too
6. “What are you doing?”
“I …… the flowers. They …… wonderful!”
A. am smelling / smell B. smell / smell
C. am smelling / are smelling D. smell / are smelling
7. Do you know _________ ?
A. who how many people go on Sundays to church
B. who go to church on Sundays how many people
C. how many people who go on Sundays to church
D. how many people who go to church on Sundays
8. We watch the cat ________ the tree.
A. climbed B. climb C. had climbed D. was
9. If we had known your new address, we ________ to see you.
A. came B. will come C. would come D. would have
10. He looked forward to ________ his first pay packet.
A. receive B. have received C. be receiving D.
11. “Let’s go dancing, _________?” – “Yes, let’s.”
A. won’t we B. don’t we C. do we D. shall
12. I wish I _________ all about this matter a week ago.
A. knew B. know C. had known
D. B & C are correct.
13. He was _________ he could not wake up.
A. very tired that B. such tired that C. too tired that D. so tired that
14. Joan asked _________.
A. if there was coffee B. there was coffee
C. was there coffee D. where was the coffee
15. I ____ my house ____. That is why there is all this mess.
A. had – paint B. have – paint C. am having – painted D. had had - paint
16. He was made _________ for two hours.
A. to wait B. wait C. waiting
D. waited
17. “Where are my jeans?” “They _________ at the moment. Sorry.”
A. are washing B. were washed C. are washed D. are being
18. It took weeks to get used to …… someone else around.
A. have B. having C. had D. has
19…… he comes in half an hour, I shall go alone.
A. If B. Unless C. Because D. When
“Did you like the new French movie?”
“My wife liked it but I was a little …….”
A. boring B. bored C. boredom D. bore
20. I want to have my suit …… . I’m going to a wedding on Saturday.
A. cleaned B. cleaning C. clean D. to clean
21. He turned …… the light so as not to waste electricity.
A. off B. of C. on D. down
22. My father tells me to give …… smoking.
A. up B. off C. of D. out
23. Anne smokes a lot. …… .
A. So her mother does B. So does her mother
C. Does her mother too D. Too her mother does
24. I haven’t seen Jenny …… .
A. for a long time B. in the last time C. since long D. lastly
25. Are these the books …… you have been looking for?
A. which B. who C. whom
D. whose
26. Keiko has $100. Betty has $75. Betty has less money than Keiko.
A. more money than B. not as much money as
C. the same money as D. a lot of money
27. Have you fed the chickens yet?
In the passive voice, this should read:
A. Has somebody fed the chickens yet?
B. Have the chickens fed yet?
C. Have the chickens been fed yet?
D. Have you had the chickens fed yet?
28. nice surprise / receive / your letter.
A. to receive your letter it is a nice surprise.
B. Receiving your letter it is a nice surprise.
C. It is a nice surprise to receive your letter.
D. It is a nice surprise when receiving your letter.
29. I / school / five days / week / favorite subjects / Math / English.
A. Despite I go to school five days a week and my favorite subjects are Math and English
B. I go to school five days a week and my favorite subjects are Math and English.
C. I go to school five days in a week so that my favorite subjects are Math and English.
D. I go to school five days a week with my favorite subjects are Math and English .
30. There / more visitors / March / April
A. There were more visitors in March than in April.
B. There were more than visitors in March and in April.
C. There were as many as visitors in March and in April.
D. There were visitors in March more than in April.
II. Identify and circle one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect. (2,5ms)
1. They asked a lot of questions, checked their figures, and came up with a best
2. We will be interviewed all job applicants as soon as their papers have been
3. This telephone isn’t as cheap the other one, but it works much better.
4. That secretary of mine is so efficient that she always amazes myself with her
5. Most students were able of finding good jobs three to six months after
6. We were made learning fifty new words every week.
7. Both cattle or railroads helped build the city of Chicago.
8. Mrs. Adams was surprise that her son and his friend had gone to the
mountains to ski.
9. The letter was sent by special delivery must be important.
10. Suzy had better to change her study habits if she hopes to be admitted to a
good university.
I) Use the correct word form: (3ms)
1) My new car is more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . than the one I had before. (economy)
2) He didn't feel happy because he worked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(success)
3) My colleagues are very pleasant, but the manager is a little. . . . . . . . . . . . (friend)
4) We must make a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .about where to go. (decide)
5) Lucy got . . . . . . . . quickly and went for work. (dress)
6) We all looked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . after the summer holiday. (health)
7) The children are more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in cartoons. (interest)
8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., the weather was so bad that we couldn’t go out. (fortune)
9) I hope there won’t be too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in getting a work permit. (difficult)
10) That . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has composed a lot of beautiful songs. (music)
II) Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the sentences printed before it (2,5ms)
1) We arrived too late to see the first film.
 We didn’t ...............................................................................................................
2) “Would you mind not smoking in here?”
 I’d rather ................................................................................................................
3) He wrote the letter in two hours.
 It took ....................................................................................................................
4) “Why don’t we go out for a walk?”
My father suggested ...................................................................................................
5) In spite of his age, Mr. Benson runs 8 miles before breakfast.
 Though ...................................................................................................................
III) Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first
sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. (2,5ms)
1) It would be difficult for me to finish the work by the weekend. (difficulty)
 ................................................................................................................................
2) Be sure to say goodbye to your grandmother before you leave. (without)
(Be sure not to leave without saying goodbye to your grandmother)
 ................................................................................................................................
3) If I don’t leave now, I’ll miss the train. (unless)
 ................................................................................................................................
4) You know a lot of people. (seem)
 ................................................................................................................................
5) Tan looks nothing like his father. (take)
 ................................................................................................................................

I) Read the following passage and then choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best
completes each blank. (3ms)
“My home is in the air – I do an enormous amount of traveling. It is a fast life and
(1) ______ of work, but I like it and that is the only way (2) ______ me. Everything is
tiring – music, traveling – but what can I do? I am not (3) ______ to complaining. It is hard
to imagine now (4) ______ I will ever be very long in one place. My home town is on the
Caspian Sea. There is sea, wind, sun and (5) ______ (many tourists and hotels. I have my
own flat with four or five rooms, but I am seldom there. If I am there for a day or two I
prefer to (6) ______ with my mother and grandmother. They live in a small house, (7)
______ it is very comfortable and my mother cooks for me. I like good, simple food.
I have no wife, no brothers or sisters and my father (8)______ when I was seven. He
was an engineer and I don’t (9)______ him very well. He liked music very much and
wanted me to (10) ______ a musician.”
1. A. most B. full C. complete D. more
2. A. for B. to C. in
D. by
3. A. wanted B. taken C. used
D. known
4. A. and B. so C. while
D. that
5. A. far B. too C. much
D. more
6. A. stay B. go C. do
D. spend
7. A. but B. since C. even
D. which
8. A. killed B. gone C. passed
D. died
9. A. know B. remember C. remind
D. see
10. A. become B. turn C. develop D. grow
II) Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer: (2,5ms)
In the early years of television, educational specialists believed that it would
be very useful in teaching and learning. Many schools have brought television sets,
intending to use them effectively to improve the quality of education; but actually they are
rarely used properly in classrooms. Meanwhile, children spending the majority of their out-
of-school hours watching TV and their typical school days proceed as if television did not
There are some explanations for the failure of television to get the interest of
the teachers. Firstly, the schools that purchased television sets have not set aside money for
equipment repairs and maintenance so these television sets are sooner and later out of
work. Secondly these schools have not found an effective way to train teachers to integrate
television into their ongoing instructional programs. Lastly, most teachers do not regard the
quality of television and its usefulness in the classroom.
Teachers at the schools work hard for at least twelve years to train their
students to become good readers. However, according a recent statistics, teenagers seldom
spend their free time reading books and newspapers but watching television instead.

1) The text is about:
A. the use of television at schools. B. teaching and learning television
C. educational specialists. D. watching TV outside school.
2) When TV first appeared, educational specialists . . . . . . . .
A. did not appreciate it.
B. did not appreciate it.
C. believed it would be useful for schooling.
D. banned children from watching TV.
3) According to the text, TV . . . . . . . . .
A. has not been used properly in classrooms.
B. has been used effectively in classrooms.
C. has not existed in classrooms.
D. has not attracted students’ interest.
4) There are . . . . . . . . . explanations for the failure of television to get the interest of the
A. two B. three C. four D. five
5) Children spend their free time . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. reading books B. reading newspapers.
C. learning foreign languages D. watching TV.

-----THE END-----



I) mỗi câu đúng 0,1đ
1C 2A 3B 4A 5D
II) mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ
6D 7C 8C 9B 10A


I) mỗi câu đúng 0,1đ
1C 2D 3B 4B 5B 6A 7D
8B 9D 10D
11D 12C 13D 14A 15C 16A 17D 18B 19B 20A
21A 22A 23B 24A 25A 26B 27C 28C 29B 30A
II) mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ
1D 2A 3A 4C 5C 6C 7B
8A 9A 10B

I) mỗi câu đúng 0,3đ
1-economical 2-unsuccessfully 3-friendly 4-
5-dressed 6-healthy 7-interested 8-
9- difficulty 10-musician
II) mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ
1) We didn’t arrive early enough to see the first film.
2) I’d rather you didn’t smoke in here
3) It took him 2 hours to write the letter.
4) My father suggested we should go out for a while.
going out for a while.
5) Though Mr.Benson is old, He runs 8 miles before breakfast.
III) mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ:
1) I would have difficulty in finishing the work by the weekend.
2) Be sure not to leave without saying goodbye to your grandmother.
3) I’ll miss the train unless I leave now.
4) You seem to know a lot of people.
5) Tan doesn’t take after his father at all.

I) mỗi câu đúng 0,3đ:
1B 2A 3C 4D 5B 6A 7A
8D 9B 10A

II) mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ

1A 2C 3A 4B 5D


§Ò thi Häc Sinh Giái cÊp HuyÖn n¨m häc 2008-2009-§Ò 3

M«n thi : TiÕng Anh Líp 9
Thêi gian lµm bµi: 150 phót

Bµi I : T×m tõ cã c¸ch ®äc kh¸c ë phÇn g¹ch ch©n. (1,5 ®iÓm)
1/ a; coughed b; laughed c; mapped d; wicked
2/ a; chemist b; check c; child d; cheer
3/ a; don’t b; bone c; sold d; comic
4/ a; love b; cover c; color d; over
5/ a; bought b; thought c; through d; ought
6/ a; addition b; adventure c; advertise d; advantage
7/ a; manage b; age c; mileage d; rouge
8/ a; worth b; eighteenth c; path d; with
9/ a; common b; comma c; commerce d; comb
10/ a; fame b; change c; champagne d; blame
1/ …………… 2/ …………….. 3/ ……………… 4/ ……………. 5/ ……………
6/ …………… 7/ …………….. 8/ ……………… 9/ ……………. 10/ …………..

Bµi II : Chia ®éng tõ. (3 ®iÓm)

a/ I was tired when I got home. I (1. work) all day.
b/ I (2. arrive) in England in the middle of July. I (3. be told) that England (4. be) shrouded in
fog all year round, so I (5. be) surprised to find that it was merely raining.
c/ I (6. ask) another passenger, an Englishman, about the fog and he (7. say) that there (8.not
be) any since previous February.

d/ John and I went for a walk. I (9. have) trouble (10. keep) up with him because he (11.walk)
so fast
e/ By next June John (12. particpate) in four Olympics.
f/ I want to get married, but I (13. not meet) the right person yet.
g/ He had clearly been listening to our conversation and I (14. wonder) how much he
(15.hear). When I (16. ask) him what he (17. do), he (18. say) that he (19. drop) a 50 piece
uotside the door and (20. look) for it.
1/ …………………. 2/ ………………… 3/ …………………. 4/ …………….….
5/ …………………. 6/ ………………… 7/ …………………. 8/ ………………..
9/ ………………. 10/ ……………….. 11/ ………………... 12/ ………………
13/ ………………... 14/ ……………….. 15/ ………………... 16/ ………………
17/ ………………... 18/ ……………….. 19/ ………………... 20/ ………………

Bµi III : §iÒn giíi tõ . (1,5 ®iÓm)

a/ What do you think is the best solution ……(1) the problem?
b/ There has been a big increase ………(2) the price ………..(3) land recently.
c/ Paula is a wonderful photographer. She likes taking pictures ……..(4) people.
d/ Mr Pike is away ………..(5) vacation this week
e/ My friend and I disagreed …………(6) that subject.
f/ Chidren rely ………..(7) their parents …………(8) food and shelter.
g/ We wear sunglasses to protect our eyes ………..(9) the sun.
h/ Children’s play teaches them ………(10) their environment while they are having fun.
1/ …………….. 2/ …………….. 3/ …………….. 4/ ……………. 5/ ……………
6/ …………….. 7/ …………….. 8/ …………….. 9/ ……………. 10/ …………..
Bµi IV : Cho d¹ng ®óng cña tõ trong ngoÆc. (2 ®iÓm)
a/ You need to (1. rich) your vocabulary everyday. It’s good way to (2.broad) your (3. know)
b/ This (4. pass) is too difficult for me to understand.
c/ What are you doing this afternoon ? I think I’ll do some (5. garden).
d/ Their (6. marry) would (7. probable) break down soon as their (8. argue) gradually
e/ I feel (9. hope) that we’ll find a (10. suit) house soon.
f/ Whenever the (11. rain) season comes, there’s always a thick (12. grow) of weeds in the
g/ The city provides many (13. culture) opportunities. It has an excellent art musuem. (14.
Add), it has a fine symphony orchestra.
h/ Many (15. fame) people did not enjoy immediate (16. succeed) in their lives. Abraham
Lincoln, one of the (17. true) great presidents of the USA ran for public office 26 times and
lost 33 of the elections. Thomas Edison, the (18 invent) of the light bulb and phonograph, was
believed by his teacher to be too stupil to learn. Albert Eistein, one of the greatest (19.
science) of all time performed badly in most of high school coures and failed his college (20.
enter) exam.
1/ ………..…… 2/ ……….….… 3/ ………………. 4/ … …….…… 5/ ……………
6/ ………………7/ .…………… 8/ ……………… 9/ ………… …. 10/ ……………
11/ ………..……12/ ……….…. 13/ ……………… 14/ ……….…… 15/ ……………
16/ …………… 17/ .………… 18/ ……………… 19/ ……………. 20/ ……………

Bµi V : ViÕt l¹i c©u nghÜa kh«ng ®æi. (2,5 ®iÓm)
1/ He said he was not guilty of stealing the car.
He denied ……………………………………………..…………..
2/ Is this the only way to reach the city centre?
Isn’t there ………………………………………………………………… .?
3/ He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
At no time ………………………………………………………………… ..
4/ It’s my opinion that you should take more exersise.
If I………………………………………………………… .………………..
5/ I was going to leave, but because of what he said, I didn’t.
She persuaded ……………………………………………………………….
6/ He was very sorry that he didn’t see Andrey on her trip to London.
He greatly regretted………………………………………………………… ..
7/ It’s thought that the accident was caused by human error.
The accident is …………………………………………..…………………
8/ “Will you be visiting the Taj Mahal when you go to India?” he asked Elizabeth.
He asked ……………………………………………………………………
9/ “Ithink you should try the chicken Marengo,” said the waiter.
The waiter recommended …………………………………………………..
10/ This is the most delicious cake I have ever tasted.
I have ………………………………………………………………………… ...….

Bµi VI : Chän mét tõ thÝch hîp ®iÒn vµo chç trèng trong ®o¹n v¨n sau. (2 ®iÓm)
advantages bother dangerous destroy fascinated disavantages
generation interested mechanical nuclear research kinds
People are ………(1) by robots. Some of them look like ………..(2) dolls to play with.
Most of them look like other machines of today’s hight technology. Serious ………..(3) on
intelligent robots began in the 1965 in several countries. Now we are on the fifth ……..(4) of
robots. One of the ……….(5) of robots is that they can work in situations that are …..…(6) or
harmful for human workers. For example, the continuos smell of paint has a harmful effect
on painters, but it doesn’t ……….(7) a robot. Robots can work in ………(8) power plants and
in undersea research stations that might be dangerous for humans.
1/ ……………… 2/ ……..……….. 3/ …..…………… 4/ ……….………….
5/ ……………… 6/ ……………… 7/ …….………… 8/ ……………………

Bµi VII : T×m 10 lçi sai trong ®o¹n v¨n sau råi söa l¹i cho ®óng. (2 ®iÓm)
Air pollution is a cause of ill- health in human being. In a lot of countries there have laws
limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce. Despite there isn’t enough
information on the effects of smoke in asmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution
causes lung diseases. The gases from the exhausts of cars have also increasing air pollution in
most cities. The lead in petrol products a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets
surrounding by high buildings. Children who live in areas that there is a lot of lead in the
asmosphere cannot think as quick as other children and are clumsy when they use them
hands. Ther are other long-term affects of pollution. If the gases in the asmosphere continue
to increase, the earth’s climate may become warmest. A lot of the ice near the Poles may melt
and may cause serious floods.
1/ ………………………………………… 2/ ……………………………………..
3/ ………………………………………… 4/ ……………………………………..
5/ ………………………………………… 6/ ……………………………………..
7/ ………………………………………… 8/ ……………………………………..
9/ ………………………………………… 10/ …………………………………….
Bµi VIII : S¾p xÕp nh÷ng tõ sau thµnh c©u, thªm dÊu phÈy(,) nÕu cÇn thiÕt . (2 ®iÓm)
1. who is / sent me / my father / to Ho Chi Minh City / on a business trip / this present / all
this week.
2. lend/ to be careful/ you/ I/ my motorbike/ promise/ unless/ you/ won’t.
3. parents/ my classmates/ just met/ the student/ one/ you/ whose/ is in / of .
4. likely/ have to/ a day/ it’s/ four hours / will that/ only/ people/ work.
5. take/ spare ticket/ if / I would / I had / a / to the concert/ you.
6. with you/ my ankle / I would/ I hadn’t / if / have / twisted / walk.
7. the book / you / for me/ taking/ would/ to the library/ mind / back?
8. spot/ the accident/ is / happened/ the axact/ this / where.
9. answering / again and again/ tired/ his /we/ of questions/ got.
10. students/ during/ suits/ this job/ who/ holidays/ to work/ want.
1/ …………………………………………………………………………………… .
2/ …………………………………………………………………………………… .
3/ …………………………………………………………………………………… .
4/ …………………………………………………………………………………… .
5/ …………………………………………………………………………………… .
6/ …………………………………………………………………………………… .
7/ …………………………………………………………………………………… .
8/ …………………………………………………………………………………… .
9/ …………………………………………………………………………………… .
10/ ………………………………..………………………………………………… .
Bµi IX : Chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng. (1,5 ®iÓm)
1/ Vietnam’s population …………. 80 million in 2004 .
a; reduced b; increased c; reached d; rose
2/ The air………….. the earth is becoming thinner.
a; surrounding b; rounding c; involving d; floating
3/ ………... energy is the enrgy that we get from the sun
a; wind b; tidal c; hydro d; solar
4/ The sun is many times ………… the earth.
a; bigger than b; bigger c; as big d; big as
5/ Mercury is the smallest among the planets …………. the sun.
a; of b; for c; with d; on
6/ ……………. a kind of everlasting energy, solar energy may be the sollution to our crisis
a; Because b; Since c; As d; With
7/ Students ………. universities may have many difficulties in finding good study method.
a; enter b; entering c; that enter d; who enter
8/ your house has ………… nice furniture.
a; such b; such a c; so d; towards
9/ …………. tired, I went to bad early.
a; To feel b; Felt c; Feeling d; Having
10/ You hardly ever believe him and …………………
a; so do I b; neither do I c; I do either d; I believe him
1/ …………… 2/ …………… 3/ …………… 4/ ……………… 5/ ……………...
6/ …………… 7/ …………… 8/ …………… 9/ ……………… 10/ ……………..

Bµi X : §äc ®o¹n v¨n ,dïng tõ gîi ý viÕt c©u hái råi tr¶ lêi theo néi dung . (2 ®iÓm)

UNICEF, the United Nation Children’s Fun, serve the children of the world. It serves
children of all races, nationalities, religions, and political systerm in more than 100
developing countries. Its purpose is to help provide a better life for children and their
mothers. It gives both long-term assistance and emergency help. This program is very
necessary. Today 800 million humans live in codition of poverty and hopelessness. Two-
thirds of them are children and mothers of small children. Four- fifths of these children have
no regular health services. Nine out of ten are not protected against childhood diseases. One
hundred millon do not have enough of the right foods. Most of the drink impure water.
Unsafe water is one of the reason millons of people die every year.
1/ UNICEF / serve/ children of all religions/ developing countries?
2/ What/ UNICEF’S purpose?
3/ How many people in the world todaylive/ poor and hopeless conditions?
4/ What / one of the reasons millonsof people die every year?
§¸p ¸n vµ biÓu ®iÓm-§Ò 3

BµiI: 10 x 0,15 = 1,5

1/ d 2/ a 3/ d 4/ d 5/ c
6/ c 7/ d 8/ d 9/ d 10/c

Bµi II: 20 x 0,15 = 3

1/ had been working 2/ arrived 3/ had been told 4/ was

5/ was 6/ asked 7/ said 8/ hadn’t been
9/ had 10/ keeping 11/ was walking 12/ will have participated
13/ haven’t met 14/ wondered 15/ had heard 16/ asked
17/ was doing (had been doing) 18/ said 19/ had dropped
20/ was looking (had been looking)

Bµi III: 10 x 0,15 = 1,5

1/ to 2/ in 3/ of 4/ of 5/ on 6/ about 7/ on 8/ for 9/ from 10/ about

Bµi IV: 20 x 0,1 = 2

1/ enrich 2/ broaden 3/ knowledge 4/ passage 5/ gardening

6/ marriage 7/ probably 8/ arguments 9/ hopeful 10/ suitable
11/ rainy 12/ growth 13/ cultural 14/ Additionally 15/ famous
16/ success 17/ truly 18/ inventor 19/ scientists 20/ entrance

Bµi V: 10 x 0,25 = 2,5
1/ He denied for stealing (having stolen) the car/ that he had stolen the car.
2/ Isn’t there (another way/ some other way/ any other way)(to/ to reach/ reaching) the city
3/ At no time did he suspect (that) the money had been stolen/ someone had stolen the
4/ If I were you, I’d take more exercise.
5/ She persuaded me not to leave.
6/ He greatly regretted not seeing Andrey on her trip to London.
7/ The accident is thought to have been caused by human error.
8/ He asked Elizabeth if she would be visiting the Taj Mahal when she went..
9/ The waiter recommended us to try/ that we should try …..
10/ I have never tasted such a dilicious cake

Bµi VI: 8 x 0,25 = 2

1/ fascinated 2/ mechanical 3/ research 4/ generation
5/ advantages 6/ dangerous 7/ bother 8/ nuclear

Bµi VII: 10 x 0,2 = 2

1/ have -> are 2/ Despite-> Although
3/ increasing-> increased 4/ products -> produces
5/ surrounding -> surrounded 6/ that -> where
7/ quick-> quickly 8/ them -> their
9/ affets-> effects 10/ warmest-> warmer

Bµi VIII: 10 x 0,2 = 2

1/ My father, who is on a business trip to HCM city all this week sent me this present.
2/ I won’t lend you my motorbike unless you promise to be careful.
3/ The student whose parents you just met is one of my classmates.
4/ It’s likely that people will have to work only fours hours a day.
5/ If I had a spare ticket, I would take you to the concert.
6/I would have walked with you if I hadn’t twisted my ankle.
7/ Would you mind taking the book back to the library for me.
8/ This is the axact spot where the accident happened.
9/ We got tired of answering his questions agin and again.
10/ The Job suits students who want to work during holiday.

Bµi IX: 10 x 0,15 = 1,5

1/ c 2/ a 3/ d 4/ a 5/ a 6/ d 7/ a 8/ a 9/ c 10/ a

Bµi X: 8 x 0,25 = 2
1/ Does UNICEF serve children of all religions in developing countries ?
Yes, it does
2/ What is UNICEF’S purpose?
Its purpose is to help provide a better life for children and their mothers.
3/ How many people in the world today live in poor and hopeless condition.
800 million people do
4/ What is one of the reason millions of people die every year.
They drink impure water / unsafe water.

®Ò thi häc sinh giái-§Ò 4
M«n Anh 9 - Thêi gian 60 phót
i. tr¾c nghiÖm (4 ®iÓm)
1. If Hoa ____ rich, she would travel around the world.
A. is B. was C. were D. been
2. Ba ____ a new bicycle recently.
A. bought B. buying C. buy D. has bought
3. Nam ____ speaks Chinese but also speaks Japanese.
A. not only B. so C. only D. can
4. It is raining very hard ____ we can't go camping.
A. so B. so that C. more overD. however
5. Miss Hoa ____ sing very well is Nam's mother.
A. which B. whom C. who D. where
6. Hung enjoys ____ fishing and boating.
A. to go B. go C. going D. went
7. She asked me where I ____ from.
A. come B. coming C. came D. to come
8. The Ao Dai is the traditional dress of ______ women.
A. Chinese B. Vietnamese C. Japanese D. English
9. She loves to watch the star ____ night.
A. in B. at C. on D. from
10. We must finish our project _____.
A. on time B. in time C. yesterday D. time

ii. Cho d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc (4 ®iÓm)

1. I (not/eat) any thing yesterday because I (not/feel) hungry.
2. The glasses look very clean. ____ you (wash) them ?
3. Why ____ Long (not/ want) to play soccer last sunday ?
4. I don't know Hung's sister. I (never/meet) her.
5. If more and more trees (die), the climate (change).
6. What she (do) if it rains ?
7. I like (play) soccer on sunday.
8. Hoa prefer (listen) to music to watching T.V.

iii. ViÕt l¹i c©u sau sao cho nghÜa kh«ng ®æi (4 ®iÓm)
1. They have found oil in the Antarctic.
Oil …………………………………………………………… ..
2. Some one gave Mary this present an hour ago.
3. They told me that our teacher was sick.
I ……………………………………………………………… ..
4. Lan has to stay in bed because she is sick.
She wishes ……………………………………………………
5. She went to school by bicycle.
6. Last week my class took a bus to the countryside.
Last week my class ……………………………………………
7. This bicycle is more expensive than that one.
That bicycle is ………………………………………………….
8. "How often do you want the rent?" Nam asked.
Nam asked her …………………………………………………
9 "Does the flat have central heating?".
She asked me ………………………………………………….
10. Has some one repaired this telephone ?
Has this telephone …………………………………………….?

iv. §iÒn giíi tõ vµo c¸c chç trèng (4 ®iÓm)

1. Mr Thanh leaves Ha Noi ___ 2 p.m.
2. He arrives in Singapore ___ Monday evening.
3. On tuesday morning, there is a meeting ___ 11 a.m and 1 p.m.
4. Mr Thanh has appointments ___ 10 p.m.
5. He returns to the hotel ___ 11 p.m.
6. We walk ___ half an hour to reach the waterfall.
7. They planned o have the trip ___ June.
8. She loves to watch the stars ___ night.
9. Good bye ! See you ___ Monday.
10. The bus collect us ___ the morning.

v. §äc ®o¹n v¨n sau. §iÒn vµo chç trèng b»ng nh÷ng tõ sau (4 ®iÓm)
newspaper radio T.V website program
magazines emails information chats news
There are four people in my family. Each of us has a different hobby. My dad likes
reading _(1)_ he can get the latest _(2)_ every morning. However my mom enjoys watching
_(3)_ and reading _(4)_. Mom often spends hours reading articles about fashion and cooking.
Unlike my mom and dad, my brother only loves exploring _(5)_ about airplanes. He spends
most of his freetime getting _(6)_ about the history and development of aircraft. He also
writes _(7)_ or _(8)_ with his friends about his hobby. For me, I am really interested in
listening to music. I love listening to music on the FM _(9)_ I also like music _(10)_ on T.V
on sundays. What about you ? What is your hobby ?

1) ___________________ 6)_____________________
2) ___________________ 7)_____________________
3) ___________________ 8)_____________________
4) ___________________ 9)_____________________
5) ___________________ 10_____________________

®¸p ¸n ®Ò thi häc sinh giái-§Ò 4

M«n Anh 9
i. tr¾c nghiÖm (4 ®iÓm)
Mçi ý ®óng 0,4 ®iÓm
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. C
6. C 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A
ii. Cho d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc (4 ®iÓm)
Mçi ®éng tõ ®óng 0,4 ®iÓm
1. didn't eat ……. didn't feel ………
2. Have you washed ………………?
3. Why didn't Long want ………….?
4. have never meet ………………..
5. die ………….will change ……….
6. what will she do …………………?
7. playing
8. listening
iii. ViÕt l¹i c©u sau sao cho nghÜa kh«ng ®æi (4 ®iÓm)
1. Oil have been found in the Antarctic.
2. Mary was given this present an hour ago.
3. I was told that our teacher was sick.
4. She wishes she weren't sick.
5. She rode a bike to school.
6. Last week my class went to the countryside by bus.
7. That bicycle isn't as expensive as this one.
8. Nam asked her how often she wants the rent.
9. She asked me if the flat had the central heating.
10. Has this telephone been repaired?
iv. §iÒn giíi tõ vµo c¸c chç trèng (4 ®iÓm)
1. at 2. on 3. between 4. at 5. at
6. for 7. in 8. at 9. on 10. in
v. §äc ®o¹n v¨n sau. §iÒn vµo chç trèng b»ng nh÷ng tõ sau (4 ®iÓm)
1. newspaper 2. news 3. T.V 4. magazines 5. website 6.
information 7. emails 8. chats 9. radio 10.program

§Ò thi häc sinh giái -N¨m häc :2008-2009 -§Ò 5

A. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others:
1. A. carol B. habit C. graze D. match
2. A. sound B. southern C. drought D. mountain
3. A. headache B. character C. stomach D. challenging
4. A. ploughs B. contacts C. stops D. talks
5. A. faced B. wicked C. fixed D. wrapped

B. Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from the others:
6. A. deposit B. festival C. institute D. resident
7. A. activity B. electricity C. simplicity D. pollution
8. A. achievement B. experiment C. explanation D. discovery
9. A. surprising B. astonishing C. amazing D. interesting
10. A. interview B. industry C. essential D. difficult


Choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the blank spaces:
1. Milk bottles can be _____________________after being cleaned.
A. recycled B. reused C. broken D. reduced
2. It was raining heavily __________________we arrived home.
A. while B. until C. because D. when
3. She asked me ____________________I liked eating chocolates.
A. if B. and C. that D. but
4. You look _____________________than last year.
A. much tall B. more tall C. much taller D. more taller
5. What ____________________advice she gave us !
A. so good B. such good C. a good D. good
6. My dog as well as my cats ____________________twice a day.
A. eat B. eats C. has eaten D. have eaten
7. When I came into the class, I realized I knew ______________________.
A. them all B. all them C. they all D. all of they
8. Do it right now, ___________________ ?
A. do you B. aren’t you C. will you D. don’t you
9. We ____________________for her for ten minutes.
A. wait B. waited C. are waiting D. have been waiting
10. His father is not interested in tennis and ____________________.
A. he doesn’t, either B. so doesn’t he
C. neither does he D. neither is he
11. The little girl wasted half an hour ___________________for her picture book.
A. look B. looking C. to look D. looked
12. ____________________does it take you to do the washing ?
A. How fast B. What time C. How long D. How often
13. Your hair is long. Are you going to _____________________ ?
A. have it cut B. have cut it C. be cutting it D. have it cutting
14. Would you like tea or coffee? – I ____________________drink tea than coffee.
A. would like B. would prefer C. would rather D. would wish
15. It is high time you ______________________more attentive in class.
A. are B. were C. must be D. have been
16. He was _____________________that we turned off the TV set immediately.
A. so bad singer B. such bad singer C. such bad a singer D. so bad a singer
17. I wish you _______________________that! It’s really annoying habit.
A. won’t do B. couldn’t do C. wouldn’t do D. don’t do
18. “I’m sorry about that!” – “______________________!”
A. That’s right B. Of course C. It’s OK D. You’re welcome
19. Not until 2008 ______________________across the river.
A. the first bridge was built B. the first building of a bridge was
C. built the first bridge D. was the first bridge built
20. Excuse me! I’m learning my lesson. ______________________turning down
your stereo a bit ?

A. Would you please B. Would you mind
C. Could you D. Would you like


Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition:
1. It’s very difficult to find work _____________________the moment.
2. This service is free _____________________charge.
3. In many ways you take _____________________your mother.
4. This computer is still _____________________guarantee.
5. Money is not essential _____________________happiness.
6. She is ______________________far the best teacher I have ever had.
7. Parents are naturally anxious ______________________their children.
8. I’m sure you will succeed ______________________this entrance test.
9. We try to prevent people _____________________littering.
10. I’m going to complain to the principal ____________________this.
IV. WORD FORM: (10pts)
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in parentheses:
1. He treated them with ______________________. (generous)
2. How many ________________________entered the race ? (compete)
3. If you are _______________________with our service, please write to the manager.
4. He drives so _______________________that he often has accidents. (care)

5. Flowers are often _______________________by bees as they gather nectar. (fertile)

6. I think these thin clothes are _______________________for cold weather. (suit)
7. The computer is one of the most marvelous _____________________in our modern age.
8. She is always worried about her children’s _____________________. (safe)
9. He was kept in the hospital overnight as a ____________________measure. (precaution)

10. Housework has _________________________been regarded as women’s work.



Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting:
1. Would you like me helping you with your homework ?
2. Meat must keep in a refrigerator or it will spoil.
3. There is a cat sitting in the middle to the road.
4. Tom is always forget his keys and that really annoys me.
5. She spends her free time to visit galleries and museums.
6. Our teacher told that the sun always rises in the east.
7. She had the gardener to plant some trees.
8. Come up to my place and we will discuss it.
9. He has repeated urged the government to do something about this.
10. I have to fetch the kids at school at 4 o’clock.

VI. Choose the best option to fill in each of the blanks to make a meaningful passage: (10pts)
Computers (1)____________________an important part in our life nowadays.
It’s (2)___________________to carry on our work without computers. For example,
(3)___________________are necessary in a university library. All the
(4)___________________normally found in a library is now
(5)___________________in computers. This is very (6)____________________for
students because they can (7)___________________messages and receive information
(8)____________________ having to leave their computers. Access
(9)____________________a computer has now (10)__________________students’
1. A. do B. make C. have D. play
2. A. easy B. difficult C. exciting D. important
3. A. books B. things C. computers D. messages
4. A. information B. work C. life D. event
5. A. kept B. stored C. put D. made
6. A. difficult B. comfortable C. suitable D. convenient
7. A. receive B. send C. give D. write
8. A. and B. but C. without D. not
9. A. to B. in C. of D. with
10. A. became B. becomes C. becoming D. become

VII. Complete the passage with ONE suitable word in each space : (10pts)
The first Olympic Games were in Greece in 776 BC. (1)___________________
was only one event. People ran a race the length of the (2)__________________. The
Games (3)___________________one day.
Slowly people added more (4)____________________. The Games were only
for (5)___________________. And women could not even watch them. Only Greeks
(6)___________________. They came (7)____________________all parts of the Greek
world. The time of the Games was a time of peace, and the government
(8)__________________everyone travel safely. Kings competed
(9)__________________ common people. The winners became


Rewrite the sentences so that they mean almost the same as those printed before them:
1. She speaks English well.
She is a __________________________________________________________

2. I haven’t seen them for a long time.
It’s ______________________________________________________________
3. Mai is better at English than Lan.
Lan doesn’t _______________________________________________________
4. Why don’t you ask her yourself ?
I suggest _________________________________________________________
5. We left quietly so that we wouldn’t disturb the children.
So as_____________________________________________________________
6. What a pity I don’t have a laptop.
I wish ___________________________________________________________
7. You shouldn’t touch that switch.
If I ______________________________________________________________
8. The furniture was too old to keep.
It was ____________________________________________________________
9. People say football is the best game to play.
Football __________________________________________________________
10. “Can you do me a favor ?” she said to me.
She ______________________________________________________________
D¸p ¸n ®Ò thi sè 5
A. 1. C. graze B. 6. A. deposit
2. B. southern 7. B. electricity
3. C. challenging 8. C. explanation
4. A. ploughs 9. D. interesting
5. B. wicked 10. C. essential


1. B. reused 11. B. looking
2. D. when 12. C. How long
3. A. if 13. A. have it cut
4. C. much taller 14. C. would rather
5. D. good 15. B. were
6. B. eats 16. D. so bad a singer
7. A. them all 17. C. wouldn’t do
8. C. will you 18. C. It’s OK
9. D. have been waiting 19. D. was the first bridge built
10. D. neither is he 20. B. Would you mind


1. at 6. by
2. of 7. for
3. after 8. in
4. under 9. from
5. to 10. about

IV. WORD FORM (10pts)

1. generosity 6. unsuitable
2. competitors 7. inventions
3. dissatisfied 8. safety
4. carelessly 9. precautionary
5. fertilized 10. traditionally


1. C (to help) 6. A (said)
2. A (be kept) 7. C (plant)
3. D (of) 8. A (over)
4. B (forgetting) 9. A (repeatedly)
5. C (visiting) 10. C (from)


1. D. play 6. D. convenient
2. B. difficult 7. B. send
3. C. computers 8. C. without
4. A. information 9. A. to
5. B. stored 10. D. become


1. There 6. competed
2. stadium 7. from
3. lasted 8. let
4. events 9. with
5. men 10. national


1. He is a good speaker of English.
2. It’s a long time since I saw them.
3. Lan doesn’t study English as/so well as Mai.
4. I suggest that you should ask her yourself.
5. So as not to disturb the children, we left quietly.
6. I wish I had a laptop.
7. If I were you, I wouldn’ t touch that switch.
8. It was such old furniture that we couldn’ t keep it.
9. Football is said to be the best game to play.
10. She asked/told me to do her a favor.

KỲ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI - NĂM HỌC 2008 - 2009-§Ò 7

THỜI GIAN: 150 PHÚT (Không kể thời gian giao đề)
1: 2:

I. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part:
1. convenient together today modern
2. tool moon soon cook
3. chemistry champ church champion
4. cough though rough tough .
5. hour honour host honest
6. though thought within than
7. fear tear bear hear
8. food good soon too
9. cure tutor sure pure .
10.invention question information protection.
II. Choose a word that has different stress pattern:
1. person enough picture people
2. rainfall children religion different .
3. extreme generous lonely clothing
4. friendly extra along orphanage
5. method quiet major electric
6. produce towel advent flower .
7. interactive experience commercial linguistics
8. temperature acquaintance distinguish describe
9. generous humorous precious mysterious
10.reputation description suggestion pollution .
B. VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURES: Choose the right word or phrase in the
brackets and fill in the blank to complete the sentences.
1. My village is about 120 kilometers ............................................... ( in / at / to / for )
the west of HCMC.
2. I would rather she ............................................... ( did / do / will do / to do ) the work
3. We ............................................... ( came / arrived / went / reached ) the nearest
village before sunset.
4. If only I ............................................... ( were / am / can be / would be ) in the
countryside right now.
5. He can’t earn money ............................................... ( unless / until / if / without ) he
has no job.
6. Do you ....................................... ( want / object / mind / disapprove ) my turning the
television on now?
7. Nobody phoned while I was out,....................................( didn’t we? / did we? / did
they? / didn’t they? )
8. A ............................................... ( sailor / pen pal / writer / designer ) is a person
whose job is to decide how to make things or decide their shape or appearance.
9. It’s very crowded here. I wish ................................ ( there were a few people / there
weren’t so many people / there is no one / there was somebody here ).
10.Quiet, please. The headmaster would like to ................................ ( talk / say / tell /
mention ) a few words.
11.Maria’s English is excellent. She speaks English .................................. ( very
perfect / perfective / perfectively / perfectly ).
12........................ ( Campus / Hall / Institute / Dormitory ) is a large building in a
college or university where students live.
13.Can you tell me how many chapters this book ....................... ( consists of ? / consists
? / comprises of ? / includes ? )
14................................................ ( All of films / All of the films / Of all films / Of all the
films ) you have watched , which film impresses you most ?
15.The mother divided the cake into four equal pieces. The children
were ............................................... (pleased with / pleased about / happy at / happy
on ) the equal division.
16.We think that with our solidarity we can ............................................... ( overcome /
pass / get by / do ) this difficulty.
17.What aspect of learning English ............................................... ( you find to be
difficult? / do you find to be difficult? / you find difficult? / do you find difficult? )
18.She thinks chatting on the internet is ............................................... ( time-consumed /
times-consumed / time-consuming / times-consuming ).
19.The woman seldom writes poems or stories, ............................................... ( does
she? / doesn’t she? / does he? / doesn’t he?
20.I’ll go on holiday ............................................... ( as soon as / how / until / as ) I can.
I. Put the sentences in logical order to build a dialogue:
A. Oh, I see. And I have a question for you. Do you know when the color television
was invented?
B. It was invented by Peter Carl Goldmark.
C. He was American.
D. Your color television looks very nice. Is it new?
E. What’s his nationality?
F. I know this question. In 1950, wasn’t it?
G. Yes. My father has just bought it.
H. I’m sorry. I don’t know.
I. You’re right. And who invented it?

II. Complete the passage below by filling in each blank with the correct form of the
word in the brackets:
The families in our streets are slowly being driven mad by the (1)
(refuse) ...................................... of the inhabitants of No. 13 to have any form of
communication with them. The trouble started over what is known as noise (2)
(pollute) ............................................... Every evening, the (3)
(think) ............................................ neighbors used to turn up the volume on the TV so
loud that no one in the (4)(neighbor) ..................................................was able to hear
anything else. Not knowing what (5)(act) .................................................... to take, local
residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any (6)
(suggest) ..................................................... as to how to deal with the problem. A decision
was (7)(make) ..................................................... to send a number of people to talk to the
family in No. 13 and ask them (8)(polite) ................................................. to turn their music
down after six in the evening. Unfortunately, the visit did not turn out to be (9)
(success) ............................................., as the inhabitants of No. 13 refused to talk to them.
So on the (10)(advise) ....................................... of local police, the matter is now in the
hands of the court
III. Read the passage and answer with true ( T ) / false ( F ) / not given ( N ):
There are about 3000 living languages in the world, but only six of them are the most
important ones. Two-thirds of the world’s population speaks those languages. More than
400 million people speak English as their mother tongue. Another 400 million speak it as a
second language. No one knows how many people speak it as a foreign language. Chinese
is the language with more speakers than English, but it is only the language for more than
one billion Chinese people. English is the official language on one-fifth of the land area in
the world. It is spoken in North America, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. In
South Africa and India it is one of the official languages. In many countries, the textbooks
in universities are written in English. More than three-fourths of the world’s mail is
composed in English. More than three-fifths of the radio stations broadcast programs in
English. More than half of the scientific and research journals are in English. English is the
language of international communication.
1. Chinese is the most important language. ....................
2. About 66.6 per cent of the world’s population speak six major languages.
3. Vietnamese speak English as their first language. ....................
4. 75 per cent of the world’s mail is in English. ....................
5. 40 per cent of the world’s radio stations use English. ....................
6. English has more speakers than Chinese. ....................
7. People in India speak English as their second language. ....................
8. People in New Dehli cannot speak English. ....................
9. People in France speak English as their foreign language. ....................
10.People in Australia also speak English. ....................
I. Cloze test: Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word.
Water is our life source . It makes up 70 percent (1) ……....................
…………………our bodies, and the average person actually spends 18 months of his life
in the bath (2)………......................…………….shower.
But we are only now learning (3) …………......................……………to look after
water. Acid rain has polluted as many as 18,000 lakes and our seas and our rivers are (4)
……………..........…............………..with waste products. It is now very expensive to try to
repair the damage (5)…………….....................………….has been done .We have some
hope for the future, though, because new (6)………...................………………..of water
have been discovered. People living the Sahara Desert have (7) ……………..............
…………fish swimming in deep undergrowth steams. Scientists also believe (8)
…………….......….........………is a huge lake beneath London. If we have learnt anything
from our mistakes, we will try to keep these new areas of water clean
II. Building sentences: Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete
sentences .
1) Learning / foreign language / necessary / us / get / job. //
2) I / spoke / the man / wife / injured / accident. //
3) family / I / spend / two months / plan / summer / holiday. //
4) driver / stop / car / time / save / child. //
5) Boxing / too / dangerous / her / play, / it ? //
6) If I / younger / learn / drive / car. //
7) Of all / hotels in town / the Royal Hotel / comfortable. //
8) He / try / stop / smoking / many times / but / he / never / succeed. //
9) I / hope / my English / considerably / improve / the end / course. //
10) It / difficult / prevent / people / park here. //

III. Sentence transformation: Rewrite each of the sentences in a such a way that
has the same meaning as the sentences above it.
1) Six years ago we started writing to each other.
We have
2) Please do not smoke in this area of the restaurant.
Customers are requested
3) Can you look after my cat while I’m on holiday ?
Can you
4) He wanted to relax, so he took up Yoga.
He took up Yoga
5) It was my grandfather who bought the house many years ago.

The house
6) Life in urban areas is less healthy than life in rural areas.
Life in rural areas is
7) It was so late that nothing could be done.
It was too

8) Her presence made him feel better .
He felt
9) As a school boy, he often played football in the school team.
He used
10)” How can I use this machine ? “ asked the man
The man wanted to know
E. LISTENING : Listen to the conservation carefully and answer the questions below.
I. Circle the correct answers a, b or c:
1) What is the name of her house ?
a. Orchard Cottage b. Riverside Cottage c. Bramble Cottage
2) What is Sainsbury’s ?
a. a supermarket b. a hotel c. a bank
3) What did they want to do ?
a. to sell her cottage b. to move her cottage c. to knock down her cottage
4) When did it happen ?
a. last year b. two months ago c. two years ago
5) How old is the woman ?
a. 69 b. 75 c. 79
II. Answer the questions :
1) What did they want to build ?
2) How much money did they offer her at first ?
3) Why doesn’t she need that money ?
4) Was she their first customer ?

Phòng Giáo dục T.p Buôn Ma Thuột


I. 10 điểm: 1 điểm cho một từ đúng
1. modern 2. cook 3. chemistry 4. though 5. host
6. thought 7. bear 8. good 9. sure 10. question

II. 10 điểm: 1 điểm cho một từ đúng

1. enough 2. religion 3. extreme 4. along 5. electric
6. produce 7. interactive 8. temperature 9. mysterious 10. reputation


30 điểm: 1,5 điểm cho một chỗ đúng
1. to 2. did 3. reached 4. were 5. if
6. mind 7. did they? 8. designer 9. there weren’t so many people
10. say
11. perfectly 12. Dormitory 13. consists of? 14. Of all the film 15. pleased
16. overcome 17. do you find difficult? 18. time-consuming 19. does she?
20. as soon as

I. 20 điểm: D–G–A–F–I–H–B–E–C
* 2 câu đúng ( D G ): 3 điểm
3 câu đúng ( D G A ): 6 điểm
4 câu đúng ( D G A F ): 9 điểm
5 câu đúng ( D G A F I ): 12 điểm
6 câu đúng ( D G A F I H ): 14 điểm
7 câu đúng ( D G A F I H B): 16 điểm
8 câu đúng ( D G A F I H B E): 18 điểm
9 câu đúng ( D G A F I H B E C): 20 điểm

II. 20 điểm: 2 điểm cho một từ đúng

1. refusal 2. pollution 3. thoughtless 4. neighborhood 5. action
6. suggestions 7. made 8. politely 9. successful 10. advice

III. 20 điểm: 2 điểm cho một câu trả lời đúng

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
6. F 7. T 8. F 9. N 10. T

I. Cloze test:
20 điểm : 2,5 điểm cho một câu đúng
1.of 5.which / that
2.or 6. sources
3.how 7. found
4.polluted 8. there
II. Building sentences :
25 điểm: 2,5 điểm cho một câu đúng
1/ Learning a foreign language is necessary for us to get a good job.
2/ I spoke to the man whose wife was injured in the accident.
3/ My family and I spent two months planning our summer holiday.
4/ The driver stopped his car in time to save the child.
5/ Boxing is too dangerous for her to play , isn’t it ?
6/ If I were younger ,I would learn how to drive a car .
7/ Of all the hotels in town, the Royal Hotel is the most comfortable.
8/ He has tried to stop smoking many times but he has never succeeded
9/ I hope my English will considerably improve at the end of the ( this ) course .
10/ It is difficult to prevent people from parking here.

III. Sentence transformation:

25 điểm: 2,5 điểm cho một câu đúng
1/ We have written to each other for six years .
2/ Customers are requested not to smoke in this area of the restaurant.
3/ Can you take care of my cat while I’m on holiday?
4/ He took up Yoga in order to relax.
5/ The house was bought by my grandfather many years ago .
6/ Life in rural areas is healthier than life in urban areas .
7/ It was too late to do anything. / It was too late for anything to be done.
8/ He felt better because of her presence .
9/ He used to play football in the school team when he was a school boy.
10) The man wanted to know how he could use that machine.

I. 10 điểm: 2 điểm cho một câu trả lời đúng
1. b 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.c

II. 10 điểm: 2,5 điểm cho một câu trả lời đúng
1/ They wanted to build a car park ( for their new supermarket )
2/ They offered her £125,000 at first.
3/ She is too old and she hasn’t got any children.
4/ Yes, she was.

Đ ề thi h ọc sinh gi ỏi l ớp 9 -§Ò 8

N ăm h ọc 2008 - 2009
M ôn thi : Ti ếng anh
Th ời gian : 120 ph út

Question I : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the other words in each group. (5 pts)
1. A. both B. month C. son D. none
2. A. kitchen B. children C. teacher D. chemist
3. A. kindness B. climate C. village D. climbing
4. A. consider B. century C. cigarette D. celebrate
5. A. heat B. teach C. bread D. mean
Question II: Choose the best option from A, B, C or D to complete the following
sentences(15 pts)
1. Peter used to __________ swimming every Friday when he was a student
A. went B. goes C. going D. go
2. He is not_______ get married.
A. enough old to B. enough old for C. old enough to D. old enough for
3. My friend __________ me that he was going to take a driving test
A. spoke B. told C. said D. talk
4. The teacher advised the children __________ and see the dentist regularly
A. went B. going C. go D. to go
5. You will miss the last bus to school __________ you leave now.
A. unless B. until C. while D. till
6. Peter : “ I enjoy listening to pop music,”
Maria : “__________”
A .I’m too B. I don’t C. Neither do I D. So am I
7. I asked my friend __________ he wanted to go out with me.
A. that B. which C. what D. if
8. I’m learning English __________ I want to get a better job.
A. or B. but C. therefore D. because
9. I wish you __________to the theater last night , but you didn’t.
A. would come B. had come C. was coming D. came
10. Mike “ Would you like to have dinner with me ?”.
Jane : “__________”
A. Yes, I’d love to B. Yes , so do I C. I’m very happy D. Yes, it is
11. After drinking a big bottle of __________, he got drunk.
A. wine B. milk C. water D. orange juice
12. Michael : “ It’s hot in here”.
Tom : “__________ I open the window ?”
A. Did B. Do C. Would D. Shall
13. Mary never cooks, __________?
A. did not she B. doesn’t she C. does she D. did she
14. I don’t study hard enough for the examination. I wish I __________ harder.
A. study B. studied C. have studied D. studies
15. She looks forward __________ seeing her mother coming back soon.
A. to B. on C. with D. at
Question III: Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify the mistakes.
(10 pts)
1. My brother hasn’t played football for last year.
2. Your new bicycle is more cheap than John’s .
3. I am fond with jogging every morning .
4. Do you mind to go out with her to buy some ice - creams?
5. My brother said me to sit down at the table and do my homework .
6. My father prefers watching films at home than going to the cinema .
7. I’d like some informations about the flights to Lon Don tomorrow, please.
8. I wish I can go with you to the seaside next weekend.
9. The film was so bored that all audience had gone home before it ended .
10. Jane asked me how did I go to school everyday.
Question IV: Give the correct form of the words in the brackets. (10 pts)
1. You must be __________ when you open that door . ( care )
2. We can see many __________ on TV everyday . ( advertise )
3. I watch the news everyday because it very __________ . ( inform )
4. He didn’t feel happy because he worked __________ . ( success )
5. Our school has a lot of __________ teacher ( qualify )
6. She received a lot of __________ from her mother . ( encourage )
7. He was very __________ of the work he had done . ( pride )
8. Do you have a __________ costume in your country . ( nation )
9. The children are more __________ in cartoons . ( interest )
10. Every student was very __________ about the holiday . ( excite )
Question V: Match the sentences in column A with those in column B (10 pts).

1. Will you empty the basket for me, please? A. It’s near here .
2. How are you today ? B. No, thank you . I’m
3. It’s very nice of you to meet me here. full.
4. Do come in. C. That’s all right.
5. Where is your house ? D. Yes, please.
6. Shall we go to the Chemist’s? - I need some E. Yes, certainly.
medicine. F. Yes, let’s.
7. Shall we go to the stadium now? G. Thank you.
8. Will you have some more cakes? H. It’s a pleasure.
9. Oh, I’m sorry. I. No, let’s not. I have
10. Shall I warm the milk for you? some.
J. I’m fine, thanks. And
you ?
1+ ..... 2 + ...... 3 + ....... 4 + ....... 5 + ...... 7 + ....... 8 + ...... 9 + ....... 10 + .......

Question VI: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each blank in the
following passage (10 pts):
Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father was an
expert in phonetics. (1)_____ a boy , Alexander became interested in sounds and speech .
in 1870, The Bells decided to (2) _____ to America. They lived in Boston, (3) ____
Alexander taught in a school for the deaf. There he began experimenting with a machine
(4) _____ help the deaf hear .While experimenting with this machine, Bell had an idea,
“Why do not use electricity to (5)_____ the human voice from one place to another ? ” He
began to work on a new (6) _____ . For years , Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson ,
worked day (7) _____ night. They rented rooms in a boarding house . Bell was on one floor
, and Watson was on (8) _____ . They tried to send (9) _____ through a wire . Finally, on
March 19th, 1876, Watson heard these words very clearly : “ Mr Watson, come here. I
want you.”. Watson rushed upstairs, ran (10) _____ Bell’s room, and shouted , “ I heard
you ! ”
1. A. Despite B. During C. Be D. As
2. A. leave B. take C. move D. return
3. A. which B. why C. when D. where
4. A. for B. in order C. to D. so that
5. A. go B. get C. change D. send
6. A. invention B. inventor C. inventive D. invent
7. A. by B. after C. and D. or
8. A. others B. the others C. another D. other
9. A. speaking B. letters C. speech D. telegram
10. A. onto B. into C. in D. to

Question VII: Read the passage and choose the correct answer. (10 pts)
Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847. His family moved to Port Huron,
Michigan, when he was seven years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only two
months. His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly
self-educated. His natural curiosity led him to start experimenting at a young age.
Thomas Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Although the
electric light was the most useful, it was not his only invention. He also invented the record
player, the motion picture camera, and over 1,200 other things. About every two weeks he
created something new. He worked 16 out of every 24 hours.Sometimes he worked so
intensely that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.
Thomas Edison died in 1931, in West Orange, New Jersey. He left numerous
inventions that
improved the quality of life all over the world.
1. Thomas Edison was ______.
A. a discoverer B. a teacher C. an explorer D. an inventor
2. In 1854 Edison’s family ______.
A. moved to Port Huron, Michigan B. bought a new house in Milan, Ohio
C. decided to settle in Milan, Ohio D. sent him to a school in New Jersey
3. The word “self-educated” in the passage mostly means ______.
A. “having been well taught” B. “having had good schooling”
C. “having taught himself” D. “having had a high education”
4. Edison died at the age of ______.
A. 76 B. 84 C. 47 D. 74
5. Which of following statements is NOT true about Edison?
A. He invented the motion picture camera. B. He didn’t go to school at all.
C. He made numerous inventions. D. He worked very hard.
Question VIII: Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given
one.( 5 pts)
1. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.
A. He had tested his eyes ten months ago.
B. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then.
C. He hasn’t had his eyes tested for ten months.
D. He didn’t have any test on his eyes in ten months
2. I have never been to France before.
A. It’s the first time that I’ve gone to France.
B. It’s the first time that I went to France.
C. It’s the first time that I’ve been to France.
D. It’s the first time that I was to France.
3. The car was so expensive that I didn’t buy it .
A. The car was not so cheap that I couldn’t buy it .
B. The car was such expensive that I didn’t buy it .
C. The car was cheap enough for me to buy.
D. The car was too expensive for me to buy.
4. We must take steps to preserve natural resources; otherwise the planet will be in danger.
A. Unless we take steps to preserve natural resources, the planet will be in danger.
B. Unless we take steps to preserve natural resources, the planet will not be in danger.
C. If we take steps to preserve natural resources , the planet would be in danger.
D. If we take steps to preserve natural resources, the planet will be in danger.
5. “I would study English if I were you ,” Mai’s friend said .
A. Mai’s friend advised her to study English.
B. Mai’s friend advised her to have studied English.
C. Mai’s friend said that she was like Mai..
D. Mai told her friend to study English.
Question IX: Complete the second sentence in such a way that it is almost the same
meaning as the first (l0 pts):
1. His parents made him study hard for his exam.
 He was made _________________________________________.
2. We spent two hours getting to London.
It took ______________________________________________.
3. They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again.
 The date _____________________________________________.
4. Peter doesn’t play football anymore.
 Peter used ____________________________________________.
5. He has been collecting stamps for five years .
 He started ____________________________________________.
6. I haven’t seen my sister since 2000.
 I last ________________________________________________.
7. “You shouldn’t ride your bike too fast ,” I said to Nam.
 I advised ______________________________________________.
8. He is too young to go to school alone .
 He is __________________________________________________.
9. “Why don’t we go out for a walk ,” My brother said
 My brother suggested ____________________________________.
10. “ It was nice of you to help me. Thank you very much ,” Tom said to you
 Tom thanked _________________________________________ .
Question X: Write a passage(about 100- 120 words ) about your last holiday. (10 pts)
You may use the following ideas :
1. Where and when did you go?
2. Who did you go with ?
3. How did you go ?
4. What did you do there?
5. What did you eat / drink?
6. Did you take any photographs?
7. Did you buy any souvenirs ?
8. How did you feel afterward ? ......

……………. The End …………….

§¸p ¸n ®Ò 8
Question I : 5 points (1p for each correct answer)
1. A 2/ D 3/ C 4/ A 5/ C
Question II : 15 points (1p for each correct answer) 1/ D 2/ C 3/ B 4/ D 5/ A 6/
B 7/ D 8/ D 9/ B 10/ A 11/ A 12/ D 13/ C 14/ B 15/ A
Question III : 10 points (1p for each correct answer)
1. D  since 6. C to
2. C cheaper 7. B  information
3. B  of 8. B could go
4. A  going 9. B  boring
5. A told 10.B  I went
Question IV : 10 points (1p for each correct answer)
1/ careful 2/ advertisements 3/ informative 4/ unsuccessfully 5/ qualified
6/ encouragement 7/ proud 8/ national 9/ interested 10/ excited
Question V : 10 points (1p for each correct answer)
1/ +E 2/ +J 3/ +H 4/ +G 5/ +A 6/+ I 7/ +F 8/ +B 9/ +C 10/ +D
Question VI : 10 points (1p for each correct answer)
1/ D 2/ C 3/ D 4/ C 5/ D 6/ A 7/ C 8/ C 9/ C 10/ B
Question VII : 10 po 1/ D 2/ A 3/ C 4/ B 5/ B
Question VIII : 5 points 1/ C 2/ C 3/ D 4/ A 5/ A
Question IX : 10 points (1p for each correct answer)
1. He was made to study hard for his exam.
2. It took us two hours to get to London.
3. The date of the meeting will have to be changed again.
4. Peter used to play football.
5. He started collecting stamps five years ago.
6. I last saw my sister in 2000.
7. I advised Nam not to ride his bike too fast.
8. He is not old enough to go to school alone.
9. My brother suggested going out for a walk.
10. Tom thanked me for helping him.
Question X : 10 points (1p for each correct sentence: 0,5p for correct verb tense, 0,5p f
a) Contents : 5
- Good opening, ending 1
- Cover all the activities mentioned 4
b) Language: 5
+ Exact vocabulary 1
Trường THCS Nga Thuỷ Thi hoc sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9 - Đề 9
+ Correct spelling 1
+ Correct tenses/ grammar 1
+ Correct prepositions, correct articles.... 1
+ Good connectors .... 1

Question I: Phonetics (5points)

Part A: Choose a word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from the rest of the group ( 3 points ).
1. A. decided B. lived C. stayed D. studied
2. A. likes B. days C. lives D. earns
3. A. fade B. label C. happy D. sale
Part B : Choose a word whose stress pattern is different from the rest of the group ( 2
points ).
4. A. freedom B. humor C. solar D. suggest
5. A cover B. account C. install D. prevent
Question II : Verb forms ( 15 points )Give the correct form of the verb given in the brackets.
1. My dad (not like) coffee, he never (drink) it .
2. Ba is short. He wishes he (be) taller.
3. This house is empty. It (not live) in for many years.
4. I hate (get) up early in winter.
5. Traditionally, the ao dai (wear) by both men and women.
6. This is my house. I (live) here for 7 years.
7. I'm busy at the moment. I (clean) the floor.
8. Where you (spend) your holiday last summer ?
9. I (see) Nam while I (go) to school yesterday. We (say) hello and
(walk) the rest of the road to school together.
10.My brother is a teacher. He (work) in a school in the city centre.
11. Listen! They (sing) an English song.
Question III : Word forms ( 10 points )
Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital letters.
1. There are many ............ parks in Hanoi. BEAUTY
2. ........... is now a serious problem in Viet Nam. FOREST
3. Hoa has a lot of friends as she is so ........... FRIEND
4. This magazine is ............ read by both teenagers and adults. WIDE
5. I hope to speak English as ........ as my teacher. GOOD
6. Viet Nam is interested in saving .......... resources. nature
7. We should prepare food ............. before turning on the stove. careful
8. ............. are concerned about the use of dynamite to catch fish. environment
9. Ba is very strong. He runs........... than anyone in the class. fast
10. I like this website because it is .........for me. Use
Question IV: Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences. ( 15
1. I didn't go to school yesterday............. I was ill.
A. because B. and C. but D. so
2. He will stay at home ................. it rains.
A. or B. however C. if D. but
3. That man lives next door, .................. he?
A. does B. doesn't C. don't D. isn't
4. Mary wishes she............. speak Vietnamese.
A. can B. could C. should D. will
5..............the afternoon, mum feeds the chickens.
A. Over B. On C. In D. For
6. She was ill, ............., she offered to help.
A. although B. because C. therefore D. however
7. Viet Nam, ................is in the south-east Asia, exports rice.
A. who B. which C. that D. whose
8. What ............ you do if you saw a UFO?
A. will B. do C. would D. can
9. Nobody came here yesterday, ................ ?
A. didn't they B. didn't he C. did he D. did they
10 Do you remember the name of the girl ............ we met at the party last
night ?
A. which B. where C. who D. whose
11. We have English .............. Monday.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
12. I first met him a long time .................
A. after B. before C. ago D. already
13. Could you ............... the radio? I am doing my homework.
A. get off B. turn off C. go off D. cut off
14. I can't solve this math problem. I need someone to ................ me with it.
A. help B. save C. fix D. adjust
15. I had a long conversation with the man .............. son plays for my school
football team.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. what
Question V: Reading ( 15 points) Part A: Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the
following passage with one suitable word ( 10 points)
Van , a student from Ho Chi Minh City, is an exchange student in the
USA. He is now living with the Parker family on a farm 100 kilometers outside Columbus,
Ohio. He will stay there till (1).......... beginning of October.
Mr. Parker grows maize on his (2).........., while Mrs. Parker works part- time (3).......... a
grocery store in a nearby town. They (4).......... two sons. Peter is the same age as Van, and
Sam is still in primary (5)...........
Since Van arrived, he has been learning a (6).......... about life on a farm. In the afternoon,
as (7).......... as he completes his homework, he feeds the chickens and (8).......... their eggs.
On weekends, if Mr. Parker is busy, the three (9) .......... help him on the farm.
On Saturday afternoons, Peter plays baseball. The Parker family and Van eat hamburgers
or hot dogs while they watch Peter play. The Parkers are nice so Van feels like a
(10) .......... of their family.
Part B: Read the passage and choose the best answer. ( 5 points)
Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a letter from
the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Ted wondered why he was
wanted by the police but he went to the station yesterday, and now he is not worried any
more. At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found.
Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four
hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train. Ted was most surprised
when he heard the news. He was amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be
found. It was stolen twenty years ago when Ted was a boy of fifteen!
1. What happened to Ted last week?
A. He lost his bicycle.
B. He received a letter from his friend.
C. He was asked to go to the local police station.
D. He called the local police.
2. The policeman who met Ted at the station was ......
A. impolite B. friendly C. generous D. reserved
3. Where was the bicycle found?
A. At the station B. On the train C. In a village D. In a city
4. Ted was surprised when he heard the news because ..............
A. his bicycle was found five days ago.
B. he believed that the police would find his bicycle.
C. his bicycle is being sent to his home by train.
D. he didn't think his bicycle would be found.
5. How old is Ted now?
A. 35 B. 30 C. 20 D. 15.
Question VI: Writing ( 15 points)
Part A: Combine each pair of the sentences, using the word in brackets ( 5 points)
1. Mrs. Thoa was tired. She helped me with my homework. ( although)
2. Hoa was happy. She got a good mark. ( that)
3. Ha failed her English test. She had to do her test again. (therefore)
4. I got wet. I forgot my raincoat. ( because)
5. It's raining hard. We can't go out ( so)
Part B: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the sentence printed before it.( 10 points)
1. Has someone booked the seats yet?
Have ................................................?
2. I said to Mrs. Hoa, "What sports do you often play?"
I asked Mrs. Hoa .........................................................
3. "Is there a TV in the bedroom?", I asked the landlady.
I asked the landlady .......................................................
4. "Let's go to the cinema. ", Lien said.
Lien suggested ....................................................
5. What a pity I can't speak English.
I wish I .......................................................
6."I am going to Hanoi tomorrow", he said.
He said that .............................................
7. The poor farmer was tired but he kept working.
In spite .......................................................
8. I don't know the answer, so I can't tell you.
If I ...................................................................
9. I last met him two months ago.
I haven't ......................................................
10. If you don't try hard, you will not pass your final exam.
Unless ..................................................................................
Question VII: Choose the underlined words which need correcting (5points)
1. She asked me if I live in Hanoi.
2. If you work hard, you would get good marks.
3. A meeting will held next week by the committee.
4. Mrs. Lien, whom sings very well, is my teacher of English.
5. The boys are playing soccer over there are from class 9 A.
..........................................The end....................................................

Đề thi học sinh giỏi - Đề số 10

Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.(10points)
1. She felt that she (look) at.
2. I can't go out because I (not finish) my homework.
3. If you kicked the policeman, you (arrest)
4. All students objected to (do) that work.
5. Trang isn't in her room at the moment. She (cook) in the kitchen.
6. I can't afford ( go) on holiday abroad this year.
7. Passengers (travel) on this bus bought their tickets in books.
8. I (not use) the car this evening, so you can have it.
9. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours.
10. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.
Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences
(10 points)
1. The child should be punished because of his bad ........... ( behave)
2. The ...........in this town are very friendly (reside)
3. Every week, there are two ...........from Ha Noi to Nha Trang. (fly)
4. We're very impressed by the ..........of your town's people. (friend)
5. All the newspapers praised the ..........of the firemen (brave)
6. It was ............not to write down the address. ( fool)
7. The tiger wanted to see the farmer's ............. (wise)
8. Bell experimented with ways of transmiting ....over a long distance.
9.Freedom of ...........is one of the fundamental rights. (speak)
10.The duty of the police is the .............of law and order.
Question3: a) Change the following sentences into reported speech (5 points)
1. "Do you live here?" Liz asked
2. She said "He doesn't buy this book."
3. The teacher said "All the homework must be done carefully."
4. "Don’t throw that bottle away. We can reuse it," said Mr Cuong.
5. "I don’t understand what you are saying. "Tom told us.
b) Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition.(5points)
1. Measuring money must be very difficult to carry...........
2. In this respect, French differs .............English
3. I'll come............to pick her up at 8 o'clock.
4. The passage is written ..............English .
5. Mr Duc Thanh is thinking of exporting rice ............India.
Question 4: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word (10 points)
If you live in a city, you probably see many people, hear the (1)............of traffic, and
smell the pollution (2).........cars and factories.
We are entering a new time in (3) ......history of the world. Before this, most (4) ..... .....
were farmers. They lived in the country. Now many people are (5) .....the farms and
moving into the cities. They are looking for better jobs. The cities are growing very
quickly. Most cities are very crowded. People are driving more cars, burning more fuel,
(6).......more water, eating more food, making more garbage, and producing more things in
factories than (7)..........before. Life is becoming difficult.
Some governments are trying to plan for the future. They are building new roads, putting
(8) .........new houses, looking for more water, and limiting growth in certain areas. Still,
city planners are getting worried. People are crowding into the cities (9) ....... than cities
can take them. The cities are running out (10).........room. What is the answer to this
Question 5: Read the passage and choose the best answer. (5 points)
It is very important to have healthy teeth. Good teeth help us to chew our food. They
also help us to look nice. How does a tooth go bad? The decay begins in a little crack in the
enamel covering of the tooth. This happens after germs and bits of food have collected
there. Then the decay slowly spreads inside the tooth. Eventually, poison goes into blood,
and we may feel quite ill.
How can we keep our teeth healthy?. Firstly, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year.
He can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our
teeth to check that they are growing in the right way. Unfortunately, many people wait
until they have toothache before they see a dentist.
Secondly, we should brush our teeth with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least
twice a day- once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can also use wooden
toothpicks to clean between our teeth after a meal.
Thirdly, we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish,
brown bread, potatoes, red rice, raw vegetables and fresh fruit. Chocolate, sweets, biscuits
and cakes are bad, especially when we eat them between meals. They are harmful because
they stick to our teeth and cause decay.
1. Good teeth help us to ................
A. be nice B. have a good eye sight. C. chew our food D. be important
2. When food and germs collect in a small crack, our teeth ............
A. become hard B. begin to decay. C. send poison into the blood.D. makes us feel quite
3. A lot of people visit a dentist only when ..............
A. their teeth grow properly B. they have holes in their teeth
C. they have toothache D. they have brushed their teeth.
4. We ought to try clean our teeth ...............

A. once a day B. at least twice a day C. between meals D. before
5. We shouldn’t eat a lot of ...............
A. red rice B. fresh fruit C. fish D. chocolate.
Question 6: a/ Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.
1. This video film / be/so / interesting / I/ see/ twice/.
2. It / difficult/ learn English / without/ good dictionary.
3. He / learn/ English / two years now.
4. She /used/ stay / her uncle/ when / be / a child.
5. I/ meet/ my friend/ before/ I / meet her
b/ There is a mistake in the sentence. Find the mistake and correct it.(5points)
1. The climate in Vietnam is different than that of England .
2. The boys said they have to bring home medals.
3. He has waited here for a quarter past six.
4. Surface is many cheaper than airmail.
5. The bicycle is such old that I don’t want to use it.
Question7: Complete the second sentence with the same meaning.(10points)
1. Vinh keeps forgetting his homework
 Vinh is........................
2. It's a pity your friend isn't at this party.
 I wish ...............
3. We started living here fifteen years ago.
 We have ......................
4. Trung's parents gave him a microcomputer on his birthday
Trung .........
5. He has never played a computer game before.
 This is .................
6. Nga is pleased to meet her aunt again soon.
 Nga is looking..................
7. He is too old to have more children.
 He is so ................................
8. "I'm very busy. I'll ring you tomorrow," Susan said to me.
 Susan ...........
9. Their teacher is making them to study hard. - They are ..............................
10.This cheque has not been signed - No........................................

..........................The end ............................

Đáp án đề 9
Question I : Phonetics ( 5 points )
Part A (3 points)
1. A 2. A 3. C
Part B ( 2 points )
4. D. 5. A
Question II : Verb forms ( 15 points )
1.doesn't / drinks 2. were 3. hasn't been lived 4. getting 5. was worn 6. have
lived/have been living 7. am cleaning 8. did.....spend 9. saw/ was going / said /
walked 10. works 11. are singing
Question III : Word forms ( 10 points )
1.beautiful 2. Deforestation 3. friendly 4. widely 5. well 6 natural
7. carefully 8 Environmentalists 9 faster 10. useful
Question IV: Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
1. A 2. C 3.B 4.B 5. C 6.D 7. B 8.C
9 .D 10. C 11.B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. C
Question V: Reading ( 15 points)
Part A: ( 10 points)
1. the 2. farm 3. at 4. have 5. school 6. lot 7. soon 8. collects
9. boys 10. members
Part B: ( 5 points)
1. C. He was asked to go to the local police station.
2. B. friendly 3. C. In a village 4.D. He didn't think his bicycle would be found. 5. A. 35
Question VI: Writing ( 15 points)
Part A: (5 points)
1. Although Mrs. Thoa was tired, she helped me with my homework.
2. Hoa was happy that she got a good mark.
3. Ha failed her English test, therefore she had to do her test again.
4. I got wet because I forgot my raincoat.
5. It's raining hard, so we can't go.
Part B: ( 10 points)
1. Have the seats been booked yet?
2. I asked Mrs. Hoa what sports she often played.
3. I asked the landlady if / whether there was a TV in the bedroom.
4. Lien suggested going to the cinema.
5. I wish I could speak English.
6. He said he was going to Hanoi the next day/ the following day.
7. In spite of tiredness, the poor farmer kept working.
8. If I knew the answer, I would/ could tell you.
9 I haven't met him for two months.
10 Unless you try hard, you will not pass your final exam.
Question VII (5 points)
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B

Đáp án đề 10
Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. was being looked 5. is cooking 9. was rescued
2. haven't finished 6. to go 10. are always blaming
3. would be arrested 7. travelling
4. doing 8. am not using
Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences
1. behaviour/behavior 5. bravery
2. residents 6. foolish
3. flights 7. wisdom
4. friendliness 8. speech
9. speech 10. maintenance/maintaining
Question3: a) Change the following sentences into reported speech
1. Liz asked me if / whether I lived there.
2. She said (that) he didn’t buy that book
3. The teacher said/required (that) all the work had to/must be done carefully.
4. Mr Cuong told/asked us/me not to throw that bottle away (because) they could reuse
5. Tom told us that he didn’t understand what we were saying.
b) Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition.
1. out 2. to 3. over 4. in 5. to
Question 4: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word
1. noise 6.using
2. from 7. ever
3. the 8. up
4. people 9. faster
5. leaving 10. of
Question 5: Read the passage and choose the best answer.
1. C 2. B 3.C 4. B 5.D
Question 6: a/ Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.
1. This video film is so interesting that I have seen it twice.
2. It is difficult to learn English without a good dictionary.
3. He has been learning/ has learnt English for 2 years now.
4. She used to study with her uncle when she was a child.
Question7: Complete the second sentence with the same meaning.
1. Vinh is always forgetting his homework.
2. I wish your friend were at the party.
3. We have lived/have been living here for 15 years.(since 15 years ago)
4. Trung was given a microcomputer on his birthday.
5. This is the first time he has played a computer game.
6. Nga is looking forward to meeting her aunt again.
7. He is so old that he can't have more children.
8. Susan said to me that she was very busy so she would ring me the following/next
9. They are being made to study hard by their teacher.
10.No one has signed this cheque.


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