Concept of E-Governance

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People of Solukhumbu and Myagdi district- a remote area of
Nepal with no road connectivity- can have opportunity to get
medical advice from the specialist doctor of Kathmandu Model
Hospital. Similarly, “After successful use of telemedicine—an
application in clinical medicine used for transferring medical
information through interactive audiovisual media—in some
districts such as Solukhumbu and Myagdi, surgeons in
Kathmandu on one Friday night tested real time live surgery
with those in Oregon (USA). This application of medical science
is the first of its kind in Nepal” (the Kathmandu Post, 21 August,
Not only telemedicine, ICT is used in number of other activities.
Search for Excellency in public service lead Governments to
explore potential use of ICT in their affairs.

• The impact of ICT on the society, economy,
and politics include extensive changes in the
nature of work, business, education and
training, entertainment, quality of life and
mode of citizen participation.


• With the advancement of ICT (Information and
Communication Technology), the words like E-government
and E-governance have come into prominence

• In fact, in many cases, both of these terms are used

synonymously although they are quite different and have
different audiences to cater to and different objectives to

• The definitions of E-governance range from “the use of

information technology to free movement of information to
overcome the physical bounds of traditional paper and
physical based systems” to “the use of technology to
enhance the access to and delivery of government services
to benefit citizens, business partners and employees”

Concept (contd..)
• The basic premise for introducing E-governance is
that the citizens can communicate with the public
officials and avail the public services via online
and/or other information technologies.

• Such introduction entails streamlining operational

processes, transcribing information held by
government agencies into electronic form, linking
disparate databases, and improving ease of access
to the services for the public


Concept (contd..)
• E-government refers to the use of information
communication technology so as to transform
government by making it more accessible,
effective and accountable.

• E-government is not only related with

technology, but with organizational structure and
culture, management system and process, skill
and staff, infrastructure, governance and
democracy, participation and pluralism,
information security, organization learning,
efficiency and effectiveness and so on

• Development of e-government is largely related
with administrative development and reform in
government in general.

• Total Quality Management (TQM) movement in

1980s and good governance, reengineering and
reinventing government in 1990s have made
attempt in searching for excellence in public
management and service delivery that led
extensive use of ICT in service delivery and
interaction between government, citizen and
business (Fang, 2002).


• World Bank define e-government as “… the

use by government agencies of information
technologies (such as wide area networks,
internet, and mobile computing) that have the
ability to transform relations with citizens,
businesses, and other arms of government”.

• E-government can also be understood in

accordance with interactions and relationships
between government and its stakeholders.
Fang (2002) describe eight relationships
between government and stakeholder

Eight relationships
• Government to Government(G2G),
• Government to Employee ( G2E),
• Government to Business ( G2B),
• Business to Government( B2G),
• Government to Citizen (G2C),
• Citizen to Government( C2G),
• Government to Non-profit organization( G2N),
• Non-profit organization to government (N2G).

These can be summed up into five categories


Five categories
• G2G which provide government agencies cooperation and
communication online to have an impact on efficiency and
• G2B drive e-transactions initiatives such as e-procurement
for purchases; and carry out Government procurement
tenders through electronic means.
• G2C drive to put public services online, in particular through
the electronic service delivery for offering information and
• G2E attempt initiatives that facilitate the management of
the civil service and internal communication with
governmental employees.
• G2N refers government provision of information and
communication to nonprofit organizations, political parties
and social organizations, etc.

• Thus, E-governance operates through various
components: G2G, G2B, G2C, G2E etc.

• Generally, G2G is considered as E-government

and is limited within the boundary of the public
organizations only.

• However when it goes beyond that i.e. covers

G2B,G2C or G2E then it becomes E-governance,
but in many cases they are used synonymously
to have more comprehensive coverage.


• e-government can also be described in term of its

maturity. There are a number of e-government maturity
models either developed by institutions or researchers
• Gartner group described four stage model of e-
 The first stage is web presence in which agencies provide
information to public through World Wide Web.
 The second stage is interaction facilitate public to contact
agencies through website, access and download form or
 The third stage is transaction in which users can complete
online transaction (i.e. application, payment etc.). And
 The fourth is transformation which represents complete
transformation of current operational processes with
more efficient, integrated, unified and personalized

• Layne and Lee maturity model consists of

cataloguing, transaction, vertical integration,
horizontal integration.
• The Cataloguing refers providing government
information by creating government agency
• Transaction refers online transactions with
government agencies,
• Vertical integration refers to government
operations within functional areas in government
• horizontal integration deals with integration of
different functional within the same electronic
system and put to use through a central portal.


• There is similarity about the stage of e-

government maturity in general. Almost all
models start with information provision to the
public and then followed by interaction
between government and stakeholder, online
transactions and integrated form of data

Adoption of e-government
• Modernization of public services through the
adoption of ICT is in motion all over the world.
• Universal shift towards online public services and
dynamic e-business environment caused the
government around the world take notice of
power of ICT.
• The resulting benefits of ICT could be among
others as increase efficiency, increase
transparency, less corruption, growth of revenue,
save time and money, cost reduction, and efficient
public sector management.
• However, the success of these efforts depends on
how well the user for such services makes use of


• There might be different reasons for the adoption of e-
government: political, economical, social and managerial.
• According to Colesca and Dobrica (2008:204),
 From the political point of view e-government is used to
provide public information so as to increase citizen
participation in political processes.
 Economic reasons include increase revenue, decrease cost
of operation, improve service quality, and so on.
 From Social perspective, it provides better service
availability and delivery, improve easy access to all citizens
on public service.
 Managerial reason include better public service and
resource management, better inter-agency coordination
and collaboration, efficient public sector management with
increased accountability and transparency.

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