The Ran Modernization Guide
The Ran Modernization Guide
The Ran Modernization Guide
The RAN modernization guide
Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 3
sustainability strategies?
1.1 Climate change as a call for action 5
1.2 ICT sector role in fighting the climate change. 6
1.3 Networks data growth and the increasing energy cost. 8
1.4 Energy efficiency holds the key 10
2 Why 5G is the most energy efficient technology 12
Hardware equipment Improving the energy efficiency to meet the targets. Ericsson has 3 The Ericsson approach to breaking the energy curve 14
modernization is one of the of the radio access network (RAN) developed solutions to increase the
key investment areas in the will have the biggest impact on the networks capacity while reducing 4 How to support CSPs in defining impactful sustainability strategies 18
Communication Service Providers’ energy consumption of a mobile the energy consumption and 5 When and how to plan for modernization 22
(CSPs) network evolution plans. network, although other network the embodied carbon emissions.
Modernization has always been elements shouldn´t be overlooked. Ericsson is relentlessly working to 5.1 Balancing network performance and energy consumption 24
vital to meet user experience and achieve higher network capacity 5.2 Modernization steps 28
business targets. Modernization The commitment for environmental with less energy consumption and
5.3 e& methodology to modernize RAN with sustainability in mind 30
has also become increasingly sustainability is coming from the carbon footprint, in essence doing
relevant to execute on energy cost whole ICT industry and Ericsson is more with less. 5.4 T-Mobile, US redefines the ‘best network’ through high performance
reductions and Net Zero ambitions. partnering with suppliers and CSPs and sustainability 32
6 Technology innovations and new radio solutions 34
6.1 Massive MIMO radios to build 5G with precision 36
6.2 Elisa Finland improves performance and energy efficiency by modernizing
with AIR 3268 38
6.3 Optus, Australia, creates an energy efficient network with the latest
Massive MIMO for growth 40
6.4 Multi sector and multi band radio units to reduce footprint and 42
“Sustainability is a given, not an option. It is action, not a concept. embodied carbon emissions 42
At Ericsson, we take every possible step towards Net Zero 6.5 Indosat Ooredoo Hutchinson (IOH) deploys 6626 network wide
emissions - from product design to commercial use. For instance,
we continuously enhance our 5G portfolio, including our industry- to improve capacity with sustainability 44
leading Massive MIMO, to boost customers’ network capacity and 7 Energy-saving functionality in the new radios 46
energy performance.”
7.1 MTN- Benin, modernization boosted with energy saving features
Fredrik Jejdling, Executive Vice President and Head of Business to reduce the carbon emissions 48
Area Networks, Ericsson
7.2 SmarTone leverages on energy software features of new radios 50
7.3 Example of radio product improvements with our latest Radio 4490 52
8 How can we reduce the embodied carbon emissions in the radio products 54
8.1 TDC NET Denmark deploys radio 6646 reducing energy consumption 58
and embodied emissions 58
9 Modernization success stories 60
“Ericsson is reducing the embodied carbon emissions of its own
products to help CSPs meet the Net Zero challenge. We are 9.1 Vodafone UK expands 5G midband coverage while reducing footprint 62
enabling our customers to develop and expose new network and energy consumption 62
capabilities with the common goal of providing affordable and
sustainable connectivity for all.” 9.2 Singtel creates an advanced and energy efficient network for all
technologies in Singapore 64
Freddie Södergren, Head of Technology and Strategy,
Ericsson Networks 9.3 Telstra builds a modernization roadmap to reduce energy consumption 66
and achieve their Net Zero target 66
10 Key insights and recommendations 66
4 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 5
1.2 ICT sector role in fighting the climate change. According to Ericsson research5, the mobile network is the often first emissions, but also result in a focus
simply using legacy ICT solutions up choice of access to internet and is a on the embodied carbon emissions
to 4G can enable a reduction of global vital part of the digitalization of society. (emissions generated before the
greenhouse gas emissions by up to The potential of 5G unlocking new first use of the product) and circular
During the past years, the overall energy greenhouse gas emissions from a sectors to move towards the low- 15 percent by 2030. With 5G, we will use cases for digitalization is huge for economy as important tools for
usage and life cycle greenhouse gas life cycle perspective1. Although, the carbon economy that will be central unlock a world of new possibilities to additional reductions in emissions. 5G operators to reduce their upstream
emissions of the ICT sector have been impact of this industry is relatively low, to preventing further climate change. sustainably improve digitalization, and connectivity are critical to solutions scope 3 emissions 6.
debated. Energy use, cost and the it is a matter of commitment with our Since ICT industry can provide more network capabilities with less representing potential reductions of
carbon footprint have become some of society to take every action possible to solutions with high potential, if energy consumption and footprint. 20% of the EU´s total emissions5. A holistic view with a full value chain
our industry’s largest challenges. The achieve Net Zero targets. Therefore, used correctly, to avoid and reduce approach in our decarbonizing efforts
point has been raised that the digital these actions start with reducing our emissions across sectors. This is Over the last few decades, cellular For CSPs, energy consumption is a must, and as an industry we
economy would sharply increase its own generated carbon emissions, reflected in the Exponential Climate communication has changed societies has historically been a significant must reduce emissions from our own
energy use as more data is transported both those from usage of our products Action Roadmap3, which describes 36 and people’s lives. From 1G and 2G consideration as it is one of the activities as well as upstream, and
through the communication networks. and emission created when producing initiatives to halve global emissions communication allowing us to make highest operating costs. Now, this downstream. We must show that Net
them. Currently, 43% of the CSPs by by 2030 across different sectors. calls to people and not places, to consideration is even more important Zero not only is a target - it is also a
Our peer-reviewed research shows revenue is committed to reach Net These projects show that the overall today’s high speed 5G networks. While due to the Net Zero targets, while way of working.
that the entire ICT industry uses Zero by 2050 or earlier2. digitalization of industries and society 4G was a consumer-centric technology also adding a need to lower emissions
approximately 4% of the world´s is crucial to increase efficiency and that enabled the building of the app across the full value chain.
electricity for its operation and The ICT industry has a unique competitiveness, and to accelerate the economy, the 5G wave ahead has an
represents 1,4% of the global potential to enable other industrial transition towards a Net Zero future4. industrial focus with high data speeds, CSPs are acting and setting ambitious
low latency, and the ability to create Net Zero targets. These commitments
dedicated bandwidth for critical users not only cover the emissions from
– so-called network slicing. Today, the mobile networks, CSPs scope 2
Figure 2. 5G bringing new opportunities for digitalization with sustainability
Figure 3.
ICT industry commitment
to Net Zero
Immersive customer New industry Benefits
experience applications to society
Wide range of services Ultra resilience Fast, reliable, accurate positioning of mobile industry by revenue have
Guaranteed latency and scalable throughput Enhanced coverage, capacity, user experience committed to Net Zero by 2050 or
earlier. (GSMA report 2023)
More capabilities with less energy and footprint
1 ICT Sector Electricity Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions – 2020 Outcome by Jens Malmodin, Nina Lövehagen,
Pernilla Bergmark, Dag Lundén :: SSRN
2 Exponential Roadmap - Exponential Roadmap Initiative
3 Decarbonizing industries with connectivity & 5G - Ericsson 5 GSMA | Mobile Net Zero: State of the Industry on Climate Action 2023 - #BetterFuture
4 Connectivity and climate change ( 6 GSMA | Mobile Net Zero: State of the Industry on Climate Action 2023 - #BetterFuture
8 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 9
1.3 Networks data growth and the increasing energy cost. Figure 5.
Global mobile network
data traffic
While traffic has grown exponentially factor of 3.5 between the end 2022 networks covering all major regions
over the last 10 years, service and the end of 2028, from 93 EB per of the world. These measurements
providers’ global network energy month to a projected 329 EB per form a representative base for
consumption has risen by only 64 month.This will have an impact on calculating worldwide total mobile
percent, from 91TWh to an estimated the energy consumption; although network traffic. Mobile network data
150TWh [5]. Data traffic has an data and energy consumption follow traffic also includes traffic generated
impact on the capacity need in different growth curves, there is a by FWA services. More detailed
mobile networks, as well as on the correlation between network capacity measurements are made in a select
energy use and cost. and energy consumed. number of commercial networks
for the purpose of understanding
According to the June 2023 report, Ericsson regularly performs traffic how mobile data traffic evolves and
mobile data is expected to grow by a measurements in over 100 live make traffic predictions. We share
1.4 Energy efficiency holds the key modernizing to the latest equipment. on reducing energy consumption. efficiently. The transition from 4G to
We could see the energy efficiency 5G is the most energy efficient 5G in combination with new hardware
trend in three worldwide Tier 1 technology since it needs less equipment, which provide higher
operators which includes data for signaling and can transmit the same energy efficiency, shows a clear
CSPs need to consider many It is also very important to have an actions aimed at minimizing energy Massive MIMO radios, remote radio amount of data faster. New hardware correlation to lower energy use per
variables when tackling network industry consensus around metrics consumption in the network and at units and baseband units. equipment has proved to consume delivered data traffic, therefore an
evolution. They have the key to to achieve a higher impact. The two the same time keeping a great less energy than previous generations improved energy performance.
enable digitalization for a more metrics mentioned above (absolute user experience. We have observed that moving traffic and with the new software features
sustainable society. There are multiple value of energy consumption and from 4G to 5G has a positive impact it can be operated more energy
challenges and needs driving the energy consumption per data volume) Actionable insights
network evolution; among them, together with energy per connection, At Ericsson, we have several
energy efficiency is paving the way to per site and per revenue are also the collaboration programs with our
succeed in all the different targets. key metrics tracked by GSMA in their customers. These programs target Figure 7.
energy efficiency benchmarking to improve energy performance and Observations summary taken from the Ericsson collaboration program for three Tier1 CSPs.
There are different metrics available tool10. GSMA uses these metrics provide observability of the impact of
for operators to measure energy as benchmarking measurements the different actions in the network,
efficiency of their network. However, to evaluate the network energy such as equipment modernization. CSP Traffic shift to 5G Modernized equipment Energy Efficiency improvement
we have found that a combination efficiency of various operator The energy measurements are
of metrics will be useful to measure networks. However, in their analysis, taken directly from the equipment’s A ~10% Newest equipment +18%
and track network energy efficiency they show that other factors need performance counters, and for old
over time. The basic metrics to to also be taken into consideration equipment which doesn’t have these B >10% Relatively modern +14%
follow are the absolute value of such as temperature zone, country counters, different algorithms are C < 10% Less modern 0%
network energy consumption (kWh, topology and population density. used to provide good estimates.
MWh or GWh) and the metric ‘energy We are monitoring absolute energy
consumption per data volume’ Using different ratios and metrics consumption (kWh), total downlink
(kWh/GB or Wh/GB). The latter requires alignment to prevent data volume (GB) and energy
provides a good complement to showing skewed results. When consumption per data volume (Wh/ Moving to 5G has a relevant impact on energy efficiency, but this can be diluted due to obsolete equipment.
over time follow the development in deciding the new performance KPIs, GB) and also the traffic volume The impact of modernization can be bigger than the impact of traffic shift to 5G. As conclusion, the highest
how much energy is used to transfer we need to keep in mind what will based on radio access technology impact on energy performance is achieved with the combination of both shifting traffic to 5G and radio
1 gigabyte of data in the network. be the consequences in the network (e.g. 3G,4G,5G). equipment modernization.
Together, these two metrics provide to improve these metrics, since
a valuable overview to monitor the these measurements will serve as We have evaluated both the impact
development on network level. the foundation for driving desirable of shifting traffic from 4G to 5G and
-10% CSP B
Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct
10 Going green: benchmarking the energy efficiency of mobile networks (second edition) (
12 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 13
02 Why 5G is the most The improvement in energy efficiency While Massive MIMO radios are
is even more significant when we an energy efficient solution for the
deliver the same data volume with mid-band, to ensure good network
energy efficient
M-MIMO rather than 4G FDD. There coverage, the low bands are still
are multiple examples of reducing required. Hence our approach is to
energy cost per Gigabyte, and for this modernize the low frequency band
reason, transitioning to 5G for energy radios also to reduce their energy
For every new generation of mobile clusters running LTE, and then later Figure 9. Energy
technology, from 2G through to 5G, shifting to NR (both NSA and SA) 5G TDD more than 10 (kWh)
the energy needed to transfer each showed improved DL throughput, as times energy efficient per
bit of data through the network has can be seen in Figure 8. This comes Gigabyte 4G FDD 5G FDD
decreased. For example, replacing 2G from NR making better use of the
or 3G with 4G will significantly increase spectrum. If we compare delivering
the capacity for the same spectrum the same data volume with LTE and
and it also enables the use of more with NR on the same radio equipment,
efficient energy-saving functionalities we will observe that when using NR
offered by the 4G standard. 5G the delivery will go faster, allowing 5G TDD
technologies are designed for high the radio to go to idle sooner and Massive MIMO
capacity and low network energy consequently use less energy. This
consumption, including significantly delivery speed of NR allows energy
improved support for energy savings savings of approximately 30% when
during low-to-medium traffic periods. compared to transmitting the same
amount of data over LTE.
NR is already recognized as being 5G TDD M-MIMO
more spectrum-efficient than LTE, The combination of M-MIMO hardware
but there are more advantages. NR and advanced software algorithms
radio hardware can be operated more enables very efficient energy usage, more efficient per
energy efficiently, since NR enables and it also gives an even higher
more efficient signaling control spectrum efficiency compared with
between the end user equipment and traditional remote radios. Some
the radio equipment. In other words, examples from the field are shared in
NR needs less signaling. Figure 8, which compares results in the Data volume (GB)
same radio cluster.
Commercial networks on existing
FDD frequency bands in network
radio cluster
14 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 15
03 The Ericsson Traditional areas where conflicts realize their full potential, and the sustainability targets are aligned
may arise for a service provider result will be modest energy savings between all organizations.
are targets for network KPIs, user .
approach to breaking
experience, capital investments, More and more service providers are With a sustainable network
operational expenditures, and energy committing to Net Zero targets, as evolution plan in place, the network
costs. Increased use of energy- well as focusing on managing energy observations can be used to plan
saving functionality is often seen as costs, and as a result the complexity for the desired or required network
Figure 10.
Factors to weight
in the holistic view
Network User
KPIs experience
Expand and modernize
Modernize existing network
while scaling up 5G
Total network
Holistic view energy consumption Traditional roll-out Breaking the energy curve approach
Net Circular
Zero economy
Capex/ 3G
opex cost
In the past, with each new mobile products and solutions for CSPs Modernization of networks is crucial previous technologies. To evaluate chapters, we will illustrate how CSPs
generation, we added new equipment to make possible to scale up 5G for CSPs, and this handbook aims to the impact of a site modernization can succeed in this challenge with
which effectively increased overall while reducing the overalls energy be a RAN modernization guide for when scaling up 5G, we need to the improvements in Ericsson´s
network energy consumption. To consumption. For that, we need to their sustainability journey. While correlate the measurements of both radio portfolio substantiated in our
change that trend and achieve what take the aforementioned holistic sunsetting previous technologies energy consumption and network technology innovations, and also
we at Ericsson call “breaking the approach to planning, deploying and would help with the energy challenge, performance. The higher speed our customer´s success stories of
energy curve”, we are developing operating mobile networks differently. we are specifically referring to offered by 5G supports the traffic modernization.
scaling up 5G when we refer to growth, but the target should be
modernization. We will also touch to provide the right time to content This guide will focus on the two first
upon the embodied carbon emissions (depending on the service) to achieve elements of our holistic approach:
of the new products and the need for the right balance between energy sustainable network evolution and
a circular approach in our journey to consumption and performance and expand and modernize. All the
Our recipe for success is based on three core pillars: Net Zero as part of the overall holistic make networks more sustainable. three elements are needed in the
view of sustainable network evolution. sustainability journey but this is a step
The challenge is to reduce energy wise approach for the CSPs to achieve
5G has proved to be the most energy- consumption when adding the their demanding targets for more
efficient technology so far, and it also additional hardware supporting sustainable and capable networks.
provides a better user experience than the new spectrum. In the following
Sustainable network
evolution Expand and modernize Operate intelligently
in defining impactful
sustainability Sustainability Strategy
Supply Chain Portfolio in use Circular Economy
35% 10x
Energy saving in Ericsson 5G product portfolio more
targets Radio System than legacy energy efficient, per transferred
portfolio by 2022. Science data, than 4G by 2022.
Based Target (baseline 2016) (baseline 2017)
39% 10x
Energy saving More energy efficient
Circular Economy approach is needed that balances that they handle according to high
Minimizing waste is essential to a the positive impact of refurbished environmental standards, such as
circular economy , and we know equipment with the energy ISO 14001 and OHSA 18001, and
that high reuse and recycling rates performance of the products and the also specific recycling standards
start with smart product design. customer’s energy mix to ensure true such as the Responsible Recycling
Currently, more than 96% of the sustainability benefits and meet the (R2) scheme. The recyclers follow
material is recycled and goes back required network capabilities. Ericsson’s standard Code of
into the material flow14 . Conduct, and their performance is
We follow a structured approach to checked regularly.
Ericsson has a complete portfolio of refurbish, reuse, and recycle used
Product Reuse services for telecom equipment to optimize hardware usage.
networks equipment refurbishment,
reuse, and recycling. Moreover in In 2005, we launched the global
2021, Ericsson introduced its latest Product Take-Back Program to
offering, Refurbished Network minimize the environmental impact
Equipment. These solutions may be of products at their end of life
suitable in certain cases, depending and ensure that they are handled
on availability of reused equipment according to high environmental
and after consultation with our standards. The program is offered to
customers to ensure that the available customers in 180 countries around
refurbished equipment meets their the world. Contracted recyclers are
specific needs. Again, a holistic audited by a third-party to ensure
05 When and rental costs from increasing. Ericsson functions across the entire network. This will also create opportunities
is developing its offering to support Additionally, to achieve Net Zero, for service providers to engage with
radios for both architectural choices, service providers may also want utility companies in the demand and
5.1 Balancing network performance and energy consumption Network data to make the best decisions
Before going through the and other energy saving features are new opportunities to optimize Let’s take an example to show how we The essence of this segmentation is experience per site (or sector) in
modernization steps, let´s review the to lower energy consumption RAN energy efficiency. One way to help operators to use network insights that there are many sites in the green the right diagram. As always, when
principles of balancing performance without degrading network increase the effectiveness of energy to make the best informed decisions. traffic segment, typically 50-70% of we are talking about the radio
and energy consumption to prevent performance. Combining these saving functionality is to use network In Figure 16: “Traffic volume and all sites, that carry low load, or could performance of the network we need
over-dimensioned and under- features can enable huge energy insights to identify sites and service user experience segmentation”, in also been seen as areas where only to focus on the busiest and most
dimensioned radio sites. savings, with up to 97 percent less areas that have a combination the left diagram, we can see how 25% of total content in the network challenging period of the day, which is
energy consumption at low traffic of low level of data volume and a we can extract data volume on site is delivered. If we were to grade illustrated in the data volumes shown
Software functions can be used to hours compared to maximum very good user experience during level, or even sector level by use of relevance of importance it could be in the left diagram. In the diagram
optimize network performance and to power usage. Finding the right busy hours. By moving to a user performance counters. The data that those low-content delivery sites to the right, we have ranked the sites
reduce energy consumption. It is well balance of network performance experience-centric view, though volume shall be seen as a good proxy are of slightly less strategic value based on the user experience they
known that the traffic demand varies and energy consumption as data still with network KPI’s in focus, it for “data content delivered to the area compared with the fewer sites in the provide – from poor to great.
over the day and night. As mobile traffic grows and new services will be possible to have a balanced covered by the site (or sector)”. red and blue segments where the
networks are deployed to meet are introduced will help service view between network performance majority of content is distributed
expected peak traffic demands, there providers to “break the energy and energy consumption to achieve In the picture to the left we have
is an inherent headroom with over- curve”. This requires a combination larger energy savings. In line categorized the sites into three User experience is not only
capacity for most hours of the day. of replacing old equipment with the with this, Ericsson provides both traffic segments: about content delivery in terms
latest technology and hardware, consultative services to assist in the of volume; how the content has
The modernization cases are activating energy-saving software deployment and optimization of • The red traffic segment represents been delivered to the user and the
combining the latest energy on both active equipment and energy efficiency functionality, as the high traffic sites. time it takes is a big part of the
efficient HW with the activation of passive site infrastructure. well as performance counters which actual user experience. Here we
energy saving features which are are helpful to observe energy savings • The blue traffic segment need to relate user experience to a
adapted to the traffic load. There The nature of a high performing and balancing potential impact on represents medium traffic sites consistent speed of delivery, and
is a range of software features, radio network today is very different network KPIs and user experience. (red and blue together identify we can see via studies how we can
such as transmitter micro sleep or from 2G and 3G networks. By sites that bring 75% of network translate speed into user experience
micro sleep Tx (switching off radio expanding the focus on network data volume). “sufficient download speed into user
transmitters when no transmission performance to include user experience classification”.
is required), deep sleep (hibernate experience and its correlation • The green traffic segment
radios during low traffic hours) towards energy consumption, there represents low traffic sites. In Figure 16, we can observe user
Figure 16.
Traffic volume and user experience segmentation
26 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 27
For both these observation areas In the zoomed-in areas, we can see An energy-saving strategy that
we have counters in the network that there is a combination of sites is adapted to actual demands is Moving to a user experience-centric view, network KPIs are still in focus but with a balanced view.
that we can use to extract this that generate a low volume of data crucial for maximizing energy By adding AI and machine learning technology, we can further help optimize and automize these
information which we exemplify in and, from a user experience point of savings in the network. energy saving functions. This will allow us to save a lot more energy and we will deliver the same
Figure 17 Sites comparison to balance view, they are providing a very good data volume in the targeted areas while always maintaining the user experience at a level that they
performance and energy efficiency. user experience during peak times. experience as great or good.
So this is an easy way to identify
sites with different characteristics.
Figure 17.
Sites comparison to balance
performance and energy efficiency.
This example shows the different The expected result is that, during holistic view, in mind and understand
levels of user experience in a high a large part of the day (except busy how to find a balance between
traffic scenario. This analysis can hours) we have a potential to remove traditional network KPIs and the
be used as method to find under- capacity from network (in order to user experience.
dimensioned sites (cluster in the save energy) and move users from
black circle), with high traffic and “very great” to “great” experience. A
where more capacity is needed to transition that is not noticed by the
meet user experience and to identify end-user but of course captured and
areas that are over-dimensioned registered in traditional network KPI
(cluster in the red circle), delivering observations (e.g DL throughput
low traffic with very good user speed). Again, it is important to have
experience status also in busy hours. Figure 10: Factors to weight in the
28 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 29
5.2 Modernization steps to be modernized to offer the wanted will be guided by the agreed targets, at specific times to save energy and
service and user experience, and in but it can also be opportunistically when we need the capacity, we can
our assessments over network energy driven from the aspect that where quickly return it to full power.
consumption trends we have seen that more capacity will be needed
Once all the drivers for modernization targets. Depending on the energy together. The next step is to identify these sites are key to lower the total and where 5G on new frequency At the end of these three steps a
are identified, we have defined mix available on the market, carbon how this shall be done. network energy consumption. bands will be deployed, there is sustainable network evolution plan
three steps that will secure a emissions related to electricity use an opportunity to also modernize is in place. It will describe the actions
successful modernization execution (Scope 1&2) or embodied emissions Step 2 - This step should also consider the the installed base. It may very well needed to evolve the network to
to achieve the targets. These steps from the supply chain (upstream Identify the sites for modernization operational aspects in the network also be a prerequisite to fit the new meet the business and sustainability
follow the principles of applying Scope 3) may be in focus for the In this step we use the agreed evolution plan. For instance, it could equipment within power and energy targets going forward. The “Expand
a holistic view and balancing the improvements. In either case, CSPs company targets to investigate how involve identifying which energy budgets, or to avoid doing tower and modernize” part of Ericsson’s
network performance with energy will have a need to expand both a network modernization best can saving functionality to apply to turn off reinforcement due to increased wind breaking the energy curve approach
consumption to break the energy the network capacity to manage deliver the wanted performance active parts in equipment (cell sleep, and weight load. is about hardware roll out and
curve, and they will help the service the traffic growth and to reduce the improvements. It includes an M-MIMO sleep, deep sleep, etc.). Those deploying this plan, and to take the
providers to succeed in their network energy cost. Additionally, assessment of the expansion plans software features will be activated The other aspect of “when and opportunity to modernize the existing
sustainability journey. At the end of by expanding the focus on network where new services will be offered and in specific sectors and at times when what” is to address average energy network while scaling up 5G. The
this guide, there is a checklist with the performance to include the user where new capacity will be needed, the traffic load allows some mobile consumption while maintaining a “Operate intelligently” part is about
key actionable recommendations. experience and its correlation with but also identifying sites that will broadband capacity to be reduced high level of user experience. Here using software to, at every moment,
energy consumption, we see new deliver considerable energy savings, without jeopardizing user experience we need to consider mechanisms optimize the network performance
Step 1 - opportunities for an increased use carbon emission reductions and as described in the previous chapter that will reduce consumption during with excellent user experience with the
Holistic evaluation of the targets. of energy saving functionality to site opex reductions. Using network “Balancing network performance and operation but also include savings lowest energy use.
Traditional areas in focus for CSPs optimize the RAN energy efficiency. insights on traffic volume per site and energy consumption”. from when radio products are
are network KPIs, user experience, delivered user experience combined momentary put into sleep mode from
capital investments and operational The holistic evaluation of targets with a baseline over the installed Step 3 - a capacity demand perspective. We
expenditures and energy cost. This will create the foundation for the base of products and their energy Define when and what complement the actual site locations
is now evolving to also include a sustainable network evolution plan consumption, provide valuable data to The final step defines when with the information of “traffic load
focus on carbon emissions in the and secure a “willingness to change” this exercise. Low loaded sites in the and in what order the network over time”. Using this information, we
ambitions to achieve Net Zero where all aspects have been assessed green traffic segment will also need modernization shall be executed. This can reduce capacity (radio chains)
Figure 18.
Modernization steps following
a holistic approach.
A network evolution plan should Apply network insights on traffic Draft the roadmap based on
consider both business and volume per site and delivered your targets and prioritize
environmental sustainability user experience combined with the sites that will need more
targets while seeking to improve a baseline over the installed capacity or 5G roll-out and also
customer experience. base of products and their the sites that are the highest
energy consumption. energy consumer and carbon
emissions producer.
30 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 31
Figure 19.
First implementation to evaluate new hardware – Impressive results Pre- and Post-modernization Energy Consumption for First 10 Sites
modernizing an existing radio site, 52%
with 2G, 3G and 4G technologies, 49%
43% 45%
using Ericsson’s new-generation,
multi-standard, multi-sector, and
tonnes of reduction in carbon 6,5
multi-band radio portfolio. On top
reduction in energy 6 6
of the reduced energy consumption dioxide (CO2) emissions 5,5 5,5
and carbon emissions, other benefits, consumption 5,2
per site per year 4,9 4,9 4,8
such as smaller equipment footprint,
reduced tower load and
5G readiness, were realized. 3,3 3,1
2,4 2,3 2,3
2,1 2,1
1,7 1,6
Network wide Program
Based on the impressive results installed base, as a base for deciding consuming and carbon-emitting
of the pilot implementation, both on where, when, and how to proceed sites are being prioritized in the first
parties agreed to quantify, and track with the modernization actions. The implementation phases. Power consumption Pre-mod. (KWH) Power consumption Post-mod. (KWH)
the energy consumption and the approach focused on what matters Energy Consumption Saving (%)
carbon footprint of the existing radio to make sure that the highest energy-
Khalid Murshed, Chief Technology and Information Officer, etisalat by e& said: “With e& as the
Phase 1: Phase 2: Principal Technology Partner at COP28, e& is on track to meet its 2030 Net Zero target as it accelerates
Site-level analysis to identify The deployed radio configuration of each of the 100 sites was the implementation of climate action projects in its UAE operations. The Group's climate action projects,
the 100 highest energy- mapped to Ericsson’s latest generation of radio products, including implemented by etisalat by e& in the UAE, include investments and efforts to modernize the telecom
consuming and carbon- Radio 6626, Baseband 6631 and RAN Processor 6651. The energy network by injecting the most energy efficient equipment in energy hungry nodes and elements in order
emitting sites. and carbon emissions savings were accurately estimated. to have an accelerated impact, in addition to deploying smart power saving and shutdown features that
would optimize and control energy consumption.”
32 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 33
T-Mobile’s network modernization has achieved an impressive data traffic from 4G to 5G, therefore
program with Ericsson is already improvement in network energy carrying the majority of the data
demonstrating measurable efficiency performance by the traffic over 5G, which is the most
benefits for both T-Mobile and its end of Q3 2023. Network energy energy aware technology.
customers—better performance and performance is measured in
improved user experience, delivered Watthours/Gigabyte, which reflects
with lower energy consumption. the efficiency with which energy is
From year beginning in 2023 used per unit of data transferred.
and within the Ericsson portion Throughout this year T-Mobile
of T-Mobile’s network, T-Mobile accelerated the migration of mobile
34 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 35
Figure 21.
CSPs need new products and When developing new radio products, Tailor made silicon
solutions to help them successfully the objective is to improve spectrum with yearly cadence
address these new challenges. efficiency, energy efficiency and
We explored the different drivers reduced footprint. There are four
for modernization in the previous fundamental technology enablers to
chapters, and here we will share achieve these improvements in the
examples of solutions that will show radios, which are the foundation of
the value of RAN modernization. the development of our radios. RAN Compute Transport Remote Radio Massive MIMO Massive MIMO
5G Advanced Digital front- beamforming Digital front-
RAN capabilities need to be Ericsson Silicon and AI+ end and eCPRI Full uplink end
expanded for more capacity and Ericsson is continuously evolving its receiver and
adding new services while reducing tailor-made silicon to make it more eCPRI
RAN energy consumption. Different efficient. The yearly cadence of new
RAN elements have different energy ASIC will enable more processing Beamforming Digital front-end
needs – approximate figures tell power that is needed in the radios Layer 2 processing Layer 1 processing
processing processing
us that the radios use around 80 when more bands and transmission
percent of the total energy consumed, branches are needed. Reducing the
with baseband using 10 percent and embodied carbon emissions is one
transmission 10 percent. Though key target of our products design
Ericsson is focused on making energy with reduced size and weight. Our Figure 22.
efficiency improvements across the tailored approach for each product Example of Silicon
complete mobile network, the fact segment allows higher scalability evolution for Ran Compute
that radios use the majority of the and optimization.
energy of the RAN means we will
focus on them for now.
(2015 – Baseband 5216) (2020 – Baseband 6648) Gen 4
2017 - Baseband 6630 2021 – RAN Processor 6651 2024 – Next generation
* 5G modes: mmWave, TDD AAS, FDD AAS, TDD Radio, FDD Radio, 4G modes: FDD&TDD Radio, TDD AAS, FDD AAS
36 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 37
6.1 Massive MIMO radios to build 5G with precision needed onsite. Bands using GSM or output power and many radio chains, of network planning allows CSPs
WCDMA today and that are evolving facilitating superior horizontal and to maximize the benefits of a fully
towards LTE and NR need to have vertical domain beamforming. optimized network.
new radio hardware supporting
Above all, we need an efficient use of One important mechanism in LTE big step in this solution happened 2T or 4T radios. We also see the “Coverage” targets deployments It is of utmost importance that the
the radio spectrum, which is the most and NR that improves spectrum in the Massive MIMO radios with introduction of new bands in both the with large inter-site distances, such antenna provides durable multi-
important asset for a CSP. Spectrum efficiency is the Multiple Input the introduction of up to 64 TX FDD domain and the TDD bands. as suburban or rural areas with a band performance to enable stable
will change over time where new Multiple Output (MIMO) solution, as ports, which are used to enhance smaller spread of users in the vertical connection and ensure high throughput
spectrum is added, and we will it enables different configurations the control of the transmitted radio TDD mid-band spectrum has become domain. This segment has typically while it radiates, with minimal losses.
also see how existing frequency for spectrum efficiency. For GSM and energy towards the user. known as the “5G rollout band”. The fewer radio chains to lower the total This will have the effect of reducing
bands will change from older radio WCDMA, only one TX branch was extra capacity from the typically large cost of ownership (TCO) compared network energy consumption and
technologies to newer more efficient needed but for LTE and NR we need This change of how the spectrum amount of new mid-band spectrum to the capacity products as shown in ensuring the antennas are lighter,
such as LTE and NR over time. 2TX, 4TX for FDD bands and for the shall be used is an important factor provides a significant boost to the user the figure 23. compact, wind-load optimized and
TDD bands up to 8 TX ports. The in defining what kind of radios are experience with +1 Gbps download made of sustainable materials. That
speeds, but more important is the “Compact” is for sites where there will have a considerable impact on the
strong capacity boost provided by are constraints on the deployment. overall performance16.
Figure 23. the nature of M-MIMO technology, It prioritizes TCO and ensures that
Different solutions for capacity, coverage and footprint where concepts as Singe User MIMO mechanical properties are in line Since 2021 the Massive MIMO portfolio
and Multiuser MIMO outperform the with site constraints, such as size has taken a big leap in its evolution.
spectrum efficiency gain compared with and weight. These products still The capacity segment has grown to
traditional Remote Radio deployments. provide substantial performance 600MHz instantaneous bandwidth and
Capacity gains compared to conventional now provides both dual-band and wide-
The Ericsson Massive MIMO radio RRUs in many deployment scenarios. band options within a single-antenna
solutions are divided into three The solution where we integrate the formfactor. A single antenna unit for
deployment segments, with product M-MIMO products inside the passive two frequency ranges means a reduced
variants optimized for different antenna structure, Interleaved AIR, use of aluminum and total energy
cases with an optimized total cost of is treated as solution in the compact consumption, while also reducing the
ownership in mind: segment since we “hide” the site footprint expenses for the customer.
M-MIMO inside the radome for
“Capacity” covers the needs of the passive antennas. We will show two success stories of
the most demanding sites and our customers with a similar challenge:
provides superior performance in all Whether it is a passive antenna or an building more 5G sites to support
deployments, ranging from dense Interleaved AIR (integrated active demand in capacity and speeds while
AIR 6419 AIR 6428 AIR 3258 urban high-rises to rural areas. It and passive solution), selecting the reducing energy consumption.
Uncompromised performance Wide bandwidth for high-rise building Wide bandwidth for mid & low-rise supports large bandwidths, high right antennas at the very beginning
optimized for high-rise urban areas, spectrum flexibility and RAN building areas, adding flexibility and
sharing RAN sharing
64T/R, 200MHz & 320W and 19kg 64T/R, 400MHz & 400W and 29kg 32T/R, 400MHz & 320W and 27kg
weight with passive cooling weight with passive cooling weight with passive cooling
Compact Coverage
6.2 Elisa Finland improves performance and energy efficiency Key results
by modernizing with AIR 3268
The drivers of the modernization are To enable 5G new services unlocking As an operator focused on climate This solution has improved network energy efficiency, customer experience, and cost-effectiveness.
energy efficiency set as one of the all the 5G potential for innovation, change mitigation and reducing carbon
strategic cornerstones while driving Elisa has also deployed Ericsson emissions, Elisa found in Ericsson an
5G commercialization through cloud-native dual-mode 5G core, 5G equally sustainability-responsible
network quality, technology standalone deployment in Estonia. partner that can provide energy-
leadership, and innovation in services. efficient products and solutions.
12% 25% 48%
increase of uplink data volume reduction in energy consumption weight reduction compared
compared to AIR 3278 to AIR 3278
Software feature that Software feature that turns on Software feature that uses AI/
automatically enables and and off the capacity cells based ML algorithm running on the
disables the radio’s main power on current traffic load. baseband to predict traffic
amplifier and other hardware patterns to activate/deactivate
blocks during fixed idle periods, radio equipment with zero
reducing energy consumption. touch. This feature is expected
It also ensures that the to provide savings up to 14%
power amplifier is ready to be while securing user experience.
switched on when needed with
zero touch automation.
6.3 Optus, Australia, creates an energy efficient network with the latest
Lambo Kanagaratnam, Managing Director Networks at Optus said,
Massive MIMO for growth “The new RAN we’ve deployed in collaboration with Ericsson plays a critical role in not only the sustainable
growth of our 4G and 5G network, but also in contributing to our sustainability commitment. We are also
Energy efficiency is a Optus achieving its goal to reduce
critical component in Optus’ Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 25% by working with Ericsson to improve their embedded emissions of equipment production and supply, which will
decarbonization journey towards 2025 (from a 2015 baseline). be important to our Net Zero ambitions which includes emissions in our supply chain”. 20
Net Zero emissions. The partnership
with Ericsson to support network
modernization plays a critical role in
Optus is seeking to overcome Network modernization and • Replacing 4418 B40 + AIR3239
challenges related to building energy software activation: to AIR3219 B40
more 5G sites to support demand
in capacity and speeds from its • The AIR6488 are modernized • 4G and 5G energy saving
customers in metros and regional with the AIR6419, improving features: Micros sleep TX,
Australia. At the same time, coverage and capacity Cell Sleep, Radio Deep Sleep,
the company is focused on the M-MIMO sleep mode (planned)
sustainable growth of its 4G and • Consolidation single/dual
5G network. band radios to triband radios,
replacing 4480 B1B3 + 4419 B7
to 4466 B1B3B7
6 x AAS Radios
18 Radios
12 x Classic Radios
4 Baseband
The results: 4 x BB6630
Daily energy savings realized by
HW modernization and LTE/NR • Along with the modernization, total traffic increased by 11% while Evolution
SW features improving consumption from 0.066 kWh/GB to 0.047 kWh/GB, 29 per
cent reduction of energy consumed per gigabyte.
• Mix mode support for AIR 3219 B40 leading to reduction of 3x radios for
LTE 2300.
29% • Total footprint reduction of 50% (from 12 classic radios to 6 per site)
Reduction in cost per GB
6 x AAS Radios
12 Radios
6 x Classic Radios
2 Basebands
2 x BB6651
Ref: 20 Optus and Ericsson unveil Australia’s latest energy efficient radio access network site
42 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 43
6.4 Multi sector and multi band radio units to reduce footprint and Figure 25.
Example of six frequencies in three sectors with two remote radios and interleaved AIR
embodied carbon emissions
The remote radios have evolved 4415) to one triple band radio (4485), improve TCO in those cases. In figure
over time from single band (4415) we are reducing the embodied carbon 25, we can see one example where
to dual band (4499) and now we emissions by more than 50%. At the we optimized the configuration
have triple band (4466) in one radio same time, we are reducing the power based on minimizing the site
unit. This will not only reduce energy average consumption by 22% but footprint. Here, we support five FDD
consumption, but also help operators increasing the peak output power for radio bands in three sectors with
reduce site OPEX and rental fees. But high traffic load. only two remote radio units. All five
not only that - since we have reduced FDD bands are LTE and NR-ready
the embodied carbon emissions The majority of CSP radio sites are with 2T2R radio solution. Each sector
in our products, we are able to today outsourced to infrastructure will need an antenna, and, in this
further reduce the embodied carbon companies (” tower cos”). The example, we use Interleaved AIR
emissions per site. leasing contracts are often regulated which is an antenna that includes
in terms of the number of units in support for the remote radios and
As example the latest radio 4485. tower, the antenna footprint and also hosts a M-MIMO radio with 32
Comparing one single band radio energy consumption. Multiband and or 64 TX ports for midband
and one dual band radio (one 4480 + multisector radios can significantly integrated in the antenna.
Figure 24.
Reduced embodied and energy
consumption with triple band radios Another example of how the remote use 4T4R radio for each band. With
radio portfolio can be used for 4T4R in a band, we have a potential of
modernization is shown below. up to 30% more MBB capacity in the
In this case, the objective is to sector, compared to 2T2R.
maximize the spectrum efficiency by
Radio 4485
Up to 640 | W25 kg
30-50% weight reduction Energy reduction We will show examples of our customers using the multiband and multisector radios in the next success stories.
44 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 45
Figure 27.
modernization executed
in three different
configurations in IOH sites
Figure 28.
IOH results after
Existing (L18+L21 35 MHz) Final (L18+L21 55 MHz) introducing 6626
Radio Radio Radio Radio Radio Radio Radio 6626 Radio 6626
4428 4428 4428 4428 4428 4428 1800MHz+ 1800MHz+
1800MHz 2100MHz 1800MHz 2100MHz 1800MHz 2100MHz 2100MHz 2100MHz
07 Energy-saving only for a very short time. Still, this is M-MIMO sleep mode that reduces the The final state called 5) is a state
an important condition to be aware number of transmitters (amplifiers) to we call “deep sleep” to indicate that
of since, this operational point is the save energy. A remote radio can then we have also shut down parts of the
functionality in
most demanding energy consumption be reconfigured from 4T to 2T and processing capabilities. In this state
situation that can occur, and as such even 1T while still keeping the full 4RX we can reduce energy consumption
it is crucial for site dimensioning of in the uplink. down to levels of 10-40W depending
circuit breakers and so on. Normally on platform type. The drawback here
Figure 29.
Reduce Average Energy NR Massive MIMO Sleep Mode Booster Carrier Sleep RAN Compute Deep Sleep Mode
consumption in radios
Dynamically deactivates/ Dynamic activation of carriers When radios are in deep sleep
activates Tx antenna branches based on traffic load, securing mode the equivalent silicon in
to match the capacity with the user experience. RAN compute can go into deep
actual traffic needs. sleep mode.
Booster carrier
Coverage carrier
Low traffic hours
Awake Sleep
Tran mit
smit Trans
High traffic Medium traffic Low traffic
24 hours
48 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 49
MTN Benin is facing the challenge the operating company seeks saving software proved to deliver
of reducing energy consumption to reduce OPEX related to site significant energy savings and For hardware modernization, delta energy consumption and CO2 applicable to SW) (14760 kWh
to decrease CO2 emissions, running costs, including electricity carbon emissions reduction. energy consumption was calculated emission reduction were calculated. reduction due to hardware
with the aim of breaking the bills and fuel consumption. The by comparing the delta energy The CO2 emission factor is 0.6201 modernization and 8189 kWh due
energy curve. Simultaneously, new radios provided with energy consumption between the kg CO2e per kWh. to energy saving features). The
Legacy Radio and ERS Hardware total daily carbon reduction was of
configurations. For software Total daily energy savings 14239 Kg or 1839 tones.
energy-saving features, energy were measured at 22949 kWh
Solution: consumption was measured before (36% savings of which 23%
To support MTN in reducing energy consumption, two key solutions were implemented in more than 800 sites: and after activation, and then the are applicable to HW and 13%
When introducing 5G SmarTone network wide and started in 2019. through H/W modernization and
wants to reduce the energy They want to boost energy savings deployed energy saving software. Replace from non-ERS radio to ERS radio. Non-ERS radios of 2 different bands replaced by dual band
consumption for sustainability. without impacting on performance. radio4499 and 1Tx RRUS or RUS replaced by 2Tx ERS radio systems.
Their challenge is to meet the
demand of network traffic growth In addition to H/W modernization, Radio8823 and AAS for mid-band have been deployed as new sites:
today and in the future. This SMT HK has converted some of our
modernization was deployed cell sites to non-air-conditioned sites • (Low band) Radio2212/2217/4415/4499
• (Mid band) Radio8823
• (Mid band AAS) AIR 3227/3239/3268/6419/6449
Software solution:
“Ericsson and SmarTone
have led global technology
LTE network 5G network developments in mobility and
• Microsleep TX • 25% energy saving from equal to about 111 t-CO2/day delivered multiple ‘firsts’ through
• MIMO sleep for non-coverage layers HW modernization keeping (CO2 coefficient is set to 0.462 early joint trials, shared research
and non-IoT cells during 01:00 – 6:00. the same configuration and kg-CO2/kWh) and collaborative product
• Microsleep TX for all LTE cells. RF power setting. development. Electricity is not
• Cell Sleep Mode (CSM) in LTE capacity cells. • Overall improvement of energy only the key source of energy
• TCO/ OPEX reduction due to efficiency for radio equipment for mobile business, but also
reduced footprint reached 33%
a major source of greenhouse
This modernization and software solutions were deployed network-wide (except some specific sites, not typical) gas (GHG) emissions. Ericsson
• Better cell coverage with use of
dual-band radio . sustainability solutions for energy
savings helps SmarTone improve
• Energy saving features energy efficiency to create a more
activation reduced energy sustainable future.”
consumption by 8%. This Stephen Chau, SmarTone CTO.
energy consumption saving is
Figure 31.
Site modernization impact on footprint and energy consumption at SmarTone
52 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 53
7.3 Example of radio product improvements with our latest Radio 4490 Comparing the first and third periods, the results are summarized as follows:
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%
PRB utilisation
The above graph shows that even with an increase in energy consumption. 4490, significant engineering effort
zero traffic, the radio still consumes The impact of Micro Sleep Tx is higher was made to ensure reduced energy
power, which is due to the cells being at lower load where there are more consumption both when transmitting
enabled and the radio transmitting opportunities to sleep. The deviations of and not transmitting. While not seen in
Three distinct time periods with different values of energy consumption can be seen in the above graph: traffic independent signaling to provide the points from a straight line are mainly the above example, Radio 4490 also
coverage. This phenomenon is the due to the amount of Micro Sleep Tx offers low energy consumption in cell
basis for operators’ push for “zero which is more strongly correlated to the sleep mode (measured at 62W), and a
watts and zero load”. The improvement TTI (time domain) PDSCH utilization, Deep Sleep mode measured at 27W.
01. Prior to 20 April, energy 02. 20 April – 4 May, energy 03. Starting 5 May, energy of Radio 4490 (green dots) tending rather than the PRB (time-frequency
consumption averages 310W, consumption just under 300W, consumption averaging 250W, towards 160W at zero traffic load domain) PDSCH utilization. Radio 4480 has been a popular choice
and varies from 290-320W, and varies from 290-300W, and varies from 240-260W, compared to Radio 4480 (orange to modernize sites with older radios,
where Radio 4480 was during a transition period with with Radio 4490 utilizing dots, tending towards 225W) is visible. Note how the green dots are always offering two bands in one radio, higher
deployed Radio 4490. However, this was the same energy savings Targeting this region was one of the below the brown dots, indicating performance, 5G readiness and energy
without implementing its key functionality as Radio 4480 major design criteria for Radio 4490. Radio 4490 always consumes less savings. There are still many sites left
energy savings functionality power than Radio 4480 in this like- to modernize where using Radio 4490
Micro Sleep Tx The above graph also shows how for-like configuration, regardless of will bring even larger energy savings
the increase in load correlates with traffic load. When designing Radio compared to Radio 4480.
54 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 55
08 How can we reduce Ericsson has been conducting life emissions by 2030, and this will
cycle assessments (LCAs) for many lead to reductions in the embodied
years as a research activity. The LCA’s emissions of our products.
emissions in the radio improvement areas. The assessments Ericsson has an ambitious, 1.5-degree supplier collaboration and
show that the lion’s share of the aligned target to halve its supply chain continued integration for
embodied emissions occurs upstream emissions by 2030. This will lead to lower weight.
from us, in the supply chain. Ericsson reductions in the embodied emissions
has an ambitious, 1.5-degree aligned, of its products.
target to halve our supply chain
Figure 35.
The embodied carbon emissions To develop products with both Carbon hot spots identified
of a product are carbon emissions excellent energy performance and with a life cycle assessment
occurring from “cradle to gate”, low embodied carbon emissions,
covering all emissions occurring from we have estimated reductions in
activities done before the first use of embodied carbon for newer product
a product as result of the following versions compared to previous ones.
upstream activities:
Network Rollout and Sustainable Network Rollout & Carbon hot spots
Product transportation Carbon lean product transport
Supplier production
Raw material
01 processing of
aluminium 02 Die casting
of aluminium 03 of electronic
components such
as IC or PCB
Areas to reduce embodied emissions
56 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 57
Embodied carbon emissions reductions methods and will collaborate with emissions of a site with 2021 portfolio
will depend on product-specific other external stakeholders to reach an (2460, 4480, 4415, 3278 radios) with Baseline with 2 radios Radio 4485
assumptions and emission factors. industry consensus. a site with 2023 radios (4486, 4485,
They cannot be compared with the life 3268), we have estimated 44 percent Dual-band + single-band FDD Triple-band FDD
cycle assessments of other vendors Most important is to reduce the less embodied carbon emissions.
because of different estimation embodied carbon emissions of a
methods and the lack of industry complete site. For example, if we >50%
consensus. Ericsson is exploring design compare the embodied carbon
+ less embodied
carbon footprint
Ericsson new Massive MIMO radios up to 46% of embodied carbon emissions reduction 1800 MHz 1800, 2100 & 2600
2100 MHz 2600 MHz MHz4T4R on all bands
Figure 36.
Massive MIMO Weight 53 kg Weight 25 kg
improvements in embodied Configurable output power 480 W Configurable output power 640 W
carbon emissions and
energy consumption Average power consumption 672 W Average power consumption 523 W
Figure 38.
Triple sector radios benefits
Triple band Triple sector
Embodied carbon reduction
Selecting products with low embodied carbon, reducing reliance on diesel generators in favor of renewable
energy sources for off-grid cell sites, and expanding the use of free cooling at sites will contribute to
improving the environmental sustainability of the sites.
58 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 59
8.1 TDC NET Denmark deploys radio 6646 reducing energy consumption Extend 5G reach and maximize performance
and embodied emissions
TDC NET is executing on their energy efficiency of its network and site in a rural area with the target
objective to build a strong, future reduce overall carbon emissions to evaluate the product selection Deploying low-band spectrum with radio 6646 will significantly enhance both the 5G coverage and mid-
proof and nationwide network from its infrastructure. One of TDC from a sustainability perspective. band (3.5GHz) performance in an energy-efficient way. This radio can extend the total 5G coverage,
with no negative climate and NET’s initiatives is to explore more For this specific case the energy with the combination of the low bands-and the mid-band TDD and Massive MIMO, operators can further
environmental impact, while ensuring sustainable radio solutions for its performance of radio 6646 was strengthen 5G Standalone deployments and provide wider reach and capacity to boost business.
excellent customer experience and future network evolution to lower evaluated against the radio 2238
best in class network performance. energy consumption and embodied that provides site solution of a 2T2R
CO2e emissions in the radio sites. configuration on the low bands.
Having validated its SBTi 2030 net- Three single-sector radios 2238
zero target, TDC NET is continuously Ericsson and TDC NET have were replaced by one triple-sector
seeking ways to enhance the partnered to execute a trial on one and triple-band radio 6646. Key results from the trial
”This is a great product! We are always on the lookout for innovative solutions. It has been a pleasure to
work with Ericsson on introducing this new radio in our network” Søren Elsborg, VP of Mobile Innovation
TDC NET Denmark.
“We are excited to demonstrate our commitment to the climate by testing solutions that will bring us closer to
our net zero target for CO2 emissions in the value chain by 2030. This specific solution is a great example of
how our collaboration with Ericsson is constantly evolving to include also CO2 emissions from equipment and
materials on top of the energy saving features. This is absolutely key for us to build a green mobile network in
the future.” Peter Søndergaard Andersen, Senior Director, Head of Sustainability, TDC NET Denmark
60 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 61
09 Modernization
success stories
In this guide we have shared some The next cases in this section show:
of the latest inspiring success stories
from our frontrunner customers in • Expanding 5G capacity is an
their sustainability journey. These opportunity for modernization
are examples of how hardware - Vodafone UK
modernization in combination with
energy saving software can deliver • Modernizing radio sites while
important results to support the net rolling-out 5G - Singtel
zero challenge.
• A clear roadmap with different
As we have seen previously, milestones will help to achieve your
depending on the specific customer targets - Telstra
62 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 63
9.1 Vodafone UK improves 5G midband coverage while reducing Baseband modernization to reduce Additional savings with energy
Vodafone, as Ericsson,
energy consumption saving software and automation
footprint and energy consumption By replacing Baseband 6648 with The Deep Sleep software feature, believes that urgent and
the RAN Processor 6651, power put radios into hibernation, turning sustained action is required
Energy efficiency is a key pillar of Boosting the 5G network with Introducing 6626 radios, one radio consumption was cut by 23 percent off Silicon and other components to address climate change.
Vodafone UK’s strategy. Over the mid-band Massive MIMO and 5G to doing the job of six and reducing thanks to the intrinsic energy-saving during hours of low traffic. Deep Therefore, Vodafone has
years Vodafone UK has focused on standalone capabilities for new energy consumption capabilities of the new Ericsson Silicon. Sleep was introduced across all
more responsible management of services. Vodafone UK and Ericsson partnered new Massive MIMO radios, with committed to removing all
energy, including rationalization of to trial the 1 Radio 6626 B20B8 The result was 23 percent (100W) automation via Ericsson Network carbon emissions from its own
network assets to decommission Massive MIMO introduced without in July 2023 on one suburban site less power consumption moving Manager. This energy savings are operations by 2027, and its
unnecessary equipment, upgrading increasing the footprint in Northampton. The network from Baseband 6648 to RAN the subject of continued study. wider supply chain by 2040.
technology to ensure the most To provide an excellent connectivity modernization trial involved Processor 6651.
efficient and optimized network, experience, the network needs replacing 6 single band radios (2
and trialing new concepts to further the best possible 5G. With mid- radio per sector; 3 Radio 2217 B20
enhance efficiencies.. Vodafone, band spectrum paving the way, and 3 Radio 2212 B8) with 1 single
as Ericsson, believes that urgent Massive MIMO solutions, and their 3-sector Radio 6626. Combining
and sustained action is required to performance sweet-spot, are rolled three sectors and two frequencies Figure 40.
address climate change. Therefore, out across the country. The new in one radio unit, Ericsson’s Radio Radio site after modernization
Vodafone has committed to Interleaved AIR 3218, and active- 6626 effectively enabled Vodafone
removing all carbon emissions from passive antenna, proved to be a UK to radiate all three sectors in their
its own operations by 2027, and its key solution. Mid-band Massive towers through just one radio unit.
wider supply chain by 2040. MIMO could be added to the sites, This multi-standard and multi-band
without increasing the number of coverage offers an opportunity to
Reducing the total cost of ownership antennas. The beam-through design lower operating expenses (OPEX)
and RAN energy consumption is also lets TDD Massive MIMO signals due to energy savings and reduce
of key importance, meaning new pass through the passive antenna in carbon footprint at the same time.
solutions needed to bring savings on both directions, without impacting The target of the radio upgrade trial
infrastructure, rollout and on energy the signaling for either frequency was to monitor that performances
consumption - in tandem with ranges. The sites could be upgraded are not impacted while measuring
optimal user experience. with a visibly like-for-like antenna energy performance counters.
footprint, speeding up both upgrade
Vodafone and Ericsson have been site acquisitions and the mid-band As a result, the radio upgrade trial
working in partnership for several rollout. showed that there was no service
years to trial and implement new degradation observed, also no dip in
energy efficient solutions in the UK With the increased presence of mid- traffic levels across all technologies
network. This meant introducing band spectrum, Ericsson introduced and across all sectors, meaning that
solutions from the Ericsson Radio a performance boost by deploying radio performance was not impacted.
System portfolio, for both mid-band Carrier Aggregation of mid-band In addition, there was no change in
TDD and low-band FDD, reducing plus FDD. The 900MHz band was the 4G (800/900) coverage as per
energy consumption and site chosen for CA with mid-band, and pre & post coverage analysis. Finally,
footprint. The key considerations 5G standalone was deployed in power saving of 36% was achieved
proved to be site access lead time parallel. 5G SA enabled new services with the 6626 Radio when Pre
and cost for site rollout, as well including network slicing. and Post energy consumption was
as avoiding increased rental cost. evaluated at the test site.
36% reduction of
Energy consumption
watt hours
Baseline Scenario
3 x Radio 2212 B8
3 x Radio 2217 B20
New Scenario
1 x Radio 6626 B8 B20
64 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 65
9.2 Singtel creates an advanced and energy efficient network for all
technologies in Singapore Results:
Singtel’s mobile network infrastructure, Since 2018, Singtel has been energy-efficient technology, it also
supporting both 3G and 4G services, upgrading its hardware from prepares for future customer needs. • 50% of radio footprint reduction • 29% of energy savings in 78% • 26,851 MWh (MegaWatt hours)
relies primarily on Ericsson RAN Ericsson’s RBS6000 to Radio 2212 3G services in Singapore will be in all the sites, that will improve of the radio sites only due to savings and 10,955 metric tonnes
hardware. Their spectrum resources B1/B8 and Radio 2219/B3 which phased out by 31 July 2024, and OPEX hardware modernization of CO2 savings in a year for the
encompass critical frequency bands, translates to higher energy savings upgrading all the sites across the deployed 1827 sites
including 900 MHz (Band 8), 1800 and reduced radio footprint, lowering country ensures that it can support
MHz (Band 3), 2100 MHz (Band 1), operating expenses by 50%. the increasing number of customers
2600 MHz (Band 7), and 2500 MHz transitioning to 5G.
(Band 38). Notably, Bands 1 and 8 Singtel aims to achieve net-zero
are dedicated to 3G services, while emissions by 2045. The network
all bands collectively provide robust
coverage for their 4G network.
upgrade not only brings it one
step closer to its goals with more 25%- 29% 10,955
of energy savings metric tonnes
in the 98% of the sites of CO2 savings per year
Modernization plan with three different configurations to build 5G with precision
The new radio solutions, 01. Modernization of Band 1 and Band 3 Radios: The existing 2T2R setups, for Future plans
with their 4T4R capability, example, 2xRUS03 B3 + 1xRUS02 B1 + 1xRUW01 B1, are being upgraded
significantly enhance site to a more efficient 4T4R configuration using the Dual-Band 4T4R Radio
4499 B1 B3. Similar enhancements are being made for other configurations.
capacity while reducing
In pursuit of a more sustainable
energy consumption and 02. Modernization of Band 8 and Band 28 Radios: Existing 2T2R setups network, Singtel has accelerated "As a leading telco in Asia, we’re committed to making positive
physical space requirements. on Band 8, such as 2xRUS02 B8, are being transformed into 4T4R its transition to newer radios for impact on the environment and the communities we serve.
They also prepare the sites configurations with the Dual-Band 4T4R Radio 4499 B8 B28. This new its current NR massive MIMO That includes continuing to invest in greener technologies and
for NR 700MHz readiness, hardware is also Band 28 capable. deployment. This includes the shift infrastructure so we can reduce our carbon footprint, protect natural
from AIR 6449 B42 to AIR 6419
aligning with Singtel's resources, and mitigate the impact of climate change.”
03. Modernization of Band 7 Radios: Previously 2T2R setups, like 2xRUS01 B42 and from AIR 3227 B42 to AIR
acquisition of Band 28 B7 or 1xRRUS11 B7, are being upgraded to 4T4R configurations using the 3268 B42.
spectrum. Radio 4415 B7. - Cheong Hai Thoo, Vice President, Mobile & Voice Engineering,
Singtel Singapore
04. Modernization of Band 38 Radios: The existing 4T4R setup, 1xRRUS72
B38A, is being upgraded to 4T4R using the Radio 4418 B38A.
Figure 41.
Radio footprint reduction
through modernization in Legacy site 2023 site
Singtel´s network solution solution
Configuration 1
(78% of sites) 7 radios 4 radios
Configuration 2
(20% of sites) 8 radios 4 radios
Configuration 3
(2% of sites) 4 radios 2 radios
66 Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide Ericsson | Sustainable Networks-The RAN modernization guide 67
9.3 Telstra builds a modernization roadmap to reduce energy consumption Boosting energy savings with
new software
and achieve their Net Zero target
Telstra has recorded substantial expected from additional features
Telstra is committed to achieving the hardware modernization was In 2023 the most common energy savings of approximately currently under field trials like MIMO
net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) reduced footprint from 21 radios new site solution is: 26 MWh per day by activating Micro Sleep, AI MIMO Sleep and Baseband
emissions by 2050 and has embraced to 9 radios per site and network- Sleep Tx and LTE Cell Sleep mode Power Saving features.
the challenge and ambition to reduce wide daily energy savings of • 3 x Low-Band radios featues. Further savings are
absolute emissions by at least approximately 11.24 MWh (only due (3 x 4480 B5/B26 B28)
50 percent from the FY19 baseline to hardware modernization). • 3 x Mid-Band radios
by 2030. To break the energy curve, (3 x 4466 B1 B3 B7)
Telstra is expanding and modernizing In 2019 the most common site • 3 x Mid Band M-MIMO radios
using the latest energy efficient solution was comprised of the (3x AIR3258) Telstra RAN energy saving features
hardware and operating intelligently following radios: Maximizing energy savings
by deploying Ericsson’s suite of
energy saving software. Telstra • 12 x Single-Band radios
is enabling the 5G network with (6x RUS02 B28B, 3x 2212 B5,
the latest technology for best user 3x RUS01 B5) Deployed Network-Wide
experience but in a more sustainable • 6 x Dual-Band radios
way. This modernization program (3 x 4443 B1B3, 3x 4415 B7A)
was conducted over several years, • 3 x Mid Band M-MIMO radios Micro Sleep Tx LTE Cell Sleep Mode
across the network. The result of (3x AIR6488)
Figure 42.
Telstra site modernization reducing
footprint and energy consumption ~26 MWh per day additional energy savings from network-wide deployment
of RAN energy saving features
LTE MIMO Sleep Mode LTE AI MIMO Sleep Mode Baseband Power Saving
03 Network modernization is crucial to break the
energy curve and to reduce OPEX • Intent-based
• Zero touch
04. Migrate to 5G for energy 5G's higher speed supports traffic growth and enables energy consumption
efficiency and growth. reduction by delivering the same data faster. CSPs need to accelerate the
data migration from 4G to 5G with campaigns to promote 5G capable
devices. Improving 5G coverage will also enable new business opportunities
for both enterprise and consumer segments.
05. Take the opportunity to By modernizing the existing equipment, you will make room for the 5G TDD
modernize your existing radio Midband roll out in the energy budget. This will enable to reduce site rental
sites and equipment when you costs and other operational expenditures, such as energy costs, which will
roll out and expand 5G. improve the business case for introducing 5G and expanding capacity for
better user experience.
06. Boost energy savings with By using the energy saving features on the new equipment and looking at the
the new software features. user experience as metric additional energy savings can be achieved. These
energy saving features are activated in the radios and basebands depending
on the traffic load to secure user experience. For this reason, we should use user
experience metrics to balance energy consumption and network performance.
07. Select products with reduced To reduce the upstream emissions, select products with lower embodied
embodied carbon emissions. emissions while still satisfying capacity and coverage requirements.
These products have typically less weight and size that will improve your
operational costs (site rental and tower reinforcement).
08. Evolve your energy site Expanding the use of free cooling at sites can reduce the overall energy
management to reduce consumption and the reliance on diesel generators. In the sites with diesel
carbon emissions. currently in use, the evolution should start with migrating progressively to
renewable energy sources for off-grid cell sites. The next step is to have a site
running completely on renewables with possibility to supply energy to the
grid during low traffic hours. Even if your site runs completely on renewables,
the most clean energy is the energy that you don´t use, energy efficiency
should be at the top of your targets.
09. Partner with your suppliers to Make sure to handle the obsolete equipment to minimize environmental
use a circular approach. impacts. Secure that old equipment is sent to the Take Back process. Also
consider the different solutions to reduce scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions with
your key partners, these include packaging, recycling, and refurbishment.
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