Mid Diving Dive Sites

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Island Diving

Diving within Chole Bay

Scuba diving within Chole bay is a fantastic, colourfully exuberant experience accompanied by
hoards of fish, all with different shapes, colours and sizes. The waters surrounding Mafia Island offer
an extraordinary variety of marine diversity, with over 400 species of fish, 5 species of marine turtle
and 48 species of coral. The majority of these being sighted within 30 minutes boat ride of the centre.

Every day we schedule a boat trip out to Chole bay for two dives on two different reefs to gather a
taste of the beautiful underwater world. The duration of the trip is roughly around four and a half
hours. Depending on the wind, we usually hoist the sail and either glide gently out to or back from
the dive sites, adding an extra layer of relaxation to the days adventure.

All the dive sites within the bay, except for one, are suitable for all levels of divers and offer a relaxing
environment for one to either start their diving journey or simply basque in the underwater beauty.
All of our dives are planned as a gentle drift, with the boat collecting us from whereever we leisurely
surface. We spend our surface on board our dhows, enjoying a cup of tea or coffee and some small
snacks before slipping back into the ocean for another round of underwater fun.

When the tides comply it is also possible to venture slowly out into the bay for a night dive on one of
our beautiful reefs. Watching the sun slowly drift below the horizon, as we prepare to roll back into
the darkening, liquid abyss, is an experience not to miss!
Island Diving

Diving outside Chole Bay

Outside the safe confines of Chole bay, Mafia offers a small variety of deeper dive sites for those
experienced divers looking for something a little more challenging.

These sites are available to Advanced divers from October through to March when the trade winds
blow from the North and the open ocean is relatively calm, creating perfect conditions above and
below the water.

These dive trips are both dependent on the tides and weather conditions and are always organised as
a double tank trip. After the first dive we slowly motor into a sheltered area on the edge of the bay to
enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and chat about our dive before excitedly jumping in for the next one.

Although the dive sites outside the bay are few, each one is special, and could be dived hundreds of
times, experiencing something different during each moment underwater.

The sites outside of the bay offer less diversity of fish and coral species, but is still an enjoyable
Island Diving

Diving from the Shore

Just a stone’s throw away from the dive centre, we have the opportunity to explore a macro paradise!
Mafia Island Diving’s owners, David and Danielle, being macro maniacs, spent a great deal of time
exploring every inch of the sea shore in search of the weird and the wonderful.

What they found were a variety of topographies and flora, home to a range of critters from cuttlefish
to seahorses, you name it, they’ve probably seen it! With over 100 different nudibranch species so far
identified and a variety of crabs, shrimps and strange fish - these dive sites are unusual and special
and definitely worth a wander.

Due to the tides, we are only able to organise one dive a day from the shore. When the low tide falls
in the evening hours, the shore dive is an excellent place to head out for a night dive and is perhaps
our favourite dive available in Mafia!

Mafia Island Diving is the only centre on Mafia which offer the majority of these dive sites, and take
great pride in taking fellow macro enthusiasts out! Our dive guides have developed a passion for the
little things in life as well and have spent their time exploring the different sites, looking under every
rock and leaf to ensure they can spot all the rare creatures that are sought after!

Due to the dive sites being so shallow they are excellent places for beginners, wary divers and
experienced divers alike.
Island Diving

Diving from Sandbanks

When the tides and weather partner up to create a perfect day, we have the opportunity to explore
the South of the archiepelago.

Two hours sail South of Mafia Island, we have a selection of dive sites to enjoy. These diving trips are
a full day adventure and a great way to get non diving family members involved.

We depart from the dive centre in the early morning aboard one of our dhows to start our journey
South, weaving through coral reefs, and making our way around small islands to finally arrive in the
Mafian channel, where miles and miles of turqoise water awaits us. The journey itself is a great way
to see the lesser visited southern section of the archipelago and spot species such as dolphins.

The reefs that we shall explore are beautiful coral reef dives with patches of pure white sand. A
kaleidoscope of fish dart in and out of their colourful homes and if we are lucky, white trip reef sharks
will lazily, sway over the sand. Above the water, snorkellers can also explore the reefs and watch a
multitude of marine life just metres away.

During the months of August and September we can combine this beautiful diving safari with a spot
of whale watching which really adds to the experience!

After a beautiful morning of water exploring, we settle on to our tantalizing sandbank, have a BBQ
picnic and relax, before slowly making our way home in the early afternoon.
Island Diving

Diving Ras Kisimani

Just under two hours sail from the centre, the journey is riddled with hues of aquamarine and
turquoise. Arriving on a stunning white beach which goes on for miles with not a single person in
sight besides the odd fisherman returning from his morning out at sea.

We set up a camp beneath a tree and in true Swahili style rustled up some fish to BBQ under the
coconut trees. Snorkelling off the beach you can come across big crabs, fields of star fish and a moray
eel or two.

One can walk down the beach where you can find the ancient ruins of Ras Kisimani where you can
readily dig up pottery shards, old coins and beads.

After a scrumptious picnic by the sea, we board our dhow and head off for some underwater
exploring! There is a beautiful reef that runs directly along the shore, housing beautiful hard coral
structures and a plethora of fish! One can snorkel or dive here making at an excellent adventure for
the whole family.

The cherry on the cake is the journey back, hugging the Mafian coastline and gazing in awe at the
miles after miles of untouched beach, mangrove forests and towering palm trees.

A wonderful escape for the day suitable for couples, families and friends. This excursion is only
possible on high tide, an excellent alternative to Mange sandbank.
Island Diving

Nudi City
Location: Shore

Max Depth: 10 metres

Certification: All levels

Nudi City was our first discoveries from the shore and named for its inundation of several different
types of nudibranch. The Reef is a 300 metre swim off Utende beach and lies at around 9 metres deep.
Here there is an abundance of soft corals and fantastic anemones.

We regularly spot helmut gurnards and spiny devil fish on this site as well as dwarf scorpion fish and
lion fish. The reef offers us a fantastic amount of macro life in the form of flatworms, shrimps,
flounders, dragon sea moth fish, sea hares and snake eels. You can also expect to see some of the
usual suspects; blue spotted rays, octopus and cuttlefish.

When the low tide falls in the early hours of the evening, nudi city can be dived during the night,
when it transforms into a sanctuary for the weird and the wonderful.
Island Diving

Tom’s Garden

Location: Shore

Max Depth: 7 metres

Certification: All levels

Our most recent shore dive discovery is this gem of a dive. A must do for macro enthusiasts, this site
has a depth of 7 metres but can be extended if one wants to rear off the beaten track into the sand

This dive site was named after one of our Instructor’s who stumbled upon this seahorse haven by
change. Amongst the thriving sea grass and sandy patches we can find several species of seahorses,
of varying sizes and colours. Also a common sight here are our friends the frogfish as well as shrimp
fish, nudibranches, pipefish, pipehorses.

Quite often one can also be accompanied by goat fish and trevallies as they scour the sandy bottom
for food. This is also an excellent dive to spot the crocodile fish lurking around in the weeds.
Island Diving

Frogfish Town

Location: Shore

Max Depth: 12 metres

Certification: All levels

Frogfish town was another Mafia Island Diving discovered site just 400 metres off Utende beach. The
reef itself starts at around 9 metres deep and is algae and soft coral dominated with a large
number of different colour anemones and sponges.

Here, amongst the splashes of sponges one can spot the illusive frogfish as well as harlequin shrimps
and various other critters. The site can be explored further East where it develops into a more varied
topography with small caverns and very small rock pinnacles. Here one can see an excellent variety of
Nudibranches, shrimps as well as small and medium sized fish.

When the low tide falls in the early hours of the evening, this is one of our favourite sites to explore
under a starry night sky. The soft coral reef comes alive with critters of all shapes and sizes.
Island Diving

Critters Alley
Location: Shore

Max Depth: 10 metres

Certification: All levels

One of our favourite dives to go hunting for the super macro. Criters cove can be found just off the
shore, at the edge of the drop off. A sandy bottom dive, where one explores the patches of weed, small
bommies and pipe that has been layed between Chole and Mafia Islands.

Regular sightings include shrimps, nudibranches, sap sucking slugs, seahorses, spiny devil fish,
dwarf lionfish, snake eels and morays. Quite often we are also lucky enough to spot the cockatoo
wasp fish, helmut gurnard and ghost pipe fish.

This site is definitely for muck divers as the entirety of the dive is spent combing through the
underwater habitat with our noses to the ground. A nice addition to this dive is getting caught up in
a 200 to 300 strong school of Jacks which regularly patrol the shore.
Island Diving

Milimani South
Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 18 metres

Certification: All levels

Milima in Swahili means mountains or hills. Milimani means ‘the place of mountains’ which very
aptly describes this dive site whith its towering hard coral formations.

Milimani South is extremely picturesque with huge coral formations through which the diver
navigates. Spectacular layered coral peaks which invite divers to swim amongst and behind them to
explore the shallower jewels of the site to then re-emerge out of the coral mountains back to the deep.
This is followed by vast porites formations that are dome-like with many lion fish, glass fish and
moray eels.

From here it slopes away to 18 metres with a wide variety of soft and hard corals. Here we expect to
see our resident napoleon wrasse swimming by as well as big schools of big eyes,
snappers and fusiliers. Milimani is always beautiful and never ceases to amaze with its unusual yet
perfected formations.
Island Diving

Milimani North
Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 18 metres

Certification: All levels

This dive site is the opposite end of the previous and offers a different view of the very long reef
system. Here the beginning of the site starts with some beautiful bommies randomly placed across the
white, sandy bottom. One can spot plenty of wonderful nudibranches as well as octopus, shrimps and
the illusive frog fish if you look hard enough!

The reef itself starts with plenty of hard corals around 5 metres and slowly continues to around 17.
This side of the reef is riddled with lobsters and it is quite common to spot leaf fish and scorpion fish.
This dive is very easy, relaxing and has a lot to offer to those exploring it!

Towards the middle of the dive, at around 17 metres, we have discovered a cleaning station with big
morays, giant reef rays, shrimps and crabs. A busy hub of sea creatures which you could admire all
Island Diving

Kinasi Wall
Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 18 metres

Certification: All levels

This is a sheltered bank reef, moderately deep and steeply sloping but not a sheer wall as its name
would suggest.

One can find beautiful coral formations on the top of the reef at just 5 metres and can find a
maximum depth of 21 metres when gliding just above the rubble bottom. The reef itself runs south-
east:north-west for approximately 800 metres. This complex coral reef supports a great variety of
schooling and solitary fish such as snappers, surgeon fish, wahoo and barracuda.

Giant clams, sea fans, large marble groupers and napoleon wrasse are common. Hawksbill turtles
regularly make an appearance and quite often giant and potato groupers can be seen patrolling the
reef. Regular sightings include the usual mix of reef fish and a healthy number of marble groupers!

This is a relaxing and beautiful dive but can experience a strong current when dived during the
spring tide.
Island Diving

Coral Islands

Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 18 metres

Certification: All levels

This site comprises of three extensive and spectacular coral patches starting at around 9 metres down
and leveling off at around 17. These gorgeous, coral islands are separated by sand channels that rel-
fect ambient light from the surface in all direction, lighting up the reef.

The many species of coral are packed around the ancient Porites formations, portraying not only
Mafia’s perfect beauty but also its natural history. There are a large number of dense shoals of fish, a
peculiarity is the occurrence of large numbers of spotted garden eels, so named for their habit of living
together in “gardens” in the sand around the coral. Here one can also find a vast variety of macro
creatures such as nudibranches and crabs.

Other critters include leaf fish, lion fish, scorpion fish and all the usual suspects from morays of
varying sizes to marble groupers darting in and out of the coral fields.
Island Diving

Chole Reef

Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 18 metres

Certification: All levels

Chole Reef is a bank reef that is found lying north-east:south-west and is around 800 metres long.

The reef starts at around 5 metres and descends to 17 ending with sand and
coral rubble where it is common to see scavenging titan trigger fish and scrounging goat fish.
We regularly see giant reef rays just a couple of metres off the reef resting on the rubble, taking a
break before elegantly lifting off and rippling away into the blue.

Chole reef is a startlingly rich tapestry of corals enveloped in clouds of colourful fish; damsels,
fusiliers, butterfly, angel and parrot fish. Turtles are common in the shallows and there are a
staggering number of lobsters, nudis and giant sea cucumbers to be found.

This reef is exceptionally long and varied, making it the perfect place to split into two and dive it from
opposite ends.
Island Diving


Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 14 metres

Certification: All levels

Pyramid is a Mafia Island Diving discovered site with a maximum depth of just 14 metres. This site
offers an array of pretty scenery, beautiful fish and coral formations.

The dive starts around some coral bommies and small rock formations and slowly ascends to a
shallow bank reef after passing the distinct coral formation of a pyramid. Here one can see a resident
honeycomb moray eel as well as a resident juvenile ribbon eel. There are small schools of reef fish and
from time to time larger passing individuals.

This site offers spectacular views as the light ricochets off the sandy bottom, lighting up the sponges
and corals, exentuating their colours. The pyramid is a small cleaning station, one where you can
spend a great deal of time watching the reef creatures stop by for a clean before darting of back to
daily life. There are plenty of macro critters to be found here in the form of nudis, shrimps and crabs.
Island Diving


Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 17 metres

Certification: All levels

Msumbiji in Swahili means Mozambique, why it was named this, nobody can really say. This site
consists of several rock formations decorated with soft corals, algae, sponges and anemones. The
slopes and sheer walls start at around 3 metres and fall to a maximum of 17.

Away from the central formation are spires of coral that provide archways and overhangs for us to ex-
plore – a divers playground. One can see beautiful sting rays, reef fish, shrimps and crabs. It is famed
for its huge variety and abundance of nudibranches and resident ribbon eel.

This is an excellent site for a night dive as the rock faces come alive at night with plenty of creatures!

This dive site offers immense scenery with fantastic topography as well as interesting and colourful
marine life. It is an amazing spot for photography opportunities.
Island Diving

Kinasi Pass

Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 26 metres

Certification: Advanced

Perhaps the most famous of all the dive sites in Chole Bay is the mighty Kinasi Pass and its ‘chicken’
pinnacle. The pinnacle is a 12 metre spire of ancient coral rock lying in the inner pass, with a
maximum depth of 24 metres at the base - all agree its resemblance to a chicken is uncanny.

This is a spectacular dive for the unusual structure and the mixture of reef and pelagic fish. Home to
two very large potato groupers who have purposefully been left in the waters by local fisherman due
to their sheer size.

The pass is effectively a corridor, feeding water from the open ocean into the bay. We start at the top
of this corridor and drift along, first, to greet the chicken and then to explore a mini wall some
caverns. The pass plays host to great shoals of reef fish, barracuda and the occasional turtle and
cobias. There are a decent number of dancing, giant reef rays below and pelagics coming and going
with the tide.
Island Diving

Small Rock

Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 16 metres

Certification: All levels

This site was primarily used for snorkelling until we heard tales of aquamarine waters, bright
coloured corals and dramatic rocky pinnacles. We decided to explore the area on scuba and haven’t
looked back.

This site has a maximum depth of 16 metres and a minimum of around 3. It is the best area to spot
many, big, napoleon wrasses, who like to circle the pinnacle. In addition to the varied topography,
small rock offers a fantastic array of fish life including nudibranches and small moray eels all the way
to big schools of snappers and massive groupers.

Small rock is best dived in the early morning, when the dawn light illuminates the sites’s pinnacles
and coral structures, giving the whole area a golden glow.
Island Diving

Corinne’s Reef

Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 20 metres

Certification: All levels

Corinne’s Reef is a Mafia Island Diving discovered site named after the mother of one of the owners,
who stubbled upon this site whilst accompanying the team on some exploration.

This site has a wide variety of corals, sponges and interesting formations. The actual reef starts with 3
tongues of coral separated by pure white sandy patches. On the reefs themselves one can expect to see
plenty different types of hard corals as well as small sponges and anemones. One can also venture off
the reefs to explore the sea grass where you can spot snake eels, nudibranches and large rays resting
on the sand.

Here it is common to see green turtles, large schools of oriental sweetlips and big schools of surgeon
fish. There are still opportunities to explore this reef further and discover what other wonders there
are on offer.
Island Diving

Coral Garden

Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 18 metres

Certification: All levels

Every dive centre has their own ‘coral garden’ but we like to think ours is particularly stunning! It
starts with a very large area of beautiful coral bommies in just 8 metres of water where
one can spot a resident stingray, shrimps and leaf fish.

The site then continues as densely packed coral, continuous in some parts and in others the coral is
separated by sea grass or sandy patches; the perfect environments for foraging fish. The dive site then
continues on and finishes as a steeply sloping bank reef with giant morays, big marble groupers and
the occasional reef ray.

The shallow water offers a lot of natural light making this site perfect for photographers. One can see
turtles in the shallows, a wide variety of reef fish and Napoleon wrasse, electric rays and plenty of
macro critters.
Island Diving

Kwaza’s Reef

Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 16 metres

Certification: All levels

Kwaza’s reef is named after our operations Manager, who has been diving off Mafia for just under a
decade. The owner’s of Mafia Island Diving have always been keen on exploring and who better to
ask where to start than the guy who has been here since it began?

Kwaza mentioned a beautiful reef to the left of the bay where he spotted a giant frogfish around 6
years before. We ventured out and were blown away with the coral pinnacle we were making our way
around. A mixture of beautiful hard and soft coral formations that explode from 16 metres up to just
below the surface. As a joke, a signal was thrown to Kwaza asking where the famous frogfish was? He
looked left, looked right, smiled and pointed it straight out to us!

Besides beautiful corals, Kwaza’s reef is nicely populated with all the usual reef fish, crabs, shrimps,
sporadic turtles and schooling fish passing by.
Island Diving

The Shoulder

Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 26 metres

Certification: Advanced

The shoulder is the name given to Mafia’s ‘adrenaline’ dive.

We dive this site with a very strong current which gets everyones hearts beating as they glide across
the bottom of the Ocean. The maximum depth on this site is around 26 metres and typical sightings
include big schools of fish, giant turtles, groupers and rays and guitar sharks.

The journey to this site is around 45 minutes as we drop into the water just at the edge of Chole bay.
The descent is fast, and once at depth we orient ourselves in a westerly direction and fly into the bay.

This site is difficult, dive condtions are tough and a degree of fitness is imperative, but once you are
on path with the current, it is one of the most exhilirerating dives available around Mafia!
Island Diving

Manyanga’s Reef

Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 20 metres

Certification: All levels

Manyanga’s Reef is a recently discovered site by Mafia Island Diving found at the edge of the bay
close to the Kinasi pass reef system, named after our Captain Hassan, who was instrumental in its

This dive offers spectacular topography, with big rock formations that huddle together and split,
making for a very interesting playground for divers. Typical reef life include schools of reef fish such
as snappers, fusiliers and surgeons. Baraccuda, trevally and groupers are regularly seen as well.

One can also take the time to examine the rock faces for macro finds such as nudibranches, shrimps
and flatworms. When the water is a little colder, this is the perfect spot to bump into eagle rays, as
David found out on his second exploration dive here.
With clear water and strong light, the Canyon is a spectacular spot for some breathtaking views and
photohraphy opportunities.
Island Diving

Pole Pole Reef

Location: Shore

Max Depth: 12 metres

Certification: All levels

Another Mafia Island Diving discovered site, this reef found from the beach runs parallel to the shore.

This site is the perfect spot for first time-divers and those who would like a convenient, easy site to
discover or re-discover the underwater world. The reef is a mixture of rock bommies and soft corals
and anemones, making for a very pretty underwater journey.

Here one can see a variety of reef fish and critters that vary from small shrimps to medium sized
fish. The dive can be done as shallow as 5 metres or as deep as 12 depending on how you are feeling.
This dive site also has the potential to be a very interesting night, as it comes alive with the weird and
wonderful as the sun slowly dips below the horizon.

The reef was named after the hotel off which it is located but also as it is the perfect reef to take ‘pole
pole’, slowly, slowly.
Island Diving

The Hill

Location: Shore

Max Depth: 12 metres

Certification: All levels

Another Mafia Island Diving discovered site, The hill is a beautiful field of corals found just off the

This site is an excellent spot for first time divers. The corals here are impressive, with a nice field of
staghorn and a beautiful hill formation of submassive corals.

Typical sightings here are of a variety of reef fish as well as smaller critters such as shrimps, crabs,
nudibranches and stingrays. We have also come across a few turtles exploring the area!

This is an excellent dive for nervous divers who are looking for a pretty, easy dive to get back
underwater and feel comfortable.
Island Diving

Dindini Caves

Location: Outside

Max Depth: 26 metres

Certification: Advanced

Dindini is a wall found outside the bay running alongisde the Eastern side of Mafia Island.

At its most Northern tip we have this site, the Dinindi Caves. Here one can explore a series of small
cavern, overhangs and outcrops which are home to some oversized groupers and big schools of
snappers, fusiliers and much more!

If one takes a moment to look out to the blue, we quite often come across pelagic species such as tuna
and wahoo. The blue is also an excellent area to look out for passing pods of dolphins and giant reef
rays as they dart by.
Island Diving

Dindini Wall

Location: Outside

Max Depth: 26 metres

Certification: Advanced

This is a rock wall from 8 metres down to 28 metres, with small caverns, overhangs and an archway
which makes for a spectacular and exciting dive. There is lush growth of sedentary filter feeders and
algae on the upper part of the wall; seafans and whip corals lower down.

As you dive further on, the wall develops to include many small walls interspersed with shelving reef,
offering a great variety of soft and hard corals and more reef fish.

There are very many Napoleon wrasse and big groupers as well as huge variety of schooling fish. Here
it is common to encounter huge rays and several species of pelagics.

This wall is so long, variable and interesting that it can be dived multiple times with each time being
different from the last.
Island Diving

Jina Wall

Location: Chole Bay

Max Depth: 26 metres

Certification: Advanced

Lying at the northern tip of Jina Island, ranging in depth from 8 to 26 metres is Jina Wall.
At the base of a small, vertical wall that has shallow caverns and overhangs, this site bottoms out in a
gravel field.

Jina wall is one of our favourites for a rough-mannered, persistent, over friendly and very large
potato gouper who dominates every dive. Here it is also possible to spot pelagics, large schools of fish
and massive rays.

We quite often see turtles and sharks resting on the bottom or gliding pass the wall.

This wall is so dramatic and lively that it can be dived more than once, feeling like a unqiue site each
Island Diving


Location: Outside

Max Depth: 25 metres

Certification: Advanced

Mikadini is a gently sloping fringing reef that cascades down to 25 metres with many brightly
coloured soft corals.

Home to many mid-size groupers and inquisitive blue-spotted trevally, which are common on all
Mafia dives. This site is close to and a continuation of the fringing reef complex near Kinasi Pass.

One can expect to see large schools of fish, turtles and large reef rays. It is also possible to see passing
pelagics as well as smaller, typical reef friends such as scorpion fish
and crocodile fish.

Mikadini often has a nice current, making for a very exciting drift dive. Mikadini is a very long reef
and is also worth diving multiple times to see every inch of this beautiful area!
Island Diving

Juani Reef

Location: Outside

Max Depth: 26 metres

Certification: Advanced

Juani reef is one of the only true fringing reef complexes found in Mafia, running the full length of
Juani Island on the Seaward side.

Here the reef slopes down to around 26 metres and is a favourite due to its pink/purple hue as a re-
sult of the corals found there.

On this site it is common to see big green turtles whom feed in the waters just off the Island where
they nest. Also found here are the usual schools of fish, giant trevallys, large reef rays and the smaller
creatures such as nudibranches, scorpion fish and several species of small reef fish.

Juani reef is extremely long, and can be dived multiple times to see a different section on each descent.

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