Cambridge Lower Sec Science 2nd WB 8 Answers

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Workbook answers
Unit 1 Respiration
Topic 1.1 The human respiratory Topic 1.2 Gas exchange
system Exercise 1.2 Gas exchange

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Exercise 1.1 The human respiratory 1 The entries should be arranged in order of
system either decreasing or increasing body mass.
For example:
1 Letter Name
A diaphragm Mammal Body mass Total surface
in g area of air
B intercostal muscle sacs in m2
C rib human 80 000 70
D lung sheep 68 000 60
E air sacs fox 20 000 40
F bronchus rabbit 1000 2
G bronchiole rat 300 0.8
H trachea (windpipe) mouse 20 0.1
J larynx (voicebox)
2 The larger the body mass, the larger the
2 total surface area of the air sacs. Learners
Letter Function might also add that the relationship is
C protects the lungs not proportional.
D where oxygen gets into the body 3 The larger an animal is, the more oxygen it
E where oxygen goes into the blood will need, because it will contain more cells
and carbon dioxide comes out that are all respiring and using up oxygen.
F delivers air to the lungs Having a larger surface area of air sacs
enables more oxygen to diffuse into the body
G carries air from the bronchus,
at the same time, which helps to supply the
deep into each lung
demands of the respiring cells. A similar
H carries air from the bronchioles argument could be put forward relating
to each air sac to the need to get rid of carbon dioxide
J makes sounds produced by the respiring cells.

3 Look for an answer that:

Topic 1.3 Breathing
• is written entirely in the learner’s own
words, rather than copied from the text in Exercise 1.3A Measuring lung volumes
the Learner’s Book or elsewhere 1 Use the measuring cylinder to measure a
• mentions each part in the correct sequence known volume of water – say 50 cm3. Pour
the water into the bottle and mark its level
• gives a brief description of each part. as representing 50 cm3. Repeat with another
known volume – say another 50 cm3 – and
mark its level as 100 cm3. Keep doing this until
they reach the top.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
1 © Cambridge University Press 2021

2 Person Boy or Wind or Volume 2 Yes. Boys who play wind instruments have
girl string displaced in an average of 2023 cm3, which is greater than
player cm3 for boys who play stringed instruments with
a value of 1908 cm3. Similarly, the girl who
1 boy wind 2100 plays a wind instrument displaces 1950 cm3,
2 boy wind 1965 compared with the girl string players with an
3 boy wind 2005 average of 1900 cm3.
4 girl wind 1950 3 Collecting more results from more people in
5 boy string 1865 the orchestra; making three measurements for
each person.

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6 boy string 1950
7 girl string 1905 Exercise 1.3C Lung volume at
8 girl string 1910 different ages
1 Look for the idea that there will be a lot of
9 girl string 1885
variation in the lung volumes of individual
people of the same age.
3 (2100 + 1965 + 2005) ÷ 3 = 2023 cm3
Measuring many samples and calculating a
4 (1865 + 1950) ÷ 2 = 1908 cm3
mean takes account of this variation.
5 (1905 + 1910 + 1885) ÷ 3 = 1900 cm3
2 3.9 dm3
6 2030
3 5.0 dm3 (men) – 3.8 dm3 (women) = 1.2 dm3

2010 4 The average volume of air pushed out with

one breath of women increases steadily over
time until it peaks at the age-group 30–39.
Then it steadily decreases.
5 An answer of 3.3 dm3 to 3.5 dm3 would
Mean volume 1970
be acceptable.
displaced in cm3 1960

1950 Topic 1.4 Respiration

Exercise 1.4 Respiration by yeast
1 A measuring cylinder, to measure out the
yeast and sugar solutions.

2 Make sure that her eyes are level with the
boys, girls, boys, girls, meniscus in the thermometer to read the
wind wind stringed stringed temperature.
3 The temperature will increase, because
Exercise 1.3B Looking at data on respiration releases energy. Some of this
energy is given off as heat.
lung volumes
1 Yes. Boys who play wind instruments displace
an average of 2023 cm3, which is greater than
the one girl who plays a wind instrument
with a displacement of 1950 cm3. Boys who
play stringed instruments have an average
of 1908 cm3 while for girl string players this
is 1900 cm3.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
2 © Cambridge University Press 2021

4 She needs to have another cup where there is Red blood cells are the most abundant cells in
no respiration. For example, she could have a the blood. Their function is to transport oxygen
cup containing just yeast and water with no from the lungs to all the cells in the body that are
sugar, or a cup with just sugar solution and no respiring. To help them to do this, they contain a
yeast. She can then compare the temperature red pigment called haemoglobin.
in the two cups.
White blood cells, unlike red blood cells, contain
5 Use at least three different cups, each with a a nucleus. Their function is to destroy pathogens,
different concentration of sugar solution. The such as bacteria, that get into the body. Some
sugar could be measured by mass, or Sofia of them do this by producing chemicals called
could put different numbers of spoonsful of antibodies, which attach themselves to the

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sugar into each cup. pathogens and kill them. Other white blood cells
kill pathogens by taking them into their cytoplasm
Add the same volume of water to each cup, and and digesting them.
the same volume of the yeast and water mixture.
The initial temperature should be the same for Exercise 1.5C Rats at altitude
each one.
1 The number of red blood cells might increase.
Sofia could take the temperature of the liquid As there is less oxygen in the air, having more
in each cup at set time intervals (for example red blood cells could help to get enough
every two minutes). She could plot a graph oxygen to the body cells.
showing temperature against time, with
different lines for each cup. 2 12

Alternatively, she can leave all the cups for

10 rats at high altitude
the same length of time and measure the
Mean red blood
temperature after this set time interval. cell count
She can then plot temperature against 8
concentration of sugar. rats at sea level

0 4 8 12 16 20
Topic 1.5 Blood Time in days

Exercise 1.5A The components

3 The height above sea level (altitude).
of blood
4 The mean red blood cell count.
1 plasma
5 Two variables should be given. For example:
2 white blood cells
the age of the rats, the food and water
3 a red blood cells provided, how much exercise the rats did, the
volume of the rats’ blood that was tested.
b white blood cells
6 11.5 − 6.5 = 5.0
c plasma
7 5.0 ÷ 19 = 0.26 per day (Accept 5.0 ÷ 20 =
Exercise 1.5B Functions of blood 0.25)
8 Their red blood cell count would return to
Blood contains a pale yellow liquid, called
normal, about 6.5 or 7.0 They would no
plasma. This liquid carries red blood cells
longer need the extra red blood cells, because
and white blood cells around the body. It also
now they would be surrounded by air with a
transports several different substances in solution,
normal concentration of oxygen.
including nutrients and carbon dioxide.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
3 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Unit 2 Properties of materials

Topic 2.1 Dissolving Exercise 2.2B Looking at the solubility
of three solutes
Exercise 2.1A Using the correct
scientific term 1 Solute A
A mixture 2 Solute B
B filtrate 3 Yes, Arun’s results do agree with Zara’s: he has
C solute or accept solid the solubility of the solutes in the same order

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as her.
D solvent
4 Arun used more water than Zara in his
E solution investigation, so he was able to dissolve more
Exercise 2.1B What is the difference
between these terms? 5 Marcus has not used the same volume of water
for each of his tests. He used about the same
1 If something is transparent, you can see
volume of water for solute A as Zara did and
through it. For example: clear plastic or a
he got the same result as she did. For solute B,
solution of copper sulfate is transparent
he used more water than Zara and about the
and you can see what is inside or behind it.
same volume as Arun and got the same result
Something that is opaque does not allow light
as him. For solute C, Marcus used more water
through it, for example, milk or a container
than Zara but less than Arun and his result was
made of ceramic or metal does not allow you
different from both of theirs. Marcus should
to see what is inside.
have used the same volume of water when he
2 When something dissolves, such as sugar tested each of the solutes. He cannot compare
in tea, there are two substances involved: the solubility of the three solutes because he did
the sugar that dissolves and the tea that it not make his test fair. He changed two things,
dissolves into. When something melts, only the solute he was using and the volume of water.
that one substance is involved: ice cream on a
hot day, for example. Exercise 2.2C Making up a solution
3 A solute is something that dissolves in a 1 a 
Arun should add 50 cm3 of solution X to
solvent to form a solution. 50 cm3 water.

Exercise 2.1C Explaining observations b Arun should add 25 cm3 of solution X to

75 cm3 water. (Accept Arun should add
1 120 g 50 cm3 of the solution produced in answer
2 When the salt dissolves in the water, it a to 50 cm3 water.)
does not disappear, but is still in the water, c Arun should add 50 cm3 of the solution
although you can’t see it any more. You have produced in answer b to 50 cm3 water.
added 20 g of salt to 100 g of water so there
will be 120 g of solution. 2 Credit any sensible suggestion, including
accurate measurements using a suitable
Topic 2.2 Solutions and solubility measuring cylinder (indicate which size)
and care taken to fill and read accurately
Exercise 2.2A Using the correct (details needed).
scientific term
1 insoluble
Topic 2.3 Planning a solubility
2 concentrated
Exercise 2.3A Dissolving salt
3 saturated solution
1 Sofia predicted that the more water they used,
4 soluble the more salt would dissolve in it.
5 diluted

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
4 © Cambridge University Press 2021

2 The reading taken for 20 cm3 water has been 7 The solubility of salt X at 0 °C is about
plotted incorrectly on the graph (on the 25 cm3 55 g/100 g water. The solubility rises slowly
line). This should be circled in red. as the temperature increases to about 70 °C,
then the graph levels off. This shows that any
3 The reading taken for 60 cm3 water, 26 g,
increase in temperature over 70 °C makes
looks too high and is the same as the reading
no difference to the quantity of salt X that
for 70 cm3 water. This should be circled in blue
can dissolve.
on the graph and in the results table.
8 Salt Y has a solubility of about 30 g/100 g
4 The line of best fit should pass through or
water at 0 °C. The solubility of salt Y then
close to all of the plotted points, after the two
rises steadily up to a temperature of 100 °C, at
errors highlighted in question 2 has

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the same rate.
been corrected and that in question 3 has
been ignored.
5 The graph shows that the larger the volume of Topic 2.4 Paper chromatography
water used, the larger the mass of salt that can Exercise 2.4A Wordsearch
be dissolved.
6 Yes, Sofia’s prediction was correct.

Exercise 2.3B Comparing the solubility S O L A Y A L K A S L P I E

of two salts 1
1 The type of salt. E T U D E R M O R P A I M T
2 How much of the salt dissolves
3 The volume of water used and the U N P R Y R N X E L F K S K
temperature of the water. V D E M S A W C D S J A S H
4 The account should cover all the points here
and it should be possible to follow the plan to
complete the investigation.
Exercise 2.4B Paper chromatography
Measure a fixed volume of water in two test
tubes or beakers. 1 So that it will be carried up as the water moves
upwards and does not move into the water at
Check the temperature is the same in both.
the bottom of the beaker.
Add salt X to one of the test tubes or beakers
2 six
until no more can be dissolved. Mention
measuring the quantity of salt added (either 3 The third patch from the top should be
counting the number of spatulas added or circled.
using the top pan balance to measure the
mass). 4 The scientist needs to check that she gets the
same result if she repeats the test. She also
Repeat using salt Y. needs to find out what the colouring is, so that
If learners have drawn a diagram, credit the if it is harmful, the company making the drink
use of appropriate apparatus, such as a beaker can be advised to stop using it.
with thermometer, water at the same level,
spatula of salt being added. The diagram
should be drawn in pencil, using a ruler where
appropriate, and should be fully labelled.

Exercise 2.3C Comparing the solubility

of two salts 2
5 80 °C
6 salt Y

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
5 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Exercise 2.4C Paper chromatography E – spot where liquid was placed at start
with plant material F – solvent

1 This happened because the dried liquid was 4 So that a small spot of liquid would be more
not soluble in water. concentrated.

2 Sofia should now try using a different solvent 5 It is a mixture because there are several spots
such as ethanol. of different substances.

3 A – glass rod or any sensible item, such as a 6 The liquid dissolved in the solvent. The
pencil or spill to support the chromatography different substances have different solubility.
paper). As the solvent moved up the chromatography

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B – solvent front place where solvent reached. paper, the solutes were carried up with it. The
C – beaker particles of the more soluble substances are
D – chromatography paper carried further up than the particles of the less
soluble substances.

Unit 3 Forces and energy

Topic 3.1 Forces and motion Exercise 3.1C Changing direction
Exercise 3.1A Balanced forces 1 a  ird is flying at a constant speed and at a
constant height.
1 Statement Needed for forces
b Force A increases (credit can be given to
to be balanced?
force C decreasing, although it can be
Two forces must be ✓ pointed out that this is less likely).
the same size.
c Force D increases; force B decreases.
Two forces must be
different sizes. 2 arrow pointing to the right of the page
Two forces must be in 3 a 
Arrow on the string pointing toward the
the same direction. pole labelled F.
Two forces must be in ✓
opposite directions. b Arrow at a tangent to the circle from the
ball in the same direction as the rotation
of the ball labelled D.
2 a false
b true Topic 3.2 Speed
c false
Exercise 3.2A Units of speed
3 Forward arrow and backward arrow of 1 a metre
approximately the same length; forward arrow
labelled driving force; backward arrow labelled b second
friction. Weight and contact force need not be
c m/s
shown as they were not asked for.
2 It travels a distance of 60 km every hour.
Exercise 3.1B Unbalanced forces
3 distance =
 speed × time
1 Ticks by ‘a boat will slow down’, and ‘a = 260 000 × 2
football will change direction’. = 520 000 km
2 a contact force and weight
b driving force and friction
c start to move forward/get faster/speed will

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
6 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Exercise 3.2B Calculating speed b distance travelled by Sofia = speed × time

= 6 × 60
1 a speed = ________
​​   ​​(or correct arrangement) = 360 m
time distance travelled by Zara = speed × time
b m/s or metres per second = 4 × 60
= 240 m
distance difference = 360 − 240
2 a speed = ​​ ________
time = 120 m
= ___
​​   ​​ distance
2 4 a speed = ________
​​   ​​

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= 35 m/s
= ___
​​   ​​
distance 2
b speed = ​​ ________
time = 25 km/h
= ___
​​   ​​ b The car is likely to be travelling slower than
2 this or be stopped for some of the time, so
= 15 m/s to make the average work out at 25 km/h,
distance there need to be some higher speeds.
3 a speed = ​​ ________  ​​
450 Topic 3.3 Describing movement
= ____
​​   ​​
300 Exercise 3.3A Distance/time graphs 1
= 1.5 m/s
1 the speed of an object
b His walking speed may not be constant.
2 a C
4 speed = ​​ ________
time b B
= _____
​​   ​​ Exercise 3.3B Distance/time graphs 2
= 900 km/h 1 a

Exercise 3.2C Calculating distance


and time
1 a distance = speed × time
b time = ________
​​   ​​ Time
2 a distance =
 speed × time b
= 45 × 30
= 1350 m

b 2 minutes =
 60 × 2
= 120 s
distance =
 speed × time
= 45 × 120
= 5400 m
distance c
3 a time = ​​ ________

= ​​ ____
= 30 s


Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
7 © Cambridge University Press 2021

2 Distance from
Exercise 3.4B Calculating moments
1 moment = force × distance (from pivot)

2 a moment = force × distance

= 15 000 × 5
= 75 000 (N m)
b i will increase the moment
ii will decrease the moment

3 3 pounds foot / pounds feet / foot pounds

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Distance from

Exercise 3.4C Moments, force and

the park

1 a moment = force × distance
force = ________
​​   ​​
Time distance
= ___ ​​   ​​
Exercise 3.3C Distance/time = 200 N
graphs 3 b Increasing distance will increase the
1 a moment using the same force.
4000 2 force = ​​ ________ ​​
Distance from

A in km

2000 = ____
​​   ​​
1000 = 1000 N
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 a moment = force × distance
Time in hours = 500 × 2
= 1000 Nm
b i 10 hours b moment = force × distance
distance moment
i speed = ________
​​   ​​ force = ​​ ________ ​​
time distance
3600 1000
= ​​ _____ ​​ = ​​ _____ ​​
4.5 400
= 800 km/h = 2.5 m
ii speed = ________
​​   ​​ Topic 3.5 Pressure between solids
3600 Exercise 3.5A Describing pressure
= ​​ _____
4 force
1 pressure = _____
​​  area ​​
= 900 km/h
2 tick in the box under shoes with high,
sharp heel
Topic 3.4 Turning forces
3 a C
Exercise 3.4A Identifying turning forces force
b pressure = _____
​​  area ​​
1 Ticks next to: pushing a door open, twisting
the top off a bottle, and pushing the hands of It has the largest area but the force
a clock around. (or weight) is the same, so the pressure
is smaller.
2 Ticks next to the tap, gate and door handle.
3 moment

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
8 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Exercise 3.5B Calculating pressure the inside wall of the balloon become less
frequent and occur with less force.
1 A force of 20 N acts on each (1) cm2 of area.
force Exercise 3.6C Trends in pressure 3
2 pressure = _____
​​  area ​​
1 Pressure inside the balloon decreases; particles
___ move slower at lower temperature; collisions
= ​​  ​​
60 of particles with the inside wall of the balloon
= 0.25 (N/cm2) become less frequent and occur with less
force force; pressure of the air on the outside
3 pressure = _____
​​  area ​​ stays the same, so the forces are not

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balanced and the balloon is compressed
force = pressure × area
by atmospheric pressure.
= 60 × 0.5
= 30 N 2 a line starting from above the origin and
4 pounds per square inch sloping up (in any manner)

Exercise 3.5C Variables affecting b line starting from above the origin and
sloping up (in any manner)
1 area (at end of thorn) is very small; pressure
force Topic 3.7 Particles on the move
on skin will be large; pressure = _____
​​  area ​​; other
parts of stem would have larger area, so Exercise 3.7A Diffusion in gases
smaller pressure on skin and liquids
2 area in contact with ground is larger; so 1 Black circles and hollow circles randomly, and
force roughly evenly spread throughout the whole
pressure is smaller; pressure = _____
​​  area ​​ container; same number (10) of each type of
3 with sharp knife, area in contact with bread is
force 2 Black circles randomly, and roughly evenly
smaller; so pressure is larger; pressure = _____
​​ area ​​
spread throughout the whole container; same
4 End A has large area to decrease pressure number (10) of black circles.
on thumb when pushing, so less likely to
be painful. Exercise 3.7B Diffusion
End B has small area to increase pressure on 1 The random movement of particles from an
the surface, so more likely to go into surface. area of higher concentration to an area of
lower concentration.
Topic 3.6 Pressure in liquids
2 a t he particles/the ink diffuse(s); the
and gases particles start at high concentration and
Exercise 3.6A Trends in pressure 1 spread out randomly to areas of lower
1 pressure increases
b diffusion occurs faster at higher
2 at sea level temperature; because particles move faster
3 pressure increases at higher temperature
4 pressure increases 3 Close to the container the particles/brown gas
is at high concentration; higher concentration
Exercise 3.6B Trends in pressure 2 means the particles are closer together/there
1 The pressure is equal in all directions. are more particles in the space; the particles/
brown gas diffuse; further away from the
2 Pressure increases with depth in a liquid. container, the particles are further apart.
3 a pressure decreases 4 When the green colour fills the bottle, the
b Particles move slower at lower movement of particles has stopped; false.
temperature; collisions of particles with

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
9 © Cambridge University Press 2021

When the green colour fills the bottle, diffusion 2 Diffusion happens faster at higher
has stopped; true. temperature; particles move faster at higher
temperature; the particles from the hot coffee
Exercise 3.7C Variables affecting will change from being a liquid to being a
diffusion gas faster/will evaporate faster; there will be
a higher concentration of coffee particles in
1 a  he particles are closer together when the
T the air just above the hot coffee than the cold;
crystal first dissolves; the particles are in particles from the hot coffee will take less time
high concentration; the particles have not to travel from the cups to Zara’s nose.
yet started to diffuse; particles randomly
spread out to areas of lower concentration; 3 The concentration of particles causing the

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when fully spread out, the particles are smell will be higher closer to the food; if the
further apart. animal moves closer to the food, the smell will
get stronger; if the animal moves away from
b Any two from: increasing the temperature; the food, the smell will get less/weaker.
using more purple crystals; using a
smaller volume of water.

Unit 4 Ecosystems
Topic 4.1 The Sonoran Desert 4 If all the Gila woodpeckers and gilded flickers
died out, there would be no holes made in the
Exercise 4.1 The Sonoran Desert saguaro cacti, so other animals that use these
ecosystem holes would not be able to use them. This
could mean that the population of birds such
1 The Sonoran Desert, which is very dry, and as elf owls might decrease.
the temperature never goes below 0 °C
If all the saguaro cacti died out, all the birds
2 It has wide-spreading, shallow roots to absorb that use them for nesting (Gila woodpeckers,
water when it rains. It has no leaves to reduce gilded flickers, elf owls, Harris hawks) would
water loss by evaporation. It has spines to stop not be able to breed, so their populations
animals eating it. would decrease. Bats would not have a source
3 It is too cold. They die if the temperature falls of pollen and nectar from the cacti, so,
below 0 °C, because their cells are killed if unless they could switch to feeding on other
they freeze. plants, their population might also decrease.
Animals that eat the cactus fruits could also
die out.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
10 © Cambridge University Press 2021

5 The cacti are probably unable to compete with 3 The masses for all species are lower where there
other plants that are specifically adapted to are no mangroves. The biggest difference is for
survive in wetter places. For example, other yellowtail, where the mass is less than half of
plants are likely to be able to grow faster than that where there are mangroves on the shore.
saguaro cacti, and produce a lot of leaves.
They would overshadow the cacti, reducing 4 When no mangroves are present, there is no
the light falling onto them, so that they would habitat for the baby fish to develop safely from
not be able to photosynthesise. predators, so fewer baby fish grow to become
adults, and there are fewer adult fish on
Topic 4.2 Different ecosystems the coral reef.

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Exercise 4.2A A tropical rainforest
ecosystem Topic 4.3 Intruders in an ecosystem
Tropical rainforests grow where the temperature is Exercise 4.3A Beavers in South America
always high and there is plenty of rainfall. Many
1 streams and rivers in North America
different species of plant grow in the rainforest.
The rainforest provides habitats and food for many 2 They make dams, which cause deep pools to
different species of animal. form. They cut down trees.
On the forest floor, fungi break down dead 3 The bears would almost certainly harm other
leaves and waste from the animals. These fungi native species (including humans) as well as
are decomposers. killing beavers.
The fungi release nutrients from the dead leaves
and waste, which help the plants to grow. Exercise 4.3B Water hyacinth
All of the plants, animals and fungi interact with 1 herbivore: an animal that eats (only) plants
one another. They also interact with the non-living invasive species: a species that has been
parts of their environment. introduced into an ecosystem where it is not
This network of interactions makes up the tropical native, and that has spread widely and in
rainforest ecosystem. large numbers
aquatic: living in water
Exercise 4.2B Hydrothermal vents
2 Water hyacinths are native to South America,
1 There is no light, so they cannot and there are several herbivores in the
photosynthesise. ecosystems there that eat water hyacinth and
2 For example: bacteria ➔ zooplankton ➔ sea keep its numbers under control.
anemones ➔ crabs 3 The water hyacinths stop oxygen getting into
3 bacteria the water, so native plants and fish are killed.
They make it difficult for fishermen to make
4 From chemicals dissolved in the hot water that a living, because the boats cannot move easily
comes out of the vent. through the water hyacinth and the nets
5 For example: inside a tube worm; in the hot cannot catch fish.
water around the vent; on the sea floor.
Exercise 4.3C Cane toads in Australia
Exercise 4.2C Mangroves and fish 1 There will be other species in their native
1 habitat – the place where an organism lives country that keep cane toad numbers under
control – for example, predators that can eat
ecosystem – a network of interactions between them without being poisoned. In Australia, no
living and non-living things species can eat them safely.
predator – an animal that kills and eats
2 The researchers should obtain a large number
other animals
of quolls, and keep them all in the same
2 yellowtail conditions. They should feed cane toad
sausages to half of them, and sausages that do

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
11 © Cambridge University Press 2021

not contain cane toad to the other half. (This 7 Seals eat many fish in their lifetimes, and all
is the independent variable.) of the microplastics in the fish that they eat
gradually build up in their bodies.
They should then give each quoll the chance
to eat a cane toad, and record whether or Exercise 4.4B Bias
not the quoll tries to eat it. (This is the
dependent variable.) 1 The company wants to make money by selling
its product, so it might try to make the risk
If the hypothesis is correct, the results should posed by using the spray seem less important
show that the quolls that have eaten cane toad than it really is.
sausages try to eat fewer cane toads, than the
2 Yes. Once again, the company that sells the

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quolls that have only eaten sausages that do
not contain cane toad. predators wants to make money, so it might
play down the risk (represent it as lower than
it really is) to other species posed by using the
Topic 4.4 Bioaccumulation predators.
Exercise 4.4A Microplastics 3 No damage is done to organisms that live in
1 tiny pieces of plastic less than 5 mm long the area.

2 Some come from large pieces of plastic 4 This could reduce the populations of other
that break up into small pieces. Others are insects and, in some cases, could make them
manufactured as microplastics, used in become extinct. Some of these could be useful:
products such as face creams and toothpaste. they could be pollinators, for example. This
could, in turn, affect the populations of plants
3 Some sink to the bottom because they are that rely on pollinators.
denser than water. Some go into the bodies
of animals and may be carried to the bottom 5 The chemicals in the spray build up in each
when the animal dies. organism that is exposed to it. The further up
the food chain an animal is, the more of the
4 a 
54 chemicals it will take in over its lifetime, as it
eats many animals that contain the chemicals.
b 156 − 54 = 102
6 No, they cannot be absolutely sure, but they
5 As they feed, they take in microplastics that
can certainly trust this information more than
are floating in the water. There may also
the information from the companies.
be some microplastics in the bodies of
the zooplankton that they eat. 7 Checking for bias is difficult, but it could
involve looking at the results of any tests
6 Bioaccumulation is the build-up of substances
that have been done, so that they can see
in an organism’s body over its lifetime,
for themselves whether the results match
because the substance does not break down in
the statements made by the agriculture
its body.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
12 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Unit 5 Materials and cycles on Earth

Topic 5.1 The structure of 2 The results of Rutherford’s experiment told
him that the atom was mostly empty space,
the atom but with a dense/solid nucleus.
Exercise 5.1A Labelling the structure of
the atom Topic 5.2 Purity
1 and 2 Exercise 5.2 Purity

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1 It means that all the atoms in the element are
electron the same. So pure silver has only silver atoms.
neutron nucleus of 2 Diamonds are made of carbon atoms. When
++ proton the atom diamonds are coloured, they have atoms of
different elements mixed in with the carbon
empty space atoms. When they have boron atoms the
diamonds will be a blue colour. If diamonds
have nitrogen atoms mixed with the carbon
3 The following statements should be ticked atoms, the diamond will be a yellow colour.
Electrons have less mass than protons. The rarest colour of diamond is green. Green
diamonds have nitrogen, nickel or hydrogen
Electrons have a negative electrical charge. mixed in with the carbon atoms.
Neutrons have more mass than electrons. 3 92.5%

Exercise 5.1B Models of the structure 4 a 37.5%

of the atom b 91.7%
positively −
1 −
− charged − c 58.3%
− matter − positively
− ++ charged 5
− +++++ − matter Purity of Purity of Hardness
− electrons

− gold alloy in gold alloy in in arbitrary
− electrons
− carats percentage units
J. J. Thompson Rutherford
9 37.5 80
2 In J. J. Thompson’s model, the particles he knew 14 58.3 90
about, electrons and positively charged particles, 18 75.0 120
are scattered randomly throughout the atom 22 91.7 40
and there is no nucleus. In Rutherford’s model,
there is a nucleus and the electrons are 24 100.0 30
randomly scattered throughout the rest of the
space in the atom. 6 Credit: a suitable scale on the horizontal axis;
the points plotted accurately and neatly; a
3 Credit any of the scientists named, such as best-fit line drawn.
James Chadwick or Niels Bohr.
7 The assistant gave an opinion. The science
Exercise 5.1C Rutherford’s gold foil shows that 18 carat gold is much harder than
pure gold. Although the other samples are
harder than pure gold, they are not harder
1 The diagram should be completed by drawing than 18 carat gold, so it is mostly not in line
most particle pathways passing straight with the science.
through the foil. A few should be shown
being reflected back or deflected from the 8 The description should state that the hardness
gold foil. of the gold increases up to 18 carat gold and
then decreases at values greater than 18 carat.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
13 © Cambridge University Press 2021

9 This may be due to the fact that the other Exercise 5.3C Weather data
metal used in the alloys is not the same.
1 Data should be plotted as instructed with the
Both silver or copper can be used. The data do date and time along the horizontal axis and
not say which is used in each case. the temperature up the vertical axis. Credit a
suitable scale, labelled axes, accurately plotted
points and the points joined ‘temperature style’,
Topic 5.3 Weather and climate that is point-to-point.
Exercise 5.3A Words and meanings 2 It is difficult to see any pattern in these results
temperature ➔ how hot it is but learners may spot that generally the

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humidity ➔ how much water vapour there is in the temperature at 00:00 is lower than that for the
atmosphere rest of the day. The temperature often rises
during the day and falls a little over night.
precipitation ➔ rain, hail or snow which falls from They should give examples. They may be able
clouds to link the small fall in temperature to the fact
visibility ➔ how far you can see; it depends on the that Iceland has a very long day length. If they
atmospheric conditions or darkness fail to see a pattern, give them credit if they
atmosphere ➔ the layer of gases around the Earth give examples.

meteorology ➔ the study of weather 3 The only ‘pattern’ in the week is that the
temperatures are fairly constant.
Exercise 5.3B Weather or climate? 4 The temperature on this day remained
1 The weather is the atmospheric conditions over constant from 06.00 to 18.00 and that was not
the short term, from minute to minute, hour to typical of other days during the week.
hour or day to day. 5 The description of this climate zone is cold
Climate is the average weather of an area over and dry.
a much longer time, usually at least 30 years.
6 This week the weather in Iceland was not very
2 Credit approximate areas, such as Antarctica, cold and there was rain, which is not typical
northern Canada, Greenland and northern of this climate zone.
Russia, but both Poles must be included and
7 Credit ideas about Iceland being an island in
the middle of an ocean and a long way from
3 The climate in the polar zone is very cold and any other land. They may also realise or find
dry all year. out that the winds and weather systems move
quickly in this area and are influenced by the
4 Credit approximate areas, such as central Gulf Stream.
America, south America (east of the Andes)
central Africa, south-east Asia, the north-east Topic 5.4 Climate and ice ages
tip and south-east coastal strip of Australia,
but tropical zone in more than one continent Exercise 5.4A Wordsearch
must be shown and labelled.
5 The climate in the tropical zone is hot and wet
all year.
6 Meteorologists record the weather in so much
detail because they are looking for patterns to
see if they can predict what will happen in the
future. Knowing what the weather will be like
has a big effect on the agriculture, transport,
health and other industries.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
14 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Exercise 5.4B Soil cores the current interglacial period for about
25 000 years.
1 a  he oldest peat is from the bottom of
the bog. 6 The evidence we have comes from core soil
samples from peat bogs and from the evidence
b The plant material has not rotted because in the landscape from the effect of glaciers.
the conditions in the bog slow down
decay. There is not enough oxygen and the
conditions are acidic. Topic 5.5 Atmosphere and climate
c Scientists hope to find out which plants Exercise 5.5A
were growing in that area thousands of

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In the first billion years after the Earth formed
years ago. If they can identify the plants there were lots of volcanoes. These produced
from their pollen, they can then work out gases, which made up the atmosphere. The
what the climate was like at that time. water vapour that was produced condensed, to
2 a These periods are the glacial periods. form lakes and oceans. The early atmosphere
was mainly made up of carbon dioxide gas.
b These periods are called There was little or no oxygen gas. This is like the
interglacial periods. atmosphere of the planet Venus today.
As plants began to grow on Earth, they used
Exercise 5.4C Climate cycles up the carbon dioxide gas and produced food
1 The graph should be labelled with the peaks by the process of photosynthesis. Over billions
as interglacial periods and the troughs as of years the carbon in the carbon dioxide gas
glacial periods. became locked up as fossil fuels, such as oil and
coal and as carbonates in sedimentary rocks such
2 About 75 000 years ago. It lasted from about as limestone. This caused the levels of carbon
75 000 years ago until about 25 000 years ago, dioxide in the atmosphere to fall.
so it lasted about 50 000 years.
3 In an interglacial period the average Exercise 5.5B
temperatures are generally above freezing 1 80%
reaching as high as 20 °C.
2 10%
4 When the temperatures are well below freezing
for a long time, most living organisms cannot 3 0.038%
4 It decreased very quickly at the start and then
5 There have been four glacial and five continued to decrease, but at a much slower
interglacial periods over the past 450 000 years. rate.
The first interglacial period was 85 000 years 5 The level of carbon dioxide has increased
long and was followed by 25 000 years of quite dramatically over the past 200 years.
a glacial period. The second glacial period This is because, as industry developed, more
lasted 70 000 years the second interglacial fossil fuels were burnt to provide energy for
period was warmer and lasted longer than factories and transport. More forests have
the first. been cut down to use the wood and make
The third glacial period lasted 20 000 years so room for people, crops and farm animals,
the glacial periods seem to be getting shorter. so this means less carbon dioxide from the
During the third interglacial period (about atmosphere is being used up.
225 000 years ago) there was a short, sharp dip
in the average temperatures. The next glacial
period was longer and the next interglacial
period had very high average temperatures, the
highest of all the interglacial periods in this
time span, and lasted until about 75 000 years
ago. The most recent glacial period lasted
about 50 000 years and we have been in

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
15 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Exercise 5.5C There is evidence from the ice cores about the
way the ice was formed over time.
1 The answers will depend on what learners have
found out, but as a minimum should include There is evidence of an increase in the rate
the following: at which the polar ice caps and glaciers
are melting. There is evidence of the sea
There is evidence that iron oxide was formed levels increasing.
in rocks after the period 2.1 to 2.0 billion
years ago, not before. There is evidence from 3 The evidence from a long time ago is not
the pockets of air trapped in the ice cores direct evidence, but has been inferred from
from Greenland and Antarctica. We have other things, whereas the records over the

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measurements of the percentage of gases in past 100 years were taken directly and there
the atmosphere over the past 100 or so years. are lots of records. However, even with the
more recent records we cannot be sure of the
2 The answers will depend on what learners have way in which they were taken unless they were
found out, but as a minimum should include taken and recorded by professionals that we
the following: can trust.

Unit 6 Light
Topic 6.1 Reflection c incident ray plane mirror
i r
Exercise 6.1A Making reflections reflected
1 flat mirror i r
2 bouncing plane mirror

3 a incident ray 2 a line drawn at 90° to the mirror surface at

the point where the light ray meets the
b reflected ray
surface; line can be dashed or solid and
c normal may pass through the mirror surface
b angle of incidence = 50°
Exercise 6.1B Ray diagrams
1 a incident ray normal
i r

plane mirror

b incident ray plane mirror



Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
16 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Exercise 6.1C Accurate ray diagrams 3 When light changes direction, the change in
direction can be caused by a change in speed.
1 a plane mirror incident ray When light changes direction passing from air
into glass, this is called refraction.

Exercise 6.2B Predicting refraction
1 When light changes speed (caused by) passing
from one transparent substance/medium
to another.

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2 a diamond
reflected ray
b air and diamond
c corn oil and glycerol
b plane mirror 3 When light passes into a medium where
it slows down, the light bends towards
r i the normal.
When light passes into a medium where it speeds
normal up, the light bends away from the normal.
reflected ray incident ray
4 Raindrops refract light; raindrops are curved;
raindrops refract light in different directions.
2 First angle of incidence in range 20–23°. First
angle of reflection should be equal to this. Exercise 6.2C Refraction ray diagrams
Second angle of incidence should be smaller
1 a ray of light
than first. Second angle of reflection should be
equal to second angle of incidence. normal
plane mirror
angle of incidence
incident ray
angle of refraction

refracted ray

plane mirror

Topic 6.2 Refraction angle of
refraction refracted
Exercise 6.2A Causes of refraction ray
1 medium air
water angle of incidence
2 a  hen light passes from air into water,
the light slows down.
b When light passes from glass into air, the
light speeds up.
incident ray
c When light passes from water into glass,
the light slows down.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
17 © Cambridge University Press 2021

c Topic 6.4 Colours of light

Exercise 6.4A Adding primary colours
1 Colours of light that cannot be made by
i r adding other colours.
r i 2 a 
Adding red light and green light makes
yellow light.
b Adding green light and blue light makes
air glass air
cyan light.

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2 c Adding red light, green light and blue
air glass
light makes white light.

refracted ray 3 All seven colours are given out together; all
seven colours are of (approximately) equal
normal brightness; all seven colours mix to give
white light.

incident ray Exercise 6.4B Subtracting colours of light

1 a a ny one from orange, yellow, blue,
indigo, violet
b The green light has been absorbed by the
Topic 6.3 Making rainbows red filter. Red light passes through the
filter because red light is transmitted by
Exercise 6.3A Colours of the rainbow the filter.
1 spectrum
2 a 
2 red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet All other colours except blue are
subtracted/absorbed/removed from the
3 a white
white light, so only blue remains.
b dispersion
b The remaining blue light will be absorbed
c Each colour merges into the next one with by the green filter.
no space.
3 A yellow filter is used; all other colours except
yellow are subtracted/absorbed/removed from
Exercise 6.3B Making a spectrum 1 the white light, so only yellow is transmitted.
1 a triangular prism
Exercise 6.4C Seeing colours
b violet; because violet bends through the
largest angle 1 a The green T-shirt reflects only green light.

c i Move the screen closer to the prism. The green T-shirt absorbs all the other
colours of light.
ii The colours get closer together /
merge together more. b black
2 a red or white
Exercise 6.3C Making a spectrum 2
b blue
1 Violet light slows the most when passing from
air into plastic; violet is refracted the most; c red or blue
violet travels slowest in plastic; red light travels
3 a 
Black does not reflect light of any colour /
fastest in plastic and is refracted the least;
black is the absence of light.
other 5 colours listed in order of speed, either
increasing or decreasing (increasing speed starts b White reflects all colours equally / white
with violet, decreasing speed starts with red). light contains all colours.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
18 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Topic 6.5 Galaxies Topic 6.6 Rocks in space

Exercise 6.5A Our own galaxy Exercise 6.6A Describing asteroids
1 a Milky Way 1 Asteroids are made from rock. Asteroids can
have irregular shapes.
b tick under first picture (spiral)
2 Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
2 a the Sun
3 orbit
b more than 1 000 000
3 There is a small quantity of dust between the Exercise 6.6B Asteroids and planets

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stars in our galaxy; true. 1 Any two from: asteroids are smaller than
There is a small quantity of gas between the Earth; asteroids have no atmosphere; asteroids
stars in our galaxy; true. have no oceans; (many) asteroids have an
irregular shape.
Exercise 6.5B Galaxies in space 1 2 There are too many asteroids/not all have been
1 a Universe discovered/difficulty telling them apart by
b They contain stars; stars give out their
own light. 5000
3 ​​   ​​ = 500 km
2 spiral, elliptical, irregular
Exercise 6.6C Asteroids and planets
3 Scientists have made an estimate of how many
galaxies there are in total. This number may 1 Any two from: both orbit the Sun; both are
not be accurate/exact. part of the Solar System; both contain rock.
2 Asteroids are too small/gravity from asteroids
Exercise 6.5C Galaxies in space 2
is too low to attract/hold a moon.
1 a gas, stars, planets/solar systems
3 There was not enough gravity between them
b Each particle of dust causes a small force to form a planet; there were not enough of
of gravity; there are very many particles them to form a planet.
of dust; the gravity from all of them adds
up to a large force. 4 Answer can refer to: poor quality/low
resolution of the photograph; lack of evidence
2 a stars that aliens exist; desire to attract attention to
b Any two from: they do not reflect light; they the website/make a sensational claim; light
absorb light; they do not give out light. reflecting off a crater is more likely/more
realistic; alien building is exciting but not
3 Any two from: fewer will be seen; they will be realistic explanation; universities will have
dimmer; they will appear smaller. experts looking at the picture; independent
website may not have experts contributing;
4 a Count the number of grains in a small opinions can vary on interpreting
volume / volume given, for example photographs; reference to opinion or fact.
0.1 cubic centimetre; then estimate the
volume of sand on the whole beach by
multiplying length × width × depth;
convert both volumes to the same unit;
divide the volume of the sand on the
whole beach by the volume of the small
sample; multiply the counted number of
grains by the result of this calculation.
b  he total number cannot be counted
accurately; the method for both estimates
is the same; both methods assume the
spacing of objects is uniform.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
19 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Unit 7 Diet and growth

Topic 7.1 Nutrients Exercise 7.1B Analysing information
about nutrients
Exercise 7.1A Nutrients and their
functions 1 chicken
protein ➔ for growth (making new cells) 2 orange
vitamin A ➔ to help with night vision 3 8g
calcium ➔ for strong bones and teeth

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4 Sofia is right. Brazil nuts contain 60 g of fat,
carbohydrate ➔ to use in respiration to release but only 16.18 g of other nutrients.
5 Brazil nuts, because they contain the
iron ➔ to make haemoglobin most calcium.
vitamin D ➔ to help us to absorb calcium, for
strong bones and teeth Alternatively, learners may suggest milk. This
has the second highest quantity of calcium,
fat and oil ➔ to use in respiration to release but learners may think it is easier to digest
energy, and to make an energy store under the skin than brazil nuts. It also has less fat and oil,
vitamin C ➔ to keep skin strong and able to heal which they may think makes it a better choice.

Exercise 7.1C Summarising functions and sources of different nutrients

Accept any one or two functions and sources.

Nutrient Function in the body Some good sources

protein growth; making new cells; repairing damaged meat, fish, pulses
tissues; making haemoglobin and antibodies
fat and oil for energy; as a layer under the skin, it forms butter, margarine, cooking oils, fried
an energy store and provides insulation foods, meat, eggs
carbohydrate for energy, which is released by respiration grains (e.g. rice, wheat, oats, corn),
potatoes, sweet potatoes, pasta,
vitamin A for good vision, especially at night; helping green vegetables, carrots, dairy
white blood cells to fight pathogens products (foods made from milk)
vitamin C keeps skin strong citrus fruits, potatoes, berries
vitamin D helps us to absorb calcium sunlight on skin
calcium strong teeth and bones dairy products, seeds
iron making haemoglobin meat, dark green vegetables, fish,
shellfish, nuts and seeds
water a solvent for many different chemicals any drink that contains water

Topic 7.2 A balanced diet 3 200 g of chicken contains no fibre. 200 g of

rice contains 2 × 3 = 6 g. 100 g of spinach
Exercise 7.2A Fibre in food contains 6 g.
Total = 6 + 6 = 12 g.
1 Fibre helps to keep food moving easily
through the alimentary canal. 4 Bar charts will vary according to the ten foods
and bar widths chosen.
2 Chicken, eggs, fish and mutton – that is, foods
from animal sources.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
20 © Cambridge University Press 2021

• The names of the foods should be written Topic 7.3 Growth, development
beneath the bars.
and health
• The bars should be carefully drawn using
a ruler. They should be drawn accurately Exercise 7.3A Interpreting data about
They should all be of equal width. It is smoking
preferable if they do not touch.
1 a respiratory diseases
• The sequence of foods in the chart should
have some logic behind it – for example, b diseases of the digestive system
from lowest to highest fibre content, or 2 39%
from highest to lowest fibre content, or all

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animal foods grouped together and then 3 2 × 39 (or answer to question 2) = 78
plant foods.
4 21%
Exercise 7.2B Energy requirements 5 5 × 21 (or answer to question 4) = 105
1 carbohydrate and fat 6 The bar chart shows that the percentages of
2 His weight will increase. The excess nutrients deaths due to smoking were greater for men
will be turned into fat, and stored in his body than for women OR smaller for women than
for men.
3 a 2.8 MJ
7 Accept any explanation that suggests that
b 2.8 MJ (the answer is the same as a) more men than women are smokers, or that
men smoke more than women, or that men are
c Both boys are likely to use a lot of energy
more susceptible to those diseases.
each day, especially for movement and
growth. However, an eight-year-old boy
Exercise 7.3B Smoking statistics
has fewer cells in his body than a teenage
boy – his body mass is smaller. It is the 1 Answers will depend on the country that
cells that use energy, so if you have fewer learners choose.
of them, you use less energy. If less energy
2 The bar chart should have:
is used, then less energy needs to be
taken in. • ‘Country’ on the horizontal axis, with
individual bars labelled with the name of
d Learners do not have any specific the country
knowledge to enable them to answer
this, so any reasonable suggestion should • different style bars for men and women,
be accepted. For example: women, on indicated with a key
average, have a lower body mass than • women and men for the same country
men; women may be less active than men. shown as bars close together, or touching
• bars for different countries a little further
Exercise 7.2C Planning a diet apart, not touching
Look for:
• each bar drawn with a ruler, all the same
• foods that contain all six nutrients (including width and correctly plotted.
vitamins A, C and D, calcium and iron) and
• ‘Percentage of people who smoked’ on the
some fibre – with the nutrients contained in at
vertical axis
least some of the foods described
• a scale on the vertical axis running from
• interesting, balanced meals that would appeal
0 to at least 65 in sensible steps (e.g. in
to an eight-year-old
fives or tens)
• attention given to the quantity of energy in
the diet 3 a Chile
• not too much fat or oil a Indonesia
b Indonesia

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
21 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Exercise 7.3C Looking at data on giving Topic 7.4 Moving the body
up smoking
Exercise 7.4A The skeleton and forces
1 Learners could choose to display any of these
sets of data: 1 Sofia, 28 N

• the percentages of men and women who 2 Force in N

have given up smoking already, and the
Right hand Left hand
percentages of those who are trying to
give up smoking thumb 27 25
• the reasons for successfully giving first finger 28 25

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up smoking second finger 22 19
• the reasons for failing to give up smoking. third finger 21 16
2 Look for: little finger 19 17

• a neatly drawn chart with ruled columns Exercise 7.4B Antagonistic muscles in
and rows
the leg
• clear headings with units
1 and 3
• correct entries, with no units included in pelvis
the body of the chart. ball and
femur socket joint
3 The chosen method of display should be
clearly presented and labelled, so that it is easy
to understand.
4 The answer should include some of the tibia
following points:
• reference to the fact that people find 2 hinge joint
giving up smoking difficult because nicotine
is addictive 4 The leg will bend at the knee.
• reference to the percentage of people whose 5 It will straighten – the lower leg will be pulled
reasons for smoking appear to be related to forward.
addiction (learners should refer directly to
6 A and B; C and D
the data here, for example, 54% of people
say they went back to smoking because they
could not manage without cigarettes)
Exercise 7.4C Choosing a hypothesis
about bones to investigate
• the idea that e-cigarettes supply users
with nicotine, so they will still get the 1 Thick bones are stronger than thin bones.
drug to which they are addicted, but can Long bones break more easily than short
gradually reduce the amount of nicotine bones.
in the e-cigarettes until they are ‘smoking’
nicotine-free e-cigarettes.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
22 © Cambridge University Press 2021

2 a  here should be a clear statement of

T f The results chart should be drawn with
either the thickness or length of the straw a ruler and a pencil. The first column (or
(depending on the chosen question). row) should be headed with the variable
that will be changed (either the thickness
b The force needed to bend the straw. or length of the straw) with the appropriate
c Look for at least two correct answers. unit. The second column (or row) should
They should be things that would actually be headed Force needed to bend the straw
affect the results if they were altered, for in newtons. Some learners may decide to
example: the length of the straw (if testing make repeat measurements, in which case
the thickness); the thickness of the straw they will need to include columns (or rows)
for each of the force measurements, and

PDF from

(if testing the length); the position of the
hook on the straw; the angle at which the another column (or row) for the calculated
force meter is pulled; the material from mean.
which the straw is made. g Accept any prediction that relates to the
d The description should state clearly stated hypothesis. It does not have to be a
what the learner would do, in a suitable ‘correct’ prediction. For example, for the
sequence. A good measure of success is first question, any of these predictions
whether someone else could follow these would be appropriate:
instructions without having to ask for • Thick bones are stronger than
further guidance. thin bones.
e This is a low risk experiment. Care • Thick bones are not stronger than
should be taken not to pull suddenly thin bones.
on the forcemeter/newton meter, which • Thin bones are stronger than
could become detached from the straw thick bones.
and suddenly fly upwards.
• There is no difference in the strength
of thick bones and thin bones.

Unit 8 Chemical reactions

Topic 8.1 Exothermic reactions
Exercise 8.1A Investigating an exothermic reaction
1 the length of the magnesium ribbon
2 the change in temperature
3 the type of acid used; the volume of acid used; credit any other sensible control variables
4 Length of Start temperature End temperature Temperature
ribbon in cm in °C in °C change in °C
0.5 19.0 36.0 17.0
1.0 19.0 36.0 17.0
1.5 19.0 36.5 17.5

5 The results show that changing the length of 6 No. They have only used a very small range of
magnesium used makes very little difference to lengths of magnesium.
the end temperature.
7 0.5 cm

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
23 © Cambridge University Press 2021

8 A larger interval in length. Because then any Exercise 8.1C Exothermic reactions
differences in the temperature rise will be with metals
more obvious.
1 potassium + water → potassium + hydrogen
9 Accept any sensible number from 5 upwards. hydroxide
10 Credit any sensible suggestion to reduce heat 2 thermal, light and sound energy
loss to the room. Ideas such as wrapping the
3 Wear safety glasses and carry out the reaction
test tube in some sort of a jacket are the most
behind a safety screen.
likely, but there should be some comment
about still being able to read the thermometer. 4 Measure any increase in the temperature

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of the water. Learners should make some
11 They can repeat the investigation with each
comment about it being difficult to measure
length of magnesium ribbon at least twice.
the amount of light and/or sound energy.
Exercise 8.1B Investigating exothermic 5 Learners should include the following points:
reactions between metals and acid • Use the same acid, use the same volume
of acid.
1 magnesium + sulfuric → magnesium + hydrogen
acid sulfate • Use the same mass of the different metals.
2 a  hey needed to change the metal they
T • The measured volume of acid should be
place into the acid. placed in a test tube, the temperature
taken and recorded and then the
b The variables they have kept the same are
metal added.
the type of acid used, the volume of acid
used and the method they used. • The temperature is taken again after the
reaction has finished. (Mention could be
c The variable they should have kept the made that the rise in temperature is what
same is the mass of the metal used (X is is required, so if there are slightly different
described as ‘small’, but Y is not). starting temperatures, it is not significant.)
d You cannot form a reliable conclusion • Safety aspects such as wearing
with these results because they have not safety glasses.
used the same mass of each metal.
6 The results should be presented as a bar chart,
e They could improve their investigation because the temperature rises are for four
and make the results more reliable by different metals (the type of metal is a discrete
using the same mass of each metal. variable) so it is best not to use a line graph.
Repeating their experiments several times,
so that they allow for any errors, would
also improve the reliability of the results.

Topic 8.2 Endothermic reactions

Exercise 8.2A Energy changes
1 Reaction Start Final Exothermic or
temperature temperature endothermic
in °C in °C
A 21 45 exothermic
B 18 22 exothermic
C 19 16 endothermic
D 18 20 exothermic

2 endothermic
3 exothermic

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
24 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Exercise 8.2B Exothermic or energy transferred from the surroundings, they

endothermic? escape the forces holding them together in
the liquid and change into gas and evaporate.
1 a  he reaction between sodium
T Since the energy to do this comes from the
hydrogencarbonate and citric acid is surrounding water in the bowl, this water
endothermic. The reactions between cools down and keeps the bottles of soda cool.
sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid,
between hydrochloric acid and zinc, and
between copper sulfate and magnesium Topic 8.3 Metals and their
powder are exothermic. reactions with oxygen

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b The reaction between copper sulfate Exercise 8.3 Why does iron rust?
solution and magnesium powder has the
largest temperature change. 1 iron oxide

c It was sensible to use polystyrene cups 2 The nail in tube B will go rusty.
rather than test tubes or glass beakers 3 The water has been boiled to remove any
because polystyrene is a good insulator, dissolved air and the layer of oil on the top of
so that less of the heat energy produced in the water prevents any more air from entering.
the reaction was lost to the environment.
There would be a more accurate 4 a No, this is not an expected result.
temperature reading taken.
b The nail in the dry air may have gone
2 Credit any useful product, such as self-heating rusty because Zara has not put the
food or drink cans. Credit any sensible stopper into the tube firmly enough and
original ideas. some moisture from the air has entered.

3 Credit any ideas, such as ‘chemical ice-packs’ 5 Credit any two sensible ideas, such as painting,
or self-cooling drinks. galvanising or coating with any other suitable
material, such as plastic or grease.
Exercise 8.2C Endothermic reactions 6 The plan for the investigation should clearly
and processes state the variable the learner will change, the
1 In an endothermic reaction, a chemical temperature of the nail. This can be done in a
reaction takes place with new products being variety of ways. As long as the method is clear
formed. Energy is taken from the environment, and workable, credit it. A suggestion may be
so there is a decrease in temperature. An to place new shiny nails of the same shape, size
example is the reaction of sodium hydrogen and composition into test tubes containing
carbonate with citric acid to produce sodium water at different temperatures. Credit learners
citrate, water and carbon dioxide. In an if they give a suitable range of temperatures.
endothermic process, energy is also taken in
Learners may decide to keep the test tubes
from the environment, but there are no new
in a water bath to maintain the different
products formed. For example, ice melting
takes in energy from the environment, so it
is endothermic, but since no new products There must be a clear indication of the
are formed (water merely changes state) it is variables to be controlled, such as the type and
an endothermic process. (Credit any other size of the nail, the volume of water used and
suitable examples such as potassium chloride the time for the experiment. There should also
dissolving in water as an endothermic process.) be a clear indication of the dependent variable
(rusting) and how they will measure it. This
2 The water in the bowl soaks into the cloth
will probably be by eye and a comparison of
over the soda bottles. The liquid water
the rust on the nails after a given time.
evaporates as it heats up in the hot weather.
The particles in the liquid water move all the Credit should be given to a plan that considers
time and can slide past each other as they only the practicality of the approach.
have weak forces holding them in place. The
more energy the particles have, the more they
can move. When the particles have enough

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
25 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Topic 8.4 Reactions of metals 11 Copper does not react with water. This is why
it is used for pipes carrying water. Iron does not
with water react with water either but it does react with
Exercise 8.4 Reactions with water oxygen if it is in the presence of water. So the
iron in the pipes would react with any dissolved
and steam
oxygen in the water and rust. Iron oxide would
1 In order starting with the most reactive: form. This would result in the water being
potassium; magnesium; zinc; copper. coloured reddish brown with the iron oxide,
and the pipes would eventually collapse.
2 potassium + water → potassium + hydrogen
Topic 8.5 Reactions of metals with

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3 sodium or lithium
dilute acids
4 Copper can be used for roofs because it does
not react with water. Magnesium reacts slowly Exercise 8.5A Investigating reactivity
with water, so would not be used for a roof, as 1 The test tube with metal C has less acid than
it would react when there is rain or snow. the others, so it is not a fair test. All the test
tubes should have the same volume of acid.
5 calcium + water → calcium + hydrogen The volume of acid must be one of the
control variables.
6 rubber boiling
bung tube steam 2 They have put on safety glasses.
3 Because the tube with metal A contains a
wool different acid, nitric acid; the others have
hydrochloric acid. The type of acid must be
piece of one of the control variables.
4 No, because the piece of metal B is larger
than the pieces of the other metals. The size
of the pieces of metal must be one of the
control variables.
5 how reactive different metals are with
dilute acids
7 hydrogen 6 the type of metal used
8 The test for hydrogen gas is to place a lighted 7 the amount of bubbling/number of bubbles
splint in the gas to see whether it makes a there are when the metal reacts with the acid
squeaky pop sound when it burns.
8 The volume of acid used, the type of acid
9 magnesium + steam → magnesium + hydrogen used, the mass of metal used. Credit also
oxide ‘the same temperature’, and any mention
10 of the form the metal is in, i.e. powder, lump
or ribbon, which would show a high degree
test tube
of understanding.

bubbles of gas Exercise 8.5B Reactions of metals with

dilute acids
1 They can tell that a reaction has taken
place if there is a colour change, bubbles
beaker of gas are given off or if there is a change
in temperature.
2 They can tell which metal is more reactive by
funnel comparing the number of bubbles given off
in a given time or comparing the temperature
changes. Colour change is not a reliable or
practical way to compare reactions.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
26 © Cambridge University Press 2021

3 They cannot use their observations to 2 Copper does not react in dilute acid.
compare copper, aluminium, zinc and lead
because the two boys have used different acids. 3 Learners should draw a bar chart, with the bars
The acids are also of different concentrations in order of height, the tallest bar furthest left.
and different volumes. 4 Accept any sensible suggestions, for example:
4 The plan should use the concept that the only she might have misread the timer, or not
variable to be changed is the type of metal. stopped it at exactly the right time; she might
The type, volume and concentration of the have got the mass of metal wrong, or mixed
acid used should be the same in each test. The up which metal she was using.
mass of metal used should be the same. There 5 Learners could mention the difficulties of

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should be an indication of how these variables keeping the delivery tube in place so that no
will be measured to ensure they are the same in hydrogen is lost; getting the delivery tube
each case. For example, the use of a measuring back in place in the conical flask after adding
cylinder to measure the volume of the acid. the metal; being exactly sure when the tube is
There should be some indication of how the completely full of gas.
number or volume of bubbles of hydrogen given
off will be compared. This could be by doing 6 Accept sensible suggestions to improve
the tests at the same time and comparing by eye. accuracy; do not accept repeating the
There should be an equipment list or indication experiments with each metal, as this improves
of what equipment will be required. Safety the reliability, not the accuracy. Suggestions
information, such as wearing safety glasses and that might be expected and which would
how to use reagent bottles, replacing stoppers provide evidence that learners have thought
and so on, should be included. The plan should carefully about the practical aspects of the
be presented in a logical sequence and manner. investigation are: one person adding the metal
and another person putting the delivery tube
Exercise 8.5C How reactive are these back; using a graduated tube or measuring
metals? cylinder or marking the test tube so that it
is easier to see when the gas reaches a
1 The mass of metal used; the volume of acid
particular level.
used; the type of acid and its concentration.
Also, the inverted test tube must always be
completely full of water at the start of the
investigation; the timer must be started at
the same point in the investigation: when the
delivery tube is back in place, for example; the
test tube of gas must be completely full when
timing is stopped.

Unit 9 Magnetism
Topic 9.1 Magnetic fields
Exercise 9.1A Magnetic field patterns
1 a b X in either of the positions shown.


Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
27 © Cambridge University Press 2021

c W in any of the positions shown. Exercise 9.1C Interaction of magnetic

1 The magnetic field lines between the two poles
are in opposite directions; repel.
The magnetic field lines between the two poles
are in the same directions; attract.
W 2 Place two magnets on a surface with the two
south poles facing; place a piece of paper over
both magnets; sprinkle iron filings on the paper.

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2 a Topic 9.2 The Earth as a
giant magnet
Exercise 9.2A The Earth’s magnetic field
1 The Earth’s magnetic poles have not always
been in the same positions.
The Earth’s magnetic poles are similar to the
poles of a bar magnet.
2 The Earth’s magnetic field occurs all around
b the Earth.
3 a core
b iron and nickel
N N Exercise 9.2B Direction of the Earth’s
magnetic field
1 toward geographic north
2 south
3 a 
Stroke the needle with the magnet; use
Exercise 9.1B Magnetic fields the same pole of the magnet; stroke
1 a 
The area around a magnet where the several times; stroke in the same direction
effect of the magnet can be detected. each time.

b A magnetic compass will turn according b Any method that will allow the needle to
to the position of a magnetic object; rotate freely, such as float on a cork in
the needle will point in the direction of water or suspend horizontally using
magnetic field lines. a thread.

2 a gets weaker 4 Attach the string to the middle of the magnet

using the adhesive tape; hang the bar magnet
b gets weaker (to the middle of the magnet) so it is horizontal and supported from the
then gets stronger again wooden clamp stand; allow the magnet to
turn. The magnet will align close to the
geographic north-south direction; the north
pole of the magnet will point closely to
geographic north.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
28 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Exercise 9.2C Strength of the Earth’s Exercise 9.3B Electromagnets 2

magnetic field 1 Any two from: lifting/sorting scrap metal;
1 The strength of the magnetic field 1 cm from toaster; electric bell; electric motor; holding
the end of a bar magnet. Reason: the Earth’s doors open.
magnetic field will not make a paperclip move, 2 a When current flows, the nail is magnetised;
but when 1 cm from the end of a bar magnet, the pins are magnetic and will be attracted
a paperclip will move. to the nail.
2 a 4 b When current stops flowing, the nail is no
b 2500 longer magnetised; the pins will no longer

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be attracted to the nail.
50 000 c Either: bring a magnetic compass close to
the end; if the compass points towards the
end of the nail, it is south; if the compass
points away from the end of the nail, it is
65 000 north; OR bring the north pole of a bar
magnet to the end of the nail; if it attracts
X it is south; if it repels, it is north.

Exercise 9.3C Electromagnets 3

d 30 000
1 a It could be a south pole.
b Bring the north pole of a bar magnet
toward the end of the nail; if they repel,
then the end of the nail is a north; if they
attract, then the end of the nail is a south
(accept explanation using south pole with
30 000
opposite effects).
e The learner’s position should be correctly c Reverse the current in the coil/reverse the
identified; if the learner’s location is cell in the circuit; remove the nail from the
between two lines then any value between coil and insert the other way round / wind
the values of those lines can be given. the coil in the opposite direction.

Topic 9.3 Electromagnets Topic 9.4 Investigating

Exercise 9.3A Electromagnets 1 electromagnets
1 a 
wire to make the coil; iron or steel rod/nail Exercise 9.4A Strength of
for the core electromagnets 1
b steel paperclips 1 a 
As the number of turns on the coil
increases, the number of paperclips lifted
2 steel and iron increases. This means the electromagnet
3 The electromagnet uses electricity/current to gets stronger as the number of turns on
work; the electromagnet can be switched on the coil increases.
and off. b 20 turns/5 paperclips
c repeat it/do it again (not check it)
d size of the paperclips; current in the coil;
material in the core

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
29 © Cambridge University Press 2021

Exercise 9.4B Strength of b small paperclips; a better range of

electromagnets 2 values can be measured/measurement is
in smaller intervals/can detect smaller
1 a 
material in the core; number of turns in changes in electromagnetic strength
the coil; same size paper clips
2 a The reading on the balance will decrease;
b i  ells can run out/run low, whereas the
C the iron block will be attracted up to the
power supply will not/power supply electromagnet; the force of attraction on
is more reliable; easier to change the the block is in the opposite direction to
current with the power supply than the weight of the block; the force down on
connecting/disconnecting cells. the balance is less.

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ii The wire in the coil gets too hot.
b As the current in the electromagnet
c i 50 pins increases, the reading on the balance will
ii 12 or 13 pins (not 12.5) get smaller/decrease.
c No, this is not correct; if the connection is
Exercise 9.4C Strength of reversed, then the current will be reversed;
electromagnets 3 the poles on the electromagnet will be
reversed; whichever pole is close to the iron
1 a 
current in the coil and material in the core
block will still attract the block equally.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
30 © Cambridge University Press 2021

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