Cambridge Lower Sec Science 2nd WB 8 Answers
Cambridge Lower Sec Science 2nd WB 8 Answers
Cambridge Lower Sec Science 2nd WB 8 Answers
Workbook answers
Unit 1 Respiration
Topic 1.1 The human respiratory Topic 1.2 Gas exchange
system Exercise 1.2 Gas exchange
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
1 © Cambridge University Press 2021
2 Person Boy or Wind or Volume 2 Yes. Boys who play wind instruments have
girl string displaced in an average of 2023 cm3, which is greater than
player cm3 for boys who play stringed instruments with
a value of 1908 cm3. Similarly, the girl who
1 boy wind 2100 plays a wind instrument displaces 1950 cm3,
2 boy wind 1965 compared with the girl string players with an
3 boy wind 2005 average of 1900 cm3.
4 girl wind 1950 3 Collecting more results from more people in
5 boy string 1865 the orchestra; making three measurements for
each person.
2 Make sure that her eyes are level with the
boys, girls, boys, girls, meniscus in the thermometer to read the
wind wind stringed stringed temperature.
3 The temperature will increase, because
Exercise 1.3B Looking at data on respiration releases energy. Some of this
energy is given off as heat.
lung volumes
1 Yes. Boys who play wind instruments displace
an average of 2023 cm3, which is greater than
the one girl who plays a wind instrument
with a displacement of 1950 cm3. Boys who
play stringed instruments have an average
of 1908 cm3 while for girl string players this
is 1900 cm3.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
2 © Cambridge University Press 2021
4 She needs to have another cup where there is Red blood cells are the most abundant cells in
no respiration. For example, she could have a the blood. Their function is to transport oxygen
cup containing just yeast and water with no from the lungs to all the cells in the body that are
sugar, or a cup with just sugar solution and no respiring. To help them to do this, they contain a
yeast. She can then compare the temperature red pigment called haemoglobin.
in the two cups.
White blood cells, unlike red blood cells, contain
5 Use at least three different cups, each with a a nucleus. Their function is to destroy pathogens,
different concentration of sugar solution. The such as bacteria, that get into the body. Some
sugar could be measured by mass, or Sofia of them do this by producing chemicals called
could put different numbers of spoonsful of antibodies, which attach themselves to the
0 4 8 12 16 20
Topic 1.5 Blood Time in days
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
3 © Cambridge University Press 2021
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
4 © Cambridge University Press 2021
2 The reading taken for 20 cm3 water has been 7 The solubility of salt X at 0 °C is about
plotted incorrectly on the graph (on the 25 cm3 55 g/100 g water. The solubility rises slowly
line). This should be circled in red. as the temperature increases to about 70 °C,
then the graph levels off. This shows that any
3 The reading taken for 60 cm3 water, 26 g,
increase in temperature over 70 °C makes
looks too high and is the same as the reading
no difference to the quantity of salt X that
for 70 cm3 water. This should be circled in blue
can dissolve.
on the graph and in the results table.
8 Salt Y has a solubility of about 30 g/100 g
4 The line of best fit should pass through or
water at 0 °C. The solubility of salt Y then
close to all of the plotted points, after the two
rises steadily up to a temperature of 100 °C, at
errors highlighted in question 2 has
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
5 © Cambridge University Press 2021
Exercise 2.4C Paper chromatography E – spot where liquid was placed at start
with plant material F – solvent
1 This happened because the dried liquid was 4 So that a small spot of liquid would be more
not soluble in water. concentrated.
2 Sofia should now try using a different solvent 5 It is a mixture because there are several spots
such as ethanol. of different substances.
3 A – glass rod or any sensible item, such as a 6 The liquid dissolved in the solvent. The
pencil or spill to support the chromatography different substances have different solubility.
paper). As the solvent moved up the chromatography
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
6 © Cambridge University Press 2021
and time
1 a distance = speed × time
b time = ________
2 a distance =
speed × time b
= 45 × 30
= 1350 m
b 2 minutes =
60 × 2
= 120 s
distance =
speed × time
= 45 × 120
= 5400 m
distance c
3 a time = ________
= ____
= 30 s
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
7 © Cambridge University Press 2021
2 Distance from
Exercise 3.4B Calculating moments
1 moment = force × distance (from pivot)
1 a moment = force × distance
force = ________
Time distance
= ___
Exercise 3.3C Distance/time = 200 N
graphs 3 b Increasing distance will increase the
1 a moment using the same force.
4000 2 force = ________
Distance from
A in km
2000 = ____
1000 = 1000 N
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 a moment = force × distance
Time in hours = 500 × 2
= 1000 Nm
b i 10 hours b moment = force × distance
distance moment
i speed = ________
force = ________
time distance
3600 1000
= _____ = _____
4.5 400
= 800 km/h = 2.5 m
ii speed = ________
Topic 3.5 Pressure between solids
3600 Exercise 3.5A Describing pressure
= _____
4 force
1 pressure = _____
= 900 km/h
2 tick in the box under shoes with high,
sharp heel
Topic 3.4 Turning forces
3 a C
Exercise 3.4A Identifying turning forces force
b pressure = _____
1 Ticks next to: pushing a door open, twisting
the top off a bottle, and pushing the hands of It has the largest area but the force
a clock around. (or weight) is the same, so the pressure
is smaller.
2 Ticks next to the tap, gate and door handle.
3 moment
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
8 © Cambridge University Press 2021
Exercise 3.5B Calculating pressure the inside wall of the balloon become less
frequent and occur with less force.
1 A force of 20 N acts on each (1) cm2 of area.
force Exercise 3.6C Trends in pressure 3
2 pressure = _____
1 Pressure inside the balloon decreases; particles
___ move slower at lower temperature; collisions
60 of particles with the inside wall of the balloon
= 0.25 (N/cm2) become less frequent and occur with less
force force; pressure of the air on the outside
3 pressure = _____
area stays the same, so the forces are not
Exercise 3.5C Variables affecting b line starting from above the origin and
sloping up (in any manner)
1 area (at end of thorn) is very small; pressure
force Topic 3.7 Particles on the move
on skin will be large; pressure = _____
area ; other
parts of stem would have larger area, so Exercise 3.7A Diffusion in gases
smaller pressure on skin and liquids
2 area in contact with ground is larger; so 1 Black circles and hollow circles randomly, and
force roughly evenly spread throughout the whole
pressure is smaller; pressure = _____
area container; same number (10) of each type of
3 with sharp knife, area in contact with bread is
force 2 Black circles randomly, and roughly evenly
smaller; so pressure is larger; pressure = _____
spread throughout the whole container; same
4 End A has large area to decrease pressure number (10) of black circles.
on thumb when pushing, so less likely to
be painful. Exercise 3.7B Diffusion
End B has small area to increase pressure on 1 The random movement of particles from an
the surface, so more likely to go into surface. area of higher concentration to an area of
lower concentration.
Topic 3.6 Pressure in liquids
2 a t he particles/the ink diffuse(s); the
and gases particles start at high concentration and
Exercise 3.6A Trends in pressure 1 spread out randomly to areas of lower
1 pressure increases
b diffusion occurs faster at higher
2 at sea level temperature; because particles move faster
3 pressure increases at higher temperature
4 pressure increases 3 Close to the container the particles/brown gas
is at high concentration; higher concentration
Exercise 3.6B Trends in pressure 2 means the particles are closer together/there
1 The pressure is equal in all directions. are more particles in the space; the particles/
brown gas diffuse; further away from the
2 Pressure increases with depth in a liquid. container, the particles are further apart.
3 a pressure decreases 4 When the green colour fills the bottle, the
b Particles move slower at lower movement of particles has stopped; false.
temperature; collisions of particles with
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
9 © Cambridge University Press 2021
When the green colour fills the bottle, diffusion 2 Diffusion happens faster at higher
has stopped; true. temperature; particles move faster at higher
temperature; the particles from the hot coffee
Exercise 3.7C Variables affecting will change from being a liquid to being a
diffusion gas faster/will evaporate faster; there will be
a higher concentration of coffee particles in
1 a he particles are closer together when the
T the air just above the hot coffee than the cold;
crystal first dissolves; the particles are in particles from the hot coffee will take less time
high concentration; the particles have not to travel from the cups to Zara’s nose.
yet started to diffuse; particles randomly
spread out to areas of lower concentration; 3 The concentration of particles causing the
Unit 4 Ecosystems
Topic 4.1 The Sonoran Desert 4 If all the Gila woodpeckers and gilded flickers
died out, there would be no holes made in the
Exercise 4.1 The Sonoran Desert saguaro cacti, so other animals that use these
ecosystem holes would not be able to use them. This
could mean that the population of birds such
1 The Sonoran Desert, which is very dry, and as elf owls might decrease.
the temperature never goes below 0 °C
If all the saguaro cacti died out, all the birds
2 It has wide-spreading, shallow roots to absorb that use them for nesting (Gila woodpeckers,
water when it rains. It has no leaves to reduce gilded flickers, elf owls, Harris hawks) would
water loss by evaporation. It has spines to stop not be able to breed, so their populations
animals eating it. would decrease. Bats would not have a source
3 It is too cold. They die if the temperature falls of pollen and nectar from the cacti, so,
below 0 °C, because their cells are killed if unless they could switch to feeding on other
they freeze. plants, their population might also decrease.
Animals that eat the cactus fruits could also
die out.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
10 © Cambridge University Press 2021
5 The cacti are probably unable to compete with 3 The masses for all species are lower where there
other plants that are specifically adapted to are no mangroves. The biggest difference is for
survive in wetter places. For example, other yellowtail, where the mass is less than half of
plants are likely to be able to grow faster than that where there are mangroves on the shore.
saguaro cacti, and produce a lot of leaves.
They would overshadow the cacti, reducing 4 When no mangroves are present, there is no
the light falling onto them, so that they would habitat for the baby fish to develop safely from
not be able to photosynthesise. predators, so fewer baby fish grow to become
adults, and there are fewer adult fish on
Topic 4.2 Different ecosystems the coral reef.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
11 © Cambridge University Press 2021
not contain cane toad to the other half. (This 7 Seals eat many fish in their lifetimes, and all
is the independent variable.) of the microplastics in the fish that they eat
gradually build up in their bodies.
They should then give each quoll the chance
to eat a cane toad, and record whether or Exercise 4.4B Bias
not the quoll tries to eat it. (This is the
dependent variable.) 1 The company wants to make money by selling
its product, so it might try to make the risk
If the hypothesis is correct, the results should posed by using the spray seem less important
show that the quolls that have eaten cane toad than it really is.
sausages try to eat fewer cane toads, than the
2 Yes. Once again, the company that sells the
2 Some come from large pieces of plastic 4 This could reduce the populations of other
that break up into small pieces. Others are insects and, in some cases, could make them
manufactured as microplastics, used in become extinct. Some of these could be useful:
products such as face creams and toothpaste. they could be pollinators, for example. This
could, in turn, affect the populations of plants
3 Some sink to the bottom because they are that rely on pollinators.
denser than water. Some go into the bodies
of animals and may be carried to the bottom 5 The chemicals in the spray build up in each
when the animal dies. organism that is exposed to it. The further up
the food chain an animal is, the more of the
4 a
54 chemicals it will take in over its lifetime, as it
eats many animals that contain the chemicals.
b 156 − 54 = 102
6 No, they cannot be absolutely sure, but they
5 As they feed, they take in microplastics that
can certainly trust this information more than
are floating in the water. There may also
the information from the companies.
be some microplastics in the bodies of
the zooplankton that they eat. 7 Checking for bias is difficult, but it could
involve looking at the results of any tests
6 Bioaccumulation is the build-up of substances
that have been done, so that they can see
in an organism’s body over its lifetime,
for themselves whether the results match
because the substance does not break down in
the statements made by the agriculture
its body.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
12 © Cambridge University Press 2021
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
13 © Cambridge University Press 2021
9 This may be due to the fact that the other Exercise 5.3C Weather data
metal used in the alloys is not the same.
1 Data should be plotted as instructed with the
Both silver or copper can be used. The data do date and time along the horizontal axis and
not say which is used in each case. the temperature up the vertical axis. Credit a
suitable scale, labelled axes, accurately plotted
points and the points joined ‘temperature style’,
Topic 5.3 Weather and climate that is point-to-point.
Exercise 5.3A Words and meanings 2 It is difficult to see any pattern in these results
temperature ➔ how hot it is but learners may spot that generally the
meteorology ➔ the study of weather 3 The only ‘pattern’ in the week is that the
temperatures are fairly constant.
Exercise 5.3B Weather or climate? 4 The temperature on this day remained
1 The weather is the atmospheric conditions over constant from 06.00 to 18.00 and that was not
the short term, from minute to minute, hour to typical of other days during the week.
hour or day to day. 5 The description of this climate zone is cold
Climate is the average weather of an area over and dry.
a much longer time, usually at least 30 years.
6 This week the weather in Iceland was not very
2 Credit approximate areas, such as Antarctica, cold and there was rain, which is not typical
northern Canada, Greenland and northern of this climate zone.
Russia, but both Poles must be included and
7 Credit ideas about Iceland being an island in
the middle of an ocean and a long way from
3 The climate in the polar zone is very cold and any other land. They may also realise or find
dry all year. out that the winds and weather systems move
quickly in this area and are influenced by the
4 Credit approximate areas, such as central Gulf Stream.
America, south America (east of the Andes)
central Africa, south-east Asia, the north-east Topic 5.4 Climate and ice ages
tip and south-east coastal strip of Australia,
but tropical zone in more than one continent Exercise 5.4A Wordsearch
must be shown and labelled.
5 The climate in the tropical zone is hot and wet
all year.
6 Meteorologists record the weather in so much
detail because they are looking for patterns to
see if they can predict what will happen in the
future. Knowing what the weather will be like
has a big effect on the agriculture, transport,
health and other industries.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
14 © Cambridge University Press 2021
Exercise 5.4B Soil cores the current interglacial period for about
25 000 years.
1 a he oldest peat is from the bottom of
the bog. 6 The evidence we have comes from core soil
samples from peat bogs and from the evidence
b The plant material has not rotted because in the landscape from the effect of glaciers.
the conditions in the bog slow down
decay. There is not enough oxygen and the
conditions are acidic. Topic 5.5 Atmosphere and climate
c Scientists hope to find out which plants Exercise 5.5A
were growing in that area thousands of
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
15 © Cambridge University Press 2021
Exercise 5.5C There is evidence from the ice cores about the
way the ice was formed over time.
1 The answers will depend on what learners have
found out, but as a minimum should include There is evidence of an increase in the rate
the following: at which the polar ice caps and glaciers
are melting. There is evidence of the sea
There is evidence that iron oxide was formed levels increasing.
in rocks after the period 2.1 to 2.0 billion
years ago, not before. There is evidence from 3 The evidence from a long time ago is not
the pockets of air trapped in the ice cores direct evidence, but has been inferred from
from Greenland and Antarctica. We have other things, whereas the records over the
Unit 6 Light
Topic 6.1 Reflection c incident ray plane mirror
i r
Exercise 6.1A Making reflections reflected
1 flat mirror i r
2 bouncing plane mirror
plane mirror
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
16 © Cambridge University Press 2021
Exercise 6.1C Accurate ray diagrams 3 When light changes direction, the change in
direction can be caused by a change in speed.
1 a plane mirror incident ray When light changes direction passing from air
into glass, this is called refraction.
Exercise 6.2B Predicting refraction
1 When light changes speed (caused by) passing
from one transparent substance/medium
to another.
refracted ray
plane mirror
Topic 6.2 Refraction angle of
refraction refracted
Exercise 6.2A Causes of refraction ray
1 medium air
water angle of incidence
2 a hen light passes from air into water,
the light slows down.
b When light passes from glass into air, the
light speeds up.
incident ray
c When light passes from water into glass,
the light slows down.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
17 © Cambridge University Press 2021
refracted ray 3 All seven colours are given out together; all
seven colours are of (approximately) equal
normal brightness; all seven colours mix to give
white light.
c i Move the screen closer to the prism. The green T-shirt absorbs all the other
colours of light.
ii The colours get closer together /
merge together more. b black
2 a red or white
Exercise 6.3C Making a spectrum 2
b blue
1 Violet light slows the most when passing from
air into plastic; violet is refracted the most; c red or blue
violet travels slowest in plastic; red light travels
3 a
Black does not reflect light of any colour /
fastest in plastic and is refracted the least;
black is the absence of light.
other 5 colours listed in order of speed, either
increasing or decreasing (increasing speed starts b White reflects all colours equally / white
with violet, decreasing speed starts with red). light contains all colours.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
18 © Cambridge University Press 2021
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
19 © Cambridge University Press 2021
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
20 © Cambridge University Press 2021
• The names of the foods should be written Topic 7.3 Growth, development
beneath the bars.
and health
• The bars should be carefully drawn using
a ruler. They should be drawn accurately Exercise 7.3A Interpreting data about
They should all be of equal width. It is smoking
preferable if they do not touch.
1 a respiratory diseases
• The sequence of foods in the chart should
have some logic behind it – for example, b diseases of the digestive system
from lowest to highest fibre content, or 2 39%
from highest to lowest fibre content, or all
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
21 © Cambridge University Press 2021
Exercise 7.3C Looking at data on giving Topic 7.4 Moving the body
up smoking
Exercise 7.4A The skeleton and forces
1 Learners could choose to display any of these
sets of data: 1 Sofia, 28 N
• a neatly drawn chart with ruled columns Exercise 7.4B Antagonistic muscles in
and rows
the leg
• clear headings with units
1 and 3
• correct entries, with no units included in pelvis
the body of the chart. ball and
femur socket joint
3 The chosen method of display should be
clearly presented and labelled, so that it is easy
to understand.
4 The answer should include some of the tibia
following points:
• reference to the fact that people find 2 hinge joint
giving up smoking difficult because nicotine
is addictive 4 The leg will bend at the knee.
• reference to the percentage of people whose 5 It will straighten – the lower leg will be pulled
reasons for smoking appear to be related to forward.
addiction (learners should refer directly to
6 A and B; C and D
the data here, for example, 54% of people
say they went back to smoking because they
could not manage without cigarettes)
Exercise 7.4C Choosing a hypothesis
about bones to investigate
• the idea that e-cigarettes supply users
with nicotine, so they will still get the 1 Thick bones are stronger than thin bones.
drug to which they are addicted, but can Long bones break more easily than short
gradually reduce the amount of nicotine bones.
in the e-cigarettes until they are ‘smoking’
nicotine-free e-cigarettes.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
22 © Cambridge University Press 2021
5 The results show that changing the length of 6 No. They have only used a very small range of
magnesium used makes very little difference to lengths of magnesium.
the end temperature.
7 0.5 cm
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
23 © Cambridge University Press 2021
8 A larger interval in length. Because then any Exercise 8.1C Exothermic reactions
differences in the temperature rise will be with metals
more obvious.
1 potassium + water → potassium + hydrogen
9 Accept any sensible number from 5 upwards. hydroxide
10 Credit any sensible suggestion to reduce heat 2 thermal, light and sound energy
loss to the room. Ideas such as wrapping the
3 Wear safety glasses and carry out the reaction
test tube in some sort of a jacket are the most
behind a safety screen.
likely, but there should be some comment
about still being able to read the thermometer. 4 Measure any increase in the temperature
2 endothermic
3 exothermic
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
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c It was sensible to use polystyrene cups 2 The nail in tube B will go rusty.
rather than test tubes or glass beakers 3 The water has been boiled to remove any
because polystyrene is a good insulator, dissolved air and the layer of oil on the top of
so that less of the heat energy produced in the water prevents any more air from entering.
the reaction was lost to the environment.
There would be a more accurate 4 a No, this is not an expected result.
temperature reading taken.
b The nail in the dry air may have gone
2 Credit any useful product, such as self-heating rusty because Zara has not put the
food or drink cans. Credit any sensible stopper into the tube firmly enough and
original ideas. some moisture from the air has entered.
3 Credit any ideas, such as ‘chemical ice-packs’ 5 Credit any two sensible ideas, such as painting,
or self-cooling drinks. galvanising or coating with any other suitable
material, such as plastic or grease.
Exercise 8.2C Endothermic reactions 6 The plan for the investigation should clearly
and processes state the variable the learner will change, the
1 In an endothermic reaction, a chemical temperature of the nail. This can be done in a
reaction takes place with new products being variety of ways. As long as the method is clear
formed. Energy is taken from the environment, and workable, credit it. A suggestion may be
so there is a decrease in temperature. An to place new shiny nails of the same shape, size
example is the reaction of sodium hydrogen and composition into test tubes containing
carbonate with citric acid to produce sodium water at different temperatures. Credit learners
citrate, water and carbon dioxide. In an if they give a suitable range of temperatures.
endothermic process, energy is also taken in
Learners may decide to keep the test tubes
from the environment, but there are no new
in a water bath to maintain the different
products formed. For example, ice melting
takes in energy from the environment, so it
is endothermic, but since no new products There must be a clear indication of the
are formed (water merely changes state) it is variables to be controlled, such as the type and
an endothermic process. (Credit any other size of the nail, the volume of water used and
suitable examples such as potassium chloride the time for the experiment. There should also
dissolving in water as an endothermic process.) be a clear indication of the dependent variable
(rusting) and how they will measure it. This
2 The water in the bowl soaks into the cloth
will probably be by eye and a comparison of
over the soda bottles. The liquid water
the rust on the nails after a given time.
evaporates as it heats up in the hot weather.
The particles in the liquid water move all the Credit should be given to a plan that considers
time and can slide past each other as they only the practicality of the approach.
have weak forces holding them in place. The
more energy the particles have, the more they
can move. When the particles have enough
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
25 © Cambridge University Press 2021
Topic 8.4 Reactions of metals 11 Copper does not react with water. This is why
it is used for pipes carrying water. Iron does not
with water react with water either but it does react with
Exercise 8.4 Reactions with water oxygen if it is in the presence of water. So the
iron in the pipes would react with any dissolved
and steam
oxygen in the water and rust. Iron oxide would
1 In order starting with the most reactive: form. This would result in the water being
potassium; magnesium; zinc; copper. coloured reddish brown with the iron oxide,
and the pipes would eventually collapse.
2 potassium + water → potassium + hydrogen
Topic 8.5 Reactions of metals with
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
26 © Cambridge University Press 2021
3 They cannot use their observations to 2 Copper does not react in dilute acid.
compare copper, aluminium, zinc and lead
because the two boys have used different acids. 3 Learners should draw a bar chart, with the bars
The acids are also of different concentrations in order of height, the tallest bar furthest left.
and different volumes. 4 Accept any sensible suggestions, for example:
4 The plan should use the concept that the only she might have misread the timer, or not
variable to be changed is the type of metal. stopped it at exactly the right time; she might
The type, volume and concentration of the have got the mass of metal wrong, or mixed
acid used should be the same in each test. The up which metal she was using.
mass of metal used should be the same. There 5 Learners could mention the difficulties of
Unit 9 Magnetism
Topic 9.1 Magnetic fields
Exercise 9.1A Magnetic field patterns
1 a b X in either of the positions shown.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
27 © Cambridge University Press 2021
b A magnetic compass will turn according b Any method that will allow the needle to
to the position of a magnetic object; rotate freely, such as float on a cork in
the needle will point in the direction of water or suspend horizontally using
magnetic field lines. a thread.
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Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
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Cambridge Lower Secondary Science 8 – Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth
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