HSG H NG Lĩnh 2

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Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Part 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
1. A. hear B. clear C. near D. tea
2. A. cleaned B. finished C. stopped D. washed
3. A. seen B. sit C. sure D. say
4. A. those B. thanks C. father D. brother
5. A. hat B. garden C. harm D. farm
6. A. hope B. stop C. slope D. cope
7. A. technical B. attention C. event D. talent
8. A. encounter B. enter C. enlarge D. entrust
9. A. call B. count C. centre D. cable
10. A. pure B. durable C. cure D. pursue
Part 1. Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D.
1. The house was very small ________ they enjoyed living there.
A. but B. as C. because D. since
2. I’m really angry with her. She is always ________ so to me.
A. says B. saying C. to say D. says
3. I don’t know many people in the neighborhood. I wish that I ________ more people.
A. know B. have known C. will kow D. knew
4. It’s so hot today. Let’s go out for a drink, ________?
A. will we B. do we C. should we D. shall we
5. The train will leave in five minutes so you ________ better hurry up.
A. had B. should C. will D. would
6. I don’t remember ________ this machine. Can you show me how?
A. however B. to operate C. how to operate D. whatever
7. Susan was very pleased ________ the birthday present her father gave her.
A. of B. with C. from D. to
8. He’s a ________ drinker and can nearly always be found in the hotel bar.
A. full B. strong C. heavy D. high
9. The novels ________by Mark Twain attract a lot of children.
A. writing B. written C. being written D. to be written
10. Tim: Would you mind lending me your dictionary?
Paul: ________.
A. Yes, let’s B. Great C. No, of course not D. Yes. Here you are
11. Kate _______ a great time in Nha Trang and doesn’t want to come back.
A. is having B. has C. has had D. had
12. You have never been to Nha Trang, _______ ?
A. haven’t youB. have you C. do you D. don’t you
13. I had to wear _______ uniform when I worked in the hotel.
A. some B. any C. a D. an
14. You can improve your English by practising it _______ .
A. hardly B. ordinary C. badly D. regularly
15. _______ we should put garbage bins around the school yard.
A. Why don’t B. What about C. Let’s D. I suggest
16. If I _______ you, I’d take some rest before the game tomorrow.
A. am B. could be C. were D. would be
17. The pop star we invited onto the chat show didn’t _______.
A. turn on B. turn up C. turn off D. turn down
18. Paper money _______ for over a thousand years.
A. has used B. was being used C. was used D. has been used
19. “Jane! May I introduce you to Maryam, my Malaysian pen pal?” - “_________”
A. Oh. Thank you very much. B. Hi! Pleased to meet you, Jane.
C. Hi! Nice to meet you, Maryam. D. That’s right. I’m Jane.
20. “How did your dog _______?” - “I don't know. Someone might have poisoned it.”
A. get killed B. kill C. be killed D. was killed
Part 2. Use the correct form of verbs in the brackets.
1. If you (do)__________your homework last night, you’d know the answer to this question!
2. Mrs. Brown came to inform her that dinner (serve)________________ already.
3. His phrase was greeted by a strange laugh from a student who (sit)_____________
near the wall.
4. I wouldn’t advise (touch)______________that dog. It might bite you.
5. He looked frightened as if he (see)________________ a ghost.
6. She was the last girl (leave)_________________the room.
7. Bertha is not here. She (go)__________________to the library.
8. The envelop (lie)____________ on the table has no stamp on it.
9. They (get) __________________ married, but in the end they changed their minds.
10. He (go)_______________to the cinema five times last month.
Part 3. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find and correct it.
1. During The Second World War, almost a third of a million people was killed.
2. Their father often takes them to the park for pleasure in Sunday mornings.
3. He is the only person which helped me a lot when I lived in Hanoi.
4. Life in the city is often noisy than in the country.
5. Lucky, Nga still had enough time to finish her test.
Your answers:
Mistake Correction
Part 4. Use the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.
1. Hanoi is much more _____________ from Kuala Lumpur.
2. Mr John caused an accident yesterday. He drove very _____________. CARE
3. Nowadays, many people are interested in saving money and ____________resources.
4. Ba is the ____________ student in his class. GOOD
5. The __________told us not to take reference books out of the school library. LIBRARY
6. Last Sunday afternoon, the students in class 9A walked up the __________________to visit
the shrine of a Vietnamese hero. MOUNTAINOUS
7. The consumers want products that will work ____________ and save money. EFFECT
8. Lan Anh is ____________ because she misses her parents and friends very much. HAPPY
9. The Internet is used for many purposes: education, communication, entertainment and ________.
10. In Western countries, electricity, gas, and water are not luxuries but __________. NECESSARY
Part 1. Read the passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D.
Parents send their children to school to prepare for the time when they grow up. Children
learn their native language so that they will be able to communicate fluently with other people
around them. Moreover, they can preserve the valuable culture and literature of their country.
They learn foreign languages in order to benefit from other countries’ heritage. The more foreign
languages they learn, the more benefits they get. Children also learn math to calculate,
geography to know about nature, and history to know about human beings and historical events.
Nearly everything they study at school has some practical uses in their life.
1. Parents send their children to school to ________.
A. play better B. learn English C. prepare for their future D. make them grow
2. Why do children have to learn their native language?
A. To learn foreign languages. B. To communicate fluently with other people around
C. To benefit from foreign countries’ heritage. D. To know about nature.
3. According to the passage, children learn history to know about ________.
A. people and historical events B. practical uses in life C. events of the history D. the
4. How many school subjects are mentioned in the passage?
A. Five. B. Seven. C. Six. D. Four.
5. Most of the things children learn at school ________.
A. are useless B. have no use C. are not necessary D. have some practical
Part 2: Read the following passage and answer the questions. Write your answer in the right box
The invention of the electric telegraph gave birth to the communications industry. Although
Samuel B. Morse succeeded in making the invention useful in 1873, it was not until 1843 that
the first telegraph line of consequence was constructed. By 1860 more than 50,000 miles of lines
connected people east of the Rockies. The following year, San Francisco was added to the
The national telegraph network fortified the ties between East and West and contributed to
the rapid expansion of the railroads by providing an efficient means to monitor schedules and
routes. Furthermore, the extension of the telegraph, combined with the invention of the stream –
driven rotary printing press by Richard M. Hoe in 1846, revolutionized the world of journalism.
Where the business of news gathering had been dependent upon the mail and on hand- operated
presses, the telegraph expanded the amount of information a newspaper could supply and
allowed for more timely reporting. The establishment of the Associated Press as a central wire
service in 1846 marked the advent of a new era in journalism.
1. The main topic of the passage is
A. the history of journalism B. the origin of the national telegraph
C. how the telegraph network contributed to the expansion of railroads
D. the contributions and development of the telegraph network
2. The word “ gathering” in line 9 refers to
A. people B. information C. objects D. substances
3. The author’s main purpose in this passage is to
A. compare the invention of the telegraph with the invention of the stream -driven rotary
B. propose new ways to develop the communications industry
C. show how the electric telegraph affected the communications industry
D. criticize Samuel B. Morse
4. This passage would most likely be found in a
A. U.S history book B. book on trains
C. science textbook D. computer magazine
5. It can be inferred from the passage that
A. Samuel Morse did not make a significant contribution to the communications industry
B. Morse’s invention did not immediately achieve its full potential
C. the extension of the telegraph was more important than its invention
D. journalists have the Associated Press to thank for the birth of the communications industry.
Part 3. Choose the correct word for each blank in the following passage.
Spring is a time when there are many festivals in our country. Among them, Hoa Ban
Festival is the most beautiful and interesting, and it takes place in Lai Chau. It is typical of the
(1) ______ life of the Thai people. In the second lunar month of the year, when it (2) _____
warmer and hoa ban – a kind of beautiful flower in the northwest mountainous area – blossoms,
Hoa Ban Festival is (3) _______. This is a great time for everyone, (4) _____ for boys and girls.
The boy picks the most beautiful flower and gives it to his girlfriend. This is not only a time for
love but also for the Thai people to pray for good crops, for happiness, and express their special
thanks to the Gods and (6) ______. The festival is always full of songs and prayers.
1. A.minor B.cultural C.custom D.festival
2. A.gets B.goes C.comes D.runs
3. A.seen B.arranged C.observed D.celebrated
4. A.largely B.especially C.generally D.typically
5. A.fathers B.relatives C.families D.ancestors
Part 1. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
1. The match couldn’t start because of the heavy snow.
->The heavy snow ...............................................................................................................
2. My mother was a worker in a factory when she was young.
->My mother used .............................................................................................................
3. Mr. Smith knew little about the internet, so he didn’t invest into any computer companies.
->Had ................................................................................................................................
4. It was such an interesting novel that I read it again and again.
->The novel .........................................................................................................................
5. Please don’t ask me such silly questions.
->Would you mind not .......................................................................................................?
6. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.
->The patient made...............................................................................................................
7. Hung’s friends gave him a lot of gifts on his last birthday.
->Hung ...........................................................................................................................
8. He started working as an actor ten years ago.
9.It often took my mom half an hour to get to work by underground every morning last month.
->My mom spent...............................................................................................................
10. Couldn’t you take a bus to the station this morning?
->Wasn’t ...........................................................................................................................?
Part 2. Write an essay (about 150 - 200 words) on this topic:
“The important role of Internet in your study?”

TOTAL: 100 x 0.2 = 20 points

Part 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
(10 x 0.2 = 2.0)
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A
6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. D
Part 2: Find the word with the stress made on the different syllable from the others in each
line: (10 x 0.2 = 2.0)
1. B 6. C
2. A 7. B
3. C 8. C
4. A 9. B
5. D 10. C
Part 1. Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D.
(20 x 0.2 = 4.0)
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C
11.A 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.D
16.C 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A

Part 2. Use the correct form of verbs in the brackets.

(10 x 0.2 = 2.0)
1. had done 2. had been served 3. was sitting 4. touching 5. had seen

6. to leave 7. has gone 8. lying 9. were going to 10. went

Part 3. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find and correct it.
(5 x 0.2 = 1.0)
Your answers:
Mistake Correction
1. was Were
2. in On
3. which Who
4. noisy Noisier
5.lucky Luckily
Part 4. Use the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.
(10 x 0.2 = 2.0)
1. different 2. carelessly 3. natural 4. best 5. librarian
6. mountain 7. effectively 8. unhappy 9.commerce 10.necessities
Part 1. Read the passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D.
(5 x 0.2 = 1.0)
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D
Part 2: Read the following passage and answer the questions. Write your answer in the
right box below. (5 x 0.2 = 1.0)
1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B
Part 3: Part 3. Choose the correct word for each blank in the following passage.
(5 x 0.2 = 1.0)
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D
Part 1. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
(10 x 0.2 = 2,0)
1. The heavy snow prevented / stopped the match from starting.
2. My mother used to work / to be a worker in a factory when she was young.
3. Had Mr. Smith known more about the internet, he would have invested into some
4. The novel was so interesting that I read it again and again.
5. Would you mind not asking me such silly questions?
6. The patient made a more rapid recovery than expected.
7. Hung was given a lot of gifts on his last birthday.
8. He has worked / has been working as an actor for ten years.
9. My mom spent half an hour getting to work by underground every morning last month.
10. Wasn’t it possible for you to take a bus to the station this morning?
Part 2. Write an essay (about 150 - 200 words) on this topic:
“The important role of Internet in your study?”
(10 x 0.2 = 2,0)

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