Rus MO402

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28-th All-Russian Mathematical Olympiad 2002

Fourth Round

Grade 8

First Day

1. Can a natural number be written in each square of a 9 × 2002 rectangular board

in such a way that the sum of the numbers in each row or column is a prime
2. Each cell of a 9 × 9 square board is colored red or blue. Show that there is a
square having exactly two red diagonally adjacent squares or exactly two blue
diagonally adjacent squares.
3. We are given 11 empty boxes. In a move one can choose 10 boxes and place a
coin in each of them. Two players make moves alternately. The winner is the
one after whose move there are 21 coins in one of the boxes. Who has a winning
4. Regular triangles ABC1 , BCA1 , CAB1 are constructed externally on the sides of
a scalene triangle ABC. Prove that the triangle A1 B1C1 cannot be regular.

Second Day

5. Given a four-digit natural number, one can increase two adjacent digits by 1 if
none of them is 9, or decrease two adjacent digits by 1 if none of them is 0. Is it
possible to turn number 1234 into number 2002 by applying such operations?
6. Each side of a convex quadrilateral is prolonged on both sides, all the eight pro-
longations being segments of equal length. Suppose that the second endpoints
of these eight segments lie on a circle. Prove that the initial quadrilateral is a
7. An observer at a highway sees three cars moving with a constant speed: a
Moskwich and a Zaporozhets, and a Niva moving towards them. When the
Moskwich passes by the observer, it is equidistant from the other two cars; and
when the Niva passes by the observer, it is equidistant from the other two cars.
Show that, when Zaporozhets passes by the observer, it is also equidistant from
the other two cars. (At the considered moments, the two equidistant cars are on
the opposite sides of the observer.)
8. Among 18 pieces, some three weigh 99g each, while the others weigh 100g each.
Determine the lighter pieces in two measurings on a balance with a scale.

The IMO Compendium Group,

D. Djukić, V. Janković, I. Matić, N. Petrović
Grade 9

First Day

1. Problem 2 for Grade 8.

2. A monic quadratic trinomial with integer coefficients assumes prime values at
three successive integer points. Prove that it assumes a prime value in at least
one other integer point.
3. In a triangle ABC with AB = BC, O is the circumcenter, M a point on segment
BO, and M ′ the point symmetric to M with respect to the midpoint of AB. Lines
M ′ O and AB meet at K. Point L on side BC is such that ∠CLO = ∠BLM. Prove
that the points O, K, B, L are on a circle.
4. On the plane are positioned [4n/3] rectangles with sides parallel to the coordinate
axes. Assume that every rectangle intersects at least n other rectangles. Show
that there exists a rectangle that intersects all other rectangles.

Second Day

5. Is it possible to arrange numbers 1, 2, . . . , 60 on a circumference in such a way

that the sum of any two numbers separated by one number is divisible by 2, the
sum of any two numbers separated by two numbers is divisible by 3, etc, the sum
of any two numbers separated by six numbers is divisible by 7?
6. Point A′ on the boundary of a trapezoid ABCD is such that the line AA′ bisects
the area of the trapezoid. Points B′ ,C′ , D′ are analogously defined. Prove that
the intersection points of the diagonals of the quadrilaterals ABCD and A′ B′C′ D′
are symmetric with respect to the midpoint of the middle line of the trapezoid
7. On the segment [0, 2002], the endpoints and an interior point with an integer
coordinate d coprime to 1001 are marked. We are allowed to mark the midpoint
of a segment whose endpoints are marked, provided that its coordinate is integral.
Can we mark all integral points on the segment after several such operations?
8. Problem 8 for Grade 8.

Grade 10

First Day

1. What is the largest length of an arithmetic progression of natural numbers

a1 , . . . , an with the common difference 2 having the property that a2k + 1 is prime
for all k?

The IMO Compendium Group,

D. Djukić, V. Janković, I. Matić, N. Petrović
2. A convex polygon on the coordinate plane contains at least m2 + 1 points with
integer coordinates in its interior. Show that some m + 1 of these points lie on a
3. The perpendicular bisector of side AC of a triangle ABC meets side BC at M. The
bisecting ray of angle AMB meets the circumcircle of △ABC at K. Prove that the
line passing through the incenters of triangles AKM and BKM is perpendicular
to the bisector of angle AKB.
4. A sequence (an ) of numbers satisfies a0 = 0 and 0 ≤ ak+1 − ak ≤ 1. Prove the
n n
∑ a3k ≤ ∑ ak .
k=0 k=0

Second Day

5. On the axis Ox are arbitrarily taken different points X1 , . . . , xn , n ≥ 3. Consider

all parabolas defined by monic quadratic trinomials and intersecting the axis Ox
in the given points only. Let y = f1 , . . . , y = fm be the functions defining these
parabolas. Prove that the parabola y = f1 + · · · + fm intersects the axis Ox in two
6. Problem 6 for Grade 9.
7. On the segment [0, 2002], the endpoints and n − 1 > 0 interior points with integer
coordinates are marked so that the lengths of the segments into which the seg-
ment [0, 2002] is divided have the greatest common divisor 1. We are allowed to
divide a segment with marked endpoints into n equal parts and to mark the divi-
sion points, provided that their coordinates are integral. Can we mark all integral
points on the segment after several such operations?
8. What maximal number of colors can we use to color the squares of a 10 × 10
square board so that each row or column contains squares of at most five different

Grade 11

First Day

1. Real numbers x and y are such that x p + yq is rational for any different odd primes
p, q. Show that x and y are rational.
2. The altitude of a quadrilateral pyramid SABCD passes through the intersection
of the diagonals of the base ABCD. The perpendiculars AA1 , BB1 ,CC1 , DD1
are dropped onto the edges SC, SD, SA, SB, respectively. Suppose that the
points S, A1, B1 ,C1 , D1 are distinct and lie on a sphere. Show that the lines
AA1 , BB1 ,CC1 , DD1 pass through a single point.

The IMO Compendium Group,

D. Djukić, V. Janković, I. Matić, N. Petrović
3. A sequence (an ) of numbers satisfies a0 = 0 and ak+1 ≥ ak + 1. Prove the in-
n n
∑ a3k ≥ ∑ ak .
k=1 k=1

4. An infinite square grid is colored with n2 colors so that all unit squares in any
n × n square are of different colors. It is known that any infinite row contains all
the colors. Show that there is an infinite column containing exactly n colors.

Second Day

5. Let P(x) be a polynomial of an odd degree. Prove that the equation P(P(x)) = 0
has at least as many different real roots as the equation P(x) = 0 does.
6. On the plane are given n > 1 points (in a general position). Two players alter-
nately connect two non-connected points by an arbitrarily oriented vector. The
second player wins if, after several moves, all drawn vectors sum up to 0; other-
wise, the first player wins. Who can force a victory?
7. Let lA , lB , lC , lD be the outer bisectors of the angles of a convex quadrilateral
ABCD. The lines lA and lB meet at K, lB and lC at L, lC and lD at M, and lD and
lA at N. Prove that if the circumcircles of triangles ABK and CDM are externally
tangent, then so are the circumcircles of triangles BCL and DAN.
8. On the segment [0, N], the endpoints and two more points are marked so that
the lengths of the three segments into which the segment [0, N] is divided are
integers with the greatest common divisor 1. If A and B are two marked points
whose distance is a multiple of 3, then we can divide the segment AB into three
equal parts, mark one of the division points and unmark one of the points A, B. Is
it true that we can mark any given integer point on the segment AB with several
such operations?

The IMO Compendium Group,

D. Djukić, V. Janković, I. Matić, N. Petrović

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