Antigvt 1

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Antistatism: An Eye For An Eye . . .


All "words inside quotation marks" mean that those words were used "for
lack of a better word."

Summary Of Political Ideology (Autonomy):

Decision Making:

- No government exists to make decisions for the Antistate (as a single

entity) or the people within it.
- Territorial, professional, and trade resolutions are made through free
agreements between individuals or groups of individuals out of
- Every individual or group of individuals in the Antistate can make
free contracts (agreements) with any other individual or group of
individuals anywhere. This is not an "ensured right," but a
necessary means of survival.
- The "free agreements" or "contracts" are open-ended arrangements (not
written binding deals). They provide services or produce
(material items) in return for services or produce between
individuals or groups of individuals.
- Example of a contract: Farmer Joe will give one third of his crop to
Doctor Bob if Doctor Bob takes care of all Farmer Joe's medical
- The contracts can be created, altered, or ended at any time.

Political Rights:

- There are no restrictions (no law, government, police, prisons, etc.)

regulating what an individual can or cannot do in the Antistate.
The individual has complete and total freedom.
- This absolute liberty creates a balance that reacts with, and
counteracts every action in the Antistate.
- Example of balance of action: Farmer Joe breaks both his legs. Doctor
Bob takes half Farmer Joe's crop and refuses to set Farmer Joe's
broken legs. Farmer Joe either dies (unable to do anything) or
makes contracts with Butch Thug and Orthopedic Surgeon Mary for
protection and care.
- Anyone can believe anything and say anything they please in the
Antistate, but nobody has to listen.
- Anyone can leave or enter the Antistate.
- Political dissent is useless, an individual may try to implement a
"true" political system, but with few followers this is futile.

Minority Rights:

- Once an individual is within the Antistate they have the complete

freedom to do anything despite who the individual is.
- It is impossible to "be a citizen" of the Antistate, this requires the
recognition of an absent government.

Leaders & Government Involvement In Society:

- To clarify: The government is nonexistent, therefore it cannot have

any leaders and cannot involve itself with anything.
- If any social leaders (religious, etc.) arise (such as Ghandi) the
extent of their "power" is limited to the number of individuals
that choose to follow them.

Education And Professionals:

- As previously said, services are a commodity for barter, the more rare
the service, the more desired it becomes.
- Education is a valuable service; those people being taught are trading
other items and services to the person who is educating them.
- Services (medical, construction, just about anything, etc.) are given
in exchange for items or other services.
- The more educated one becomes in a trade (skill), the more they can
rely on their knowledge to provide goods and services for them.
- Education is a key tool in teaching people to survive independently.

Defence Of Political Ideology:

Major Advantages Of Antistatism (Autonomy):

Equality: Every person in the Antistate has equal opportunity. Since

individual rights are absolute and unconditional in the Antistate, anybody can
do anything. The same opportunities are available to everybody, and the
ultimate goal of society is constant, survival.

Autonomy: It may seem that in our "democracy" we have almost complete

freedom, this is not true. In Canada, there is a modest document (Bill of
Rights) that attempts to "guarantee" the Canadian public a certain set of
rights and freedoms. There is another document (the written law) that
contains thousands upon thousands of restrictions and regulations placed on
Canadian citizens. In short, there are more things we cannot do than things
that we can do. Not only are we restricted in what we can do, we can also
have our remaining rights involuntary removed (arrests and imprisonment,
minors have few rights, questionable mental faculties, etc.). Finally, we pay
(taxes) for the privilege of having our rights taken away. It's not a big
secret that police, lawyers, and politicians cost money. These problems are
avoided in the Antistate where the legal system, government, and law
enforcement are forsaken.

Individualism & Collectivism: In the world today there are few who could
survive completely independent of others. This is a basic principle of
Antistatism. Within the Antistate an individual is free to be just that, an
individual. The individual is bound by no laws other than necessity to merge
with others. If an individual is forced to join others for any reason, the
person loses their identity as an individual and becomes a group entity. The
loss of individual identity and merger into a group entity forces unnecessary
restrictions on the person, hindering progress. Necessity draws the
individuals together (collects the individuals) and drives them to work for
the good of each other, themselves included. From these mutual junctions of
distinct individuals in an immense collection, progress is spawned. There is
no other society, but the Antistate, in which an individual can work
progressively with others and not lose their distinct identity.

Attacks On Antistatism:

Attack #1: "Wouldn't the stronger people take advantage of the weaker
people? How can this be justified?"

Defence #1: Yes, the stronger, faster, and smarter people would take
advantage of the weaker people. There is nothing wrong with this. Those
people most capable of survival will live and develop and have children with
the same characteristics of survival. The weak will be weeded out, sometimes
by the strong and sometimes by the environment, and the weak characteristics
that they possess will disappear from mankind. In this way, human beings will
progress naturally as organisms, and socially as more hardy beings capable of
independent survival. It is only within the last hundred years that human
beings have become the only organisms to deviate from this natural state of

Attack #2: "What would stop another country from invading the Antistate
and claiming all the territory?"

Defence #2: As was stated before, very few people are capable of
independent survival. Therefore the individuals make contracts out of
necessity for various things such as nourishment, shelter, and protection.
One of the most common contracts that would arise among the people would be
those of defence. In return for some commodity or service, protection would
be given to the providing individual. Enough of these contracts would give
way to a huge, self-governing army protecting each other, benefiting

Attack #3: "If the Antistate isn't really a state, how can it have
political borders?"

Defence #3: If the Antistate can keep other countries from claiming it's
territory, then the borders of the Antistate are defined as any territory
unclaimed by any country.

Summary Of Economic Ideology (Private Enterprise):

Position On Economic Spectrum:

- The economic system in the Antistate is similar to extreme capitalism.

- State enterprise, state involvement in the economy, and taxation is
impossible without a state and therefore absent in the Antistate.
- There is no currency; there is no state to produce it, and no need to
represent large amounts of items.

- Everyone produces (for themselves) what is needed for survival and any
"luxury items" desired.
- Anything needed or desired by an individual (which the individual
cannot produce) is taken from or traded for with goods or services
with other individuals.
- It is foolish to produce excess amounts (more than is needed for
comfortable survival) of goods unless they are to be used for
- "Disposable income" (meaning excess "luxury items") depends on how
hard the individual in question works to produce or trade for it.

Classless Society:

- Everyone has the same job, to get what is needed for survival (there
are many means of doing this).
- Without currency it is difficult to determine who is rich and who
isn't (a monetary value cannot be given).
- The "winners" (in an economic sense) are those who get what they need
to survive and get the "luxury items" they want.
- The "average" person gets what they need to survive plus a few "luxury
- The "loser" dies, unable to get what is needed for survival.
- Education is essential to maintain a "profitable" lifestyle.

Social Problems (If the Antistate is installed somewhere in the modern world):

- Poverty would run rampant until all those who could not learn to
survive independently quickly enough are dead.
- Crime would become commonplace until it becomes unprofitable (why
murder the only doctor in town, etc.).
- An extreme drop would occur in the economy for a long period until the
above points are resolved.

Defence Of Economic Ideology:

Major Advantages Of Private Enterprise:

Liberty: Within a system of complete private enterprise, a person has

the greatest possible amount of freedom to produce anything they want to (or
nothing). Also, they can trade for (or take) any items they choose. An
individual has the independence to pursue any activity they prefer (no working
nine to five). You can take a vacation, give yourself a raise, or take that
BMW anytime!

No Taxes, No Welfare: Who can argue with such a fine idea? No taxes, no
welfare. No welfare means those who cannot or will not produce die. The
people who need welfare die, the problem is erased. Great idea!

No Excess: The greatest amount of items being produced are those that
people need. Producing these items requires time, effort and materials.
Therefore, nothing is being produced and not used. The system becomes
tailored to the needs of society, those who produce what everyone needs will
be successful.
Attacks On Private Enterprise:

Attack #1: "You claimed earlier that all people in the Antistate would
be equal. How can this be so when some people are bound to be better at
producing things that everybody needs?"

Defence #1: What was claimed earlier was that all people in the
Antistate have equal opportunities. Yes, some people will be "more
successful" than others by producing things that everyone needs. There is a
healthy balance created in private enterprise where the "winners" end up
producing necessary things and get what they need while the "losers" produce
plastic cows or fuzzy dice and end up with nothing. If everyone ends up
producing the same vital, but now abundant item, it is only logical that some
of them will get "business" while others won't. The others who aren't getting
any "business" either find new items to produce or become "losers."

Attack #2: "How can you possibly leave those people who cannot produce
without any assistance? It's inhumane to let them just die."

Defence #2: If you want to take care of them, you can do it, but to
force me to do it is equally inhumane. Those people who cannot survive should
die. They carry genetic traits (blindness for instance) that will pass on if
they reproduce. I am in no way advocating that we should go out and destroy
these people (nature does that just fine), I'm just saying to go out of our
way and do the surviving for them is unnatural. This is another self-
correcting problem that will take care of itself if left alone in a natural

Attack #3: "How do I stop Butch Thug or Sid Crook from stealing my BMW?"

Defence #3: Either let your BMW get stolen, or get a big gun and defend
it. An eye for an eye. Why do we need cops when we can do the job better?

Rationale Behind Political/Economic Combination:

The ideology of Antistatism is the combination of three distinct

political ideologies and two economic ideologies: democracy, anacro-communism,
autonomy, private enterprise and capitalism. These ideologies express freedom
for the people. Their merger into one system provides freedom in a plausible

Antistatism is the best possible 21st century ideology. Marx and Lenin
have both claimed that final stage in a perfectly evolved society is autonomy.
That is what the Antistate is, a perfectly evolved society. Within it is
found independent, autonomous individuals who are producing and progressing to
the benefit of everyone. The self-governing people are completely free to
persue their personal goals and ideals within the confines of their survival.
Without a government, there are no problems arising from powerful leaders,
apathetic politicians and of course, no taxes. Let the people control
themselves and the people will be content.

If government exists to serve the people, and it doesn't do this, then

it doesn't work. When something doesn't work, you either fix it, or rid
yourself of it for good.

Alinsky, Saul D. 1972. Rules For Radicals. Vintage Books (Random House Inc.)
Cohen, Carl, ed. 1972. Communism, Fascism, And Democracy: The Theoretical
Foundations. Random House Inc.
Dalton, George. 1974. Economic Systems & Society. Penguin Books Ltd.
Jacker, Corinne. 1968. The Black Flag Of Anarchy. Charles Scribner's Sons.
Laski, Harold J. 1955. "Anarchism." Encyclopedia Britannica. Ed. Walter Yust.
vol. 1. William Benton. pp. 873-878.
Lehning, Arthur. 1968. "Anarchism." Dictionary Of The History Of Ideas:
Studies Of Selected Pivotal Ideas. vol. 1. Charles Scribner's Sons.
pp. 70-76.
Lenin, Vladimir. 1916. Imperialism, The Highest Stage Of Capitalism. Progress
Lenin, Vladimir. "State And Revolution." Essential Works Of Marxism. Ed.
Arthur P. Mendel. Bantam Books, Inc. pp. 103-198.
Stalin, Joseph. "The Foundations Of Leninism." Essential Works Of Marxism. Ed.
Arthur P. Mendel. Bantam Books, Inc. pp. 209-296.
Ward, Colin. 1973. Anarchy In Action. Harper & Row, Publishers.

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